Avaya Canada NTL100AA TDMA - Dual Mode 800 MHz Enclosure User Manual 000 Frtmatt

Avaya Canada Corporation TDMA - Dual Mode 800 MHz Enclosure 000 Frtmatt


User Manual

Wireless SolutionsDualMode 800 EnclosureMaintenance ManualMTX08   Draft   00.01   November 1999  DRAFT411-2051-500
Wireless SolutionsDualMode 800 EnclosureMaintenance ManualDocument number: 411-2051-500Product release: MTX08Document version: Draft 00.01 Date: November 1999Copyright Country of printing Confidentiality Legal statements TrademarksCopyright  1999 Nortel Networks Corporation, All Rights ReservedPrinted in CanadaNORTEL NETWORKS CONFIDENTIALThe information contained herein is the property of Nortel Networks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose it only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect it, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein.Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, this equipment may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residentialarea is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.      DMS, DMS-MTX, DualMode, MAP and NORTEL are trademarks of Nortel Networks.    Trademarks are acknowledged with an asterisk (*) at their first appearance in the document.
Nortel Networks Confidential vWireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Publication historyOctober 1999Draft 00.01.  Draft issue of document for internal review.
vi Publication history Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
Nortel Networks Confidential viiWireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Contents 1About this document  xiiiAudience for this document xiiiOrganization of this document xivRelated documents xivEquipment operation  1-1Alarm Control Unit 1-1Selecting an option 1-3Input option 1-4Output option 1-6General option 1-8DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-9Stand-alone mode operation 1-10The Hughes M6200 handset (NT3P75AB) 1-10Programming the mobile 1-12Operating the mobile 1-21Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-22The front panel display interface 1-22The Terminal Interface 1-26Fullscreen commands 1-31Command line mode commands 1-36Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) 1-43Installing the MCPA software program 1-43Running the MCPA software on the computer 1-43Downloading the MCPA firmware to the MCPA shelf (if required) 1-46Setting the MCPA output power 1-47Periodic maintenance  2-1Periodic maintenance records 2-1Equipment in a DualMode 800 Enclosure 2-2Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) and Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) 2-3High Stability Master Oscillator (HSMO) 2-3Alarm Control Unit (ACU) 2-3Transmit path insertion loss 2-3Other equipment 2-3Transmission facilities 2-3Microwave 2-4
viii Contents Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Copper audio link 2-4Power 2-4Battery 2-4Rectifiers 2-4Fuses/breakers 2-4Cabling and connections 2-4Inside grounding 2-4Bay bonding 2-5Cabling and connections 2-5Principle ground bar 2-5Transmission line entrance 2-5Outside grounding 2-5Tower and associated structures 2-5Building sheath, fences and other equipment 2-6Antennas and tower 2-6Structure 2-6Tower lighting 2-6Grounding 2-6Paint 2-6Feed 2-7Antennas 2-7Pressurized transmission lines 2-7Site performance 2-7Fringe coverage 2-7Handoff checks 2-7Antenna sweep 2-7Housekeeping 2-8Heating/air conditioning 2-8Dust control 2-8Statutory requirements 2-8Site licenses 2-8Trash and loose articles 2-8Site grounds keeping 2-8Building service 2-8Security 2-8Manuals and records 2-9Schedule for periodic cell site maintenance 2-9DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Reference Chart 2-10DualMode 800 Enclosure Every Visit Checklist 2-13DualMode 800 Enclosure MONTHLY Checklist 2-14DualMode 800 Enclosure QUARTERLY Checklist 2-15DualMode 800 Enclosure SEMI-ANNUAL Checklist 2-16DualMode 800 Enclosure ANNUAL Checklist 2-17Test equipment and precautions  3-1Test equipment 3-1Precautions 3-3Equipment warm-up 3-3Test equipment 3-3RF radiation hazard 3-4
Nortel Networks Confidential Contents ixWireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) control 3-4Power-up procedure  4-1Overview 4-1DC power inspection 4-1Voltage checks 4-2Master Oscillator tests  5-1Overview 5-1Oscillator frequency specifications 5-1Oscillator power level test 5-2Reference oscillator tests 5-2Oscillator frequency test procedure using TRUs 5-4HSMO frequency test — transceiver carrier method 5-4Antenna and transmission line tests  6-1Antenna direct current continuity 6-1Antenna return loss 6-2Antenna return loss test 6-2Thruline wattmeter method (Antenna return loss) 6-4Antenna sweep 6-4Enhanced Receive Multicoupler (ERMC) tests  7-1ERMC description 7-1ERMC overall gain measurement test 7-1ERMC gain adjustment 7-4Talk-In/Talk-out (TITO) balance test 7-4TITO test procedure 7-5Alarm Control Unit (ACU) tests  8-1Overview 8-1Alarm Control Unit test setup 8-1Performing tests using a DCSM  9-1Introduction 9-1Stand-alone mode tests 9-1Stand-alone ACCH/DCCH selection 9-1DCSM auto answer facilities 9-2Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-2Monitoring functions 9-2Posting the DCSM 9-4Control Channel tests 9-4MTX CTT tests 9-9ICRM tests  10-1DRU tests  11-1Introduction 11-1Functionality of the DRU 11-3
xContents Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Audio sensitivity of the TRU 11-3Test considerations 11-4Test equipment required 11-5TRU self test 11-5DRU configurations for analog tests 11-6Nominal Application Gain 11-6TRU setup 11-7DRU transmit tests 11-12Service impacts 11-12Transmit test setup procedure 11-12Transmit Carrier Frequency test 11-15Wideband Modulation test 11-15SAT Frequency and Deviation tests 11-16Residual Modulation test 11-17Transmit Audio Level test 11-17Modulation Limiting test 11-181 kHz Tone Generation test 11-20Setting TX audio deviation to site operational level 11-21DRU receive tests 11-22Service impacts 11-22Receive test setup procedure 11-22Receive sensitivity test 11-25Receive and transmit audio line sensitivity test 11-25Receive audio level test 11-26RSSI test 11-27RSSI offset calibration 11-29SAT detect test 11-35ST detect test 11-36Setting RX audio level to site operational level 11-37Transmit RF output power test 11-38Transmit RF output power test setup procedure 11-38Requirements on the Transmit RF output power test 11-40Transmit RF output power test 11-41Setting TRU power step size and Max power to site operational level 11-42DRU digital tests 11-43Digital test considerations 11-43Bit error rate test at the MTX switch 11-44Bit error rate test at the cell site 11-46TDMA modulation accuracy test 11-49TDMA call test 11-52Enclosure maintenance  12-1Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) 12-1General precautions 12-4RF radiation hazard 12-4Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) control 12-4Cable/connector identification 12-4Replacing faulty common equipment (CE) units 12-5Replacing faulty radio frequency (RF) units 12-6Replacing the TRU or MCPA shelf 12-7
Nortel Networks Confidential Contents xiWireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08General rules for replacing a TRU or an MCPA module 12-7Replacing the TRU 12-7Replacing the MCPA module 12-8Returning a faulty unit to your Nortel Networks CSO office 12-9Appendix A: Frequency table  A-1System's channel and frequency 1Channel frequency calculation (in the following, N = channel number) A-1AMPS frequency allocation A-1Appendix B: Test forms  B-1Power and grounding checks (Chapter 4) B-2HSMO checks (Chapter 5) B-3Antenna checks (Chapter 6) B-3DRU checks — Transmit tests (Chapter 11) B-4DRU checks — Receive tests (Chapter 11) B-5DRU checks — Digital tests (Chapter 11) B-6FiguresFigure 2-1 ACU Initial screen display 2-2Figure 2-2 ACU menu structure 2-3Figure 2-3 Typical Input Monitor screen display 2-5Figure 2-4 Typical Output Monitor screen display 2-7Figure 2-5 Controls and keypad on Hughes M6200 handset 2-10Figure 2-6 Front panel layout of the TRU2 (NTAX98AA) 2-22Figure 2-7 Front panel layout of the TRU3 2-23Figure 2-8 Fullscreen display for the TRU2 2-29Figure 2-9 Fullscreen display for the TRU3 2-30Figure 2-10 Selection menu for the MCPA 2-44Figure 2-11 Power setting menu for the MCPA 2-44Figure 3-1 Equipment layout of a DualMode 800 Enclosure 3-2Figure 6-1 Oscillator power level and frequency test setup 6-3Figure 6-2 Oscillator frequency test setup — transceiver carrier method 6-5Figure 7-1 Antenna return loss block diagram 7-3Figure 8-1 RMC overall gain measurement test 8-3Figure 8-2 Talk-In/Talk-out call setup 8-5Figure 9-1 ACU First maintenance screen 9-2Figure 9-2 Typical alarm connector (36-Pin) 9-3Figure 10-1 MALT and MAHT CTTPARMS Fields 10-10Figure 10-2 MALT Test Output MTX303 Log 10-11Figure 10-3 MAHT Test Output MTX303 Log 10-11Figure 10-4 MRLT and MRHT CTTPARMS fields 10-13Figure 10-5 MRLT Test Output MTX303 Log 10-14Figure 10-6 MRHT Test Output MTX303 Log 10-14Figure 10-7 MRLP Test Measurements 10-15Figure 10-8 MRLP Test results MTX302 Log 10-16Figure 10-9 MRLR Test Measurements 10-18Figure 10-10 MRLR Test results MTX302 Log 10-19Figure 11-1 Front panel layout of the TRU2 (NTAX98AA) 11-2Figure 11-2 Front panel layout of the TRU3 (NTAW99AA) 11-2
xii Contents Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 11-3 MCPA front panel layout 11-3Figure 11-4 DRU transmit tests setup (service affecting) 11-14Figure 11-5 DRU receive tests setup (shelf/site service affecting) 11-24Figure 11-6 RSSI offset setup 11-29Figure 11-7 Transmit RF output power test setup 11-39Figure 11-8 Transmit power level of a DualMode 800 Enclosure with 24-channel per cell/sector using two MCPA modules 11-41Figure 11-9 Digital loopback paths 11-43Figure 11-10 BER test setup at the cell site 11-47TablesTable 1-1 Transitions in the TRU3 LED state 1-24Table 1-2 TRU Fullscreen command summary 1-31Table 1-3 TRU Fullscreen commands 1-32Table 1-4 Command line mode maintenance commands 1-36Table 1-5 Command line mode measurement commands 1-40Table 1-6 Command line mode test commands 1-42Table 2-1 Maintenance schedule example 2-9Table 3-1 DRU to Interface Terminal connection 3-2Table 4-1 Minimum bending radii of power cables 4-2Table 4-2 RIP1 circuit breaker assignments and ratings 4-3Table 4-3 RIP2 circuit breaker assignments and ratings 4-3Table 4-4 RIP3 circuit breaker assignments and ratings 4-3Table 9-1 Naming convention of the MTX trunk tests 5-9Table 11-1 DRU configurations for analog tests 11-8Table 11-2 RSSI characteristics 11-28Table 11-3 DRU configuration for RSSI characteristics 11-34Table 11-4 RSSI measurement characteristics 11-34Table 11-5 Nominal DualMode 800 Enclosure per-carrier power level at the output port of the MCPA shelf 11-40Table 12-1 DualMode Urban field replaceable units 12-1ProceduresProcedure 9-1 Posting the DCSM 9-4Procedure 9-2 Control Channel test set-up 9-5Procedure 9-3 Measuring forward CCH RF power 9-6Procedure 9-4 Measuring reverse CCH RF power 9-6Procedure 9-5 Round Robin Monitoring 9-7Procedure 9-6 Querying ACCH OMT parameters 9-8Procedure 9-7 Querying the DCSM parameters 9-8Procedure 9-8 Initiating the MALT/MAHT test 9-11Procedure 9-9 Initiating the MRLT/MRHT tests 9-13Procedure 9-10 Initiating the MRLP test 9-16Procedure 9-11 Initiating the MRLR test 9-18Procedure 9-12Invoking the DTRM or MTRM tests 9-20
Nortel Networks Confidential xiiiWireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08About this document 1This publication is one of a set of documents that provide Nortel Networks customers with information and suggestions on the planning, operations and maintenance of their TDMA 800 MHz Universal Enclosure system. This set of documents includes the following manuals:Audience for this documentThe intended audience for this set of manuals includes cell site technicians and planning engineers who require detailed information on the planning, operation and maintenance of a TDMA 800 MHz Universal Enclosure cell site.The Functional Description is a technical reference foundation for the other documents in the documentation suite and is written for all.The Pre-Installation Guidelines provides information on site selection, concrete pad preparation and specifications and installation guidelines.The RF Deployment Guide is written for system planning personnel planning to implement new cells or expand existing cell sites.The Maintenance Manual and the Troubleshooting Guidelines provide information on problem recognition and preventive maintenance are written Manual title Manual numberDualMode 800 Enclosure Functional Description 411-2051-100DualMode 800 Enclosure Pre-Installation Guidelines 411-2051-200DualMode 800 Enclosure RF Deployment Guide 411-2051-300DualMode 800 Enclosure Installation Manual —DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual 411-2051-500DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide 411-2051-900
xiv About this document Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999for the cell site technician to assist in troubleshooting and performing routine work.The document suite assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of cellular systems and radio propagation and is familiar with measurement units and terms associated with these concepts. This document does not provide detailed information on the theory of switching and radio propagation.Organization of this documentThis publication is organized to present the following information:• overview of the TDMA 800 MHz Universal Enclosure, highlighting the components• layout of the equipment bays, interface module and battery pedestal• detailed descriptions of the TDMA 800 MHz equipment, both standard components and thoses specific to the enclosure. RF paths, channel expansion, and field-replaceable units are also included.• discussion of the environmental control systems (heating/cooling)• the power systems of the enclosure, as well as grounding requirements• technical specifications of the enclosure• list of terms (acronyms and abbreviations)Related documents
Nortel Networks Confidential 1-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Equipment operation 1In a DualMode 800 Enclosure, you can communicate with the Alarm Control Unit (ACU), the Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) and the Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) by the use of an interface terminal or a computer. You can use the handset on the DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) to program the mobile unit and perform call through test.This chapter describes the interface commands for configuring and programming these units in the DualMode 800 Enclosure.Alarm Control UnitThe MAINTENANCE (Local Terminal) port located on the front of the ACU gives direct access to the ACU MPU board. You can use this interface to configure and monitor the alarm input points and the control output contacts.To access the ACU for local maintenance and monitoring, you need a VT100 (or equivalent) terminal with the following settings:Stop bit control 1 bitWord length 8 bitsParity noneBAUD rate 9600Interface RS-232CIf you cannot set the terminal to the settings listed, change the ACU configuration by setting the local terminal switch (SW3) on the MPU board to match your terminal settings. Refer to Table 5-4 for the settings of SW3 in the DualMode 800 Enclosure Functional Description, 411-2051-100.When the terminal and ACU are set correctly, connect the terminal to the MAINTENANCE port with a null modem cable. Power up the terminal, hold the CONTROL key and press the Z key. A menu of options will appear on the screen as shown in Figure 1-1.
1-2 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 1-1ACU Initial screen displayYou can choose one of the four primary options at the first level:• Input• Output• General• Analog Ins (not used)Each option consists of up to three lines on the screen. Figure 1-2 shows the structure of these options.
Nortel Networks Confidential Alarm Control Unit 1-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 1-2ACU menu structureSelecting an optionThis document describes the procedure for selecting and setting the parameters for ‘Enable Single’ in the Input option. You can use the same procedure as an example to select the other options.Note:  The left and right arrow keys move the cursor to options on the same line. The up arrow key moves the cursor back to the previous line and the down arrow key moves the cursor to the next line.1. On the first line, press the right arrow key to move the cursor to the Input option. The options on the second line will change accordingly as the cursor moves.2. Press the down arrow key to move the cursor to the second line. The cursor will highlight the first option on the second line.
1-4 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19993. On the second line, press the right arrow key to move the cursor to the Enable Single option. The options on the third line will change accordingly as the cursor moves.4. Press the down arrow key to move the cursor to the third line. The cursor will highlight the first option on the third line.5. On the third line, type in the number of the alarm input point that needs to be enabled. Press the Return key.Note:  For options that have more than one parameter on the third line, use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor from one parameter to another parameter.6. Press the Return key a second time to execute the selected parameter of the option. The display will show:Command Sent...Acknowledge Received7. Press the up arrow key to move the cursor back to the previous line.Note:  The ‘Monitor’, ‘Show Function Codes’ and ‘Firmware Info’ options do not have a third line on the menu. When selecting these options, press the Return key after they are selected. The information for these options will appear on the display.Input optionYou can select the following five functions under the Input option:• Monitor• Enable Single• Disable Single• Enable Range• Disable RangeMonitorThis function monitors the status of each alarm input point. Figure 1-3 shows a typical screen display of the Input Monitor option.
Nortel Networks Confidential Alarm Control Unit 1-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 1-3Typical Input Monitor screen display• Alarm point 241—ROM check• Alarm point 242—RAM check• Alarm point 243—Non-volatile RAM check• Alarm points 244 to 248—ReservedFor the assignment of the external input alarm points, refer to Table 3-7 in the DualMode 800 Enclosure Functional Description, 411-2051-100.The status of each point is displayed as follows (see Figure 1-3 for the screen display):• Disable/Inactive The alarm input point has been disabled either from the MTX or the terminal and is currently not detecting an alarm.• Enable/Inactive The alarm input point has been enabled and is currently not detecting an alarm.
1-6 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999• Disable/Active The alarm input point has been disabled. It iscurrently detecting an alarm which, because it is disabled, will not be reported to the MTX.• Enable/Active The alarm input point has been enabled. It is currently detecting an alarm that has been reported to the MTX.You can monitor the status of the alarms continuously because the terminal automatically updates the display every second while in the Monitor mode.After you leave the Monitor function, the data will still be displayed until you press the RETURN key.Enable SingleThe Enable Single function enables input alarm points one at a time. You must enable an input alarm point before it will report alarm conditions to the MTX.Disable SingleThe Disable Single function disables input alarm points one at a time. A disabled input alarm point will not report alarm conditions to the MTX.Enable RangeThe Enable Range function enables a group of input alarm point at a time.Disable RangeThe Disable Range function disables a group of input alarm point at a time.Output optionYou can select the following five functions under the Output option:• Monitor• Open Single• Close Single• Open Range• Close RangeMonitorThis function monitors the status of each output contact point. Figure 1-4 shows a typical screen display of the Output Monitor option.
Nortel Networks Confidential Alarm Control Unit 1-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 1-4Typical Output Monitor screen displayNote:  An Urban cell site does not have specific assignment for output contact points.HH:MM is the ACU clock display. The display updates the time once every minute.The status of each point is displayed as follows (see Figure 1-4 for the screen display):• Open The output contact is open.• Closed The output contact is closed.You can monitor the status of the output contacts continuously because the terminal updates the display with an opened or closed output contact.After you leave the Monitor function, the data will still be displayed until you press the RETURN key.
1-8 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Open SingleThe Open Single function opens output contact points one at a time. Setting an output contact point to Open disables that output point.Close SingleThe Close Single function closes output contact points one at a time. Setting an output contact point to Closed enables that contact point.Open RangeThe Open Range function opens a group of output contact points at a time.Close RangeThe Close Range function closes a group of output contact points at a time.General optionYou can select the following four functions under the General option.•Set Clock•Restart• Show Function Codes• Firmware InfoSet ClockThe ACU clock determines the time alarms are generated. This option allows you to set the time on a 24-hour basis.RestartThis function restores the alarm input points and output contacts of the ACU to the default states.Show Function CodesThis function displays the function codes the system uses on messages between the MTX and the ACU.Firmware InfoYou can display information about the existing firmware load in the ACU.
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-9Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM)The DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) can operate in two modes, stand-alone and directed. In stand-alone mode, the DCSM functions like a normal mobile telephone. In directed mode, the DCSM performs test functions under the control of the MTX.When you power up or reset a DCSM, the DCSM performs a self-test.Note:  During power up, it may take as long as four minutes for the DCSM to startup.The display on the handset first shows the phone number of the mobile unit.On a successful self-test, the display shows the SELFTST PASS message.The DCSM is in stand-alone mode after the self-test. The display shows that the mobile unit is on and is ready for originating and answering calls.
1-10 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Stand-alone mode operationIn stand-alone mode you can use the handset on the front panel of the DCSM to originate and answer calls.The mobile unit functions in the same way as a subscriber mobile telephone in the cellular system. For this reason, the mobile unit in the DCSM has to be activated in the same way as a subscriber mobile telephone. The cellular system will not recognize the mobile unit or allow it to function unless the programming on the Numerical Assignment Modules (NAM) is completed.The Hughes M6200 handset (NT3P75AB)The Hughes M6200 cellular telephone is used as the mobile unit in the DCSM. Figure 1-5 shows the location of controls and keypad on the Hughes M6200 handset.Figure 1-5Controls and keypad on Hughes M6200 handsetSND PWR END123456789*0 #RCL CLR STOM1 FCN M2QZ ABC DEFGHI JKL MNOPRS TUV WXYInUse Roam NoSvc DigitalonDisplayUp/Down VolumeControl ButtonSend Key End KeyPower KeyDigit KeysClear KeyStore KeyFunction KeyOne-TouchDial KeysRecall KeyM6200 Handset
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-11Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Controls and keypad descriptionDisplay Provides the following information:Signal Strength—bars on the upper left of the display indicate the signal strength of your phone when it is on. Three full bars signifies highest strength.InUse—indicates a call is in progress.Roam—when on or flashing, indicates that the phone is outside the home service area as determined by Sys ID.NoSvc—indicates that the signal strength is not strong enough to allow a call to be initiated or received.Digital— indicates that the current call is in digital mode.Up/Down Volume Adjusts the keypad, speaker and earpiece sound Control keys level. This key is also used to scroll through the parameters of the NAMs and other menus.0-9 Digit keys Used for entering telephone numbers.SND (Send) key Originate/answer calls.PWR (Power) key The function of this key has been disabled. The mobile/DCSM cannot be turned off by this key.END key Ends calls.RCL (Recall) key Recalls numbers stored in memory.CLR (Clear) key Clears the display or allows you to exit from any menu.STO (Store) key Stores information in memory and confirms your selections.One-Touch Dial keys Numbers stored in either of these keys can be (M1 and M2) dialed by simply pressing the appropriate key.FCN (Function) key When used with other keys, personalizes your phone.
1-12 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Programming the mobileTo activate the Hughes M6200 mobile, you need to program:• the four Numerical Assignment Modules (NAMs)• Due to NAM4's scanning control of paging channels, it must be programmed when the M6200 mobile is used in the DCSM.• System selectionProgramming the NAM parametersFor the M6200 cellular telephone, the NAMs are stored in the mobile and need to be programmed when the DCSM is installed in the cell site.The NAM parameters that can be programmed are:•Area Code• Phone Number• Access Overload Class (ACCOLC)• Primary 1st Paging Channel (1STCHP1)• Secondary 1st Paging Channel (1STCHP2)• System ID (SID)• Extended System ID (Ex SID1-8)• Unlock• Security Code (Secure)• Digital Indicator (Dig Ind)• Sticky Analog (StickyA)• BillBoard1 (NAMs 1 to 3 only)• BillBoard2 (NAMs 1 to 3 only)Note:  NAM 4 includes five additional programming fields:—Scn DCCH— # DCSS—1STCHA1CAUTIONFailure to program the DCSM mobile unit as described, or attempting to program the DCSM mobile unit as a regular M6200 mobile will result in the malfunction of the DCSM.
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-13Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08—1STCHA2— 1STCHB1— 1STCHB2—#DCCHS—1STDCCHPress the FCN key and then the 0 (zero) key to select a NAM. The display shows the letters “NAM” and the phone number for NAM1. The “Volume” arrow keys on the side of the handset can be used to select the other three NAMs.To read the ESN (Electronic Serial Number) and to access the contents of NAM1, enter a six digit security code. The factory default security code is 000000.When the correct security code is entered, the display shows the (ESN) of the mobile telephone. Record the ESN number as it is required for datafilling the CSMINV table.Note:  The numbers shown in the following screen displays are examples only.At this point, you have accessed NAM1 and may press the “Volume” arrow keys to scroll through all of the NAM parameters. Use the CLR key and the number keys to set the parameters of the NAM that you have selected. After changing one parameter, you may edit another one by pressing an arrow key to scroll to the parameter. Press the STO key when you are done with the selected NAM.
1-14 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Use the arrow key to scroll to the Area Code display. Enter your three digit area code.Use the arrow key to scroll to the Phone Number display. Enter your seven digit phone number.Use the arrow key to scroll to the Access Overload Class (ACCOLC) display. Enter the ACCOLC. The default setting is 10 for the DCSM.For NAM4 only:Use the arrow key to scroll to the field ScnDCCH• Set ScnDCCH to 1 if you want the mobile to scan using the IS-136.1 scanning algorithm (that is, scan for DCCHs) or• Set ScnDCCH to 0 if you want the mobile to scan using the IS-136.2 scanning algorithm (that is, scan ACCHs only)ScnDCCH1
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-15Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Use the arrow key to scroll to the Primary First Paging Channel (1STCHP1) display. Enter the Control Channel (CCH) number for your cellular band, Channel 333 for A system or channel 334 for B system. The CCH must be a standard CCH although NAM4 can be programmed to use a non-standard CCH. A non-standard CCH is generally for bench-testing to prevent interference with local cel1site CCHs. (333 for A, or 334 for B system)Use the arrow key to scroll to the Secondary First Paging Channel (1STCHP2) display. Enter the three digit second control channel number of the cell site, if any. (708 for A, or 737 for B system)Programming control channels to scan: NAM4 onlyUse the arrow key to scroll to the #DCCS (number of dedicated control channels) display. Enter the total number of control channels that the DCSM is assigned to scan (1 to 21 channels).For NAM4 only:Use the arrow key to scroll to 1STCHA1 display. Enter the A side primary control channel (IS-54B and IS-136.2 default 333).
1-16 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Repeat this step for: 1STCHA2 A side secondary control channel (708*)1STCHB1 B side primary control channel (334 *)1STCHB2 B side secondary control channel (737*)* IS54B and IS-136.2 defaults Note: These fields define the control channels the DCSM is to use.For example: range of control channels = STCHAx + (#DCCS + 1)and/or = 1STCHBx - (#DCCS - 1)For NAM4 only:Use the arrow key to scroll to the #DCCHS (number of Digital Control Channels) display. Enter the total number of control channels that the DCSM is assigned to scan (1 to 21 channels)..For NAM4 only:Use the arrow key to scroll to the 1st Digital Control Channel (1STDCCH) display. Enter your 1st DCCH.#DCCHS211STDCCH767
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-17Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Use the arrow key to scroll to the System ID (SID) display. Enter your System ID.Use the arrow key to scroll to the Extended System ID 1 display (Ex SID1). If the factory default does not read zero then enter zero in this field.Repeat this step for the other Extended System IDs (Ex SID2-Ex SID8).Use the arrow key to scroll to the Unlock Code display. Enter your four digit Unlock Code. The factory default is 0000.Note:  Nortel Networks recommends that unless under management directive, the Unlock and Security codes not be changed from their defaults.CAUTIONWhenever you enter a new Unlock Code or Security Code, make sure that you have recorded the new code. There is no way you can unlock the mobile or enter the NAM again without entering the correct Unlock Code or Security Code.
1-18 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Use the arrow key to scroll to the Security Code (SecCode) display. Enter your six digit Security Code. The factory default is 000000.Use the arrow key to scroll to the Digital Indicator display (Dig Ind).Note:  In the DCSM applications, always enter a 1 to allow the mobile to indicate if it is in Digital mode.Use the arrow key to scroll to the Sticky Analog display (StickyA).Note:  In the DCSM application, always enter a 0 to keep the mobile in analog mode and preventing it from entering the digital mode state.For NAM1 only:Use the arrow key to scroll to Billboard 1 (Billbd 1). Enter a zero in this field.Repeat this step for the BillBd 2 field.
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-19Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Use the arrow key to scroll through the NAM and verify that all the values have been entered correctly. Press STO key to store all the values into volatile memory that you have entered.Press the reset button on the rear panel of the DCSM to reset the unit. You can also perform a BSY and RTS to reset the DCSM. You have programmed NAM's non-volatile memory when the self-test is completed.NAM 4 must be programmed as well if only one telephone number is assigned to the DCSM. Nortel Networks recommends that you also load the three remaining NAMs (NAMs 2,3 and 4) with the same information to prevent from inadvertently selecting a vacant NAM.Repeat the same programming procedure by using the FCN key and the 0 (zero) key to get the NAM display. Use the arrow key to select one of the three remaining NAMs. Program each NAM.
1-20 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Programming the system selectionWhen all the NAMs have been programmed, enter the system selection for the DCSM in your service area. Press the FCN key and then the 1 key. Use the arrow key to scroll through the system selection options. When the system of your service area appears (consistent with your Primary First Paging Channel, 1STCHP1, in NAM4), stop scrolling. Press the STO key to confirm your selection and place it into memory.Note:  Making a system selection inconsistent with your 1STCHP1 could prevent calls from being made and cause the “Roam” indicator on the display to blink.Configuration of the mobile cellular telephone is now complete and the phone can now be used to originate and answer calls.
Nortel Networks Confidential DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) 1-21Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Operating the mobileWhen all the NAMs have been programmed and the system selection has been selected, the Mobile Unit is ready for operation.Receiving a callWhen the phone rings, lift the handset from the hang up cradle and press the SND key to answer the call.Note:  If the phone is locked, or you are accessing functions or storing/recalling a number when the phone rings, you can still answer the call by pressing the SND key.Placing a callEnter the telephone number you want to call and press the SND key.Ending a callPress the END key to end a call.Note:  Returning the handset to the hang up cradle without pressing the END key will not end a call.
1-22 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Transmit Receive Unit (TRU)The Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) provides two methods for accessing the Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) functionality, the front panel display interface and the AMPS/TDMA Terminal Interface. The front panel display provides operating parameters and status information; the Terminal Interface acts as a user-friendly interface to TRU command, control, and monitoring functions.The operating parameters and status information on the front panel display are also available through the terminal interface by using the QUERY FAULT command in the command line mode. This contains all of the necessary information for proper OA&M functions of the TRU.The front panel display interfaceThe front panel display on the TRU provides operating parameter information for the technician to properly administer the TRU. TRU2 (NTAX98AA) front panel display interfaceThe front panel display interface for the TRU2 (NTAX98AA), as shown in Figure 1-6, consists of an eight-character LED display of current status information.Figure 1-6Front panel layout of the TRU2 (NTAX98AA)
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-23Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08• The first three characters on the display show the current personality of the TRU: Display PersonalityAVC Analog Voice ChannelACC Analog Control ChannelALR Analog Locate ReceiverDCC Digital Control ChannelMDS Mobile Data Base StationTTC TDMA (digital) Traffic ChannelTLR TDMA (digital) Locate Receiver• The next character on shows an asterisk (*) if the TRU is currently transmitting. Otherwise, it is left blank.• The last four characters show the current channel number or, if the TRU is not selected, ROMIDLE is displayed.TRU3 (NTAW99AA) front panel display interfaceThe front panel display interface for the TRU3 (NTAW99AA), as shown in Figure 1-7, consists of six LEDs. The top three LEDs show the operational status of the TRU. The bottom three LEDs show the personality status of the TRU.Figure 1-7Front panel layout of the TRU3RS-232 port for the Terminal Interface connector HandleStatus LEDs
1-24 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Table 1-1 shows the various transitions in LED state that may be observed during operation.Table 1-1Transitions in the TRU3 LED stateState Status LED Description/ActionON LOS FAIL CCH LCR TX1 Power-up (LED check)Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash FlashLEDs flash on and off for approximately 1 second, then radio goes to state 2.2Diagnostics Off Last state Last state On On Off Radio is not in service. It performs a series of hardware diagnostic tests that run for approximately 12 seconds. If all tests pass, radio goes to state 3; otherwise, it goes to state 5.3 ROM-idle On Last state Last state On On Off If the radio in this state is not put into service in one minute, it resets itself and returns to state 2. The radio transitions between states 2 and 3 until it is put into service (state 6), loading begins (state 4), or a Hard Reset command is received from the MTX (state 2).4 LoadingOn Off OffFlash FlashOff The ON LED is on and the CCH and LCR LEDs flash during the loading period. When loading is complete, radio returns to state 2.5 Idle fault Off Off On Off Off Off The radio is in this state when a hardware diagnostic test fails before the radio is put into service. When the radio is in this state, perform the following:(a) Re-seat the radio into its slot again (or to another slot) to identify if the fail was caused by a power supply glitch or some other transient event. (b) If the fault is cleared, the FAIL LED turns off, the ON, CCH and LCR LEDs turn on and the radio proceeds to state 2.(c) If the FAULT LED remains on, replace the radio and return it to your Customer Service Office (CSO) for repair.- continued -
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-25Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Note 1:  Loss-of-service conditions which are not detected by the radio, such as excessive SWERRs, do not cause the yellow LED to turn on directly. However, if the ICP chooses to close the signalling connection to the radio, the yellow LED will be activated indirectly and further 6 In-service —DCCH or 2T+COn Off Off On Off On During normal operation, the TX LED turns on whenever the radio’s transmitter is active.Radio remains in this state until one of the followings happens:—external failure detected, radio goes to state 7—internal hardware failure detected, radio goes to state 8—radio taken out of service by the MTX (SYBSY) or by an operator (MANB), radio goes to state 2In-service —TTC(transmitter active)On Off Off Off Off OnIn-service —TTC (transmitter inactive)On Off Off Off Off Off7LOS On On (Note 1)Off Last state Last state Last state(Note 2)This state indicates that a failure outside the radio has occurred. Typical loss of service conditions include: PA fault, Link Access Protocol-D (LAPD) link disconnection, or a loss of connection to the Digital Signal Processing Module (DSPM). The MTX will take the radio out of service (state 2) once the LOS condition is reported with the exception of loss connection to DSPM. The radio is reported as in-service trouble state. Service is restored when the connection to the DSPM is re-established.8Fault OffOffOn (Note 3)Off Off Off This state indicates that an internal hardware fault is detected. The MTX will take the radio out of service (state 2) once the fault is reported. The fault is reported to the MTX as an MTX105 log. Refer to the DualMode Radio Unit Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2131-166, for more information.- End -Table 1-1Transitions in the TRU3 LED state (continued)State Status LED Description/ActionON LOS FAIL CCH LCR TX
1-26 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999troubleshooting will be required to isolate the exact cause of the loss of service.Note 2:  In general, the TX LED is off (radio taken off-the-air) when the radio is in the loss-of-service or radio-failure states. The only exception is when the radio is operating in the fractional DCCH (2T+C) state and there is a loss of connection to the DSPM. In this case, the loss-of-service condition applies because the traffic channels within the radio are unusable. However, the TX LED is on because the DCCH within the radio is still active.Note 3:  When a fault is detected, the radio is taken SYSBSY and any attempt to return the radio into service is expected to fail. It may be necessary to replace the radio before proper operation can be achieved. The Terminal InterfaceThe terminal interface, connected to the TRU is for the purposes of installation, maintenance, tests, and status query, is an ASCII terminal. The Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OA&M) commands are entered by way of a VT100 (or compatible) terminal connected to the RS-232 interface on the front panel of the TRU. This allows maintenance, test, query, and measurement functions to be performed without requiring the TRU to be connected to the rest of the DMS-MTX* system.Commands are typed into the terminal to set operating parameters and perform control, maintenance, and status query functions. It is typically used to bring the unit on air during installation and commissioning. There are no switches, jumpers, or adjustable hardware elements within the TRU that need to be accessed by the user.All TRU operating parameters are controlled either from the ASCII terminal or from a Maintenance and Administration Position (MAP*) terminal at the MTX switch as part of call processing. The control from the MAP terminal is called the Remote Radio Interface (RRIF) feature. Refer to the Remote Radio InterFace Reference, 411-2131-115, for the RRIF commands.Note:  Not all OA&M commands are available for the TRU3 through RRIF. The TRU3 does not support RRIF Layer 2, VBER, or RF measurements in MTX08.CAUTIONService interruptionNever put a TRU into the terminal interface mode when the TRU is in an active call processing state. The call in progress will be dropped.
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-27Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08The terminal interface can be operated in command line mode or in the more convenient fullscreen monitor mode. The basic commands, with the same functionality, are available in the command line mode as well as in the fullscreen mode.The AMPS/TDMA Fullscreen MonitorThe AMPS/TDMA Fullscreen Monitor is the primary user interface to the DRU's OA&M capabilities. Two modes of operation are available; analog (AMPS) mode and digital (TDMA) mode. The primary purpose of the Fullscreen Monitor is to provide a mean for quickly commissioning a DRU in a cell site. Additionally, it provides user-friendly access to the DRU's OA&M test and maintenance functions so that problems in the DRU or the mobile can be detected, diagnosed, and remedied. The Fullscreen Monitor is intended for use on a DRU not in an active call processing state.Note:  The TRU3 does not support AMPS mode. However, the commands for AMPS operation can still be entered in both the command line mode or the fullscreen mode.Fullscreen monitor setupThe terminal interface can be operated in command line mode or in the more convenient fullscreen monitor mode. The basic commands, with the same functionality, are available in the command line mode as well as in the fullscreen mode.The fullscreen monitor is the primary user interface to the OA&M capabilities of the DRU. Two modes of operation are available; analog (AMPS) mode and digital (TDMA) mode.Connect a VT100 (or equivalent) terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the Transmit Receive Unit (TRU). By pressing the “Break” key on the terminal keyboard, you can access the command line mode. The terminal will display the following:For the TRU 2:TRU Terminal Interface(C) Copyright 1990-1996 Bell Northern Research, Inc.>For the TRU3:TRU-III Terminal Interface(C) Copyright 1996-97 Nortel>
1-28 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999To enter the fullscreen mode, at the command line prompt (>), type in the commands:>SET LT OFF>SET FS ONThe SET LT OFF command disables the LAPD timeout. If the TRU detects loss of the LAPD link, it resets itself after 10-12 seconds. With the LAPD timeout set off, the TRU does not reset, which is necessary for stand alone testing.The SET FS ON command clears the existing display and invokes the fullscreen display in the AMPS mode. In the fullscreen monitor, the OA&M commands are displayed and selected by their alphabetic code. The results of each OA&M command are displayed at specific screen locations.Figure 1-8 shows the fullscreen displays for the TRU2 and Figure 1-9 shows the fullscreen for the TRU3. Table 1-2 shows a summary of the fullscreen commands and these commands are explained in Table 1-3. Table 1-4 to Table 1-6 show and explain the command line mode commands.The terminal screen is divided horizontally into a status area and a command area. The bottom line of the terminal display is used as the command area; you may enter the appropriate letter representing the command. Directly above the command area is the output message line where status and output messages, such as selection parameters and error messages, are displayed.On-line helpInterfacing with the Fullscreen Monitor is simplified by the availability of on-line help. The user may type “HELP” or “?” in response to any prompt. A brief paragraph describing the function of the DRU terminal interface is displayed. Several on-line help categories are available. Each help category contains a brief, one-line description of each command in that category. The following categories of help commands are available:• HELP HELP Lists help categories• HELP MTCE Lists maintenance commands• HELP TESTS Lists test commands• HELP MSR List measurement and query commands• HELP MONITOR List commands within the monitor subsystem
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-29Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 1-8Fullscreen display for the TRU2DRU statusCommand menuOutput messageCommand promptDRU statusCommand menuOutput messageCommand promptAMPS ModeTDMA Mode---------TRU TERMINAL INTERFACE   (C)1990,1991 Northern Telecom, Inc.-----------Load:  TRU2AT79  ROM:   RDRUAB04  EEPROM:  Passed   HW Ver: rar  S/N: 531DDERAPA FW: --------  PA HW: ----      PA PEC: --------  PA S/N: ---------------                                AMPS STATUS                                     Channel:    ----  PA:           off  SAT TX:  6000 ( on)  Antenna Port A: 1 B: 4 Synth Lock:   NO  TxPwrIndex:     0  Compandor:      on   Antenna Path: DIV    PA Alarm:    off  TxPwrStep:   4.00  Loopback:      BCH   Audio Sens RX: -18.0 Audio:       off  MaxTxPwr:   27.00  Tone Gen:      off   Audio Sens TX: -18.0 ------------------------------Signal Readings-----------------------------------RX RSSI:          Antenna Port:     1      2      3      4      5      6        RX SAT:           RSSI Offset :     0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0      RX ST:            RSSI        :     -      -      -      -      -      -        ----------------------------------COMMANDS--------------------------------------A) TDMA Mode      G) SAT Transmit    M) Set Antenna Port    S) Test TRU display B) Set Channel    H) Change SAT      N) Set Path            T) Set Audio Sens   C) PA on/off      I) Tone Gen        O) Set RSSI Offset     U) Set TXPOWSTEP   D) PA LED on/off  J) Loopback        P) Detect SAT,ST,RSSI  X) Exit             E) Set TXPOWIDX   K) Compandor       Q) Detect ALL RSSI     Y) Restart TRU       F) Set MAXTXPOW   L) Wideband Data   R) RX/TX Audio--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screen Refresh completed.>---------TRU TERMINAL INTERFACE   (C)1990,1991 Northern Telecom, Inc.-----------Load:  TRU2AT79  ROM:   RDRUAB04  EEPROM:  Passed   HW Ver: rar  S/N: 531DDERAPA FW: --------  PA HW: ----      PA PEC: --------  PA S/N: ---------------                                TDMA STATUS                                     Channel:    ----  PA:           off  DVCC:          01    Antenna Port A: 1 B: 4 Synth Lock:   NO  TxPwrIndex:     0  Slot:          1     Antenna Path: DIV    PA Alarm:    off  TxPwrStep:   4.00  Loopback:      BCH                                          MaxTxPwr:   27.00  Tone Gen:      off                        ------------------------------Signal Readings-----------------------------------RX RSSI:          Antenna Port:     1      2      3      4      5      6        RX DVCC           RSSI Offset :     0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0      (    ) :          RSSI        :     -      -      -      -      -      -        ----------------------------------COMMANDS--------------------------------------A) AMPS Mode      F) Set MAXTXPOW    M) Set Antenna Port    S) Test TRU display B) Set Channel    G) Set DVCC        N) Set Path            T) Standalone TX   C) PA on/off      H) Set Slot        O) Set RSSI Offset     U) Set TXPOWSTEP   D) PA LED on/off  I) Tone Gen        P) Detect DVCC,RSSI    X) Exit      E) Set TXPOWIDX   J) Loopback        Q) Detect ALL RSSI     Y) Restart TRU                                                                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screen Refresh completed.>
1-30 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 1-9Fullscreen display for the TRU3DRU statusCommand menuOutput messageCommand promptDRU statusCommand menuOutput messageCommand promptAMPS ModeTDMA Mode---------TRU TERMINAL INTERFACE   (C)1996,1997 Northern Telecom, Inc.-----------Load:  TRU31W40  Boot:  BDRUAA01  CRC:     Passed   HW Ver: rq1 S/N: 530d8d0aPA FW: --------  PA HW: 5765      PA PEC: nthx51aa  PA S/N: nntm61015ah7--                                AMPS STATUS                                     Channel:     367  PA:            on  SAT TX:  6000 (off)  Antenna Port A: 1 B: 4 Synth Lock:  yes  TxPwrIndex:     0  Compandor:     off   Antenna Path: DIV    PA Alarm:    off  TxPwrStep:   4.00  Loopback:      off   Audio Sens RX: -28.0 Audio:       off  MaxTxPwr:   47.00  Tone Gen:      off   Audio Sens TX: -16.0 ------------------------------Signal Readings-----------------------------------RX RSSI:          Antenna Port:     1      2      3      4      5      6        RX SAT:           RSSI Offset :     0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0      RX ST:            RSSI        :     -      -      -      -      -      -        ----------------------------------COMMANDS--------------------------------------A) TDMA Mode      G) SAT Transmit    M) Set Antenna Port    T) Set Audio Sens B) Set Channel    H) Change SAT      N) Set Path            U) Set TXPOWSTEP   C) PA on/off      I) Tone Gen        O) Set RSSI Offset     X) Exit   D) PA LED on/off  J) Loopback        P) Detect SAT,ST,RSSI  Y) Restart TRU             E) Set TXPOWIDX   K) Compandor       Q) Detect ALL RSSI       F) Set MAXTXPOW   L) Wideband Data   R) RX/TX Audio--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screen Refresh completed.>---------TRU TERMINAL INTERFACE   (C)1996,1997 Northern Telecom, Inc.-----------Load:  TRU31W40  ROM:   BDRUAA01  CRC:     Passed   HW Ver: rq1 S/N: 530d8d0aPA FW: --------  PA HW: 5765      PA PEC: nthx51aa  PA S/N: nntm61015ah7--                                TDMA STATUS                                     Channel:     367  PA:           off  DVCC:          01    Antenna Port A: 1 B: 4 Synth Lock:  yes  TxPwrIndex:     0  Slot:          1     Antenna Path: DIV    PA Alarm:    off  TxPwrStep:   4.00  Loopback:      off                                          MaxTxPwr:   47.00  Tone Gen:      off                        ------------------------------Signal Readings-----------------------------------RX RSSI:          Antenna Port:     1      2      3      4      5      6        RX DVCC           RSSI Offset :     0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0      (    ) :          RSSI        :     -      -      -      -      -      -        ----------------------------------COMMANDS--------------------------------------A) AMPS Mode      F) Set MAXTXPOW    M) Set Antenna Port    T) Standalone TX B) Set Channel    G) Set DVCC        N) Set Path            U) Set TXPOWSTEP   C) PA on/off      H) Set Slot        O) Set RSSI Offset     X) Exit   D) PA LED on/off  I) Tone Gen        P) Detect DVCC,RSSI    Y) Restart TRU      E) Set TXPOWIDX   J) Loopback        Q) Detect ALL RSSI                                                                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screen Refresh completed.>
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-31Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Fullscreen commandsTable 1-2 lists a set of the fullscreen commands. Some commands are only applicable to the TRU in either the analog or digital mode; others are applicable only when the TRU is in a particular state. Using such a command when the TRU is not configured correctly results in the error message below:That function is not available in the DRU's current state.A command is entered on the command line at the > prompt. You must press the “Return” key to execute the command. For some commands, additional parameters need to be entered and a prompt will appear on the message line. Enter the appropriate parameter and press the “Return” key to execute the command. Only one command may be executed at a time.Table 1-2TRU Fullscreen command summaryCode AMPS Mode TDMA ModeA Change screen to TDMA mode displayChange screen to AMPS mode displayB Set Channel Set ChannelC Set PA on/off Set PA on/offD Set PA LED on/off Set PA LED on/offE Set TXPOWIDX Set TXPOWIDXF Set MAXTXPOW Set MAXTXPOWG SAT Transmit Set DVCCH Change SAT Set SLOTI Set Tone Gen Set Tone GenJ Set Loopback Set LoopbackK Set Compandor —L Set Wideband Data —M Set Antenna Port Set Antenna PortN Set Path Set PathO Set RSSI Offset Set RSSI OffsetP Detect SAT/ST/RSSI Detect DVCC/RSSIQ Detect ALL RSSI Detect ALL RSSIR Set Rx/Tx Audio —S Test TRU DisplayTest TRU DisplayT Set Audio Sens Standalone TXU Set TXPOWSTEP Set TXPOWSTEPXExit ExitY Restart TRU Restart TRU
1-32 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999A complete description of the fullscreen commands is given in Table 1-3. This table is broken into five groups according to the functions of the commands:• Configuration functions for TRU operating parameters• Transmit functions for TRU transmit status• Receive functions for TRU receive status• AMPS mode functions for functions available in AMPS mode only• TDMA mode functions for functions available in TDMA mode onlyTable 1-3TRU Fullscreen commandsConfiguration functions (available to both the AMPS and the TDMA modes):Code Command Status Action/Initial ValueA Set Mode AMPSTDMA Toggles between the AMPS mode display and the TDMA mode display.B Set Channel 0000 Sets the current channel and updates the Channel field on the display. If the TRU Synthesizer was able to lock to the specified channel, the Synth Lock field displays "YES"; otherwise, the Channel field displays "----" and the Synth Lock field displays "NO".D Set PA LED on/off Turns the alarm LED on the front panel of the MCPA on or off. The status is shown in the PA Alarm field.I Set Tone Gen BCHRFOffTurns on either the tone generation (1004 Hz) on the B-channel to the MTX, the RF tone generation (1 kHz) on air, or turns off the tone generation. The status is shown in the Tone Gen field.J Set Loopback BCHRFOffSets either the B-Channel Audio Loopback (to MTX), the RF Loopback (to mobile), or Off (no Loopback). The status is shown in the Loopback field.S Test Display (not available for TRU3)— Verifies the TRU's 8-character LED display by alternately showing the following three patterns on the LED display until the “Return” key is pressed:00000000********........X Exit — Leaves fullscreen monitor mode, clearing the screen and returning to command line mode.Y Restart TRU WCExecutes either a ROM level reset (C = COLD) or a FLASH level restart (W = WARM). You are prompted for the type of restart to be performed.Note: This will restart the DRU and force an exit from the fullscreen monitor mode.C Set PA on/off on/off Turns the TRU transmitter on or off. The status is shown in the PA field.- continued -
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-33Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Table 1-3TRU Fullscreen commands (continued)Use the three TRU Power commands according to the following relationship when adjusting the TRU output power:TRU Output Power = MAXTXPOW - (TXPOWIDX x TXPOWSTEP)Example: If you require an output power of 15.75 dBm at the TRU output, you can use either one of the following TRU power settings to obtain that output power.Transmit functions (available to both the AMPS and the TDMA modes):Code Command Status Action/Initial ValueE Set TXPOWIDX  0..7 Sets the current TRU power level attenuation number. The TRU has maximum output power when power level is set at “0” (no attenuation). The status is shown in the Power Level or TxPwrIndex field.Note: Nortel Networks recommends that you set the power level at “0” unless otherwise specified as a site requirement.F Set MAXTXPOW -1.0 dBm to 27.0 dBmNote: These values are for NO PATYPE used in Urban.Defines the maximum power level (dBm) which maps to an Attenuation Level number of “0” and updates the TRU Power or MaxTxPwr field. Due to the nature of this command, it is not available if you have not previously set the TRU power level.Note: If the TRU transmitter is on (C command) and the power level is set (E command), the TRU output power changes immediately when this command is entered.U Set TXPOWSTEP  1..4 Sets the current MCPA power step size number (1.00 dB to 4.00 dB in 0.25 dB steps). The status is shown in the Power Step or TxPwrStep field.Note: Nortel Networks recommends that you set the power step size at “4” unless otherwise specified as a site requirement.- continued -TRU Power SettingsTRU OutputMax Power/MAXTXPOW Power Level/TXPOWIDX Power Step size/TXPOWSTEP Power (in dBm)1 15.75 0 (no attenuation)4.00 (default)15.75 - (0 x 4.00) = 15.752 27.00 (default)3 3.75 27.00 - (3 x 3.75) = 15.753 27.00 (default)5 2.25 27.00 - (5 x 2.25) = 15.75
1-34 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Table 1-3TRU Fullscreen commands (continued)Table 1-3TRU Fullscreen commands (continued)Receive functions (available to both the AMPS and the TDMA modes):Code Command Status Action/Initial ValueM Set Antenna Port(1 or 2 or 3)(4 or 5 or 6)Selects antenna ports to use on path A and B. The Antenna Port field will show:Port A: 1, 2 or 3Port B: 4, 5 or 6Note: Only 1 and 4 can be selected in Omni cell sites.N Set Path  ABDIVSelects the antenna path. The status is shown in the Antenna Path field. DIV indicates diversity switching between paths A and B.O Set RSSI Offset xx.xParameters for detector, ant1, ant2 and ant3 must be entered.Sets the 3 RSSI Offsets (MCGAIN) for the ports on the specified antenna path. Input values are limited to the range -100 to +100; however, the offsets should be kept to ± 5 dB to keep RSSI values between -130 dBm and -30 dBm. (See the RSSI Offset tests in Chapter 11.)Q Detect All RSSI —Signal reading area displays:-000.0Constantly measures RSSI detected on all the six antenna ports until the “Return” key is pressed. Updates the six RSSI fields on the right hand side of the Signal Readings area on the display.Note: The current path and port settings cannot be determined after this command is executed. The corresponding status fields will be cleared.- continued -AMPS mode functions (available to the AMPS mode only):Code Command Status Action/Initial ValueG Set SAT Transmit on/off Turns on/off generation of SAT. The status is shown in the SAT TX field.H Change SAT  597060006030Sets the transmit SAT frequency. The selected SAT frequency is shown in the SAT TX field.K Set Compandor on/off Sets TX compression and RX expansion on or off. The status is shown in the Compandor field.L Transmit Wideband Data— Enables wideband data transmission. The TRU will begin to transmit wideband data at the currently selected TRU power level. The wideband data transmission is disabled by pressing the “Return” key.- continued -
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-35Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Table 1-3TRU Fullscreen commands (continued)P Detect SAT,ST,RSSI SAT, ST, RSSI, A (all)Signal reading area displays:-000.0Constantly measures SAT, ST, and RSSI detected on the assigned port of the current path (set by the M and N commands) until the “Return” key is pressed. Updates the RX SAT, RX ST, and RSSI fields on the left hand side of the Signal Readings area on the display.Note: The M and N commands must be set prior to this command.R Set RX/TX Audio TXRXBOTHOFFTX—unmutes the TX audio; mutes the RX audio.RX—mutes the TX audio; unmutes the RX audio.BOTH (TX RX)—unmutes both TX and RX audio.OFF—mutes both TX and RX audio.The status is shown in the Audio field.T Set TX/RX Audio Sens TX -xx.xRX -xx.x Sets the audio sensitivity for the entered TX or RX path. The selected audio sensitivity levels are shown in the Audio Sens fields.The limits for the TX and RX audio sensitivity are:TX Sens: -28.0 dBm ≤ -xx.x ≤ -10.0 dBmRX Sens: -28.0 dBm ≤ -xx.x ≤ -16.0 dBmNote: Set both TX and RX Sens to -18.0 in the tests described in this manual.TDMA mode functions (available to the TDMA mode only):Code Command Status Action/Initial ValueG Set DVCC 01..FF (hexadecimal)Sets the Digital Verification Color Code (DVCC) transmitted by the TRU when the TRU transmitter is enabled. DVCC is an 8-bit verification code transmitted between the mobile and the base station. It is used in TDMA cellular to differentiate between mobiles on the same frequency.H Set Slot  1..3 The TRU currently supports Full Rate (3 slots) coding, that is, three mobiles sharing one frequency.This command sets the current TDMA slot used by the TRU for DVCC transmission and signal measurements.P Detect DVCC, RSSI -000.0Y/N Displays if current DVCC setting is detected and/or the RSSI measurement on the current slot of the antenna setup. The status will be displayed in the RX RSSI and RX DVCC fields.T Standalone TX  on/off Allows the TRU2 and TRU3 to transmit without using a single-channel PA (see PA type in Table 1-4). This is used for either low power testing or on low power cell sites.- End -AMPS mode functions (available to the AMPS mode only):Code Command Status Action/Initial Value- continued -
1-36 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Command line mode commandsThe Command line mode consists of three different sets of commands:• maintenance commands• measurement commands• test commandsCommand line mode maintenance commandsEach function in the maintenance command suite may be used by an operator to aid in the diagnosis and repair of faults in the TRU. There are a large number of functions to set up loopbacks and set calibration parameters. In addition, there are some periodic maintenance functions that must be performed at regular intervals.Note:  The Command line mode and the Fullscreen mode are intended for testing purposes only. Do not place the TRU into either one of these modes during call processing. The call in progress will be dropped.Table 1-4 gives the name, command, state, and action for the command line mode maintenance commands. These commands apply to both the TRU2 and TRU3 unless stated otherwise.Table 1-4Command line mode maintenance commandsName Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed DescriptionAntenna Switch Mode Set ASWMODE A|B Fixed VCH Sets the antenna switch mode for the given path. The path can be A(0) or B(1). The mode is fixed.Blinking Display(TRU2 only)Set BLINKING on|off AnyCauses the front panel display of the TRU2 to blink on and off if set ON.Clear SWERR Table Set RSETSWERR AnyClears the SWERR table and resets the current SWERR count to zero.Compandor Control Set COMPRESSION| EXPANSION on|offVCH Controls the dynamic range compression and expansion of the TRU compandor.Digital Verification Color CodeSet DVCC dvcc_value slot_numberTTC Sets the DVCC value for the slot specified or all slots if ”ALL” is entered as the slot number.Display Message(TRU2 only)Set DISPLAY stringAnySets the front panel display on the TRU2 to the specified string.- continued -
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-37Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Name Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed DescriptionDRU Reset Execute RESET AnyCauses the DRU to completely reset all of its systems and restart processing at the ROM level.DRU Restart Execute RESTARTFLASH AnyCauses the DRU to restart processing within the flash load.Enable Fullscreen Mode Set FS on VCH, CCH, ALR, or Maint.Enables the Fullscreen mode of the terminal interface.Fault Simulation Run FAULTSIM fault AnySimulates the specified fault by sending the fault up to the ICP.Installation Calibration Set INSTCAL dB_level VCH,CCH, or TTCProvides the capability to correct the power reading (range: ± 100dB; 0.01 dB resolution).LAPD Timeout Control Set LT|LAPDTIMEOUT on|offAnyEnables/disables the LAPD timeout. If the TRU detects loss of the LAPD link, it resets itself after 10-12 seconds. With the LAPD timeout set off, the TRU does not reset, which is necessary for stand alone testing.Message Injection Run INJECT from|to ICP|MPA|DSP bytes Note: MPA not supported by UrbanAnyInjects the specified message trace (bytes) at the specified interface point in the specified direction.Message Trace Control Set TRACE from|to ICP|MPA|DSP on|off Note: MPA not supported by UrbanAnyEnables/disables message trace at the specified interface point in the specified direction.MPA LED On/Off(Not used in Urban)Set MPALED on/off AnyTurns the fault indicator LED on MPA module on or off.Nominal Application Gain Set NOMGAIN dB_level VCH,CCH, or TTCProvides a method of compensating for nominal losses or gains as a result of cell site hardware used with the TRU (range: ± 100dB; 0.01 dB resolution).OM Simulation Run OMSIM omtype AnyPegs the occurrence of the specified OM.- continued -Table 1-4Command line mode maintenance commands (continued)
1-38 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Name Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed DescriptionPA On/Off Set PA on|off VCH, CCH, or TTC Turns the power amplifier (transmitter) on/off.PA LED On/Off  Set PALED on/off AnyTurns the fault indicator LED on MCPA module on or off.PA Type Set PATYPE typeNote: DualMode 800 Enclosure supports only the NONE mode.VCH, CCH, or TTC Allows for the setting of the type of PA being used: MPA indicates that a MPA is being used; SCLPA indicates that a SCLPA is being used; NONE indicates that no PA is used - the TRU is using its own internal PA to output a modulated signal.Path Antenna Select Set DIVPORT path_A_port:1|2|3 path_B_port:4|5|6VCH Establishes a ”nailed” connection for the given antenna.Receive Path Selection Set PATH A|B|CURRENT|DIV VCH Set the diversity receiver to be either the A(0) or B(1) path, or enable diversity switching (2).Receive SAT Color Code Set RXSATCC detector cc VCH Configures the SAT detector to look for specified color code.Rx Audio On/Off Set RXAUDIO on|off VCH Turns on (unmute) or off (mute) the transceiver audio output upstream (to the ICRM).SAT Frequency Select Set TXSATCC cc VCH Selects frequency to be used for SAT generation.SAT Generation On/Off Set SATGEN on|off VCH Turns on/off generation of supervisory audio tone.Set Audio SensitivitySet AUDSENS TX|RX dBm_value VCH Sets the audio sensitivity for the transmit or receive paths.Set C-Side Loopback Set BCHLOOP on|off All but maint. Enables/disables TCM loopback to the ICRM.Set C-Side Tone Generation Set BCHTONE on|off VCH Enables/disables tone generation to the ICRM.Set Channel Set CHANNEL chan All but maint. Sets the receive and transmit channel to the given value.- continued -Table 1-4Command line mode maintenance commands (continued)
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-39Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Name Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed DescriptionSet Mobile Loopback Set RFLOOP on|off VCH, CCH Enables/disables the RF loopback capability of the TRU.Set Multicoupler Gain Set MCGAIN A|B dB_loss1 dB_loss2 dB_loss3AnySets the compensation for the gain through the antenna and multicoupler system for the antennas connected to the specified path.Set PA Maximum Power Level Set MAXTXPOWdBm_level VCH, CCH, or TTC Sets the output power of the MCPA to the specified dBm value with a resolution of 0.01 dB.Set PA Power index Set TXPOWIDXindex VCH, CCH, or TTC Sets the MCPA power to the specified dpc index. The index is an integer (from 0 to 7) that corresponds to a dBm power level.Set PA Power Step Set TXPOWSTEPdB_adjustment VCH, CCH, or TTC Adjusts the output power DPC stepsize of the MCPA by the amount specified. The power step value can be 0 to 100 dB in steps of 0.01 dB.Set PersonalitySet PERS ACC|ALR|AVC|TLR|TTCNote: The TRU3 supports DCCH and TTC onlyAnyThe TRU is reset and set to the given personality. The personality may be IS-54 CCH, AMPS LCR, AMPS VCH, TDMA LCR, or TDMA TTC.Set Transmission Set TRANSMIT on|off VCH, CCH, or TTC Enables/disables the transmitter in the TRU. This command functions the same as the ”Set PA on|off” command.SWERR Simulation Run SWERRSIM class code AnyLogs an artificial software error.Transmitter Tone Generation ControlSet RFGEN on|off VCH Turns on/off generation of transmitter test tone.Tx Audio On/Off Set TXAUDIO on|off VCH Turns on (unmute) or off (mute) the transceiver audio output downstream (to the mobile).- End -Table 1-4Command line mode maintenance commands (continued)
1-40 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Command line mode measurement commandsMeasurements of operational parameters are taken periodically and on demand from the ICP or the terminal interface. If a measurement exceeds a threshold value, the ICP receives an alarm message. Table 1-5 gives the name, command, state, and action for the Command line mode measurement commands.Table 1-5Command line mode measurement commandsName Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed DescriptionAudio Sensitivity SettingsQuery AUDSENS VCH The audio sensitivity settings in dBm for the transmit and receive paths.Continuous Status DisplayQuery STATUS on|off DIV|ALL|CUR R|ST|SAT|AVCH Enables/disables a continuous display of channel number, RSSI, SAT, and ST of the diversity port or the channel number and RSSI readings from each port.Digital Verification Color CodeQuery DVCC TTC The DVCC status for each slot.In TRU3, the status indicates the actual SAT value.Display SWERR Table Query SWERR AnyThe SWERR Class, SWERR Code, and associated information words.Hardware Version Number Query HWVERS AnyThe hardware release number of the TRU being queried.MPA or PA Firmware Version NumberQuery MPAFW or PAFW  AnyThe MPA/SCLPA firmware version number of the DRU being queried.Note: DualMode 800 Enclosure does not support MPA or SCLPA.Multicoupler Gain SettingsQuery MCGAIN AnyThe multicoupler gain compensation in dBm for each antenna on both receive paths.PA Maximum Power SettingQuery MAXTXPOW VCH, CCH, or TTC The adjusted maximum TX power setting in dBm, stored in the TRU and the delta adjust from the MCPA.PA Power Step Size Query TXPOWSTEP VCH, CCH, or TTC The adjusted TX power step size setting in dB, stored in the TRU and the delta adjust from the MCPA.- continued -
Nortel Networks Confidential Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) 1-41Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Name Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed DescriptionPA status Query PASTATUS  AnyThe TX information (PA type, current power, power reference, step size, DPC index, and alarm status) being queried.Previous Uptime Counter Query PREVUPTIME AnyThe time that the DRU had operated before the last reset in days, hours, minutes.Radio Load status Query LOAD AnyFor obtaining load name of the TRU. Radio status Query RADIO (TRU3 only) AnyFor obtaining information on the status of the TRU3. This information is provided through an alphanumeric display on the TRU2.Reset reason Query RESETREASON AnyWhen the DRU is reset, a reason code is stored in a reserved area of memory and can be read when the DRU is active again to give the reason for the last reset. If no reason is stored, then the reset was caused by some unsolicited event.RSSI Measurement Query RSSI AnyIn the TTC state, indicates RSSI readings for each slot. In other states, indicates current RSSI reading at the diversity switch.SAT Status Query SAT detector VCH Indicates that SAT status on the receive path for the current SAT color code.In TRU3, the status indicates the actual SAT value.ST Status Query ST VCH Indicates the ST status on the receive path.Uptime Counter Query UPTIME AnyThe time that the DRU has been operating since the last reset in days, hours, minutes.- End -Table 1-5Command line mode measurement commands (continued)
1-42 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Command line mode test commandsTesting ensures the proper working order of the DRU’s components. Each test result is sent to the ICP by request or regular audit. Testing can be initiated by entering the appropriate command from the ASCII terminal, by a message sent from the ICP, or by regular audits on the DRU. An audit test failure initiates an alarm unless the alarms are disabled. Table 1-6 gives the name, command, state, and action for the Command line mode test commands.Table 1-6Command line mode test commandsName Terminal Command PersonalityAllowed Action/Initial valueCalibration Table Sanity Tests (For TRU2 only)TEST EEPROM AnyCalibration information is stored in EEPROM along with an associated CRC. This test calculates each table’s CRC and compares to the stored CRC. If a table has not been written, the result is ”n/a”.DSP Sanity Test TEST DSP ALL Maint. This test checks the basic sanity of the DSPs by checking for basic messaging ability in each one.Flash Load CRC Test TEST FLASH AnyThis test reads all data stored in flash EEPROM, calculates the CRC, and compares this value against the CRC stored in the flash EEPROM.Individual DSP Sanity Test TEST DSP dspid# Maint. This test is similar to the previous one except that the sanity test is only run on a particular DSP chip.RAM Read/Write Test (For TRU2 only)TEST RAM AnyThe read/write memory is checked to ensure that all locations can be written to and read, and that each address accesses a unique memory location.- End -
Nortel Networks Confidential Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) 1-43Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA)During installation or expansion of a DualMode 800 Enclosure, you need to set the output power of the Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) to the desired level of the cell/sector. You can use the MCPA software program (PEC NTFC07BC), provided with the MCPA, to set the output power. This software program comes in two floppy disks and it works with a computer (a PC or a laptop) using Windows 95. To use the software for setting the MCPA output, you need to:1. install the software program on to your computer2. run the program on the computer3. if required, download the firmware for the MCPA shelf from the computer to the shelfNote:  For new cell sites/MCPA shelves, the firmware is downloaded at the factory. This step is required only if you are upgrading the firmware to a newer version.4. enter the per channel output power and the number of channels for the MCPA shelf5. initialize the power settingInstalling the MCPA software programUse the following procedure to install the MCPA software program on to your computer:1. Place disk 1 of the software program into your computer.2. Run the setup program and follow the on-screen prompts. The setup program automatically sets up the ‘Nortel gain’ program in the Start menu.Running the MCPA software on the computerTo run the ‘Nortel gain’ program on the computer, use the following procedure:1. Turn off the power to the computer and the MCPA shelf.2. Connect from an available serial communications port on the computer, using a null modem cable, to the RS232 connector (J6) on the backplane of the MCPA shelf. Make sure that the connection is secure. The following lists the pin-outs of the connectors:Note:  Do NOT make any connections to the other pins.9-pin male connector Pin 2 to 9-pin female connector Pin 3Pin 3 Pin 2Pin 5 Pin 5Pin 8 Pin 8
1-44 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19993. Turn on the power to the computer and the MCPA shelf.4. Start the ‘Nortel gain’ program from the Start menu on the computer. The selection menu for the MCPA will pop out (see Figure 1-10). Select the 100W MCPA system.Figure 1-10Selection menu for the MCPA5. The power setting menu for the MCPA will pop out (see Figure 1-11).Figure 1-11Power setting menu for the MCPA6. Click on the Comm Port parameter on the menu. Set the Comm Port (COMM1, 2, 3, or 4) parameter to match the physically-connected serial communications port on the computer.Note:  To verify communications between the computer and the MCPA shelf, check for a temperature reading on the menu. If there is no temperature reading, the Comm Port parameter may not match the Powerwave/Nortel Model NTFC07BB X50W MCPASystem 100W MCPASystem ExitUniversal Enclosure System XFile    CommPort    Download    AboutTemperature    35.652             CCurrent output power    59.89        WattsMaximum available    100        Wattsoutput power   WattsTarget output power per channel     2.5   ChannelsNumber of channels     24Firmware Version 2.1 10:22 AMStart Initalization Shipping parameterProgram Gain InitalizationStatus
Nortel Networks Confidential Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) 1-45Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08communications port on the computer. Select the right port on the menu.You can also check for communications by turning on or off the power of an MCPA module using the RF ON switch on the front panel of the module. The maximum available power reading on the menu should change according to the number of powered-on MCPA modules (120W for three modules, 80W for two modules, and 40W for one module).If necessary, restart the software program to re-establish communications.Fixing the ‘Run-time error’ problemThe reason you will get a ‘Run-time error’ is when choosing a comm port that is not available. Verify that no other program is open and using the comm port that the MCPA software is trying to use. If a ‘Run-time error’ message appears every time you try to run the software, use the following procedure to fix the problem:1. Use the Windows Explorer to view the Windows directory.2. Double-click on the ‘REGEDIT.EXE’ file. A Registry Editor will open.3. Double-click on the directory ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER’.4. Double-click on the directory ‘SOFTWARE’.5. Double-click on the directory ‘VB and VBA Program Settings’.6. Double-click on the directory ‘Powerwave RD Testing’.7. Double-click on the directory ‘System’.8. Double-click on the ‘CommAlarmBoard’ file in the file panel.9. A dialog box will open and a ‘1’ should be typed in the ‘value data’ entry box. This refers to Comm Port 1. If a ‘1’ is already in the entry box, you might want to try 2, 3 or 4.10. Choose ‘OK’. The number ’1’ or the number you entered should be displayed on the data column next to the CommAlarmBoard.11. Close the Registry Editor.12. Run the MCPA software again.
1-46 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Downloading the MCPA firmware to the MCPA shelf (if required)Note:  This procedure is required only if you need to upgrade the MCPA firmware from version 2.1 to a newer version.Use the following procedure if you need to download the firmware to the MCPA shelf:1. Run the ‘Nortel gain’ program by performing Steps 1 to 5 of the procedure listed in the Running the MCPA software on the computer section. The power setting menu will pop out (see Figure 1-11).2. At the menu, click on the Download parameter and then select the software version, for example, NTRACK2_2.HEX.3. At the ‘Powerwave Technologies’ menu, select ‘Download’.4. At the ‘Warning’ menu, select ‘OK’. The screen will show the following:5. Midway through the download process, the secreen will turn to the following:6. When download is complete, the software will display ‘Download is complete’ on the screen. Click ‘OK’. The shelf is ready for operation.IMPORTANTPower to the MCPA shelf must remain on during the downloading period.
Nortel Networks Confidential Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) 1-47Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Setting the MCPA output powerAfter installing the software on the computer or downloading the firmware to the MCPA shelf, you can begin to set the output power for the MCPA shelf. The MCPA output power setting determines the per carrier power as well as the maximum power to be transmitted by the MCPA modules. Here are some examples of how to calculate and set the MCPA output power.• If your cell/sector has 16 channels and you want to transmit an output power of 2.5 watts per channel, enter:2.5 in the “Target output power per channel” box, and16 in the “Number of channels” boxThis sets the per channel output power to 2.5 watts and the total MCPA output power of the 16 channels is 40 watts (16 channels x 2.5 watts).• If the capacity of the cell/sector is reduced to 12 channels, the per channel output power remains at 2.5 watts while the total MCPA output power is reduced to 30 watts (12 channels x 2.5 watts).In this case, you do not need to set the power level again if the per channel output power is at the desired level. However, if you need a new per channel power level, you have to set the output power level again.• If the capacity of the cell/sector is increased to 24 channels, the per channel output power decreases to 1.67 watts while the total MCPA output power remains at 40 watts (24 channels x 1.67 watts).In this case, if you want to maintain the per channel output power at 2.5 watts, you need to enter the requirements again. So, enter:2.5 in the “Target output power per channel” box, and24 in the “Number of channels” boxThis sets the per channel output power to 2.5 watts and the total MCPA output power of the 24 channels is 60 watts (24 channels x 2.5 watts).Note:  You must use two MCPA modules to obtain a total output power of higher than 100 watts.IMPORTANTThe calculation refers to output at the MCPA shelf. If you need the output power at the antenna port of the duplexer, you must add the insertion loss into your calculation.
1-48 Equipment operation Nortel Networks Confidential411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Power setup procedureTo set the MCPA output power, use the following procedure:1. Run the ‘Nortel gain’ program by performing Steps 1 to 5 of the procedure listed in the Running the MCPA software on the computer section. The power setting menu will pop out (see Figure 1-11).2. Enter the target output power and the number of channels supported by the MCPA shelf in their respective areas on the menu.3. Initialize the setting by clicking the Start Initialization menu bar. If the Start Initialization bar is not active (grayed out) on the menu, re-entering the output power level will bring it on (active) again.4. A prompt requiring that all carriers are on will appear. Make sure that the number of turned-on carriers (TRUs) matches the number of channels entered. Click ‘OK’.5. At the ‘Initialization Done’ prompt, click ‘OK’. Power set up is complete.IMPORTANTNortel Networks recommends that ALL channels (with at least eight channels) be turned on at the time of initial power setting. Otherwise, accuracy of the output power may be affected.IMPORTANTSuppose that your cell/sector is using 16 channels at the time of the power set up and you plan to expand it to 24 channels in the future. You can enter 24 as your number of channels for the cell/sector. However, for output accuracy, you should have all 24 channels turned on at the time of initialization. If you do not have the eight expansion channels ready, it is best to keep the number of channels to 16 at this time and perform initialization again at the time when the cell/sector expands to 24 channels.
2-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Periodic maintenance 2This section briefly discusses all aspects of cell site maintenance, and when necessary, refers you to detailed testing procedures in other operational tests in this manual.Periodic maintenance recordsPeriodic maintenance helps you in two ways:• it allows you to detect and replace degraded equipment before it affects service• it allows you to take steps to protect equipment from damage or degradationTo support these functions, you must keep records. Records allow you to:• recognize deteriorating performance by comparing current and past test results• ensure that all steps required to protect equipment have been taken• create a maintenance history of a cell site; thereby allowing you to plan for the future and predict future maintenance needs• provide information to decide sparing levels and ‘out of expectation’ failure level for specific equipmentFor maximum benefit, maintenance records should be kept on site and should be well organized so that call-out staff have access to and can determine the maintenance history of a particular site. Referenced documents such as this manual will contain blank forms for recording specific test results. These forms should be copied as required and included with your records.
2-2 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Equipment in a DualMode 800 EnclosureFigure 2-1 shows the location of equipment in a DualMode 800 Enclosure.Figure 2-1Equipment layout of a DualMode 800 EnclosureBay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3InterfaceModuleICRMRIP1 RIP2 RIP3DCSMACUHSMOERMC1ERMC2ERMC3CSUDCLCBattery PedestalRectifiersRectifiersPCS125334126 31 32 49 50 55 5640 576564724891727816244518TRUShelf1TRUShelf2TRUShelf3TRUShelf4TRUShelf5TRUShelf6TRUShelf7TRUShelf8TRUShelf9MCPA1MCPA2MCPA3MCPA4MCPA5MCPA6MCPA Shelf1 MCPA Shelf2 MCPA Shelf3Legends:ACU Alarm Control Unit HSMO High Stability Master OscillatorCSU Channel Service Unit MCPA Multi-Channel Power AmplifierDCLC DC Load Center PCS Power Control ShelfDCSM DualMode Cell Site Monitor RIP Rack Interface PanelERMC Enhanced Receive MultiCoupler TRU Transmit Receive UnitICRM Integrated Cellular Remote Module
Transmission facilities 2-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) and Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA)The Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) needs no periodic testing in either the analog or the digital mode — only do testing if you suspect a fault or want to verify correct operation. The bit error rate (BER) test is typically used for troubleshooting. BER is defined as the ratio of erroneous bits to the total number of received bits in a transmission system. Another troubleshooting test is the TDMA Modulation Accuracy Test which measures the Error Vector Magnitude(EVM). The Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) should be tested for power output once a year. For these tests, refer to Chapter 11, DualMode Radio Unit Testing, in this manual. High Stability Master Oscillator (HSMO)In dual-mode (mixed analog and digital) or digital sites, the HSMO frequency should be checked once a year. In analog cell sites, the frequency is not as critical and the HSMO need not be tested at all. Any problems with the HSMO in an all analog cell site will show up in the TRU transmit frequency tests. Refer to the tests in Chapter 5, HSMO Tests, in this manual.Alarm Control Unit (ACU)The ACU alarm input points for equipment such as fans, over-temperature and door switches should be verified once a year. Alarm output contacts and alarm reactions should be verified at the same time. Refer to the tests in Chapter 8, ACU Tests, in this manual.Transmit path insertion lossCheck the insertion loss of the transmit path once a year or as required by base station carrier power level test results.Fuses/breakers/fansThe ACU monitors the status of the fuses, breakers and fans. It is good practice whenever you are at the cell site to visually inspect the fuses, check that the correct breakers are on and that the fans are working.Other equipmentEquipment not already specifically mentioned does not require periodic maintenance.Transmission facilitiesTransmission facilities include pressurized transmission lines, microwave radio equipment and any copper facilities. It is important that your facilities are in good condition, otherwise cell site performance might be compromised. See recommended maintenance intervals from the manufacturer for the specific equipment.
2-4 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999MicrowaveRefer to the manufacturer’s instructions for periodic maintenance. Transmission level and noise tests should be conducted once a year.Copper audio linkThe susceptibility of copper to noise and level problems requires more frequent checks than digital or microwave facilities. Perform noise and level checks quarterly on the T-1 transmission facilities.PowerClean, reliable power is essential to your cell site. The following are generic periodic maintenance recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for specific maintenance and specifications.BatteryThe batteries used in the DualMode 800 Enclosure are virtually maintenance free. For routine check or maintenance procedures, refer to manufacturer's recommendation.RectifiersThe rectifiers used in the DualMode 800 Enclosure are virtually maintenance free. For information, refer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Functional Description, 411-2051-100.Fuses/breakersWhenever you arrive an enclosure site, it is a good idea to verify that the circuit breakers are on and the fuses are good.Cabling and connectionsWhenever equipment is installed or changed, check the cabling and connections. Take note of any suspect cables that give you problems from time to time.Inside groundingInside grounding performs two functions: it prevents noise from one unit getting into other equipment, and it ties all equipment together for protection. In addition to checking for and repairing any deterioration of the grounding system, you should also check to see that all new equipment installed at the site is grounded properly. (Refer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Power and Ground Verification.)
Outside grounding 2-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Bay bondingIndividual bays in a line-up should be bonded together with 3/8 inch or larger bolts with star washers bearing on plated metal or conductive tape.Cabling and connectionsEach frame line-up should be grounded to the principle ground bar with #2 AWG insulated wire. There should be individual drops from this cable to each frame. The frame grounds should not be connected to the DC return bar at the top of the frames nor should they be attached to the halo ground when used.Principle ground barAll inside ground connections should lead back to the principle ground bar, which is then connected to the outside ground field and the AC ground. Check all connections and ensure that new or changed equipment is properly grounded. If there is a water pipe at the site, the principle ground bar should be connected to it.Transmission line entranceThe transmission line to the antenna should be lightening-protected where it comes into the enclosure. Check the condition of the grounding connections once a year and also following any severe lightening storm activity.Outside groundingA typical cell site, with its tall metal structures and antennas, is an open invitation to a lightening strike. To avoid cell site degradation or total loss due to electrical storm activity, you should inspect your grounding system just before the local thunderstorm season. Checking the outside ground can be part of a site walk-around check, where you also check antennas, cables, structures, lighting and foundations.Tower and associated structuresUse a pair of binoculars or a spotting scope to verify that the air terminal (lightning rod) and antennas are still attached to the tower and grounding system. Verify that:• the antenna feed cables are grounded at both ends• the cables and clamps attaching the tower and waveguide bridge to the grounding system are secure• the cables and clamps connecting the guy wires to the grounding system are secure• transmission cables are grounded at both the top and the bottom of the tower, and at the enclosure entrance
2-6 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Building sheath, fences and other equipmentIf the site has metal walls, roof or base, the metal components must be grounded. The cell site fence and any fuel tanks or other metal structures must be grounded as well. Check that grounding cables and clamps are secure.Antennas and towerStructureDetailed inspection of towers should be performed every one to three years by an experienced inspector who can climb the tower and check all components. Cell site maintenance personnel can perform an effective partial inspection without leaving the ground, and this is recommended: • once a year• following a severe storm• following a prolonged period of heavy icingUse binoculars or a spotting scope if necessary. To perform a partial inspection:• check the tower base for cracks, concrete break up and upheaval• check all guy anchors for cracks or upheaval• check guy tension and attachment• check fasteners for security• check all components for rust• check for flaking paint (often a sign of over-stress)Tower lightingVisually confirm operation of the tower lights every time you are at the site after dark. When the tower is climbed for structural inspection, the lights should be thoroughly checked at the same time.GroundingCheck all grounding that is accessible from the surface during your outside grounding check. When the tower is climbed for structural inspection, grounding on the higher parts of the tower should be checked at the same time.Paint Painted towers need to be re-painted every few years. Check the over-all condition of the paint on an annual basis and re-paint as necessary.
Site performance 2-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Feed Check that the transmission line is adequately supported and protected between the enclosure and the antenna tower. AntennasWhen the tower is climbed for structural inspection, antennas should be inspected as well. Check for:• correct orientation and tilt• crack, dents and burns• fasteners, attachment and security• transmission line and ground attachment security• audible gas leakage in pressurized systemsPressurized transmission linesIf a pressurized transmission line to the antenna is used, check the nitrogen tank pressure and manifold pressure every visit. Check the dehydrator at the same time.Site performanceThe ultimate measure of the cell site’s condition is the cell site’s actual measured performance. Site performance should be tested once a year and can be gauged by the following tests. It should be taken into consideration that coverage and handoffs can be impacted by seasons and weather.Fringe coverageUsing the most recent coverage maps, take a test mobile and drive to the fringe of the site coverage area with a call established to confirm coverage. Most mobiles are able to access signal strength function mode.Handoff checksUsing the standard drive defined for the site or system acceptance procedures, with a call established drive across the cell boundaries. Confirm that the handoffs occur in the appropriate places and that there is sufficient hysteresis to prevent ping-ponging of calls. You can use a test mobile with channel-indicating firmware to check the exact location of the handoffs.Antenna sweepMeasure the reflected power from the antenna across the entire cellular band (receive and transmit) to check for hidden damage or deterioration of the antennas. Refer to Chapter 7, Antenna Tests, in this manual.
2-8 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999HousekeepingHeating/air conditioningProper temperature is essential to the functioning of the enclosure. Check any alarms due to the environment, such as high or low temperature, every time you are at the site.Dust controlKeep dust levels to a minimum by mopping the floor once a month, taking care not to get the equipment wet. Whenever you remove a transceiver or power amplifier, wipe off the dust on the unit and shelf slides. Dust accumulation on circuit boards and heat sinks interferes with heat dissipation and shortens the life of the equipment. Dust in the air clogs fans and air conditioners, also raising the temperature.Statutory requirementsFire equipment, hazard signs and exit signs may be required by law. Make sure required signs are present and safety equipment is maintained.Site licensesRadio and tower and business licenses are often required to operate a cell site. It may be worth your while to check up on these once a year to ensure that they are being maintained, whether they are located on the site or with your company’s legal department.Trash and loose articlesKeep the inside of your enclosure as clean and tidy as possible. Trash and loose articles pose fire and tripping hazards and should be removed after every visit.Site grounds keepingTall grass can present a fire hazard; poorly kept trees can lean on or fall on the enclosure. Snow and ice removal on and around the enclosure may be a statutory or legal liability requirement in some jurisdictions. Grounds keeping is often contracted out to a specialty firm.Building serviceIf the enclosure uses AC mains service from overhead poles, take a look at the drop and service entrance once a year. Look for obviously damaged insulation and threats from overhanging trees.SecurityCheck fences, gates, barbed wire and razor ribbon, both around the site and around the tower guy anchors. Check door locks and gate locks before leaving the site.
Schedule for periodic cell site maintenance 2-9Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Manuals and recordsManuals and site logs should be organized and readily accessible to call-out staff. All records should be completed before leaving the site. All logs and records should be kept on-site for instant availability.Schedule for periodic cell site maintenance Regularly scheduled visits are important for the preventative maintenance of a cell site. However, if maintenance teams are responsible for a number of cell sites, maintenance schedules for the different sites should be staggered so that labour time is more effectively and efficiently managed. Table 2-1 shows an example of a maintenance schedule for six cell sites where the periodic routines are distributed evenly throughout a one year period.A cell site maintenance reference chart and preventive maintenance check lists are provided in the following pages.Table 2-1Maintenance schedule exampleCell Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec#1 1 yr mo mo qtr mo mo 6 mo mo mo qtr mo mo#2 mo mo 1 yr mo mo qtr mo mo 6 mo mo mo qtr#3 mo qtr mo mo 1 yr mo mo qtr mo mo 6 mo mo#4 6 mo mo mo qtr mo mo 1 yr mo mo qtr mo mo#5 mo mo 6 mo mo mo qtr mo mo 1 yr mo mo qtr#6 mo qtr mo mo 6 mo mo mo qtr mo mo 1 yr mo
2-10 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Reference ChartEvery Visit Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual CommentsEquipment Bays and Interface ModuleFans/Breakers/Fuses •HSMO TestsOscillator Power Level (Ch. 5) •Oscillator Frequency (Ch. 5) •TRU Receive Tests - AnalogReceive Sensitivity (Ch. 11) •Receive Audio Level (Ch. 11) •RSSI Curve (Ch. 11) •SAT Detect (Ch.11) •ST Detect (Ch.11) •Audio Loopback (Ch.11) •TRU Transmit Tests - AnalogPA Carrier Power Level (Ch.11) •Transceiver Carrier Level Test (Ch.11) •Transmit Carrier Frequency (Ch.11) •Modulation Limiting (Ch.11) •  Transmit Audio Deviation (Ch.11) •Residual Modulation (Ch.11) •Wideband Modulation (Ch.11) •SAT Frequency Deviation (Ch.11) •TRU Audio Alignment Tests - AnalogVoice Forward Line Level (Ch.11) •Voice Reverse Line Level (Ch.11) •PA Power Output (Ch.11) •- continued -
DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Reference Chart 2-11Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08TRU Digital Tests - TDMATDMA Modulation Accuracy (Ch.11) TroubleshootingBit Error Rate (BER) (Ch.11) TroubleshootingACU TestsAlarm Control Unit (Ch.8) •Transmit Path TestsInsertion Loss (Ch.11) •RMC TestsInsertion Loss (Ch.7) TroubleshootingTransmission FacilitiesCopper Audio Link (voice, T1) •PowerFuses, Breakers •Battery & Rectifiers •Voltage and polarity on the bays • + CommissioningInside GroundingBay Bonding •Cabling and Connections •Principle Ground Bar •Transmission Line Entrance •Outside GroundingTower and Associated Structures •Building Sheath, Fences and other Equipment •- continued -Every Visit Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual Comments
2-12 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Antennas and TowerStructure •Tower Lighting •Grounding •Paint •Feed •Antennas •Pressurized Transmission Lines •Site PerformanceFringe Coverage •Handoff Checks •Antenna Sweep •HousekeepingHeating/Air Conditioning •Dust Control •Statutory Requirements •Site Licenses •Trash and Loose Articles •Site Grounds Keeping •Building Service •Security •Manuals and Records •- End -Every Visit Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual Comments
DualMode 800 Enclosure Every Visit Checklist 2-13Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DualMode 800 Enclosure Every Visit ChecklistDate:____________________________ Performed by:___________________________Equipmene bays1 Check all breakers for correct position, that is, ON/OFF on all power equipment2 Check fuse indicators; replace fuses if necessary3 Check receive multicoupler fuse4 Verify that all cooling fans are working in each bayEnclosure and site5 Check that no high or low temperature alarm is present6 Check that the interior lights work7 Verify automated security system by tripping alarm (reset after test)8 Check air filters on air exchange/conditioner equipment9 Verify the presence of a fire extinguisher & check expiry date10 Check for leaks in the shields11 Check the condition around the enclosure12 Check for deterioration of paint on walls13 Check cable access ways through the walls for deterioration 14 Inspect grounding system15 Perform general housekeeping duties to remove dust, dirt and trash16 Complete manuals, site logs, and records17 Turn tower lights on and verify that all lights are working18 Inspect antenna ground for corrosion19 Security checks on fences, windows, doors, tower guy anchors20 Check that site gate locks are secure21 Clean up any debris around the site area 22 Check that there are no overhead lines downPressurized transmission lines to antenna23 Check the nitrogen tank pressure, manifold, and the dehydrator
2-14 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DualMode 800 Enclosure MONTHLY ChecklistDate:____________________________ Performed by:___________________________1 Perform the EVERY VISIT routine checksPower - Battery2 Check the battery voltages and note any discrepancies.3 Check terminals, connectors for signs of moisture or corrosionPower - BCM4 Check that the BCM output voltage is within specificationHousekeeping5 Mop the floors at least once a month to keep dust levels to a minimum
DualMode 800 Enclosure QUARTERLY Checklist 2-15Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DualMode 800 Enclosure QUARTERLY ChecklistDate:____________________________ Performed by:___________________________1 Perform the EVERY VISIT routine checks2 Perform the MONTHLY routine checksEquipment bay3 Voltage and Polarity checks at Main Power TerminalsStep 6 of Voltage Checks Test (See Chapter 4)Transmission facilities4 Perform noise and level checks on T-1 transmission facilities (optional)
2-16 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DualMode 800 Enclosure SEMI-ANNUAL ChecklistDate:____________________________ Performed by:___________________________1 Perform the EVERY VISIT routine checks2 Perform the MONTHLY routine checks3 Perform QUARTERLY routine checks
DualMode 800 Enclosure ANNUAL Checklist 2-17Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DualMode 800 Enclosure ANNUAL ChecklistDate:____________________________ Performed by:___________________________1 Perform the EVERY VISIT routine checks2 Perform the MONTHLY routine checks3 Perform QUARTERLY routine checks4 Perform SEMI-ANNUAL routine checksEquipment bays5 Test TRU and MCPA for power outputTRU Output Power Test 6 Test the ACU alarm input pointsAlarm Control Unit Tests 7 Check the Insertion Loss of the Transmit PathInsertion Loss8 Check HSMO Frequency on mixed or all dual mode sites Oscillator Frequency TestPower - Rectifiers9 Test the alarm/cut out sections on the rectifiers by adjusting the high and low voltageInside grounding10 Check that each bay line-up is grounded to the principle ground bar with #2 AWG insulated wire and individual drops from this cable to each bay11 Verify all inside ground connections lead back to the principle ground bar.12 Check all connections, ensure new or changed equipment is properly grounded13 Check that the transmission line to the antennas is lightning protected where it comes into the building.14 Check the condition of the grounding connections for corrosionOutside grounding15 Using binoculars or a spotting scope, verify that the air lightning rod and antennas are still attached to the tower and grounding system16 Verify that the antenna feed cables are grounded at both ends17 Verify that the cables and clamps attaching the tower and waveguide bridge to the grounding system are secure- continued -
2-18 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 199918 Verify that the cables and clamps connecting the guy wires to the grounding system are secure19 Verify that transmission cables are grounded at both the top and bottom of the tower, and the building entrance20 Buildings with metal walls, roof or base, all metal parts are grounded21 Site fence, fuel tank or other metal structures are grounded22 Check that grounding cables and clamps are secureAntennas and tower23 Check the tower base for cracks, concrete break up and upheaval24 Check all guy anchors for cracks or upheaval25 Check guy tension and attachment26 Check fasteners for security27 Check all components for rust28 Check for flaking paint (often a sign of over-stress)29 Check the over-all condition of the paint; re-paint if necessary30 Check that the transmission line is adequately supported and protected between the cell site building and the antenna tower31 When tower is climbed, check grounding on the higher parts32 When tower is climbed, check the tower lights33 When tower is climbed, perform structural inspection of antenna:• Check for correct orientation and tilt• Check for cracks, dents, burns• Check for fasteners, attachment and security• Check for transmission line and ground attachment security• Check for audible gas leakage in pressurized systemSite performance34 Confirm coverage by making calls from the fringe of the site coverage area 35 Confirm handoffs by driving across the cell boundaries with a call established36 Perform an antenna sweep test- continued -
DualMode 800 Enclosure ANNUAL Checklist 2-19Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Housekeeping - Environment37 Check for insects, mouse and birds nest in intake and exhaust systems38 Inspect temperature in all equipment baysLicenses and other requirements39 If the building uses AC mains service from overhead poles, take a look at the drop and service entrance for obvious damaged insulation40 Ensure the necessary licenses are maintained- End -
2-20 Periodic maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
3-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Test equipment and precautions 3The DualMode 800 Enclosure is basically operated by the Digital Multiplex Switch - Mobile Telephone Exchange (DMS-MTX*). It can also be operated by a service personnel at the cell site through an interface terminal to perform some operational functions and tests. This manual provides information on how to operate the cell site equipment and perform maintenance tasks and operational tests at the cell site. However, some of the tests may involve activities at the MTX switch. For details of the MTX activities, refer to the appropriate DMS-MTX manuals.To operate and test cell site equipment, an interface terminal and some other test equipment are required. This chapter provides a list of recommended test equipment and precautions to be aware of when performing any tasks at the cell site.Test equipmentIt is assumed that the operator is familiar with the test equipment used in the test procedures. The following test equipment is recommended for performing the required tests. Any functionally equivalent unit may be used in its place. Double shielded coaxial cables are recommended for use between test equipment and the equipment being tested.Note:  Ensure test equipment is calibrated before performing any tests.1. Communications Monitor (examples as listed below):— IFR 1600, 1900— Marconi 2955A e/w C-Message Filter option #54499-043S and OCXO option #52955-900A— Motorola 2600— Hewlett Packard 8921, 89352. Interface Terminal: VT100 Video Display Terminal or equivalent (lap-top PC with communications software) e/w null modem cable— Set up the parameters of the terminal as follows:
3-2 Test equipment and precautions411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999– 9600 baud– 8 data bits– 1 stop bit– No parity– 80 columns– Auto wraparound–ANSI– VT100 emulation— Cable for connecting the Transmit Receive Unit (RJ45 Teledapt connector on the front panel of the TRU) to the Interface Terminal. Table 1-1 shows the pin-outs for different types of terminal connectors.3. HP 3551A Transmission Test Set4. Spectrum Analyzer 0 to 2 GHz, 70 dB dynamic range5. Two 1.5 meter N-male to N-male RF Cables6. Two 1.5 meter N-male to BNC-male RF Cables7. Two 1.5 meter BNC-male to BNC-male RF cables8. Narda 370BNN 50 ohm Terminations9. Bird 8325 Coaxial Attenuator, 500 Watts, 30 dB,10. Bird Thruline Wattmeter e/w 5, 50 and 250 Watt Elements11. HP336 power meterHP436A power meter12. Bird 4275 Adjustable Radio Frequency Sampler13. Fluke 8050A Digital MultimeterTable 3-1DRU to Interface Terminal connectionDRU Interface Terminal FunctionTRU front panel RS-232 portpin number25 pinD-connectorpin number9 pinD-connectorpin number8 pin Macintosh connectorpin number2 3 2 3 TX from DRU3 2 3 5 RX to DRU7754Ground
Precautions 3-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX0814. Directional Compass15. Binoculars or Spotting Telescope16. Frequency counter: 1 Hz resolution and 0.025 ppm referenceNote:  Frequency counter should be a factor of 10 more stable than the oscillator being measured, for example, Hewlett Packard 53181A with option 12 Frequency Counter.17. PC or laptop with the MCPA software package and a null modem cable (see the MCPA section in Chapter 1, Equipment operation, for details)PrecautionsEquipment warm-upDo not perform tests immediately after the installation of any equipment. The TRU, the MCPA, the ICRM and the test equipment should be powered up for at least half an hour before the tests. Inaccurate measurements may result if the warm-up period is less than 30 minutes.Test equipmentProper setup of the test equipment is critical in obtaining proper test results. Consistency of setup and techniques from one person to another is essential for obtaining proper system operation. Calibrate all test equipment before use.Rule of thumb—subtracting 3 dB halves the power level:• +45.0 dBm is approximately 32 watts• +33.0 dBm is approximately 2 watts• +30.0 dBm is approximately 1 watt• +27.0 dBm is approximately 1/2 watt• 0 dBm is approximately 0.001 watt (1 milliwatt)CAUTIONEquipment damageMake sure that the test equipment maximum allowable input levels are not exceeded. Add an attenuator to reduce the power if necessary.
3-4 Test equipment and precautions411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999RF radiation hazardRadio Frequency (RF) radiation is hazardous to anyone working in the cell site. All RF cables should be connected properly and all unused RF ports should be terminated with an appropriate terminator.Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) controlThis section provides general guidelines and precautions for handling, transporting and storing components and printed circuit wiring boards that are susceptible to permanent damage when subjected to electrostatic discharge (ESD).ESD sensitive equipmentVarious electrical and electronic components are vulnerable to electrostatic discharge (ESD). These include:• discrete components• hybrid devices• Integrated Circuits (ICs)• boards assembled with these devicesIdentificationManufacturers vary in their methods of identifying static-sensitive equipment. They may apply stickers or mark components with various colors, but many do not indicate that their products are sensitive. Examples of identification are:• circuit boards with ESD-sensitive devices have a red edge• hybrids containing Metal-Oxide Semiconductors (MOS) devices are red, with the letters MOS on the back. Non-sensitive hybrids are white.• pull-handles on circuit packs containing sensitive devices may have the letters MOS and the assembly part number printed in red• assembly drawings may have manufacturing notes describing the circuits as ESD-sensitiveCAUTIONRF radiation hazardDo NOT disconnect any RF cables when transmitters are on.CAUTIONEquipment damageWhen in doubt, any circuit board containing microelectronic components must be assumed to be vulnerable.
Precautions 3-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Static control materials and devicesUse conductive bags and containers to store and transport circuit boards or components. There are three common types of conductive bags: Velostat, Tyvek and Pink Polyethylene.Note:  Pink Polyethylene is not recommended for ESD control.Static-free work stationsStatic-sensitive devices must be removed from packages only at a static-free work area. The minimum equipment for a static-free work station is:• conductive bench mat• operator's conductive wrist strapIdeally however, locations should be equipped as follows when necessary:• wrist strap• shoe grounding straps• ionized air blower (where required)• ground cord• floor mats•table matsWhere protective measures have not been installed, a suitable alternative would be the use of a Portable Field Service Grounding Kit (3M part number 8012). This consists of a portable mat and wrist strap. The mat has pockets to hold circuit boards.Handling proceduresDegradation may occur at any time during the handling of electrostatic-discharge-sensitive devices and components. Boards or components should never come in contact with clothing, because normal grounding cannot dissipate the static charges on fabrics.Before handling static-sensitive equipment, personnel must discharge themselves of any static charge. The most effective method is the use of a grounded wrist strap combined with correctly installed ground static control CAUTIONElectric shock hazardMetalized or carbon bags are conductive and therefore must not contact live electrical circuits, or they may cause shorting, sparking, and shock hazards to personnel.
3-6 Test equipment and precautions411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999mats at all work locations. The wrist strap must be permanently attached to the frame on the basis of one between two frames. Alternatively the straps may be connected on an as-required basis to the battery return (Ground) jack, where it is provided.HandlingElectrostatic-discharge-sensitive devices must be handled only in static-free locations. These locations must be equipped with grounded table and floor mats and grounded wrist straps. Also a reasonable relative humidity (RH) level must be maintained, if economically feasible, of between 20% and 80% non-condensing. In places where humidification is not practical, the other static control measures must be carefully observed.Electrostatic-discharge-sensitive equipment must be handled only after personnel have grounded themselves via wrist straps, or shoe straps and mats.No electrostatic-discharge-sensitive device should be removed from its protective package, except in a static-free location. The recommended packaging is a form of Faraday cage that will protect the contents against any charge present under normal conditions. Damaged packaging must be replaced at once.All common plastics and other prime generators (for example, nylon carpet, plastic mats) must be prohibited in the electrostatic-discharge-free area.Use only static-shielding packing material.TransportingA circuit pack must be placed into an anti-static shielding bag before being removed from the work location and must remain in the bag until it arrives at a static-free repair/test center.Where handles or finger holes are provided on circuit packs they must be used to remove and replace the boards, and care taken to avoid contact with the connectors and components.StorageImproper storage can cause failures in ESD-sensitive components. The guidelines for environmental factors (temperature, moisture, air pollutants) are as important during storage as they are for operating. Wider variations of CAUTIONEquipment damageAt no time must an unprotected circuit board come in contact with clothing, plastics, or ungrounded personnel.
Precautions 3-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08temperature may be allowable, depending on the type of device. In general, low temperatures do not damage inactive equipment provided that the device is slowly raised to normal room temperature before use.Electrostatic discharge damage to unprotected sensitive devices may occur at any time. Therefore it is important to keep ESD-sensitive circuit boards and components in proper protective packages during storage. Discard suspect bags and use new ones. Whenever possible, units requiring protection should be identified on the protective packing.Note:  A circuit board in a static shielding bag may be shipped or stored in a cardboard carton, but the carton must not enter a static-free area such as a bench top or repair zone.ReferencesFor more information on ESD and its control, refer to the following documents:• Test Methods for Static Control Products (Huntsman & Yenni, 3M Company)• Protection and Handling of ESD-Sensitive Circuit Packs (Bell Canada, BCP069-8000-501)
3-8 Test equipment and precautions411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
4-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Power-up procedure 4OverviewPower-up procedures are used to inspect that the power cabling is correct and to verify voltage checks.Complete the power-up procedure before any equipment is plugged into the equipment shelves. Perform the procedure whenever a shelf or a unit such as the Alarm Control Unit (ACU), the DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM), or the High Stability Master Oscillator (HSMO) is either removed or replaced. If the voltage or polarity of the DC power is incorrect, equipment damage may result.DC power inspectionAn orderly installation of DC power is required at the enclosure to ensure ease of expansion as traffic increases.Step Action Observation1 Verify that the DC power cables from the breaker panel on the power bay to the equipment bays have been run in an orderly fashion and are secured to the runway.2 Verify that the lugs have been installed correctly and, if terminated on aluminum busbars, have been treated with anti-oxidant.3 Verify that the minimum bending radius has not been exceeded on the power cables (see Table 4-1).
4-2 Power-up procedure411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Voltage checksThis entire procedure is used for installation and commissioning only.Figure 5-2 shows the DC breaker assignments on the RIPs. The breakers and the common ground bar distribute the power/grounding to the individual shelves through cables that exit out connectors in each side of the RIP. The cables are then routed down each side of the frame.4 Verify that the breaker positions on the power bay have been labeled and are cabled as indicated on the labels.Note: See Tables 5-12 to 5-4 for the RIP breaker panel assignments.5 Verify that the equipment bays are bonded to the principle ground bar line-up feeder with a #6 AWG jumper.Table 4-1Minimum bending radii of power cablesWire Size Inches Millimeters Wire Sizes Inches Millimeters14 AWG 11/16 17.5 3/0 AWG 3 3/16 80.512 AWG 3/4 19.6 4/0 AWG 3 7/16 87.610 AWG 15/16 23.1 300 MCM 4 1/8 104.68 AWG 1 3/16 31.0 350 MCM 4 3/8 111.56 AWG 1 1/2 39.6 400 MCM 4 5/8 117.34 AWG 1 3/4 45.7 500 MCM 5 1/16 128.32 AWG 2 1/8 53.3 600 MCM 5 9/16 142.21 AWG 2 1/2 63.0 700 MCM 5 15/16 151.11/0 AWG 2 5/8 68.0 750 MCM 6 1/8 155.42/0 AWG 2 7/8 73.9 800 MCM 6 5/16 160.0Step Action Observation
Voltage checks 4-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Note:  All breakers are rated at a potential of 65 Vdc.Table 4-2RIP1 circuit breaker assignments and ratings123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24MCPA 1-1TRU 1ATRU 2ATRU 3AICRM ACSU ANot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedLVD 1ATCU 1ATCU 1BLVD 1BNot usedNot usedNot usedBay 1 LightCSU BICRM BTRU 3BTRU 2BTRU 1BMCPA 1-280A10A10A10A20A5A————5A20A20A5A———5A5A20A10A10A10A80ATable 4-3RIP2 circuit breaker assignments and ratings123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24MCPA 2-1TRU 4ATRU 5ATRU 6ANot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedLVD 2ATCU 2ATCU 2BLVD 2BNot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedIM LightBay 2 LightTRU 6BTRU 5BTRU 4BMCPA 2-280A10A10A10A——————5A20A20A5A————5A5A10A10A10A80ATable 4-4RIP3 circuit breaker assignments and ratings123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24MCPA 3-1TRU 7ATRU 8ATRU 9AACU AACU BIASDCSMHSMO AERMC ANot usedLVD 3ATCU 3ATCU 3BLVD 3BNot usedBay 3 LightERMC BHSMO BACU BIASACU BTRU 9BTRU 8BTRU 7BMCPA 3-280A10A10A10A20A5A10A5A5A—5A20A20A5A—5A5A5A5A5A10A10A10A80AStep Action Observation1 Turn OFF the breakers on the RIP panel and to the cell site equipment.2 Unplug all the TRUs and the MCPA modules from their respective shelves.
4-4 Power-up procedure411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19993 Disconnect the power cables from the ACU, RMC, HSMO, DCSM, DRUM, ICRM, and TRU shelves.Caution: Arrange these cables so there is no chance of them shorting out on anything.4 Measure the resistance to ground on the following power plug pins:CE FramePin 4 ACUPin 5 ACU and RMCPin 6 ACU, RMC, DCSM, HSMO and DRUMTB1-5 ICRMTB1-7 ICRMRF FramePin 3 TRU shelvesPins 2,3 MCPA modulesLess than 0.5 Ohms5 Turn ON the mains breakers assigned to the cell site equipment and the RIP breakers.6 Measure and record the Voltage and Polarity of the power terminals with respect to the DC Return bar at the top of each frame.(CE and RF)+26.5 to 29 Vdc7 Turn ON the breakers on the breaker RIP panel8 Measure the voltage on the following power plug pins: CE FramePin 1 ACU (+Bias)Pin 2 ACU, HSMO, RMC, DCSM, andDRUM (B Power), TB1-1 ICRM (B Power)Pin 3 ACU, HSMO, RMC, DCSM, andDRUM (A Power) TB1-3 ICRM (A Power)RF FramePin 2 Transceiver shelvesPins 1,4 MCPA modules+26.5 to 29 Vdc9 Turn OFF the breakers on the RIP panel and to the cell site equipment.10 If the checks pass then reconnect the cables to all the units and plug the TRUs into their shelves. Turn the power back ON.Step Action Observation
5-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Master Oscillator tests 5OverviewCell site transceivers require a stable reference in order to accurately produce transmit carrier frequencies and to select receive frequencies.The master oscillator produces this stable reference for the TRUs to ensure that all channels operate on their assigned frequencies and do not interfere with other channels.The TRU shelf associated with the master oscillator output under test will be out-of-service for the duration of the tests. It is good practice to use an unused port for the frequency test if available.Oscillator frequency specificationsHigh Stability Master Oscillator (HSMO): 4.8 MHz ± 1.2 HzThe HSMO for digital operation must be tested using a Rubidium counter reference or equivalent which provides a stable reference of <0.025 ppm.The HSMO can also be tested using TRU carrier frequency measured with the communications monitor. This requires measuring the frequency error of the carrier in the expanded spectrum. The offset of 0.25 ppm (1.2 Hz/4.8 MHz) translates to ±220 Hz.CAUTIONThe HSMO is adjusted at the factory for frequency accuracy. If the frequency test fails, do NOT adjust the unit, it must be replaced with a new serviceable one.
5-2 Master Oscillator tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Oscillator power level testSee Figure 5-1 for set-up.Note:  The remaining 15 ports should be terminated with 50-ohm termination for a correct power reading.Reference oscillator testsSee Figure 5-1 for set-up.Note 1:  The frequency counter should provide a resolution of 1 Hz and a stable reference of < 0.025 ppm.Note 2:  The HSMO is adjusted at the factory for frequency accuracy. If the frequency test fails, do not adjust the unit but replace with a new unit.Step Action Observation1 Connect the communications monitor to the output port under test on the back of the master oscillator. Select the spectrum analyzer function and set to 4.8MHz.2 Measure the output of the master oscillator and record on the test form. -1 dBm ±3 dBStep Action Observation1 Using a frequency counter, measure the oscillator frequency at outputs 1 to 16 at the rear of the shelf.HSMO output frequency: 4.8 MHz ±1.2 Hz
Reference oscillator tests 5-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 5-1Oscillator power level and frequency test setupDiversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveMCPAsTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarmInputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1600)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT1004:1 CombinerMCPA ShelfTxCombiner
5-4 Master Oscillator tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Oscillator frequency test procedure using TRUsThis test is to be used to test frequency on TRUs:1. Select and offline a TRU to use for the test.2. Connect the interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test. See Chapter 11, DualMode Radio Unit Tests, in this manual.3. Set up TRU for test (refer to Chapter 11 in this manual).HSMO frequency test — transceiver carrier methodThis test ensures that the HSMO is operating at the assigned frequency of 4.8 MHz ±1.2 Hz. See Figure 5-2 for set-up.Note: The measured frequency deviation from the assigned channel may not fall within the ±0.25 PPM specification. This is due to the following:• IFR accuracy at ±0.20 PPM translates to ±175 Hz uncertainty• a +100 Hz offset to ensure proper baseband operationThese translate into a slightly different deviation measured with the IFR1600:• -75 to +275 Hz good• -165 to +365 Hz questionable• beyond above swapStep Action Observation1 Ensure that the communication monitor can listen to the TRU under test by either the sniffer or through an antenna.2 Set the communication monitor to monitor the forward channel under test.3 Use the frequency meter/frequency error meter to measure the offset. ±220 Hz of the assigned frequency4 Record the assigned frequency (in MHz) and the frequency error (in Hz) on the test forms.5 If the results are questionable then repeat for at least one more transceiver.
Oscillator frequency test procedure using TRUs 5-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 5-2Oscillator frequency test setup — transceiver carrier methodDiversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarmInputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1600)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT100TxCombiner MCPAs5:1 CombinerMCPA Shelf
5-6 Master Oscillator tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
6-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Antenna and transmission line tests 6Antenna direct current continuityThese tests are required for new antennas or antennas suspected of faulty operation. The tests are service affecting.The most important consideration of antenna direct current continuity is not so much the antenna but the transmission line shield. Of course, the antenna must be electrically connected to the coaxial transmission line, but most important, the transmission line shield must be grounded for lightning protection.The other DC tests serve as more of a record of the resistance of the shield and center conductor. They may indicate future grounding problems or identify a change in the antenna dipole condition (open, now shorted or in the opposite way).CAUTIONRF Radiation HazardAll transceiver transmitters must be turned off before disconnecting or connecting transmit cables to avoid RF induced injuries.
6-2 Antenna and transmission line tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Antenna return lossThe antenna return loss is measured to verify that the antenna is properly matched to the system and to identify open connectors.Antenna return loss testThis test uses the signal generator, the spectrum analyzer and the VSWR bridge to sweep the antenna for return loss at both the receive (824 to 849 MHz) and transmit (869 to 894 MHz) frequency bands. Figure 6-1 shows the set up for the test.Test Equipment: RF Signal GeneratorSpectrum AnalyzerVSWR BridgeIf any of the test equipment is not available, a Thruline Wattmeter may be used (refer to the Thruline Wattmeter Method section).Step Action Observation1 Visually inspect the bonding of the transmission line to the mast ground riser at both the top and bottom of the tower.The transmission line must be bonded at both the top and bottom. A set of binoculars or a spotting telescope may be required to verify the upper bonding.2 Inside the building, measure the DC resistance of the outer conductor to the principle ground.Less than or equal to 0.5 Ω3 Measure and record the DC resistance of the center conductor (pin)to the outer conductor(shield).4 Also check the alignment of the center pin of the heliax connector. If necessary re-align the centre pin so that the female pin in the antenna jumper cable connector is not damaged.Repair or replace heliax, connectors, ground systems as required.CAUTIONThis test is service affecting when the antenna is disconnected.
Antenna return loss 6-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 6-1Antenna return loss block diagramStep Action Observation1 Connect the signal generator, the spectrum analyzer and a 50 ohm load to the VSWR bridge.See Figure 6-1.2 Set the signal generator output level to 0 dBm.3 With the device under test (DUT) VSWR bridge port connected to an open, adjust the display on the spectrum analyzer to the top of the screen.4 Connect a 50 ohm termination to the open port on the VSWR bridge and step the generator through the receive and transmit band to verify the test set-up for return loss.Return loss should be greater than 35 dB over the bands.5 Remove the termination from the VSWR bridge, connect the antenna jumper cable to the open port and again step the generator across the transmit and receive bands.6 Record the minimum return loss of the antenna and transmission line in the system. Return loss:824 to 849 MHz RX869 to 894 MHz TXGreater than or equal to14.5 dB + (2 x TX line loss)7 Repeat the test for each antenna installed for the cell site.8 If the test fails, check the antenna matching, cables and connectors.
6-4 Antenna and transmission line tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Thruline wattmeter method (Antenna return loss)This is a service affecting test using a Thruline Wattmeter. It can be used with transmit antennas only. Ensure that all transmitters are OFF before inserting the Thruline in the transmission path.Antenna sweepThis is a service affecting test. Ensure that all transmitters are OFF before disconnecting the antenna cable.Step Action Observation1 Connect the Thruline between the duplexer and the antenna.2 Measure the forward and reverse power using the appropriate element with one or more transmitters turned on.Reflected power less than 4% of forward powerStep Action Observation1 Set up and calibrate a network analyzer (HP8753C or equivalent) to sweep 823 to 895 MHz.2 Notify the Control Center to OFFLINE the cell site.3 Disconnect the antenna jumper cable. (Located at the duplexer for the tx/rx antenna or at the RMC for the diversity receive antenna.)- continued -
Antenna sweep 6-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX084 Perform a return loss sweep on the Network Analyzer. Note the worst frequencies by placing 2 markers each on the transmit and receive frequencies. then print a hard copy of the upper left quadrant.Measured return loss of the antenna can be calculated as:RL (ant)  = -14 dB - 2 times the antennacable lossor:Compare you results with that of the RF Path calculated return loss of the cell site logbook (check the RF PAth Analysis sheet).If the results are bad compared to the log book values connect the test cable directly to the main transmission line and resweep.It is possible to have a bad jumper. If the result s are still bad then the problem could be either with the transmission line or the antenna.5 Do a TDR sweep of the antenna. Print a hard copy of the lower left quadrant.6 Do a SWR sweep of the antenna. Print a hardcopy of the upper quadrant. The result should not be higher than 1.5:17 Do a Smith Chart of the antenna. Print a hard copy of the lower right quadrant. The results must be close to 50 ohms (±50 ohms).8 Reconnect all the jumpers to their proper location then inform the Control Center to RTS the Cell Site.If the transmit antenna is bad and the receive antenna is good on the transmit band, restore service by using the receive antenna until the transmit antenna is repaired.- End -Step Action Observation
6-6 Antenna and transmission line tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
7-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Enhanced Receive Multicoupler (ERMC) tests 7ERMC descriptionThe Enhanced Receive MultiCoupler (ERMC) modifies the receive RF signal for the front-end of the TRU shelf transceivers. The ERMC provides selectivity, signal gain and signal distribution so that the receive signal is adequate for the transceiver front-end.ERMC overall gain measurement testThis test is required for a cell site suspected of faulty operation. The test is service affecting.Step Action Observation1 Notify the Control Center to OFFLINE the cell site.2 Disconnect the antenna feed cables from the selectivity filter inputs.3 Disconnect the cable from the ERMC splitter port to be tested.4 Using a 50-ohm cable, connect the communications monitor Duplex Output port to the selectivity filter input of the ERMC (either A or B side). See Figure 7-1.5 Using a 50-ohm cable, connect the communications monitor T/R port to one of the splitter ports corresponding to the A or B path selected. See Figure 7-1.- continued -
7-2 Enhanced Receive Multicoupler (ERMC) tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Note:  If an irregularity in the ERMC gain exists, call Nortel Networks RF Engineering Support for assistance.6 Set up the communications monitor to output an RF signal less than -60 dBm sweeped from 824 to 849 MHz.7 Using the communication monitor in spectrum analyzer mode sweep the RMC and note any irregularities in the gain.Gain measured may vary depending on cell site requirements for RF sensitivity versus IMD. See the RF Engineering Guidelines for 800 MHz Cellular Systems, 411-2131-007.8 Repeat for all splitter ports and for both A and B diversity paths.9 Replace the antenna feed and splitter output cables and then inform the Control Center to RTS the Cell Site.- End -Step Action Observation
ERMC overall gain measurement test 7-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 7-1RMC overall gain measurement testRMC Input Preselect Filter A
7-4 Enhanced Receive Multicoupler (ERMC) tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999ERMC gain adjustmentThis section refers to the RF Engineering Guidelines for 800 MHz Cellular Systems, 411-2131-007, specifically the Talk-in Talk-out (TITO) adjustment. Gain setting are factory preset to 16 dB but specific cell site requirements may differ. Refer to the 800 MHz ERMC Deployment Guide, 411-2131-940, for more information on the ERMC.Note:  Use caution when attempting to adjust the ERMC variable attenuator. Overall system performance may suffer seriously, therefore a thorough understanding of the RF Engineering Guidelines should be acquired.Talk-In/Talk-out (TITO) balance testThe main purpose of the Talk-In/Talk-Out (TITO) test is to ensure that the ERMCs are tuned correctly. If they are not, the user could get noisy channels usually due to co-channel interference, low RF levels, or both. This usually happens to sites with large coverage where the multicoupler does not have sufficient gain to balance to talk-in path.This test is required when there is a problem with the receive path and the ERMCs are suspected of faulty operation.If the ERMCs are suspected to be faulty this test will verify if they actually are. There are two tasks that are done at the same time with this test after a call has been set-up.1. You are monitoring a channel and RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) from the mobile.2. You are monitoring the same channel and RSSI at the cell site.Figure 7-2 shows the call setup for a TITO balance test.CAUTIONService affectingThis test is service affecting and will take two TRU Radios off line. This test should be done when there is a problem; not as a regular maintenance routine.
Talk-In/Talk-out (TITO) balance test 7-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 7-2Talk-In/Talk-out call setupIn order to guarantee minimum noise and reflection, the mobile should be in about the middle of the cell’s coverage area, away from any tall buildings or shadow zones from hills or mountains.TITO test procedureStep Action Observation1 At the MTX place an idle TRU in the off-line state. The TRU will be in the idle state.2 Make a call from the mobile to a phone at the switch and leave phone off hook. Switch end will receive a call from the mobile to setup a call for monitoring.3 At the cell site test TRU, connect a terminal and place in the debug mode. See Terminal Interface Operation in Chapter 1.4 When the call has been setup put the mobile into monitor mode and take note of the RSSI measurements.Record the RSSI measurements at the mobile.5 Set the test TRU, to the same channel as the one with the call on it from the mobile. TRU will display same channel.6 Set the TRU up to monitor the RSSI measurements. See RSSI tests for set up in Chapter 11 of this manual.This turns on all antenna ports.- continued -MTX DMSCell siteEquipmentMobile MonitoringRSSI
7-6 Enhanced Receive Multicoupler (ERMC) tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Note:  If an imbalance exists, call Nortel Networks RF Engineering Support for assistance in re-balancing the ERMC output.Always ensure that the site is balanced for the worst case. The radio TX path must be equal to or stronger than the Talk-In path. If there are significant differences in the Talk-out (base TX) levels on different antennas, check for a defective RF component such as an antenna, a cable, or a combiner.7 Monitor and record 20 RSSI measurements simultaneously at both the mobile and the test TRU. The mobile should be driven through a predetermined path to repeat the test for other channels available.Record and average the levels in the chart.- End -Step Action Observation
8-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Alarm Control Unit (ACU) tests 8OverviewThe Alarm Control Unit (ACU) provides discrete alarm monitoring, reporting and control functions at a cell site. The site ACU concentrates all alarm input points at the cell site and updates the MTX of any status change over redundant data links. The MTX can also poll for the condition of the ACU and request current status information or change the status of any output control contact. For a complete description of the ACU, refer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Functional Description, 411-2051-100.Alarm Control Unit test setupConnect a VT100 terminal (or equivalent) using a null modem cable to the ACU local terminal connector.Step Action Observation1 Set up the terminal as per the requirements to the right. BAUD Rate: TX 9600RX 9600Scroll: smoothAuto repeat: onANSIAuto Wrap: offReceiver Parity: ignoreParity: disabledCharacter Bits: 8 bitsInterface: onScroll Key: VT100Form Feed: line feedControl Characters: executedLocal Echo: offRTS-CTS Handshake: off8 Bits Tx: space- continued -
8-2 Alarm Control Unit (ACU) tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 8-1ACU First maintenance screen2 Press the RESET key on the ACU to activate the Maintenance Screen on the terminal. The ACU Maintenance Screen as per the following diagram Figure 8-1 will appear.3 Using the keyboard arrows, select the Input and Monitor menu items on the screen. Verify the remote alarms with respect to the site alarm records.See Chapter 1, Equipment operation, for a description of all the menus.4 Test all equipped alarm points on the ACU. This can be done by performing action such as turning DC breaker OFF, removing fuses, opening doors.Bold display - alarm ONNormal display - alarm OFF5 Apply +27 Vdc to each equipped alarm input at the rear of the ACU. Verify that each alarm indicates the correct status on the VT100 screen.Bold display - alarm ONNormal display - alarm OFF6 Open and close each selected output and verify its action by observing an open or short on the rear output connector, J8.- End -Step Action Observation
Alarm Control Unit test setup 8-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 8-2 shows the pin assignments of a typical alarm connector.Figure 8-2Typical alarm connector (36-Pin)
8-4 Alarm Control Unit (ACU) tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
9-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Performing tests using a DCSM 9IntroductionThe DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) can operate in either stand-alone mode or directed mode. In stand-alone mode, the handset on the front panel is used to conduct manual calls. In directed mode, the MTX assumes control of the DCSM to perform a variety of non-obtrusive tests of the site. The MTX directed tests on the CCH, VCH, and LCR can be invoked from the respective level of the MAP position. Additionally from the CTT level VCH tests can be initiated with the option of testing a number of Devices Under Test (DUT) in sequence. The tests can also be set-up to be automatically run using the scheduler feature of Table CTTSCHED.By making a call to the DCSM in the stand-alone mode or performing tests at the MTX in the directed mode, the Control Channel (CCH) and Voice Channels (VCH) of a cell site can be verified to be operating correctly.Stand-alone mode testsIn stand-alone mode the mobile unit in the DCSM functions in the same manner as a subscriber mobile telephone in the cellular system. For this reason, the mobile unit in the DCSM has to be activated in the same manner as a subscriber mobile telephone. The cellular system will not recognize the mobile unit or allow it to function unless the programming on the Numerical Assignment Modules (NAM) is completed. Refer to Chapter 1, Cell site operation, for the programming of the NAMs.In stand-alone mode the DCSM acts as a subscriber mobile registered in the partition. Once the mobile of the DCSM has acquired and locked onto a CCH in the partition it can be used to make a call through test through the handset of the mobile. Making a call verifies that the system is up and running.Stand-alone ACCH/DCCH selectionWhen a partition is equipped with both an ACCH and a DCCH do the following:1. select NAM 4 and enter the programming selection mode
9-2 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19992. scroll to the ScnDCCH field— if you want to verify the ACCH set ScnDCCH to 0 or— if you want to verify the DCCH set ScnDCCH to 1Note:  In ScnDCCH mode you should set the field 1STDCCH to the channel number of the DCCH you wish to perform the call through test on. If you have a sectored site you must repeat the NAM programming for each specific DCCH you wish to perform the stand-alone call through test.DCSM auto answer facilitiesIn both the directed or stand-alone modes the DCSM will automatically answer all incoming calls. If the incoming call uses an analog call resource (AVC), the DCSM will generate a 1004 Hz tone for five seconds on the reverse path. The forward audio will then be looped to the reverse audio for the remainder of the call. If the incoming uses a TDMA call resource (DTC), the DCSM will automatically answer the incoming call, but will not generate a tone, or loop the forward and reverse audio paths. Nortel Networks recommends that the MRLT, MRHT, MRLP and MRLR VCH tests be used for verifying the performance of analog voice channels.Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed modeThe directed-mode tests using the DCSM can be further divided into two categories:• MTX trunk tests • Control channel testsControl channel testing uses the DCSM to monitor the Overhead Message Train (OMT) on the ACCH and the FBCCH and EBCCH sub channels on a DCCH. A site control channel can also be tested for its power level in both the forward and reverse direction.MTX trunk tests use the DCSM mobile as a loop-around to measure various indicators of the trunk path performance. Specifically the RF performance of the DUT can be measured by advantageously using the parameters of Table CTTPARMS.Monitoring functionsWith the MON ON command from the CTU MAP level, you may enable the ICP to drive the periodic CCH audit order function. Command parameters specify if a cell or a particular cell/sector is to be monitored. You must also
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08specify if monitoring is to be performed for ACCHs, DCCHs, or both. In the event that both CCH types are required to be monitored, the periodic audit will proceed in a round robin fashion by first monitoring all the ACCHs within the scope of the command, and then all the DCCHs. When a DCSM is monitoring an ACCH, it detects:a. loss of CCH synchronizationb. SID errorsc. mismatches between the CCH onto which the ICP commanded the cell site monitor to lock and the CCH onto which the cell site monitor is lockedWhen a DCSM is monitoring a DCCH, it also detects:a. errors in the number of F-BCCH slotsb. errors in the number of E-BCCH slotsc. errors in the E-BCCH RCI lockedThese errors are communicated to the CM as unsolicited messages.When MON is ON, the ICP periodic audit process entails commanding the DCSM to monitor the current CCH in sequence. Once the DCSM mobile is locked onto the CCH, the ICP commands an audit order to be issued over the CCH. If the audit order response is not received over the reverse CCH, then a retry is attempted. Two consecutive failures results in the ICP reporting an unsolicited audit order failure message to the CM. The message type identifies either the CCH or the DCSM as the suspected cause of the failure. OMs are consulted to determine if originations, or page responses, or registrations were occurring during the period of the audit for the CCH under test. If these OMs were being incriminated, then a failure of the DCSM is presumed, otherwise a failure of the CCH is presumed. If the DCSM mobile does not successfully lock onto the CCH, a new unsolicited message is sent to the CM with a message type indicating the failure to synchronize. The goal is to revisit each CCH approximately every two minutes.
9-4 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Posting the DCSMTo use the DCSM to perform tests requires that the DCSM is in service (INSV) state. The DCSM can be posted before a test is initiated from the Maintenance and Administration (MAP) terminal (see Procedure 9-1).Control Channel testsThe Digital or Analog Control Channel can be monitored and tested using the DCSM located in the same partition in which the DCCH/ACCH serves.The following tests are available from the MTX MAP position.CCH MAP level:• forward DCCH/ACCH RF power measurement (POWER)• reverse DCCH/ACCH RF power measurement (RSSI)• ACCH Overhead Message Train monitoring (CCHOMT)• DCCH F-BCCH and E-BCCH parameter reporting (DCCHPARM)CTU MAP level:• Background round robin monitoring (MON)Procedure 9-1Posting the DCSMStep Action Observation1 At the MAP terminal, post the DCSM by entering:>MAPCI;MTC;MTX;CELL <cell_number>>CTU;POST <DCSM_number>2 Ensure that the posted DCSM is in the INSV (in service) state. If not, place the DCSM to the INSV state by entering:>BSY;RTS
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Preparing for Control Channel testsBefore any of the Control Channel tests can be invoked from the MAP terminal, the DCSM as well as the DCCH or ACCH to be tested must be posted. The Control Channel test setup is described in Procedure 9-2.Note:  For MTX04 monitoring only needs to be invoked to run the CCH power test. For earlier MTX releases, monitoring must be invoked for all CCH tests.Procedure 9-2Control Channel test set-upStep Action Observation1 At the MAP terminal, post the DCSM by entering:>MAPCI;MTC;MTX;CELL <cell_number>>CTU;POST <DCSM_number>2 Make sure that the posted DCSM is in the INSV (in service) state. If not, place the DCSM to the INSV state by entering:>BSY;RTS3 Post the Control Channel to be tested by entering:>CCH;POST <channel_number>4 Make sure that the posted CCH is in the INSV state. If not, place the CCH to the INSV state by entering:>BSY;RTS5 If the DCSM is in a sectored configuration, force the DCSM to scan the DCCH of the sector that is to be tested by entering:>MON ON <x, y, z, u, v, or w>,<A,D,BOTH>(Sector Designation) (ACCH, DCCH, or Both)For example: >MON ON X D (You must only monitor the CCH under test)A = monitor ACCH onlyD = monitor DCCH onlyBoth = monitor both CCH types through background monitoring6 The DCSM is now ready to test the desired CCH.
9-6 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Measuring Forward Control Channel RF powerThe DCSM can be directed to take a Power measurement on the currently active CCH. Raw RSSI readings are returned from the DCSM and are translated into dBm at the CM. Procedure 9-3 is used to test the forward power.Measuring Reverse Control Channel powerFor this test the DCSM is directed to terminate a call. The MTX then directs the CCH to measure the TX power of the DCSMs page response (RECC or RACH). The readings are in a raw format and are translated into dBm at the CM. Procedure 9-4 is used to test the reverse power.Procedure 9-3Measuring forward CCH RF powerStep Action Observation1 Make sure that the DCCH and the DCSM have been posted and are in the INSV state as per the Control Channel Test Setup Procedure.2 At the CCH LEVEL OF THE MAP, enter:>TST POWERProcedure 9-4Measuring reverse CCH RF powerStep Action Observation1 Make sure that the DCCH and the DCSM have been posted and are in the INSV state as per the Control Channel Test Setup Procedure.2 At the CCH LEVEL OF THE MAP, enter: >TST RSSI
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Round Robin MonitoringThe MON command is executed from the CTU level of the MAP position with a posted INSV DCCH or ACCH. The MON command forces the DCSM to scan specific CCHs as specified in the command options.The MON command sequence is as per Procedure 9-5.Procedure 9-5Round Robin MonitoringStep Action Observation1 Make sure that the DCCH or ACCH and the DCSM have been posted and are in the INSV state as per the Control Channel Test Setup Procedure.2 If the DCSM is in a sectored configuration, force the DCSM to scan the DCCH of the sector that is to be tested by entering:>MON ON <x, y, z, u, v, or w>, <A,D,BOTH>(Sector Designation), (ACCH, DCCH, or Both)A = monitor ACCH onlyD = monitor DCCH onlyBoth = monitor both CCH types3 Example:  MTX120 JUL04 12:12:30 1123 INFO Terminal Maintenance EventCELL 15    CTU   0     PRTN: YEVENT:   Unsol Wrong CCHREASON:  CCH Number Wrong
9-8 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Querying ACCH OMT parametersThe DCSM can also be queried for the latest ACCH OMT parameters (see Procedure 9-6).Querying FDCCH parametersThe DCSM can also be queried for the latest F-BCCH and E-BCCH parameters (see Procedure 9-7). Reported parameters include all mandatory F-BCCH and E-BCCH messages. This test is only valid for IS-136.1 DCCHs.Procedure 9-6Querying ACCH OMT parametersStep Action Observation1 Make sure that the ACCH and the DCSM have been posted and are in the INSV state as per the Control Channel Test Setup Procedure.2 At the ACCH level of the MAP position enter:>TST CCHOMT3 The system responds by displaying the information on the MAP terminal. Check the log values reported against the system datafill. Results displayed on MAP terminal.Procedure 9-7Querying the DCSM parametersStep Action Observation1 Ensure that the DCCH, VCH and the DCSM have been posted and are in the INSV state as per the Control Channel Test Setup Procedure.2 At the DCCH level of the MAP position enter:>TST DCCHPARM <option>{F,E,ALL}Options:F - request is for FBCCH parametersE - request is for EBCCH parametersALL - request is for FBCCH and EBCCH parameters3 The system responds by generating an MTX170 log. Check the log values reported against the system datafill.
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-9Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08MTX CTT testsMTX CTT (Cellular Terminal Tests) tests use the DCSM as a test mobile to test AVCHs by looping around a tone generated by the MTX Trunk Test Terminal (TTT). These tests measure the performance of the specified AVCH and associated trunks. The performance criteria measurable are:• wireline trunk audio performance (loss) and associated noise(MALT, MAHT)• wireless trunk RF performance (loss) and associated noise(MRLT, MRHT)• forward and reverse RF strength performance (MRLP, MRLR)• system call set-up capability (MTRM, DTRM)Naming conventionsAll MTX trunk tests use a four letter acronym to describe the functionality of the test. Each letter of the test acronym is explained in Table 9-1. MTX Audio Low Test and MTX Audio High Test (MALT/MAHT)This test does not require a DCSM. The MALT and MAHT test measures the following MTX trunk parameters:• far-to-near-loss• loop loss• loop noiseTable 9-1Naming convention of the MTX trunk testsLetter # Designation1 M = MTX — test a MTX VCH trunkD = DCCH — set-up VCH trunk2 A = Audio — test the audio link of the trunk(DCSM is not a requirement)R = RF — test the RF link of the trunk3 L = Low — use a low level tone for the testH = High — use a high level tone for the test4 T = Transmission — measure transmission loss and noiseR = Receiver — measure the reverse RF power level of the VCHP = Power — measure the forward RF power level of the VCHNote: DTRM and MTRM violate this naming convention.
9-10 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999The MALT and MAHT tests can be invoked in the following ways:• from a posted transceiver at the VCH MAP level• from the CTT level (the first available VCH is selected)• automatically using Table CTTSCHED (also selects first available VCH)The MALT and MAHT test use the TTT to inject a low and high level (the level and frequency is determined by the CTTPARMS tuple) audio tone respectively onto the MTX trunk. The audio tone is looped from the forward to the reverse audio by the DUT (that is, the TRU) located at the cell site and the returned level is measured by the TTT. The TTT also makes a measurement of the noise level accompanying the audio signal at the return end of the loop. The MALT and MAHT tests do not use the DCSM as part of the test path. Figure 9-1 shows the test path and the measured path measurements.Figure 9-1MALT and MAHT CTTPARMS FieldsRunning the MALT and MAHT testBefore either the MALT or MAHT test is run be sure that the appropriate test parameters are datafilled in Table CTTPARMS.The MALT test is invoked at the VCH level of the MAP position on a posted channel.  Procedure 9-8 lists the step by step manual method of invoking the MALT and MAHT tests.DCSMDUTTTTLoop Loss (measured)NM NetworkDRU or BSTFar-to-near loss (measured)Tone injectedTone measuredand Loop Noiselevel (dBrn)(MTX Switch)Cell Site()Near to Far Loss (Calculated)
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-11Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 9-2MALT Test Output MTX303 LogRefer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2051-900, for more information of the fields in MTX303 Log. Below are the descriptions of the fields of MTX303 which give the actual measure results:LP_LOSS - The Loop Loss measured in dBFN_LOSS - The Far-to-Near Loss in dB, calculated from LP_Loss - NF_LossNF_LOSS - The Near-to-Far Loss measured in dBNOISE - The Loop Noise Level measured in dBrnFigure 9-3MAHT Test Output MTX303 LogProcedure 9-8Initiating the MALT/MAHT testStep Action Observation1 Go to the MAP level of the MTX radio (VCH) to be tested:(example) MAPCI;MTC;MTX;CELL 100;VCH2 Post the radio to be tested:(example) POST 23 Invoke the MALT/MAHT test on the posted radio:TST MALT or TST MAHTThe MTX will indicate that the test is underway.4 Wait for the results of the MALT/MAHT test. The MTX will display them once the test is complete. See Figure 9-2.5 If the results fail check that the CTTPARMS fields are correctly datafilled. Then repeat the test to verify the failure.MTX303  JUN29  12:12:12   2500  CTT  TRANSMISSION TEST          CELL:  20x   TEST:  MALT    VCH: 10   HW:  DRU      PASS  PA_EML:  -20 dB  LP_EML: -20dB TONE: 10  dBm     LP_LOSS:  0.0 dB  FN_LOSS:  -0.3 dB  NF_LOSS: 0.3 dB                                          NML: 25 dB     NIAL: 30 dB     NOISE:  21 dBRN   MTX303  JUN29  12:12:12   2500  CTT  TRANSMISSION TEST          CELL:  20x   TEST:  MAHT    VCH: 10   HW:  DRU      PASS  PA_EML:  -20 dB  LP_EML: -20dB TONE: 10  dBm     LP_LOSS:  0.0 dB  FN_LOSS:  -0.3 dB  NF_LOSS: 0.3 dB                                          NML: 25 dB     NIAL: 30 dB     NOISE:  21 dBRN
9-12 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Troubleshooting actionIf the test fails then it should be repeated for verification. Should the test still fail the following hardware components may be at fault:• the TRU• ICRM packs (the AX50s, AX47s, AX87s)• the T1 transmission equipment used• the ICP cards (the AX50s)The signal may be rerouted to eliminate and pinpoint faulty hardware components, or the equipment may be swapped one at a time with known good units and the test repeated. When the test passes the faulty unit may have been found.The MTX RF Low and High Tests (MRLT and MRHT)The MTX RF Low and High tests measure an audio tone which has been looped at the DCSM. The test verifies the RF path on the forward and reverse links of the DUT. The test therefore verifies the RF portion of the circuit. The MRLT test measures the following three parameters of the circuit:• the Loop Loss• the Loop Noise• the Path Far-to-Near LossThe MRLT and MRHT tests can be invoked in the following ways:• from a posted transceiver at the VCH MAP levels• from the CTT level (all available VCH are tested starting with the first available)• automatically using Table CTTSCHED (this also selects the first available VCH)Once the test is invoked a call is terminated to the DCSM mobile. The DCSM then transmits a 1004 Hz tone at 2.9 kHz deviation for 5 seconds, after which the FWD audio is looped to the REV audio. The TTT then transmits a tone (level and frequency determined in Table CTTPARMS) which is transmitted on the forward RF path by the DUT to the DCSM. The DCSM subsequently loops the forward audio to the reverse audio and transmits the tone to the DUT through the reverse RF path. The returned audio is finally measured by the TTT. The values measured are returned in the log report which is subsequently reported to the technician at the MAP terminal through MTX Log 303. Figure 9-4 shows the test path and the measured path measurements.
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-13Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 9-4MRLT and MRHT CTTPARMS fieldsHow to Invoke the MRLT/MRHT testBefore the test is run the appropriate CTTPARMS tuple must be datafilled with the correct values. With the CTTPARMS tuple correctly datafilled and selected through CTTGROUP the test may be initiated either manually from the MAPCI level (VCH or CTT) or automatically using CTTSCHED. Procedure 9-9 outlines the manual method of invoking the MRLT and MRHT tests. Procedure 9-9Initiating the MRLT/MRHT testsStep Action Observation1 Go to the MAP level of the MTX radio (VCH) to be tested:(example) MAPCI;MTC;MTX;CELL 100;VCH2 Post the radio to be tested:(example) POST 23 Invoke the MRLT/MRHT test on the posted radio:TST MRLT or TST MRHTThe MTX will respond that the test is underway.4 Wait for the results of the MRLT/MRHT test. The MTX will display them once the test is complete. See Figure 9-5.5 If the results fails check to see if the CTTPARMS fields are correctly set.Then repeat the test to verify the failure.DCSMDUTTTTNM NetworkDRU or BSTMSRF pathLoop Loss MeasuredFar-to-Near Loss MeasuredTone InjectedTone Measured and Loop Noiselevel dBrn
9-14 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 9-5MRLT Test Output MTX303 LogRefer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2051-900, for more information of the fields in MTX303 Log. Below are the descriptions of the fields of MTX303 which give the actual measure results:LP_LOSS - The Loop Loss measured in dBFN_LOSS - The Far-to-Near Loss measured in dBNF_LOSS - The Near-to-Far Loss calculated in dB (LP_Loss-FN_Loss)NOISE - The Loop Noise Level measured in dBrnFigure 9-6MRHT Test Output MTX303 LogRefer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2051-900, for more information of the fields in MTX303 Log.Troubleshooting actionIf the test fails then it should be repeated for verification. Should the test still fail the following hardware components may be at fault:• TRU (CCH, or VCH)• related Power Amplifier(s)• Combiner• ICRM packs (the AX50s, AX47s, AX87s)• T1 transmission equipment used• ICP cards (the AX50s)•DCSMThe signal may be rerouted to eliminate and pinpoint faulty hardware components, or the equipment may be swapped one at a time with known good units and the test repeated. When the test passes the faulty unit may have been found. Additionally, determine if the MALT or MAHT test has passed or not to isolate the path failure location further.MTX303  JUN29  12:12:12   2500  CTT  TRANSMISSION TEST          CELL:  20x   TEST:  MRLT    VCH: 10   HW:  DRU      PASS  PA_EML:  -20 dB  LP_EML: -20dB TONE: 10  dBm     LP_LOSS:  0.5 dB  FN_LOSS:  -0.3 dB  NF_LOSS: 0.2 dB                                          NML:  3.0 dB     NIAL:  5.0 dB     NOISE:  22 dBRN   MTX303  JUN29  12:12:12   2500  CTT  TRANSMISSION TEST          CELL:  20x   TEST:  MRHT    VCH: 10   HW:  DRU      PASS  PA_EML:  -20 dB  LP_EML: -20dB TONE: 10  dBm     LP_LOSS:  0.5 dB  FN_LOSS:  -0.3 dB  NF_LOSS: 0.2 dB                                          NML:  3.0 dB     NIAL:  5.0 dB     NOISE:  22 dBRN
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-15Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08TEST MRLPThis is the MTX RF Transmitter test. The test measures the following:• the Tx Power(dBm) of the Forward RF linkThe MRLP test can be invoked in the following ways:• from a posted transceiver at the VCH MAP level• from the CTT level (all available VCH are tested starting with the first available)• automatically using Table CTTSCHED (this also selects the first available VCH)Once the test is invoked a call is terminated to the DCSM mobile. The DCSM then transmits a 1004 Hz tone at 2.9 kHz deviation for five seconds, after which the FWD audio is looped to the REV audio. The TTT then transmits a tone (level and frequency determined in Table CTTPARMS) which is transmitted on the forward RF path by the DUT to the DCSM. The DCSM subsequently loops the forward audio to the reverse audio and transmits the tone to the DUT through the reverse RF path. Once the link has been verified, the DCSM is instructed by the MTX to measure the level of the forward RF signal. The measured level is returned to the MTX by the DCSM for reporting. Refer to Figure 9-7 for a diagram of the test operation.The test either passes or fails depending on the level returned is within the limits set by the MRLP tuple in Table CTTPARMS. Table CTTGROUP defines the RF power level which the DCSM should measure.Figure 9-7MRLP Test MeasurementsDCSMDUTTTTNM NetworkDRU or BSTMSRF pathThe TTT measuresthe tone level RSSI MeasuredThe DCSM measuresthe RSSI of the Near-to-far on-air link.Tone transmitted
9-16 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999How to invoke the MRLP testBefore the test is run the appropriate CTTPARMS tuple must be datafilled with the correct criteria. With the CTTPARMS tuple correctly datafilled and selected through CTTGROUP, the test may be initiated either manually from the MAP level (VCH or CTT) or automatically using CTTSCHED. Procedure 9-9 outlines the manual method of invoking the MRLP test. Figure 9-8MRLP Test results MTX302 LogRefer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2051-900, for more information of the fields in MTX303 Log. Below are the descriptions of the fields of MTX302 which give the actual measure results:Tx PWR - The measured forward RF power in dBmTroubleshooting actionIf the test fails then it should be repeated for verification. Should the test still fail the following hardware components may be at fault:• TRU (ACH & VCH)• Power AmplifierProcedure 9-10Initiating the MRLP testStep Action Observation1 Go to the MAP level of the MTX radio (VCH) to be tested:(example) MAPCI;MTC;MTX;CELL 100;VCH2 Post the radio to be tested:(example) POST 23 Invoke the MRLP test on the posted radio:TST MRLPThe MTX will respond that the test is underway.4 Wait for the results of the MRLP test. The MTX will display them once the test is complete. See Figure 9-8.5 If the results fails check to see if the CTTPARMS fields are correctly set. Then repeat the test to verify the failure.MTX302  JUN29  12:12:12   2500   CTT  RF POWER TEST         CELL:  20x    TEST:  MRLP   VCH: 10   HW:  BST  VPL  :  0       Tx PWR:  -50 dBm   EXP PWR: -58 dBm  Q1PWR:  0  dB   Q2PWR:  2 dB         PASS
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-17Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08• Combiner• ICRM packs (the AX50s, AX47s, AX87s)• T1 transmission equipment used• ICP cards (the AX50s, AX27s)•DCSMThe signal may be rerouted to eliminate and pinpoint faulty hardware components, or the equipment may be swapped one at a time with known good units and the test repeated. When the test passes the faulty unit may have been found. Additionally, determine if the MALT or MAHT test has passed or not to isolate the path failure location further.TEST MRLRThe MTX Radio receiver test. The test measures the following:• the RSSI (dBm) of the reverse RF path• the Loop Loss in dBOnce the test is invoked a call is terminated to the DCSM mobile. The DCSM then transmits a 1004 Hz tone at 2.9 kHz deviation for five seconds, after which the FWD audio is looped to the REV audio. The TTT then transmits a tone (level and frequency determined in Table CTTPARMS) which is transmitted on the forward RF path by the DUT to the DCSM. The DCSM subsequently loops the forward audio to the reverse audio and transmits the tone to the DUT through the reverse RF path. Once the link has been verified, the DUT is instructed by the MTX to measure the RSSI of the received RF signal on the reverse RF path. The measured RSSI is returned to the MTX for reporting along with the looped level measured by the TTT. Refer to Figure 9-9 for a diagram of the test operation. The test either passes or fails depending on the RSSI level returned is within the limits set by the MRLR tuple in Table CTTPARMS. Table CTTGROUP defines the RF power level which the DCSM should transmit on the reverse path.
9-18 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 9-9MRLR Test MeasurementsHow to invoke the MRLR testBefore the test is run, the appropriate CTTPARMS tuple must be datafilled with the correct criteria. With the CTTPARMS tuple correctly datafilled and selected through CTTGROUP, the test may be initiated either manually from the MAP level (VCH or CTT) or automatically using CTTSCHED. Procedure 9-11 outlines the manual method of invoking the MRLR test.Procedure 9-11Initiating the MRLR testStep Action Observation1 Go to the MAP level of the MTX radio (VCH) to be tested:(example) MAPCI;MTC;MTX;CELL 100;VCH2 Post the radio to be tested:(example) POST 23 Invoke the MRLR test on the posted radio:TST MRLR The MTX will respond that the test is underway.4 Wait for the results of the MRLR test. The MTX will display them once the test is complete. See Figure 9-10.5 If the results fails check to see if the CTTPARMS fields are correctly set. Then repeat the test to verify the failure.DCSMDUTTTTNM NetworkDRU or BSTMSRF pathThe TTT measuresthe tone level The DUT measuresthe RSSI of the Far-to-near on-air link.RSSI measuredTone transmitted
Performing tests using the DCSM in the directed mode 9-19Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 9-10MRLR Test results MTX302 LogRefer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2051-900, for more information of the fields in MTX303 Log. Below are the descriptions of the fields of MTX302 which give the actual measure results:Tx PWR - The measured reverse RF level in dBmTroubleshooting actionIf the test fails then it should be repeated for verification. Should the test still fail the following hardware components may be at fault:• the TRU (ACH & VCH)• ICRM packs (the AX50s, AX47s, AX87s)• the T1 transmission equipment used• the ICP cards (the AX50s)• the DCSMThe signal may be rerouted to eliminate and pinpoint faulty hardware components, or the equipment may be swapped one at a time with known good units and the test repeated. When the test passes the faulty unit may have been found.MTX Call Processing Mobile Termination Test (MTRM or DTRM)For this test the DCSM is used to terminate a call. This test provides verification of all call set-up commands and messages between the cell site CCH, the AVCH under test and the ICP. Call set-up is through the ACCH (MTRM) or DCCH (DTRM) to an AVCH.For this test, use:•MTRM if the partitions ACCH is to set-up the call termination test or•DTRM if the partitions DCCH is to set-up the call termination testThe mobile termination test is invoked from the VCH level of the MAP position (test DTRM or MTRM). The posted VCH must be an AVCH. If the posted VCH is a DTCH or DualMode VCH, the call will be in digital mode. The user will be notified if an attempt is made to run the MTRM or DTRM test on an AVCH which is servicing a call.MTX302  JUN29  12:12:12   2500   CTT  RF POWER TEST         CELL:  20x    TEST:  MRLR VCH: 10   HW:  BST  VPL  :  0       Tx PWR:  -50 dBm   EXP PWR: -58 dBm  Q1PWR:  0  dB   Q2PWR:  2 dB         PASS
9-20 Performing tests using a DCSM411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Invoking the DTRM testNow that the DCSM (scanning the DCCH of the partition) and the VCH are posted the Call Termination test may be performed:Procedure 9-12Invoking the DTRM or MTRM testsStep Action Observation1 At the VCH MAP level enter:TST DTRM or TST MTRMThe MAP terminal will respond with an MTX301 Log displaying the results of the DCCH or ACCH call setup.
10-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08ICRM tests 10There are no operational tests for the Integrated Cellular Remote Module (ICRM) at the cell site. If you want to check the operation of the ICRM, contact the operator at the MTX for assistance.
10-2 ICRM tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
11-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DRU tests 11IntroductionThe DualMode Radio Unit (DRU) is a cell site transceiver and power amplifier combination that operates in either a TDMA (digital) mode or in a conventional AMPS (analog) mode. For a DualMode 800 Enclosure, the DRU is packaged in two sub-modules, the Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) and the Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) module.TRUs are datafilled as analog only, digital only, or dual-mode from the Maintenance and Administration Position (MAP) terminal which is typically located at the Digital Multiplex System-Mobile Telephone Exchange (DMS-MTX). When datafilled as dual-mode, TRUs operate dynamically in either AMPS or TDMA mode, based upon control from the switch. Whether operating in AMPS or TDMA mode, the TRU uses the same internal DSP-based circuitry to process both voice and data.The use of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology greatly reduces maintenance requirements. Due to functions being performed by software code, rather than circuits composed of discrete elements that cause drift over time and with temperature change, radio performance levels are improved and routine maintenance schedules can be eliminated.The DSP architecture of the TRU and microprocessor control of the MCPA allow for very stable performance and consistency from one unit to another. No manual adjustments are required on the TRU or the MCPA. There are, in fact, no manual adjustable components in the TRU or MCPA. All adjustments to operational parameters are made through the TRU terminal interface.The most important item governing correct DRU operation is a proper, non-corrupt, software load within the TRU. The TRU software load is downloadable from the MAP position through a Peripheral Module (PM) load tape. TRUs can be upgraded or reloaded with their operating software without requiring anyone to visit a cell site.Figure 11-1 and Figure 11-2 show the front panel layouts of the TRU2 and the TRU3 respectively. Figure 11-3 shows the front panel layout of the MCPA.
11-2 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 11-1Front panel layout of the TRU2 (NTAX98AA)Figure 11-2Front panel layout of the TRU3 (NTAW99AA)RS-232 port for the Terminal Interface connector HandleStatus LEDs
Functionality of the DRU 11-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 11-3MCPA front panel layoutFunctionality of the DRUThe TRU provides a Time Compressed Multiplex (TCM) interface with the Integrated Cellular Remote Module (ICRM). It also provides dual-receive paths and diversity switching, and controls the Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) functions for the DRU. Control and signaling messages communicated between the ICRM and the TRU are through a TCM D-channel. Voice and data signals are communicated between the ICRM and the TRU through a TCM B-channel.Depending on the mode, the AMPS or TDMA baseband signal generated by the TRU in a DualMode 800 Enclosure is modulated in the TRU. The modulated signal is then sent to the MCPA. The MCPA amplifies and transmits the signal to the mobile in the appropriate AMPS (analog) or π/4 DQPSK (digital) format. The TRU receives composite RF signals from the mobile, extracts embedded control messages, and routes the control and voice signals to the ICRM.Audio sensitivity of the TRUIn AMPS mode, as a speaker talks, the FM carrier varies as a function of the audio waveform produced by the speaker’s voice. This variance is known as the frequency deviation that corresponds to a specific audio level. Typical audio levels range anywhere from -18 dBm0 to -22 dBm0.For TDMA, the speech signal is encoded using the VSELP coding algorithm. The VSELP codec per the IS-54-B standard is optimized for a value being equated to an audio level of -18 dBm0. Therefore, if an AMPS radio is not set to an audio sensitivity of -18 dBm0, there will be some noticeable contrast in audio level (loudness) when handoff occurs between the two modes.To minimize the contrast between the two modes, Nortel Networks recommends that the audio level in an analog network be adjusted to -18 dBm0, corresponding to ±2.9 kHz deviation, in each direction of transmission. This recommendation concurs with the Joint Experts Meeting as reported to the CTIA in March 1992. For TRUs working in the AMPS OFFONPwrLowDISAB.AlarmsOffOnRF ON-5VDCResetPwrLPA+5VDC LoopFailFailFanFail+15VDC+27VDCVSWRDCHighTempOverStatus
11-4 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999mode to be fully IS-54-B compliant, the audio sensitivity is factory set to -18 dBm0. However, the audio sensitivity can be adjusted by performing the Transmit and the Receive Audio Level tests as described later in this chapter.Test considerationsThis manual outlines the tests that should be performed on a DualMode Radio Unit (DRU) when it is installed or replaced. It describes tests that can be performed on the DRU, although not required, in a DualMode 800 Enclosure. Also described are system checks related to a complete cell site system containing DRUs. The tests ensure that the DRU provides service to mobile users and meets the basic operating parameters. The tests are divided into the following sections in this manual:• Installation/Replacement tests—check the operational parameters of the DRU• Transmit tests—check the transmit parameters of the DRU• Receive tests—check the receive parameters of the TRU• Power output test—checks the transmit power level of the MCPA at the duplexer• Digital tests— the bit error rate loopback test checks that the transmit and receive paths of the TRU meet the specifications. A digital call through test checks that TDMA call processing is performed correctly.Note:  The tests apply to both the TRU2 and TRU3 unless otherwise stated for the individual unit. Currently the TRU3 does not support AMPS operation and therefore performing the AMPS-related tests (for example, SAT/ST frequencies, TX/RX audio levels) are not required on the TRU3.Due to the operating characteristics of the DRU being determined by software, very few tests are needed upon installation of a TRU or a MCPA into a TRU shelf or a MCPA shelf respectively.Tests that can be performed on a DRU as operational checks are outlined in this chapter. These tests are not required upon installation, replacement, or on a periodic basis, but are outlined for troubleshooting purposes.Due to the tests affecting the ability to process calls, it is necessary to “busy out” and “off-line” the DRUs, from the MTX, before testing begins.CAUTIONSome of the tests are service affecting at the cell/sector level. If you do need to perform these tests, schedule your work at a low traffic period to minimize service interruption to your customers.
Test equipment required 11-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Whenever a test is performed on a DRU, record the test parameter. You should test only one DRU at a time. Unless specified elsewhere, testing should be carried out within the +15° C (+59° F) to +35° C (+95° F) temperature range.Power and Ground Verification (Chapter 4), Master Oscillator Testing and (Chapter 5) may be required before conducting some DRU tests.Test equipment requiredProper setup of the test equipment is critical in obtaining proper test results. Consistency of setup and techniques from one person to another is essential for obtaining proper system operation.It is assumed that the operator is familiar with the test equipment used in the test procedures. The following test equipment is recommended for performing the tests. Any functionally equivalent unit may be used in its place. Double shielded coaxial cables are recommended for use between test equipment and the cell site equipment being tested.Note:  Ensure that all test equipment is calibrated before use. Cable loss must be accounted for in the MCPA RF output power tests.For a list of the required test equipment, refer to Chapter 3, Test Equipment and Precautions, in this manual.This section describes the tests that can be performed on a DualMode Radio Unit (DRU). These tests can be used to verify the performance of a DRU but they are not required on a periodic basis.Note:  The DRU, the ICRM and the test equipment should be powered up for at least half an hour before the tests. Inaccurate measurements may result if the warm-up period is less than 30 minutes.A VT100 Video Display Terminal (or equivalent) is required to perform the tests. Refer to the Test Equipment section in Chapter 3, Test Equipment and Precautions, for setting up the parameters of the terminal. For a complete list of the Terminal Interface commands, refer to the Transmit Receive Unit section in Chapter 1, Equipment operation.TRU self testA built-in self test can be performed on a TRU (EEPROM CRC check for a TRU2 and a CRC check for a TRU3).Use the following procedure to perform the self test:1. Connect the interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test.
11-6 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19992. Place the TRU into the command line mode by pressing the “Break” key on the interface terminal. The terminal will display the following:TRU Terminal InterfaceCopyright 1990,1991 Bell Northern Research, Inc.>3. To place the TRU into the fullscreen monitor mode, enter:>SET LT OFF (disables the LAPD timeout)>SET FS ON (invokes fullscreen display)This places the TRU into the fullscreen AMPS mode (refer to Figure 1-8).TRU EEPROM CRC Check4. Check the top right corner of the screen and verify that the EEPROM CRC Check has passed. The EEPROM CRC Check on the screen (refer to Figure 1-8 in Chapter 1, Equipment operation) will show:EEPROM CRC Check: PASSEDRecord the result. If the check fails, replace the TRU.5. Disconnect the interface terminal from the TRU under test.DRU configurations for analog testsThe Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) must be correctly configured for each test.  This section covers the general test set-ups for the TRU.Nominal Application GainIn a DualMode 800 Enclosure, all TRUs are set to “patype none” mode during installation. In this mode, the nominal application gain is set to a default value of -12 dB and the TRU maximum transmit power is set to a default value of +15 dBm. Do not change these default settings during the tests.With default settings in the “patype none” mode, the output of the TRU is set to [+15 - (-12)] = +27 dBm at the TRU backplane. Therefore, when checking the TRU output with the “query pastatus” command, please remember that the +15 dBm TRU output has been compansated for by the -12 dB norminal application gain to give an actual TRU output of +27 dBm at default.
DRU configurations for analog tests 11-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08TRU setupAll the DualMode Radio Unit (DRU) tests are performed through an interface terminal. Before performing any tests, connect an interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU. Place the TRU into the command line mode by pressing the “Break” key on the terminal. To place the TRU into the fullscreen analog (AMPS) mode, at the command line prompt (>), enter:>SET LT OFF (disables the LAPD timeout)>SET PATYPE NONE (configures TRU to the modulated mode for no per-carrier PA application)>SET FS ON (invokes fullscreen display)Check the configurations of the TRU from the interface terminal. For each individual test, change the specific configuration(s) as required. Table 11-1 shows the TRU configurations in the initial setup and in the individual tests. Status or values in bold indicate the change to that specific configuration during the tests. Refer to Table 1-2 in Chapter 1, Equipment operation, for a complete description of the fullscreen commands.With reference to Table 11-1, verify that the DRU configurations are as listed in the initial setups from the interface terminal:Carrier statusIf the carrier (shown in the PA field on the screen) is on, turn it off by entering:>CThe PA field on the screen should show:PA: offCompandorIf the Compandor is off, turn it on by entering:>KThe Compandor field on the screen should show:Compandor: onSAT TransmitIf the SAT TX is on, turn it off by entering:>GThe SAT TX field on the screen should show:SAT TX: 6000 (off)
11-8 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Table 11-1DRU configurations for analog testsCommands G I J K L P N M E U F C R TTX Tests Initial SetupTRU Configurations  Receive Status TRU Power Settings TX/RX Audio AudioStatus AudioSensMaxPower CarrierOn/OffPowerIndex PowerStepAntennaPath ReceivePortsWideBandDataDetectSAT, ST,RSSILoopback Compan-dorSATTX ToneGenOFFOFFOFFONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFRFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFRFRFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONOFFOFFOFFONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFRSSISATSTOFFOFFOFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  41  4000000000000000000004444444444444444444415. RXTX RXRXOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0-18.0TX Carrier FrequencyWideband ModulationSAT TransmitResidual ModulationTX Audio LevelModulation Limiting1 kHz Tone GenEnd of TX TestsRX Tests Initial SetupReceive SensitivityRX/TX Audio SensRX Audio LevelRSSI DetectSAT DetectST DetectEnd of RX TestsPower Test Initial SetupTRU Power OutputEnd of Power Test
DRU configurations for analog tests 11-9Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08LoopbackIf the Loopback status is either BCH or RF, turn it off by entering:>JThe TRU will request an antenna path choice (either BCH, RF or OFF). To turn the Loopback off, enter:>OFFThe Loopback field on the screen should show:Loopback: offTone GenIf the Tone Generation status is either BCH or RF, turn it off by entering:>IThe TRU will request an antenna path choice (either BCH, RF or OFF). To turn the Tone Gen off, enter:>OFFThe Tone Gen field on the screen should show:>Tone Gen: offAntenna PathIf the Antenna Path status is not Path A, select Path A by entering:>NThe TRU will request an antenna path choice (either A, B or DIV). To select Path A, enter:>AThe Antenna Path field on the screen should show:>Antenna Path: AAntenna PortIf the Antenna Port status is not Ports 1 and 4, select Ports 1 and 4 by entering:>MThe TRU will request the port numbers (enter a port number 1, 2 or 3 for antenna path A, and a port number 4, 5 or 6 for antenna path B). Enter the antenna ports as two numbers separated by a space (first number indicates antenna port in path A and second number indicates antenna port in path B):>1 4The Antenna Port field on the screen should show:>Antenna Port A: 1 B: 4
11-10 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Transmit Power Level IndexIf the TxPwrIndex status is not 0, set it to 0 by entering:>EThe TRU will request a specific power level (0..7). To set power level to 0, enter:>0The TxPwrIndex field on the screen should show:TxPwrIndex: 0Transmit Power Step SizeIf the TxPwrStep status is not 4, set it to 4 by entering:>UThe TRU will request a power step size (1..4 in 0.25 dB increments). To set power step size to 4, enter:>4The TxPwrStep field on the screen should show:TxPwrStep: 4Maximum Transmit PowerIf the PA Max power status is not 15.0 dBm, set it to 15.0 dBm by entering:>FThe TRU will request a power level (-1.0...27.0 in dBm). To set Max power to 15.0, enter:>15.0The MaxTxPwr field on the screen should show:MaxTxPwr: 15.00Audio StatusIf the TX and RX audio status is either ‘TX’, ‘RX’ or ‘TX RX’, turn the audio off by entering:>RThe DRU will request for either ‘TX’, ‘RX’, ‘BOTH’ or ‘OFF’. Enter:>OFFThe Audio field on the screen should show:Audio: off
DRU configurations for analog tests 11-11Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08TX Audio SensitivityIf the TX Audio Sens status is not -18.0, and no other level has been specified, set the TX audio sensitivity to -18.0 dBm by entering:>TThe DRU will respond as follows:Enter TX or RX and a decimal dBm value (TX:-28...-10);(RX:-28...-16)Enter:>TX -18.0The Audio Sens TX status on the screen will show:Audio Sens Tx: -18.0RX Audio SensitivityIf the RX Audio Sens status is not -18.0, and no other level has been specified, set the RX audio sensitivity to -18.0 dBm by entering:>TThe DRU will respond as follows:Enter TX or RX and a decimal dBm value (TX:-28...-10);(RX:-28...-16)Enter:>RX -18.0The Audio Sens RX status on the screen will show:Audio Sens Rx: -18.0
11-12 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DRU transmit testsThis section describes the transmit tests that can be performed on the DualMode Radio Unit (DRU). RF output power tests are described in the DRU RF output power test section.Note:  The tests can be performed separately but the DRU transmit test setup procedure must be performed before each individual test.Service impactsDirectly testing the TRU through the antenna port of the duplexer will put the entire cell/sector out of service.  Indirectly testing the TRU through the sniffer port of the duplexer will affect only the TRU under test. However, the measurement may not be as accurate because the level is approximately 50 dB down with a tolerance of up to ±5 dB.Transmit test setup procedure1. At the MTX, busy and off-line the TRU under test and the TRUs connected to the same MCPA shelf.Note:  The service supported by the MCPA shelf will be affected.2. Connect the interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test. Verify that the DRU configurations for TX tests initial setup are as listed in Table 11-1.Note:  Ensure that all the TRUs connected to the MCPA shelf are off.WARNINGRF radiation hazardDo NOT disconnect any RF cables when transmitters are on.CAUTIONService interruptionThe service of the entire cell/sector of the TRU under test will be affected. Perform the tests during low traffic period.
DRU transmit tests 11-13Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX083. Connect the receive input of the communications monitor to the antenna port of the duplexer. Use a low loss double shielded cable, RG-214 or equivalent. Figure 11-4 shows the connection setup for the transmit tests.Note:  If you do not want to interrupt service, connect to the sniffer port on the duplexer instead. The level is approximately 50 dB down with a tolerance of up to ±5 dB.4. From the terminal, select the channel assigned to the TRU under test by using the B command.>BThe TRU will request a channel number. Enter the channel number for the frequency assigned to the TRU under test (1...799 or 990...1023). Refer to Appendix A for the channel-to-frequency conversion information.>xxxxOn a successful channel change, the Channel and Synth Lock fields will be updated:Channel: xxxx (DRU channel number indicated)Synth Lock: YES (Sync Lock changes to ‘YES’)5. On the communications monitor, set the transmit RF frequency to the frequency corresponding to that of the TRU under test.6. Turn on the TRU (the transmit carrier) with the C command.>CThe PA status on the screen will change to:PA: on7. Proceed with the transmit tests.
11-14 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 11-4DRU transmit tests setup (service affecting)Diversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarmInputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1600)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT100TxCombiner MCPAs4:1 CombinerMCPA Shelf
DRU transmit tests 11-15Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Transmit Carrier Frequency testThis test ensures that the TRU is transmitting at the assigned frequency.Wideband Modulation testThis test ensures that the transmit carrier deviation of the TRU is within specifications when the TRU is transmitting wideband data.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Transmit Carrier Frequency test.2 Check the transmit carrier frequency on the communications monitor. The frequency error (FREQ ERR) is also shown on some communications monitors.±220 Hz of the assigned frequency.3 Record the assigned frequency (in MHz) and the frequency error (in Hz) on the test forms.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Wideband Modulation test.2 From the interface terminal, use the L command to select Wideband Data.>LTRU begins to transmit wide band data and the screen shows:continuing Wideband Data TX..(press return to quit)3 Check the carrier frequency deviation as displayed on DEV (deviation) meter. Deviation between 7.2 kHz and 8.8 kHz.4 Record the deviation on the test forms.5 Press the “Return” key to stop the wideband data transmission. TRU stops transmitting wide band data and the screen shows:Wideband data is off
11-16 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999SAT Frequency and Deviation testsSupervisory Audio Tones (SAT) are used for out-of-band signaling. This test ensures that the SAT frequency and deviation transmitted by the TRU are within specifications.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the SAT Transmit test.2 From the interface terminal, use the G command to turn on the SAT.>GThe screen shows:SAT TX: 6000 (on)3 Check the SAT frequency as displayed on the AF (frequency) meter. SAT frequency should be 6000 Hz ±5 Hz.4 Check the SAT carrier frequency deviation as displayed on the deviation (DEV) meter. Deviation between 1.8 kHz and 2.2 kHz.5 Record the frequency and the deviation on the test forms.6 Use the H command to input a different SAT frequency.>HThe terminal will prompt with:Enter a SAT frequency (5970, 6000, or 6030)7 Select 5970 Hz SAT frequency by entering:>5970The screen shows:SAT TX: 5970 (on)8 Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the 5970 Hz SAT frequency and deviation tests. SAT frequency: 5970 Hz ±5 HzDeviation between 1.8 kHz and 2.2 kHz.9 Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the 6030 Hz SAT frequency and deviation tests by selecting 6030 Hz SAT frequency.SAT frequency: 6030 Hz ±5 HzDeviation between 1.8 kHz and 2.2 kHz.10 Use the G command to turn off the SAT.>GThe screen shows:SAT TX: 6030 (off)
DRU transmit tests 11-17Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Residual Modulation testThis test ensures that the transmit carrier deviation of the TRU is within specifications when the transmit audio of the TRU is muted.Transmit Audio Level testThis test ensures that the transmit carrier deviation of the TRU meets the audio level specifications during a subscriber conversation in the AMPS mode.The AMPS mode of the TRU is currently set to a default value of -18 dBm0, corresponding to ±2.9 kHz deviation, which is compliant to IS-138 Standards.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Residual Modulation test.2 Check the carrier frequency deviation as displayed on the DEV meter. Deviation between -0.5 kHz and +0.5 kHz.3 Record the deviation on the test forms.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Transmit Audio Level test.Note: Loopback and SAT TX must be set to off in this test. Use the J and the G commands to set Loopback and SAT TX to off, if necessary.The desired trunk should still be posted as in the Tx Audio Level Test step 4.2 From the interface terminal, use the R command to turn on (unmute) the TX audio.>RThe terminal will prompt for audio path:Enter TX, RX, BOTH or OFF3 Enter the option “TX”:>TXThe Audio status on the screen shows:Audio: TX- continued -
11-18 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Modulation Limiting testModulation Limiting is the ability of the transmitter to effectively operate within the system deviation limits. This test ensures that the transmit carrier deviation of the TRU meets the system specifications.4 This step is performed at the MTX.From the MAP position or with a second terminal logged into the switch, test the trunk that is assigned to the TRU being tested by entering:MAPCI;MTC;TRKS;TTP;POST (CLLI name) (Trunk member number);TGEN 1004 -180MAP Trunk Test Position is displayed. The MAP screen will indicate the trunk member selected and that the trunk is selected.It will also indicate the tone generated and the level of the tone.5 Check the carrier frequency deviation as displayed on the DEV meter. Deviation between 2.61 kHz and 3.19 kHz.6 Record the deviation on the test forms.7 If the deviation is different from the site specific Forward audio level setting, repeat this test after all the transmit tests have been completed. Set the deviation to the specific operational level with the T command from the interface terminal.The transmit audio level is shown on the terminal screen as:Audio Sens Tx: -18.0 (change thislevel as required—a change of 1 dBm isapproximately a change of 0.27 kHz indeviation)8 From the interface terminal, use the R command to turn off (mute) the TX audio.>RThe terminal will prompt for audio path:Enter TX, RX, BOTH or OFF9 Enter the option “OFF”:>OFFThe audio status on the screen shows:Audio: off- End -Step Action Observation
DRU transmit tests 11-19Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Modulation Limiting test.Note: Loopback and SAT TX must be set to off in this test. Use the J and the G commands to set Loopback and SAT TX to off, if necessary.2 From the interface terminal, use the R command to turn on (unmute) the TX audio.>RThe terminal will prompt for audio path:Enter TX, RX, BOTH or OFF3 Enter the option “TX”:>TXThe Audio status on the screen shows:Audio: TX4 This step is performed at the MTX.Using the TGEN command at the MAP position terminal, change the output level and observe the Carrier Frequency Deviation for each of the levels listed.TGEN 1004 -100..........TGEN 1004 -50...........TGEN 1004 0.............TGEN 1004 10............TGEN 1004 20............TGEN 1004 30............TGEN 1004 50............The Carrier Frequency Deviation will increase to a maximum value at a certain tone level and then the deviation value will decrease. However, the maximum value must be less than 12.0 kHz at all tone levels.5 Check the maximum carrier frequency deviation as displayed on the DEV meter. Deviation must be less than 12.0 kHz at all levels.6 Record the maximum deviation obtained on the test forms.7 On the MAP position terminal, enter:>RLSThe MAP screen will indicate that the trunk is released and returns to its original state.8 From the interface terminal, use the R command to turn off (mute) the TX audio.>RThe terminal will prompt for audio path:Enter TX, RX, BOTH or OFF9 Enter the option “OFF”:>OFFThe Audio status on the screen shows:Audio: off
11-20 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19991 kHz Tone Generation testThis test ensures that the frequency and deviation of the 1 kHz test tone generated by the TRU are within specifications.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the 1 kHz Tone Gen test.2 From the interface terminal, use the I command to generate an on-channel 1 kHz tone at 8 kHz deviation.>IThe TRU will prompt for the antenna path choice:Enter BCH, RF, or OFF3 Enter the RF option to test the tone on the RF side of the TRU.>RFThe Tone Generation status on the screen shows:Tone Gen: RF4 Check the 1 kHz Tone Gen frequency as displayed on the AF meter. The frequency should be 1000 Hz ±1 Hz.5 Check the carrier frequency deviation as displayed on the DEV meter. Deviation between 7.2 kHz and 8.8 kHz.6 Record the frequency and the deviation on the test forms.7 Use the I command to turn off the on-channel 1 kHz tone at 8 kHz deviation.>IThe TRU will prompt for the antenna path choice:Enter BCH, RF, or OFF8 Enter the “OFF” option to turn off the tone on the RF side of the TRU.>OFFThe Tone Generation status on the screen shows:Tone Gen: OFF
DRU transmit tests 11-21Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Setting TX audio deviation to site operational levelAfter the transmit tests, ensure that the deviation level recorded in the Transmit Audio Level test is the same as the site specific operational level. If the levels are different, perform the Transmit Audio Level test and change the level to the site specific operational level by using the T command.Set the TX audio sensitivity with the T command.>TThe TRU will prompt as follows:Enter TX or RX and a decimal dBm value (TX:-28...-10);(RX:-28...-16)Enter:>TX -xx.x (change this value as required to obtain the operationaltransmit audio level)Note:  A change of 1 dBm is approximately a change of 0.27 kHz deviation.The Audio Sens TX status on the screen will show:Audio Sens Tx: -xx.x (site specific operational level)Use the C command to turn off the carrier of the TRU.>CThe PA (TRU transmitter) status on the screen will show:PA: offUse the Y command to perform a reset on the TRU after the tests.>YAt the command prompt, perform a warm reset on the TRU by entering:>WThe TRU will return to its normal working condition after the reset. Disconnect the interface terminal from the TRU.At the MTX, put the TRU back to service.
11-22 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DRU receive testsThis section describes the receive tests that can be performed on the DualMode Radio Unit (DRU).Note:  The tests can be performed separately but the DRU receive test setup procedure must be performed before each individual test.Service impactsThe receive tests cause a reduction in the receive performance of the shelf containing the radio under test because of the loss of receive diversity.The TRU transmit tests must be performed before the receive tests to verify the TRU’s transmit path.  This is because the TRU uses an RF loopback to access the base-band receive signal.  Failure to verify the TRU transmit path may result in invalid test data.Receive test setup procedure1. At the MTX, busy and off-line the TRU under test.2. Connect the interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test. Verify that the TRU configurations for RX tests initial setup are as listed in Table 11-1.3. Connect the transmit output of the communications monitor to the antenna input connector on the back of the TRU shelf for the antenna under test. Connect the receive input of the communications monitor to the sniffer port of the duplexer for the TRU under test. Use low loss double shielded cables, RG-214 or equivalent. Figure 11-5 shows the setup for the receive tests.4. From the terminal, select the channel assigned to the DRU under test by using the B command.>BWARNINGRF radiation hazardDo NOT disconnect any RF cables when transmitters are on.CAUTIONService interruptionThe service of the shelf housing the TRU under test will be affected. Perform the tests during low traffic period.
DRU receive tests 11-23Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08The DRU will request a channel number. Enter the channel number for the frequency assigned to the DRU under test (1...799 or 990...1023). Refer to Appendix A for the channel-to-frequency conversion information.>xxxxOn a successful channel change, the Channel and Synth Lock fields will be updated:Channel: xxxx (DRU channel number indicated)Synth Lock: YES (Sync Lock changes to ‘YES’)5. On the communications monitor, set the receiver RF frequency to the frequency corresponding to that of the DRU under test. For an IFR 1600, by selecting the transmitter frequency, the receiver frequency will automatically be set. 6. Proceed with the receive tests.After performing a receive test on the A path of the receiver, perform the test again on the B path. From the terminal, use the N command to change the Antenna Path to ‘B’ and use the M command to select antenna port 4 for the new receive path.Note:  Change the connection to the antenna input port 4 accordingly.For sectored sites, perform also the following:1. Use the N command to change the Antenna Path to ‘A’ and use the M command to change the antenna ports to 2 and 5. Perform the receive tests.2. Use the N command to change the Antenna Path to ‘B’ and ensure that the antenna ports are still 2 and 5. Perform the receive tests.3. Use the N command to change the Antenna Path to ‘A’ and use the M command to change the antenna ports to 3 and 6. Perform the receive tests.4. Use the N command to change the Antenna Path to ‘B’ and ensure that the antenna ports are still 3 and 6. Perform the receive tests.Note:  Change the connection to the antenna input ports accordingly.
11-24 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Figure 11-5DRU receive tests setup (shelf/site service affecting)Diversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarm Inputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1600)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT100••••  •  •TxCombiner MCPAs4:1 CombinerMCPA Shelf
DRU receive tests 11-25Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Receive sensitivity testThe usable sensitivity of a receiver is the minimum level of a standard RF signal required to produce 12 dB SINAD, C-message weighted. This test ensures that the DRU meets the minimum requirement of receive sensitivity.Receive and transmit audio line sensitivity testThis test ensures that both the receive audio signal level and the transmit audio signal level of the DRU meet the required specifications in the AMPS mode.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Receive Sensitivity test.Note: SAT TX must be set to off in this test. Use the G command to set SAT TX to off, if necessary.2 Use the J command to turn RF loopback on.Use the R command to unmute TX RX audio.Use the C command to turn PA carrier on.Loopback field shows: RFAudio status field shows: TX RXPA status field shows: ON3 Select the SINAD meter on the communications monitor.4 Using the communications monitor, apply a -50 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone at ±8 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.The SINAD reading should be much greater than 12 dB.5 Reduce the level of the RF signal until a 12 dB SINAD (C-message weighted) is indicated on the SINAD meter. Check the RF signal level on the communications monitor.The RF signal level must be:less than -105 dBm6 Record the RF signal level on the test forms.
11-26 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Receive audio level testThis test ensures that the receive audio level of the DRU is compatible with the Mobile Telephone Exchange (MTX) network in the AMPS mode. The AMPS mode of the DRU is currently set to a default value of -18 dBm0, corresponding to ±2.9 kHz deviation.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Receive and Transmit Audio Line Sensitivity test.Note: SAT TX must be set to off in this test. Use the G command to set SAT TX to off, if necessary.2 Use the J command to turn RF loopback on.Use the R command to unmute TX RX audio.Use the C command to turn PA carrier on.Loopback field shows: RFAudio status field shows: TX RXPA status field shows: ON3 Using the communications monitor, apply a -60 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone at ±2.9 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.4 Check the frequency deviation on the transmit side of the DRU under test. The deviation must be:between 2.60 kHz and 3.20 kHz.5 Record the deviation on the test forms.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the RX Audio Level test.2 Use the C command to turn PA carrier off.Use the J command to turn RF loopback off. PA status field shows: OFFLoopback field shows: OFF3 Use the R command to turn on the RX audio.>RThe DRU will prompt for the audio path:Enter TX, RX, BOTH, or OFF- continued -
DRU receive tests 11-27Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08RSSI testThe RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Intensity) is the RF signal strength used by the DRU for signal monitoring. This test ensures that the RSSI characteristics of the DRU under test are within specifications. Due to the transceiver splitter and shelf cable losses, the RSSI reading is 11 dB lower than the test signal applied.4 Enter the “RX” option to turn on the RX audio.>RXThe Audio status on the screen shows:Audio: RX5 Using the communications monitor, apply a -60 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone at ±2.9 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.6 This step is performed at the MTX.From the MAP position or with a second terminal logged into the switch the trunk that is assigned to the DRU being tested, enter:MAPCI;MTC;TRKS;TTP;POST (CLLI name) (Trunk member number);LOSSMAP Trunk Test Position is displayed. The MAP screen will indicate the trunk member selected and that the trunk is seized.It will also indicate the tone received and the level of the tone.7 Check the level received at the switch as displayed on the MAP position terminal. Level must be:between -17.0 dBm and -19.0 dBm.8 Record the audio level on the test forms.9 If the level is different from the site specific Reverse audio level setting, repeat this test after all the receive tests have been completed. Set the level to the specific operational level with the T command from the interface terminal.The receive audio level is shown on the terminal screen as:Audio Sens Rx: -18.0 (change this level as required—a change of 1 dBm isapproximately a change of 0.27 kHz indeviation)10 Use the R command to turn off the RX audio.>RThe DRU will prompt for the audio path:?Enter TX, RX, BOTH, or OFF11 Enter the “OFF” option to turn off the RX audio.>OFFThe Audio status on the screen shows:Audio: off- End -Step Action Observation
11-28 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the RSSI detect test.2 Using the communications monitor, apply a -60 dBm on-channel RF signal to the DRU under test.3 Use the P command to measure the RSSI signal reading.>PThe DRU will prompt for the measurement to query:Enter R, SAT, ST, or A4 Enter the “R” option to query the RSSI measurement.>RRSSI measurement is displayed and the output message will show:continuing Query..(hit returnto exit)5 Check the RSSI measurement displayed on the terminal screen and record it on the test forms.Requirement as shown in Table 11-2.6 On the communications monitor, change the RF signal input level as shown in Table 11-2 and record the RSSI measurement on the test forms.Requirement as shown in Table 11-2.Table 11-2RSSI characteristicsRSSI field specification: Nominal value ±5 dB.RF signal input RSSI measurement (in dBm)(in dBm) Maximum Nominal Minimum-60.0 -66.0 -71.0 -76.0-70.0 -76.0 -81.0 -86.0-80.0 -86.0 -91.0 -96.0-84.0 -90.0 -95.0 -100.0-90.0 -96.0 -101.0 -106.0-100.0 -106.0 -111.0 -116.0
DRU receive tests 11-29Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08RSSI offset calibrationThe RSSI offset compensates for the overall receive path gain as measured from the Receive Multicoupler (RMC) input to the TRU input. It compensates for the cell site characteristics, such as the RMC and the receive path cabling. Figure 11-6 shows the setup for the RSSI offset calibration.Figure 11-6RSSI offset setupNote:  IFR 1600 or any equivalent communications monitor can be used.Diversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarm Inputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1600)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT100••••  •  •TxCombinerMCPAs4:1 CombinerMCPA Shelf
11-30 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Step Action Observation1 Put the DRU under test out of service at the MTX.2 Connect a low loss RF cable from the IFR output Duplex 65W Max jack to the RMC input port A.  The RF cable loss should be known and will be used for calculation later.3 Connect the interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test.4 Place the transceiver in Debug mode by pressing the BREAK key.5 On the Debug terminal type “SET FS ON” and type press the <RETURN> key.If the command is not issued right-a-way then the BREAK key may have to be typed again.6 From the terminal, select the channel assigned to the DRU under test by using the B command.>B <return>Enter the channel number >XXXXThe DRU will request a channel number  ( 1…799 or 991…1023 )On a successful channel change, the Channel and Synth Lock fields will be updated:Channel: xxxx (DRU channel number indicated)Synth Lock: YES (Sync Lock changes to ‘YES’)7 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-3 for the RSSI characteristics test.8 On the communications monitor, set the receiver RF frequency to the frequency corresponding to that of the TRU under test.For an IFR 1600, by selecting the transmitter frequency, the receiver frequency will automatically be set.9 Using the communications monitor, apply a -60 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 1kHz tone at ±2.9 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.10 Use the P command to measure the RSSI signal reading.>P <return>The DRU will prompt for the measurement to query:Enter R, SAT, ST, or A- continued -
DRU receive tests 11-31Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Step Action Observation11 Enter the “R” option to query the RSSI measurement.>R <return>RSSI measurement is displayed and the output message will show:  continuing Query..(hit return to exit)12 Check the RSSI measurement displayed on the terminal screen and record it. RX RSSI : - 57.0RX SAT : NRX ST : N13 Use the O command to enter the value of dB1= (input level - measured RSSI reading - RF cable loss value) as the RSSI offset for path A, antenna 1.>O <return> >A dB1 0 0The RSSI offset should be kept to ±5 dB to keep RSSI values between -130 dBm and -30 dBm.Example: Input level: -60dBmMeasured RSSI value: -57dBmTypical RF cable loss: 1dBthen dB1 = -60 - (-57) - 1 = - 4dBEnter path (A or B) and three separate dB values (± 0…100).14 On the communications monitor, change the RF signal level as shown in Table 11-4 and record the RSSI measurement from the Debug terminal.Requirement as shown in Table 11-415 Change the Antenna path with the N command to path ‘B’ from the Debug terminal.>N <return>The DRU will request an antenna path choice. Enter path ( A,B, or DIV ).16 Enter the antenna path>B <return>Change the connection to the RMC input port B accordingly.Current Receiver path: B17 Repeat step 7 to step 12 for the new antenna path.- continued -
11-32 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Step Action Observation18 Use the O command to enter the value of dB4 = (input level - measured RSSI reading - RF cable loss value) as the RSSI offset for path B, antenna 4.>O <return>>B dB4 0 0Antenna Port 1 2 3 4 5 6RSSI offset dB1 0 0 dB4 0 019 For sectored sites only, perform the remaining portion of this procedure. OMNI cells will only have two antennas and need not perform the following steps in this procedure.20 Change the Antenna path with the N command to path ‘A’ from the Debug terminal.>N <return>The DRU will request an antenna path choice. Enter path (A,B, or DIV).21 Enter the antenna path.>A <return>Current Receiver path: A22 Change the antenna ports to 2 and 5 with the M command from the Debug terminal.>M <return>The DRU will request the port numbers. Enter a path A port number (1|2|3) and a path B port number (4|5|6).23 Enter the antenna ports as two numbers separated by a space>2 5 <return>24 Repeat step 9 to step 18 for all radios being tested.Change the connection to the RMC input port accordingly.When using the O command to enter the RSSI offset for path A, antenna port 2 and path B, antenna port 5, make sure to re-enter the RSSI offset for path A, antenna port 1 (dB1) and for path B, antenna port 4 (dB4). For example:>O>A DB1 DB2 0where DB2 = RSSI offset for port 2 and DB1 = previous value set for port 1.>O>B DB4 DB5 0where DB5 = RSSI offset for port 5 and DB4 = previous value set for port 4.- continued -
DRU receive tests 11-33Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Table 11-3 shows the DRU configuration for RSSI characteristics and Table 11-4 shows the RSSI measurement characteristics.Step Action Observation25 Change the Antenna path with the N command to path ‘A’ from the Debug terminal.>N <return>The DRU will request an antenna path choice. Enter path ( A,B, or DIV ).26 Enter the antenna path.>A <return>Current Receiver path: A27 Change the antenna ports to 2 and 5 with the M command from the Debug terminal.>M <return>The DRU will request the port numbers. Enter a path A port number (1|2|3) and a path B port number (4|5|6).28 Enter the antenna ports as two numbers separated by a space.>3 6 <return>29 Repeat step 9 to step 18 for all radios being tested.Change the connection to the RMC input port accordingly.When using the O command to enter the RSSI offset for path A, antenna port 3 and path B, antenna port 6, make sure to re-enter the RSSI offset for path A, antenna ports 1, 2 (dB1 and dB2) and for path B, antenna ports 4, 5 (dB4 and dB5). For example:>O>A DB1 DB2 DB3where DB3 = RSSI offset for port 3, DB2 = previous value set for port 2, and DB1 = previous value set for port 1.>O>B DB4 DB5 DB6where DB6 = RSSI offset for port 6, DB5 = previous value set for port 5, and DB4 = previous value set for port 4.- End -
11-34 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999RSSI field specification: Nominal value ±3 dBTable 11-3DRU configuration for RSSI characteristicsTRU Configurations TX/RX AudioSAT TX Tone Gen Loop back Compander WideBand Data Detect RSSI Audio Status Audio SensCommand G I J K L P R TRSSI detect OFF OFF OFF ON OFF RSSI OFF -18.0 Table 11-4RSSI measurement characteristicsRF signal input(in dBm) RSSI measurement (in dBm)Maximum Nominal Minimum-60 -57 -60 -63-70 -67 -70 -73-80 -77 -80 -83-84 -81 -84 -87-90 -87 -90 -93-100 -97 -100 -103
DRU receive tests 11-35Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08SAT detect testThis test ensures that the DRU meets the minimum requirement of detecting a Supervisory Audio Tone signal.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the SAT detect test.2 Use the P command to query the SAT signal.>PThe DRU will prompt for the signal to query:Enter R, SAT, ST, or A3 Enter the “SAT” option to query the SAT signal.>SATThe RX SAT status shows: NThe output message shows:continuing Query..(hit return to exit)4 Using the communications monitor, apply a -90 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 5970 Hz tone at ±1.8 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.The RX SAT status on the screen should show:RX SAT: 05 Reduce the level of the RF signal until a “N” is indicated at the RX SAT status on the screen.The RX SAT status on the screen shows: RX SAT: N6 Check the RF signal level on the communications monitor. The RF signal level must be:less than -105 dBm7 Record the RF signal level on the test forms.8 Using the communications monitor, apply a -90 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 6000 Hz tone at ±1.8 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.The RX SAT status on the screen should show: RX SAT: 19 Reduce the level of the RF signal until a “N” is indicated at the RX SAT status on the screen.The RX SAT status on the screen shows: RX SAT: N10 Check the RF signal level on the communications monitor. The RF signal level must be:less than -105 dBm11 Record the RF signal level on the test forms.12 Using the communications monitor, apply a -90 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 6030 Hz tone at ±1.8 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.The RX SAT status on the screen should show: RX SAT: 2- continued -
11-36 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999ST detect testThis test ensures that the DRU meets the minimum requirement of detecting a Signaling Tone signal.13 Reduce the level of the RF signal until a “N” is indicated at the RX SAT status on the screen.The RX SAT status on the screen shows:RX SAT: N14 Check the RF signal level on the communications monitor. The RF signal level must be:less than -105 dBm15 Record the RF signal level on the test forms.- End -Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the DRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the ST detect test.2 Use the P command to query the ST signal.>PThe DRU will prompt for the signal to query:Enter R, SAT, ST, or A3 Enter the “ST” option to query the ST signal.>STThe RX ST status shows: NThe output message shows:continuing Query..(hit return to exit)4 Using the communications monitor, apply a -90 dBm on-channel RF signal modulated with a 10 kHz tone at ±7.2 kHz deviation to the DRU under test.The RX ST status on the screen should show: RX ST: Y5 Reduce the level of the RF signal until a “N” is indicated at the RX ST status on the terminal screen.The RX ST status on the screen shows: RX ST: N6 Check the RF signal level on the communications monitor. The RF signal level must be:less than -105 dBm7 Record the RF signal level on the test forms.8 Press the “Return” key from the terminal to discontinue the measurement. The output message will show: Query Status is OFFStep Action Observation
DRU receive tests 11-37Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Setting RX audio level to site operational levelAfter the receive tests, ensure that the audio level recorded in the Receive Audio Level test is the same as the site specific operational level. If the two levels are different, perform the Receive Audio Level test and change the receive audio level to the site specific operational level by using the T command.Set the RX audio sensitivity with the T command.>TThe DRU will prompt as follows:Enter TX or RX and a decimal dBm value (TX:-28...-10);(RX:-28...-16)Enter:>RX -xx.x (change this value as required to obtain the operationalreceive audio level)Note:  A change of 1 dBm is approximately a change of -0.27 kHz deviation.The Audio Sens RX status on the screen will show:Audio Sens Rx: -xx.x (site specific operational level)Use the Y command to perform a reset on the DRU after the tests.>YAt the command prompt, perform a warm reset on the DRU by entering:>WThe DRU will return to its normal working condition after the reset. Disconnect the interface terminal from the DRU.At the MTX, put the DRU back to service.
11-38 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Transmit RF output power testThis test measures the power output of the TRU, the MCPA and the transmit path insertion loss. Since it interrupts service for the shelf and potentially (depending on system configuration) the whole site, it should be used only when a problem is suspected and then only during a low traffic period.This section describes the Transmit RF output power test that can be performed on the DualMode Radio Unit (DRU). The Transmit RF output power test setup procedure must be performed before the test.Transmit RF output power test setup procedure1. At the MTX, busy and off-line the TRU under test.2. Connect the interface terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test. Verify that the DRU configurations for TRU power test initial setup are as listed in Table 11-1.Note:  Ensure that the TRU transmitter is off.3. Connect the receive input of the communications monitor to the antenna port of the duplexer. Use a low loss double shielded cable, RG-214 or equivalent. Figure 11-7 shows the connection setup for the RF output power test.Note:  If you do not want to interrupt service, connect to the monitor port of the duplexer instead. The measurement may not be as accurate because the level is approximately 50 dB down with a tolerance of up to ±5 dB.WARNINGRF radiation hazardDo NOT disconnect any RF cables when transmitters are on.CAUTIONService interruptionThe service of the shelf/site under test will be affected. Perform the tests during low traffic period.
Transmit RF output power test 11-39Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 11-7Transmit RF output power test setupDiversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarmInputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1600)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT100TxCombiner MCPAs4:1 CombinerMCPA Shelf
11-40 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19994. From the terminal, select the channel assigned to the TRU under test by using the B command.>BThe TRU will request a channel number. Enter the channel number for the frequency assigned to the DRU under test (1...799 or 990...1023). Refer to Appendix A for the channel-to-frequency conversion information.>xxxxOn a successful channel change, the Channel and Synth Lock fields will be updated:Channel: xxxx (DRU channel number indicated)Synth Lock: YES (Sync Lock changes to ‘YES’)5. On the communications monitor, set the transmit RF frequency to the frequency corresponding to that of the TRU under test.6. Proceed with the RF output power test.Requirements on the Transmit RF output power testWhen performing the Transmit RF output power test, make sure that power initialization has been performed (refer to Chapter 1). Also, take into account the number of channels supported by the MCPA and the component (cable, duplexer) loss along the transmit path.Table 11-5 lists the maximum per-channel power levels per carrier measured at the output port of the MCPA shelf for different channel counts and MCPA combinations in a DualMode 800 Enclosure. The power per channel calculation is based on the following assumption:• output of TRU at +15 dBm and nominal gain at -12 dB, giving an overall TRU output of +27 dBmFigure 11-8 shows the per-channel transmit power level at the output of each component for a 24-channel cell/sector using two MCPA modules.Table 11-5DualMode 800 Enclosure per-carrier power level at the output port of the MCPA shelf1 MCPA module 2 MCPA modules8 channels 12.50 W 25.00 W16 channels 6.25 W 12.50 W24 channels 4.17 W 8.33 W32 channels 3.12 W 6.25 W
Transmit RF output power test 11-41Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 11-8Transmit power level of a DualMode 800 Enclosure with 24-channel per cell/sector using two MCPA modulesTransmit RF output power testThis test ensures that the output power level of the TRU, the MCPA, and the transmit path loss are within specifications.Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the TRU configurations are as listed in Table 11-1 for the Power Output test.2 Turn on the TRU transmitter with the C command>CThe PA status should be as follows:PA: onTxPwrIndex: 0TxPwrStep: 4.00MaxTxPwr: 15.003 Measure the output power of the channel on the communications monitor. Power level should be within site specifications (refer to Table 11-5).4 Record the power level on the test forms.5 Turn off the TRU transmitter with the C command.>CThe PA status on the screen will show:PA: off+5.75 dBm-1.34 dBm +38.3 dBm(6.7 watts)(Note 5)+27 dBm(-0.25 dB) (-0.2 dB)(-6.25 dB) (-0.7 dB) (-0.1 dB)(-0.4 dB)Transmit Receive Unit(TRU)TX Combiner(at the back ofTRU shelf)CombinerDuplexerAntenna panelLightning arrestorTX/RXAntenna4:1Notes: gains and losses shown — not maximum or minimum.Per-channel TX power level shown with TRU output at +27 dBm.MCPA gain includes the MCPA module gain and the splitter, combiner, and cable losses within the MCPA shelf.Additional loss due to amplitude/phase imbalance (typically 0 to 0.5 dB) not shown.Output power at duplexer antenna port may be 0 to 0.5 dB lower due to amplidtue/phase imbalance.8:1MCPALMR-400+53.1 dB(Notes 3 and 4)(-21 dB)+39.2 dBm(8.3 watts) +37.8 dBm(6.0 watts)(Note 5)(-0.84 dB) (-0.25 dB)
11-42 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Setting TRU power step size and Max power to site operational levelAfter the output power tests, ensure that the TRU power step size and the TRU Max power are set back to the site specific operational level. Check the TRU power step size setting previously defined for the site. Set the TRU power step size setting to the site specific operational step size setting with the U command from the interface terminal.Set the TRU Power Step with the U command.>UThe TRU will prompt for a power step size:1..4Enter:>x.xx (change this value as required to obtain the operational powerstep size)The power step size on the screen will show:TxPwrStep: x.xx (site specific power step size)Check the TRU Max power setting previously defined for the site. Set the TRU output power to the site specific operational power with the F command from the interface terminal.Set the TRU Max Power with the F command.>FThe TRU will prompt for a power level:-1.0...27.0 in dBmEnter:>xx.x (change this value as required to obtain the operationaloutput power level)The MaxTxPwr status on the screen will show:MaxTxPwr: xx.xx (site specific operational level)Use the Y command to perform a reset on the TRU after the tests.>YAt the command prompt, perform a warm reset on the TRU by entering:>WThe TRU will return to its normal working condition after the reset. Disconnect the interface terminal from the TRU.At the MTX, put the TRU back to service.
DRU digital tests 11-43Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DRU digital testsThis section describes the digital tests that can be performed on the DualMode Radio Unit (DRU) and other system components to verify TDMA operation. A DualMode Radio Unit Monitor (DRUM) is required to perform the Bit Error Rate test and a TDMA or a Dual Mode cellular phone is required to perform the TDMA call test. The test requires operator commands initiated at the DRU, DRUM and MTX.Digital test considerationsA 2-way splitter located on the DRUM is used to combine the bi-directional link from the duplexer and from the DualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) to give a single interface for both. The 2-way splitter connects to either an antenna or a duplexer monitor port to provide an RF interface to the DRUs. The NTAX40CA DRUM uses the antenna connection; while the NTAX40DA DRUM uses the duplexer monitor port.A Bit Error Rate loopback test is initiated at the MTX on an in-service (INSV) DRU that has been taken out of call processing mode by the test being run. The test is carried out over the entire transmission loop from the MTX Digital Signal Processing Module (DSPM) through a DRU to the DRUM. Measurements of a Pseudo-Random Bit Stream are taken in both the near-to-far and far-to-near directions. Bi-directional transmit and receive tests are performed; uni-directional tests are automatically performed only if the bi-directional test fails. Figure 11-9 shows the digital loopback paths.Note:  The TRU3 does not support this loopback test method. It only supports the on-site BER test method.Figure 11-9Digital loopback paths
11-44 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Bit error rate test at the MTX switchBit Error Rate (BER) is defined as the ratio of erroneous bits to the total number of received bits in a transmission system. Typically, BER tests are performed on suspect equipment. However, external factors such as strong electromagnetic conditions, multi-path effects and environmental conditions like lightning may also cause high BER levels and need to be considered when a BER test fails.In the outbound direction (from Digital Signal Processing Module to DualMode Radio Unit), the BER test generates a pseudo-random bit stream (PRBS) onto the selected TDMA time slot. In the inbound direction, the BER test expects to receive the same bit pattern. After a short self-synchronization time period, the bit error rate is measured.Note:  The TRU3 does not support this test (that is, the MRBT test).Step Action Observation1 Ensure that the following tables have been datafilled. Table CTTPARMSTable PMLOADSTable TERMATTRTable CSMINVTuples shown are examples only. They may look different on your screen.Table CTTPARMS has a tuple for the cell under test and range TESTNAME says “MRBT”TABLE CTTPARMSPARMNAME                             TSTPARMS---------------------------------------------MRBT       MRVT MRBT 6000000 6000 6000 NOSTOPTABLE: PMLOADSLOADNAME                      DEVICE-----------------------------------------------DM2_AE25                      D000PMLOADSTABLE: TERMATTRATTRIBUTE PEC_CODE     LOAD PADPEC CSPM HWTYPE----------------------------------------------AE25   AX40DA DM2_AE25  NOPAD ICRM   DRUMTABLE: CSMINVCSMKEY     MIN SERNO TERMATTR CARD PORT ALARMPT-----------------------------------------------495 0 214 234 0095 142 571 AE25 8   15       02 Ensure that the DRUM is in service.>MAPCI;MTC;MTX>POST CELL {cell #};CTU {ctu #}Verify that the DRUM indicates INSV.- continued -
DRU digital tests 11-45Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX083 Enter the log reporting system and setup a device to report MTX 230 logs.>LOGUTIL>ADDREP <device name> MTX 230>STARTDEV <device name>>QUITLOGUTIL1 report added<device name> started>4 Enter the DRU POST level:>POST VCH ALL or POST VCH {no.}Post position is displayed on the MAP terminal.5 Perform the bit error rate test on the DRU from the MTX.>TST MRBT MRBT 2Test submitted, watch LOGs for results.Note: MRBT test on the first Voice channel must be completed before going to the next Voice channel.6 Review the results on the Log device started earlier. A sample of the log is displayed right. Log MTX 230 printed on the log device. MTX230 OCT23 12:52:14 9408 INFO CTE Test resultsTESTNAME: MRBTCELL = 495   VCH 6 DRU  PRTN = ZCTTPARMS: MRBT    TDMA CHANNEL: 2 RESULTS: TEST STAGE: TXSTATUS: PASSEDREASON:# BITS TRANSMITTED: 6000000# BIT ERRORS: 9BER: 9.0*10E-6# RESYNCS: 0The bit error rate must be less than 0.6% or less than 36000 errors in 6000000.7 Record the results on test forms.8 Test the next DRU by typing:>NEXT or POST VCH (no.)The next DRU will be posted.9 Repeat steps 5 to 7 for testing the next DRU.10 When tests are complete, turn logs off by entering:>LOGUTIL>STOPDEV <device name>>DELREP <device name> MTX 230>QUITLOGUTILDevice Stopped1 Report deleted>- End -Step Action Observation
11-46 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Bit error rate test at the cell siteThe BER test performed at the cell site verifies the BER performance of the DRU and the paths between the DRU and the communications monitor. It does not verify the BER performance of the links between the DRU and the DSPM.In the inbound (RX) direction (from the communications monitor to the TRU), the communications monitor generates a pseudo-random bit stream (PRBS) onto the selected TDMA time slot of the TRU. This PRBS is looped from the receiver of the TRU to the transmitter of the TRU and sent back to the communications monitor. In the outbound (TX) direction, the communications monitor expects to receive the same bit pattern. After a short self-synchronization time period, the bit error rate is measured.Service impactsThis BER test causes a reduction in the receive performance of the shelf containing the TRU under test because of the loss of receive diversity.The TRU transmit and receive tests must be performed before the BER test to verify the TRU’s transmit and receive paths.  This is because the TRU uses an RF loopback to access the base-band receive signal.  Failure to verify the TRU transmit and receive paths may result in invalid test data.Figure 11-10 shows the BER test setup at the cell siteNote:  The sniffer port is at a level of -50 dBm lower than the level at the antenna port of the duplexer. Make sure that this level meets the minimum input level requirement of your communications monitor. If the level is lower than the minimum requirement, connect the input of the communications monitor to the antenna port of the duplexer. In this case, the entire cell/sector will be out of service for the duration of the test.CAUTIONService interruptionThe service of the shelf housing the TRU under test will be affected. Perform the tests during low traffic period.WARNINGRF radiation hazardDo NOT disconnect any RF cables when transmitters are on.
DRU digital tests 11-47Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Figure 11-10BER test setup at the cell siteNote:  This test works with an IFR1900 or HP8935 communications monitor with the required software. It does not work with an older IFR or HP model.Diversity ReceiveMainTransmit / ReceiveTRU ShelfOther TRUShelvesOther TRUShelves LNA PreselectFilterReceive Multicoupler1:8 Splitters1:8SplitterLNADuplexerRX BandpassFilterTX BandpassFilterTRU 8TRU 2TRU 7TRU 11:8Splitter PreselectFilterReceive MulticouplerIntegratedCellularRemoteModule(ICRM)DataLINKPPPToMTXVoicePAlarm Inputs               OutputsOther TRUShelvesAlarmControl UnitHigh Stability MasterOscillatorData••••  •  •Communications Monitor (IFR 1900)INTENSITYPOWERDUPLEXOUTONF1 F2 F3 F4 F6F5MODEANTENNAFM /AM 1600SAUXINFM/AM1600S65W MAX65W MAXAPPLIEDRFRCVRDPLXAFSCOPEMTRSAUTOSGLGOSTOPPRINTHOLDSETUPSTORE0CEDEL852SHIFTRCL741#^v963Enter^v+-Mukm.TESTCONTROLDATAENTRYMEMORY EDIT SQLCH VOLFIELD SELECT^v< >^v< >MIC/ACC SINAD AUDIO DEMOD VΩCOM AMP SCOPE T/RIN/OUT IN IN OUT OUT 1KVDC/500VAC MAX 2 AMPS MAXIN200 VDC MAX200WMAXIN/OUTBERDMMDATASCROLLEXT MODSTEPSCRNSCRNGENGENANLZSnifferVT100••••  •  •TxCombinerMCPAs4:1 CombinerMCPA Shelf
11-48 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Step Action Observation1 Connect the test setup as shown in Figure 11-10.2 Set up the communications monitor for BER measurement.Refer to the user’s manual of your communications monitor for the setup procedure.Note: Set the output of the communications monitor to -110 dBm. 3 Set up the TRU as listed below:>set LT off>set PATYPE NONE>set PERS TTC>set CHANNEL xxxx (the B command)>set TXPOWIDX 0 (the E command)>set BCH loop off (the J command)>set RF loop on (the J command)>set PA on (the C command)Note: You can also use the Fullscreen mode to set up the TRU.4 Press the appropriate key (for example: GO, START) on the communications monitor to begin the BER test.The bit error rate must be less than 3% when output level of the communications monitor is at -110 dBm.Record the test result when the PRBS (Total bits generated) reaches around 1,000,000 bits.If BER is out of specifications, replace the TRU and perform the test again. If problem persists, perform troubleshooting.5 Perform the test on the other timeslots of the TRU.Use the Set Slot (H) command to change the slots. Remember to change the settings on the communications monitor accordingly.Record the test result.6 Normalize the system. The A-side splitter on the TRU shelf is connected back to the RMC output.7 Connect the output of the communications monitor to the B-side splitter on the TRU shelf and perform the test (Steps 2 to 5) on the B-side receiver of the TRU.Record the test result.8 After completing the test on the B-side receiver of the TRU, normalize the system. The B-side splitter on the TRU shelf is connected back to the RMC output.- End -
DRU digital tests 11-49Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08TDMA modulation accuracy testThe TDMA modulation accuracy test measures the π/4 DQPSK modulation of the signals received from the TRU. To perform this test, you must use a test equipment that can measure TDMA modulation accuracy, such as the IFR1600 with TDMA software.Note:  The IFR1600 is used as a reference in this testing procedure. If you are using another model of test equipment, refer to the user manual of that equipment for the appropriate test setup and display.Step Action Observation1 Connect a VT100 (or equivalent) terminal to the RS-232 port on the front panel of the TRU under test.2 By pressing the “Break” key on the terminal keyboard, you can access the command line mode.The terminal will display (the TRU2 display is shown as an example):TRU Terminal Interface(C) Copyright 1990,1991 Bell Northern Research, Inc.>3 At the prompt (>), type:>set lt off4 Type: >set pa offThe TRU transmitter is turned off.This step ensures that the TRU is not radiating RF power when disconnecting the RF cable.5 Connect the TRU under test through the sniffer port of the duplexer to the input connector of the test equipment (the T/R port on the IFR1600).6 Select the Modulation Accuracy function on the test equipment.For the IFR1600:(i) select the ‘RCVR’ function with the IFR MODE key(ii) press the ‘F5’ key that is labeled ‘Sp Tst’(iii) select ‘MODULATION ACCURACY’ by pressing the ‘4’ key from the Data Entry Keys.The Modulation Accuracy display screen on the IFR1600 shows:MODULATION ACCURACYCHANNEL     1I/Q OFFSET=FREQUENCY ERROR=RMS PHASE ERROR=RMS MAGNITUDE ERROR=RMS ERROR VECTOR MAGNITUDE=- continued -
11-50 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 19997 On the test equipment, enter the channel number that is to be tested.For the IFR1600:(i) use the Data Entry Keys to input the channel(ii) press the green ‘ENTER’ key to enter the input.8 On the terminal, type:>set pers ttcPersonality configuration was successful.The personality of the TRU changes to a TDMA Traffic Channel.9 Type:>set channel xxxx“xxxx” is the channel number of the TRU under test.Channel change was successful.The channel of the TRU changes to the desired number.10 Type: >set txpowidx 0PA power change was successful.The power index of the TRU changes to 0.11 Type: >set maxtxpow 15Set Max power (input value and value used): 15.0  15.0PA Max Power (dBm): 15.0The output power of the TRU changes to 27.0 dBm.12 Type:>run inject to dsp 1 52 b6 0 0 113 Type: >set pa onStatus change was successful.The TRU transmitter is turned on.- continued -Step Action Observation
DRU digital tests 11-51Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX0814 Start the test by pressing the F1 function key labeled “RUN” on the IFR1600. (For the operation of other types of test equipment, refer to their user manuals.)The following will be measured in this test:I/Q Offset—20 x Log of the I/Q offset magnitude indicates the amount of carrier feed through.Frequency Error—Difference between the received carrier frequency and the ideal carrier frequency.RMS Phase Error—RMS value of the absolute phase errors.RMS Magnitude Error—RMS value of the difference between the ideal magnitude and the received magnitude.RMS Error Vector Magnitude—RMS value of the magnitude of the error vectors.Test results will be displayed as follows:MODULATION ACCURACYI/Q OFFSET= (less than -30 dBc)FREQUENCY ERROR= (+220 to -220 Hz)RMS PHASE ERROR= (N/A)RMS MAGNITUDE ERROR= (N/A)RMS ERROR VECTOR MAGNITUDE= (less than 12.5%)15 Repeat Step 14 ten times and take the average over the ten readings.16 Once the test is completed, a π/4 DQPSK I/Q plot can be performed by pressing the “F2” function key on the IFR1600.Note: For more information on plotting results, see the IFR1600 dual mode cellular system analyzer manual. (For the operation of other types of test equipment, refer to their user manuals.)17 Type: >set pa offStatus change was successful.The TRU transmitter is turned off.18 Disconnect the test equipment from the sniffer port of the duplexer.19 Type:>execute resetThis command removes the run inject command and resets the TRU.20 Disconnect the terminal interface from the TRU.- End -Step Action Observation
11-52 DRU tests411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999TDMA call testThis test is used to verify the origination and termination of a digital call through the DRU under test.Step Action Observation1 Originate a call with a TDMA cellular phone. It may be necessary to make several calls before the system selects the DRU under test.The LED display on the front panel of the TRU will indicate that the DRU is selected.2 Check that the audio quality of the call is good.3 Terminate the call. The LED display on the front panel of the TRU should indicate that the call is terminated by returning the DRU to the idle state.
12-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Enclosure maintenance 12Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)The components of a DualMode 800 Enclosure are not designed to be repaired in the field. The only maintenance that can be performed is to replace components or the Field Replaceable Units (FRU). Refer to the DualMode 800 Enclosure Troubleshooting Guide, 411-2051-900, to determine if a component needs to be replaced. Table 12-1 lists all the FRUs and their Product Engineering Codes (PEC) or Common Product Codes (CPC).Note 1:   L/L — Like for Like (Advance replacement or mail-in)M/O — Merchandise Order/Consumable items (items that aredisposable and not repairable, such as light bulbs, fuses, filters)Note 2:  For L/L units, please contact your Nortel Networks Customer Service Operations (CSO) office for replacement.For M/O items, please contact Nortel Networks Wireless Supply and Demand office or purchase the items locally if available.Note 3:  Cables are M/O items. They are not listed in this table. If you need to replace a cable, check the PEC/CPC on the cable or contact Nortel Networks Wireless Supply and Demand office.Table 12-1DualMode Urban field replaceable unitsDescription PEC/CPC Service RemarkRack Interface Panel (RIP) 1 NTL102AA L/LRack Interface Panel (RIP) 2 NTL102AB L/LRack Interface Panel (RIP) 3 NTL102AC L/LCircuit Breaker 10A A0666060 M/OCircuit Breaker 15A A0666061 M/OCircuit Breaker 50A A0734636 M/O
12-2 Enclosure maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Circuit Breaker 120A A0381990 M/OPower Filter PCP NTFB14AA M/ODuplexer, B Band NTFC04AC L/LDuplexer, Full Band NTFC04AD L/LTermination, 50-ohm A0689593 M/OMulti-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) Shelf NTL107AC L/L4:1 Combiner assembly NTL107AE L/LMCPA Module 110 Watt NTL107AA L/LMCPA Initialization Software NTFC07BC L/LTransmit Receive Unit (TRU) Shelf NTFC05AG L/LFan unit module NTFB24AA M/OFan module PCP NTFB25AA M/OTransmit combiner 800 module NTLA7106 M/OTRU2 NTAX98AA L/LTRU3 NTAW99AA L/LAlarm Control Unit (ACU) NT3P89CA L/LOutput Contact card NT3P20EA L/LEnhanced ACU Input card  NT3P20FB L/LHigh Stability Master Oscillator (HSMO) NT3P89DA L/LDualMode Cell Site Monitor (DCSM) NT3P70BC L/LEnhanced Receive Multicoupler (ERMC) — 8 ports NT3P20XD L/LERMC 8 Port Expansion Kit NT3P20XB L/L For NT3P20XD to expand to 16 portsERMC — 16 ports  NT3P20XC L/LIntegrated Cellular Remote Module (ICRM) shelf NTTG86AA L/LTable 12-1DualMode Urban field replaceable units (continued)Description PEC/CPC Service Remark
Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) 12-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Remote Module Digital Port (RMDP) card NT8X47CA L/LRemote Module Time Switch Controller (RMTC) NTAX88CA L/L For ICRMO+ and ICRM+DS1 Interface card NT6X50AB L/L Not applicable to ICRMO+PCM30 (E1) Interface card NT6X27BB L/L For ICRMO+Power convertor NT2X70CA L/LAlarm (RMAC) card NTAX92AA L/L Located in Remote Module Frame Supervisor (RMFS)TCM-RS232 Conversion (RMTP) card NTAX91AA L/L Located in RMFSRectifier Shelf NTL106AB L/LRectifier Module NTL106AA L/LPower Control Shelf NTTF60AA L/LBattery Compensation Module NTTF60AB L/LLow Voltage Disconnect card NTTF60AC L/LChannel Service Unit (CSU) 4-Slot Shelf NTLA7011 L/LShelf Interface Unit (SIU) for 4-Slot Shelf NTLA7013 L/LT-Smart T1 SIU card A0383869 L/LE-Smart E1 SIU card NTLA7012 L/LSolar Shield Kit NTTF12AB L/LTable 12-1DualMode Urban field replaceable units (continued)Description PEC/CPC Service Remark
12-4 Enclosure maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999General precautionsThere are some general precautions that need to be aware of when replacing components.RF radiation hazardRadio Frequency (RF) radiation is hazardous to anyone working in the cell site. Before removing any RF cable, ensure that the related power amplifier is turned off. All RF cables should be connected properly and all unused RF ports should be terminated with an appropriate terminator.Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) controlWhen handling any circuit board, take care to prevent damage from static discharge.  Observe the following rules.1. To prevent electrostatic discharge, do not attach ribbon cables to circuit boards until the circuit boards are in place.2. To dissipate any static charge, wear a wrist strap in contact with the skin.3. Connect the wrist strap ground cord to the equipment cabinet ground.Cable/connector identificationLabel all cables and connectors before disconnecting them from any cell site equipment. This will minimize the time required for tracing the connections and also reduce the possibility of incorrect connections.CAUTIONDo NOT disconnect any RF cables when transmitters are on.CAUTIONDo not let the circuit board come into contact with clothing at any time, as the grounding strap cannot dissipate static charges on fabrics.
Replacing faulty common equipment (CE) units 12-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Replacing faulty common equipment (CE) unitsFor the replacement of a common equipment unit, use the following procedure:1. At the MTX, put the cell site or the unit out-of-service as required.2. If replacing the Rack Interface Panel (RIP), switch off the supply to the bay at the rectifier. If replacing other units, switch off both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ circuit breakers to that unit at the RIP.3. Label and disconnect the cables/connectors connected to the unit.4. Remove the screws mounting the unit to the bay and then remove the unit from the bay.5. Replace a new or known working unit on to the bay and fix it with the mounting screws.6. Reconnect the cables/connectors to their appropriate locations. Ensure that they are connected properly.7. Switch on the circuit breakers to the unit at the RIP or switch on the power supply to the RIP at the rectifier.Note:  For the DCSM, program the mobile unit of the replacement DCSM to the same parameters as the existing mobile unit after switching on the power supply. Refer to Chapter 1, Equipment operation, for the programming procedure.8. At the MTX, ensure that the datafill information on the replacement unit is correct.9. At the MTX, put the cell site back into service.10. Verify that the replacement unit is functioning correctly.11. Return the faulty unit to your Nortel Networks Customer Service Operations office for repair.CAUTIONService interruptionThe enclosure may be completely out-of-service when a unit such as the RIP, the HSMO, or the ICRM is removed. Replace these units during low traffic period.CAUTIONHot insertion replacement may cause damage to the components and a possible service interruption.
12-6 Enclosure maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Replacing faulty radio frequency (RF) unitsFor the replacement of a radio frequency (RF) unit, use the following procedure:1. At the MTX, put the cell site or the unit out-of-service as required.2. If replacing the Rack Interface Panel (RIP), switch off the supply to the RIP at the rectifier. If replacing a TRU or MCPA shelf, switch off the circuit breaker to that unit at the RIP.3. Label and disconnect the cables/connectors connected to the unit.4. Remove the screws mounting the unit to the frame and then remove the unit from the frame.5. Replace a new or known working unit on to the frame and fix it with the mounting screws.6. Reconnect the cables/connectors to their appropriate locations. Ensure that they are connected properly.7. Switch on the circuit breaker to the unit at the RIP or switch on the power supply to the RF Frame at the power plant.8. At the MTX, ensure that the datafill information on the replacement unit is correct.9. At the MTX, put the cell site back into service.10. Verify that the replacement unit is functioning correctly.11. Return the faulty unit to your Nortel Networks Customer Service Operations office for repair.CAUTIONService interruptionThe enclosure may be completely out-of-service when a unit such as the RIP, a duplexer, or a MCPA is removed. Replace these units during low traffic period.CAUTIONHot insertion replacement may cause damage to the components and a possible service interruption.
Replacing faulty radio frequency (RF) units 12-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Replacing the TRU or MCPA shelfThe channels associated with the TRU or MCPA shelf should be out-of-service during the off-line replacement. This is of major significance if it is supporting the control channel of the site/sector. In that case, ensure the system switches to a back-up channel.Follow the procedure when replacing a TRU or MCPA shelf:1. At the MTX, put the affected channels out-of-service.2. Switch off the circuit breaker of the shelf at the RIP.3. Label and disconnect the cables/connectors connected to the backplane of the shelf.4. Remove the TRUs or MCPA modules from the shelf.5. Loosen the screws mounting the shelf to the RF frame and then remove the shelf from the frame.6. Replace a new or known working shelf on to the frame and fix it with the mounting screws.7. Replace the TRUs or MCPA modules back to the shelf and fix them with the mounting screws.8. Reconnect the cables/connectors to their appropriate locations on the backplane of the shelf. Ensure that they are connected properly.9. Switch on the circuit breaker of the shelf at the RIP.10. At the MTX, put the affected channels in-service.General rules for replacing a TRU or an MCPA moduleThe following rules must be followed when replacing a TRU or a MCPA module:• Pull evenly and firmly on the module handle to pull the module out of the backplane connector. If excessive resistance is felt, stop and investigate the reason.• Slide the module directly and squarely into and out of the shelf guide slot.• When inserting a module, carefully line up the module connectors and the backplane connectors before trying to seat the module. The module should seat easily into the shelf. Do not force the module into the shelf. If the connectors are out of alignment, damage to the module and the backplane will result.Replacing the TRUThe Transmit Receive Unit (TRU) can be changed with the DC power on. The channel associated with the TRU should be out-of-service during the off-line replacement. This is of major significance if it is a control or locate channel. In that case, ensure the system switches to a back-up channel.
12-8 Enclosure maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Follow the procedure when replacing a TRU:1. At the MTX, put the affected channel(s) out-of-service.2. Loosen the tab at the top edge of the TRU and move it away from the TRU.3. Using the handle on the front of the TRU, gently pull the module out of the backplane connector and then slide it out of the shelf.4. Place the replacement unit in the shelf guides.5. Slide the unit into the shelf until it reaches the backplane connector.6. Line up the TRU connector with the backplane connector and carefully mate the connectors.  Do not force the module into the shelf.  If this is not done with care, the pins of the connector may be damaged.7. Move the tab over the top edge of the TRU and tighten the tab.8. Perform the operational checks on the TRU. 9. At the MTX, put the channel/DRU in-service.10. Perform a call through test on the TRU replaced.  It may be necessary to make several calls before the system selects the channel number assigned to the DRU.Replacing the MCPA moduleThe channels associated with the Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (MCPA) module should be out-of-service during the off-line replacement. This is of major significance if it is supporting the control channel of the site/sector. In that case, ensure the system switches to a back-up channel.Follow the procedure when replacing a MCPA:1. At the MTX, put the affected channels out-of-service.2. Turn the RF ON switch on the front panel of the MCPA module to OFF.3. Switch off the circuit breaker of the MCPA module at the RIP.4. Loosen the screws mounting the MCPA module to the MCPA shelf and then remove the module from the shelf.5. Replace a new or known working MCPA module on to the shelf and fix it with the mounting screws.6. Switch on the circuit breaker of the MCPA module at the RIP.7. Turn the RF ON switch on the front panel of the MCPA module to ON.8. Perform the operational checks on the MCPA.9. At the MTX, put the affected channels in-service.
Returning a faulty unit to your Nortel Networks CSO office 12-9Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Returning a faulty unit to your Nortel Networks CSO officeAfter the replacement, return the faulty unit to your Nortel Networks Customer Service Operations (CSO) office for repair. Consult your Sales Manager or Account Manager for the specific return and repair process.Remember to attach the Customer Return (CR) number to the faulty unit.For United States customers, ship to:Nortel NetworksAttn. Customer Service Operations400 N. IndustrialRichardson, Texas 75081For Bell Canada customers, ship through Telco Internal Mail/Expedite Votre Courier-Interna to:Nortel NetworksCustomer Service Operationsc/o Wesbell Transport1630 Trinity Rd., Unit #3, Door #4Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1L6Attn.: Replacement and Repair OperationsDept.: S898For Mexico customers, ship to:Nortel NetworksToltecas #113?Col. San Pedro De Los PinosCasi Esq Calle 4MexicoFor Asia Pacific customers, ship to:Nortel NetworksAttn.: Technical Assistance ServiceWarwick House 17/F28 Tong Chong StreetQuarry Bay, Hong KongFor Non-Bell Canada/CALA/International customers, ship to:Nortel NetworksCustomer Service Operationsc/o Wesbell Transport1630 Trinity Rd., Unit #3, Door #4Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1L6Attn.: Replacement and Repair OperationsDept.: S898
12-10 Enclosure maintenance411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
A-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Appendix A: Frequency table ASystem's channel and frequencyChannel frequency calculation (in the following, N = channel number)AMPS frequency allocationSystem Channel Receive frequency Transmit frequencyNot Used 990 824.010 MHz 869.010 MHzA” 991 to 1023 824.040 to 825.000 MHz 869.040 to 870.000 MHzA 1 to 333 825.030 to 834.990 MHz 870.030 to 879.990 MHzB 334 to 666 835.020 to 844.980 MHz 880.020 to 889.980 MHzA’ 667 to 716 845.010 to 846.480 MHz 890.010 to 891.480 MHzB’ 717 to 799 846.510 to 848.970 MHz 891.510 to 893.970 MHz1. When the channel is between 1 and 799:Receive frequency (in MHz) = 0.03N + 825.000Transmit frequency (in MHz) = 0.03N + 870.0002. When the channel is between 990 and 1023:Receive frequency (in MHz) = 0.03(N - 1023) + 825.000Transmit frequency (in MHz) = 0.03(N - 1023) + 870.000Band ‘A’ Control channels 313-333Non-wireline carriers Voice channels 001-312Voice channels, expanded spectrum 667-716991-1023Band ‘B’ Control channels 334-354Wireline carriers Voice channels 355-666Voice channels, expanded spectrum 717-7991
A-2 Appendix A: Frequency table411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX1825.03 870.03 51 826.53 871.53 101 828.03 873.03 151 829.53 874.532825.06 870.06 52 826.56 871.56 102 828.06 873.06 152 829.56 874.563825.09 870.09 53 826.59 871.59 103 828.09 873.09 153 829.59 874.594825.12 870.12 54 826.62 871.62 104 828.12 873.12 154 829.62 874.625825.15 870.15 55 826.65 871.65 105 828.15 873.15 155 829.65 874.656825.18 870.18 56 826.68 871.68 106 828.18 873.18 156 829.68 874.687825.21 870.21 57 826.71 871.71 107 828.21 873.21 157 829.71 874.718825.24 870.24 58 826.74 871.74 108 828.24 873.24 158 829.74 874.749825.27 870.27 59 826.77 871.77 109 828.27 873.27 159 829.77 874.7710 825.30 870.30 60 826.80 871.80 110 828.30 873.30 160 829.80 874.8011 825.33 870.33 61 826.83 871.83 111 828.33 873.33 161 829.83 874.8312 825.36 870.36 62 826.86 871.86 112 828.36 873.36 162 829.86 874.8613 825.39 870.39 63 826.89 871.89 113 828.39 873.39 163 829.89 874.8914 825.42 870.42 64 826.92 871.92 114 828.42 873.42 164 829.92 874.9215 825.45 870.45 65 826.95 871.95 115 828.45 873.45 165 829.95 874.9516 825.48 870.48 66 826.98 871.98 116 828.48 873.48 166 829.98 874.9817 825.51 870.51 67 827.01 872.01 117 828.51 873.51 167 830.01 875.0118 825.54 870.54 68 827.04 872.04 118 828.54 873.54 168 830.04 875.0419 825.57 870.57 69 827.07 872.07 119 828.57 873.57 169 830.07 875.0720 825.60 870.60 70 827.10 872.10 120 828.60 873.60 170 830.10 875.1021 825.63 870.63 71 827.13 872.13 121 828.63 873.63 171 830.13 875.1322 825.66 870.66 72 827.16 872.16 122 828.66 873.66 172 830.16 875.1623 825.69 870.69 73 827.19 872.19 123 828.69 873.69 173 830.19 875.1924 825.72 870.72 74 827.22 872.22 124 828.72 873.72 174 830.22 875.2225 825.75 870.75 75 827.25 872.25 125 828.75 873.75 175 830.25 875.2526 825.78 870.78 76 827.28 872.28 126 828.78 873.78 176 830.28 875.2827 825.81 870.81 77 827.31 872.31 127 828.81 873.81 177 830.31 875.3128 825.84 870.84 78 827.34 872.34 128 828.84 873.84 178 830.34 875.3429 825.87 870.87 79 827.37 872.37 129 828.87 873.87 179 830.37 875.3730 825.90 870.90 80 827.40 872.40 130 828.90 873.90 180 830.40 875.4031 825.93 870.93 81 827.43 872.43 131 828.93 873.93 181 830.43 875.4332 825.96 870.96 82 827.46 872.46 132 828.96 873.96 182 830.46 875.4633 825.99 870.99 83 827.49 872.49 133 828.99 873.99 183 830.49 875.4934 826.02 871.02 84 827.52 872.52 134 829.02 874.02 184 830.52 875.5235 826.05 871.05 85 827.55 872.55 135 829.05 874.05 185 830.55 875.5536 826.08 871.08 86 827.58 872.58 136 829.08 874.08 186 830.58 875.5837 826.11 871.11 87 827.61 872.61 137 829.11 874.11 187 830.61 875.6138 826.14 871.14 88 827.64 872.64 138 829.14 874.14 188 830.64 875.6439 826.17 871.17 89 827.67 872.67 139 829.17 874.17 189 830.67 875.6740 826.20 871.20 90 827.70 872.70 140 829.20 874.20 190 830.70 875.7041 826.23 871.23 91 827.73 872.73 141 829.23 874.23 191 830.73 875.7342 826.26 871.26 92 827.76 872.76 142 829.26 874.26 192 830.76 875.7643 826.29 871.29 93 827.79 872.79 143 829.29 874.29 193 830.79 875.7944 826.32 871.32 94 827.82 872.82 144 829.32 874.32 194 830.82 875.8245 826.35 871.35 95 827.85 872.85 145 829.35 874.35 195 830.85 875.8546 826.38 871.38 96 827.88 872.88 146 829.38 874.38 196 830.88 875.8847 826.41 871.41 97 827.91 872.91 147 829.41 874.41 197 830.91 875.9148 826.44 871.44 98 827.94 872.94 148 829.44 874.44 198 830.94 875.9449 826.47 871.47 99 827.97 872.97 149 829.47 874.47 199 830.97 875.9750 826.50 871.50 100 828.00 873.00 150 829.50 874.50 200 831.00 876.002
Appendix A: Frequency table A-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX201 831.03 876.03 251 832.53 877.53 301 834.03 879.03 351 835.53 880.53202 831.06 876.06 252 832.56 877.56 302 834.06 879.06 352 835.56 880.56203 831.09 876.09 253 832.59 877.59 303 834.09 879.09 353 835.59 880.59204 831.12 876.12 254 832.62 877.62 304 834.12 879.12 354 835.62 880.62205 831.15 876.15 255 832.65 877.65 305 834.15 879.15 355 835.65 880.65206 831.18 876.18 256 832.68 877.68 306 834.18 879.18 356 835.68 880.68207 831.21 876.21 257 832.71 877.71 307 834.21 879.21 357 835.71 880.71208 831.24 876.24 258 832.74 877.74 308 834.24 879.24 358 835.74 880.74209 831.27 876.27 259 832.77 877.77 309 834.27 879.27 359 835.77 880.77210 831.30 876.30 260 832.80 877.80 310 834.30 879.30 360 835.80 880.80211 831.33 876.33 261 832.83 877.83 311 834.33 879.33 361 835.83 880.83212 831.36 876.36 262 832.86 877.86 312 834.36 879.36 362 835.86 880.86213 831.39 876.39 263 832.89 877.89 313 834.39 879.39 363 835.89 880.89214 831.42 876.42 264 832.92 877.92 314 834.42 879.42 364 835.92 880.92215 831.45 876.45 265 832.95 877.95 315 834.45 879.45 365 835.95 880.95216 831.48 876.48 266 832.98 877.98 316 834.48 879.48 366 835.98 880.98217 831.51 876.51 267 833.01 878.01 317 834.51 879.51 367 836.01 881.01218 831.54 876.54 268 833.04 878.04 318 834.54 879.54 368 836.04 881.04219 831.57 876.57 269 833.07 878.07 319 834.57 879.57 369 836.07 881.07220 831.60 876.60 270 833.10 878.10 320 834.60 879.60 370 836.10 881.10221 831.63 876.63 271 833.13 878.13 321 834.63 879.63 371 836.13 881.13222 831.66 876.66 272 833.16 878.16 322 834.66 879.66 372 836.16 881.16223 831.69 876.69 273 833.19 878.19 323 834.69 879.69 373 836.19 881.19224 831.72 876.72 274 833.22 878.22 324 834.72 879.72 374 836.22 881.22225 831.75 876.75 275 833.25 878.25 325 834.75 879.75 375 836.25 881.25226 831.78 876.78 276 833.28 878.28 326 834.78 879.78 376 836.28 881.28227 831.81 876.81 277 833.31 878.31 327 834.81 879.81 377 836.31 881.31228 831.84 876.84 278 833.34 878.34 328 834.84 879.84 378 836.34 881.34229 831.87 876.87 279 833.37 878.37 329 834.87 879.87 379 836.37 881.37230 831.90 876.90 280 833.40 878.40 330 834.90 879.90 380 836.40 881.40231 831.93 876.93 281 833.43 878.43 331 834.93 879.93 381 836.43 881.43232 831.96 876.96 282 833.46 878.46 332 834.96 879.96 382 836.46 881.46233 831.99 876.99 283 833.49 878.49 333 834.99 879.99 383 836.49 881.49234 832.02 877.02 284 833.52 878.52 334 835.02 880.02 384 836.52 881.52235 832.05 877.05 285 833.55 878.55 335 835.05 880.05 385 836.55 881.55236 832.08 877.08 286 833.58 878.58 336 835.08 880.08 386 836.58 881.58237 832.11 877.11 287 833.61 878.61 337 835.11 880.11 387 836.61 881.61238 832.14 877.14 288 833.64 878.64 338 835.14 880.14 388 836.64 881.64239 832.17 877.17 289 833.67 878.67 339 835.17 880.17 389 836.67 881.67240 832.20 877.20 290 833.70 878.70 340 835.20 880.20 390 836.70 881.70241 832.23 877.23 291 833.73 878.73 341 835.23 880.23 391 836.73 881.73242 832.26 877.26 292 833.76 878.76 342 835.26 880.26 392 836.76 881.76243 832.29 877.29 293 833.79 878.79 343 835.29 880.29 393 836.79 881.79244 832.32 877.32 294 833.82 878.82 344 835.32 880.32 394 836.82 881.82245 832.35 877.35 295 833.85 878.85 345 835.35 880.35 395 836.85 881.85346 832.38 877.38 296 833.88 878.88 346 835.38 880.38 396 836.88 881.88247 832.41 877.41 297 833.91 878.91 347 835.41 880.41 397 836.91 881.91248 832.44 877.44 298 833.94 878.94 348 835.44 880.44 398 836.94 881.94249 832.47 877.47 299 833.97 878.97 349 835.47 880.47 399 836.97 881.97250 832.50 877.50 300 834.00 879.00 350 835.50 880.50 400 837.00 882.00
A-4 Appendix A: Frequency table411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX401 837.03 882.03 451 838.53 883.53 501 840.03 885.03 551 841.53 886.53402 837.06 882.06 452 838.56 883.56 502 840.06 885.06 552 841.56 886.56403 837.09 882.09 453 838.59 883.59 503 840.09 885.09 553 841.59 886.59404 837.12 882.12 454 838.62 883.62 504 840.12 885.12 554 841.62 886.62405 837.15 882.15 455 838.65 883.65 505 840.15 885.15 555 841.65 886.65406 837.18 882.18 456 838.68 883.68 506 840.18 885.18 556 841.68 886.68407 837.21 882.21 457 838.71 883.71 507 840.21 885.21 557 841.71 886.71408 837.24 882.24 458 838.74 883.74 508 840.24 885.24 558 841.74 886.74409 837.27 882.27 459 838.77 883.77 509 840.27 885.27 559 841.77 886.77410 837.30 882.30 460 838.80 883.80 510 840.30 885.30 560 841.80 886.80411 837.33 882.33 461 838.83 883.83 511 840.33 885.33 561 841.83 886.83412 837.36 882.36 462 838.86 883.86 512 840.36 885.36 562 841.86 886.86413 837.39 882.39 463 838.89 883.89 513 840.39 885.39 563 841.89 886.89414 837.42 882.42 464 838.92 883.92 514 840.42 885.42 564 841.92 886.92415 837.45 882.45 465 838.95 883.95 515 840.45 885.45 565 841.95 886.95416 837.48 882.48 466 838.98 883.98 516 840.48 885.48 566 841.98 886.98417 837.51 882.51 467 839.01 884.01 517 840.51 885.51 567 842.01 887.01418 837.54 882.54 468 839.04 884.04 518 840.54 885.54 568 842.04 887.04419 837.57 882.57 469 839.07 884.07 519 840.57 885.57 569 842.07 887.07420 837.60 882.60 470 839.10 884.10 520 840.60 885.60 570 842.10 887.10421 837.63 882.63 471 839.13 884.13 521 840.63 885.63 571 842.13 887.13422 837.66 882.66 472 839.16 884.16 522 840.66 885.66 572 842.16 887.16423 837.69 882.69 473 839.19 884.19 523 840.69 885.69 573 842.19 887.19424 837.72 882.72 474 839.22 884.22 524 840.72 885.72 574 842.22 887.22425 837.75 882.75 475 839.25 884.25 525 840.75 885.75 575 842.25 887.25426 837.78 882.78 476 839.28 884.28 526 840.78 885.78 576 842.28 887.28427 837.81 882.81 477 839.31 884.31 527 840.81 885.81 577 842.31 887.31428 837.84 882.84 478 839.34 884.34 528 840.84 885.84 578 842.34 887.34429 837.87 882.87 479 839.37 884.37 529 840.87 885.87 579 842.37 887.37430 837.90 882.90 480 839.40 884.40 530 840.90 885.90 580 842.40 887.40431 837.93 882.93 481 839.43 884.43 531 840.93 885.93 581 842.43 887.43432 837.96 882.96 482 839.46 884.46 532 840.96 885.96 582 842.46 887.46433 837.99 882.99 483 839.49 884.49 533 840.99 885.99 583 842.49 887.49434 838.02 883.02 484 839.52 884.52 534 841.02 886.02 584 842.52 887.52435 838.05 883.05 485 839.55 884.55 535 841.05 886.05 585 842.55 887.55436 838.08 883.08 486 839.58 884.58 536 841.08 886.08 586 842.58 887.58437 838.11 883.11 487 839.61 884.61 537 841.11 886.11 587 842.61 887.61438 838.14 883.14 488 839.64 884.64 538 841.14 886.14 588 842.64 887.64439 838.17 883.17 489 839.67 884.67 539 841.17 886.17 589 842.67 887.67440 838.20 883.20 490 839.70 884.70 540 841.20 886.20 590 842.70 887.70441 838.23 883.23 491 839.73 884.73 541 841.23 886.23 591 842.73 887.73442 838.26 883.26 492 839.76 884.76 542 841.26 886.26 592 842.76 887.76443 838.29 883.29 493 839.79 884.79 543 841.29 886.29 593 842.79 887.79444 838.32 883.32 494 839.82 884.82 544 841.32 886.32 594 842.82 887.82445 838.35 883.35 495 839.85 884.85 545 841.35 886.35 595 842.85 887.85446 838.38 883.38 496 839.88 884.88 546 841.38 886.38 596 842.88 887.88447 838.41 883.41 497 839.91 884.91 547 841.41 886.41 597 842.91 887.91448 838.44 883.44 498 839.94 884.94 548 841.44 886.44 598 842.94 887.94449 838.47 883.47 499 839.97 884.97 549 841.47 886.47 599 842.97 887.97450 838.50 883.50 500 840.00 885.00 550 841.50 886.50 600 843.00 888.00
Appendix A: Frequency table A-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX601 843.03 888.03 651 844.53 889.53 701 846.03 891.03 751 847.53 892.53602 843.06 888.06 652 844.56 889.56 702 846.06 891.06 752 847.56 892.56603 843.09 888.09 653 844.59 889.59 703 846.09 891.09 753 847.59 892.59604 843.12 888.12 654 844.62 889.62 704 846.12 891.12 754 847.62 892.62605 843.15 888.15 655 844.65 889.65 705 846.15 891.15 755 847.65 892.65606 843.18 888.18 656 844.68 889.68 706 846.18 891.18 756 847.68 892.68607 843.21 888.21 657 844.71 889.71 707 846.21 891.21 757 847.71 892.71608 843.24 888.24 658 844.74 889.74 708 846.24 891.24 758 847.74 892.74609 843.27 888.27 659 844.77 889.77 709 846.27 891.27 759 847.77 892.77610 843.30 888.30 660 844.80 889.80 710 846.30 891.30 760 847.80 892.80611 843.33 888.33 661 844.83 889.83 711 846.33 891.33 761 847.83 892.83612 843.36 888.36 662 844.86 889.86 712 846.36 891.36 762 847.86 892.86613 843.39 888.39 663 844.89 889.89 713 846.39 891.39 763 847.89 892.89614 843.42 888.42 664 844.92 889.92 714 846.42 891.42 764 847.92 892.92615 843.45 888.45 665 844.95 889.95 715 846.45 891.45 765 847.95 892.95616 843.48 888.48 666 844.98 889.98 716 846.48 891.48 766 847.98 892.98617 843.51 888.51 667 845.01 890.01 717 846.51 891.51 767 848.01 893.01618 843.54 888.54 668 845.04 890.04 718 846.54 891.54 768 848.04 893.04619 843.57 888.57 669 845.07 890.07 719 846.57 891.57 769 848.07 893.07620 843.60 888.60 670 845.10 890.10 720 846.60 891.60 770 848.10 893.10621 843.63 888.63 671 845.13 890.13 721 846.63 891.63 771 848.13 893.13622 843.66 888.66 672 845.16 890.16 722 846.66 891.66 772 848.16 893.16623 843.69 888.69 673 845.19 890.19 723 846.69 891.69 773 848.19 893.19624 843.72 888.72 674 845.22 890.22 724 846.72 891.72 774 848.22 893.22625 843.75 888.75 675 845.25 890.25 725 846.75 891.75 775 848.25 893.25626 843.78 888.78 676 845.28 890.28 726 846.78 891.78 776 848.28 893.28627 843.81 888.81 677 845.31 890.31 727 846.81 891.81 777 848.31 893.31628 843.84 888.84 678 845.34 890.34 728 846.84 891.84 778 848.34 893.34629 843.87 888.87 679 845.37 890.37 729 846.87 891.87 779 848.37 893.37630 843.90 888.90 680 845.40 890.40 730 846.90 891.90 780 848.40 893.40631 843.93 888.93 681 845.43 890.43 731 846.93 891.93 781 848.43 893.43632 843.96 888.96 682 845.46 890.46 732 846.96 891.96 782 848.46 893.46633 843.99 888.99 683 845.49 890.49 733 846.99 891.99 783 848.49 893.49634 844.02 889.02 684 845.52 890.52 734 847.02 892.02 784 848.52 893.52635 844.05 889.05 685 845.55 890.55 735 847.05 892.05 785 848.55 893.55636 844.08 889.08 686 845.58 890.58 736 847.08 892.08 786 848.58 893.58637 844.11 889.11 687 845.61 890.61 737 847.11 892.11 787 848.61 893.61638 844.14 889.14 688 845.64 890.64 738 847.14 892.14 788 848.64 893.64639 844.17 889.17 689 845.67 890.67 739 847.17 892.17 789 848.67 893.67640 844.20 889.20 690 845.70 890.70 740 847.20 892.20 790 848.70 893.70641 844.23 889.23 691 845.73 890.73 741 847.23 892.23 791 848.73 893.73642 844.26 889.26 692 845.76 890.76 742 847.26 892.26 792 848.76 893.76643 844.29 889.29 693 845.79 890.79 743 847.29 892.29 793 848.79 893.79644 844.32 889.32 694 845.82 890.82 744 847.32 892.32 794 848.82 893.82645 844.35 889.35 695 845.85 890.85 745 847.35 892.35 795 848.85 893.85646 844.38 889.38 696 845.88 890.88 746 847.38 892.38 796 848.88 893.88647 844.41 889.41 697 845.91 890.91 747 847.41 892.41 797 848.91 893.91648 844.44 889.44 698 845.94 890.94 748 847.44 892.44 798 848.94 893.94649 844.47 889.47 699 845.97 890.97 749 847.47 892.47 799 848.97 893.97650 844.50 889.50 700 846.00 891.00 750 847.50 892.50 800 Resrvd Resrvd
A-6 Appendix A: Frequency table411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX801 Resrvd Resrvd 851 Resrvd Resrvd 901 Resrvd Resrvd 951 Resrvd Resrvd802 Resrvd Resrvd 852 Resrvd Resrvd 902 Resrvd Resrvd 952 Resrvd Resrvd803 Resrvd Resrvd 853 Resrvd Resrvd 903 Resrvd Resrvd 953 Resrvd Resrvd804 Resrvd Resrvd 854 Resrvd Resrvd 904 Resrvd Resrvd 954 Resrvd Resrvd805 Resrvd Resrvd 855 Resrvd Resrvd 905 Resrvd Resrvd 955 Resrvd Resrvd806 Resrvd Resrvd 856 Resrvd Resrvd 906 Resrvd Resrvd 956 Resrvd Resrvd807 Resrvd Resrvd 857 Resrvd Resrvd 907 Resrvd Resrvd 957 Resrvd Resrvd808 Resrvd Resrvd 858 Resrvd Resrvd 908 Resrvd Resrvd 958 Resrvd Resrvd809 Resrvd Resrvd 859 Resrvd Resrvd 909 Resrvd Resrvd 959 Resrvd Resrvd810 Resrvd Resrvd 860 Resrvd Resrvd 910 Resrvd Resrvd 960 Resrvd Resrvd811 Resrvd Resrvd 861 Resrvd Resrvd 911 Resrvd Resrvd 961 Resrvd Resrvd812 Resrvd Resrvd 862 Resrvd Resrvd 912 Resrvd Resrvd 962 Resrvd Resrvd813 Resrvd Resrvd 863 Resrvd Resrvd 913 Resrvd Resrvd 963 Resrvd Resrvd814 Resrvd Resrvd 864 Resrvd Resrvd 914 Resrvd Resrvd 964 Resrvd Resrvd815 Resrvd Resrvd 865 Resrvd Resrvd 915 Resrvd Resrvd 965 Resrvd Resrvd816 Resrvd Resrvd 866 Resrvd Resrvd 916 Resrvd Resrvd 966 Resrvd Resrvd817 Resrvd Resrvd 867 Resrvd Resrvd 917 Resrvd Resrvd 967 Resrvd Resrvd818 Resrvd Resrvd 868 Resrvd Resrvd 918 Resrvd Resrvd 968 Resrvd Resrvd819 Resrvd Resrvd 869 Resrvd Resrvd 919 Resrvd Resrvd 969 Resrvd Resrvd820 Resrvd Resrvd 870 Resrvd Resrvd 920 Resrvd Resrvd 970 Resrvd Resrvd821 Resrvd Resrvd 871 Resrvd Resrvd 921 Resrvd Resrvd 971 Resrvd Resrvd822 Resrvd Resrvd 872 Resrvd Resrvd 922 Resrvd Resrvd 972 Resrvd Resrvd823 Resrvd Resrvd 873 Resrvd Resrvd 923 Resrvd Resrvd 973 Resrvd Resrvd824 Resrvd Resrvd 874 Resrvd Resrvd 924 Resrvd Resrvd 974 Resrvd Resrvd825 Resrvd Resrvd 875 Resrvd Resrvd 925 Resrvd Resrvd 975 Resrvd Resrvd826 Resrvd Resrvd 876 Resrvd Resrvd 926 Resrvd Resrvd 976 Resrvd Resrvd827 Resrvd Resrvd 877 Resrvd Resrvd 927 Resrvd Resrvd 977 Resrvd Resrvd828 Resrvd Resrvd 878 Resrvd Resrvd 928 Resrvd Resrvd 978 Resrvd Resrvd829 Resrvd Resrvd 879 Resrvd Resrvd 929 Resrvd Resrvd 979 Resrvd Resrvd830 Resrvd Resrvd 880 Resrvd Resrvd 930 Resrvd Resrvd 980 Resrvd Resrvd831 Resrvd Resrvd 881 Resrvd Resrvd 931 Resrvd Resrvd 981 Resrvd Resrvd832 Resrvd Resrvd 882 Resrvd Resrvd 932 Resrvd Resrvd 982 Resrvd Resrvd833 Resrvd Resrvd 883 Resrvd Resrvd 933 Resrvd Resrvd 983 Resrvd Resrvd834 Resrvd Resrvd 884 Resrvd Resrvd 934 Resrvd Resrvd 984 Resrvd Resrvd835 Resrvd Resrvd 885 Resrvd Resrvd 935 Resrvd Resrvd 985 Resrvd Resrvd836 Resrvd Resrvd 886 Resrvd Resrvd 936 Resrvd Resrvd 986 Resrvd Resrvd837 Resrvd Resrvd 887 Resrvd Resrvd 937 Resrvd Resrvd 987 Resrvd Resrvd838 Resrvd Resrvd 888 Resrvd Resrvd 938 Resrvd Resrvd 988 Resrvd Resrvd839 Resrvd Resrvd 889 Resrvd Resrvd 939 Resrvd Resrvd 989 Resrvd Resrvd840 Resrvd Resrvd 890 Resrvd Resrvd 940 Resrvd Resrvd 990 Resrvd Resrvd841 Resrvd Resrvd 891 Resrvd Resrvd 941 Resrvd Resrvd 991 824.04 869.04842 Resrvd Resrvd 892 Resrvd Resrvd 942 Resrvd Resrvd 992 824.07 869.07843 Resrvd Resrvd 893 Resrvd Resrvd 943 Resrvd Resrvd 993 824.10 869.10844 Resrvd Resrvd 894 Resrvd Resrvd 944 Resrvd Resrvd 994 824.13 869.13845 Resrvd Resrvd 895 Resrvd Resrvd 945 Resrvd Resrvd 995 824.16 869.16846 Resrvd Resrvd 896 Resrvd Resrvd 946 Resrvd Resrvd 996 824.19 869.19847 Resrvd Resrvd 897 Resrvd Resrvd 947 Resrvd Resrvd 997 824.22 869.22848 Resrvd Resrvd 898 Resrvd Resrvd 948 Resrvd Resrvd 998 824.25 869.25849 Resrvd Resrvd 899 Resrvd Resrvd 949 Resrvd Resrvd 999 824.28 869.28850 Resrvd Resrvd 900 Resrvd Resrvd 950 Resrvd Resrvd 1000 824.31 869.31
Appendix A: Frequency table A-7Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Note:   RX = Mobile Transmit frequencyTX = Base Station Transmit frequencyChan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX Chan RX TX1001 824.34 869.34 1007 824.52 869.52 1013 824.70 869.70 1019 824.88 869.881002 824.37 869.37 1008 824.55 869.55 1014 824.73 869.73 1020 824.91 869.911003 824.40 869.40 1009 824.58 869.58 1015 824.76 869.76 1021 824.94 869.941004 824.43 869.43 1010 824.61 869.61 1016 824.79 869.79 1022 824.97 869.971005 824.46 869.46 1011 824.64 869.64 1017 824.82 869.82 1023 825.00 870.001006 824.49 869.49 1012 824.67 869.67 1018 824.85 869.85
A-8 Appendix A: Frequency table411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999
B-1Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08Appendix B: Test forms BThis section shows the test forms for the operational tests of a DualMode 800 Enclosure:• Power and grounding checks•HSMO checks• Antenna checks• DRU checks — Transmit tests• DRU checks — Receive tests• DRU checks — Digital tests3
B-2 Appendix B: Test forms411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999Power and grounding checks (Chapter 4)Cell: Date: Performed by:Frame voltage and polarity test Bay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3A Power: +27 Vdc ±0.5 VdcB Power: +27 Vdc ±0.5 VdcBay 1 voltage check TRU Shelf 1 TRU Shelf 2 TRU Shelf 3 MCPA Shelf 1 ICRM CSU LVD 1 TCU 1A Power:+27 ±0.5 VdcB Power:+27 ±0.5 VdcResistance to ground: <0.5 ΩBay 2 voltage check TRU Shelf 4 TRU Shelf 5 TRU Shelf 6 MCPA Shelf 2 LVD 2 TCU 2 LVD 3 (Bay 3) TCU 3 (Bay 3)A Power:+27 ±0.5 VdcB Power:+27 ±0.5 VdcResistance to ground: <0.5 ΩBay 3 voltage check TRU Shelf 7 TRU Shelf 8 TRU Shelf 9 MCPA Shelf 3 ACU DCSM HSMO ERMCA Power:+27 ±0.5 VdcB Power:+27 ±0.5 VdcResistance to ground: <0.5 Ω4
Appendix B: Test forms B-3Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08HSMO checks (Chapter 5)Antenna checks (Chapter 6)Cell: Date: Performed by:HSMO power level and frequency checksHSMO output Position 1Position 2Position 3Position 4Position 5Position 6Position 7Position 8Power level:-1 dBm ±3 dBFrequency: 4.8 MHz ±1.2 HzHSMO output Position 9Position 10 Position 11 Position 12 Position 13 Position 14 Position 15 Position 16Power level:-1 dBm ±3 dBFrequency: 4.8 MHz ±1.2 HzCell: Date: Performed by:Antenna TX/RX 1 TX/RX 2 TX/RX 3 RX 1 RX 2 RX 3DC continuity (Resistance—center pin to shield): ≤0.5 ΩDC continuity (Resistance—shield to principle ground): ≤0.5 ΩAntenna return loss: >14.5 dB + 2 TX line loss824 - 849 MHz869 - 894 MHzAntenna return loss (Thruline wattmeter): Reflected power <4% of forward power
B-4 Appendix B: Test forms411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DRU checks — Transmit tests (Chapter 11)Cell: Date: Performed by:RF Frame: TRU Shelf:TRU transmit tests TRU 1 TRU 2 TRU 3 TRU 4 TRU 5 TRU 6 TRU 7 TRU 8Serial number:Channel number:TX frequency (MHz): EEPROM CRC check:TX carrier frequency error:-220 to +220 HzWideband modulation: Deviation 7.2 to 8.8 kHzSAT at 5970 Hz: Frequency 5965 to 5975 HzDeviation 1.8 to 2.2 kHzSAT at 6000 Hz: Frequency 5995 to 6005 HzDeviation 1.8 to 2.2 kHzSAT at 6030 Hz: Frequency 6025 to 6035 HzDeviation 1.8 to 2.2 kHzResidual modulation:Deviation -0.5 to +0.5 kHzTransmit audio level:Deviation 2.61 to 3.19 kHzModulation limiting:Deviation less than 12 kHz1 kHz tone generation test: Frequency 999 to 1001 HzDeviation 7.2 to 8.8 kHzTransmit carrier power measured at antenna port of duplexerPer channel power level:Within site specifications
Appendix B: Test forms B-5Wireless Solutions DualMode 800 Enclosure Maintenance Manual MTX08DRU checks — Receive tests (Chapter 11)Cell: Date: Performed by:RF Frame: TRU Shelf:TRU receive tests TRU 1 TRU 2 TRU 3 TRU 4 TRU 5 TRU 6 TRU 7 TRU 8Serial number:Channel number:RX frequency (MHz): EEPROM CRC check:Receive sensitivity (Level):Less than -105 dBmRX/TX audio sensitivity: Deviation 2.6 to 3.2 kHzReceive audio level: Level -17.0 to -19.0 dBmRSSI curve:Input (dBm) RSSI (dBm)-60 -66 to -76-70  -76 to -86-80 -86 to -96-84 -90 to -100-90 -96 to -106-100 -106 to -116SAT detect 5970 Hz (level lost all): Less than -105 dBmSAT detect 6000 Hz (level lost all): Less than -105 dBmSAT detect 6030 Hz (level lost all): Less than -105 dBmST detect 10 kHz (level lost all): Less than -105 dBm
B-6 Appendix B: Test forms411-2051-500 Draft 00.01 November 1999DRU checks — Digital tests (Chapter 11)Cell: Date: Performed by:RF Frame: TRU Shelf:TRU digital tests TRU 1 TRU 2 TRU 3 TRU 4 TRU 5 TRU 6 TRU 7 TRU 8Serial number:Channel number:Bit Error Rate measure:Less than 6000 in 1,000,000TDMA modulation accuracyI/Q offset: Less than -30 dBcFrequency error:+220 to -220 HzRMS EVM:Less than 12.5%Digital call completedClear audio: (Yes or no)
Wireless SolutionsDualMode 800 EnclosureMaintenance ManualTo order Wireless Solutions documentation, call 1-800-NTI-CARE (1-800-684-2273)To report a problem in Wireless Solutions documentation, call 1-800-NTI-CARE (1-800-684-2273)or send e-mail from the Wireless SolutionsTraining and Documentation World Wide Web site at http://www1.nortelnetworks.com/wireless/DocuTrain/Copyright  1999 Nortel Networks Corporation, All Rights ReservedNORTEL NETWORKS CONFIDENTIALThe information contained herein is the property of Nortel Networks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose it only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect it, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein.Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, this equipment may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residentialarea is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.      DMS, DMS-MTX, DualMode, MAP and NORTEL are trademarks of Nortel Networks.    Trademarks are acknowledged with an asterisk (*) at their first appearance in the document.Document number: 411-2051-500Product release: MTX08Document version: Draft 00.01Date: November 1999Printed in CanadaFamily   Product   Manual   Contacts   Copyright   Conf identiality   Legal

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