Aruba Networks WAP3212-001 Inflight Access Point User Manual Manual

Aruba Networks, Inc. Inflight Access Point Manual



Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 TPLufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 TPLufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyDocument-NoIssueDateC-DOC-AAC5280410.04.2015TitleOperation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioEquipment DesignationType / model No.WAP3212-001Part Number(s)WAP3212-001-001 (PAC P/N: RD-FA2066-01)ReferenceSpecification CSE-23-14-0012 (PAC ASC-FA2066-01)Lufthansa Technik AG proprietary rights are included in the information disclosed herein. Recipient by accepting this document agrees thatneither this document nor the information disclosed herein nor any part thereof shall be reproduced or transferred to other documents orused or disclosed to others for any purpose unless specifically authorized in writing by Lufthansa Technik AG.
Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 RH 1Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyRevision HistoryIssue. No  Reason Issue DateIR Initial Issue 11.03.201401 Adaption to WAP3212-001-001 02.02.201502 (1.1) Added english/french regulatory statement(4.1) Added statements for regulatory limitations13.03.201503 (4.3) Added statements for user information 31.03.201504 (1.1) Comliance Statement: Outdoor Antenna usage deleted. 10.04.2015
Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page TOC 1Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyTable of Content1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 11.1. Compliance Statement ............................................................................................................. 11.2. About the WAP ......................................................................................................................... 21.3. About this document ................................................................................................................. 42. Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 52.1. Connector Interface .................................................................................................................. 52.2. Discrete Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 62.3. ID Strapping ............................................................................................................................. 72.4. Powering the WAP ................................................................................................................... 73. System Integration ............................................................................................................................. 93.1. Minimal Setup .......................................................................................................................... 93.2. Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 93.3. Time Synchonization ................................................................................................................ 93.4. Logging .................................................................................................................................. 103.5. Software Updates ................................................................................................................... 103.6. Programming Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 103.6.1. Controller Command Line Interface ........................................................................................ 103.7. Controller SNMP Interface ...................................................................................................... 113.8. Radio SNMP Interface ............................................................................................................ 114. Regulatory Information .................................................................................................................... 124.1. Allowed Usage of Channels .................................................................................................... 124.2. Conformity .............................................................................................................................. 124.3. User Information ..................................................................................................................... 12Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page LOF 1Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyList of FiguresFigure 1-1: Isometric Drawing of the Wireless Access Point ........................................................................ 2Figure 1-2: Outline Dimension Drawing of the Wireless Access Point ......................................................... 3Figure 1-3: Connector Locations................................................................................................................. 3Figure 2-1: Pinning of WAP connectors ...................................................................................................... 5Figure 2-2: LED indications ........................................................................................................................ 7
Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page LOT 1Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyList of TablesTable 1 Strapping Configurations ...................................................................................................................... 6Table 2: LED Indications of the WAP ................................................................................................................. 8Table 3: Required DHCP options ...................................................................................................................... 9
Operating ManualWAP3212-001-001 / RD-FA2066-01Date 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 1Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany1.  IntroductionThis document provides information for installation and integration of the Wireless Access Point P/N WAP3212-001-001:C1008 (RD-FA2066-01) referred to as the WAP in this manual.The WAP is designed and manufactured in accordance with all requirements for installation in aircraft cabins.1.1. Compliance StatementEnglish:Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter.This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator andyour bodyThe use of any antenna other than those certified with the product is expressly forbidden by FCC rules 47 CFRpart 15.204 and IC RSS standards.Français:Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts delicence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil nedoit pas produire debrouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillageest susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Cet appareil et son antenne (s) ne doit pas être co-localisés ou fonctionnant en conjonction avec une autreantenne ou transmetteur.Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé à une distance minimale de 20cm entre le radiateur et votre corps.L'utilisation d'une antenne autre que ceux qui sont certifiés avec le produit est expressément interdite par laréglementation FCC partie 47 CFR 15.204 et IC normes RSS.
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 2Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany1.2. About the WAPThe WAP is a high-performance IEEE 802.11 based wireless access point with an ARINC 628 housing forWLAN installations on aircraft. The radio module is provided by Aruba Networks and allows IEEE 802.11accommunication in addition to IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n. The WAP has 6 integrated antennas covered by a protectiveradome allowing 3x3 MIMO for both the 2.4GHz and the 5GHz band (see figure 1).Figure 1-1:  Isometric Drawing of the Wireless Access Point
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 3Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyFigure 1-2:  Outline Dimension Drawing of the Wireless Access PointFigure 1-3:  Connector Locations
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 4Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany1.3. About this documentThis document shall provide the information necessary to operate one or more WAPs in a lab environment aswell as on an aircraft. This includes the mechanical, electrical and the software aspectects.
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 5Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany2. Setup2.1. Connector InterfaceFigure 2-1:  Pinning of WAP connectors
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 6Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany2.2. Discrete InputsThe WAP has following discrete inputs:·  Power enable ”DISCRETE IN POWER ENABLE”Allow wireless or wired meshing of several CWAP forcontent mirroring and house keeping in terms of active radio management and roaming.ConfigIP STRAP 3  IP STRAP 2  IP STRAP 1  IP STRAP 0Aground ground ground groundB ground ground ground openC ground ground open groundD ground ground open openE ground open ground groundF ground open ground openG ground open open groundH ground open open openI open ground ground groundJ open ground ground openK open ground open groundL open ground open openM open open ground groundN open open ground openO open open open groundDHCP open open open openTable 1: Strapping Configurations• RF enable ”DISCRETE IN RF ENABLE”To enable the WAP the DISCRETE IN POWER ENABLE needs to be connected to DISCRETE GND. Torelease the radio module from hardware lock the DISCRETE IN RF ENABLE needs to be connected to DIS-CRETE GND as well.
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 7Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany2.3. ID StrappingThe WAP has four designated discrete inputs used as strapping pins to specify its position in the aircraft. TheWAP applies the configuration parameters according to this strapping status.It is recommended for testing to use configuration A (see table 1) for a single WAP or A, B, C, and so forth formultiple WAPs. Full DHCP configration is limited until software version SWWAP-001-012.<IPADDR_A></IPADDR_A><NETWORK_A></NETWORK_A><NETMASK_A></NETMASK_A><GATEWAY_A></GATEWAY_A><ARUBA_PHYSICAL_IPADDR_A></ARUBA_PHYSICAL_IPADDR_A><ARUBA_PHYSICAL_NETWORK_A></ARUBA_PHYSICAL_NETWORK_A><ARUBA_PHYSICAL_NETMASK_A></ARUBA_PHYSICAL_NETMASK_A><ARUBA_PHYSICAL_GATEWAY_A></ARUBA_PHYSICAL_GATEWAY_A><ACHANNEL_A>44</ACHANNEL_A><ATXPOWER_A>3</ATXPOWER_A><GCHANNEL_A>11</GCHANNEL_A><GTXPOWER_A>3</GTXPOWER_A>2.4. Powering the WAPThe WAP will start the controller board as soon as the WAP is powered and the power discrete is connectedto ground. During booting the WAPs status LED is blue after booting is finished the status LED turns green.Figure 2-2:  LED indications
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 8Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyCaption Indication MeaningPWR dark Controller board not poweredPWR violet constant Not booting, Maintenance modePWR blue constant Booting (will be switched on 10 seconds after power is applied)PWR green constant Controller board ready, BITE okPWR yellow blinking BITE error5dark 5GHz radio module off5 amber constant 5GHz radio module on2.4 dark 2.4GHz radio module off2.4 amber 2.4GHz radio module onETH2 dark Ethernet port 2 not connectedETH2 amber constant Ethernet port 2 link establishedETH2 amber blinking Ethernet port 2 link established, transmission in progressETH1 dark Ethernet port 1 not connectedETH1 amber constant Ethernet port 1 link establishedETH1 amber blinking Ethernet port 1 link established, transmission in progressTable 2: LED Indications of the WAPPlease note that it may take up to 10 seconds until the unit lights up the LED and starts booting after applyingpower and enable the DISCRETE IN POWER ENABLE.The radio board is powered by the controller board as soon as the controller board itself is powered and theRF discrete is connected to ground.
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 9Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany3.  System Integration3.1. Minimal SetupThe following section describes the operation of one or more WAPs along with a configuration and loggingserver. Note that a bootable USB sticks referred to as ”SWWAP13-xxx-xxx: Service host for WAP3212-xxx-xxx” exists that provides all required servers.The WAP expects a DHCP server in the network to provide a temporary IP address.The WAP also explicitely queries DHCP options 56 and 67 (see table 3 for content) and will continue config-uration and software load using the values provided by the server. If an IP adress is provided but options are notprovided by the DHCP the WAP continues booting and uses the software and configuration stored in thelocal memory. It replaces the temporary IP address by the one specified in the configuration.The TFTP server shall contain the full software release in the server root directory.Option Content Meaning67 index.txt Name of index file referencing all software parts56 IP address TFTP server’s address in the networkTable 3: Required DHCP options3.2. ConfigurationWithin the TFTP root directory two files might be changed during testing:system_configuration.xmlaruba_configuration.cfgThe ”name” parameter in the aruba_configuration.cfg shall be used to identify the configuration. WAPsoftware before version SWWAP-001-013 will not apply a changed configuration if the running configurationand the uploaded configuration have the same ”name” parameter.Aruba credentials in both configuration files must be in accordance.After any change of these configuration files, the MD5 checksum files must be regenerated for the WAP.3.3. Time SynchonizationThe WAP does not have a buffered real-time clock included. It therefore depends on an external time source inorder to write logs with correct timestamps and to keep the correct amount of log data in its internal memory.During each startup the WAP tries to connect to an external NTP time server and to synchronize the internalclock with it. The NTP time server address is specified in the system configuration file in the parameterNTP_SERVER_IP.<NTP_SERVER_IP></NTP_SERVER_IP>
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 10Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany3.4. LoggingThe WAP can send log data to a server using the RFC 5424 syslog protocol. Logging can be configured usingthe following parameters:<USE_REMOTE_SYSLOG_SERVER>1</USE_REMOTE_SYSLOG_SERVER><SYSLOG_SERVER_IP></SYSLOG_SERVER_IP><SYSLOG_SERVER_PORT>514</SYSLOG_SERVER_PORT><SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL>5</SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL>3.5. Software UpdatesSoftware updates (and downgrades) are provided during boot time by an external TFTP server. The WAPchecks if the files provided by the TFTP are different from those installed. If so, they are applied automatically.Up to 5 minutes of boot time need to be given in case of an update.3.6. Programming Interfaces3.6.1.  Controller Command Line Interface• restartrestarts the WAP• versionsshows all software part numbers currently installed• biteshows logs from the built-in test equipment process• ledsshows all LED’s current status• ssidsLists all configured SSIDs along with their status, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabledExample output: ”passengers,0,crew,1,maintenance,1”• ssid [enable|disable] SSIDNAMEenables or disablesExample usage: ”ssid enable Entertainment”• serialnumbershows the serial number of the LRU• partnumbershows the part number of the LRU• modificationsshows all hardware modifications implemented (+ means implemented - not implemented, 0 not labelled)Example output: ”+++—–”• radioserialnumbershows the radio board serial number or ”N/A” if the radio is not booted• radiomodelshows the radio board model
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 11Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany• temperaturesshows all temperatures in Celsius (high temperature zone; low temperature zone; power supply zone)Exmaple output: ”67;65;55”• voltagesshows the 12 V current and all voltages in Volt (12VC, 12V, 5V, 3.3, 1.8, 1.5, 1.1, Example:”0.920;11.880;5.00;3.360;1.860;1.520;1.110”)• timestampshows the current Unix timestamp• radiouptimeshows the radio uptime or ”N/A” if the radio is not booted• discretesshows all current discrete’s status in the following order (din poweron, din rfon, din reset, din configw1,dout power, dout rf, dout configw2 –Example output: ”on;on;off;off;off;on;off”)• loadavgshows the controller CPU load averafe in standard Unix output• clientsconnectedshows the number of clients connected to the access point or ”N/A” if the radio is not booted3.7. Controller SNMP InterfaceThe controller board provides an SNMP interface that allows receiving status information. Refer to the MIB fileprovided to you or as printed in this appendix A.3.8. Radio SNMP InterfaceThe radio board provides an SNMP interface that allows receiving status information. The interface does notpermit to make changes to the configuration. Refer to the MIB guides provided by Aruba.
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 12Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany4.  Regulatory Information4.1. Allowed Usage of ChannelsThe usage of channels and power levels is generally restricted by law depending on the region of operation.The WAP3212-00x-00x (RD-FA2066-01) has been designed in compliance with governmental requirements, sothat only authorized network administrators can change the settings by specific configuration files afterintroduction and authorization by Lufthansa Technik TX-OE.Access points are radio transmission devices and as such are subject to governmental regulation. Networkadministrators responsible for the configuration and operation of access points must comply with localbroadcast regulations. Specifically, access points must use channel assignments appropriate to the location inwhich the access point will be used.Channel assignments can be performed only by trained maintanance personnel via controlled configurationfiles, released by Lufthansa Technik TX-OE.4.2. ConformityThe WAP conforms with RTCA DO-160G.See the Certificate of Conformity (C-ABS566-EQ) and the Compliance Statement (C-ABS567-EQ) for specificinformation on operation in Europe regulatory domain.4.3. User InformationChanges or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate this equipment.
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 13Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyAppendix ASNMP Management Information Base-- ****************************************************************************---- Lufthansa Technik Wireless Access Point-- Information Base for SNMP Network Management-------- The Lufthansa Technik Enterprise number is 28833.-- The ASN.1 prefix to, and including the Lufthansa Technik Enterprise is:-- ****************************************************************************LHTWAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGINIMPORTSenterprises FROM RFC1155-SMIsysDescr FROM RFC1213-MIB;lufthansaTechnik OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 28833 }communication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lufthansaTechnik 1 }hardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { communication 1 }wap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 2 }identification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wap 1 }status OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wap 2 }notification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wap 3 }-- ****************************************************************************-- MAR Array MIB Revision-- ======================---- The Lufthansa Technik enterprise ( communication Group ( hardware Group ( wap Group ( identification Group ( status Group ( ****************************************************************************partNumber OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Part Number of the WAP Unit."::= { identification 1 }serialNumber OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Serial Number of the WAP Unit."::= { identification 2 }bootloaderVersion OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 14Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Software bootloader Partnumber of the WAP Unit."::= { identification 3 }kernelVersion OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Software kernel Partnumber of the WAP Unit."::= { identification 4 }filesystemVersion OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Software file system Partnumber of the WAP Unit."::= { identification 5 }modificationsImplemented OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"modifications implemented for the WAP Unit."::= { identification 6 }arubaMACaddress OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"aruba mac address associated with WAP Unit."::= { identification 7 }arubaName OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"aruba name associated with WAP Unit."::= { identification 8 }arubaSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"aruba serial number associated with WAP Unit."::= { identification 9 }arubaModel OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"aruba model associated with WAP Unit."::= { identification 10 }arubaConfig OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 15Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"aruba running configuration associated with WAP Unit."::= { identification 11 }SystemConfigVerion OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"System Configuration file version associated with WAP Unit."::= { identification 12 }temperatureHighPCB OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"high controller board temperature of the WAP Unit."::= { status 1 }temperatureLowPCB OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"low controller board temperature of the WAP Unit."::= { status 2 }temperaturePowrSupply OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"power board temperature of the WAP Unit."::= { status 3 }voltage12V OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"12V adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 4 }current12V OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"12V corresponding current measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 5 }voltage5V OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"5V adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 6 }voltage3V3 OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 16Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"3.3V adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 7 }voltage1V5 OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"1.5V adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 8 }voltage1V8 OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"1.8V adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 9 }voltage1V1 OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"1.1V adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 10 }voltageProcessor OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"processor voltage adc measurement of the WAP Unit."::= { status 11 }timeStamp OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Current date and time of the WAP Unit."::= { status 12 }uptimeWAP OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"uptime of the WAP Unit."::= { status 13 }DiscreteInRF OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Discrete Input RF status of the WAP Unit."::= { status 14 }DiscreteInPOff OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 17Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Discrete Input Power OFF status of the WAP Unit."::= { status 15 }DiscreteInRST OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"reset discrete input status of the WAP Unit."::= { status 16 }DiscreteInConfigW1 OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Discrete Config W1 input status of the WAP Unit."::= { status 17 }DiscreteOutRF OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDiscreteOutPower OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Discrete Power Output status of the WAP Unit."::= { status 19 }DiscreteOutConfigW2 OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Discrete ConfigW2 Output status of the WAP Unit."::= { status 20 }loadaverageARM OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"ARM CPU load average of the WAP Unit."::= { status 21 }totalHrsOfOperation OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX Integer32ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"total hrs of operation of WAP Unit."::= { status 22 }wapEventNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPESTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"this trap is sent by WAP AM335x."::= { notification 1 }
QTPC-DOC-AAC528Operation Manual: Cabin Wireless Access Point, Dual RadioDate 10.04.2015 LHT Innovation HAM TX04 Page 18Lufthansa Technik AG Proprietary Information. Use or disclosure subject to restrictive legend on title page.LHT Form (HAM TX) Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanywapEventString OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))ACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"trap notification reason."::= { notification 2 }END

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