Authinx 1000 Charger/Finder Base User Manual 559661 OM Oct 23 pmd

Authinx Inc. Charger/Finder Base 559661 OM Oct 23 pmd

Users Manual

AT&T UverseNormal OperationThe remote control will only control thedevice which is selected by theappropriate mode key (AT&T, TV, DVD,AUX). To use the remote control for yourAT&T U-verse unit, press the AT&Tmode key.The mode key light for the selecteddevice flashes each time a valid key ispressed.Controlling Other DevicesIn order to control other devices withyour 4:1 Universal U-Verse RemoteControl, you need to tell the remotecontrol what types of devices you have.Sections A and B take you through thesteps needed to do this. The volumecontrols will work for the mode you arein e.g. if AT&T mode is selected thenvolume controls your AT&T U-verseunit, if TV mode is selected then volumecontrols your TV, etc. If you want tochange this you should follow the stepsin Section C.Programming the remote to controlother devicesTo use the U-verse remote control foryour other devices, you need to set upthe TV, DVD and AUX mode keys tocontrol the devices (Section A). Pleaserefer to the code list (separate sheet) for alist of supported brands and models. Ifyou have an integrated or combinationunit, such as a  TV/DVD unit, eachcomponent of the unit may require to beset up separately e.g., by setting up boththe TV and DVD mode keys. If yourdevice is not listed in the code list, youwill need to set up the remote controlaccording to section B “Using theSearch Function.”Note: The DVD and AUX mode keyscan be set up with any code. The TVmode key can only be set up with TVcodes.A. Manual ProgrammingUse the following steps to set up the TV,DVD or AUX mode keys:1. Turn on the device you want tocontrol, and locate the 4-digit codefrom the code list for the device youwant to control.2. Press and hold the appropriate modekey (TV, DVD or AUX) and withoutreleasing it press and hold the OKkey at the same time.3. Release both the mode key and theOK key. All the mode keys flash andthe selected mode key light stays on.4. Select and enter the 4-digit code bypressing the numerical keys (0-9).The selected mode key light blinksfor each digit entry, remaining off afterentry of the fourth digit, indicating asuccessful set up.5. Point the remote control at theselected device and press the powerkey once. The device should turn off.If the device stayed on, repeat thesteps above trying each code for yourbrand until you find the correct code.Repeat above steps to set up anotherdevice.Once your remote control is set up, youcan press the appropriate mode key tooperate the selected device. To use theremote control for your U-verse unit,press the AT&T mode key.Notes:The DVD and AUX mode keys can beset up with any code. The TV mode keycan only be programmed with TV codes.If an invalid key or code is entered, themode key light flashes for 3-seconds andturns off. The remote control returns tonormal operation and you will need tostart over from step A2 to set up thedevice.If no key is pressed within 30-secondsthe remote control times out. Theselected mode key light flashes for 3-seconds and turns off. The remotecontrol returns to normal operation andyou will need to start over from step A2to program the device.B. Using the Search FunctionYou can search the remote controlmemory to set up the TV, DVD or AUXmode keys using the search function.Also use this function if the code foryour device is not listed in the codelist:1. Turn on the device you want tocontrol.2. Press and hold the appropriate modekey (TV, DVD or AUX) and withoutreleasing it press and hold the OKkey at the same time.3. Release both the mode key and theOK key. All the mode keys flash andthe selected mode key light stays on.4. Point the remote control at the deviceyou want to control, and press theChannel Up key (or Power)repeatedly until the selected deviceresponds. If you went past the code,press the Channel Down key tobacktrack through the codes.5. To save the code, press and releasethe OK key.  The selected mode keylight turns off indicating a successfulset up.Repeat above steps to set up anotherdevice.Notes:To search for a particular device code forDVD or AUX e.g. VCR, use the ManualProgramming for section A and programDVD or AUX with any VCR code priorto starting a search.If a valid code is not found, the selectedmode key light flashes for 3-seconds andturns off.If the first key pressed is a numerical key(0-9) the remote control expects a 4-digit code (see section A).If an invalid key is pressed, the selectedmode key light flashes for 3-seconds andturns off. The remote control returns tonormal operation. You will need to startover from step B2 to set up the device.If no key is pressed within 30-secondsthe remote control times out. Theselected mode key light flashes for 3-seconds and turns off. The remotecontrol returns to normal operation andyou will need to start over from step B2to set up the device.C. Volume Control Set Up OptionsThe volume controls will work for thedevice mode you are in, e.g. if AT&Tmode is selected then volume controlsyour AT&T U-verse unit, if TV mode isselected then volume controls your TV,etc. If you’d like the volume commandsto operate from just one device e.g.always TV, then follow the instructionsin Section C-I.  If you’d like the volumecommands to be sent to different devicesdepending which mode you are in(Factory Default), then follow theinstructions in Section C-II.C-I. Volume Always Controls the sameDevice1. Press and hold the TV mode key, andwithout releasing it press and holdthe OK key at the same time.2. Release both the TV mode and OKkeys. All the mode keys flash and theTV mode key light remains on.3. Press and hold the MUTE key forabout 3 seconds until the TV modekey light briefly turns off thenremains on. Then press and releasethe mode key that you always wantto operate the volume commands(AT&T, TV, DVD, AUX). The selectedmode key light remains on.4. Press and release the MUTE key tosave the setting. The selected modekey light turns off indicatingsuccessful set up.The volume commands will now go tothe selected device no matter what modeyou are in.If the selected mode key light flashes for3-seconds and turns off, then theselected mode has no volume commandsof its own and you will need to startover from step C1 and select a differentmode to program the device.U-verse RemoteControl and ChargingBase User GuideC-II. Volume Control Depends onDevice Selected (Factory Default)1. Press and hold the TV mode key, andwithout releasing it press and holdthe OK key at the same time.2. Release both the TV mode and OKkeys. All the mode keys flash and theTV mode key light remains on.3. Press and hold the MUTE key foraround 3 seconds until the TV modekey light briefly turns off then stayson.4. Press and release the MUTE key tosave the setting.  The TV mode keylight turns off indicating successfulset up.The volume commands now work for thedifferent devices.Notes:If a programmed mode key has no volumecommands of its own then volumecontrol will normally operate the TV.If an invalid key is pressed, the selectedmode key light flashes for 3-seconds andturns off. The remote control returns tonormal operation and you will need tostart over.If no key is pressed within 30-secondsthe remote control times out and theselected mode key light flashes for 3-seconds and turns off. The remotecontrol returns to normal operation andyou will need to start over.D-I. LearningThe learning feature lets you “learn”functions from your original remotecontrol.Tips On LearningYou can only learn one device typeunder any one mode key, e.g. only learnTV codes under the TV mode, DVDcodes under the DVD mode, etc. If youare trying to learn from a “Universal”remote, it might have more than onecode type stored under a mode. Trylearning from another remote to see ifthere’s a problem with the type/brandof remote you are trying to learn from.a. Some functions from some types ofremotes might not be able to belearned.b. No functions may be stored underthe LEARN key or any key in AT&Tmode.c. Only one original device type canbe learned per individual mode.d. Use fresh batteries for your originalremote, and make sure the batteriesin your U-verse remote are fullycharged.e. Keep at least three feet away fromincandescent or low-energy lightswhen learning.f. Before learning, clear all learnedcommands (see later) then trylearning 2 or 3 commands initially.Clear all learned commands beforecompletely learning your originalremote’s commands.g. Point your original remote at thebottom end of your U-verse remoteso the IR elements on both remotesare directly in line with each other(see diagram to the right). You mayneed to adjust the height of eitherremote to achieve this.h. Keep the distance between the tworemotes to approximately 1 inch anddo not move or change the distancebetween the two remotes until youhave learned all the required keysfor that mode.i. When Learning, do not release thekey being learned until the modekey light has blinked off for half asecond.j. Avoid learning your originalremote’s Volume/Mute keys unlessyou are sure these operate the samedevice, e.g. some original DVDremotes include TV Volume/Mutecontrol and can be two differenttypes of code.k. Avoid learning your originalremote’s VCR or DVD transportkeys unless you’re sure theseoperate the same device, e.g. someoriginal TV remotes include VCR orDVD key control which can be twodifferent types of code.l. If learning the first or second keysfor a mode results in continuouserrors then try the following:i. End the learn session by pressingthe LEARN key.ii. Clear out the learned commands forthat mode.iii.Check the IR elements are correctlyaligned between the two remotes.iv. Adjust the distance between thetwo remotes to be closer (e.g. half aninch) or a further away (e.g. 2inches) from each other.v. Try learning the original remote forthat mode again.If problems reoccur with the same keycheck the original remote key beinglearned – does it transmit? Does itoperate the target device?  Try learningthat key under a different clear mode.  Ifit learns OK then it is likely to be adifferent code type from the others andcannot be learned under the same mode.D-II. Learning CommandsIMPORTANT - No keys in the AT&TMode can be learned.1. Press and hold the appropriate modekey (TV, DVD or AUX) for the modeto be learned and without releasingit press and hold the LEARN key atthe same time.2. Release both the mode key and theLEARN key. All the mode keysflash and the selected mode keylight remains on.3. Press and release your U-verseremote key that you want to teach(e.g. POWER).4. While pointing your originalremote at the bottom end of yourU-verse remote (approximately 1inch apart) press and hold theoriginal remote key (e.g. Power)until the mode key light blinks onceand stays on. If there’s a learningproblem, the mode key light blinksfor three seconds and stays on. Ifthis happens, repeat the steps above.5. Repeat Steps above for other keysyou want to learn.6. Press and release the LEARN keywhen all desired remote commandshave been learned.G. Charging Base setupConnect the Charging Base to yourU-verse unit via the USB connector onthe back (using the USB cablesupplied) or by using the plug-inpower supply (included).Use +H and +M to set the Hours andMinutes for the clock.Place the remote into the ChargingBase. It takes approximately 12 hoursto fully charge the battery in theremote.The battery life when the remote is notbeing used will normally be about 30days between charges. With normal use(about 200 key presses a day) thebattery should last about 20 days, andwith heavy use (about 300 key pressesa day) the battery should last about 17days between charges.The Charging Base displays the time ofday. The charging indicator shows thatthe batteries are being charged ortopped-up. Pressing and holding theFind key (while the remote is in theCharging Base) causes the display todim (in case you place the unit in abedroom, for example). The are 5brightness levels.H. Finder featureNever lose your remote! When theremote is not in the Charging Base,pressing the Find key on the ChargingBase causes the remote to emit a sound(up to 30 ft. range) and flash itsindicator lights to alert you to where itis.If you purchase more than one remoteand Charging Base, you can set eachCharging Base to find only its ownremote. You can set up 16 uniquecodes. When you first power up theCharging Base it is set to find ALLremotes. To change this:1. Press and hold both clock settingkeys (+H and +M) at the same timefor 3 seconds. The display shows“ALL” (or displays the current ID,from 1 to 16).2. Press the +M key to cycle from 1 to16 followed by ALL. Then press the+H key to confirm the selection.E. Clearing CommandsE-I. To Clear all Learned Commands(under a mode)1. Press and hold the appropriate modekey (TV, DVD or AUX) for the modeto be cleared and without releasingit press and hold the LEARN key atthe same time.2. Release both the mode key and theLEARN key. All the mode keysflash and the selected mode keylight stays on.3. Press and release the LEARN keyonce. The mode key light blinks off.4. Press and release the DELETE key.The mode key light turns off.All learned Commands under thatmode are now cleared.E-II. To Clear all learned Commands(under ALL modes)1. Press and hold the TV mode key andwithout releasing it press and holdthe LEARN key at the same time.2. Release both the TV mode key andthe LEARN key. All the mode keysflash and the TV mode key lightstays on.3. Press and release the LEARN keytwice. The TV mode key light blinksoff.4. Press and release the DELETE key.The TV mode key light turns off.All learned Commands in the remoteare now cleared.F. Resetting the remote control to theFactory Default Settings1. Press and hold the TV mode key andwithout releasing it press and holdthe OK key at the same time.2. Release both the TV mode and OKkeys. All the mode keys flash and theTV mode key light stays on.3. Press and hold the DELETE key forabout 3 seconds until the TV modeLED blinks and stays off.The remote control is now reset tofactory default settings. If you want touse the remote control for your TV andother devices, you’ll need to set up theTV, DVD and AUX mode keys.If no key is pressed within 30-secondsthe remote control times out. Theselected mode key light flashes for 3-seconds and turns off. The remotecontrol returns to normal operation andyou will need to start over.ABCZOOM2008 AT&T, Inc.The AT&T logo and the ensigniaare registered trademarks of AT&T, Inc.Original remote you are learning from.FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART15 OF THE FCC RULES.OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOL-LOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSEHARMFUL INTERFERENCE,AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPTANY INTERFERENCE RE-CEIVED,  INCLUDING INTERFER-ENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDES-IRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radiofrequency energy, and if not installed andused properly, that is, in strict accordancewith the manufacturers instructions, it maycause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested andfound to comply with the limits for remotecontrol devices in accordance with thespecifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part15 of FCC Rules, which are designed toprovide reasonable protection againstsuch interference in a residential installa-tion. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does causeinterference to radio or television recep-tion, which can be determined by unplug-ging the equipment, try to correct the in-terference by one or more of the followingmeasures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• Relocate the equipment with respect tothe radio/TV.• Move the equipment away from the ra-dio/TV.• Plug the equipment into an outlet on adifferent electrical circuit from the ra-dio/TV experiencing the interference.• If necessary, consult your local dealerfor additional suggestions.The manufacturer is not responsible forany radio or TV interference caused byunauthorized modifications to thisequipment. Such modifications couldvoid the user’s authority to operate theequipment.D6.Line up your remote(s) (that you’relearning from) in front of the U-verseremote, on a hard surface approx. 1inch apart.ABCZOOMNow you set the remote to matchwhatever ID you set in the ChargingBase. (The default ID is 1).1. Press TV and OK at the same time(all mode lights flash once), Menu,AT&T and AUX stay on. The remoteis now in setup mode.2. Press the Find key on the ChargerBase to send its ID to the remote.The two mode lights turn off.While in setup mode, pressing any keyon the remote causes the indicator toflash and then quit setup mode.When the remote enters sleep mode (allindicator lights off), the remote can befound (as long as it’s not in theCharging Base) by pressing the Findkey on the Charging Base. The remoteplays its sound and flashes itsindicator lights.Pressing any key on the remote (orwaiting for one minute) stops thesound and the flashing indicatorlights.Note if the power to the Charging Baseis lost, it reverts to sending the findcode for ALL remotes, and the clock isreset.Caring for the environment byrecyclingThis symbol on an AT&Tproduct means the productshould not be disposed ofwith household waste.Disposal of your charging base, powersupply or remote control.Please do not dispose of any of the itemsin this package with your householdwaste. These items should be disposedof accordance with the nationalcollection and recycling schemesoperated by your local or regionalauthority. Alternatively you may returnunwanted items to any approved AT&TService Center in your region.Find key

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