Authinx UR73A PLATINUM REMOTE CONTROL User Manual UR73A MX008 OM pmd



32 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................. 4GETTING STARTED .............................. 5CONTROLLERS AND MODULES ............ 5HOUSE CODES AND UNIT CODES ...... 6INSTALLING THE COMPONENTS ............... 7TRANSCEIVER MODULE ..................... 7LAMP MODULE .............................. 8X10 PLATINUM REMOTE ................... 8SETTING UP YOUR REMOTE ................... 9BUTTON DESCRIPTIONS .................... 9SETTING UP FOR TV, VCR,CABLE AND SAT .......................... 10SEARCHING FOR CODES ................ 12IDENTIFYING CODES FOUND USINGTHE SEARCH PROCEDURE ................. 13PROGRAMMING COMBO DEVICE CODES .14CONTROLLING COMBO DEVICES .......... 14CONTROLLING DEVICES REQUIRING SEPARATEPOWER ON AND OFF BUTTONS .......... 15VCR/DVD/DVRPUNCH-THROUGH FEATURE ................. 15VOLUME/MUTE CONTROL ANDPUNCH-THROUGH FEATURE ................. 16SETTING ALL VOLUME/MUTE CONTROLTO ANY ONE MODE ....................... 16SETTING ANY MODE TO USE ITS OWNVOLUME/MUTE CONTROL ................. 17CONTROLLING X10 MODULES ............. 18CHANGING THE X10 HOUSE CODE:19CONTROLLING ANIR MINI CONTROLLER.................... 20TROUBLESHOOTING .......................... 21EXPANDING YOUR SYSTEM ................. 22WARRANTY ................................... 24 READ THIS FIRST! SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSRemember to exercise good commonsense when using the HomeAutomation features of your X10Platinum Remote – especially whenscheduling unattended devices. Therecan be some unexpected consequencesif not used with care. For example, anempty coffee pot can be remotelyturned on. If that should happen, yourcoffee pot could be damaged fromoverheating. If an electric heater isturned on by remote control whileclothing is draped over it, a fire couldresult. DO NOT USE the remote for thecontrol of high power heatingappliances such as portable heaters.Caution: To reduce the risk of electricshock, do not disassemble any part of theHome Automation System’s plug-inModules or Controllers. No user-serviceable parts are inside. If you spillliquid on a unit, disconnect the unit fromthe AC outlet to prevent possible fire orshock hazard and consult authorizedservice personnel.Powerline operated equipment oraccessories connected to any of theseunits should bear the UL, or ULc listingmark, or CSA certification mark andshould not have been modified in anyway that might defeat their safetyfeatures.Warning: To prevent electric shockhazard, do not expose any part of theHome Automation System to rain ormoisture
54 GETTING STARTED Because we know that you are eager toget started, we’ve kept this introductionas short as possible, but it contains veryvaluable information, so you should readthrough it very carefully.CONTROLLERS AND MODULESThe first thing you need to understand isthat there are two different devices youneed to control your house;Controllers and Modules.Any light or appliance thatyou want to control isplugged into a Module andthat Module is then pluggedinto a standard AC outlet.Modules receive commandsfrom Controllers. Examplesinclude the Lamp Module(sold separately). TheTransceiver Module (alsosold separately) is anotherexample (although it alsodoubles as a controller asdescribed later).Controllers are alsoplugged into standard walloutlets and sendcommands to Modules overyour existing electrical wiring inyour house without affectingyour electricity in any way.The Transceiver Module worksas a controller when it is usedwith a remote control such asthe X10 Platinum Remote.When the TransceiverModule receives acommand from a remote itsends digital signals overyour existing house wiringto a Module whichreceives the signals andexecutes the command.The remote uses radio frequency (RF)signals to send commands to theTransceiver module. RF signals can goright through walls, so you can use theremotes to control lights or appliancesfrom anywhere in your home.INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of theX10 Platinum Remote.Make your lights and appliances go towork for you....The X10 Platinum Remote will control mostor all of your video and audio equipment.But what really sets it apart from otherremotes is that you can also controlalmost any light or appliance in yourhome – even in another room! And it’seasy to set up. Within minutes, you canbe using your X10 Platinum Remote to dimthe lights, start brewing a fresh pot ofcoffee and play your favorite movie!*Here are just some of the things youcan do with your X10 PlatinumRemote...• Control your entire audio/video andlighting setup for the ultimate HomeTheater experience.• Turn on lights at night to scare awayintruders if you hear a noise.• Start the coffee from your bedroomwhen you wake up.• Turn on your electric blanket beforethe movie ends, so you it’s nice andwarm when you go to bed.Use this manual to become familiar withyour X10 Platinum Remote...This manual will explain how to set upyour X10 Platinum Remote to use it withyour existing Audio/Video equipment.Next it will show you how you can use itto set up an X10 Transceiver Module andLamp Module (sold separately) to operateelectrical products in your home.Finally, the manual will show you canexpand your system with some of themany additional X10 products you canpurchase.* Requires X10 Modules, soldseparately.
76 INSTALLING THE COMPONENTSTRANSCEIVER MODULEThe Transceiver Module (sold separately)receives radio frequency (RF) commandsfrom the X10 Platinum Remote to operatea lamp or appliance plugged into it. TheTransceiver Module also passes oncommands over your house wiring tocontrol other X10 modules (also soldseparately). Note that unlike the LampModule you cannot dim and brighten alamp connected to the TransceiverModule.You should locate the Transceiver Modulecentrally in the home for maximum rangewhen controlled by the Platinum Remote.2. Plug a lamp orappliance into theTransceiverModule.3. Plug theTransceiver Moduleinto a convenientAC outlet. Fullyextend the antenna.LAMP MODULEThe Lamp Module (sold separately) maybe used to control any incandescent lamprated up to 300W. It is not suitable forother types of lamp such as fluorescent orenergy saving lamps, or lamps whichinclude a dimmer control.Caution: Do not connect an appliancesuch as a coffee pot or heater to the LampModule. It may damage the module andthe appliance and could cause a firehazard.1. Set the HouseCode to ‘A.’HOUSE CODES AND UNIT CODESEach Module has a specific addressmade up of a House Code (red dial onthe face of the Module) and a Unit Code(black dial on the face of the Module).The Controller first sends an address andthen a command on the AC power lines.Only the Module with a matching addresswill execute the command. If more thanone Module has the same address, bothModules will execute the command.Addresses are set on the Module byturning the two dials on the front of theModule to the desired letter and number(using a small screwdriver or a coin). TheHouse Code is selected from the letters Athrough P, and the Unit Code is selectedfrom the numbers 1 through 16.UNIT CODEDIALHOUSE CODEDIAL
98 SETTING UP YOUR REMOTEBUTTON DESCRIPTIONSINDICATOR LIGHTThe indicator light flashes when theremote is operating.POWERWorks the same as your original remote.TV, VCR, CBL, SATUsed to select the device to control.X10Lets you control X10 modules to operatelamps and appliances around the home.SET UPUsed for programming the remote.LASTSelects the last channel viewed on yourTV, VCR, or Cable Box.CHANNEL +/-Works like your original remote. Alsoused to switch X10 modules on and off.VOLUME +/-Works like your original remote. Alsoused to brighten and dim lampsconnected to X10 Modules.MUTEWorks the same as your original remote.0-9Used as your original remote and to enterdevice codes.ENTERSame as your original remote.A-BToggles between TV and Video Mode.MENUAccess the Menu function of the deviceyou are controlling (if available).EXIT Used to exit Menu functions.NAVIGATION ARROWSUsed to navigate and adjust Menu itemsof the device you are controlling.OKSelect Menu items of the device you arecontrolling.PLAY, REW, FF, STOP, PAUSE, RECWork the same as on your originalremote. You must press the REC buttontwice to begin recording.A, B, C, DUsed for extra functions in certain modes.1. Set the HouseCode to ‘A’ and theUnit Code to ‘2.’2. Plug a lamp intothe Lamp Module.3. Plug the LampModule into aconvenient ACoutlet.X10 PLATINUM REMOTEThe X10 Platinum Remote lets you controlpractically everything electrical in yourhome. It has IR technology that lets youcontrol your TV, VCR, Cable and CD orDVD player, and X10 RF technology thatlets you control lamps and appliancesanywhere in your home.To find out more about configuring theX10 Platinum Remote to work with youraudio/video equipment, see the sectiontitled “Setting Up your Remote.”1. Push the tab and liftoff the batterycover.2. Insert two AAAbatteries, takingcare to match the+ and - marks inthe batterycompartment.
1110Notes:1. The TV mode key can only be usedto store TV codes but you can store acode for ANY device under eitherthe VCR, CBL, or SAT mode key.E.G., you can store a Cable codeunder the VCR key, or a Satellitecode under the Cable key, etc.2. If your TV/VCR/Cable Box does notrespond, try the other codes for yourbrand. If it still doesn’t respond, trythe Code Search method on page12.3. If the LED blinked rapidly when youentered the code, you may haveentered an invalid code. Recheckthe code in the code list (separatesheet) and try again.4. If some buttons do not operate yourequipment, try one of the othercodes for your brand.5. When searching for a code (page12) you might have to pressCHANNEL+ many times (50+). If thedevice does not have a Channel Upfunction, use the PLAY button (VCRonly) or the POWER button.2. Press and holdSETUP until the LEDindicator lightssteadily. Releasethe SETUP button.3. Press and releasemode button for thedevice you want tocontrol. The LEDblinks once. (Seenotes on page 11).4. Enter the 4 digitCode from theLibrary Code Table(separate sheet).The LED turns offafter the last digitentered.5. Point the remote atthe device andpress the POWERbutton. Your deviceshould turn off.6. Turn your device onand pressCHANNEL+. If thedevice responds,setup is complete.SETTING UP FOR TV, VCR,CABLE, AND SAT1. Turn on the deviceyou want to control(TV, VCR, cablebox, satellitereceiver etc.).
1312IDENTIFYING CODES FOUND USINGTHE SEARCH PROCEDURE1. Press and hold theSETUP until the LEDindicator lightssteadily. ReleaseSetup button.2. Press the modebutton that matchesthe equipment youwant to identify.The LED blinksonce.3. Press and releaseSETUP. The LEDblinks once.4. To find the first digit,press each numberbutton from 0 to 9until the LED blinks.The number youpressed is the firstdigit of the code.5. Press each numberbutton from 0 to 9again as above tofind the second andthird digits.6. Press each numberbutton in turn tofind the fourth digit.When the fourthdigit has beenfound, the LED goesout.SEARCHING FOR CODES1. Turn on the deviceyou want tocontrol.2. Press and holdSETUP until the LEDindicator lightssteadily. ReleaseSetup button.3. Press the modebutton that matchesthe equipment youwant to control.The LED blinksonce.4. Press CHANNEL +repeatedly (note 5,page 11) until thedevice to becontrolled changeschannel.If you accidentallygo past the code,press CHANNEL -repeatedly until thechannel changesagain.5. Press and releasethe ENTER button tocomplete the setup.The above assumes that you want to storeVCR codes under the VCR key, Cablecodes under CBL, etc.  If you want tostore a VCR code under SAT, etc., firstfollow the procedure on page 11 and tryANY SAT code from the code tables, SAT in step 3, page 10, and thenenter ANY VCR code. Then follow thesteps above.
1514CONTROLLING DEVICES REQUIRINGSEPARATE POWER ON AND OFFBUTTONSSome devices (e.g. certain RCA TVs)require separate Power On and Power Offbuttons to turn the device on and off. Theequivalent button functions can be foundon your Platinum remote by using thedevice Mode and POWER buttons.Referring to “Searching for Codes” onpage 12, setup a device Mode (e.g. TV)with the correct code for your device.Assuming a TV device is the example andits code is programmed under TV Mode,to turn your TV on, press and hold the TVMode button for more than one secondto transmit the Power On buttoncommand.To turn the TV off, press and release thePOWER button to transmit the Power Offbutton command. This method can beapplied similarly to any device and isavailable for all Modes. Note this featureis not supported by all codes.VCR/DVD/DVR PUNCH-THROUGH FEATUREThis remote allows the 6 VCR transportbuttons (i.e. PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, FF,REWIND, and REC) to Punch-Throughcontrol from any Mode programmed withTV, SAT or Cable codes to the last VCR,DVD or DVR programmed Mode youused.  Normally other types of remotesonly punch-through (from another Mode)on the 6 VCR buttons to the deviceprogrammed under the VCR Modebutton. This is not much use if you areusing a DVD programmed under a Modeother than VCR. For example, if you have2 DVD, VCR or DVR devices programmedinto this remote, the last one youaccessed on the remote will be the onethat has control of the 6 VCR transportbuttons when in any other Mode.PROGRAMMING COMBO DEVICECODESSome Combo devices (e.g. TV/VCR, TV/DVD, DVD/VCR, etc.) will require you toset up two different Mode buttons tocontrol both parts of the Combo device.For example, if you have a TV/VCRCombo, you might need to set up onecode under the TV button to control theTV part AND a separate code (under anyother Mode button) to control the VCRpart.CONTROLLING COMBO DEVICESSome Combo devices (e.g. TV/VCR, TV/DVD, DVD/VCR, etc.) have separatebuttons on the original remote to selectthe part of the Combo device to becontrolled. For example, if your Combodevice is a DVD/VCR then its originalremote might have separate DVD andVCR buttons for selection of the Combopart you would control. The equivalentbutton functions can be found on yourPlatinum remote by using the deviceMode and SETUP buttons.Referring to “Searching for Codes” onpage 12, setup a device Mode (e.g.VCR) with the correct code for yourCombo device. Assuming the DVD/VCRCombo device is the example and itscode is programmed under VCR Mode,press and hold the VCR Mode button formore than one second to send the VCRbutton command. To send the DVDbutton command, quickly press andrelease the SETUP button followed bypressing and releasing the VCR Modebutton. This method can be appliedsimilarly to all Combo devices (e.g. TV/VCR, TV/DVD, DVD/VCR, etc.) and isavailable for all Modes. Note this featureis not supported by all codes.
17163. Press and release the desired Modebutton (TV, VCR, etc.) for Volume/Mute control, the red indicator blinksthen stays on.4. Press and release the MUTE buttonand the red indicator turns off. Thered indicator will blink rapidly forthree seconds if the Mode you haveselected has no Volume/Mute control.5. All other Modes will now punch-through to your chosen Mode forVolume/Mute control.6. All “Visual” and “Audio” programmedModes will now punch-through to therespective Modes you have chosen forVolume/Mute control.SETTING ANY MODE TO USE ITSOWN VOLUME/MUTE CONTROLThis routine can set any Mode to useonly its own Volume/Mute control. Note -If your chosen Mode has no Volume/Mute functions of its own then theVolume/Mute buttons will do nothing.1. Press and hold the SETUP button untilthe red indicator turns on, thenrelease the button.2. Press and hold the MUTE button untilthe red indicator blinks off, thenrelease the button.3. Press and release the desired Modebutton (TV, VCR, etc.), the redindicator blinks then stays on.4. Press and release the VOLUME-(Down) button, the red indicatorblinks then stays on.5. Press and release the MUTE buttonand the red indicator turns off.6. All “Visual” and “Audio” programmedModes will now punch-through to therespective Modes you have chosen forVolume/Mute control.VCR/DVD/DVR PUNCH-THROUGH FEATURE, CONT.This feature will not operate if theprogrammed TV, SAT or Cable code hasits own VCR transport button control e.g.a TV Combo, SAT/PVR, etc.VOLUME/MUTE CONTROL ANDPUNCH-THROUGH FEATUREThis remote lets you select which deviceMode controls your Volume/Mutebuttons. The remote is initially set (factorydefault) for all device Modesprogrammed with “Visual” codes (e.g.TV, VCR, DVD, DVR, SAT & CABLE) and“Audio” codes (e.g. CD & AUDIO) to usetheir own Volume/Mute control if present.If the programmed “Visual” code has noVolume/Mute operation of its own thenthose buttons will punch-through controlto the TV Mode device without needing tochange to TV Mode. Please refer to thenext page for more information.Any Mode chosen for Volume/Mutecontrol MUST have its own Volume/Mutefunction or the Volume/Mute buttons willdo nothing.SETTING ALL VOLUME/MUTECONTROL TO ANY ONE MODEThis routine can set all Modes to“punch-through” to any one chosenMode for Volume/Mute button controlwithout the needing to change to thatMode.1. Press and hold the SETUP button untilthe red indicator turns on, thenrelease the button.2. Press and hold the MUTE button untilthe red indicator blinks off, thenrelease the button.
1918CHANGING THE X10 HOUSECODE:The X10 Platinum Remote defaults toHouse Code A, and in most cases youwill not need to change this unless youare experiencing interference from aneighboring X10 system.1. Press and releasethe X10 button.2. Press and holdSETUP until the LEDindicator lightssteadily. ReleaseSetup button.3. Use the numberbuttons to enter thenumber equivalentto the chosenHouse Code(1=A, 2=B ..16=P).4. Press the ENTERbutton to confirmthe House Code.The LED turns off.Note: The House Code you choose mustmatch the House Code on the Transceiverand Modules you are using it with. CONTROLLING X10 MODULESIf you have purchased and installed aTransceiver Module, you can control itand other X10 modules as follows:2. Use the numberbuttons to enter theUnit Code numberof the chosenmodule. (You donot need to enter‘0’ first for a singledigit number.)3. Press the appro-priate button forthe function yourequire (seebelow).X10 FUNCTIONS:On: CHANNEL +Off: CHANNEL –Bright: VOLUME +Dim: VOLUME –All Lamps On: POWERAll Modules Off: MUTENote: You cannot dim or brighten anAppliance Module. If the module was offand you press Bright or Dim (VOLUME+or VOLUME-) this will simply turn themodule on.1. Press and releasethe X10 button.
2120CONTROLLING ANIR MINI CONTROLLER (IR543)If you already own an IR Mini Controller,you will need to change the X10 HomeAutomation code in the remote to use it.The code for standard X10 RF HomeAutomation is 0999. The code to controlthe IR Mini Controller is 0998. To changethe code:2. Press and releasethe X10 button.3. Enter 0998 tocontrol an IR MiniController, or 0999for standard X10control. The LEDturns off after thelast digit entered.Note: In most cases, you will not need touse the IR Mini Controller to receivecommands from the X10 Platinum Remote– the RF Transceiver Module does this foryou and has the added advantage ofworking through walls. You can if youwish control the IR Mini Controller andthe RF Transceiver Module at the sametime. To do this store code 0999 underthe X10 key and store 0998 under anyother key (except TV).1. Press and holdSETUP until the LEDindicator lightssteadily. Releasethe SETUP button. TROUBLESHOOTINGThe Transceiver Module doesn’t respondto the remote:• Check the House Code on theTransceiver Module is set to ‘A.’ Ifyou have changed the House Codeon the remote (see p. 19), check thatit matches the House Code on theTransceiver Module.• Make sure the X10 button is set tocode 0999, see page 20.• Press the ON/OFF button on the frontof the Transceiver to confirm itoperates the item connected to it.The Transceiver Module works, butother modules don’t respond:• Check that the Module has the sameHouse Code as the TransceiverModule.• Try plugging the Module into adifferent outlet.Note: if you use an RF Transceiver (suchas the RR501 or TM751) to control X10Modules, you will be able to control upto 16 Modules. With a Transceiver, whenyou press 1-6-ON you turn on Modulenumber 16. However, if you use anIR543, when you press 1-6-ON you turnon Modules 1 AND 6. The IR543 canonly control 10 Modules (1-9 plus 0=10).The Remote won’t control your A/Vequipment, or doesn’t work at all:• Use manual controls or the originalremote control to confirm theequipment is working properly.• Be sure you pressed the device keyfor the device you want to control.• Reenter the code for your A/Vproduct from the code listings on theseparate sheet included.• Try searching for codes as describedon page 12.• Replace the Remote’s batteries.
2322Switch entrance or garage lights onfrom your car with the convenientKeychain Remote KR19A andKR21A (shown).Replace your existing wall switches withthe Wall Switch Module WS467. Installslike a regular dimmer. On/Off andBright/Dim functions. Other modelsavailable for 3-way and fluorescentlighting.Control a ceiling light, closet light,etc. with the convenient Screw-inLamp Module LM15A.Replace existing AC wall outlets withthe Receptacle Module SR227. Hasone 15A/1800W controlled outletand one outlet which is always on. Use a controller to trigger the RemoteChime Module SC546A to call Dadup for dinner, or warn people you’reabout to turn on the sprinklers.Use the isolated contacts on theUniversal Module UM506 to controlpool pumps, sprinklers, drapes andother low voltage equipment. Includesbuilt in warning beeper.The  Thermostat SetbackController TH2807 mountsbelow your thermostat toreduce the roomtemperature at night or at thetimes you set to save energy.No wiring needed to yourexisting thermostat.Plug in a Heavy Duty Module HD245to control 220V appliances such asair conditioners and water heaters.Also, see http://wwwAlso, see http://wwwAlso, see http://wwwAlso, see http://wwwAlso, see details on X10’s full range offor details on X10’s full range offor details on X10’s full range offor details on X10’s full range offor details on X10’s full range ofwireless cameras.wireless cameras.wireless cameras.wireless cameras.wireless cameras.Use the Mini Timer MT10A Mini Timer MT10A Mini Timer MT10A Mini Timer MT10A Mini Timer MT10A toprogram up to 4 X10 Modulesto go on and off up to twice aday.The  Dual FloodlightMotion Detector PR511turns on at dusk and/orwhen it detects movement,and sends X10 signals tocontrol other modules, ortrigger ActiveHome macros.Fit a Wireless Wall Switch SS13A/SS15A anywhere you need an extraswitch - with no wires. Sendscommands to the TransceiverModule just like a remote.The  PowerFlash Module PF284connects to dry contact or low voltagealarm terminals on your burglar alarmsystem and flashes X10 controlled lightswhen it is triggered. EXPANDING YOUR SYSTEM The modules illustrated below representjust a few of the wide range of X10compatible modules you can choose fromto expand your Home Automation system.They are available from electrical outlets,department stores and mail ordercatalogs.X10 Home Automation products alsointegrate with X10 security systems, andX10 wireless cameras.Check out our Web Site at:http://wwwhttp://wwwhttp://wwwhttp://www more information on these and manyother X10 products.AIEMOCGK••••••••19513153711•••••••UNITHOUSEPower Horn
2524FCC CAUTIONWARRANTY12 MONTH LIMITED, a division of X10 WirelessTechnology, Inc. (X10) warrants X10products to be free from defective materialand workmanship for a period of one (1)year from the original date of purchase atretail. X10 agrees to repair or replace, atits sole discretion, a defective X10 productif returned to X10 within the warrantyperiod and with proof of purchase. Ifservice is required under this warranty:Call 1-800-442-5065, or, or help or more information onsetup, please visit: DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15OF THE FCC RULES.OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THEFOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSEHARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED,INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THATMAY CAUSE UNDESIREDOPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radiofrequency energy, and if not installed andused properly, that is, in strict accordancewith the manufacturers instructions, it maycause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested andfound to comply with the limits for remotecontrol devices in accordance with thespecifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part15 of FCC Rules, which are designed toprovide reasonable protection againstsuch interference in a residentialinstallation. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause interference toradio or television reception, which canbe determined by unplugging theequipment, try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the followingmeasures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• Relocate the interface with respect tothe radio/TV.• Move the interface away from theradio/TV.• Plug the interface into an outlet on adifferent electrical circuit from theradio/TVexperiencing the interference.• If necessary, consult your local Dealerfor additional suggestions.NOTE: Modifications to any of thecomponents in this kit will void the user’sauthority to operate this equipment.
Printed in ChinaUR73A-01/, a Division ofX10 Wireless Technology, Inc.3824 North 5th St., Suite C,North Las Vegas, NV 89032Web Site:

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