Arcadyan Technology WN4501CARC OfficeConnect Wireless 11g USB Adapter User Manual 802 11g WLAN USB Stick QSG Manual

Arcadyan Technology Corporation OfficeConnect Wireless 11g USB Adapter 802 11g WLAN USB Stick QSG Manual

User Manual

 1          880022..1111gg//bb  WWLLAANN  UUSSBB  SSttiicckk       WN-250gi Quick Start Guide
No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without written permission from the copyright owner. All the other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Statement of Conditions We may make improvements or changes in the product described in this documentation at any time. The information regarding to the product in this manual are subject to change without notice. We assume no responsibility for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or equipment supplied with it, even if the suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Electronic Emission Notices This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC INFORMATION The Federal Communication Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement includes the following paragraph: The equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital Device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to overcome the interference by one or more of the following measures: --Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. --Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  --Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. --Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
 3The equipment is for home or office use. R&TTE Compliance Statement This equipment complies with all the requirements of the Directive 1999/5/EC of the European parliament and the council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunication terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity(R&TTE). The R&TTE Directive repeals and replaces in the directive 98/13/EEC. As of April 8, 2000. IMPORTANT NOTE FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:  This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device has been tested for compliance with FCC RF Exposure (SAR) limits in typical laptop configurations and  This Transmitter  must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
 4  DGT Statement: 依據交通部電信總局低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法; 第十四條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。 第十七條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。 低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。
 5Table of Contents Installation Procedures...........................................................................................6 Verifying a Successful Installation.......................................................................11 Basics of the Attached Configuration Tool..........................................................12 Step 1: Advanced Tab...................................................................................12 Step 2: Configuration Tab ............................................................................12 Step 3: Security Tab .....................................................................................13 Other Tabs ....................................................................................................14
 6IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  PPrroocceedduurreess                                                                                        To have the 802.11g/b WLAN USB Stick operated appropriately, please read and go along with the instructions below carefully. Here we take Windows XP as an example.  1.  Plug your 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick into a USB 2.0 port on your PC. 2.  Your system will detect the device, and the  Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box will appear. Choose Install from a list or specific location [Advanced], and then click Next to proceed.  3.  From the next dialog box, before choosing Include this location in the search under Search for the best driver in these locations, insert the supplied Setup CD into your CD-ROM drive. Then choose Browse.  4.  In the opened Browse for Folder dialog box, specify a directory named Install from the CD for the system. Then click OK.
 7 5.  When return to the  Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box, please choose Next to continue the installation. 6.  Choose Continue Anyway when the system displays the Hardware Installation dialog box.  7.  Your system will start to copy the drivers found. This might take a couple of minutes. Then choose Next to proceed.  8.  When the following dialog box appears, choose Finish to entirely complete the installation.
 8  Windows XP has its built-in configuration tools – Windows XP Zero Configuration to assist you in networking activities, however, we recommend you to employ the attached software instead. Please proceed to the next step to change the default settings of Windows Zero Configuration to the attached configuration tool.  9.  Right-click the Network Connections icon at the task bar to open the Wireless Network Connection Status dialog box, and then select Properties.  10.  Choose the Wireless Networks tab in the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, and remove the tick from the Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings checkbox.
 9 11.  Choose the General tab to display the following screen. Then click the Configure button.  12.  In the prompted PRISM 802.11 g/b Adapter (USB) Properties dialog box, you may freely monitor and configure the network via the contained nine tabs.
 10  For more details on the configuration, please refer to the  “Basics of the Attached Configuration Tool” in this manual.
 11 VVeerriiffyyiinngg  aa  SSuucccceessssffuull  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn                                                                To confirm that your 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick is properly installed, please go along with the procedures below. 1.  Right-click the My Computer desktop icon and choose Properties from the opened menu. 2.  In the  System Properties dialog box, click the  Hardware tab, and then choose the Device Manager button. 3.  In the opened window, expand Network adapters to find the USB 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick –  PRISM 802.11 g/b Adapter (USB). Right-click over the item and choose Properties. 4.  From the opened dialog box, on the General tab, find the descriptions under the Device Status pane to learn if the USB 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick is working properly. However, if there’s an error message shown, please choose  Uninstall from the opened menu while right-clicking the USB Adapter item, to which a red or yellow icon is attached beside, in the Device Manager dialog box. Then restart your system and go through the installation procedures again. The following picture indicates a successful installation of the 802.11g/b WLAN USB Stick.
 12 BBaassiiccss  ooff  tthhee  AAttttaacchheedd  CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  TTooooll                                                In the  following section, you will be guided through the basic 3-step workflows of configuring your network via the prompted attached configuration tool. Please read carefully to start the task. Step 1: Advanced Tab Firstly, choose this tab to define the network standard you wish to use. a) On the Advanced tab, choose Configuration Profile from Property. b) Define which network standard you intend to operate from the Value drop-down menu.  WiFi Sepc is the default value. To use both 802.11b and 802.11g network standards, please choose Mixed.  Step 2: Configuration Tab Click this tab to edit different profiles for different network configurations.   a) Specify the network types as Access Point and Peer-to-Peer from the Network Type area. b) Type the identical SSID in the Network Name field to associate with access points or stations within the specified wireless LAN. c) Click Apply to establish the connection.   d) If you wish to create a new profile for the current association, please enter texts in the  Profile Name field and then click  Save As to identify a new profile. You may switch between any existing profiles by clicking the arrow button at the right of the Profile Name field to open the pull-down menu and
 13 then select an intended one from it.   Tips: To obtain the general information on the status of currently connected entry, click the Status tab.   Step 3: Security Tab To maintain the secure management in a wireless LAN environment, click the Security tab to define the encryption settings for a specific profile. This tab offers you various options concerning the so-called WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). a) Define the Authentication Type as WEP. b) Specify the key length from the two offered options: 64 bit or 128 bit from the Encryption (WEP security) drop-down menu. c) Now you  may choose to edit WEP keys manually or create them via the passphrase of your wireless network. If you choose the Create Keys Manually option, you may directly enter up to 4 WEP keys for use in WEP encryption. To generate the WEP keys, please define the key entry method as Alphanumeric or Hexadecimal (for hexadecimal characters, only digits 0-9 and letters A-F are valid).   d) Then edit the texts in the blank fields below, from  Key 1 to Key 4, as the encryption codes. Note that these codes/keys shall be identical between the wireless nodes within the range and the access point only.   e) Indicate which WEP key you intend to apply to activate the WEP encryption from the Use WEP Key drop-down menu. Make sure that the intended access point on the wireless network shares the same keys.
 14 f) When the associated wireless network uses a passphrase to create WEP keys, you may select Create Keys with Passphrase, and then enter the passphrase string in the Passphrase filed to generate four encryption keys in the  Key fields above. Note that only letters A-F are valid for the Passphrase feature. g) Indicate the Authentication Mode as Open, Shared, or AutoSwitch. Note that the value shall be corresponding to the currently associated access point. The Open option allows any station in the WLAN to receive and transmit data via the access point. The Shared option allows only the stations that use identical keys to associate with the access point. While choosing AutoSwitch, any station can associate with the access point either with or without encryption keys. h) Click Apply to active all the settings when you are done.  Tips: To obtain the general information on the status of currently connected entry, click the Status tab. Other Tabs Besides the three tabs mentioned above, there are other six tabs that also provide you versatile functions. Please read the explanations below to learn more about each tab. The General Tab This tab reveals brief information on the 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick device itself.
 15  The Status Tab Click the Status tab to appear the following display.    From the window, the general information on the status of currently connected entry is presented. You may want to click the  Rescan  button to reinitiate the scanning process and update the status. Later the result of scanning will be renewed and displayed in the window. If you wish to stop the  networking connection, click the Disable Radio button to stop scanning. However, if you are already in the disabled radio mode, you will find the Enable Radio button here instead. Click Enable Radio
 16 to regain the link then. State Here displays the MAC Address of the current associated entry, which could be a connected access point in the Access Point mode or computers joining in the Peer-to-Peer network. Current Tx Rate This feature indicates the transmission rate of the current connection. Current Channel Here reveals the current channel operated in the wireless network. Note that the channel number differs as the radio scans any available channels in the Peer-to-Peer mode. Throughout (bytes/sec) This feature indicates the rates of transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) data of your WLAN USB 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick within a short period of time; thus, the values vary on a time basis. Link Quality Link  Quality is based on the percentage of successfully transmitted or received signal of the associated access point beacon within a limited period. The higher the percentage, the better the link quality. The bar graph beside also provides a visual interpretation of the current  link quality. It is noted that the  Link  Quality and Signal  Strength features only apply to the Infrastructure  mode. They are inapplicable in the Peer-to-Peer mode since data will be  transferred from many different computers. Signal Strength You may learn the received signal strength of the baseband processor of the beacon signal from the  Signal Strength bar beside, and it’s also presented in terms of percentage. As the signal gets stronger, the signal percentage rate gets higher. It is noted that the Signal Strength and Link Quality features only apply to the Access Point mode. They are  inapplicable in the  Peer-to-Peer mode since data will be transferred from many different computers. The IBSS Tab If you, as a creator of the wireless network, are communicating with other stations via the IBSS mode to form Peer-to-Peer networks, click the  IBSS (Independent  Basic Service Set) tab to specify an operating radio frequency channel from the pull-down list under the IBSS Channel Selection section.
 17  Note that the available channels differ from country to country, and the channel number must be the same between the entries/stations within the range, so that each can communicate with each other.  To let the new configuration take effect, please choose Apply.  On the other hand, while in the Access Point mode, you will find the channel number is the same as the associated access point. Thus, there’s no need to manually set the value. The Domain Tab While in the 2.4GHz range, the network operation may differ from country to country, or domain to domain. This is because the 802.11d protocol was established. To have the operation normally processed, choose the Domain tab to change relevant settings.
 18  802.11d Support 802.11d Support lets you operate multi-country roaming. To automatically adjust regulatory domain  while operating network in  different countries, choose either Strict or Flexible according to your need. If you choose None, the task will be terminated. Countries/Domains Define  the regulatory domain from the drop-down menu of this command according to the country you are located in. More detailed information about the defined country/domain will be listed below afterwards.  When you are done, remember to click Apply to let the new settings take effect. The About Tab This tab reveals general information on your 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick, including the following items:
 19  Network Driver Displays the current version and released date of the 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick’s driver. Configuration Utility Displays the current version and released date of the attached configuration tool. NIC Firmware Displays the current NIC card firmware version and the MAC (Media Access Control) address of your  wireless card. It is consisted of 12-digit hexadecimal numbers (48 bits in length)  to identify your computer's physical address on the local area network. The Driver Tab This tab provides you various commands used on the 802.11 g/b WLAN USB Stick’s driver.

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