Authinx CM15A Remote Control Transmitter User Manual Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Authinx Inc. Remote Control Transmitter Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

ActiveHome2USB 2-WayHome AutomationInterfaceModel CM15A
32Basic Setup1. Download X10 Software. Click on thesoftware link in the e-mail youreceived titled “New SoftwareDownload Link.” Before youdownload the software, choose theoption to save the file, and save it ontoyour desktop so you can more easilyaccess it later.2. Disable or turn off your anti-virussoftware before you install thesoftware as some anti-virus programsinterfere with the installation.Remember to turn on your anti-virusprogram when you finish these steps.3. Install Software. Go to your desktopand double click the installationprogram you just downloaded. Thesoftware installation process willinstall the driver for your CM15A.IntroductionThank you for purchasing the X10ActiveHome2 USB Home AutomationInterface. The X10 ActiveHome2 softwareyou purchased, in conjunction with theInterface, lets you control lights andappliances around your home when usedwith X10 Modules.Important: Please download and installthe X10 ActiveHome2 software beforeyou plug in the Interface.The X10 ActiveHome2 software youpurchased should be downloaded from thelink you received in our e-mail titled “NewSoftware Download Link.” This manualassumes that you have already connectedyour lights and appliances to X10 modules,following the instructions that came with themodules.
544. Plug in the CM15A Interface (waituntil the installation program asks youto connect it).5. Connect the other end of the USBcable to the CM15A Interface.Plug the Interface into an AC outletnear your PC.Using the CM15A InterfaceAll you need to do is run your X10ActiveHome2 software — your softwarecontrols the Interface. Use the entry in yourWindows Start Menu, or double-click theicon on your desktop to open the program.When the program opens click on help forinformation on how to use ActiveHome2.Basic Setup Basic SetupWindows XP Users: When you see anotice that the X10 CM15A ActiveHome2driver has not passed Windows Logo testing,click “Continue Anyway.” Installing thesedrivers will not negatively affect yourcomputer.
76X10 software installation on Windows98 asks for a disk:If your X10 software asks you to insert anX10 disk when you connect the Interface,follow these steps:1. Click OK in this window.2. In the “Insert Disk” window, click the“Browse” button to look for the driverfiles.3. Go to your C: drive in the browse list andthen “Program Files,” “Common Files,”“X10,” “DriverInstall,” and finally“CM15A ActiveHome2.”4. Click the OK button to use the driverfiles in that folder. Follow the instructionson your screen after that.If asked for the Windows 98 disk, click“OK.” Insert your Windows 98 CD andbrowse to the “Win98” folder. Click “OK.”TroubleshootingIf you can’t find your link to downloadthe software:You can fill out a form to have the link sentto you again. Go to: click on the link for Secure SoftwareDownload Link, under Technical Support.Enter your e-mail address and order numberto be sent the download link again.Troubleshooting
98Windows 98 or Windows Me says it hasfound an Unknown Device:If you plug in the Interface and get an“Unknown Device” message, you will haveto update the drivers in Windows manually:1. Go to Device Manager by right-clickingon “My Computer” and selecting“Properties.” Then click on the DeviceManager tab.2. Double click on “Universal Serial BusControllers” in the device list, and findthe item called “Unknown Device.”3. Double-click on it and select the “Driver”tab. Select “Update Driver.”4. Select “Display a list of all the drivers ina specific location so you can select thedriver you want.” Press the “Next”button.Troubleshooting Troubleshooting5. Select the “Show all hardware” selectionat the bottom of the screen. Choose X10as the manufacturer and then CM15AActiveHome2. Press the “Next” button.6. Press “Next” to continue. Windows willinstall the X10 ActiveHome2 driver.7. At this point your PC should be copyingfiles for the driver. You may need toinsert your Windows CD.When all these steps are done, the driverwill be updated and the screen will sayyou’re finished.
1110FCC Caution FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION ISSUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWOCONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSEHARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUD-ING INTERFERENCE THAT MAYCAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radiofrequency energy, and if not installed andused properly, that is, in strict accordancewith the manufacturers instructions, it maycause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested and foundto comply with the limits for remote controldevices in accordance with the specifica-tions in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 ofFCC Rules, which are designed to providereasonable protection against such interfer-ence in a residential installation.However, there is no guarantee that interfer-ence will not occur in a particular installa-tion. If this equipment does cause interfer-ence to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by unplugging theequipment, try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• Relocate the interface with respect to theradio/TV.• Move the interface away from the radio/TV.• Plug the interface into an outlet on adifferent electrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencing the interference.• If necessary, consult your local Dealer foradditional suggestions.NOTE: Modifications to any of the compo-nents in this kit will void the user’s authorityto operate this equipment., a division of X10 WirelessTechnology, Inc. (X10) warrants X10 productsto be free from defective material andworkmanship for a period of one (1) year fromthe original date of purchase at retail. X10agrees to repair or replace, at its sole discretion,a defective X10 product if returned to X10within the warranty period and with proof ofpurchase. If service is required under thiswarranty: Call 1-800-442-5065,, or e-mail help or more information on setup,please visit:, a division ofX10 Wireless Technology, Inc.3824 North 5th St., Suite C,North Las Vegas, NV 89032CM15A-7/03

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