AnyDATA DTS-800CDK CDMA Development kit DTS-800 User Manual

AnyDATA Corporation CDMA Development kit DTS-800


User Manual

DTS-800 CDK User ManualApplication Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1April 23, 2001AnyDATA.NET Inc.Hanvit Bank B/D 7FByulyang-dong KwachonKOREAΤελ) 82−2−504−3360Φαξ) 82−2−504−3362
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions         iiAnyDATA.NET Inc.Ηανϖιτ Βανκ Β/∆ 7ΦΒψυλψανγ−δονγ ΚωαχηονKOREACopyright  2001 AnyDATA.NET Inc..All rights reserved. Printed in the Republic Of KOREA.All data and information contained in or disclosed by this document are confidential and proprietaryinformation of AnyDATA.NET Inc., and all rights therein are expressly reserved. By accepting thismaterial, the recipient agrees that this material and the information contained therein are held inconfidence and in trust and will not be used, copied, reproduced in whole or in part, nor its contentsrevealed in any manner to others without the express written permission of AnyDATA.NET Inc..AnyDATA.NET Proprietary : Restricted Distribution. This document contains critical information aboutAnyDATA.NET products and may not be distributed to anyone without permission of AnyDATA.NETInc.  All data and information contained in this document are proprietary and confidential information ofAnyDATA.NET Inc.  No part of this document may be reproduced, in any form or any means withoutwritten permission of AnyDATA.NET Inc.Although the information in this document has been carefully reviewed and its believed to be reliable.AnyDATA.NET Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any productdescribed herein, Neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor rights of others.Send Technical Questions to :paiton@AnyDATA.NETDTS-800 CDK Reference Manual Application Information01-DT800 CDK-1 X1Απριλ 23, 2001IntroductionΤηε Χ∆ΜΑ δεϖελοπµεντ κιτ (Χ∆Κ −800) ισ δεσιγνεδ φορ τηε τεστ ανδ σιµυλατιον οφ τηε Χ∆ΜΑωιρελεσσ δατα χοµµυνιχατιονσ.     Υσερ  χαν  χοννεχτ  τηε  δεϖελοπµεντ  κιτ  το  ψουρ  ΠΧ  ορΝοτεβοοκ  ανδ  εασιλψ  τεστ  τηε  ωιρελεσσ χοµµυνιχατιονσ.   Υσερ χαν  υσε  τηισ  το  δεϖελοπψουρ αππλιχατιονσ σοφτωαρε εϖεν βεφορε υσερ’σ οων ηαρδωαρε ισ ρεαδψ.    Ιτ αλσο χαν βευσεδ ασ α δεβυγγινγ δυρινγ υσερ’σ ηαρδωαρε τεστ.
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions         iiiDisclaimer and Limitation of LiabilityΑνψ∆ΑΤΑ.ΝΕΤ Ινχ. ασσυµεσ νο ρεσπονσιβιλιτψ φορ ανψ δαµαγε ορ λοσσ ρεσυλτινγ φροµ τηεµισυσε οφ ιτσ  προδυχτσ.  Ανψ∆ΑΤΑ.ΝΕΤ Ινχ. ασσυµεσ νο ρεσπονσιβιλιτψ φορ  ανψ  λοσσ  ορχλαιµσ βψ τηιρδ παρτιεσ, ωηιχη µαψ αρισε τηρουγη τηε υσε οφ ιτσ προδυχτσ.Ανψ∆ΑΤΑ.ΝΕΤ  Ινχ. ασσυµεσ  νο  ρεσπονσιβιλιτψ  φορ  ανψ  δαµαγε  ορ  λοσσ  χαυσεδ  βψ  τηεδελετιον ορ λοσσ οφ δατα ασ α ρεσυλτ οφ µαλφυνχτιονσ ορ ρεπαιρσ.Τηε ινφορµατιον δισχλοσεδ ηερειν ισ τηε εξχλυσιϖε προπερτψ οφ Ανψ∆ΑΤΑ.ΝΕΤ Ινχ. ανδ νοπαρτ οφ  τηισ πυβλιχατιον µαψ βε ρεπροδυχεδ ορ τρανσµιττεδ ιν ανψ φορµ ορ βψ ανψ µεανσινχλυδινγ ελεχτρονιχ στοραγε, ρεπροδυχτιον, εξεχυτιον ορ  τρανσµισσιον ωιτηουτ  τηε  πριορωριττεν  χονσεντ  οφ  Ανψ∆ΑΤΑ.ΝΕΤ  Ινχ.  Τηε  ινφορµατιον  χονταινεδ  ιν  τηισ  δοχυµεντ  ισσυβϕεχτ το χηανγε ωιτηουτ νοτιχε.Ρεπροδυχτιον,  αδαπτατιον  ορ  τρανσλατιον  οφ  τηισ  δοχυµεντ  ισ  προηιβιτεδ  ωιτηουτ  πριορωριττεν περµισσιον οφ Ανψ∆ΑΤΑ.ΝΕΤ Ινχ.FCC RF Exposure Information Warning!     Ρεαδ τηισ ινφορµατιον βεφορε υσινγ τηισ δεϖιχε.In August 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United Stateswith its action in Report and Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for humanexposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Thoseguidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and internationalstandards bodies. The design of this device complies with the FCC guidelines and theseinternational standards.CAUTION! Operating RequirementsΤηε υσερ χαν νοτ µακε ανψ χηανγεσ ορ µοδιφιχατιονσ νοτ εξπρεσσλψ  αππροϖεδ βψτηε παρτψ ρεσπονσιβλε φορ χοµπλιανχε, οτηερωισε ιτ χουλδ ϖοιδ τηε υσερ∋σ αυτηοριτψτο οπερατε τηε εθυιπµεντ.Το σατισφψ ΦΧΧ  ΡΦ  εξποσυρε χοµπλιανχε ρεθυιρεµεντσ  φορ α  µοβιλε  τρανσµιττινγδεϖιχε, τηισ δεϖιχε ανδ ιτσ αντεννα σηουλδ γενεραλλψ µαινταιν α σεπαρατιον διστανχεοφ 20χµ ορ µορε φροµ α περσον’σ βοδψ.Special accessoriesΙν ορδερ το ενσυρε τηισ δεϖιχε ιν χοµπλιανχε ωιτη ΦΧΧ ρεγυλατιον, τηε σπεχιαλ αχχεσσοριεσαρε  προϖιδεδ ωιτη  τηισ  δεϖιχε ανδ  µυστ  βε  υσεδ ωιτη  τηε  δεϖιχε  ονλψ.  Τηε  υσερ  ισ  νοταλλοωεδ το υσε ανψ οτηερ αχχεσσοριεσ τηαν τηε σπεχιαλ αχχεσσοριεσ γιϖεν ωιτη τηισδεϖιχε
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions         ivContentsPreface1  Introduce1.1  Application Description …………………………………………….. 11.2 Technical Specifications ……………………………………………. 21.2.1  General Specification ……………………………………… 21.2.2 Receive Specification ……………………………………… 31.2.3 Transmit Specification …………………………………….. 31.2.4 Standards …………………..………………………………. 31.3  Interface Diagram ………………….……………………………….. 41.4  General Features …………………….……………………………… 42 PIN Description2.1  I/O Description Parameters ………………………………………… 52.2 PIN Names and Pinouts ……………………………………………. 52.2.1  60-PIN Connector …………………………………………. 52.2.2 Analog Audio Signals ……………………………………… 7
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions         v2.3 60-Pin Connector Pinout (Top view) ……………………………….. 8
Contents                                 DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        iv3 Interface Descriptions3.1 Overview ………………………….………………………………… 93.2 CODEC Interface …………………………………………………… 103.3 UART Interface …………………………………………………….. 113.4 General Purpose Interface ………………………………………….. 123.5 User Interface ………………………………………………………. 133.5.1 Key Pad ……………………………………………………. 133.5.2 LCD ………………………………………………………... 143.5.3 Ringer ……………………………………………………… 154 Electrical Specifications4.1 DC Electrical Specifications ……………………………………….. 164.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ………………………………. 164.1.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ……………………… 174.1.3 Power Consumption ……………………………………….. 174.1.4 Serial Interface Electrical Specifications ………………….. 174.2 Timing Characteristics ……………………………………………… 184.2.1 External CODEC Timing ………………………………….. 184.2.2 LCD Timing ……………………………………………….. 195 Mechanical Dimension5.1 DTS-800 CDK Outline …………………….………………………. 205.2 60-Pin connector Mechanical Dimension ………………………….. 215.3 Analog Audio Pin-out ……………………………………………… 216 FCC Notice
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        vPrefaceAbout this Technical ManualThis Manual provides hardware interface and programming information for the DTS-800 CDK CDMAWireless Data Modem. The manual is divided into the following chapters :Chapter 1 : This chapter introduces users to the DTS-800 CDK CDMA Wireless DataIntroduction   Modem basic features and general specifications.Chapter 2 : This chapter lists each DTS-800 CDK pin and its function within the device.PIN Descriptions The pinout for the modem is listed by numeric sequence.Chapter 3 : This chapter specifies the recommended operating conditions, DC voltageElectrical           characteristics, I/O timing, and power estimations for the modem.Specifications Timing diagrams are also included.Chapter 4 : This chapter details each subsystem or block within the modem and how theInterface subsystem or block interface to external peripherals.DescriptionChapter 5 : This chapter provides package dimensions and outlook features for the modem.MechanicalSpecifications
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        11 Overview1.1 Application DescriptionsThe CDMA Wireless Data Modem is a complex consumer communications instrument thatrelies heavily on both digital signal and embedded processor technologies. The Wireless DataModem manufactured by AnyDATA.NET support Code-Division-Multiple-Access(CDMA).Operating both the cellular and PCS spectrum.In a continuing effort to simplify the design and reduce the production cost of the WirelessData Modem. AnyDATA.NET has developed the DTS series. The DTS-800 CDK isAnyDATA.NET ‘s latest compact Wireless Data Modem operating in Cellular spectrum, alsocontains completedigital modulation and demodulation system for CDMA standards as specified in IS-95 A/B.The subsystem within the DTS-800 CDK include a CDMA processor (MSM3000), anintegrated CODEC with ear piece and microphone amplifiers, and an RS-232 serial interfacesupporting forward link MDR data communications of 64kbps.The DTS-800 CDK provides external interface.External interface includes the standard RS-232, Digital Audio, External On/Off control, LCDDisplay, Keypad, Ringer extension ports.The DTS-800 CDK will power down unused circuits in order to dynamically minimize powerconsumption.
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        21.2 Technical Specifications1.2.1 General SpecificationsPARAMETERS DESCRIPTIONSExternal Access Code-Division-Multiple-Access (CDMA)CDMA Protocol IS-95 A/B, IS-98A, IS-126, IS-637A, IS-707AData Rate 64KbpsTransmit/ReceiveFrequency Interval 45MHzBand Width 1.23MHzOperating Voltage DC 6V ± 10%Current Consumption Stand by mode : Idle (140mA) , Busy mode : 900mA (Max)Operating Temperature -30  ~  +60Frequency Stability ±300HzAntenna Whip Antenna, 50ohmSize 102 X 80 X 36mm with caseWeight About 180gExternal Interface RS-232, Digital/Analog Audio, LCD, Keypad, RingerExternal On/Off Control
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        31.2.2 Receive SpecificationsPARAMETERS DESCRIPTIONSFrequency Range 869.04 ~ 893.97 MHzSensitivity Below –104 dBmInterferenceRejectionSingle tone (-30dBm @900KHz) : Below –101dBmTwo tone (-43 dBm @900KHz and 1700KHz) : Below –101dBmTwo tone (-32 dBm @900KHz and 1700KHz) : Below –90dBmTwo tone (-21 dBm @900KHz and 1700KHz) : Below –79dBmSpurious WaveSuppression Below –80dBcInput Dynamic Range -25 dBm  ~  -104dBm1.2.3 Transmit SpecificationsPARAMETERS DESCRIPTIONSFrequency Range 824.04 ~ 848.97 MHzNominal Power 0.32 WMinimum ControlledOutput Power Below –50dBmMax Power Spurious 900KHz : Below –42dBc/30KHz1.98MHz : Below –54dBc/30KHz1.2.4 StandardsIS-95 A/B : Protocol Between MS & BTSIS-96A : Voice Signal CodingIS-98A : Base MS FunctionIS-126 : Voice Loop-BackIS-637 : Short Message ServiceIS-707 : Data Service
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        41.3 Interface Diagram• Interface Block Diagram1.4 General Features601Top ViewSide ViewBottom  ViewRF UnitMSM3000JTA GUARTGPIOU serInterfaceCODECLD OR S-232U ser D efineLC D , KeypadRingerMIC/EARE x te rn a l CODECANTD TS-800E x te rn a l Power4.2VApplication Device
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        5UART 29pin connector (UART 1)60 pin connectorEar_Jackfor DTSSEar_Jackfor DTS3 pin connectorDTSDTSSDC Jack(small)Ant_cableDC Jack(large)On/OffSwitchLEDGPIODATAKEYSENSEAUX_PCM• General Features2 PIN Description
01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        62.1  I/O Description ParametersSYMBOL DESCRIPTIONSICOMS InputOOutputBBi-directionalN Voltage or Current LevelIS Input with Schmitt TriggerBS Bi-directional Schmitt TriggerPU Internal Pull-UpPD Internal Pull-Down2.2  PIN Names and Pinouts2.2.1 60-Pin ConnectorPIN NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION1 DP_DCD/ O Data carrier detect2 DP_RI/ O Ring indicator3 DP_RTS/ O Request to send4 DP_TXD O Transmit data5 DP_DTR/ I Data terminal ready6 DP_RXD IS Receive data7 DP_CTS/ IS Clear to send8 GND Signal ground9 AUX_PCM_DIN IS External CODEC PCM data input10 GND Signal ground
PIN Descriptions                          DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        7PIN NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION11 AUX_PCM_DOUT O External CODEC PCM data output12 GPIO_INT0 BS_PU General purpose in/output by interrupt13 AUX_PCM_CLK O External CODEC PCM clock14 AUX_PCM_SYNC O External CODEC PCM sync.15 GPIO00(SMS)_(GREEN)BS_PU General purpose input output16 GPIO01(IDLE)_(RED) BS_PU General purpose input output17 GPIO02 BS_PU General purpose input output18 GPIO03 BS_PU General purpose input output19 GPIO04 BS_PU General purpose input output20 GPIO05 BS_PU General purpose input output21 GPIO13 BS_PD General purpose input output22 GPIO14 BS_PD General purpose input output23 RINGER O Ringer output24 D00 B Data line25 D01 B Data line26 D02 B Data line27 D03 B Data line28 D04 B Data line29 D05 B Data line30 D06 B Data line31 D07 B Data line32 A01 B Address line33 RES_OUT/ O Reset output34 LCD_CS/ O LCD chip select35 RD/ BS Read enable output36 LWR/ BS_PU Write enable output37 GND Signal ground38 GND Signal ground39 VEXT_DC I External power input40 VEXT DC I External power input
PIN Descriptions                          DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        82.2.2 Analog Audio SignalsNAME TYPE DESCRIPTIONMIC+ I Microphone audio inputMIC- IS Ear/microphone set detectEAR O Ear audio outputGND_A Audio groundPIN NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION41 GPIO30 BS General purpose input output42 GPIO29 BS General purpose input output43 GPIO22 BS_PD General purpose input output44 GPIO21 BS_PD General purpose input output45 GPIO20 BS_PD General purpose input output46 GPIO19 BS_PD General purpose input output47 GPIO18 BS_PD General purpose input output48 GPIO_INT3 BS_PU General purpose in/output by interrupt49 GPIO_INT1 BS_PU General purpose in/output by interrupt50 KEYSENSE0/ IS_PU Key sense input51 KEYSENSE1/ IS_PU Key sense input52 KEYSENSE2/ IS_PU Key sense input53 KEYSENSE3/ IS_PU Key sense input54 KEYSENSE4/ IS_PU Key sense input55 LCD_E O LCD read enable56 A00 B Address line57 A02 B Address line58 A03 B Address line59 GND Signal ground60 VEXT DC I External power input
PIN Description                           DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DT800-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions        92.3  60-PIN Connector Pinouts (Top view)• 60-PIN ConnectorPinouts1   DP_DCD/ 2   DP_RI/3   DP_RTS/ 4   DP_TXD5   DP_DTR/ 6   DP_RXD7   DP_CTS/ 8   GND9   AUX_PCM_DIN 10  GND11  AUX_PCM_DOUT 12  GPIO_INT013  AUX_PCM_CLK 14  AUX_PCM_SYNC15  GPIO00 16  GPIO0117  GPIO02 18  GPIO0319  GPIO04 20  GPIO0521  GPIO13 22  GPIO1423  RINGER 24  D0025  D01 26  D0227  D03 28  D0429  D05 30  D0631  D07 32  A0133  RES_OUT/ 34  LCD_CS/35  RD/ 36  LWR/37  GND 38  GND39  VEXT_DC 40  VEXT_DC41  GPIO30 42  GPIO2943  GPIO22 44  GPIO2145  GPIO20 46  GPIO1947  GPIO18 48  GPIO_INT349  GPIO_INT1 50  KEYSENSE0/51  KEYSENSE1/ 52  KEYSENSE2/53  KEYSENSE3/ 54  KEYSENSE4/55  LCD-E 56  A0057  A02 58  A0359  GND 60  VEXT_DC
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       103 Interface Descriptions3.1 OverviewThis chapter covers information needed to design the DTS-800 CDK into a subscriber unitapplication. In addition, this chapter describes some of internal blocks of the device necessaryfor complete understanding of the various interfaces.This chapter discusses the interface to the major blocks of the DTS-800 CDK as shown inbelowFigures. These blocks include :  CODEC Interface  UART Interface  General Purpose Interface  User Interface  JTAG Interface• Interface Block Diagram3.2 CODEC Interface
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       11The CODEC Interface configured by internal and external figures.If use internal CODEC Interface, additional glue logic is not necessary. The modem providesvery simple audio interface.Otherwise, An external CODEC is necessary support for car-kit system. The modem providesPCM CODEC Interface.3.2.1 Internal CODEC InterfaceThe modem contains analog audio interface circuitry.  Contained audio interfacesupports all of required conversation and amplification stages for the audio front end.The audio interface includes the amplification stages for both the microphone andearphone. The interface supports one differential microphone input and one differentialearphone output.NAME DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICMIC +   MIC Input Analog InputMIC - EAR/MIC Set Detect   Logic InputEAR Earphone Output   Analog OutputGND_A Audio Ground• Analog Audio Pinouts3.2.2 External CODEC InterfaceThe PCM CODEC interface used to car-kit audio system. This interface is optional item.External CODEC interface signals are below :NAME DESCRIPTION PINOUTSAUX_PCM_CLK   PCM Clock 13’th of 60-Pin ConnectorAUX_PCM_DIN   PCM Data Input 9’th of 60-Pin ConnectorAUX_PCM_DOUT   PCM Data Output 11’th of 60-Pin ConnectorAUX_PCM_SYNC   PCM Sync. 14’th of 60-Pin Connector• Digital CODEC Pinouts3.3 UART Interface
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       12The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) communicates with serial datathat conforms the RS-232 Interface protocol. The modem provides 3.0V CMOS level outputsand 3.0V CMOS switching input level. And all inputs have 5.0V tolerance but 3.0V or 3.3VCMOS logic compatible signals are highly recommended.All the control signals of the RS-232 signals are active low, but data signals of RXD, and TXDAre active high.The UART has a 64byte transmit (TX) FIFO and a 64byte receive (RX) FIFO. The UARTFeatures hardware handshaking, programmable data sizes, programmable stop bits, and odd,even, no parity. The UART operates at a 115.2kbps maximum bit rate.NAME DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICDP_DCD/   Data Carrier Detect Network connected from the modemDP_RI/   Ring Indicator Output to host indicating coming callDP_RTS/   Request to Send Ready for receive from hostDP_TXD   Transmit Data Output data from the modemDP_DTR/ Data Terminal Ready Host ready signalDP_RXD   Receive Data Input data to the modemDP_CTS/   Clear to Send Modem output signalGND   Signal Ground Signal ground• UART Interface Pinouts3.4  General Purpose Interface
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       13The general purpose interface consist of 18 user-definable bi-directional, 3 user-definableinterrupt input pins.Each GPIO pin can be configured as input interrupt source.  Also some GPIO pins can beused to output control pin from the modem. The user can define these pins properlyNAME TYPE CHARACTERISTICGPIO00 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO01 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO02 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO03 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO04 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO05 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO13 BS_PD   Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO14 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO18 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO19 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO20 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO21 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO22 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directionalGPIO29 BS Bi-directionalGPIO30 BS Bi-directionalGPIO_INT0 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO_INT1 BS_PU Configured as a pull-up, Bi-directionalGPIO_INT3 BS_PD Configured as a pull-down, Bi-directional• General Purpose Interface Pinouts3.5 User Interface
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       143.5.1 Key PadThe key pad interface is consists of 4X5 matrix pattern. 5-KEYSENSE/[4:0] pins can beused to connect a matrix key pad to the modem. But all pins are not necessary, just4-KEYSENSE/ pins are used. KEYSENSE/ pins are active low.5-GPIO pins are necessary to make other side of matrix, 5-GPIO pins are must activehigh. The general key pad matrix are below :• Keypad Matrix3.5.2 LCDThe modem supports CLD interface. The LCD interface composed of 15-signals. #KEYSENSE0/KEYSENSE1/KEYSENSE2/KEYSENSE3/1-GPIO2-GPIO3-GPIO4-GPIO5-GPIO9630852*741SENDENDReserved
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       15Direct access to LCD driver is not applicable, 8-bit operation interface logic is needed.LCD interface block diagram is below :• LCD Interface Block DiagramNAME TYPE DESCRIPTIONLWR/ BS_PU LCD RW pin out from the modemRD/ BS LCD E pin out from the modemA01 B LCD RS pin out from the modemLCD_CS/ O LCD Chip Select pin out from the modemRES_OUT/ O LCD Reset from the modemD00 ~ D07 O LCD Data Lines from the modemVDD LCD Power SupplyGND LCD Signal Ground• LCD Interface Signals3.5.3 RingerGNDLW R /RD/A01LCD_CS/RES_OUT/D00D01D02D03D04D05D06D07VD DGNDRWERSCSRESETDOD1D2D3D4D5D6D7VD DLC D8-BitO perationInterfaceLo gic
Interface Description                       DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       16The Ringer provides Ringer output to drive the sound transducer on the host. It alarmsthe voice call events and key tone if key pad is connected.
01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       174 Electrical Specifications4.1  DC Electrical Specifications4.1.1 Absolute Maximum RatingsOperating the modem under conditions that exceed those listed in the Absolute Maximum  Ratings table may result in damage to the modem.Absolute Maximum Ratings are limiting values, and are considered individually. WhileAll other parameters are within their specified operating ranges. Functional operation ofthe modem under any of the conditions in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table is notimplied.PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITSStorage Temperature -40 +80Voltage On Any Input or Output Pin -0.5 +3.7 VSupply Voltage +7.0 VInitializing Current 100 mADrop No damages after 60-Inch drop overconcrete floor• Absolute Maximum Ratings
Electrical Specifications                     DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       184.1.2 Recommended Operating ConditionsPARAMETER MIN MAX UNITSSupply Voltage +5.0 +7.0 VOperating Temperature -30 +60Operating Humidity 95%(50 ) Relative Humidity4.1.3 Power ConsumptionSTANDBYCONVERSATION(Busy) Idle Sleep900mA (MAX) 130mA 20mA4.1.4 Serial Interface Electrical SpecificationsPARAMETER MIN MAX UNITSInput High Voltage +2.0 +3.7 VInput Low Voltage -0.5 +0.8 VOutput High Voltage +2.4 VOutput Low Voltage +0.4 V
Electrical Specifications                     DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       194.2 Timing characteristics4.2.1 External CODEC Timing• External PCM CODEC to Modem timing• Modem to External PCM CODEC timingPARAMETER DESCRIPTION MIN TYP. MAX UNITtclk PCM-CLK cycle time 400 500 nstclkl PCM-CLK low time 200 250 nstclkh PCM-CLK high time 200 250 nstsu(sync) PCM_SYNC setup time to PCM_CLK falling 150 nsth(sync) PCM_SYNC hold time after PCM_CLK falling 350 nstsu(din) PCM_DIN setup time to PCM_CLK falling 50 nsth(din) PCM_DIN hold time after PCM_CLK falling 10 nstpdout Delay from PCM_CLK falling to PCM_DOUT 50 ns• External PCM CODEC Parameterstclktclkltclkhtsu(sync)th(sync)tsu(din)th(din)MSB LS BPCM _CLKPCM _SYNCPCM _DINtclktclkltclkhtsu(sync)th(sync)MSB LSBPC M _C LKPC M _SYN CPCM_DOUTtpdouttpdouttzdout
Electrical Specifications                     DTS-800 Reference Manual Application Information01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       204.2.2 LCD Timing• LCD TimingPARAMETER DESCRIPTION MIN MAX UNITtLCDES LCD_CS/ active to LCD_E active nstLCDEHI Pulse width if LCD_E active nstLCDEH LCD_E inactive to LCD_CS/ inactive (write) nstLCDEHR LCD_E inactive to LCD_CS/ inactive (Read)tRDS Read data setup nstRDH Read data hold nstWRS Write data setup to LCD_E inactive nstWRH Write data hold from LCD_E inactive ns• LCD Timing Parameters; κ, Ι, ν ισ ιντεγερ λοωερ τηαν 16,  ΜΧΛΚ ισ ιντερναλ Χλοχκ οφ µοδεµtWRSMCLK(m odem )A[21:0]LW R /Write  D ata[7:0]LCD_CS/RD/LCD_ER eadD ata[7:0]TtWRHtLCDEStLCDEHItLCDEHtRDStRDHLCD Data W riteLCD Data Read
01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       215 Mechanical Dimensions5.1 DTS-800 CDK Outline
01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       225.2  60-Pin Connector Mechanical Dimension5.3 Analog Audio Pin-Out6. FCC Notice401.270.55φ0.70φ0.70      0.05((P in num ber/2)-2)x1.27 ±±((P in num ber/2)-1)x1.27 MIC-MIC+GNDEAR4 3 2 1
01-DTS800 CDK-1 X1       AnyDATA.NET Proprietary – Use Subject toRestrictions       23This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:! Ρεοριεντ ορ ρελοχατε τηε ρεχειϖινγ αντεννα.! Ινχρεασε τηε σεπαρατιον βετωεεν τηε εθυιπµεντ ανδ ρεχειϖερ.! Χοννεχτ τηε εθυιπµεντ ιντο αν ουτλετ ον α χιρχυιτ διφφερεντ φροµ τηατ το ωηιχητηε ρεχειϖερ ισ χοννεχτεδ.! Χονσυλτ τηε δεαλερ ορ αν εξπεριενχεδ ραδιο/Τς τεχηνιχιαν φορ ηελπ.

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