Avaya AP8120 802.11abgn Access Point User Manual NN47251 104 02 02 REGAP8120

Avaya, Inc. 802.11abgn Access Point NN47251 104 02 02 REGAP8120

NN47251-104 02.02 REGAP8120

Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information- WLAN AP 81201.1.0.0NN47251-104, 02.02October 2011
© 2011 Avaya Inc.All Rights Reserved.NoticeWhile reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that theinformation in this document is complete and accurate at the time ofprinting, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves theright to make changes and corrections to the information in thisdocument without the obligation to notify any person or organization ofsuch changes.Documentation disclaimer“Documentation” means information published by Avaya in varyingmediums which may include product information, operating instructionsand performance specifications that Avaya generally makes availableto users of its products. Documentation does not include marketingmaterials. Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications,additions, or deletions to the original published version ofdocumentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions wereperformed by Avaya. 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In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language,as well as information regarding support for this Product while underwarranty is available to Avaya customers and other parties through theAvaya Support Web site: http://support.avaya.com. Please note that ifyou acquired the Product(s) from an authorized Avaya reseller outsideof the United States and Canada, the warranty is provided to you bysaid Avaya reseller and not by Avaya.LicensesTHE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYAWEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO/ AREAPPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/ORINSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC.,ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER(AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITHAVAYA OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER. 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For additional supporttelephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://support.avaya.com.2     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
ContentsChapter 1: Regulatory Compliance Statements............................................................... 5Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notices.......................................................... 5Class B Interference Statement................................................................................................................ 5Class B Equipment (Residential Use) (Korean)........................................................................................ 6FCC Caution............................................................................................................................................. 6RF Radiation Exposure and Hazard Statement........................................................................................ 6Non-Modification Statement...................................................................................................................... 6Deployment Statement.............................................................................................................................. 7Canadian IC Statements........................................................................................................................... 7European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Regulatory Compliance........................ 7Declaration of Conformity.......................................................................................................................... 8European Community Declaration of Conformity...................................................................................... 9Countries of Operation and Restrictions of Use in the European Community.......................................... 11Operation Using the 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz Channels in the European Community.................................. 11Operation Using the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz, 5.25 to 5.35 GHz, and 5.470 to 5.725 GHz Channels in theEuropean Community............................................................................................................................... 12Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)........................................................................................................ 12Transmit Power Control............................................................................................................................ 13Antenna Statement................................................................................................................................... 13Chapter 2: English.............................................................................................................. 15Cable requirements................................................................................................................................... 15Mounting a wireless LAN access point on a wall...................................................................................... 15Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptor............................................................................... 17Ethernet port cover.................................................................................................................................... 20Safety Messages....................................................................................................................................... 21Chapter 3: Deutsch............................................................................................................. 23Kabelanschlüsse....................................................................................................................................... 23Wandmontage eines Wireless LAN Access Points................................................................................... 23Deckenmontage eines Access Points (Rasterdecke)............................................................................... 25Abdeckung für Ethernet-Port.................................................................................................................... 28Sicherheitshinweise.................................................................................................................................. 29Chapter 4: Español............................................................................................................. 31Requisitos del cable.................................................................................................................................. 31Montaje en la pared de un punto de acceso inalámbrico para redes LAN............................................... 31Instalación de un punto de acceso con un adaptador para estructuras de techos desmontables........... 34Cubierta del puerto Ethernet..................................................................................................................... 36Advertencias de seguridad....................................................................................................................... 37Chapter 5: Français............................................................................................................. 39Configuration requise pour les câbles....................................................................................................... 39Montage mural du point accès WLAN...................................................................................................... 39Installation du point accès avec un adaptateur pour grille de plafond...................................................... 41Couvercle du port Ethernet....................................................................................................................... 44Messages de sécurité............................................................................................................................... 45Chapter 6: Português do Brasil......................................................................................... 47Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     3
Requisitos de cabo.................................................................................................................................... 47Instalando um ponto de acesso LAN sem fio em uma parede................................................................. 47Instalando um ponto de acesso com um adaptador de grade de teto...................................................... 49Tampa da porta Ethernet.......................................................................................................................... 52Mensagens de segurança......................................................................................................................... 53Chapter 7: Simplified Chinese........................................................................................... 55Chinese..................................................................................................................................................... 564     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011
Chapter 1:  Regulatory ComplianceStatementsThe Avaya WLAN 8100 product line consists of the following models:• WLAN AP 8120• WLAN AP 8120 with external antenna Warning:The AP8120 and the AP8120 with External Antenna are both designed for indoor use only and mustnot be installed outdoors. Warning:The AP8120 with External Antenna must be installed by a professional installer.This guide contains regulatory compliance statements for the WLAN AP 8120 model only.Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ComplianceNoticesThis section includes the following FCC statements for the WLAN AP 8120 access point:• FCC ID:• Class B Interference Statement• RF Radiation Exposure and Hazard Warning• Non-Modification Statement• Deployment StatementClass B Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there isAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     5
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Class B Equipment (Residential Use) (Korean)FCC CautionThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.RF Radiation Exposure and Hazard StatementTo ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, this device must be installed in alocation such that the antenna of the device will be greater than 20 cm (8 in.) away from allpersons. Using higher gain antennas and types of antennas not covered under the FCCcertification of this product is not allowed. Installers of the radio and end users of the productmust adhere to the installation instructions provided in this manual.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter.Non-Modification StatementUse only the supplied internal antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachmentscould damage the WLAN AP 8120 and violate FCC regulations. Any changes or modificationsRegulatory Compliance Statements6     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authorityto operate this equipment.Deployment StatementThis product is certified for indoor deployment only. Do not install or use this productoutdoors.Canadian IC StatementsThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareilne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillageradioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.The device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce thepotential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pourune utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmesde satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux.Be advised that high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of thebands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interferenceand/or damage to LE-LAN devices.Les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-d.,qu’ils ont la priorité) pour les bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz et que ces radarspourraient causer du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL.European Union and European Free Trade Association(EFTA) Regulatory ComplianceThis equipment may be operated in the countries that comprise the member countries of theEuropean Union and the European Free Trade Association. These countries, listed in thefollowing paragraph, are referred to as The European Community throughout this document:Deployment StatementAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     7
AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, BULGARIA, CYPRUS, CZECH REPUBLIC, DENMARK, ESTONIA,FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, IRELAND, ITALY, LATVIA,LITHUANIA, LUXEMBOURG, MALTA, NETHERLANDS, POLAND, PORTUGAL, ROMANIA,SLOVAKIA, SLOVENIA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, UNITED KINGDOM, ICELAND, LICHTENSTEIN,NORWAY, SWITZERLAND.The WLAN AP 8120 access point communicates with an Avaya WLAN 8100 WirelessController using a standard CAT-5 (Category 5) or higher 1000 Mbps twisted pair Ethernetcable to provide wireless local area networking (WLAN) capabilities. The WLAN AP 8120access point includes two 802.11a+n, b/g+n radios and one, six element, dual-band antennaomnidirectional internal antenna.Declaration of ConformityMarking by this symbolindicates compliance with the Essential Requirements of the R&TTE Directive of the EuropeanUnion (1999/5/EC). This equipment meets the following conformance standards:Safety: EN 60950-1:2001 + A11:2004EMC: EN 55022:2006, EN 55024:1998 + A1:2001 + A2:2003, EN 301-489-1 v1.6.1, EN301-489-17 v1.2.1, CISPR22:2005, CISPR24Including: EN 61000-3-2, -3-3, -4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5, -4-6 and -4-11. The product is also licensedas required for additional country specific standards as required for the InternationalMarketplace.Radio: EN 300-328 v.1.7.1 (2006-10) & EN 301-893 v.1.5.1 (2008-12)DEVIATION: The WLAN AP 8120 access point was tested to and are compliant with all of thetechnical specifications of EN 301-893 v1.5.1 for operation in the 5.0 GHz bands, except theDFS requirements in the 5600 – 5650 MHz band.IEEE 802.11a operation in the 5250 to 5350 MHz and 5470 to 5725 MHz frequency bands isgoverned by ETSI EN 301-893 v1.5.1 and the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. Effective July 1,2008, EN 301-893 v1.5.1 was updated to require compliance with 0.8 μsecond pulse widthsand staggered PRF’s in the 5470 – 5725 MHz band. The WLAN AP 8120 access point meetscompliance with these new mandates by disabling operation, via software, on channels 120,124, 128 and 132 in the 5600 to 5650 MHz frequency band because it cannot meet the 0.8μsecond pulse width and staggered PRF DFS requirements as outlined in the updated EN301-893 v1.5.1 standard.Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband transmissionsystems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wideband modulation techniques and Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz highperformance RLAN. Certifications are harmonized to the EN standards covering essentialrequirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive.Regulatory Compliance Statements8     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
SAR: EN 50385:2002European Community Declaration of ConformityWLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, as stated in the following Declarations of Conformity,represents all models in the WLAN AP 8120 as listed above.Bulgaria българскиС това, avayal обявява, че този модел на радио на WLAN Радио МоделWLAN, WLAN AP 8120, е със съгласие с съществените изисквания и другиважни условия на директива 1999/5 на европейски съюзCzechRepublic ÈeskyAvaya tímto prohlašuje, že tento WLAN Rádio Model, WLAN AP 8120, je veshodì se základními požadavky a dalšími pøíslušnými ustanoveními smìrnice1999/5/ES.Denmark DanskUndertegnede Avayaerklærer herved, at følgende udstyr WLAN Radio Model,WLAN AP 8120, overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav idirektiv 1999/5/EF.English EnglishHereby, Avaya declares that this WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, is incompliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions ofDirective 1999/5/EC.Estonia EestiKäesolevaga kinnitab Avayaseadme WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120,vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivisttulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.Finland SuomiAvayavakuuttaa täten että WLAN Radio Esikuvallinen, WLAN AP 8120,tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitäkoskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.France FrançaisPar la présente Avaya déclare que l'appareil Model Par radio, AP 8120 deWLAN, est conforme aux exigencies essentielles et aux autres dispositionspertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.Germany DeutschHiermit erklärt Avaya., dass sich das Gerät WLAN Radiomodell, WLAN AP8120, in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und denübrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.Greece ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗEuropean Community Declaration of ConformityAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     9
Hungary MagyarAlulírott, Avayanyilatkozom, hogy a WLAN Rádió Minta, WLAN AP 8120,megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelvegyéb elõírásainak.Italy ItalianoCon la presente Avayadichiara che questo Modello Radiofonico AP 8120 diWLAN, è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle alter disposizioni pertinentistabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.Latvia LatviskiAr šo Avayadeklarç, ka WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, atbilst Direktîvas1999/5/EK bûtiskajâm prasîbâm un citiem ar to saistîtajiem noteikumiem.Lithuania LietuviøŠiuo Avayadeklaruoja, kad šis WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, atitinkaesminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.Malta MaltiHawnhekk, Avaya., jiddikjara li dan WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120,jikkonforma mal-tiijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti orajn relevanti li hemmfid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.NetherlandsNetherlandsHierbij verklaart Avayadat het toestel WLAN Radiomodel, WLAN AP 8120, inovereenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevantebepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.Poland PolskiNiniejszym Avayaooewiadcza, ¿e WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, jestzgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozosta³ymi stosownymipostanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.Portugal PortuguêsAvaya declara que este Modelo De rádio, AP 8120 de WLAN, está conformecom os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.Romania RomânAstfel, Avaya declarã acel acest WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, este înconformitate cu cerinþele necesare ºi proviziile alte semnificative de Directive1999 5 EC.Slovakia SlovenskyAvaya týmto vyhlasuje, že WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120 spåòazákladné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.Slovenia SlovenskoAvaya izjavlja, da je ta WLAN Radio Model, WLAN AP 8120, v skladu zbistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi doloèili directive 1999/5/ES.Spain EspañolRegulatory Compliance Statements10     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Por medio de la presente Avaya declara que el Modelo De radio AP 8120 deWLAN, cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otrasdisposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.Sweden SvenskaHärmed intygar Avaya elatt denna WLAN Radiotelegrafera till Modell, WLANAP 8120, står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav ochövriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.Countries of Operation and Restrictions of Use in theEuropean CommunityOperation Using the 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz Channels in theEuropean CommunityThe professional installer should use the configuration utility provided with this product to verifythe current channel of operation, the expected transmit power level, and to confirm that thedevice is operating in conformance with the spectrum usage rules for the selected EuropeanCommunity country. If operation is occurring outside of the allowable channels as indicated inthis guide, then operation of the product must cease immediately and the installer must consultwith the local technical support staff responsible for the wireless network.This device is intended to be operated in all countries of the European Community. Additionalrestrictions of use for the WLAN AP 8120 access point within the European Communitycountries in the 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz band are listed below.• The frequencies associated with channels 1 to 13 in the 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz band areallowed to be used either indoors or outdoors in all countries of the European Community,except where noted below.• In France, the following operation is permitted:Indoor operation is permitted in the 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz band on channels 1 to 13 ata maximum EIRP of 100 mW (20 dBm).The WLAN AP 8120 access point, using the internal antennas, are guaranteed to meet thislimit by automatically adjusting the transmit power level through the operating software.Countries of Operation and Restrictions of Use in the European CommunityAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     11
Operation Using the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz, 5.25 to 5.35 GHz, and5.470 to 5.725 GHz Channels in the European CommunityTo remain in conformance with European National spectrum usage laws, follow the channellimitations associated with the 5 GHz bands as specified in this document. The professionalinstaller should verify the current channel of operation and the expected transmit power levelof the WLAN AP 8120 access point to confirm that the device is operating in conformance withthe spectrum usage rules for the European Community country where the unit is beinginstalled. If operation is occurring outside of the allowable frequencies or above the powerlevels, as indicated in this guide, then operation of the product must cease immediately andthe installer must consult with the local technical support staff responsible for the wirelessnetwork.This device is intended to be operated in all countries of the European Community. Additionalrestrictions of use for the WLAN AP 8120 access points within the European Communitycountries in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz, 5.25 to 5.35 GHz, and 5.470 to 5.725 GHz bands are listedbelow.This device is restricted to indoor use only when operated in the European Community usingthe 5.15-5.25 GHz and 5.25-5.35 GHz bands, which includes channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52,56, 60 & 64. • The 5 GHz Turbo Mode feature is not allowed for operation in any EuropeanCommunity country.Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)The WLAN AP 8120 access point implements a DFS feature in accordance with the limits inEN 301-893 v1.5.1, Section 4.7 and Annex D, Tables D.1, D.2 & D.4 for a device operating inthe mode defined as “Master”. Section 4.7 and Tables 5 of this document define therequirements prior to using a channel and during normal operation for a Master device (i.e.,Interference Detection Threshold, Channel Availability Check Time, Uniform Spreading,Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time). This product qualifies for thiscategory since the maximum achievable transmit power is greater than 23 dBm per therequirements of Table D.2 in Annex D of the standard.IEEE 802.11a operation in the 5250 to 5350 MHz and 5470 to 5725 MHz frequency bands isgoverned by ETSI EN 301-893 v1.5.1 and the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. Effective July 1,2008, EN 301-893 v1.5.1 was updated to require compliance with 0.8 μsecond pulse widthsand staggered PRF’s in the 5470 – 5725 MHz band. The WLAN AP 8120 access point meetscompliance with these new mandates by disabling operation, via software, on channels 120,124, 128 and 132 in the 5600 to 5650 MHz frequency band because it cannot meet the 0.8μsecond pulse width and staggered PRF DFS requirements as outlined in the updated EN301-893 v1.5.1 standard.Regulatory Compliance Statements12     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Transmit Power ControlEuropean Regulatory requirements specify that wireless devices must employ Transmit PowerControl (TPC) to reduce the potential for interference to other communication systemsoperating in the 5 GHz frequency bands. This device includes a provision for adjustment ofTransmit Power in accordance with the limits in EN 301-893 v1.5.1, Sections and4.4.2.2.Antenna StatementIntentional radiators, such as the Avaya WLAN 8100, WLAN AP 8120 access points, are notintended to be operated with any antenna(s) other than those furnished by Avaya. Anintentional radiator may only be operated with the antenna(s) with which it is authorized.Use of an antenna not specifically authorized by Avaya may not comply with local regulatoryrequirements with respect to radiated emission limits and may result in illegal operation of theproduct. The installer of the wireless system and associated antenna is required to ensure thatonly those antennas specifically approved by Avaya are deployed with the intentionalradiator.Be sure to associate the appropriate antenna model number and localized regulatory regionwhen selecting the Avaya authorized antenna(s).Transmit Power ControlAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     13
Regulatory Compliance Statements14     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 2:  EnglishUsing the following procedures and information when installing the Avaya WLAN AP 8120 accesspoints.Cable requirementsThe Ethernet ports on the access point cannot accept a CAT-5 cable that has an uneven sheathas shown below. The RJ-45 connector on the cable will not seat properly in the receptacle onthe access point. Use a CAT-5 cable with an even sheath instead.Mounting a wireless LAN access point on a wallThe mounting bracket is designed to use wall anchors with threaded section diameters rangingbetween 3.5mm and 4.5mm. If wall anchors have threaded diameters greater than 3.5mm,only the two mounting holes marked ‘A’ may be used. If wall anchors have threaded diametersof less than 3.5mm, the holes marked ‘A’ and the holes marked ‘B’ may be used. All wallanchors must have a head diameter of less than 10mm or the wall mounting bracket cannotbe installed over them.Perform the following procedure to mount a wireless LAN access point on a wall:Procedure1. Locate the appropriate position of the wall anchors. The wall anchors should be95mm apart horizontally and 80mm apart vertically.Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     15
The wall bracket is designed to use a minimum of 2 anchors and a maximum of4.2. Install the screws into the wall anchors but do not seat them fully, leave at least a2mm gap between the screw head and the wall.3. Slip the wall bracket over the heads of the screws and slide the bracket to the rightas viewed facing the wall.4. Tighten the screws to secure the wall mounting bracket tightly against the wall.5. Align the mounting tabs on the bottom of the access point sheet metal enclosurewith the vertically oriented keyhole slots in the mounting bracket.English16     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
6. Allow the access point to slide down the keyhole slots, making sure the access pointmounting tabs are seated at the bottom of the slot.7. Secure the access point to the wall mounting bracket and tighten thethumbscrews.8. Verify that the access point is secured to both the bracket and to the wall.Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptorThe ceiling grid adaptor comes with two interlocking bracket parts. The larger bracket includeskeyhole shaped slots which mate with tabs on the under surface of the AP and a threaded holethat mates with the captive thumbscrew on the AP. The smaller bracket also includes a captivefastener and it can be oriented with respect to the larger bracket in two different wayscorresponding to narrow or wide ceiling grids.Perform the following procedure to install the access point with a ceiling grid adaptor:Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptorAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     17
Procedure1. Secure a safe work environment. Obtain a ladder that allows easy access to theceiling grid system.2. Identify an appropriate location on the ceiling grid where the ceiling T-bars are safelyaccessible and where the ceiling tiles can be temporarily elevated and cleared awayfrom the work area. The adaptor bracket assembly is intended for use with the thinsection grid runners, not the thicker section runners used to cross large spans. Toprovide access for hands and tools, use a pair of pencils or sticks to hold up theceiling tiles out of the grid. Doing this provides easy access for securing the bracketto the grid.3. Mount the larger bracket to the grid. While installing, pay attention to the width ofthe grid strip in order to ascertain the appropriate orientation for the smaller bracketwhich is installed next.4. Mount the interlocking small bracket to the large bracket and clamp the two piecestogether on the grid. The smaller bracket has tabs formed into it which engage slotsin the larger tab. This allows the two parts to slide together and lock to one another.When this is done, the two brackets effectively clamp themselves around the ceilinggrid. When the two halves of the bracket are correctly slid together, the captivefastener in the small bracket should engage threads provided in the larger bracket.Use a screwdriver to screw down the captive fastener. Securing the two bracketsin this manner is essential to prevent them from disengaging from one another.Tighten the captive fastener screw securely.English18     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
5. Attach the access point to the bracket. Align the access point securing tabs with thekeyhole slots in the ceiling grid bracket and carefully slide the access point onto theceiling grid bracket assembly. If the access point and the bracket assembly arecorrectly engaged, it should be possible to engage the access points captivethumbscrew into the threaded tab provided on the ceiling grid bracket.Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptorAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     19
6. Make electrical connections and return ceiling tiles.Ethernet port coverYou can choose to attach a clip-on cover to protect the Ethernet port and attached Ethernetcable on the access point. To attach this optional cover, hook the top clips over the upper edgeof the access point enclosure. Snap the cover into mounting holes on the lower edge of theaccess point enclosure.English20     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Safety Messages Caution:The Avaya WLAN Access Point 8120 radios are disabled by default and can be enabledonly by a system administrator. Warning:This situation or condition can cause injury. Warning:High voltage. This situation or condition can cause injury due to electric shock. Warning:Only qualified service personnel must perform installation. Read and follow all warningnotices and instructions marked on the product or included in the documentation. Warning:Install this device in such a manner as to maintain a minimum of 20 cm (7.9 inches)separation distance between the radiating element(s) and all persons. This safety warningconforms with FCC radio frequency exposure limits.Safety MessagesAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     21
 Warning:Do not operate access point near unshielded blasting caps or in an otherwise explosiveenvironment unless the device has been modified for such use by qualified personnel. Warning:Do not touch or move the access point when the antennas are transmitting or receiving. Warning:Before using a wireless device in a hazardous location, consult the local codes, nationalcodes, and safety directors of the location for usage constraints.English22     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 3:  DeutschVerwenden Sie die folgenden Verfahren und Informationen zur Installation der Access Points AvayaWLAN AP 8120.KabelanschlüsseDie Ethernet-Ports an den Access Points können nicht mit CAT 5-Kabeln mit einer abgesetztenKabelhülse verbunden werden (siehe unten). Der RJ-45-Anschluss des Kabels sitzt in diesemFall nicht richtig auf dem Port des Access Points auf. Verwenden Sie stattdessen ein CAT 5-Kabel mit einer geraden Kabelhülse.Wandmontage eines Wireless LAN Access PointsDie Wandhalterung wird mit Wanddübeln mit einem Gewindedurchmesser von 3,5-4,5 mmbefestigt. Verwenden Sie bei Gewindedurchmessern über 3,5 mm lediglich die beiden mit„A“ markierten Montagelöcher der Wandhalterung. Bei Gewindedurchmessern unter 3,5 mmkönnen Sie die mit „A“ und die mit „B“ markierten Montagelöcher verwenden. DerKopfdurchmesser der Wanddübel muss kleiner als 10 mm sein, damit die Wandhalterungrichtig montiert werden kann.So führen Sie die Wandmontage eines Wireless LAN Access Points durch:Procedure1. Bestimmen Sie die richtige Position der Wanddübel. Die Wanddübel müssenwaagerecht in einem Abstand von 95 mm und senkrecht in einem Abstand von80 mm installiert werden.Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     23
Die Wandhalterung wird mit mindestens 2 und höchstens 4 Dübeln befestigt.2. Drehen Sie die Schrauben in die Wanddübel, ohne sie ganz festzuziehen. LassenSie einen Abstand von mindestens 2 mm zwischen dem Schraubenkopf und derWand.3. Setzen Sie die Wandhalterung auf die Schraubenköpfe auf. Schieben Sie dieHalterung nach rechts (von Ihnen aus gesehen).4. Ziehen Sie die Schrauben an, um die Wandhalterung sicher an der Wand zubefestigen.5. Richten Sie die Montagelaschen unten am Metallgehäuse des Access Points mitden senkrechten Längsschlitzen an der Wandhalterung aus.Deutsch24     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
6. Schieben Sie den Access Point vorsichtig in den Längsschlitzen nach unten, sodassdie Montagelaschen des Access Points am unteren Rand der Längsschlitzeaufsitzen.7. Befestigen Sie den Access Point an der Wandhalterung, und ziehen Sie dieDaumenschrauben an.8. Überprüfen Sie, ob der Access Point sicher an der Wandhalterung und an der Wandangebracht ist.Deckenmontage eines Access Points (Rasterdecke)Der Adapter für die Deckenmontage verfügt über zwei ineinander greifende Halterungen. DieMontagelaschen unten am Access Point passen in die Längsschlitze an der größerenHalterung. Die unverlierbare Schraube am Access Point wird in das Gewindeloch an dergrößeren Haltung geschraubt. Die unverlierbare Schraube an der kleineren Halterung kann jenach Rastergröße auf zweierlei Weise an der größeren Halterung ausgerichtet werden.Deckenmontage eines Access Points (Rasterdecke)Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     25
So führen Sie die Deckenmontage eines Access Points an einer Rasterdecke durch:Procedure1. Sorgen Sie für eine sichere Arbeitsumgebung. Besorgen Sie sich eine Leiter, dieZugang zur Rasterdecke ermöglicht.2. Bestimmen Sie eine geeignete Montageposition an der Rasterdecke, an der die T-Profile sicher zugänglich sind und die Deckenplatten vorübergehend abgehängtwerden können. Der Adapter für die Deckenmontage wird an den dünnerenQuerschienen befestigt, nicht an den dickeren und längeren Haupttrageschienen.Um ungehindert arbeiten zu können, heben Sie die Deckenplatten mit zwei Stiftenoder Stäben nach oben aus dem Deckenraster. So erhalten Sie einfachen Zugangzum Befestigen der Halterung.3. Befestigen Sie die größere Halterung am Deckenraster. Achten Sie dabei auf dieBreite der Schiene, um die richtige Positionierung für die kleinere Halterung zubestimmen, die anschließend installiert wird.4. Montieren Sie die kleinere Halterung so an der größeren, dass sie ineinandergreifen, und klemmen Sie die beiden Halterungen zusammen. Die Montagelaschenan der kleineren Halterung passen in die Schlitze an der größeren Halterung. Sokönnen die beiden Halterungen sicher arretiert und um die Deckenschiene herummontiert werden. Wenn Sie die beiden Halterungen richtig miteinander verbundenhaben, passt die unverlierbare Schraube an der kleineren Halterung in das Gewindein der größeren Halterung. Sichern Sie die unverlierbare Schraube mit einemSchraubendreher. Es ist sehr wichtig, die beiden Halterungen auf diese Weise zusichern, damit sie sich nicht voneinander lösen. Ziehen Sie die unverlierbareSchraube fest an.Deutsch26     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
5. Befestigen Sie den Access Point an der Halterung. Richten Sie dieSicherungslaschen am Access Point an den Längsschlitzen an derDeckenhalterung aus, und schieben Sie den Access Point vorsichtig auf diemontierte Deckenhalterung. Wenn der Access Point richtig auf die Deckenhalterungaufgesetzt ist, kann die unverlierbare Daumenschraube auf dem Access Point indas Gewinde an der Deckenhalterung geschraubt werden.Deckenmontage eines Access Points (Rasterdecke)Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     27
6. Stellen Sie die elektrischen Verbindungen her, und bringen Sie die Deckenplattenwieder an.Abdeckung für Ethernet-PortSie haben auch die Möglichkeit, den Ethernet-Port und das Ethernet-Kabel mit einerAbdeckung zu schützen, die Sie am Access Point aufstecken. Um diese optionale Abdeckungzu befestigen, müssen Sie zunächst die oben liegenden Klemmstücke am oberen Rand desGehäuses des Access Points einhaken. Drücken Sie die Abdeckung anschließend in dieMontagelöcher am unteren Rand des Gehäuses des Access Points.Deutsch28     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Sicherheitshinweise Caution:Die Frequenzempfänger für den Avaya WLAN Access Point 8120 sind standardmäßigdeaktiviert und können nur von einem Systemadministrator aktiviert werden. Warning:Dieser Zustand bzw. diese Bedingung kann zu Verletzungen führen. Warning:Hochspannung. Dieser Zustand bzw. diese Bedingung kann aufgrund von Stromschlag zuVerletzungen führen. Warning:Die Installation darf nur von qualifiziertem Wartungspersonal durchgeführt werden. LesenSie alle Warnhinweise und Anweisungen auf dem Gerät bzw. in der Dokumentation. Warning:Installieren Sie das Gerät so, dass zwischen den Strahlungselementen und allen Personenein Abstand von mindestens 20 cm gewährleistet ist. Diese Sicherheitswarnung entsprichtden FCC-Grenzwerten für Hochfrequenzstrahlung.SicherheitshinweiseAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     29
 Warning:Setzen Sie den Access Point nicht in der Nähe von ungeschützten Zündkapseln oder inanderen Umgebungen mit Explosionsgefahr ein, es sei denn, das Gerät wurde vonqualifiziertem Personal für einen solchen Einsatz modifiziert. Warning:Berühren oder bewegen Sie den Access Point nicht beim Senden oder Übertragen vonFunksignalen. Warning:Informieren Sie sich vor der Verwendung eines Wireless-Geräts in einerGefahrenumgebung über regionale und überregionale Vorschriften zuNutzungsbeschränkungen sowie die Sicherheitsrichtlinien für den jeweiligen Standort.Deutsch30     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 4:  EspañolAl momento de instalar los puntos de acceso WLAN AP 8120 de Avaya, tenga en cuenta el procedimientoy la información que se presentan a continuación.Requisitos del cableLos puertos Ethernet del punto de acceso no admiten cables CAT-5 con terminación derecubrimiento irregular, como el que se muestra en la siguiente imagen. En caso de usar unode estos cables, el conector RJ-45 no encajará bien en la toma del punto de acceso. En sulugar, utilice cables CAT-5 con terminación de recubrimiento uniforme.Montaje en la pared de un punto de acceso inalámbrico pararedes LANEl soporte de montaje está concebido para adosarse a la pared con tacos para pared (tambiéndenominados "tarugos" o "taquetes") cuyas secciones roscadas presenten un diámetro deentre 3,5 y 4,5 mm. Si los tacos para pared cuentan con diámetros de rosca superiores a3,5 mm, sólo pueden utilizarse los dos orificios marcados con la letra A. En cambio, si los tacoscuentan con diámetros de rosca inferiores a 3,5 mm, pueden utilizarse tanto los orificiosmarcados con la letra A como los marcados con la letra B. El diámetro de la cabeza de lostacos no debe exceder los 10 mm; en caso contrario, no podrán pasarse por los orificios delsoporte para la instalación.A continuación, se presentan los pasos para montar en una pared un punto de accesoinalámbrico para redes LAN:Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     31
Procedure1. Encuentre el lugar indicado para poner los tacos. La distancia entre los tacos debeser de 95 mm en sentido horizontal y de 80 mm en sentido vertical.El soporte de pared puede adosarse con un mínimo de 2 tacos y con un máximode 4.2. Cuando llegue el momento de colocar los tornillos en los tacos, no los atornille deltodo: deje un espacio de al menos 2 mm entre la cabeza del tornillo y la pared.3. Coloque el soporte de pared por sobre las cabezas de los tornillos y muévalo haciala derecha (desde la perspectiva de alguien ubicado de frente a la pared).Español32     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
4. Termine de ajustar los tornillos hasta que el soporte quede bien sujeto contra lapared.5. Alinee las lengüetas de montaje ubicadas en la parte inferior de la caja metálicadel punto de acceso con las ranuras verticales con forma de cerradura del soportede montaje.6. Inserte el punto de acceso y llévelo hacia abajo hasta que las lengüetas de montajequeden apoyadas en el extremo inferior de las ranuras con forma de cerradura.7. Asegure el punto de acceso en el soporte de montaje y apriete los tornillos de ajustemanual.8. Asegúrese de que el punto de acceso quede bien sujeto tanto al soporte como ala pared.Montaje en la pared de un punto de acceso inalámbrico para redes LANAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     33
Instalación de un punto de acceso con un adaptador paraestructuras de techos desmontablesEl adaptador para estructuras de techos desmontables incluye un soporte de dos piezas quevan conectadas entre sí. La pieza más grande tiene ranuras con forma de cerradura quecoinciden con lengüetas ubicadas en la superficie inferior del punto de acceso, además decontar con un orificio roscado para el tornillo imperdible de ajuste manual del punto de acceso.La más pequeña también incluye un tornillo imperdible y puede orientarse de dos manerasdistintas con respecto a la pieza de mayor tamaño a fin de adaptarse a estructuras de techosdesmontables angostas y anchas.Para instalar el punto de acceso con un adaptador para estructuras de techos desmontables,siga los pasos que se presentan a continuación:Procedure1. Tome las medidas necesarias para garantizar la seguridad del lugar de trabajo.Consiga una escalera que le permita llegar fácilmente a la estructura del techodesmontable.2. Localice un lugar adecuado en la estructura del techo desmontable donde puedaaccederse sin correr riesgos a los perfiles en T y donde las placas del cielorrasopuedan levantarse y quitarse momentáneamente del sector de trabajo. Eladaptador sirve para perfiles delgados de techos desmontables, no para los perfilesmás gruesos que se utilizan para cubrir distancias mayores. A fin de poder accederal punto de instalación, utilice un par de lápices o palitos para mantener levantadaslas placas del cielorraso de la estructura. De esta manera, resulta fácil llegar conlas manos y las herramientas para sujetar bien el soporte a la estructura.3. Coloque la pieza más grande en la estructura. Mientras lo hace, fíjese cuál es elancho del perfil con objeto de determinar la orientación adecuada de la piezapequeña, que debe instalarse a continuación.Español34     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
4. Monte la pieza pequeña en la grande y ajuste ambas a la estructura. La piezapequeña cuenta con lengüetas que encajan en ranuras ubicadas en la pieza másgrande. Por ende, al poner una contra la otra, ambas piezas quedan conectadas yse sujetan con firmeza a la estructura del techo desmontable. Si ambas piezas deladaptador quedaron bien colocadas, el tornillo imperdible de la pieza pequeña tieneque quedar alineado con el orificio roscado de la pieza grande. Utilice undestornillador para ajustar el tornillo imperdible. Es muy importante sujetar ambaspiezas del soporte de esta manera para impedir que se suelten. Ajuste bien eltornillo imperdible.Instalación de un punto de acceso con un adaptador para estructuras de techos desmontablesAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     35
5. Monte el punto de acceso en el soporte. Alinee las lengüetas del punto de accesocon las ranuras con forma de cerradura del adaptador para estructuras de techosdesmontables e inserte con cuidado el punto de acceso en el adaptador. Si tantoel punto de acceso como el adaptador están bien colocados, el tornillo imperdiblede ajuste manual del punto de acceso tiene que coincidir con la lengüeta roscadadel adaptador para estructuras de techos desmontables. Ajústelo.6. Realice las conexiones eléctricas necesarias y vuelva a colocar las placas delcielorraso.Cubierta del puerto EthernetUsted puede elegir colocar una cubierta desmontable para proteger el puerto Ethernet y elcable Ethernet añadido al punto de acceso. Para agregar esta cubierta opcional, enganchelos clips superiores en el borde superior del compartimiento del punto de acceso. Cierre apresión la cubierta en los orificios de montaje del borde inferior del compartimiento del puntode acceso.Español36     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Advertencias de seguridad Caution:Las radios del punto de acceso WLAN 8120 de Avaya se encuentran desactivadas demanera predeterminada, y sólo puede activarlas un administrador de sistemas. Warning:Esta situación o estado puede provocar lesiones. Warning:Alta tensión. Esta situación o estado puede provocar lesiones por descarga eléctrica. Warning:La instalación debe dejarse en manos de personal de servicio técnico especializado. Lea yrespete todas las advertencias de seguridad e instrucciones que figuren en el producto oen la documentación pertinente. Warning:Instale este dispositivo de modo que quede una separación de como mínimo 20 cm(7,9 pulg.) entre las personas y todo lo que emita señales de radiofrecuencia. Estaadvertencia de seguridad se ajusta a los límites de exposición a señales de radiofrecuenciaque dicta la FCC.Advertencias de seguridadAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     37
 Warning:No utilice el punto de acceso cerca de detonadores sin blindaje ni en ningún tipo de lugaren que exista riesgo de explosión a menos que personal especializado haya adaptado eldispositivo para dicho fin. Warning:No toque ni mueva el punto de acceso cuando las antenas estén transmitiendo o recibiendoinformación. Warning:Antes de utilizar un dispositivo inalámbrico en un entorno peligroso, familiarícese con lasnormativas locales y nacionales, y consulte al encargado de seguridad del lugar para estaral tanto de los usos permitidos.Español38     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 5:  FrançaisUtilisez les procédures et informations suivantes lors de l'installation des points d'accès WLAN AP 8120d'Avaya.Configuration requise pour les câblesLes câbles CAT-5 dotés d'une gaine irrégulière, comme illustré ci-dessous, ne sont pasadaptés aux ports Ethernet du point d'accès. Sur ce type de câble, le connecteur RJ-45 nes'insère pas correctement dans le logement du point d'accès. Utilisez plutôt un câble CAT-5doté d'une gaine régulière.Montage mural du point accès WLANLe support de montage est conçu pour utiliser des dispositifs d'ancrage au mur équipés dediamètres de filetage de sections allant de 3,5 à 4,5 mm. Si le diamètre de filetage desdispositifs d'ancrage au mur est supérieur à 3,5 mm, seuls les deux trous de montage marquéspar la lettre A peuvent être utilisés. Si le diamètre de filetage des dispositifs d'ancrage au murest inférieur à 3,5 mm, les trous marqués par les lettres A et B peuvent être utilisés. Tous lesdispositifs d'ancrage au mur doivent posséder un diamètre de tête inférieur à 10 mm, sinon ilsne peuvent pas prendre en charge l'installation du support de montage mural.Pour monter un point d'accès WLAN sur un mur, procédez comme suit :Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     39
Procedure1. Localisez l'emplacement adéquat pour les dispositifs d'ancrage au mur. Lesdispositifs d'ancrage au mur doivent être écartés de 95 mm horizontalement et80 mm verticalement.Le support mural est conçu pour utiliser entre 2 et 4 dispositifs d'ancrage.2. Insérez les vis dans les dispositifs d'ancrage au mur sans les serrer complètement :laissez un espace de 2 mm au moins entre la tête de la vis et le mur.3. Glissez le support mural sur les têtes des vis, puis faites-le glisser vers la droite (enregardant le mur).Français40     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
4. Serrez les vis afin de fixer solidement le support de montage mural au mur.5. Alignez les languettes de montage de la partie inférieure du boîtier en tôle du pointd'accès avec les encoches en trous de serrure du support de montage, orientéesà la verticale.6. Faites glisser le point d'accès dans les encoches en trous de serrure en veillant àce que ses languettes de montage soient correctement installées dans la partieinférieure des encoches.7. Fixez solidement le point d'accès au support de montage mural et serrez les vis.8. Vérifiez que le point d'accès est solidement fixé au support et au mur.Installation du point accès avec un adaptateur pour grille deplafondL'adaptateur pour grille de plafond est fourni avec deux pièces de support croisées. Le grandsupport est doté d'encoches en trous de serrure, adaptées aux languettes situées sur la faceInstallation du point accès avec un adaptateur pour grille de plafondAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     41
inférieure du point d'accès, et d'un trou taraudé adapté à la vis captive du point d'accès. Lepetit support est également doté d'une fixation captive et peut être orienté dans deux directionsdifférentes par rapport au grand support, s'adaptant ainsi aux grilles de plafond étroites oularges.Pour installer le point d'accès avec un adaptateur pour grille de plafond, procédez comme suit :Procedure1. Sécurisez votre environnement de travail. Munissez-vous d'une échelle afind'accéder facilement à la grille de plafond.2. Déterminez un emplacement approprié sur la grille de plafond où les barres en Tsont accessibles en toute sécurité et où les dalles de plafond peuvent êtretemporairement soulevées et retirées de l'espace de travail. Le dispositifd'adaptateur de support est conçu pour être utilisé avec les coulisseaux de la grillede la section fine et non avec ceux de la section plus épaisse, conçus pour lecroisement des grandes travées. Afin de disposer d'espace pour vos mains et vosoutils, utilisez des crayons ou des bâtonnets pour maintenir les dalles de plafondéloignées de la grille. Ainsi, vous bénéficiez d'une large ouverture pour fixer lesupport à la grille.3. Montez le grand support sur la grille. Lors de l'installation, prêtez attention à lalargeur du lattis afin de déterminer l'orientation appropriée pour l'installation du petitsupport à l'étape suivante.4. Montez le petit support croisé sur le grand support et serrez les deux élémentsensemble sur la grille. Le petit support est doté de languettes qui dans lesquelless'insèrent les encoches du grand support. Ainsi, les deux éléments glissentFrançais42     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
simultanément et sont maintenus l'un contre l'autre. Une fois cette action effectuée,les deux supports sont resserrés sur la grille de plafond. Lorsque les deux moitiésdu support coulissent correctement l'une contre l'autre, les filets du grand supportdoivent s'insérer dans la fixation captive du petit support. Utilisez un tournevis pourserrer la fixation captive. Il est indispensable de fixer les deux supports de cettemanière afin d'éviter qu'ils ne se détachent l'un de l'autre. Serrez solidement la visde la fixation captive.5. Fixez le point d'accès au support. Alignez les languettes de fixation du point d'accèsavec les encoches en trous de serrure du support de la grille de plafond, puis faitesglisser le point d'accès sur le dispositif de support de la grille de plafond avec soin.Si le point d'accès et le système de support sont correctement rattachés, il doit êtrepossible d'insérer la vis captive du point d'accès dans la languette filetée du supportde la grille de plafond.Installation du point accès avec un adaptateur pour grille de plafondAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     43
6. Effectuez les raccordements électriques et remettez les dalles de plafond enplace.Couvercle du port EthernetVous avez la possibilité de fixer un couvercle clipsable pour protéger le port Ethernet et lecâble Ethernet raccordé au point d'accès. Pour fixer ce couvercle, positionnez les crochetssitués en haut du couvercle au-dessus du port du point d'accès. Clipsez le couvercle dans lestrous de fixation situés en dessous du port du point d'accès.Français44     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Messages de sécurité Caution:Les radios des points d'accès WLAN 8120 d'Avaya sont désactivés par défaut et peuventuniquement être activés par un administrateur système. Warning:Cette situation ou condition peut provoquer des blessures. Warning:Tension élevée. Cette situation ou condition peut provoquer des blessures en casd'électrocution. Warning:Seul le personnel de service qualifié est autorisé à effectuer l'installation. Lisezattentivement et respectez toutes les notes d'avertissement et instructions figurant sur leproduit ou dans la documentation. Warning:Installez l'appareil en veillant à conserver une distance d'au moins 20 cm entre les élémentsrayonnants et les personnes. Cet avertissement de sécurité est conforme aux limitesd'exposition définies par la norme FCC relative aux fréquences radio.Messages de sécuritéAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     45
 Warning:N'utilisez pas ce point d'accès à proximité de détonateurs non blindés ou dans d'autresenvironnements où des risques d'explosion existent, sauf si l'appareil a été modifié pourune telle utilisation par une personne qualifiée. Warning:Ne touchez pas et ne déplacez pas le point d'accès lorsque les antennes sont en cours detransmission ou de réception. Warning:Avant d'utiliser un périphérique sans fil sur un site dangereux, consultez les réglementationslocales et nationales et interrogez les responsables de la sécurité du site afin de connaîtreles contraintes d'utilisation.Français46     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 6:  Português do BrasilUse os seguintes procedimentos e informações ao instalar os pontos de acesso do Avaya WLAN AP8120.Requisitos de caboAs portas Ethernet no ponto de acesso não podem aceitar um cabo CAT-5 com umrevestimento irregular como mostrado abaixo. O conector RJ-45 do cabo não se ajustaráadequadamente ao receptáculo no ponto de acesso. Em vez disso, use um cabo CAT-5 comum revestimento uniforme.Instalando um ponto de acesso LAN sem fio em umaparedeO suporte de montagem foi projetado para usar fixadores com diâmetros de seçãoaparafusados entre 3,5 mm e 4,5 mm. Se os fixadores tiverem diâmetros aparafusadosmaiores de 3,5 mm, somente os dois furos marcados "A" poderão ser usados. Se os fixadorestiverem diâmetros menores de 3,5 mm, os furos marcados "A" e "B" poderão ser usados.Todos os fixadores de parede devem ter um diâmetro de cabeça menor de 10 mm ou não serápossível instalar o suporte de montagem sobre eles.Execute o seguinte procedimento para instalar um ponto de acesso LAN sem fio em umaparede:Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     47
Procedure1. Localize a posição apropriada dos fixadores. Os fixadores devem ficar distantesaproximadamente 95 mm horizontalmente e 80 mm verticalmente.O suporte de parede foi projetado para usar um mínimo de 2 fixadores e um máximode 4.2. Instale os parafusos nos fixadores , mas não os ajuste completamente. Deixe umafolga de pelo menos 2 mm entre a cabeça do parafuso e a parede.3. Deslize o suporte de parede sobre as cabeças dos parafusos e escorregue-o paraa direita, voltado para a parede.Português do Brasil48     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
4. Aperte os parafusos para segurar com firmeza o suporte de montagem contra aparede.5. Alinhe as presilhas de montagem na parte inferior do invólucro de metal do pontode acesso com os slots do suporte de montagem orientados verticalmente.6. Permita que os pontos de acesso passem pelos slots, assegurando que aspresilhas estejam fixadas na parte inferior do slot.7. Prenda o ponto de acesso ao suporte de montagem e ajuste os parafusos.8. Verifique se os pontos de acesso estão fixos no suporte e na parede.Instalando um ponto de acesso com um adaptador de gradede tetoO adaptador de grade de teto vem com duas peças de travamento de suporte. A peça maiorinclui slots moldados que se encaixam às presilhas na superfície inferior do AP (Painel deacesso) e um orifício aparafusado que se encaixa a um parafuso cativo no AP. A peça menorInstalando um ponto de acesso com um adaptador de grade de tetoAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     49
inclui também um prendedor cativo e pode ser orientado com relação à peça maior de duasmaneiras diferentes, de acordo com grades de teto mais amplas ou mais estreitas.Execute o seguinte procedimento para instalar o ponto de acesso com um adaptador de gradede teto:Procedure1. Garanta a segurança do ambiente de trabalho. Utilize uma escada que permita fácilacesso ao sistema de grade de teto.2. Identifique um local apropriado na grade onde as barras T sejam acessíveis deforma segura e onde o revestimento do teto possa ser temporariamente suspensoe tirado da área de trabalho. O conjunto de adaptador é para ser usado comdeslizadores de grade de seção mais finos, não os mais grossos, usados paraatravessar grandes extensões. Para fornecer acesso às mãos e às ferramentas,use pincéis ou varetas para afastar o revestimento da grade. Isso garantirá acessofácil para prender o suporte à grade.3. Instale o suporte maior na grade. Durante a instalação, preste atenção à largurada tira da grade para determinar a orientação apropriada do suporte menorinstalado na sequência.4. Instale o suporte de travamento menor sobre o suporte maior e acople as duaspeças à grade. O suporte menor contém presilhas moldadas que prendem os slotsà presilha maior. Isso permite que as duas partes deslizem juntas e se fixem umaà outra. Quando isso é feito, os dois suportes se juntam em volta da grade de teto.Quando as duas partes do suporte deslizam juntas corretamente, o prendedorcativo do suporte menor deve se ajustar aos fios do suporte maior. Use uma chavePortuguês do Brasil50     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
de fenda para ajustar o prendedor cativo. Prender os dois suportes dessa maneiraé essencial para evitar que se soltem. Ajuste firmemente o prendedor cativo.5. Prenda o ponto de acesso ao suporte. Alinhe as presilhas de segurança do pontode acesso aos slots no suporte e deslize cuidadosamente o ponto de acesso noconjunto de suporte de grade de teto. Se o ponto de acesso e o conjunto de suporteforem acoplados corretamente, o parafuso cativo dos pontos de acesso deverá seajustar à presilha fornecida no suporte da grade de teto.Instalando um ponto de acesso com um adaptador de grade de tetoAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     51
6. Faça as conexões elétricas e coloque o revestimento do teto no lugar.Tampa da porta EthernetVocê pode optar por prender uma tampa com clipe para proteger a porta Ethernet e o caboEthernet ligado ao ponto de acesso. Para prender essa tampa opcional, enganche os clipesao longo da borda superior da carcaça do ponto de acesso. Encaixe a tampa nos furos demontagem na borda inferior da carcaça do ponto de acesso.Português do Brasil52     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Mensagens de segurança Caution:Os rádios do ponto de acesso WLAN 8120 da Avaya são desativados por padrão e sópodem ser ativados pelo administrador do sistema. Warning:Esta situação ou condição pode causar danos. Warning:Alta voltagem. Esta situação ou condição pode causar dano por choque elétrico. Warning:Somente pessoas qualificadas devem realizar a instalação. Leia e siga todas as instruçõese advertências marcadas no produto ou incluídas na documentação. Warning:Instale este dispositivo de forma a manter um mínimo de 20 cm (7,9 polegadas) de distânciaentre os elementos de radiação e todas as pessoas. Este aviso de segurança está de acordocom os limites de exposição à frequência de rádio da FCC. Warning:Não opere o ponto de acesso próximo a pontos de sobrecarga desprotegidos nem em outroambiente com risco de explosão a menos que o dispositivo tenha sido modificado para taluso por pessoal qualificado.Mensagens de segurançaAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     53
 Warning:Não toque nem mova o ponto de acesso quando as antenas estiverem transmitindo ourecebendo. Warning:Antes de usar um dispositivo sem fio em um local perigoso, consulte os códigos locais,nacionais e os responsáveis pela segurança do local para obter informações sobrerestrições de uso.Português do Brasil54     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
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Chapter 7:  Simplified ChineseChineseSimplified Chinese56     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
ChineseAvaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011     57
Simplified Chinese58     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
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Simplified Chinese60     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com
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Simplified Chinese62     Avaya WLAN 8100 Regulatory Information - WLAN AP 8120 October 2011Comments? infodev@avaya.com

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