Andrew Wireless Innovations Group RPT-MR303V-90 Repeater User Manual M0041A8B

Andrew Wireless Innovations Group Repeater M0041A8B



User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 126-Oct-2000User's ManualforMR303D VariaId.-Nos.: 152796, 152797 & 154595
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 226-Oct-2000Copyright  MIKOM, Buchdorf 2000All rights reserved.No parts of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or byany means, electronical, mechanical photocopying,recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 326-Oct-2000TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES 4LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 4CONTENTS OF DELIVERY 5HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS 5PREAMBLE 61INTRODUCTION 81.1 The MR303D Varia 81.2 Functional Description 91.3 Downlink 91.4 Uplink 102FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES 112.1 Configuration of the Connectors 112.1.1 RF Connectors 112.1.2 Power supply 122.2 Configuration of the LEDs 122.3 Mechanical Installation 132.4 Electrical Installation 143SETTING INTO OPERATION 173.1 Adjusting the Frequency 173.2 Setting the Attenuation 174APPENDIX 184.1 Electrical Specification 184.2 Mechanical Specification 194.3 Environmental and Safety Specifications 194.4 Spare part list 20INDEX 20
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 426-Oct-2000LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLESfigure 1-1 Block diagram ............................................................................................ 9figure 2-1 Configuration of the connectors ............................................................... 11figure 2-2 Installation drawing................................................................................... 13figure 3-1 Channel setting for Id.No. 152796 & 154595 ........................................... 17figure 3-2 Channel setting for Id.No. 152797............................................................ 17figure 3-3 Usage of rotary switch for attenuation setting .......................................... 17figure 4-1 Cabinet drawing........................................................................................ 19LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSALC Automatic Level ControlBCCH Broadcast Control ChannelBITE Built In Test EquipmentBTS Base Transceiver StationCEPT Conférénce Europe´ennedes Postes et TelecommunicationsD.I.C.E. Distributed Indoor Coverage EquipmentDL DownlinkESD Electrostatic DischargeETS European Telecommunication StandardFSK Frequency Shift KeyingGSM Global System for Mobile communicationId.-No. Identification NumberIF Intermediate FrequencyLMT Local Maintenance TimeoutOMC Operation and Maintenance CentrePABX Private Automatic Branch ExchangePCMCIA Personal Computer Modem Communication International AssociationPSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkRev RevisionRF Radio FrequencyRLP Radio Link ProtocolRSSI Receive Signal Strength IndicationUL Uplink
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 526-Oct-2000CONTENTS OF DELIVERYQty 1Repeater MR303D VariaQty 1User’s manuals for repeater MR303D VariaQty 1Set of test protocols consisting of an electrical acceptance testprotocoland a safety test protocol regarding the power supplyQty 1Wall mounting templateHEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGSF Note: Electrical installation must be carried out in accordance with thesafety regulations of the local authorities. Due to safety reasons,electrical installation must be conducted by qualified personnel only.The cover of this unit should not be opened while power is applied.Subsequent installations, commissioning and maintenance activitiesthat require the unit to be under power while the cover is open, mustonly be carried out by suitably qualified personnel.F Note: ESD precautions must be observed! Before commencing main-tenance work, disconnect the repeater from mains.
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 626-Oct-2000PREAMBLEIn cellular systems, repeaters are used to extend the coverage of a base station inregions where, due to topological or structural conditions, weak field strengthsdisable communication. MIKOM is a leading manufacturer of repeaters, providingexcellent electrical characteristics. The repeaters are light-weight and easy to install.MIKOM repeaters provide a preferred solution for extended cellular coverage.This repeater has been built using only highly reliable materials. A comprehensivequality assurance has been carried out on all fabrication steps, ensuring constantquality of the product. Every repeater leaves the factory only after a thorough finalacceptance test, accompanied by a test certificate, which guarantees perfectfunction.Any intervention must be carried out by authorised persons only. If technicalassistance for the repeater MR303D Varia is needed, contact the local sales office(see List of international sales offices on the following page) or contact MIKOMdirectly at the following address:When set-up is performed according to this manual, the repeater will operatewithout complications for a significant length of time.MIKOM GmbHIndustriering 1086675 BuchdorfGermanyTel: +49 (0) 9099 69 0Fax: +49 (0) 9099 69 31email: sales@mikom.com
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 726-Oct-2000List of international sales officesAllen Telecom Allen Telecom(Australia) P/L Forem France30500 Bruce IndustrialParkway 6 Stuart Street Z.I. des EbisoiresCleveland, Ohio 44 139-3996 Padstow NSW 2211 78370 PlaisirUSA Australia FrancePhone: +1 ( 216 ) 349-8657 Phone: +61 (2) 9774-4200 Phone: +33-1-30-79-15-30FAX:    +1 ( 216 ) 349-8408 FAX:    +61 (2) 9774-4500 FAX:    +33-1-30-55-55-37FOREM S.p.A. AT Singapore AT ChinaVia Archimede N. 22/24 80 Marine Parade Road CITIC Building, # 11-0520041, Agrate Brianza #19-1 Parkway Parade 19 JiangguomenwaiAvenueMilan Singapore 449269 BeijingItaly China 100004Phone: +39-39-605-41 Phone: +65-345-8022 Phone: +86-10-6508-3088FAX:    +39-39-605-4477 FAX:    +65-345-8033 FAX:    +86-10-6508-3066AT Canada FOREM UK AT Hong Kong1815 Ironstone Manor, # 12 Unit DCastle Industrial Park 1603 Remington Center,23 Hung to road,Pickering, Ontario L1W 3W9Canada Pear Tree LaneNewbury, Berkshire Kwun Tong, Kow LoonHong KongU.K. RG 14  2EZPhone: +1 ( 905 ) 839-3474 Phone: +44-1635-569-695 Phone: +852-2389-1844FAX:    +1 ( 905 ) 839-4663 FAX:    +44-1635-569-463 FAX:    +852-2389-4864AT IndiaB-256 Ground Floor.Chittaranjan ParkNew Delhi 110019Phone: +91-11-696-3918FAX:    +91-11-652-1648
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 826-Oct-20001 INTRODUCTIONCellular telephone systems transmit signals in two directions between base stationsand mobile telephones within the signal coverage area.If weak signal transmissions occur within the coverage area due to indoorapplications, topological conditions or distance from the transmitter, a repeater isused to extend transmission range. In the downlink path, the repeater picks up thesignal from a donor antenna of an existing cell, amplifies and re-transmits it into therequired dark spot. In the uplink direction, the repeater receives signals from mobilestations present in its coverage area and re-transmits them to the correspondingbase station.1.1 The MR303D VariaThe  repeater MR303D Varia is a bi-directional amplifier with adjustable RF-bandwidth. The first and the last channel of the transmission bandwidth can be setmanually by means of rotary switches. The repeater has been designed forapplications in medium sized rooms such as suites, offices and basements. Aquality connection with a mobile phone can usually not be established in theserooms.The repeater is equipped with a connector for an external receiving/transmittingantenna which provides the RF connection to the mobile. Connection to the BTS canbe established via an outdoor antenna. Other components of the D.I.C.E. COAXsystem can also be connected to the repeater.The final amplifiers are protected by individual level limiters, which allow the mobileunit to be operated in close proximity to the repeater. Third order intermodulationproducts are kept below the CEPT limit of -36 dBm constantly, even if the repeaterreceives the signals of more than one mobile unit.
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 926-Oct-20001.2 Functional DescriptionThe MR303D Varia is a repeater operating in the GSM900 frequency range. Theoperation principle for uplink and downlink is depicted in the following blockdiagram:figure 1-1 Block diagram1.3 DownlinkDownlink signals are received by the external antenna and fed to the duplexer. Theduplexer is the frequency separation unit that splits and recombines uplink (UL) anddownlink (DL).After processing through the duplexer the signals are transferred to a pre-amplifierand then enter the attenuation selection. The gain of the repeater can be set byintroducing attenuation into the amplifier chain (see chapter 3.2 Setting theAttenuation). Then the signals are relayed to a mixer. The mixer converts the signalsdown to an intermediate frequency (IF). An IF filter provides the selectivity of therepeater. After the IF filter the signals are reconverted to the original frequency againwith another mixer. A final amplifier amplifies the signal once again to the requiredoutput power.After amplification a power detection feature, called automatic level control (ALC),measures the output power and controls the gain. The ALC keeps intermodulationsbelow - 36 dBm. Finally, the signals are supplied to the antenna output.
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 10 26-Oct-20001.4 UplinkThe uplink signals are received by the antenna and fed into the repeater where apre-selection of the frequency is made. The signals are then converted down to IF bymeans of a mixer and an IF filter provides the selectivity against other frequencies.After the re-conversion the signals are amplified in an amplifier that provides theoutput power. The signals are then fed to the antenna via the duplexer.In this link, an ALC and an automatic power adjust circuit (APAC) is provided. APAClimits the output power if two carriers are present at the one UL input. This againkeeps intermodulations to the desired limit. The repeaters with Id.-Nos. 152797 &154595 provide an attenuation selection unit, which allows the gain to be set on ULand DL -simultaneously, but not separately- by introducing attenuation into theamplifier chain. (See chapter 3.2 Setting the Attenuation).In the MR303D the bandwidth of the RF modules can be set within the GSM900band to a desired value with rotary-switches on the outside of the modules. To set adefined bandwidth, the start channel, as well as the stop channel must be adjustedwith the rotary-switches. (See chapter 3.1 Adjusting the Frequency).
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 11 26-Oct-20002 FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES2.1 Configuration of the Connectorsfigure 2-1 Configuration of the connectors2.1.1 RF ConnectorsThe RF connectors (SMA female) are situated on both sides of the repeater. Theseports must be connected to the RF cables of the external antennas to/from the BTSand to/from the mobiles.
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 12 26-Oct-20002.1.2 Power supplyThe socket for the DC supply is located next to the RF connector to/from the BTS.Power supply voltage is 6.7 Vdc, current is 1.6 A typ for Id.-No.: 152796 and 2.5 Afor Id.-Nos.: 152797 & 154595.There are two possibilities to provide the MR303D Varia with power:Ø Use external power supply and connection to the DC socket of the repeater. (Useonly the power supply that is delivered with the unit).Or:Ø Bias the MR303D Varia via the cable to the RF port to/from BTS. Ensure that thecorrect voltage is fed into the repeater.F Note:  The DC socket of the MR303D Varia must not be connected if thebias via RF cable is carried out.2.2 Configuration of the LEDsThe LED to the left (DC alarm) can show green or red light:Ø Green indicates the normal operation of the repeater. Power is present and thecurrent consumption of the unit is within the specifications.Ø Red indicates that the current consumption of the repeater is not within definedlimits and that the repeater might not work properly. If the LED is off, theMR303D Varia does not receive any DC power.The right hand LED is the ALC/APAC alarm LED:Ø LED “on” indicates that the input power received by the repeater is too high.The output power of the repeater must be limited. This can be either done by the ULALC or APAC, or the DL ALC. Limitation of power ensures that the final stage is notoverdriven and that intermodulations are kept below the CEPT limits (- 36 dBm).
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 13 26-Oct-20002.3 Mechanical InstallationInstall the MR303D Varia according to the directions provided with the wall mountingsheet. The unit can be mounted horizontally or vertically. The alarm LEDs must pointdownwards (horizontal mounting) or to the left-hand side (vertical mounting). Theunit has a weight of approximately 1.6 kg.figure 2-2 Installation drawing
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 14 26-Oct-20002.4 Electrical InstallationF Note: Electrical installation must be carried out in accordance with thesafety regulations of the local authorities. Due to safety reasonselectrical installation must be performed by qualified personnelonly.Connection of the cables to/from the BTS and connection of power supply:The cable to the external antenna to/from the BTS and the SMA-connector must beordered separately if reqired.If the cable is part of the delivery, adjust the cable to a suitable length and connectthe SMA-connector.Cut the antenna cable to the requiredlength. Strip the jacket at the cut end to thelength of 14 mm, the copper braidingcarefully to 8 mm and the inner insulation to10 mm.Place the split taper socket over the cable.Insert the inner conductor into the openingat the rear of the SMA pin. Slot the pin andcable into the opening at the rear of theSMA connector. Carefully push the copperbraiding over the knurled end of theconnector. Take care that none of the wiresof the copper braiding contact the innerconductor. Pull the split taper socket overthe cable up to the base of the SMA-connector. Complete the connection bycrimping the split taper socket with crimpingpliers.split tapersocketbase     knurled end       pincrimed SMAconnector
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 15 26-Oct-2000Ø Connect one RF cable to the SMAconnector to/from mobile.Ø Connect one RF cable to the SMAconnector to/from the BTS.Ø Connect the DC cable to the repeaterDC connector.To avoid excess strain on  the cables, thecables must be fastened to the fixing strapswith cable clamps.E.g.: Horizontal mountingThe cables can be fed through therepeater’s housing at one of the two semi-holes provided to adapt the position of thecable to the mounting position of therepeater.Ø Open off the required semi-hole byremoving the respective break-off-partwith pliers.Break-offpartsSMA connectorto/from mobileSMA connectorto/from BTSDC connectorFixing straps
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 16 26-Oct-2000Ø Adjust the frequency.Ø Set the attenuation(at repeater with Id.-No.: 152797 &154595 only!).Ø Close the repeater by replacing thecover.Ø Connect the power supply to mains.Connector tomainsGain setting(Id.-No.: 152797& 154595)FrequencyadjustDC connector
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 17 26-Oct-20003 SETTING INTO OPERATION3.1 Adjusting the FrequencyThe setting of the start channel and the stop channel must be carried out inaccordance to the following tables:figure 3-1 Channel setting for Id.No. 152796 & 154595figure 3-2 Channel setting for Id.No. 1527973.2 Setting the Attenuation (Id.-Nos. 152797 & 154595 only)The attenuation can be set by means of a rotary switch, which is located in thecentre of the repeater. Use a small screw driver to turn the switch carefully to theposition for the required attenuation. The label below the rotary switch shows thepossible positions and the corresponding values of the attenuation.figure 3-3 Rotary switch for attenuation setting
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 18 26-Oct-20004 APPENDIX4.1 Electrical SpecificationMR303D Varia Id.No.:152796 Id.No.:152797 Id.No.: 154595Frequency range  ULDL 890 – 915 MHz935 – 960 MHz 880 – 905 MHz925 – 950 MHz 890 – 915 MHz935 – 960 MHzBand adjust BW manually adjustable from 1 to 24.8 MHz in steps of 200 kHzIn band gain min./typ. 55 dB / 58 dB 50 dB / 58 dB 50 dB / 58 dBGain ajust -- 20dB in 2dB stepsmax. 20dB in 2dB stepsmax.In band ripple ± 2 dBOut of band gain according to GSM 0505 Ver. 4.20.0 Annex EDelay 6 µsec max. 5 µsec typ.; 5.3µsec. max. 5 µsec typ.; 5.3µsec. max.ICP3 Out @ max.gain DL 26 dBm minUL 33 dBm min DL 35 dBmUL 42 dBm DL 35 dBmUL 40 dBmDL Pout 1 channel 8 dBm (ALC active) 13 dBm 13 dBmDL Pout 2 channels 5 dBm each min.(ALC active) 10 dBm 10 dBmDL OICP3 26 dBm min 16 dBm typ; 18 dBmmax. 16 dBm typ; 18 dBmmax.UL Pout 1 channel 24 dBm (ALC active) 22 dBm 22 dBmUL Pout 2 channels 10 dBm each min.(APAC active) 15 dBm 15 dBmUL OICP3 33 dBm min.Automatic power control DL: ALC; UL: APAC and ALCMax input withoutdamage 10 dBm min. 10 dBm min. 10 dBm min.15 dB max. 12 dB max. @max.gain 15 dB max. @max.gainNoise figure ULDL 10 dB max. 12 dB max. @max.gain 10 dB max. @max.gainSpurious emissions according to GSM 05.05 ver 4.40.0 Annex E.2Power consumption 12 Watts(1.6 A @ 6.7 Vdc) 15 Watts typ.20 Watts max 15 Watts typ.20 Watts maxPower supply external mains adapter 230 Vac (±10%) 50 Hz (±2 Hz) to 6.7 VdcAlarms Amplifier failure and ALC (via LEDs)RF connectors SMA female, others on requestAll data is subject to change without notice!
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 19 26-Oct-20004.2 Mechanical SpecificationHeight, Width, Depth approx. 226 x 310 x 61.5 mmSealing class IP30Weight: approx. 1600 gfigure 4-1 Cabinet drawing4.3 Environmental and Safety SpecificationsSpecifications for environmental and safety conditions are according to ETS 300 019(European Telecommunication Standard). For further details refer to theenvironmental and safety leaflet for MIKOM repeaters.All data is subject to change without notice!
User’s Manual for Repeater MR303D VariaM0041A8B.doc Id.-No. 153114 Page 20 26-Oct-20004.4 Spare part listPart Id.- No.Repeater MR303 D Varia 152796 152797 154595Power Supply 146902INDEXAAbbreviations............................................................ 4Address of MIKOM.................................................. 6DDownlink path........................................................... 9HHealth and safety warnings....................................... 5IInstallationElectrical ............................................................14Mechanical .........................................................13International sales offices......................................... 7Introduction............................................................... 8LLEDs........................................................................12SSetting ofAttenuation.........................................................17Frequency...........................................................17Specifications..........................................................18UUplink path..............................................................10

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