Avaya 9641GS IP Deskphone User Manual Using Avaya 9621G 9641G 9641GS IP Deskphones H 323

AVAYA IP Deskphone Using Avaya 9621G 9641G 9641GS IP Deskphones H 323


User Manual

Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IPDeskphones H.323Release 6.6November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
© 2014 Avaya Inc.1All Rights Reserved.2Notice3While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the4information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of5printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves6the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this7document without the obligation to notify any person or organization8of such changes.9Note10Using a cell, mobile, or GSM phone, or a two-way radio in close11proximity to an Avaya IP telephone might cause interference.12Documentation disclaimer13“Documentation” means information published by Avaya in varying14mediums which may include product information, operating15instructions and performance specifications that Avaya may generally16make available to users of its products and Hosted Services.17Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall not18be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the19original published version of documentation unless such20modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. End21User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents,22servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and23judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent24modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the25extent made by End User.26Link disclaimer27Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked28websites referenced within this site or documentation provided by29Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information,30statement or content provided on these sites and does not31necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described32or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will33work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked34pages.35Warranty36Avaya provides a limited warranty on Avaya hardware and software.37Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited38warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as39information regarding support for this product while under warranty is40available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya41Support website: http://support.avaya.com or such successor site as42designated by Avaya. Please note that if you acquired the product(s)43from an authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the United44States and Canada, the warranty is provided to you by said Avaya45Channel Partner and not by Avaya.46Licenses47THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA48WEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO OR49SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, ARE50APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR51INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC.,52ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS53APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH54AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER. UNLESS55OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING, AVAYA DOES56NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WAS57OBTAINED FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYA58AFFILIATE OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER; AVAYA59RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU60AND ANYONE ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWARE61WITHOUT A LICENSE. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR62USING THE SOFTWARE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO,63YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM64YOU ARE INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE65SOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO66INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO67THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A BINDING68CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THE69APPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE (“AVAYA”).70Avaya grants you a license within the scope of the license types71described below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, for72which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order73documentation does not expressly identify a license type, the74applicable license will be a Designated System License. The75applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for which the76license is granted will be one (1), unless a different number of77licenses or units of capacity is specified in the documentation or other78materials available to you. “Software” means Avaya’s computer79programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel80Partner, whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed , or remotely81accessed on hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, bug82fixes, or modified versions thereto. “Designated Processor” means a83single stand-alone computing device. “Server” means a Designated84Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by85multiple users. “Instance” means a single copy of the Software86executing at a particular time: (i) on one physical machine; or (ii) on87one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or similar deployment.88License types89Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use90each copy or an Instance of the Software only on a number of91Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order.92Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in93the order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or94other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya95through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this96purpose.97Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in98accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license99agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickthrough” license100accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap License”).101Copyright102Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of103materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service,104or hardware provided by Avaya. All content on this site, the105documentation, Hosted Service, and the Product provided by Avaya106including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is107owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright108and other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rights109relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy,110reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way111any content, in whole or in part, including any code and software112unless expressly authorized by Avaya. Unauthorized reproduction,113transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the express114written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense115under the applicable law.116Third Party Components117“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or118portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may119contain software (including open source software) distributed under120third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain121terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software122(“Third Party Terms”). As required, information regarding distributed123Linux OS source code (for those Products that have distributed Linux124OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third125Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available126in the Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: http://127support.avaya.com/Copyright or such successor site as designated128by Avaya. You agree to the Third Party Terms for any such Third129Party Components130Preventing Toll Fraud131“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications132system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a133corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your134company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud135associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can136result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications137services.138Avaya Toll Fraud intervention139If you suspect that you are being victimized by Toll Fraud and you140need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center141Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United142States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see143
the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com or such1successor site as designated by Avaya. Suspected security2vulnerabilities with Avaya products should be reported to Avaya by3sending mail to: securityalerts@avaya.com.4Trademarks5All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners.6Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and7other countries.8Downloading Documentation9For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya10Support website: http://support.avaya.com, or such successor site as11designated by Avaya.12Contact Avaya Support13See the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com for Product14or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem with15your Avaya Product or Hosted Service. For a list of support telephone16numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support website: 17http://support.avaya.com (or such successor site as designated by18Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya19Support.20Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Interference21Statement22This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits23for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.24These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against25harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment26generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not27installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause28harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no29guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If30this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television31reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and32on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of33the following measures:34• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.35• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.36• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from37that to which the receiver is connected.38• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for39help.40This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is41subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause42harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference43received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.44FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved45by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's46authority to operate this equipment.47FCC/Industry Canada Radiation Exposure Statement48This device complies with the FCC's and Industry Canada's RF49radiation exposure limits set forth for the general population50(uncontrolled environment) and must not be co-located or operated in51conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.52Warning53The handset receiver contains magnetic devices that can attract54small metallic objects. Care should be taken to avoid personal injury.55Power over Ethernet (PoE) warning56This equipment must be connected to PoE networks without routing57to the outside plant.5859VCCI-Class B statement:60This is a Class B product based on the standard of the VCCI Council.61If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic62environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the63equipment according to the instruction manual.64
ContentsChapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................  8Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 8Intended audience................................................................................................................... 8Related resources...................................................................................................................  8Documentation.................................................................................................................. 8Training............................................................................................................................  9Avaya Mentor videos.........................................................................................................  9Support................................................................................................................................  10Chapter 2: Setting up the deskphone...................................................................................  11Introduction to 9621G/9641G/9641GS deskphones.................................................................. 11Physical layout................................................................................................................ 12Adjustable stand and display screen.................................................................................  14Ringing on wireless headsets...........................................................................................  14About logging in and logging out....................................................................................... 15Chapter 3: Navigating the phone........................................................................................... 17Scrolling and navigation......................................................................................................... 17Icons....................................................................................................................................  17The Home Screen.................................................................................................................  21Menu options........................................................................................................................  22Using the On-screen keyboard...............................................................................................  23About Features ....................................................................................................................  24Using the Features menu....................................................................................................... 25CM administrable features.....................................................................................................  25Chapter 4: Administered options..........................................................................................  27Administrative messages ......................................................................................................  27Browser................................................................................................................................ 27Call Recording......................................................................................................................  27Using USB flash drives with your phone..................................................................................  28Adding contacts from an external file to your contacts list...................................................  28Overwriting contacts list with an external file...................................................................... 29Copying your contacts list to a USB flash drive..................................................................  29Temporarily using a USB contacts list...............................................................................  30Using pictures from your USB device as a screensaver......................................................  30Chapter 5: Call Handling........................................................................................................  32Answering a call.................................................................................................................... 32Making a call......................................................................................................................... 33Making an emergency call................................................................................................ 33Clearing a number........................................................................................................... 33Redialing a number.........................................................................................................  334     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Making a call using edit dialing.........................................................................................  34Calling a person from the contacts list............................................................................... 34Calling a person from the call history................................................................................. 35Calling a person from the directory.................................................................................... 35Making a call using a Click to dial link...............................................................................  35Muting a call.........................................................................................................................  36About forwarding calls...........................................................................................................  36Activating Send All Calls..................................................................................................  36Activating call forwarding.................................................................................................  37Putting a call on hold.............................................................................................................  37Transferring a call.................................................................................................................. 38Chapter 6: Call History...........................................................................................................  39Call History...........................................................................................................................  39Viewing the call history....................................................................................................  39Viewing call history details...............................................................................................  40Adding an entry from the call history to your contacts list....................................................  40Removing an entry from call history..................................................................................  40Clearing all call history entries..........................................................................................  41Turning off call history...................................................................................................... 41Chapter 7: Contacts................................................................................................................ 42Using the contacts feature...................................................................................................... 42Searching for a contact....................................................................................................  42Viewing contact details....................................................................................................  43Adding a new contact......................................................................................................  43Editing a contact.............................................................................................................. 44Setting up favorite contacts..............................................................................................  45Changing the primary contact number............................................................................... 45Deleting a contact............................................................................................................ 46Chapter 8: Conferences.........................................................................................................  47Using the conference feature.................................................................................................. 47Setting up a conference call.............................................................................................  47Adding a person on hold to a conference call..................................................................... 47Putting a conference call on hold......................................................................................  48Muting a person on a conference call................................................................................ 48Dropping a person from a conference call.........................................................................  48Chapter 9: Using bridged call appearances......................................................................... 49Using bridged call appearances.............................................................................................. 49Answering a call on a bridged line..................................................................................... 49Joining a call on a bridged line.......................................................................................... 49Making an outgoing call on a bridged line.......................................................................... 50Chapter 10: Using Voicemail.................................................................................................  51Receiving your messages......................................................................................................  51Logging into your voice mail.............................................................................................  51ContentsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     5Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 11: Customizing your phone................................................................................... 52Settings menu....................................................................................................................... 52Call Settings.........................................................................................................................  53Displaying the Phone screen on dialing............................................................................. 53Displaying the Phone screen on receiving a call................................................................. 53Setting Go To Phone Screen on Answer...........................................................................  54Setting dialing options...................................................................................................... 54Displaying call timers....................................................................................................... 55Setting redial options.......................................................................................................  55Configuring visual alerts................................................................................................... 56Setting the audio path...................................................................................................... 56Setting Headset Signaling ...............................................................................................  57Setting contact names to display during calls..................................................................... 57Application Settings............................................................................................................... 58Activating call log history.................................................................................................. 58Activating call log for bridged calls....................................................................................  58Personalizing labels......................................................................................................... 59Restoring default button labels.........................................................................................  59Screen & Sound Options........................................................................................................ 60Adjusting the brightness or contrast ofthe display............................................................... 60Setting the text size.........................................................................................................  60Turning button click sounds on and off..............................................................................  61Setting the Home screen to display when the phone is idle.................................................  61Turning error tones on or off............................................................................................. 62Setting a ring tone for your deskphone..............................................................................  62Setting the Quick Touch panel.......................................................................................... 62Advanced Options................................................................................................................. 63Turning automatic gain control on or off............................................................................. 63Enabling Bluetooth..........................................................................................................  63Selecting handset audio equalization................................................................................  64Avaya Home Screen Applications........................................................................................... 64Adding World Clock locations...........................................................................................  65Viewing World Clock details.............................................................................................  66Using the Weather application.......................................................................................... 66Using the Calculator........................................................................................................  68Activating EC500 for simultaneous ringing on multiple phones..................................................  68Setting up a Bluetooth® headset............................................................................................. 69Pairing a Bluetooth® headset with your phone...................................................................  69Operating a Bluetooth® headset.......................................................................................  70Enabling and disabling the call timer.......................................................................................  71Chapter 12: Carrying out maintenance tasks....................................................................... 72Backing up and restoring your data files..................................................................................  72Cleaning the screen............................................................................................................... 72Contents6     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Network information............................................................................................................... 73ContentsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     7Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 1: Introduction1Purpose2This document describes how to use product features and capabilities.3Intended audience4This document is intended for people who want to learn how to use product features and5capabilities.6Related resources78Documentation9See the following related documents at http://support.avaya.com.10Document11number12Title13 Use this document to:14 Audience15Implementing1616–60360317 Installing and Maintaining18Avaya IP Deskphones199608/9608G/9611G/9621G/209641G/9641GS H.32321Refer to tasks related to installing22and upgrading the deskphone.23Administrators24Using2516–60359426 Using Avaya IP Deskphone279621G/9641G/9641GS H.32328Refer to tasks related to using the29deskphone.30End users and31administrators3216-60359333 Using Avaya IP Deskphone349608/9608G/9611G H.32335Refer to tasks related to using the36deskphone.37End users and38administrators3916-60361340 Using Avaya IP Deskphone419608/9608G/9611G/9621G/42Refer to tasks related to using the45deskphone in a call center.46Call center agents478     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
9641G/9641GS in the Call1Center H.3232Administering316-3006984Administering Avaya IP5Deskphone 9608/9608G/69611G/9621G/9641G/9641GS7H.3238Refer to performing administrative9tasks related to the deskphone.10Administrators1112Training13The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at www.avaya-learning.com.14After logging in to the website, enter the course code or the course title in the Search field and click15Go to search for the course.16Course code17 Course title18ACIS-600619 ACIS - Avaya Communication Manager (5.2.1)20APSS-130021 APSS - Avaya Networking2223Avaya Mentor videos24Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya25products.26About this task27Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on28the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.29Procedure30• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to http://support.avaya.com, select the31product name, and select the videos checkbox to see a list of available videos.32• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to http://www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and33perform one of the following actions:34- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or35topic.36- Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos posted37on the site.3839 Note:40Videos are not available for all products.41Related resourcesNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     9Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Support1Visit the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date documentation,2product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes, downloads, and3resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service request. Chat with4live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a support team if an5issue requires additional expertise.6Introduction10     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 2: Setting up the deskphone1Introduction to 9621G/9641G/9641GS deskphones2Your deskphone provides many features that include:3• Viewing and managing your calls, call logs, and contacts list4• Customizing your deskphone5• Accessing your voice mail6• Using integrated WML browser7You can also attach up to three button modules to your deskphone to expand the available number8of call appearances and features. Multiple button modules must all be the same type and same9model. The 9621G model does not provide a port for button module attachment.10The letter G in a deskphone model name indicates the presence of a built-in Gigabit Ethernet11adapter that increases the transmission speed of data.12The 9621G, 9641G, and 9641GS deskphones provide a color LCD display. 9621G deskphones13have a smaller display area than 9641G deskphones, and do not have a USB interface. 9641GS14deskphones have a slightly larger display area than the 9641G, and use capacitive touch screen.15Unless specifically stated in this guide, the three models are essentially the same in terms of16features and functionality.17Your administrator might not have configured all functions and features described in this user guide.18November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     11Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Physical layout23The following table provides descriptions of the deskphone buttons and features.4Callout5Number6Name7Icon if8applicable9Description10111 USB port12 N/A13 You can use a USB device such as a memory stick, thumb14drive, or flash drive to transfer contacts between your15phone and an external data source. The USB option is16available only if the administrator has configured the17feature for your extension. See Importing and Exporting18Contacts using USB Devices on page 28 for more19information. You can use the USB port for login and as a20picture source for screensaver.You can also recharge21some battery-powered devices by connecting the device to22the USB port.The 9621G does not have a USB port.23224 Message25waiting26indicator27N/A28 An illuminated red light in the upper-right corner of your29deskphone indicates that you have a voice mail. If you30enabled Visual Alerting on your phone, this light flashes31when you receive an incoming call. In addition to the32message waiting indicator, the deskphone lights the33Message button when you have voice mail.34335 Phone36display37N/A38 The first line shows status information such as the time39and date, primary extension, error indications, and missed40Setting up the deskphone12     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Callout4Number5Name6Icon if7applicable8Description9calls. The second line, called the Status Line, provides1information, such as when you can use the right or left2navigation arrows to view other screens or menus. The3Status Line also provides messages related to the current10application or the actions that you must perform on a11screen. Call appearances appear below the Status Line.12The number of call appearances available to make or13receive calls depend on how your administrator14administers the system. The number of lines available on15touchscreen deskphones depend on how your16administrator administers the Quick Touch Panel (QTP).17For more information, see Setting the Quick Touch18panel on page 62. Touch the line to start or answer a19call. The last display line shows the QTP that displays the20options that your administrator has administered for the21extension such as EC500, Call Forwarding, or Extended22Call Forwarding.23424 Features and25call26appearance27lines28N/A29 On touchscreen deskphones, call-related icons on the lines30show the lines that are in use or available for calls. Touch31the line that you want to use. Lines also indicate if the32system has enabled or disabled a feature in the Feature33view.34535 Quick Touch36Panel (QTP)37N/A38 The QTP displays the options that your administrator39administers for the extension such as EC500, Call40Forwarding, or Extended Call Forwarding.41642 Phone4344 The Phone button displays the Phone screen when you45press the button. During a call, you can gain access to the46following options from the Phone screen:47• Hold48• Conference49• Transfer50• Drop call51752 Message5354 When you press Message, you are connected directly to55your voice mail system. The deskphone lights this button56when you have voice mail messages waiting.57858 Contacts5960When you press Contacts, the Phone screen displays the61entries in your contact list.62963 Home6465When you press Home, you gain access to the Home66screen to configure options and settings, access the67browser and or any applications available to you, log out,68or view network information.691070 History7172When you press History, the Phone screen displays the73history of your outgoing, incoming, and missed calls. The74icon on the History the deskphone lights the button when75Introduction to 9621G/9641G/9641GS deskphonesNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     13Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Callout3Number4Name5Icon if6applicable7Description8you have missed calls. The top line shows the Missed Call1icon and the number of calls that you have missed.2119Volume1011If you press + or - on the Volume button on an active call,12the phone increases or decreases the volume of your13handset, headset, or speaker accordingly. When you are14not on an active call, pressing these buttons adjusts the15ringer volume.161217 Mute1819Press the Mute button to mute a call in progress. To take a20call off mute, press Mute again.211322 Speaker2324Press the Speaker button to use the speakerphone. To25take a call off speakerphone, lift the handset or press the26Headset button.271428 Headset2930 Press the Headset button to use the headset if connected.311532 Forward3334 Press Forward to display the Forwarding menu.3536Adjustable stand and display screen37You can adjust the display screen as required. To move the display screen, gently pull from the top38of the display screen towards you even as you hear clicking sound. Each click indicates a locking39position. You can push the screen back to return to the original flat position. Gently pull the display40screen towards you and push to return the display screen to the original flat position.41You can place the phone on the stand in a flat position or at an angle. To place the phone vertically42for wall mounting, reverse the tab located under the switchhook in the top ear piece pocket and43ensure that the handset is in the correct position. You need a small screwdriver to lift the tab and44reinsert back the reversed tab.4546Ringing on wireless headsets47For an incoming call, you can set the ringing tone on the wireless headset instead of the speaker of48the deskphone.4950 Note:51This feature is available only if your administrator has configured the feature for your deskphone.52When you go off-hook with the headset or change from a non-headset device to the headset, phone53activates the wireless headset. When you go on-hook with an activated headset or change from54wireless headset device to non-headset, the phone deactivates the wireless headset.55When an incoming call arrives:56• If the deskphone is in an idle mode, you hear a ringing tone in the wireless headset.57Setting up the deskphone14     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
• If the phone is already in a headset call, you hear a short beep in the wireless headset.12About logging in and logging out3If you share a deskphone with other users, you must log in and log out to maintain your preferences,4call information, and options. Log out to prevent unauthorized use of your deskphone during your5absence.67Note:8Depending on how the administrator has configured your phone, for example, whether History9backup is enabled or disabled, the phone might lose some information when you log your10extension out.11Your administrator might provide you with a USB device with a preprogrammed extension and12password, or may provide you with a PC-based tool for transferring this information on a USB13device. This device enables you to use the USB device to log in to the administered extension and14password automatically, from any deskphone in your system. Contact your administrator for more15information. If you log in with the USB Login option, the only way to log out is by removing the USB16device from the phone connection.1718 Note:19When you use the USB Login, the only Contacts you can see are the Contacts on the USB20device. See Using USB Flash Drives with your phone on page 28 for more information.2122 Note:23Depending on how the administrator has configured your deskphone, your deskphone might24display a Log-Off softkey in an idle state. You can use the Log-Off softkey to log out of the25deskphone.26Logging in to your deskphone27About this task28Log in from the initial screen when it prompts you for your extension.29When you log in to the deskphone, the deskphone downloads the call log database. The database30contains all the calls that you received when you were logged out. The deskphone adds these call31logs in the Call History list as missed calls.32Procedure331. Enter your extension.342. Tap Enter.353. Enter your password.364. Tap Enter.37Introduction to 9621G/9641G/9641GS deskphonesNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     15Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
5. If your administrator configured the system to allow visiting user privileges the deskphone1prompts for Login Mode. Tap the Login Mode that indicates whether you are a visiting user2(Visiting User) or not (Default).36. Tap Enter.4Logging out of your deskphone5About this task6Even if you are logged out, the system still logs all calls to a database. The deskphone downloads7the database when you log in to the deskphone again.8Procedure91. Press Home.102. Tap Settings.113. Press Log Out to choose Log Out.12Logging in as a guest user13About this task14Log in to another touch-based phone as a guest to retain the features and functionality of your own15phone. For example, if you are temporarily using the office telephone of a visitor and want to use16your Contacts list. If you want to use this feature, the deskphone must be on-hook. The phone must17be on-hook for you to be able to select this feature.1819 Note:20The guest user login option is available on your deskphone only if the administrator has21configured the feature.22Procedure231. Press Home242. Tap Settings.253. Select Guest Login.264. Enter your extension number.275. Tap Enter.286. Tap Password.297. Enter your password.308. Tap Enter.319. Tap the left or right arrow to select the duration from 1 to 12 hours for using this phone.32You can log out as a guest at any time despite the duration you select.3310. Tap Enter.34Setting up the deskphone16     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 3: Navigating the phone1Scrolling and navigation2Use the up and down arrow buttons on the right side of the screen to scroll up or down the list.3Tap and hold the appropriate scroll icons on the touchscreen to scroll through a page at a time in4the direction you choose. Repeat the same action to activate the scrolling auto repeat feature.5To change between call appearances and features, tap Features or Calls on the touchscreen.6When you tap the details button, a blue, right-facing arrow, you can view more information about the7item. For example, if you tap the arrow to the right of a contact name, the deskphone displays a8screen with the numbers that you have stored for that person.9You can tap a line or softkey or tap the on-screen softkey labels. Softkey labels change according to10the context. For example, you can tap a contact to make a call to that person and tap a line on the11Phone screen to answer an incoming call, to go off hook, to make a call, or to resume a call on hold.12You can also gain access to the Phone screen or the Home screen anytime by pressing the13appropriate buttons on the deskphone.14Icons15The icons in the following table indicate the state of a call, navigation choices, Call History types,16Contact phone types, feature status, or the status of an attached or paired device.17Depending on their purpose, some icons appear on the top line, for example, to notify you that a18headset is active or that you have missed calls in the Call History. Other icons display on call19appearance lines to show call states. Icons also appear on application screens like the Contacts or20Call History listsIcons also appear on application screens like the Contacts or Call History lists, or21World Clock and Weather. Home screen icons are touch-based to let you initiate actions like22changing phone settings, accessing the Web browser, or accessing Avaya applications like the23Calculator, World Clock, and Weather. Your administrator might make other, optional Home screen24icons available to you that do not appear in this table. Such icons represent optional applications for25which your administrator can provide information.26Icon27 Description2829Indicates an incoming call.30November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     17Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Icon2Description31Indicates a call appearance line that is not currently in use.45Indicates that a call is active.67Indicates that you have placed this call on hold.89Indicates that your calls are being forwarded.1011Indicates that a bridged call appearance is in use.1213Indicates that the EC500 feature is activated.1415Indicates that a conference call is active.1617Indicates that you have placed a conference call on hold.1819Indicates that the speakerphone volume is being adjusted.2021Indicates that the headset volume is being adjusted.2223Indicates that more related information is available or additional24screens can be accessed.2526Indicates that the call in progress is muted.2728Indicates that the ringer volume is off. To reinstate volume, press29+ on the Volume button.30To turn off the ringer press the Volume button until the volume31turns off.3233 Indicates that the call is using a wideband codec for quality voice34calls.3536 Indicates a low network performance or presence of local network37issues that might result in lower call quality.3839Indicates an energy-saving measure. This icon may also appears40on the Settings menu. Pressing this softkey turns the display41backlight off. When the backlight is off, any activity on your42telephone turns it back on. This icon is configured by your43administrator on one of the softkeys.4445 Indicates that your phone is in an “Unnamed Registration” state,46caused by not entering an extension within 60 seconds of being47prompted for one or not entering a password. In this situation,48your phone may register with its call server but will show only one49call appearance, no features, and will allow only outgoing calls. To50Navigating the phone18     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Icon3Description4switch from the unnamed registration state, login with a valid1extension and password.25Indicates that this team member is available. Your system6administrator sets up teams as applicable.78This Team icon indicates that this team member is having calls9forwarded.1011This Team icon indicates that this team member is busy on a call12and not available.1314This Team icon indicates that this team member is busy and is15forwarding all calls.1617This Team icon indicates that the team member is busy and a has18an incoming call ringing.1920This Team icon indicates that the team member is busy and is21having more incoming calls ringing.2223This Team icon indicates that a team member is calling.2425The Home screen icon that indicates the general phone number26for a favorite Contact.2728The Home screen icon that indicates the home phone number for29a favorite Contact.3031The Home screen icon that indicates the work phone number for a32favorite Contact.3334The Home screen icon that indicates the mobile phone number for35a favorite Contact.3637Indicates Call History for all calls.3839Indicates Call History for Missed calls.4041Indicates Call History for Outgoing calls.4243Indicates the Call History for Answered calls.4445Indicates the General telephone number for a contact.4647Indicates the Home telephone number for a contact.4849Indicates the Mobile telephone number for a contact.50IconsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     19Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Icon2Description31Indicates the Work telephone number for a contact.45Indicates the Favorite contact.67Indicates that the Contact-Favorite Feature is on.89Indicates that the Contact-Favorite Feature is off.1011Indicates that the phone is paired with and able to communicate12with a Bluetooth® headset.1314Indicates the Home screen WML Browser application if available.1516Indicates the Home screen (telephone) Settings menu.1718Indicates the My Pictures application where you can display19pictures from the USB folder.2021Indicates the VPN settings menu.2223Indicates the icon for viewing the About Avaya IP Deskphone24screen.2526Indicates the Home screen Calculator application.2728Indicates the Home screen World Clock application.2930Indicates the Home screen Weather application.3132Indicates that the weather is clear and fair.3334 Indicates that the weather is partly cloudy.3536 Indicates that the weather is cloudy.3738Indicates that the weather is a light rain.3940Indicates that the weather is rainy.4142Indicates that the weather is snowy.4344Indicates that the weather is icy.4546Indicates that there is an ongoing thunderstorm.4748Indicates that the weather is windy.49Navigating the phone20     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Icon2Description31Indicates that there are severe storms.45Indicates the main menu Touch Screen Cleaning option.67Indicates the main menu Guest Login option.89Indicates the main menu Log out option.1011Indicates the main menu Network info options.1213Indicates the Options & Settings Screen and Sounds Options14menu.1516Indicates the Options & Settings Call Settings menu.1718Indicates the Options & Settings Application Settings menu.1920Indicates the Options & Settings Advanced Settings menu.21The Home Screen22The Home screen provides several user-friendly features. Using the icons on the Home screen, you23can customize your phone, view settings, obtain information about the time and weather through24Web-based applications, use a calculator, and use Favorite speed dial buttons. The options25available on the Home screen depends on how the administrator has set up the system. You must26press the Home button under display to gain access to the Home screen. The Home screen27includes the following standard Avaya features:28•Settings: Displays a menu that you can use to change your call settings, the language on the29phone, the screen layout, or pair your phone with a Bluetooth headset, log in to the phone as a30guest, clean your screen, log out your phone, and more.31•World Clock: Shows the time and weather in different parts of the world.32•Weather: Shows the current weather conditions in an area you choose and provides a weather33forecast.34•Calculator: Provides a simple, four-function calculator.35•My Pictures: Using this feature you can use pictures from a USB device as the phone36screensaver.Note: This feature is applicable only to the 9641 deskphone.37•Web application: You can set up shortcuts to view 9 web applications or information pages38using this feature.39The Home ScreenNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     21Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
•Favorites Help: Using the help outlined here, you can add a person in your contacts list to1your display as a quick dial number. Tap the number to make a call to that person.2You can also use Contacts to setup speed dial icons for up to 16 Favorite numbers on your Home3screen. Your administrator might make available other Web-based applications such as a corporate4directory or support page. To invoke an application you see on the Home screen, tap the icon. If the5number of lines in the list is greater than the number of lines in the Application area of the Home6screen, You can scroll to view the next line. Tap the scroll bar on the right side of the Home screen7to view the next page.8You can also administer up to 9 WML applications on home screen.910 Note:11The Settings options that appear depend on how the administrator configured your extension.12Some options described in this guide might not be available to you.13Menu options14The following image shows the menu options that are available to you to view the current settings15and configure the required parameters on the Avaya 9621 and 9641 IP deskphones.16SettingsMyPicturesWeatherWorldClockFavoritesHelpBrowserOptions&SettingsBluetoothSetupNetworkInformationVPNSettingsLogoutLightOffTouchScreenCleaningAboutAvaya IPDeskphoneCallSettingsApplicationSettingsScreen &SoundOptionsAdvancedOptionsHomePageAutomaticGainControlHeadsetEqualizationBrightnessContrastPersonalizedRingingButtonClicksErrorTonesPhoneScreenWidthHistoryLogBridgedCallsPersonalizedButtonLabelsRestoreDefaultLabelsGo to PhoneScreen OnCallingGo To PhoneScreen OnRingingGo To PhoneScreen OnAnswerDisplayCall TimerRedialVisualAlertingAudioPathPair ContactsTo Calls1718 Note:19Bluetooth setup option is available only on the Avaya 9641 IP deskphone. Your deskphone20might not display some options on your deskphone if your administrator has not configured the21options for your extension.22Navigating the phone22     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Using the On-screen keyboard1A keyboard appears on the screen when you add or edit a contact name or number, or when you2personalize labels for your call appearances or features. You can switch between alphabetic and3numeric keyboards, and you can use the keyboard to enter symbols and accented letters.4The following diagrams help you to understand how to add or change names, telephone numbers,5or labels. Tapping and holding the backspace button produces an automatic repeat action where the6letters are cleared one by one moving backwards as long as you keep pressing the Backspace7button. Tap the Done check mark when you finish editing. Use the Cancel mark to discard any edits8and return to the previous screen.9Figure 1: Text Entry Keyboard10Move cursor to rightMove cursor to left BackspaceSave/Done/NextCancelNext fieldAccent thenext characteryou press. Pressthis key, then thecharacter youwant to accent andselect from amini-keyboardShift keySwitch toNumeric TextEntry Screen11Figure 2: Numeric Entry Keyboard12Using the On-screen keyboardNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     23Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Switch toSymbolSelectionScreenSwitch toAlpha TextEntry ScreenMove cursor to rightMove cursor to left BackspaceSave/Done/NextCancelNext fieldDialpad textentry - Togglebetweennumeric andmulti-tapkeyboard1About Features2This topic describes the special features of your deskphone. Your administrator might have set up3your deskphone with the features and the call appearances on one screen. The Features screen4lets you gain access to advanced telephony features, such as Directory, Abbreviated Dial, Speed5Dial buttons, and Call Forwarding. Using the Directory, you can dial other users on your system.6You can use Send All Calls and Call Forward features to forward incoming calls to other numbers.7When you enable the EC500, you can forward calls from your desk phone to your cell phone. The8Forward menu also lists the forwarding features. The Features screen does not display the features9assigned to an attached button module. The features that are available depend on what your10administrator has assigned to your phone.11You can also invoke these features using the Feature Access Code (FAC) . If you activate or12deactivate a feature using FAC and the corresponding feature button is not administered on the13deskphone, you might not get the indication of the feature activation or deactivation.14In addition to the Features screen, your administrator might also provide selected features on15softkeys on the call appearance (Phone) screen. For more information about what features and16options are available for your extension, contact your administrator.17Navigating the phone24     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Using the Features menu1Procedure2From the Phone screen, tap the Features button at the upper right corner to view the Features3menu.4The LED icon next to the feature name indicates if the feature is on or off. If the LED icon for the5feature label is green, the feature is on.67Note:8To return to the main Phone screen, tap Calls at the upper right corner.9CM administrable features10The Features menu displays the options that the administrator can configure for your phone. The11names of features are often abbreviated to fit into the display area of your deskphone or button12module. See the following table for information on standard feature names and their abbreviations.13All features described here might not be available on your extension. For more information about a14feature, contact your administrator.15Feature Name16 Abbreviation17Automatic Dialing18 Autodial or SD19Automatic Intercom20 Auto Icom or AI21Automatic Callback22 Auto Callback, AutoCB23Call Forwarding All Calls24 Cfrwd or CFwrd25Call Forwarding Busy/Don't Answer26 CFBDA27Park a Call28 Call park29Call Pickup30 Call pickup31Calling Party Number Blocking32 CPN Block33Calling Party Number Unblocing34 CPN Unblock35Dial Intercom36 Dial Icom37Directed Call Pickup38 Dir Pickup39EC50040 EC50041Exclusion (Calling Party)42 Exclusion43EC500 Extended Calling44 Extend Call45Extended Call Pickup46 Ext Pickup47Malicious Call Tracing Activation48 MCT Act49One-step Recording50 Audix Record51Priority Calling52 Priority Call53Send All Calls54 SAC55Using the Features menuNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     25Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Feature Name1Abbreviation2Whisper Page3Whisper Act45Note:6Your phone displays the personalized label instead of the feature abbreviations if you have7added personalized labels for any of the features.8Navigating the phone26     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 4: Administered options1Administrative messages2Your administrator can send important messages such as notification of an early office shut down3because of bad weather. The administrator can also send information about an imminent service4interruption to your deskphone.5These types of messages can take any of the following forms:6• A text message streaming across the top display line, that also accompanies an audible alert.7• An audible alert broadcast through the Speaker or the headset if that device is active.8• An interrupt screen notifying you that you are receiving an audio alert.9While receiving an audible alert, you can change between the speaker, handset, and headset, can10stop the transmission of pushed audio content by going on-hook, and can adjust the volume, as you11normally do during a call.12Browser13Your deskphone includes WML Web browser capability to use additional applications. The14applications available through the browser vary depending on how your system administrator has15configured your deskphone. For more information, contact your administrator.16To open the browser, press the Home button. Then touch the browser icon on the display. If you do17not see the Browser icon on the Home screen, Web applications are not available for your18deskphone.19Call Recording20Your administrator can enable recording for the calls made on your deskphone. If the administrator21has call recording enabled for the calls made on your deskphone, a beep can be heard into the22audio stream at regular interval, typically about 15 seconds. The beep indicates that the call is being23recorded.24November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     27Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Using USB flash drives with your phone1You can use Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash drive if your deskphone has a USB interface and you2have the permission of the administrator. When you log in to your phone from a remote location, you3can use the USB flash drive to add contacts to your Contacts list from an E-mail or other PC4software program, and use the pictures from the device as screensaver on your phone.56Note:7The 9621 IP deskphone does not have a USB interface.8Avaya offers a PC application Avaya one-X™ Deskphone USB Companion to help set up your USB9device phone options. Your administrator has certain setup responsibilities and can then help you10determine the options that are available to you and how to use the tool to set them up.1112 Note:13USB Login: If you have automatic USB login capability, the only contacts you can see are from14the USB device. When you use the USB login, the Log Out menu option is available on the15menu screen, but does not work when the USB device is inserted. You can log out your phone16only by removing the USB device.17If you insert the flash drive into the USB jack, the phone displays either a list of USB actions or18options, a message that your phone does not support the device, or a message that the phone does19not have adequate power to support the device. Power supply to the USB interface depends on the20administration settings and on how you have powered the phone. The phone supports USB drives21with FAT or FAT32 file systems and does not support USB drives with NTFS file systems and22multiple LUNs.2324Adding contacts from an external file to your contacts list25About this task26Use a USB flash drive to add contacts from an external file to your contacts list. The contacts list27can contain only 250 entries. Contact files merged or written to the contacts list on the phone must28be in a specific format. One way to ensure that the file is in the proper format is to export your the29contacts list of your deskphone to your USB device, which automatically creates a formatted file.30Avaya also provides a spreadsheet tool that uses macros to convert your Outlook contacts into the31Contacts format that the phone uses. For information on this tool, search for Avaya one-X® USB32Companion on the Avaya support site at www.avaya.com/support.33Procedure341. Plug the USB device into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.352. Tap Select to select Merge file and phone contacts.36The phone displays the Merge option only when both the USB file and the phone have37contacts.38Administered options28     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
3. The phone merges the contacts automatically. When complete, review the statistics1displayed, which show the number of entries, duplicates, and any errors.24. Tap Save to write the merged Contacts list back to the USB device and return to the list of3contacts/USB actions or tap Exit to return to the list of contacts/USB actions without writing4the merged file to the USB device.56Note:7If you try to merge more than the maximum 250 entries, the phone displays a List Full8screen. You can then either save the first 250 entries or cancel the merging process9without transferring the contents to the deskphone.1011Overwriting contacts list with an external file12About this task13Use a USB flash drive to replace your entire contacts list with the contacts from an external file.14Contacts that you are copying from an external file must have a name and at least one number and15not more than three numbers with associated types. If associated types are not provided, the type is16considered as general type. Your administrator can provide detailed format information about17external data source files.18Procedure191. Plug the USB flash drive into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.202. Either scroll to Replace phone contacts with file then tap Select or tap the Replace21phone contacts with file line directly.223. Review the statistics displayed, which show the number of valid and invalid entries, and if23applicable, the number of entries that exceed the 250 contact phone limit.244. Tap Save to overwrite and replace your contacts list with the file on your USB device or25Cancel to cancel the replacement and retain your current contact list.2627Copying your contacts list to a USB flash drive28About this task29You can copy your entire contact list from your phone to a USB flash drive for protecting data or30using in an external software program. If the USB flash drive already contains a contact file, you31must first confirm that you want to replace that file.32Procedure331. Plug the USB flash drive into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.342. Either scroll to Write file with phone contacts using the scroll control and then tap Select35or tap the Write file with phone contacts line directly.363. Tap OK.37Using USB flash drives with your phoneNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     29Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
4. If your USB device has a contacts file on it, tap Save to confirm that you want to overwrite1that file with the contact list of the deskphone.23Temporarily using a USB contacts list4About this task5If you connect the USB flash drive to the phone, you can use the contacts file on the drive instead of6the contact list on your phone. For example, copy your contacts list to your USB flash drive and take7the device with you while traveling. If you have access to a guest phone with the latest phone8software at another site, you can attach the USB flash drive and use your contacts list.9Procedure101. Plug the USB flash drive with the contacts file you want to use into the designated jack near11the center top edge of your phone.122. Using the scroll control, scroll to Use contacts file while present then tap Select or tap Use13contacts file while present line directly.143. Tap OK to gain access to the contacts list on your USB flash drive.15Any changes or updates you make to your contacts list while the USB device is connected16affect only the temporary file on the USB device, and not your “regular” phone contacts list.1718Using pictures from your USB device as a screensaver19About this task20If your USB device has a top level folder named \Pictures or another picture folder that is21properly administered, you can use pictures in that folder as the screensaver for your phone22screensaver. The phone displays pictures from the USB device as a screensaver only when the23USB drive is inserted and the phone is kept idle. Each picture displays for 5 seconds unless you24specify a different value (from 5 seconds to 999 seconds). The 9621G, 9641G, and 9641GS25deskphones can display pictures with a resolution of 480 x 272 pixels. The picture file must be in26JPEG format. Your administrator can enable this feature. If your administrator has disabled this27feature, the My Pictures option does not appear on the Home screen.28In addition to the features described in the Using USB Flash Drives with your phone on page 28, the29Avaya one-X™ Deskphone USB Companion application includes a utility program to convert your30pictures to the correct format.31Procedure321. Plug the USB device into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.332. Press Home.343. Select My Pictures to immediately begin displaying the pictures from your USB picture35folder on the phone and then whenever the screen display times out after the administered36idle period.37Administered options30     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Note:2If you disconnect the USB device from the deskphone, the standard screensaver3replaces your pictures after the designated idle period.4Using USB flash drives with your phoneNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     31Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 5: Call Handling1Answering a call2About this task3When you receive an incoming call, the phone selects the incoming call automatically. However, if4you are already on a call or if you receive more than one incoming call at a time, you might need to5select the call you want to answer manually.6The phone displays an incoming call as a green line with a ringing bell icon. To answer the call, tap7the call appearance line.89Note:10The procedure for answering a call might vary depending on how the administrator has11configured your phone.12Procedure13Answer an incoming call in one of the following ways:14• If you are not on another call, lift the handset, touch the ringing call appearance line, tap Answer15softkey to answer the call using the speakerphone, or press Headset to answer using the16headset.17• If you are on another call, you might need to put the active call on hold first before answering the18new call. If the phone does automatically display the incoming call, you can tap Ans Hold softkey19or incoming call appearance to automatically put the first call on hold when you answer the new20call. Also, you can tap Ans Drop softkey to automatically drop the first call when you answer the21new call.22• If you have paired a Bluetooth headset for use with the 9641G or 9641GS deskphone, press the23Answer button on the Bluetooth headset to answer an incoming call.24• To automatically display the Phone screen when you receive an incoming call, set the Phone25Screen on Ringing option to Yes.2632     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Making a call1About this task2If you are not on a call, dial the number you want to call. Use the Phone screen to view and manage3calls. Press Phone to view the main Phone screen. When the phone displays the Phone screen,4press Phone to move to the top of the call appearance list.5Procedure61. Lift the handset, or press Speaker or Headset (if applicable) or touch an idle call7appearance line.82. Dial the number you want to call. If you have a favorite icon on the Home screen for the9person you want to call, tap that icon to initiate dialing.1011Making an emergency call12About this task13If your administrator configured emergency calling for your deskphone, the Phone screen displays14an Emerg softkey to immediately connect you with a preset emergency services number.1516 Note:17You can make an emergency call when your deskphone is logged out only if your administrator18configured this feature for you.19Procedure201. On the Phone screen, tap Emerg.212. To end the emergency call, tap Drop or press Speaker.2223Clearing a number24Procedure25Tap   to erase dialed digits one by one and enter a new number.2627 Note:28You can clear a number only if you have enabled the Edit Dialing feature on your deskphone.2930Redialing a number31Procedure321. From the Phone screen, tap Redial.33Making a callNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     33Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
The phone redials the last number or a list of the most recent numbers that you have dialed1appears from which you can select a number to redial. For information on redial settings, see 2Setting Redial Options on page 55.34Note:5Your system administrator can disable Redial functionality.62. Tap the number you want to redial.78Making a call using edit dialing9Before you begin10Your administrator has to authorize this function.11About this task12Using the Edit dialing feature, you can edit the number before actually dialing by using the Bksp13softkey. Using the Bksp softkey, you can edit the number before actually dialing it.14Procedure151. From the Phone screen, enter the number you want to call.162. To edit the number, tap the X softkey to erase the previous character, one character at a17time.183. Tap Call.1920Calling a person from the contacts list21About this task22You can call any contact from your contacts list. You can find a name by scrolling to it or by using23the search box. Use the dialpad keys to enter the first few letters of the name, and the screen24displays the first match in your list. When you find the entry you want, touch that line to dial the25primary number of that contact. If you have entered additional numbers for that contact, you can26touch the Details button to see them, and then touch the number you want to dial.27Procedure281. Press Contacts.292. Find the contact that you want to call by typing the name of the person as listed.30For example, if you added John Smith to your contacts List as “Smith, John”, start typing the31last name rather than his first name. Each time you press the dialpad, the list display shifts to32match your input. You can also scroll up or down to locate the contact.333. To call the primary number for the contact, touch the line on which the contact name34appears.35Call Handling34     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
4. To call a non-primary number, touch the Details button to move to the detail information1fields for the contact, then touch the desired number.23Calling a person from the call history4Procedure51. Press the History button.62. Tap the appropriate icon at the upper right of the screen to view All Calls, Missed Calls,7Answered Calls, or Outgoing Calls.8For icon descriptions, see BROKEN LINK: About icons.9Depending on administration, returning a missed call might result in the phone deleting the10call history entry when the calls goes through.113. If you do not see the name of the person you want, scroll down until the name displays.124. When you see the name of the person you want to call, tap the number to dial the13corresponding number.1415Calling a person from the directory16About this task17If your system administrator has set up a corporate directory and has made this feature available to18you, you can dial other users in your system by name.19Procedure201. From the Phone screen, scroll right to access the Features menu, select Directory, and21press Select or OK.222. Use the dialpad keys to start typing the last name of the person you want to call.23Press each dialpad key one time for each corresponding letter. For example, for “Hill”, press244,4,5,5.253. Select Next to view the names alphabetically in the directory.264. Tap Make Call when you see the name you want to dial.2728Making a call using a Click to dial link29About this task30You can use the Click to Dial feature to make a call from a web page or any other screen that31provides a dialing link. Usually, a handset icon indicates a line with this type of link.32Making a callNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     35Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Procedure11. Select the line with the link for the person or number you want to call.22. Tap the line on which the click to dial link displays.3Result4The deskphone starts a call to the person or number associated with the click to dial link.5Muting a call6About this task7While on a call, you can mute the microphone of your phone so that the other party cannot hear you.8You can configure your deskphone to alert you if your dekphone is on mute. The alert can be an9audible beep and a visible indication on the top line of your deskphone.10Procedure111. Press the Mute button during a call so that the other person on the call cannot hear you.122. Tap Mute again to unmute the call.1314 Note:15If a call is on mute and you switch between the handset, headset, or speakerphone, the16mute is turned off.17About forwarding calls18You can forward your incoming calls to another number or to voice mail. If you have activated call19forwarding on your phone, a Forwarding icon appears on the top line of your display screen, and the20deskphone illuminates the Forward. Also, you might have forwarding features available on a Quick21Touch panel, if your administrator has enabled this capability. When the Forward button light is on,22one or more of the forwarding features are active. The forwarding features available on your phone23depend on the options your administrator has set. For more information about the options available24on your extension, contact your administrator.2526Activating Send All Calls27About this task28When Send All Calls (SAC) feature is on, your incoming calls go directly to a predefined coverage29number, typically your voice mail. Incoming calls ring once at your extension and then go directly to30a number which is set by your system administrator.31Call Handling36     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Touching the Send All softkey turns Send All Calls on, changing the appearance of that softkey to1indicate the feature is on.2As: If you touch the Send All softkey, the Send All Calls feature is on, changing the appearance of3the softkey to indicate THAT the feature is on. You have used both SAC and Send All Calls for4follow-on usages. Use the approved short form for follow-on usages. Use ‘SAC feature’ for5consistency.6If this feature is already on, touching the Send All softkey turns the feature off and the softkey7appears normal. You can also turn Send All Calls on or off by using the telephone Features list.8deskphone NOT telephone. See CDS for more on the usage of deskphone.910 Note:11You must not enable the SAC feature in case you selected the cover all option for the coverage12path because enabling both features at the same time can cause duplicate entries in the call13log.14Procedure151. Press Forward to gain access to the main Forwarding screen.162. Tap Send All Calls to activate the feature.1718Activating call forwarding19About this task20Use this task to forward your calls to a specified number.21Procedure221. Press Forward to gain access to the main Forwarding screen.232. Tap Call Forward.243. Enter the destination number to which you want to forward your calls.254. Tap Enter.26After you enter the forwarding number, you hear a confirmation tone.27you WILL hear a confirmation tone. NOT you hear a confirmation tone.28Putting a call on hold29Procedure301. If you are not active on the line you want to put on hold, tap that line.312. Tap Hold.32Putting a call on holdNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     37Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Note:2The phone might display a hold timer when you put a call on hold. For more information,3see Configuring call timers on page 55.43. Tap Resume or the call appearance of the held call to retrieve the call.5Transferring a call6Procedure71. Keep the call you want to transfer active and tap Transfer from the Phone screen.82. Dial the number to which you want to transfer the call.93. Tap Complete to transfer the call.10Call Handling38     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 6: Call History1Call History2The History screen provides a list of recent calls, with information about call types, such as missed,3answered, or outgoing. The information also provides the caller name and caller number, call time,4and call duration. The call log can store up to 21 digits. You can also make a call from the call log.5Release 6.4 onwards, call history also includes missed calls when the phone was offline or the user6was logged out. If you are using the deskphone in shared control mode or Road warrior and7Telecommuter mode with One-x Communicator, the call logs for the deskphone are now8synchronized with the call logs for the One-x Communicator.910 Note:11The phone displays the caller number only if available.12Call History also shows bridged calls and the number of missed calls from a calling number. If you13are a member of a call pickup group, the deskphone shows calls that you picked up for another14person or calls that you missed and answered by someone with a Forwarding icon. Using this15feature, you can review details of types of call pickup. When you have one or more missed calls, the16History button lights up and the top line displays Missed Calls icon and the number of missed calls.17To call a person listed in your Call History, see Calling a person from the call history on page 35.1819Viewing the call history20Procedure211. Press History.22You can go to the top of the list by pressing History again.232. If you want to see a different list, tap the applicable icon at the upper right representing24answered, outgoing, or missed calls.253. Scroll up or down to view the entries on the list.26November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     39Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Viewing call history details2Procedure31. Press History.42. If you want to see a different list, touch the icon at the upper right representing the list you5want to view.63. If you don't see the call whose details you want to review, use the scroll bar to find it.74. Touch the right arrow on the call for which you want to see detail information.85. Touch Back to return to the list view, or touch Delete to remove this call from the log, or9touch +Contact to add this person and phone number to your Contacts list.1011Adding an entry from the call history to your contacts list12Procedure131. Press History.142. Tap Details for the number you want to add to your Contacts list.153. Tap +Contact.164. If necessary, edit the name and telephone number.175. Touch Done then Save.1819Removing an entry from call history20Procedure211. Press History.222. If you do not see the entry you want to delete, use the scroll bar to find it.233. Tap the Details button for the entry you want to delete to see detail information about the24call.254. Tap Delete.265. Tap Delete again to confirm, or tap Cancel if you do not want to delete this entry.27Call History40     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Clearing all call history entries2About this task3Clearing all entries from the call history deletes all the entries for the specific list you are viewing.4For example, if you are viewing the Outgoing calls list, the phone deletes only the entries for5outgoing calls. However, if you are viewing the All Calls list, tapping Clear All deletes all calls.6Procedure71. Press History.82. If you do not want to delete all calls, tap the icon at the upper right representing the list you9want to clear. Select the list you want to delete.103. Tap Clear All to delete all the entries in the list you are viewing.114. Tap Clear All to confirm.1213Turning off call history14About this task15Use this task to turn History on or off. If you have bridged call appearances on your phone, you can16choose whether or not to include calls to your bridged lines in your call history log.17Procedure181. Press Home.192. Tap Settings.203. Tap Options & Settings.214. Tap Application Settings.225. Tap History to change the setting to or from Yes or No.23To turn logging of bridged lines from Yes to No, tap Log Bridged Calls.246. Tap Save to save the new setting or Cancel to return to the Application Settings menu.25Call HistoryNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     41Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 7: Contacts1Using the contacts feature2You can save up to 250 names and up to 3 telephone numbers for each name. You can also import3or export a Contact list using a USB device; see Importing and Exporting Contacts using USB Flash4Drives on page 28 for information.56Note:7Release 6.3 and later do not support voice dialing.89Note:10When you press the Contacts button you might not see all of the functions that are described in11this chapter. The functions are not available because your administrator has disabled changes12to Contacts.1314Searching for a contact15About this task16You can search for any name by typing a full name or you can type just a few letters of the name17and let the telephone display matching entries. For example, if you press 3, the Contacts list might18display entries starting with D, E, F, or 3 depending on how you set up your contacts. With each19successive key you press, the Contacts list expands to display more matches.20Procedure211. Press Contacts.222. With the phone on hook, use the dialpad to start typing the name you want to search.23Keep in mind how your Contact list is set up. If you set up your contacts as Last Name, First24Name start typing the letters of the last name. If you have set up your Contacts using a25different scheme, type the most likely letter(s) that would match the contact you want to find.263. When you see the contact you can:27• Tap the phone number of the contact to dial, or28• Tap the Details button next to the contact's phone number to select a different phone29number or see detail information about this contact.3042     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Viewing contact details2Procedure31. Press Contacts.42. Find the contact you want to view either by typing the first few letters or scrolling or use the5searchbox.63. If you have entered more than one number for a contact, tap the Details button on the7Contact line to see all phone numbers for this person.8Using Details is the only way to view or dial a second or third number for a contact.94. Perform one of the following actions:10• Tap a number to dial the number.11• Tap Edit to change the detail information on this person.12• Tap Delete to remove this person from your Contacts list.13• Tap Favorite to select and add the number of the contact number to your favorites list.14• Tap Back to return to the Contacts list.1516Adding a new contact17About this task18You can add up to three numbers for a contact.19Procedure201. Press Contacts.212. Tap New.223. Enter the name using the on-screen keyboard or the dial pad. See Using the On-screen23keyboard on page 23 for more information.244. Tap the check mark to move to the number entry screen.255. Enter the number. The first number entered is the primary number of a contact. The26Contacts list always displays the primary number first.27The contact number can include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the following special symbols: comma (,),28space, dash (-), dot (.), + , * , #, $, &, !, ~, ?, +, =, |. A comma (,) inserts a pause during29dialing.306. Tap the check mark to indicate you finished entering the name and primary telephone31number.32The telephone displays your entries in a business card format.33Using the contacts featureNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     43Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
7. Take one of the following actions:1• To change the name, tap the line which contains the name and edit the entry by following2Step 3.3• To change the number, tap that line and edit the entry.4• To add another number for the contact, tap Add. Then tap the applicable icon5representing the type of number (Work, Mobile, Home). Repeat this step if you want to6add another number for the new contact.7• To return to the Contacts list without saving the new contact information, tap Cancel.8• To change the primary number, tap Primary. See Changing the primary contact9number on page 45 for more information.108. Tap Save.1112Editing a contact13Procedure141. Press Contacts.152. Search for the contact you want to edit.163. Tap the Details button to the right of the contact to display detail information.174. Tap Edit.185. To edit a name or number, take one of the following actions:19• Tap Primary to change the primary number. See Changing the primary contact20number on page 45 for more information.21• Tap the Name or number you want to edit.22• Tap a blank line to add a number.23• Tap Cancel to return to the Contacts list.246. Use the on-screen keyboard to change the contact information. See Using the On-screen25keyboard on page 23 for more information.267. Tap Done .278. To change other contact information, repeat Steps 5 through 7.289. When you finish changing contact information, tap Save.29Contacts44     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Setting up favorite contacts2About this task3You can assign up to 16 favorite numbers from your Contacts list as one-touch speed dial buttons4on the Home screen. You must set up a contact before you can assign any associated phone5numbers as favorites.6Procedure71. Press Contacts.82. Search for the contact you want to set up as a favorite.93. Tap the Details button for the contact to display detail information.104. Tap Favorite.115. Tap the number you want to set as a favorite.126. Enter a caption or label for this favorite. The Home screen displays the caption or label every13time this favorite is chosen. See Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 23 if you need help14entering the label text.157. If you entered the caption or label using the on-screen keyboard, tap Done. Otherwise go to16Step 8.178. Tap Save.1819 Note:20To remove a favorite contact number from the Home screen, follow the procedure used for21setting up a favorite and tap the number to toggle from on to off. Ensure that the status has22changed, and then tap Save.239. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 to set up another favorite contact.2425Changing the primary contact number26About this task27If a contact has two or three numbers, the primary contact number is the first number in the list. By28default, the phone dials the primary number first, when you tap a contact in the Contacts list.29Procedure301. Press Contacts.312. Search for the contact whose primary number you want to change.323. Tap the Details button for the contact to display detailed information.334. Tap Edit.345. Tap Primary.35Using the contacts featureNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     45Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
6. Tap the number you choose as the new primary number.17. Tap Done.28. Tap Save.34Deleting a contact5Procedure61. Press Contacts.72. Tap the Details button on the contact you want to delete.83. Tap Delete.94. Tap Delete again to confirm or Cancel to cancel the deletion.10Contacts46     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 8: Conferences1Using the conference feature2You can use conference calls to speak with people from different locations on the same call.3Additional conferencing options might be available through Expanded Meet-Me Conferencing.4Contact your administrator for more information about this feature.56Setting up a conference call7Procedure81. Select any idle call appearance and dial the first conference participant.92. From the Phone screen, tap Conference.103. Dial the telephone number, or call the person from the contacts list, or call the person from11the History list.124. When the person answers, tap Join to add the person to the existing call.135. To add another party to the conference call, tap Add.146. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to add another person to the conference call.157. To see a list of the conference participants, tap the Details icon on the Conference Call line16and then either:17• Tap a participant name and tap Silence to mute the person.18• Tap a participant name and tap Drop to drop this person from the conference call.19• Tap Refresh to refresh the conference details.20• Tap Back to exit the conference details screen and return to the Phone screen.2122Adding a person on hold to a conference call23Procedure241. From the Phone screen, select your active call.252. Tap Conf or Add if you are already in a conference.263. Select the call on hold that you want to add to the conference.27November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     47Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
4. Tap Resume to take the call off hold.15. Tap Join to add the person to the conference call.23Putting a conference call on hold4About this task5When you put a conference call on hold, the other parties can still talk to each other.6Procedure7Tap Hold during a conference call.89Muting a person on a conference call10You may be able to silence a person on a conference call using the Silence softkey. The individual11muting feature is not available on all systems. If you do not see Silence when you choose a person,12you cannot mute that person.13Procedure141. From the Phone screen, tap Details for the line to be muted during a conference call.152. Select the person you want to mute.163. Tap Silence.174. Tap Silence again to take the person off mute.1819Dropping a person from a conference call20About this task21This feature is not available on all systems.22Procedure231. From the Phone screen, select your active call.242. Tap Details.253. Select the person you want to drop.264. Tap Drop.27Conferences48     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 9: Using bridged call appearances1Using bridged call appearances2In addition to your own call appearances, your phone might show one or more bridged call3appearances on the display screen. A bridged call appearance is of another user and enables you4to determine if that call appearance is in use, answer calls on that appearance, or join a call in5progress on that call appearance from your deskphone. You can also make outgoing calls on a6bridged call appearance when the bridged call appearance is not in use.78Answering a call on a bridged line9About this task10Answering a call on a bridged line is the same as answering the call on a primary line.11Procedure121. Select the bridged call that you want to answer.Tap the bridged call that you want to answer.13The ringing line is selected automatically. If you are on another call when a call comes in to a14bridged line, you have to select the ringing line.152. Tap Answer.1617Joining a call on a bridged line18About this task19Use this task to join an existing call on a bridged line.20Procedure211. Tap the call appearance of the bridged call in progress that you want to join.222. Tap the Bridge softkey.23November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     49Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Making an outgoing call on a bridged line2About this task3When you make a call on a bridged line, you are using another phone user’s line. The caller ID4associated with the call you are making might show the call as coming from you or coming from the5person whose line you are using. If you have any questions about how the name or extension6displays to the person you are calling, contact your administrator.7Procedure81. Tap the bridged line you want to use.92. Dial the phone number, or call the person from the Contacts list, or call the person from the10History list.11Using bridged call appearances50     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 10: Using Voicemail1Receiving your messages2Procedure3Press the Message button to connect directly to your voice mail system.4The Message button and the Message Wait Indicator at the upper right corner glows red to indicate5that you have a message. You can use this feature only if your administrator has enabled this6feature.78Logging into your voice mail9Procedure101. To log in to your voice mail, press the Message button.112. Follow the voice prompts from your voice mail system.12November 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     51Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 11: Customizing your phone1Settings menu2This section describes the following menu items:3•Options & Settings4•Bluetooth Setup5•Network Information6•Guest Login7•VPN Settings8•Log Out9•Light Off10•Touch Screen Cleaning11•About Avaya IP Deskphone12The Options & Settings menu provides access to the following submenus:13•Call Settings that includes options for automatically displaying the Phone screen when you get14an incoming call, or when you place a call. Using the other options, you can turn on or turn off15call timers, and control how Redial works, and turn Visual Alerting on or off.16•Application Settings that includes options for personalizing button labels, for turning call17History on or off, and for including bridged calls in your call History.18•Screen & Sound Options, that includes options for adjusting the brightness of your phone19display or an attached button module. Using these options, you can change the contrast on an20attached button module, change the ring pattern, select another display language, setup the21quick touch panel, and configure settings for button clicks and tones.22•Advanced Options, that includes options for backing up and restoring your settings, options,23and button labels. You can also set the Handset equalization (HAC) values and Automatic Gain24Control (AGC) for your headset, handset, or speaker audio.25Bluetooth Setup helps you pair a Bluetooth enabled wireless headset with your phone, so you can26freely move around your desk during calls. Bluetooth setup is unavailable on the 9621G deskphone27model.28Network Information shows summaries of network-related parameters for your phone, used for29troubleshooting.3052     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Guest Login feature, helps you log in to another 9621G, 9641G, or 9641GS phone and can use the1features on your own phone and functionality.2VPN settings option is available only if you are an authorized VPN user. If you require information3on how to set up VPN, see the VPN Setup Guide for 9600 Series IP Telephones Document,4Number 16–602968.5Use the Log Out functionality to log off the phone, to protect your settings or to allow another user6to log in to your phone. Logging out prevents unauthorized use of your phone. Log out does not7display unless your phone and any associated button module is in an idle state.8Light Off helps you to save energy as you can temporarily turn off the display and any attached9button module by touching the corresponding Light Off icon when not using the phone. The phone10restores the display if you press one of the buttons and receive an incoming call, or pick up the11handset to make a call.12Touch Screen Cleaning disables the display so you can clean the screen of fingerprints or other13marks.14About Avaya IP Deskphone provides the release number of the software of your deskphone.15Call Settings1617Displaying the Phone screen on dialing18About this task19Use this task to set the deskphone to display the Phone screen when you dial a number to make a20call.21Procedure221. Press Home.232. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Call Settings > Go to Phone Screen on Calling.243. Tap to select one of the following:25•Yes: To display the Phone screen when you dial a number.26•No: To remain on the current screen when you dial a number.274. Tap Save.2829Displaying the Phone screen on receiving a call30About this task31Use this task to display the Phone screen when you receive a call.32Call SettingsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     53Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Procedure11. Press Home.22. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Call Settings > Go to Phone Screen on Ringing.33. Tap to select one of the following:4•Yes: To display the Phone screen when you receive a call.5•No: To remain on the current screen when you receive a call.64. Tap Save.78Setting Go To Phone Screen on Answer9About this task10To automatically display the Phone screen when you answer a call, set the Go To Phone Screen11on Answer option to Yes.12Procedure131. Press Home.142. Tap Settings.153. Tap Options & Settings.164. Tap Call Settings.175. On the Call Settings menu, tap the Go to Phone Screen on Answer setting to change it18from Yes to No or No to Yes.196. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2021Setting dialing options22About this task23Your phone has two dialing options. You can dial as you normally would, for example, pick up the24handset, get a dial tone, and dial the number you want as in off-hook dialing. You can also set the25Edit dialing option which mimics how you dial a call on a cell phone - you can enter all or part of the26number, backspace to correct a digit if needed, and when ready, initiate the dialing process using a27softkey.2829 Note:30Edit dialing feature may not be available on your extension, depending on how your system is31administered.32Procedure331. Press Home.34Customizing your phone54     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
2. Tap Settings.13. Tap Options & Settings.24. Tap Call Settings.35. To change the Edit Dialing option from On (Enabled) to Off (Disabled) or Off to On, tap4Edit Dialing on the Call Settings menu.56. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.67Displaying call timers8About this task9You can set your call settings to display the duration of calls. You can turn the call timer display on10or off.11Procedure121. Press Home.132. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Call Settings > Display Call Timers.143. Tap Yes or No.154. Tap Save.1617Setting redial options18About this task19Use this task to view a list of last six numbers that you dialed or to dial the last dialed number when20you use the redial feature.21Procedure221. Press Home.232. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Call Settings > Redial.243. Tap to select one of the following options:25•One Number: To dial the last dialed number.26•List: To display the last six dialed numbers.274. Tap Save.28Call SettingsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     55Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Configuring visual alerts2About this task3Use this task to cause the LED in the top right corner of the phone to flash when the deskphone4gets incoming calls.5Procedure61. Press Home.72. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Call Settings > Visual Alerting.83. Tap to select On or Off.94. Tap Save.1011Setting the audio path12You can set your phone to go off-hook on the Speaker or the Headset when you make an on-hook13call.14Procedure151. Press Home.162. Tap Settings.173. Tap Options & Settings.184. Tap Call Settings.195. On the Call Settings menu, tap Audio Path.206. Tap the setting to toggle between the available choices.21• If the current setting is Headset, tapping that line changes the audio path to speaker.22For example, if the current setting is Speaker tapping that line changes that setting to23Headset. Tapping the setting again changes it to Speaker.247. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2526 Note:27Depending on how your administrator has configured your deskphone, you might not28have the option to change the audio path as stated above.29Customizing your phone56     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Setting Headset Signaling2About this task3You can set your deskphone to ring through your wireless headset and the speaker. This might be4convenient if you want to turn the speaker alert off or you have a wireless headset.56Note:7Not all headsets support audible alerts.8Procedure91. Press Home.102. Select Options and Settings.113. Select Call Settings.124. Select Headset Signaling.135. Select and tap the line to change the setting from the following three settings:14• None: The phone does not sent a ringing tone to the headset. Headset remains on-hook15till headset switchhook button is pressed to answer an incoming call.16• Switchhook and Alerts: Every 5 seconds an alert tone is played in the headset on an17incoming call. You can use either the switchhook button of the headset or the switchhook18button on the phone to answer an incoming call.19• Switchhook only: The phone does not send the ringing tone to the headset and plays on20the deskphone speaker only. Headset hookswitch button is not functional.21The deskphone displays a tick mark against the selected option.226. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2324Setting contact names to display during calls25About this task26You can set your phone to use names from your contacts list when the calling or called party27number matches a number on your contacts list.28Procedure291. Press Home.302. Tap Settings.313. Tap Options & Settings.324. Tap Call Settings.335. On the Call Settings menu, tap Pair Contacts to Calls to change it from Yes to No or No to34Yes.35Call SettingsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     57Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
6. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1Application Settings23Activating call log history4You can activate the call log history through the Settings menu so that you can track the calls made5to, or from the phone and use the call history to make outgoing calls again.6Procedure71. Press Home.82. Tap Settings.93. Tap Options and Settings.104. Tap Application Settings.115. Tap History.12The option is set to Off by default. Tapping History changes the setting to On.136. Tap Save.1415Activating call log for bridged calls16About this task17You can use the call logs to track the calls on the bridged extension. Follow this procedure to18activate the call log for bridged calls through the Settings menu.19Procedure201. Press Home.212. Tap Settings.223. Tap Options & Settings.234. Tap Application Settings.245. Tap Log Bridged Calls.25The phone sets the option to Off by default. Tapping Log Bridged Calls changes the setting26to On.276. Tap Save.28Customizing your phone58     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Personalizing labels2About this task3You can change the labels that the phone displays for your extensions, features, and speed dial4buttons. For example, you can change the label for your extension to My Line. If you have a button5module attached to your deskphone, you can change any of those labels. For example, you can6change a Help Desk extension to read Help Desk.7Procedure81. Press Home.910 Note:11To edit a label on an attached Avaya BM12 Button Module, press the Edit button on the12module and proceed to Step 7.132. Tap Settings.143. Tap Options & Settings.154. Tap Application Settings.165. On the Application Settings menu, tap Personalize Button Labels.176. Tap either Extensions or Feature labels, depending on which type of label you want to18personalize.197. Tap the label you want to edit.208. Use the Edit keyboard to type the new label using up to 15 characters. For information about21using the keyboard, see Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 23.229. Tap the checkmark to save the new label or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2324Restoring default button labels25About this task26If you have customized the button labels on your deskphone, you can restore the default button27labels. Availability of this feature depends on how the administrator has administered your28deskphone. See your system administrator for more information.29Procedure301. Press Home.312. Tap Settings.323. Tap Options and Settings.334. Tap Application Settings.345. Tap Restore Default Button Labels.35Application SettingsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     59Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
6. Tap Default.1Screen & Sound Options23Adjusting the brightness or contrast ofthe display4About this task5These settings adjust the brightness of either the deskphone or an attached Button Module, or the6contrast of an attached button module. You cannot adjust the display contrast of a color display of a7deskphone.89Note:10You can adjust only the brightness of the 9621 IP deskphone. You cannot adjust the brightness11of the button module as the deskphone does not support button module.12Procedure131. Press Home.142. Tap Settings.153. Tap Options & Settings.164. Tap Screen & Sound Options.175. On the Screen & Sounds menu tap Brightness or Contrast.186. Tap either Phone or Module, depending on the brightness or contrast of the item that you19want to adjust. If you have attached more than one button module to the deskphone,20additional Module lines appear.2122 Note:23You can adjust the contrast of an attached button module and not the color display24screen.257. Tap the level you want on the bar indicator to adjust the brightness or contrast, depending on26which attribute you are adjusting.278. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2829Setting the text size30About this task31Use this task to change the size of the text. The large text option is available only for the English32language.33Customizing your phone60     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Procedure11. Press Home.22. Tap Options & Settings > Screen & Sound Options > Text Size.33. Select one of the following:4•Normal: To set the default text size.5•Large: To set the large text size.64.78Turning button click sounds on and off9Procedure101. Press Home.112. Tap Settings.123. Tap Options & Settings.134. Tap Screen and Sound Options.145. Tap Button Clicks to change it from On to Off or Off to On.156. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1617Setting the Home screen to display when the phone is idle18About this task19By default, your phone automatically displays the Home screen when there is no input or other20activity for a specified time period. Set the Return to Home Screen option to No to display the21screen saver instead of the Home screen on timeout. The administrator sets the timeout duration of22your phone or the default inactivity limit of 10 minutes applies.23Procedure241. Press Home.252. Tap Settings.263. Tap Options & Settings.274. Tap Screen & Sound Options.285. On the Screen & Sound Options menu, tap the Return to Home Screen setting to change29it from Yes (the default) to No, or No to Yes.306. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.31Screen & Sound OptionsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     61Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Turning error tones on or off2About this task3If the Error Tones option is On, your deskphone produces an audio message when you press a4button that is not valid or when you exceed the size of a text field. To disable audible error beeps,5set the Error Tones option to Off.6Procedure71. Press Home.82. Tap Settings.93. Tap Options & Settings.104. Tap Screen and Sound Options.115. To change the Error Tones from On to Off or Off to On, tap Error Tones on Screen and12Sounds menu.136. To save the setting, tap Save. To return to the menu without saving, tap Cancel.1415Setting a ring tone for your deskphone16About this task17Use this task to select a ring tone for incoming calls. You can select from a range of classic and rich18ring tones. You can choose your ring tone from two different sets of sounds. Classic ring tones are19simple synthesized sounds. Rich ring tones are richer and more complex sounds.20Procedure211. Press Home.222. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Screen & Sound Options > Personalized Ringing.233. Tap Classic Tones or Rich Tones as required.244. Tap the required ring tone.255. Tap Save.2627Setting the Quick Touch panel28About this task29When you use the Quick Touch panel, the Phone screen provides access to your features or speed30dial buttons at a glance. You can set the Quick Touch Panel to display one or two lines, or not31display any lines. Displaying the Quick Touch panel can limit your call appearances display to three32lines at a time.When a feature is on and active, the phone highlights the associated button in green.33Customizing your phone62     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Procedure11. Press Home.22. Tap Settings.33. Tap Options & Settings.44. Tap Screen and Sound Options.55. On the Screen and Sounds menu, tap Show Quick Touch Panelto change the setting6from 1 Line to 2 Lines, from 2 Lines to No, or from Yes to No.76. Tap Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.8Advanced Options910Turning automatic gain control on or off11About this task12The automatic gain control (AGC) automatically adjusts the audio output level to achieve a constant13and better quality audio.14Procedure151. Press Home.162. Tap Settings > Options & Settings > Advanced Options > Automatic Gain Control.173. Select the Handset, Headset, or Speaker for which you want to turn AGC on or off.184. Tap to turn AGC on or off.195. Tap Save.2021Enabling Bluetooth22About this task23You can use Bluetooth devices with your 9641 deskphone. However the Buetooth option must be24administered on your deskphone by the administrator. You can enable the Bluetooth feature from25the Settings menu.26Procedure271. Press Home.282. Tap Settings.293. Tap Options and Settings.30Advanced OptionsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     63Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
4. Tap Advanced Options.15. Tap Enable Bluetooth.2Bluetooth is set to No by default. Tapping Bluetooth changes the setting to Yes.36. Press the Save softkey.45Selecting handset audio equalization67About this task8For most people, this option is irrelevant. For certain people with hearing difficulties, however, this9option can change the audio characteristics of the deskphone and make it easier to hear the far end.10Procedure111. Press Avaya Menu.122. Press Home.133. Tap Settings.144. Tap Options & Settings.155. Tap Advanced Options.166. Tap Handset Equalization.177. Select the setting which you want to change by tapping the setting. Default setting delivers18standard audio performance unless otherwise modified by your administrator. Audio Opt.19setting delivers standard audio performance, regardless of what your administrator has20chosen. HAC Opt. setting delivers “Hearing Aid Compatibility” performance.218. Tap Save.22Avaya Home Screen Applications23Avaya provides three useful applications with your phone. Using the World Clock application, you24can determine the time, temperature, day, and date in a selected city or country. The Weather25application provides forecast information through an Internet service for a location you specify.26Using the Calculator application, you can perform calculations using the touch screen.2728 Note:29The applications described in this chapter are available on your phone only if your administrator30has enabled the applications for you.31Related Links32Adding World Clock locations on page 6533Customizing your phone64     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Viewing World Clock details on page 661Using the Weather application on page 662Using the Calculator on page 6834Adding World Clock locations5About this task6You can set as many as six locations for which you can track the time and related information. After7you set up one or more locations, the World Clock application displays the associated time of day8and an icon representing the current weather condition for the location.The background color of the9World Clock indicates day or night at a location. The background color of sky blue indicates the10period of sunrise and before sunset. The background color of dark blue indicates the period of11sunset and before sunrise. You can also view information such as the time, day, date, temperature,12and current weather conditions for a location. For more information, see Viewing World Clock13details on page 66 for more information. World Clock weather information is updated every three14hours.1516 Note:17If you press the Home button and do not see the World Clock application, your administrator18has not made this application available to you.1920 Note:21If connectivity to the internet or the Weather.com service is interrupted or if the particular22location does not return data, the phone displays a Warning icon.23Procedure241. Press Home.252. Tap World Clock.263. Take one of the following actions:27• If you have already used the World Clock application, go to Step 4.28• If you are using the World Clock application for the first time, the phone displays the29Location Entry screen on which you can enter either a United States Postal Zip Code, a30City, a City and State, or a City and Country Zip Codes. Your can enter up to 6031characters long. For information about using the keyboard, see Using the On-screen32Keyboard on page 23. Save the location using the check mark on the on-screen33keyboard.3435 Note:36If the location you entered has more than one possible match, the screen displays a37list of up to 10 possible locations. Tap a location on the list to select it as your location38or tap Back to return to the Location Entry screen without making a selection. If you39do not see the location you want, tap Back and enter more information, such as a40comma followed by a country name.41Avaya Home Screen ApplicationsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     65Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
4. When the phone displays the Locations screen, you can:1• Tap Add to add another location, use the keyboard on the screen to enter the information2as described in Step 3, and save it using the check mark, or3• Tap a location line to view time-related details about the location or to delete that location,4or5• Tap Back to return to the Home screen.6Related Links7Avaya Home Screen Applications on page 6489Viewing World Clock details10About this task1112 Note:13The World Clock application is provided through a partnership with a 3rd party information14provider. The continuing provision or availability of the application is not guaranteed.15Procedure161. Press Home.172. Tap World Clock.183. Tap the line of the location to view details such as the local time, day, date, location name,19local temperature, and an icon indicating the local weather conditions. If the temperature of a20location is not available, the screen displays two dashes. If the local weather is not available,21the screen displays a blank space.2223 Note:24Temperature units for world time are controlled by the Display Units in the Weather25application.264. Take one of the following actions:27• Tap Delete to remove this location from your World Clock application.28• Tap Back to return to the Home screen.29Related Links30Avaya Home Screen Applications on page 643132Using the Weather application33About this task34To activate the Weather application, you must type the city or postal code for which you want35weather reports and indicate whether you want temperatures and wind speeds displayed as English36or Metric units. Once you set up the location and measurement, the Weather application will display37Customizing your phone66     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
the associated current temperature, wind speed and humidity. Icons indicate current weather1conditions and sunset/sundown times; see About icons on page 17 for descriptions.The weather2application shows updated forecasts for the current day and the next day. The weather information3is updated according to the update schedule of the internet service provider. The phone displays the4updated information whenever you tap the Refresh softkey or change the location.56Note:7If you press the Home button and do not see a Weather option, your administrator has not8made this application available to you.910 Note:11A 3rd party information provider provides these applications through a partnership. However the12availability of these applications is subject to availability of service. The continuing provision or13availability of these applications is not guaranteed.14If connectivity to the Internet or the Weather.com service is interrupted or if the particular15location does not return data, the phone displays a Warning icon.1617 Note:18Depending on the location, the High Temperature for Today's forecast might be removed after192:00 p.m. in that location.20Procedure211. Press Home.222. Tap Weather.233. Take one of the following actions:24• If you are not accessing the Weather application for the first time, proceed to Step 4.25• If you are accessing the Weather application for the first time, use the on-screen keyboard26to enter a location or postal code of up to 60 characters in length. Tap Next to display a27second screen to select a unit of measure. A unit selection default of Metric displays; tap it28to change the setting to English. Tap Save. For information about using the keyboard, see 29Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 23.3031 Note:32If more than one possible match for your location is found, a screen displays a list of33up to ten potential locations. Tap a location on the list to select it as your location or34tap Back to return to the location entry screen without making a selection. If you do35not see the location you want, tap Back and enter more information, such as a36comma followed by a country name.374. When the phone displays the Weather information for the location you entered:38• Tap Location to change the city or postal code, use the on-screen keyboard to enter the39information, and save it using the check mark, or40• Tap Refresh to view updated weather information, or41• Tap Back to return to the Home screen.42Related Links43Avaya Home Screen ApplicationsNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     67Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Avaya Home Screen Applications on page 6412Using the Calculator3About this task4The Calculator application works similar to most PC calculators. Using the special calculator5keyboard, you can enter up to nine digits, a decimal point,and a minus sign. If you enter more than6nine digits, the phone displays an overflow message and triggers a beep. Math equations consider7two values — x and y. The calculator considers the first value you enter as x and the next value as y8unless the next value is an equal sign. The calculator considers any value that you enter after an9equal sign as a new x value. After you perform the required operations, the calculator displays the10results.1112 Note:13If you press the Home button and do not see the Calculator application, your administrator has14not made this application available to you.15Procedure161. Press Home.172. Tap Calculator.183. Use the calculator keyboard on the screen to enter your equation.194. Press Home to return to the Home screen.20Related Links21Avaya Home Screen Applications on page 6422Activating EC500 for simultaneous ringing on multiple23phones24About this task25Using the EC500 feature, you can program your deskphone in such a way that the deskphone and26your cell phone rings simultaneously when there is an incoming call. With this feature, you can27answer office calls while you are away from your desk. The system administrator has to add your28cell phone number and program the desk phone.29Procedure301. From the Phone screen, gain access to the Features screen.312. Scroll to EC500, press OK and tap the corresponding line.32When you enable the EC500 feature, the deskphone displays the  icon in the top line.33Customizing your phone68     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Setting up a Bluetooth® headset1The 9641G and 9641GS deskphones have a Bluetooth interface that supports connection of an2Avaya branded Bluetooth headset or a non-Avaya headset that complies with the Bluetooth Headset3Profile. Bluetooth® wireless technology simplifies your work environment and expands the range of4your deskphone. With a wireless headset, you can now move around when engaged in a call.5If you have problems with your headset or with your deskphone, contact your phone administrator6for assistance.78Note:9You can use Bluetooth on your 9641G and 9641GS deskphones only if your administrator has10enabled the feature for you. If you do not see Bluetooth Setup listed under Settings, or11Enable Bluetooth under Advanced Options, your administrator has blocked you from using12Bluetooth on that phone.13Related Links14Pairing a Bluetooth® headset with your phone on page 6915Operating a Bluetooth® headset on page 701617Pairing a Bluetooth® headset with your phone18About this task19Before using your wireless headset for the first time, you must pair the headset with your phone. If20you obtain a new headset, you must repeat the pairing process.21The 9641G and 9641GS deskphones support only one wireless headset at a time.2223 Note:24If your Bluetooth headset is not an Avaya brand, read the pairing instructions of the25manufacturer. Although your headset package might include instructions for pairing the headset26with any telephone, carry out the following procedures for Avaya IP Deskphones.27Procedure281. Press Home.292. Tap Settings.303. Tap Bluetooth Setup.314. Perform one of the following actions:32• If you are not pairing the headset for the first time, proceed to Step 5.33• If you are pairing a headset for the first time, tap Add. If the correct device type is not34highlighted, tap the other device type to select it. Follow the instructions on the screen and35tap Start to begin the pairing process. Go to Step 6.36Setting up a Bluetooth® headsetNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     69Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
5. If you have already paired a headset, you can reactivate the headset or pair another1supported Bluetooth headset. The phone lists the device that is recognized first with a check2mark on the list of available devices. Tap the appropriate headset from the list and then tap3Activate. You can also tap Add to add another device to the list and pair the device with the4phone as described in the previous step.56. Every headset has a stored Passkey. If the phone does not process your Passkey, you6might be asked to enter a Passkey using the dialpad. Avaya products use 0000 as the7Passkey. To get the Passkey of non-Avaya headsets, consult the documentation of the8manufacturer. Passkey can be up to 16 digits, but most devices use four digits. After9entering the Passkey, tap Enter.107. When you hear the confirmation tone, press Finish.11When you have completed pairing the devices, the top line of the phone displays a12Bluetooth® logo icon to indicate that the wireless headset is active.13Related Links14Setting up a Bluetooth® headset on page 691516Operating a Bluetooth® headset17About this task18The information provided here is generic and might not apply to all wireless headsets, particularly19those that are not certified by Avaya. If you need specific information, see the relevant documents20provided with your headset.2122 Note:23Charge the battery of your Bluetooth headset according to the instructions of the manufacturer.24Procedure25To use the Bluetooth headset, perform the following tasks:26• Press and hold the Power button for at least three seconds to turn the headset on or off.27- The Bluetooth icon on the headset flashes blue when the headset is on.28- If the battery is low, the Bluetooth icon flashes red. Recharge the battery according to the29instructions of the manufacturer.30• To answer or end a call, press the Call Control button on the headset.31• To make a call, press the Call Control button on the headset. After you hear the dial tone, start32dialing.33• If you are using the phone handset, transfer the call to your headset by pressing the Call Control34button. To transfer a call from your headset back to the handset, briefly press the Call Control35button again, or if the handset is still on-hook, pick up the handset.36Related Links37Setting up a Bluetooth® headset on page 6938Customizing your phone70     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Enabling and disabling the call timer12If your administrator has enabled the call timer feature for your deskphone, you can turn on the call3timer to keep a track of the duration of your calls. A softkey labeled Timer On displays on the4screen when you are on a call.5Procedure61. Press the Timer On softkey to start the timer.7The screen displays the timer on the Status Line that is the second from the top and8increases each second until 59:59 is reached, at which point the timer stops.92. Press the Timer Off softkey to stop the timer.10This action also changes the softkey label back to Timer On. The timer is removed from the11display five seconds after you turn the timer off.12Enabling and disabling the call timerNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     71Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Chapter 12: Carrying out maintenance1tasks2Backing up and restoring your data files3In addition to the automatic backup of your phone data, you can start a manual backup of your data4files. Data files are personal settings such as contacts, favorites, personalized labels for your phone5and button modules, call history, ring tones, and other options and settings. Performing a manual6backup is not usually necessary, but you might be required to perform a manual backup if system7problems occur.8Procedure91. Press Home.102. Tap Settings.113. Tap Options & Settings.124. Tap Advanced Options.135. Tap Backup/Restore.146. Tap the Manual Backup line to start the data file backup.15The top line displays messages to inform you the backup is in progress and when the16backup is complete.177. To restore your data from a backup file, Tap the Manual Restore line.18The top line displays messages to inform you that data restoration from the backup file is in19progress and when the restoration finishes. Your options and settings now reflect the20previous values.21Cleaning the screen22Clean the touchscreen periodically to remove fingerprints and other marks on the screen by using a23soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. From the Home screen, select Settings and then select Touch24Screen Cleaning to disable the touchscreen so that you do not initiate an action or application.25Follow the instructions that appear and press any phone button when you complete cleaning.2672     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
1Warning:2Use plain water or a cleaner specifically designed for LCD, computer, or touch screens. Do not use3harsh chemicals, window cleaner, abrasives, aerosol sprays, ammonia, or solvents to clean the4touchscreen. Do not let the cleaning liquid enter the phone through the openings.5Network information6Your system administrator might ask you to check the phone or network settings to investigate7problems. You can get network information from HOME > Settings > Network Information.8The Low Network Quality icon   on the top line of the phone display indicates if an issue with the9network might be affecting call quality. Tap the icon to navigate to the Network Information screen10and view the related network information.11An HD Sound Quality icon   on the top line of the phone display indicates that the call is using a12good quality sound codec. Tap the icon to navigate to the Network Information screen and view the13related network information.14Network Information has five different screens for viewing the options: Audio parameters, IP15(Internet Protocol) parameters, Quality of Service, Interfaces, and Miscellaneous.16Use the   and the   icons on the upper right corner of the display to navigate and view the network17information on the various screens.18Contact your administrator for more information on the options related to network information and19the settings that the system requires.20Network informationNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     73Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
IndexAActivating history ..................................................................58administrative messagesabout .............................................................................27AGC ..................................................................................... 63ApplicationsCalculator ..................................................................... 68Weather ........................................................................ 66Web .............................................................................. 64World Clock .................................................................. 65audio pathon-hook .........................................................................56Avaya menurestoring default button labels ...................................... 59Avaya Web Applicationsabout .............................................................................64BBack up data files ................................................................ 72Bluetoothabout .............................................................................69pairing headset with phone ...........................................69Bluetooth, .............................................................................63Bluetooth headsetoperating .......................................................................70bridged call appearancejoining ........................................................................... 49Bridged call appearanceabout .............................................................................49bridged call logsactivating ...................................................................... 58Bridged Callsanswering ..................................................................... 49Brightness, adjusting ........................................................... 60browser, WML ......................................................................27button click soundsconfiguring .................................................................... 61Button labelspersonalizing ................................................................ 59Button labels, restoring to default labels ..............................59CCalculator .............................................................................68Call historycalling from ................................................................... 35Call history logabout .............................................................................39callingusing a click to dial link ................................................. 35calling ,corporate directory ........................................................35calling a person from the contacts list ..................................34call recording ....................................................................... 27Call Timerenabling and disabling ..................................................71Call Timersdisplaying ......................................................................55cleaning the screen ..............................................................72clearing a number ................................................................ 33click to dialmaking a call using ....................................................... 35Clockapplication .................................................................... 65conference callsmuting a person ............................................................48putting a call on hold .....................................................48setting up ...................................................................... 47Conference callsabout .............................................................................47Conference Callsadding a person on hold ............................................... 47dropping a person .........................................................48configuring ........................................................................... 22contactsadding from call history .................................................40calling a person ............................................................ 34deleting ......................................................................... 46editing ........................................................................... 44importing or exporting via USB flash drives ..................28name display during calls ............................................. 57Contacts ...............................................................................29about .............................................................................42adding a new ................................................................ 43copying to USB flash drive ........................................... 29editing favorites ............................................................ 45editing primary number .................................................45merging USB files with ................................................. 28searching for .................................................................42selecting ....................................................................... 43using temporary USB files ............................................ 30Contrast, adjusting ...............................................................60Copying contacts list to USB file ..........................................29coverage .............................................................................. 36Ddefault button labels, restoring .............................................59Dialing Optionssetting ........................................................................... 54Displayadjusting brightness ......................................................60Display, adjusting contrast ...................................................60documentation ....................................................................... 874     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Eedit dialing ............................................................................34Edit dialing ........................................................................... 54emergency call .....................................................................33enabling ............................................................................... 63error tonesturning off ......................................................................62FFavorite contactssetting up ...................................................................... 45feature abbreviations ........................................................... 25Featuresabout .............................................................................24accessing ......................................................................25feature table .........................................................................25flash drives ...........................................................................28forwardinga call ............................................................................. 37Forwarding callsabout .............................................................................36GGo To Phone Screen on answersetting ........................................................................... 54Go To Phone Screen on Callingsetting ........................................................................... 53Go To Phone Screen on ringingsetting ........................................................................... 53Guest login ...........................................................................15guest user ............................................................................ 16HHandsetaudio equalization .........................................................64Handset AGC .......................................................................63Headset AGC .......................................................................63historycalling from ................................................................... 35Historyclearing all call entries .................................................. 41of calls .......................................................................... 39removing a call from ..................................................... 40viewing call details ........................................................40viewing for calls ............................................................ 39History, turning off ................................................................41holdconference calls ............................................................48Holdputting a call on hold .....................................................37Home screenabout .............................................................................21Home screen display on idlesetting ........................................................................... 61Home screen display when phone is idlesetting ........................................................................... 61IIcons on deskphone displayabout .............................................................................17incoming callsanswering ..................................................................... 32forwarding .....................................................................37sending to coverage ..................................................... 36transferring ................................................................... 38Incoming callsdirecting to multiple telephones .................................... 68KKeyboardusing ............................................................................. 23LLarge text, Text size ............................................................ 60legal notices .............................................................................Logging in to your deskphone ..............................................15Logging in to your deskphone extension ............................. 15Logging out of your deskphone extension ........................... 15Login as a guest user .......................................................... 15Mmaking a call ........................................................................33memory sticks ......................................................................28Menu options ....................................................................... 22messagesabout .............................................................................27Messagesreceiving ....................................................................... 51muting calls ..........................................................................36NNavigation arrowspage control ..................................................................17right ...............................................................................17up & down .....................................................................17Network informationviewing ..........................................................................73OOn-hook dialing ....................................................................54On-screen keyboardabout .............................................................................23IndexNovember 2014 Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323     75Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)
Options & Settingsabout .............................................................................52call history .....................................................................41configuring visual alerts ................................................ 56go to Home screen when idle ....................................... 61go to phone screen on answer ..................................... 54go to phone screen on calling .......................................53go to phone screen on ringing ...................................... 53phone screen on calling ................................................53redial settings ............................................................... 55Setting dialing options .................................................. 54setting ring tone ............................................................ 62setting the Quick Touch panel ...................................... 62Options & Settings call history ............................................. 41outgoing callsedit dialing a number .................................................... 34making a call .................................................................33making a call on a bridged line ..................................... 50redialing a number ........................................................33PPairingBluetooth ...................................................................... 69Phone Screen on Callingsetting ........................................................................... 53Phone Settingsabout .............................................................................52Picturesfrom USB files as a screensaver .................................. 30Primary Numberchanging ....................................................................... 45QQuick Touch panelconfiguring .................................................................... 62Rredial .................................................................................... 33redial optionssetting ........................................................................... 55replacing contacts list with an external file ...........................29Restore data files .................................................................72Ring toneselecting ....................................................................... 62Sscreencleaning ........................................................................ 72Screensaverfrom USB pictures ........................................................ 30Scrolling and navigationabout .............................................................................17selecting ring tone ................................................................62SENDALL ............................................................................ 36Speaker ............................................................................... 63supportcontact .......................................................................... 10TTelephone display iconsabout .............................................................................17telephone standabout .............................................................................14deskphone stand .......................................................... 14thumb drives ........................................................................ 28training ................................................................................... 9Transfer ............................................................................... 38UUSB files .............................................................................. 29merging with contacts list ............................................. 28pictures ......................................................................... 30USB flash drivesworking with ..................................................................28Vvideos .................................................................................... 9viewing .................................................................................22Visual Alertsconfiguring .................................................................... 56Voice mail, logging in ...........................................................51WweatherApplication .................................................................... 66Weatheradding a location .......................................................... 66updating ........................................................................66Wireless headset ................................................................. 14World Clockadding locations ............................................................65selecting a location ....................................................... 66viewing location details .................................................66Index76     Using Avaya 9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones H.323 November 2014Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—November 13, 2014—5:00 AM (UTC)

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