Alcatel Lucent Bell G240WB GPON ONU User Manual 7368 ISAM ONT G 240W B Product Guide

Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. GPON ONU 7368 ISAM ONT G 240W B Product Guide

6. User manual

R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01           Alcatel-Lucent 7368  INTELLIGENT SERVICES ACCESS MANAGER ONT G - 2 40W- B   P R O D U C T   G U IDE                          Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary This  document contains  proprietary information  of Alcatel-L ucent  and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. Copyright 2014 ©  Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01       Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented, which is subject to change without notice. Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.   Copyright 2014 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.   Disclaimers  Alcatel-Lucent products are intended for commercial uses. Without the appropriate network design engineering, they must not be sold, licensed or otherwise distributed for use in any hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life-support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of products could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage. The customer hereby agrees that the use, sale, license or other distribution of the products for any such application without the prior written consent of Alcatel-Lucent, shall be at the customer's sole risk. The customer hereby agrees to defend and hold Alcatel-Lucent harmless from any claims for loss, cost, damage, expense or liability that may arise out of or in connection with the use, sale, license or other distribution of the products in such applications.  This document may contain information regarding the use and installation of non-Alcatel-Lucent products. Please note that this information is provided as a courtesy to assist you. While Alcatel-Lucent tries to ensure that this information accurately reflects information provided by the supplier, please refer to the materials provided with any non-Alcatel-Lucent product and contact the supplier for confirmation. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility or liability for incorrect or incomplete information provided about non-Alcatel-Lucent products.  However, this does not constitute a representation or warranty. The warranties provided for Alcatel-Lucent products, if any, are set forth in contractual documentation entered into by Alcatel-Lucent and its customers.  This document was originally written in English. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and any other version of a document, the English version shall prevail.                      When printed by Alcatel-Lucent, this document is printed on recycled paper.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      Preface       This preface provides general information about the documentation set for optical network terminals (ONTs).   Scope  This documentation set provides information about safety, features and functionality, ordering, hardware installation and maintenance, and software installation procedures for the current release.   Audience  This documentation set is intended for planners, administrators, operators, and maintenance personnel involved in installing, upgrading, or maintaining the ONTs.   Required knowledge  The reader must be familiar with general telecommunications principles.   Acronyms and initialisms  The expansions and optional descriptions of most acronyms and initialisms appear in the glossary.           Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  iii Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   Preface   Assistance and ordering phone numbers  Alcatel-Lucent provides global technical support through regional call centers. Phone numbers for the regional call centers are available at the following URL:  For ordering information, contact your Alcatel-Lucent sales representative.   Alcatel-Lucent quality processes  Alcatel-Lucent’s ONT manufacturing, testing, and inspecting practices are in compliance with GR-1252-CORE and TL 9000 requirements. These requirements are documented in the Operations Quality Plan 8BD-00023-4204-QRZZA, the Alcatel North American Quality Manual 8BD-00001-0000-QRZZA, and the Wireline Network Quality Manual 8AB-83179-0001-QRAAA.  The quality plans and practices adequately ensure that technical requirements and customer end-point requirements are met. The customer or its representatives may be allowed to perform on-site quality surveillance audits, as agreed upon during contract negotiations.   Safety information  For safety information, see the appropriate safety guidelines chapter.   Documents  Documents are available using ALED or OLCS.   Procedure 1  To download a ZIP file package of the customer documentation  1  Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Alcatel-Lucent sales representative.  2  From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.  3  Click on Downloads: Electronic Delivery.  4  Choose Documentation from the drop-down menu and click Next.  5  Select the image from the drop-down menu and click Next.  6  Follow the on-screen directions to download the file.           iv  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Preface   Procedure 2  To access individual documents   Individual PDFs of customer documents are also accessible through the Alcatel-Lucent Customer Support website.  1  Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Alcatel-Lucent sales representative.  2  From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.  3  Click on Manuals and Guides to display a list of customer documents by title and part number. You can filter this list using the Release drop-down menu.  4  Click on the PDF to open or save the file.      Special information  The following are examples of how special information is presented in this document.  Danger — Danger indicates that the described activity or situation may result in serious personal injury or death; for example, high voltage or electric shock hazards. Danger indique que l'activité ou la situation décrite peuvent entraîner des blessures corporelles graves ou mortelles; par exemple, haute tension ou de risques d'électrocution.    Warning — Warning indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause equipment damage or serious performance problems. Warning indique que l'activité ou la situation décrite ne peut, ou la volonté, des dommages matériels de cause ou de graves problèmes de performance   Caution — Caution indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause service interruption. Caution indique que l'activité ou la situation décrite peut, ou la volonté, le service de la cause interruption.     Note —  A note provides information that is, or may be, of special interest. Une note fournit des informations qui est, ou peut être, d'un intérêt particulier.      Procedures with options or substeps  When there are options in a procedure, they are identified by letters. When there are required substeps in a procedure, they are identified by roman numerals.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Preface   Procedure 3  Example of options in a procedure   At step 1, you can choose option a or b. At step 2, you must do what the step indicates.  1  This step offers two options. You must choose one of the following:  a  This is one option.  b  This is another option.  2  You must perform this step.      Procedure 4  Example of required substeps in a procedure   At step 1, you must perform a series of substeps within a step. At step 2, you must do what the step indicates.  1  This step has a series of substeps that you must perform to complete the step. You must perform the following substeps:  i  This is the first substep.  ii This is the second substep.  iii This is the third substep.  2  You must perform this step.      Multiple PDF document search  You can use Adobe Reader Release 6.0 and later to search multiple PDF files for a common term. Adobe Reader displays the results in a single display panel. The results are grouped by PDF file, and you can expand the entry for each file.  Note —  The PDF files in which you search must be in the same folder. Les fichiers PDF dans lequel vous recherchez doivent être dans le même dossier     Procedure 5  To search multiple PDF files for a common term  1  Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.  2  Choose Edit→Search from the Acrobat Reader main menu. The Search PDF panel appears.  3  Enter the search criteria.     vi  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Preface   4  Click on the All PDF Documents In radio button.  5  Select the folder in which to search using the drop-down menu.  6  Click on the Search button.  Acrobat Reader displays the search results. You can expand the entries for each document by clicking on the + symbol.                                                         Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  vii Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      ETSI ONT safety guidelines       This chapter provides information about the mandatory regulations that govern the installation and operation of the optical network terminals (ONTs).   Safety instructions   This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the ONT customer documentation and on the equipment.   Safety instruction boxes  The safety instruction boxes are provided in the ONT customer documentation. Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.  The following is an example of the Danger box.  Danger — Possibility of personal injury. Possibilité de blessures.    The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat to personal safety. It calls attention to a situation or procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, may result in death or serious physical harm.  Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.  The following is an example of the Warning box.  Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.                      Possibilité de dommages matériels.  Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.                      Possibilité de perte de données.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   ETSI ONT safety guidelines   The Warning box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the degradation of system operations or data.  Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.  The following is an example of the Caution box.  Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption.                     Possibilité d'interruption de service.  Caution 2 — Service interruption. Interruption de service   The Caution box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause service interruption.  Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.  The following is an example of the Note box.          Note —  Information of special interest. L'information d'intérêt spécial.   The Note box provides information that assists the personnel working with ONTs. It does not provide safety-related instructions.   Safety-related labels  The ONT equipment is labeled with the specific safety instructions and compliance information that is related to a variant of the ONT. Observe the instructions on the safety labels.  Table 1 provides sample safety labels on the ONT equipment.   Table 1  Safety labels  Description Label text ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains an electrostatic sensitive device. Laser classification Class 1 laser product PSE marking These power supplies are Japan PSE certified and compliant with Japan VCCI emissions standards.   Figure 1 shows the PSE certification.        x  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI ONT safety guidelines   Figure 1  PSE certification      Warning This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference from Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.         19841   Safety standards compliance  This section describes the ONT compliance with the European safety standards.   EMC, EMI, and ESD compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the following EMC, EMI, and ESD requirements:  • EN 300-386 V1.3.2 (2003-05): Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM): Telecommunications Network Equipment; Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements; Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) requirements • EN 55022 (1998): Class B, Information Technology Equipment, Radio Disturbance Characteristics, limits and methods of measurement • EN 55024 (1998): Information Technology Equipment, Immunity Characteristics, limits and methods of measurement • European Council Directive 2004/108/EC • EN 300-386 V1.4.1: 2008 • EN 55022:2006 Class B (ONTs) • EN EN 61000-3-2:2006 • EN EN 61000-3-3:2008 • IEC 61000-4-2:2001 • IEC 61000-4-3:2006 • IEC 61000-4-4:2004 • IEC 61000-4-5:2005 • IEC 61000-4-6:2003/A1:2004/A2:2006 • IEC 61000-4-11:2004   Equipment safety standard compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the requirements of EN 60950-1, Safety of Information Technology Equipment for use in a restricted location (per R-269).      Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xi Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI ONT safety guidelines   Environmental standard compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the EN 300 019 European environmental standards.   Laser product standard compliance  For most ONTs, the ONT equipment complies with EN 60825-1 and IEC 60825-2 for laser products. If there is an exception to this compliance regulation, you can find this information in the standards compliance section of the unit data sheet in this Product Guide.   Resistibility requirements compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the requirements of ITU Recommendation K.21 for resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to over voltage and overcurrents.   Acoustic noise emission standard compliance  The ONT equipment complies with EN 300 753 acoustic noise emission limit and test methods.   Electrical safety guidelines  This section provides the electrical safety guidelines for the ONT equipment.  Note 1 — The ONTs comply with the U.S. National Electrical Code. However, local electrical authorities have jurisdiction when there are differences between the local and U.S. standards.                Les  ONT sont conformes  à la US National Electrical Code. Cependant, les autorités locales électriques ont compétence quand il ya des différences entre les normes locales et américaines.  Note 2 — The ONTs comply with BS EN 61140. Les  ONT  sont  conformes  à  la  norme BS EN 61140   Power supplies  The use of any non-Alcatel-Lucent approved power supplies or power adapters is not supported or endorsed by Alcatel-Lucent. Such use will void any warranty or support contract with Alcatel-Lucent. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or property.   Cabling  The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the ONT equipment:  • All cables must be approved by the relevant national electrical code. • The cables for outdoor installation of ONTs must be suitable for outdoor use. •   POTS wiring run outside the subscriber premises must comply with the requirements of local electrical codes. In some markets, the maximum allowed length of the outside run is 140 feet (43 m). If the outside run is longer, NEC requires primary protection at both the exit and entry points for the wire.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI ONT safety guidelines   Protective earth  Earthing and bonding of the ONTs must comply with the requirements of local electrical codes.   ESD safety guidelines   The ONT equipment is sensitive to ESD. Operations personnel must observe the following ESD instructions when they handle the ONT equipment.  Caution — This equipment is ESD sensitive. Proper ESD protections should be used when you enter the TELCO Access portion of the ONT.                  Cet équipement est sensible ESD. Protections relatives aux décharges électrostatiques doivent être utilisés lorsque vous entrez dans la partie d'accès TELCO de l'ONT   During installation and maintenance, service personnel must wear wrist straps to prevent damage caused by ESD.   Laser safety guidelines   Observe the following instructions when you perform installation, operations, and maintenance tasks on the ONT equipment.  Only qualified service personnel who are extremely familiar with laser radiation hazards should install or remove the fiber optic cables and units in this system.  Danger — There may be invisible laser radiation at the fiber optic cable when the cable is removed from the connector. Avoid direct exposure to the laser beam.                  Il peut  y  avoir  un rayonnement  laser  invisible sur  le câble  à  fibre  optique  lorsque  le  câble  est  retiré  du  connecteur. Éviter l'exposition directe au rayon laser.  Observe the following danger for laser hazard. Eyes can be damaged when they are exposed to a laser beam. Take necessary precautions before you plug in the optical modules.  Danger — Possibility of equipment damage. Risk of eye damage by laser radiation.                   Possibilité de dommages matériels. Risque de lésions oculaires par un rayonnement laser.    Laser classification  The ONT is classified as a Class 1 laser product based on its transmit optical output.   Laser warning labels  The following figures show the labels related to laser product, classification and warning.  Figure 2 shows a laser product label.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI ONT safety guidelines   Figure 2  Laser product label          18455  Figure 3 shows a laser classification label. Laser classification labels may be provided in other languages.   Figure 3  Laser classification label     CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT PRODUCTO LASER CLASE 1       CLASE 1 DEL LASER LASER CLASSE 1   18992  Figure 4 shows a laser warning label and an explanatory label for laser products. Labels and warning may be provided in other languages. The explanatory label provides the following information:  • a warning that calls attention to the invisible laser radiation • an instruction against staring into the beam or viewing directly with optical instruments • wavelength • normal output power • maximum output power                   xiv  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI ONT safety guidelines   Figure 4  Laser warning labels    INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Wavelength(s): xxxx nm Normal output power: xx m W Max output power: yyy m W  Laser Warning Label Laser Warning Label    CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT   RAYONNEMENT LASER CLASSE 1 RAYONNEMENT LASER INVISIBLE EVITER TOUTE EXPOSITION AU FAISCEAU NE PAS DEMONTER. FAIRE APPEL A UN PERSONNELL QUALIFIE  CLASE 1 DEL LASER RADIACION DE LASER INVISIBLE. EVITAR CUALOUIER EXPOSICION AL RAYO LASER. NO DESMONTAR. LLAMAR A PERSONAL AUTORIZADO  INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION PRESENT AT FIBER OPTIC CABLE WHEN NOT CONNECTED. AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM.  Laser Warning Label  18993   Transmit optical output  The maximum transmit optical output of an ONT is +5 dBm.   Normal laser operation  In normal operation, fiber cable laser radiation is always off until it receives signal from the line terminal card.  Eyes can be damaged when they exposed to a laser beam. Operating personnel must observe the instructions on the laser explanatory label before plugging in the optical module.  Danger — Risk of eye damage by laser radiation.                 Risque de lésions oculaires par un rayonnement laser.     Location class  Use cable supports and guides to protect the receptacles from strain.        Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xv Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI ONT safety guidelines   Environmental requirements   See the ONT technical specification documentation for more information about temperature ranges.  During operation in the supported temperature range, condensation inside the ONT caused by humidity is not an issue. To avoid condensation caused by rapid changes in temperature and humidity, Alcatel-Lucent recommends:  • The door of the ONT not be opened until temperature inside and outside the enclosure has stabilized. • If the door of the ONT must be opened after a rapid change in temperature or humidity, use a dry cloth to wipe down the metal interior to prevent the risk of condensation. • When high humidity is present, installation of a cover or tent over the ONT helps prevent condensation when the door is opened.                                              xvi  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines       This chapter provides information about the ETSI environmental China Restriction of Hazardous Substances (CRoHS) regulations that govern the installation and operation of the optical line termination (OLT) and optical network termination (ONT) systems. This chapter also includes environmental operation parameters of general interest.   Environmental labels   This section describes the environmental instructions that are provided with the customer documentation, equipment, and location where the equipment resides.   Overview  CRoHS is applicable to Electronic Information Products (EIP) manufactured or sold and imported in the territory of the mainland of the People’s Republic of China. EIP refers to products and their accessories manufactured by using electronic information technology, including electronic communications products and such subcomponents as batteries and cables.   Environmental related labels  Environmental labels are located on appropriate equipment. The following are sample labels.            Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xvii Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines   Products below Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) label  Figure 1 shows the label that indicates a product is below the maximum concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information Products). Products with this label are recyclable. The label may be found in this documentation or on the product.   Figure 1  Products below MCV value label                    18986   Products containing hazardous substances above Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) label  Figure 2 shows the label that indicates a product is above the maximum concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information Products). The number contained inside the label indicates the Environment-Friendly User Period (EFUP) value. The label may be found in this documentation or on the product.                       xviii  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines   Figure 2  Products above MCV value label                    18985  Together with major international telecommunications equipment companies, Alcatel-Lucent has determined it is appropriate to use an EFUP of 50 years for network infrastructure equipment and an EFUP of 20 years for handsets and accessories. These values are based on manufacturers' extensive practical experience of the design, manufacturing, maintenance, usage conditions, operating environments, and physical condition of infrastructure and handsets after years of service. The values reflect minimum values and refer to products operated according to the intended use conditions. See “Hazardous Substances Table (HST)” for more information.   Hazardous Substances Table (HST)   This section describes the compliance of the OLT and ONT equipment to the CRoHS standard when the product and subassemblies contain hazardous substances beyond the MCV value. This information is found in this user documentation where part numbers for the product and subassemblies are listed. It may be referenced in other OLT and ONT documentation.  In accordance with the People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard Marking for the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (SJ/T11364-2006), customers may access the Alcatel-Lucent Hazardous Substance Table, in Chinese, from the following location:  • oHS.pdf   Other environmental requirements  Observe the following environmental requirements when handling the P-OLT or ONT equipment.       Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xix Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines   ONT environmental requirements  See the ONT technical specification documentation for more information about temperature ranges.   Storage  According to ETS 300-019-1-1 - Class 1.1, storage of OLT equipment must be in Class 1.1, weather-protected, temperature-controlled locations.   Transportation  According to EN 300-019-1-2 - Class 2.3, transportation of the OLT equipment must be in packed, public transportation with no rain on packing allowed.   Stationary use  According to EN 300-019-1-3 - Class 3.1/3.2/3.E, stationary use of OLT equipment must be in a temperature-controlled location, with no rain allowed, and with no condensation allowed.   Thermal limitations  When the OLT is installed in the CO or CEV, install air filters on the P-OLT. The thermal limitations for OLT operation in a CO or CEV are:  • operating temperature: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F) • short-term temperature: –5°C to 50°C (23°F to 122°F) • operating relative humidity: 5% to 85% • short-term relative humidity: 5% to 95%, but not to exceed 0.024 kg of water/kg   Material content compliance  European Union (EU) Directive 2002/95/EC, “Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances” (RoHS), restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and certain flame retardants in electrical and electronic equipment. This Directive applies to electrical and electronic products placed on the EU market after 1 July 2006, with various exemptions, including an exemption for lead solder in network infrastructure equipment. Alcatel-Lucent products shipped to the EU after 1 July 2006 comply with the EU RoHS Directive.  Alcatel-Lucent has implemented a material/substance content management process. The process is described in: Alcatel-Lucent process for ensuring RoHS Compliance (1AA002660031ASZZA). This ensures compliance with the European Union Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS2). With the process equipment is assessed in accordance with the Harmonised Standard EN50581:2012 (CENELEC) on Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances.      xx  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines   End-of-life collection and treatment  Electronic products bearing or referencing the symbol shown in Figure 3, when put on the market within the European Union (EU), shall be collected and treated at the end of their useful life, in compliance with applicable EU and local legislation. They shall not be disposed of as part of unsorted municipal waste. Due to materials that may be contained in the product, such as heavy metals or batteries, the environment and human health may be negatively impacted as a result of inappropriate disposal.  Note —  In the European Union, a solid bar under the symbol for a crossed-out wheeled bin indicates that the product was put on the market after 13 August 2005. Dans l'Union européenne, un bar solide sous le symbole d'une poubelle sur roues barrée d'une croix indique que le produit a été mis sur le marché après le 13 Août 2005.    Figure 3  Recycling/take back/disposal of product symbol    At the end of their life, the OLT products are subject to the applicable local legislations that implement the European Directive 2002/96EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).  There can be different requirements for collection and treatment in different member states of the European Union.  In compliance with legal requirements and contractual agreements, where applicable, Alcatel-Lucent will offer to provide for the collection and treatment of Alcatel-Lucent products bearing the logo shown in Figure 3 at the end of their useful life, or products displaced by Alcatel-Lucent equipment offers. For information regarding take-back of equipment by Alcatel-Lucent, or for more information regarding the requirements for recycling/disposal of product, contact your Alcatel-Lucent account manager or Alcatel-Lucent take back support at                 Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxi
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      ANSI ONT safety guidelines       This chapter provides information about the mandatory regulations that govern the installation and operation of the optical network terminals or units (ONTs or ONUs) in the North American or ANSI market.   Safety instructions   This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the ONT customer documentation and on the equipment.   Safety instruction boxes in customer documentation  The safety instruction boxes are provided in the ONT customer documentation. Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.  The following is an example of the Danger box.  Danger — Possibility of personal injury.                 Possibilité de blessures    The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat to personal safety. It calls attention to a situation or procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, may result in death or serious physical harm.  Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.         Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxiii Edition 01
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   ANSI ONT safety guidelines   The following is an example of the Warning box.  Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage. Possibilité de dommages matériels  Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss. Possibilité de perte de données.   The Warning box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the degradation of system operations or data.  Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.  The following is an example of the Caution box.  Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption. Possibilité d'interruption de service  Caution 2 — Service interruption. Interruption de service.   The Caution box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause service interruption.  Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.  The following is an example of the Note box.          Note —  Information of special interest. L'information d'intérêt spécial.   The Note box provides information that assists the personnel working with ONTs. It does not provide safety-related instructions.   Safety-related labels  The ONT equipment is labeled with specific safety compliance information and instructions that are related to a variant of the ONT. Observe the instructions on the safety labels.  Table 1 provides examples of the text in the various ONT safety labels.   Table 1  Safety labels  Description Label text UL compliance Communication service equipment US listed. Type 3R enclosure - Rainproof. TUV compliance Type 3R enclosure - Rainproof. ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains electrostatic sensitive device. (1 of 2)
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   Description Label text Laser classification Class 1 laser product Laser product compliance This laser product conforms to all applicable standards of 21 CFR 1040.10 at date of manufacture. FCC standards compliance Tested to comply with FCC standards for home or office use. CDRH compliance Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007 Operation conditions This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Canadian standard compliance (modular ONT) This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Canadian standard compliance (outdoor ONT) This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. CE marking There are various CE symbols for CE compliance. (2 of 2)  Figure 1 shows a sample safety label on the ONT equipment.   Figure 1  Sample safety label on the ONT equipment      Tested to Comply with FCC Standards  FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE COMMUNICATION SERVICE EQUIPMENT c  ®  US LISTED 27FY Type 3R Enclosure - Rainproof This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numerique de la class A est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada CAUTION This Assembly Contains Electrostatic Sensitive Devices 18533   Safety standards compliance  This section describes the ONT compliance with North American safety standards.  Warning — Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Les changements ou modifications de cette unité non expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de la conformité pourraient annuler l'autorité de l'utilisateur à utiliser l'équipement.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   EMC, EMI, and ESD standards compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the following requirements:  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC) CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A requirements for OLT equipment • GR-1089-CORE requirements, including: • Section 3 Electromagnetic Interference, Emissions Radiated and Conducted • Section 3 Immunity, Radiated and Conducted • Section 2 ESD Discharge Immunity: System Level Electrostatic Discharge and EFT Immunity: Electrically Fast Transients  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is needed. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   Equipment safety standard compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the requirements of UL60950-1, Outdoor ONTs to “Communication Service Equipment” (CSE) and Indoor ONTs to Information Technology Equipment (ITE).   Environmental standards compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the following standards:  • GR-63-CORE (NEBS): requirements related to operating, storage, humidity, altitude, earthquake, office vibration, transportation and handling, fire resistance and spread, airborne contaminants, illumination, and acoustic noise • GR-487-CORE: requirements related to rain, chemical, sand, and dust • GR-487 R3-82: requirements related to condensation • GR-3108: Requirements for Network Equipment in the Outside Plant (OSP) • TP76200: Common Systems Equipment Interconnections Standards        xxvi  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   Laser product standards compliance  The ONT equipment complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and CFR 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007” or to 21 CFR 1040.10 U.S. Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Laser Notice 42 for ONTs containing Class 1 Laser modules certified by original manufactures.  Per CDRH 21 CFR 10.40.10 (h) (1) (iv) distributors of Class 1 laser products, such as ALU ONTs shall leave the following Laser Safety cautions with the end user.  a) “Class 1 Laser Product”  b) “Caution – Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.”  Figure 2 shows a laser product label.   Figure 2  Sample laser product label showing CDRH 21 CFR compliance        4P92 No User Serviceable Parts Inside. Refer All Servicing To Qualified Personnel. I.T.E 12VDC 2.5A Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007.    22813   Resistibility requirements compliance  The ONT equipment complies with the requirements of ITU Recommendation K.21 for resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to overvoltage and overcurrents.   Laser safety guidelines   Only qualified service personnel who are extremely familiar with laser radiation hazards should install or remove the fiber optic cables and units in this system.  Observe the following warnings when you perform installation, operations, and maintenance tasks on the ONT equipment.  Danger — There may be invisible laser radiation at the fiber optic cable when the cable is removed from the connector. Avoid direct exposure to beam.                 Il  peut  y  avoir  un  rayonnement  laser  invisible  sur  le câble  à  fibre  optique  lorsque  le  câble  est  retiré  du  connecteur. Éviter l'exposition directe au rayon       Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxvii
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   Observe the following danger for a laser hazard. Eyes can be damaged when they are exposed to a laser beam. Take necessary precautions before you plug in the optical modules.  Danger — Possibility of equipment damage. Risk of eye damage by laser radiation.                 Possibilité de dommages matériels. Risque de lésions oculaires par un rayonnement laser.   Per CDRH 21 CFR 10.40.10 (h) (1) (iv) distributors of Class 1 laser products, such as ALU ONTs shall leave the following Laser Safety cautions with the end user.  a) “Class 1 Laser Product”  b) “Caution – Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.”   Laser warning labels  The following figures show sample labels related to laser product, classification and warning.  Figure 3 shows a laser product label.   Figure 3  Laser product label          18455  Figure 4 shows a laser classification label. Laser classification labels may be provided in other languages.   Figure 4  Laser classification label     CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT PRODUCTO LASER CLASE 1       CLASE 1 DEL LASER LASER CLASSE 1   18992     xxviii  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   Figure 5 shows a laser warning label and an explanatory label for laser products. Explanatory labels may be provided in other languages. The explanatory label provides the following information:  • a warning that calls attention to the invisible laser radiation • an instruction against staring into the beam or viewing directly with optical instruments • wavelength • normal output power • maximum output power   Figure 5  Laser warning labels    INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Wavelength(s): xxxx nm Normal output power: xx m W Max output power: yyy m W  Laser Warning Label Laser Warning Label    CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT   RAYONNEMENT LASER CLASSE 1 RAYONNEMENT LASER INVISIBLE EVITER TOUTE EXPOSITION AU FAISCEAU NE PAS DEMONTER. FAIRE APPEL A UN PERSONNELL QUALIFIE  CLASE 1 DEL LASER RADIACION DE LASER INVISIBLE. EVITAR CUALOUIER EXPOSICION AL RAYO LASER. NO DESMONTAR. LLAMAR A PERSONAL AUTORIZADO  INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION PRESENT AT FIBER OPTIC CABLE WHEN NOT CONNECTED. AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM.  Laser Warning Label  18993   Laser classification The ONT is classified as a Class 1 laser product based on its transmit optical output. For Class 1 laser products, lasers are safe under reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation, including the use of optical instruments for intrabeam viewing.  Figure 6 shows a sample laser product safety label on the ONT equipment.          Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxix Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   Figure 6  Sample laser product safety label on the ONT equipment     CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT   THIS LASER PRODUCT CONFORMS TO ALL APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF 21 CFR 1040.10 AT DATE OF MANUFACTURE. MANUFACTURED: MONTH  YEAR       18532   Transmit optical output  The maximum transmit optical output of an ONT is +5 dBm.   Normal laser operation  In normal operation, fiber cable laser radiation is always off until it receives signal from the line terminal card.  Operating personnel must observe the instructions on the laser explanatory label before plugging in the optical module.  Danger — Risk of eye damage by laser radiation.                 Risque de lésions oculaires par un rayonnement laser.     Location class  Use cable supports and guides to protect the receptacles from strain.   Electrical safety guidelines  This section provides the electrical safety guidelines for the ONT equipment.  Note —  The ONTs comply with the U.S. National Electrical Code. However, local electrical authorities have jurisdiction when there are differences between the local and U.S. standards. Les ONT sont conformes à la US National Electrical Code. Cependant, les autorités locales électriques ont compétence quand il ya des différences entre les normes locales et américaines.    Power supplies  The use of any non-Alcatel-Lucent approved power supplies or power adapters is not supported or endorsed by Alcatel-Lucent. Such use will void any warranty or support contract with Alcatel-Lucent. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or property.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  ANSI ONT safety guidelines   Cabling  The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the ONT equipment:  • Use only cables approved by the relevant national electrical code. • Use cables suitable for outdoor use for outdoor installation of ONTs. • The ONTs have been evaluated for use with external POTS wiring without primary protection that may not exceed 140 ft (43 m) in reach. However, the power cable must not exceed 100 ft (31 m).   Protective earth  Earthing and bonding of the ONTs must comply with the requirements of NEC article 250 or local electrical codes.   ESD safety guidelines   The ONT equipment is sensitive to ESD. Operations personnel must observe the following ESD instructions when they handle the ONT equipment.  Caution — This equipment is ESD sensitive. Proper ESD protections should be used when entering the TELCO Access portion of the ONT. Cet équipement est sensible ESD. Protections ESD appropriées doivent être utilisées lors de l'entrée de la partie TELCO accès de l'ONT    During installation and maintenance, service personnel must wear wrist straps to prevent damage caused by ESD.  Alcatel-Lucent recommends that you prepare the site before you install the ONT equipment. In addition, you must control relative humidity, use static dissipating material for furniture or flooring, and restrict the use of air conditioning.   Environmental requirements  See the ONT technical specification documentation for temperature ranges for ONTs.  During operation in the supported temperature range, condensation inside the ONT caused by humidity is not an issue. To avoid condensation caused by rapid changes in temperature and humidity, Alcatel-Lucent recommends:  • The door of the ONT not be opened until temperature inside and outside the enclosure has stabilized. • If the door of the ONT must be opened after a rapid change in temperature or humidity, use a dry cloth to wipe down the metal interior to prevent the risk of condensation. • When high humidity is present, installation of a cover or tent over the ONT helps prevent condensation when the door is opened.       Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxxi
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      Contents       Preface  iii Scope       ............................................................................................... iii Audience   ............................................................................................... iii Required knowledge ................................................................................... iii Acronyms and initialisms ............................................................................. iii Assistance and ordering phone numbers ........................................................... iv Alcatel-Lucent quality processes .................................................................... iv Safety information ..................................................................................... iv Documents .............................................................................................. iv Procedure 1  To download a ZIP file package of the customer documentation.................................................................... iv Procedure 2  To access individual documents ...................................... v Special information ..................................................................................... v Procedures with options or substeps ................................................. v Procedure 3  Example of options in a procedure.................................. vi Procedure 4  Example of required substeps in a procedure ..................... vi Multiple PDF document search....................................................................... vi Procedure 5  To search multiple PDF files for a common term ................. vi     ETSI ONT safety guidelines ix Safety instructions ..................................................................................... ix Safety instruction boxes .............................................................. ix Safety-related labels ................................................................... x Safety  standards compliance......................................................................... xi EMC, EMI, and ESD compliance....................................................... xi Equipment safety standard compliance ............................................ xi Environmental standard compliance ............................................... xii Laser product standard compliance ................................................ xii    Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxxiii Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   Contents   Resistibility requirements compliance ............................................. xii Acoustic noise emission standard compliance .................................... xii Electrical safety guidelines.......................................................................... xii Power supplies......................................................................... xii Cabling .................................................................................. xii Protective earth ...................................................................... xiii ESD safety guidelines ................................................................................ xiii Laser safety guidelines .............................................................................. xiii Laser classification................................................................... xiii Transmit optical output .............................................................. xv Normal laser operation ............................................................... xv Location class .......................................................................... xv Environmental requirements ........................................................................xvi     ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines xvii Environmental labels ................................................................................ xvii Overview .............................................................................. xvii Environmental related labels....................................................... xvii Hazardous Substances Table (HST)................................................................. xix Other environmental requirements ................................................................xix ONT environmental requirements .................................................. xx Storage.................................................................................. xx Transportation ......................................................................... xx Stationary  use ......................................................................... xx Thermal limitations ................................................................... xx Material content compliance ........................................................ xx End-of-life collection and treatment ..............................................xxi     ANSI ONT safety guidelines xxiii Safety instructions .................................................................................. xxiii Safety instruction boxes in customer documentation ......................... xxiii Safety-related labels ............................................................... xxiv Safety  standards compliance....................................................................... xxv EMC, EMI, and ESD standards compliance ....................................... xxvi Equipment safety standard compliance ......................................... xxvi Environmental standards compliance ............................................ xxvi Laser product standards compliance .............................................xxvii Resistibility requirements compliance ...........................................xxvii Laser safety guidelines .............................................................................xxvii Laser warning labels ............................................................... xxviii Laser classification.................................................................. xxix Transmit optical output ............................................................. xxx Normal laser operation .............................................................. xxx Location class ......................................................................... xxx      xxxiv  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Contents   Electrical  safety guidelines......................................................................... xxx Power supplies........................................................................ xxx Cabling ................................................................................ xxxi Protective earth ..................................................................... xxxi ESD safety guidelines ............................................................................... xxxi Environmental requirements ...................................................................... xxxi   1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet  1-1 1.1  G-240W-B part numbers and identification ......................................... 1-2 1.2  G-240W-B general description ........................................................ 1-3 1.3  G-240W-B software and installation feature support.............................. 1-4 1.4  G-240W-B interfaces and interface capacity ....................................... 1-4 G-240W-B connections and components .......................................... 1-5 1.5  G-240W-B LEDs .......................................................................... 1-6 1.6  G-240W-B detailed specifications .................................................... 1-7 1.7  G-240W-B GEM ports and T-CONTs ................................................... 1-8 1.8  G-240W-B performance monitoring statistics....................................... 1-9 1.9  G-240W-B functional blocks .......................................................... 1-11 1.10  G-240W-B standards compliance .................................................... 1-13 FCC statement ....................................................................... 1-13 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement .............................................. 1-13 1.11  G-240W-B special considerations .................................................... 1-14 Wi-Fi service ......................................................................... 1-14 G-240W-B ONT considerations and limitations ................................. 1-14   2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT  2-1 2.1  Purpose ................................................................................... 2-2 2.2  General ................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Prerequisites ............................................................................. 2-2 2.4  Recommended tools .................................................................... 2-2 2.5  Safety information ...................................................................... 2-3 2.6  Procedure ................................................................................ 2-4   3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT  3-1 3.1  Purpose ................................................................................... 3-2 3.2  General ................................................................................... 3-2 3.3 Prerequisites ............................................................................. 3-2 3.4  Recommended tools .................................................................... 3-2 3.5  Safety information ...................................................................... 3-3 3.6  Procedure ................................................................................ 3-4   4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT  4-1 4.1  General ................................................................................... 4-2 4.2  HGU mode GUI configuration.......................................................... 4-2 Login ................................................................................... 4-2 Procedure 4-1  Login to web-based GUI .......................................... 4-2 Device and connection status ...................................................... 4-3 Procedure 4-2  Device information retrieval..................................... 4-4   Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxxv Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Contents   Procedure 4-3  LAN status retrieval ............................................... 4-5 Procedure 4-4  WAN status retrieval .............................................. 4-6 Procedure 4-5  WAN status IPv6 retrieval ........................................ 4-8 Procedure 4-6  Home networking information retrieval ....................... 4-9 Procedure 4-7  Optics module status retrieval ................................. 4-10 Network configuration.............................................................. 4-11 Procedure 4-8  LAN networking configuration .................................. 4-12 Procedure 4-9  LAN IPv6 networking configuration ............................ 4-13 Procedure 4-10  WAN networking configuration................................ 4-15 Procedure 4-11  WiFi 2.4G networking configuration ......................... 4-16 Procedure 4-12  WiFi 5G networking configuration ............................ 4-18 Procedure 4-13  Routing configuration .......................................... 4-19 Procedure 4-14  DNS configuration ............................................... 4-20 Procedure 4-15  TR-069 configuration ........................................... 4-21 Security configuration .............................................................. 4-22 Procedure 4-16  Firewall configuration .......................................... 4-23 Procedure 4-17  MAC filter configuration ....................................... 4-24 Procedure 4-18  IP filter configuration .......................................... 4-25 Procedure 4-19  DMZ and ALG configuration.................................... 4-26 Application configuration .......................................................... 4-27 Procedure 4-20  Port forwarding configuration ................................ 4-27 Procedure 4-21  DDNS configuration ............................................. 4-28 Procedure 4-22  NTP configuration ............................................... 4-29 Procedure 4-23  USB storage configuration ..................................... 4-30 Maintenance ......................................................................... 4-31 Procedure 4-24  Password configuration ........................................ 4-31 Procedure 4-25  SLID configuration .............................................. 4-32 Procedure 4-26  Device management ............................................ 4-33 Procedure 4-27  Backup and restore ............................................. 4-34 Procedure 4-28  Upgrade firmware............................................... 4-34 Procedure 4-29  Reboot ONT ...................................................... 4-35 Procedure 4-30  Restore factory defaults ....................................... 4-36 Procedure 4-31  Diagnose connections........................................... 4-37 Procedure 4-32  View log files .................................................... 4-38 4.3  SFU mode GUI configuration ......................................................... 4-39 Login .................................................................................. 4-39 Procedure 4-33  Login to web-based GUI ........................................ 4-39 Device and connection status ..................................................... 4-40 Procedure 4-34  Device information retrieval .................................. 4-41 Maintenance ......................................................................... 4-42 Procedure 4-35  Password configuration ........................................ 4-42 Procedure 4-36  LOID configuration .............................................. 4-43 Procedure 4-37  SLID configuration .............................................. 4-44 4.4  Operator ID.............................................................................. 4-44 Procedure 4-38  Modify the operator ID using OLT ............................ 4-45            xxxvi  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Contents   List of figures  Figure 1  PSE certification ............................................................................ xi Figure 2  Laser product label .......................................................................xiv Figure 3  Laser classification label .................................................................xiv Figure 4  Laser warning labels ...................................................................... xv Figure 1  Products below MCV value label ...................................................... xviii Figure 2  Products above MCV value label ........................................................xix Figure 3  Recycling/take back/disposal of product symbol ....................................xxi Figure 1  Sample safety label on the ONT equipment.......................................... xxv Figure 2  Sample laser product label showing CDRH 21 CFR compliance ..................xxvii Figure 3  Laser product label .................................................................... xxviii Figure 4  Laser classification label .............................................................. xxviii Figure 5  Laser warning labels .................................................................... xxix Figure 6  Sample laser product safety label on the ONT equipment......................... xxx Figure 1-1  G-240W-B indoor ONT physical connections ....................................... 1-5 Figure 1-2  G-240W-B indoor ONT LEDs........................................................... 1-6 Figure 1-3  Single-residence Wi-Fi ONT with Gigabit Ethernet and POTS and without RF video ................................................................ 1-11 Figure 1-4  G-240W-B ONT hardware block ..................................................... 1-12 Figure 2-1  Wall mounting keyholes on G-240W-B indoor ONTs .............................. 2-4 Figure 2-2  G-240W-B indoor ONT connections (back view) ................................... 2-5 Figure 3-1  G-240W-B indoor ONT connections .................................................. 3-4 Figure 4-1  Web login window ..................................................................... 4-3 Figure 4-2  Device Information window .......................................................... 4-4 Figure 4-3  LAN status window..................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-4  WAN status window .................................................................... 4-6 Figure 4-5  WAN status IPv6 window .............................................................. 4-8 Figure 4-6  Home networking information window ............................................. 4-9 Figure 4-7  Optics module status window ....................................................... 4-10 Figure 4-8  LAN network window ................................................................. 4-12 Figure 4-9  LAN IPv6 network window ........................................................... 4-13 Figure 4-10  WAN network window............................................................... 4-15 Figure 4-11  WiFi 2.4G network window ........................................................ 4-16 Figure 4-12  WiFi 5G network window ........................................................... 4-18 Figure 4-13  Routing network window ........................................................... 4-19 Figure 4-14  DNS network window................................................................ 4-20 Figure 4-15  TR-069 network window ............................................................ 4-21 Figure 4-16  Firewall window ..................................................................... 4-23 Figure 4-17  MAC filter window ................................................................... 4-24 Figure 4-18  IP filter window ...................................................................... 4-25 Figure 4-19  DMZ and ALG window ............................................................... 4-26 Figure 4-20  Port forwarding window ............................................................ 4-27 Figure 4-21  DDNS window......................................................................... 4-28 Figure 4-22  NTP window .......................................................................... 4-29 Figure 4-23  USB storage window................................................................. 4-30 Figure 4-24  Password window .................................................................... 4-31 Figure 4-25  SLID configuration window ......................................................... 4-32 Figure 4-26  Device management window ...................................................... 4-33 Figure 4-27  Backup and Restore window ....................................................... 4-34 Figure 4-28  Firmware upgrade window ......................................................... 4-34    Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxxvii Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Contents   Figure 4-29  Reboot window ...................................................................... 4-35 Figure 4-30  Factory default window ............................................................ 4-36 Figure 4-31  Diagnose window .................................................................... 4-37 Figure 4-32  Log window ........................................................................... 4-38 Figure 4-33  Web login window ................................................................... 4-40 Figure 4-34  Device Information window ........................................................ 4-41 Figure 4-35  Password window .................................................................... 4-42 Figure 4-36  LOID configuration window ........................................................ 4-43 Figure 4-37  SLID configuration window ......................................................... 4-44     List of tables  Table 1  Safety labels .................................................................................. x Table  1  Safety labels .............................................................................. xxiv Table 1-1 Identification of G-240W-B indoor ONTs ............................................. 1-2 Table 1-2 G-240W-B power supply ................................................................ 1-3 Table 1-3 G-240W-B indoor ONT interface connection capacity ............................. 1-5 Table 1-4 G-240W-B indoor ONT physical connections......................................... 1-5 Table 1-5 G-240W-B indoor ONT LEDs ............................................................ 1-7 Table 1-6 G-240W-B indoor ONT physical specifications....................................... 1-8 Table 1-7 G-240W-B indoor ONT power consumption specifications ........................ 1-8 Table 1-8 G-240W-B indoor ONT environmental specifications............................... 1-8 Table 1-9 G-240W-B indoor ONT capacity for GEM ports and T-CONTs...................... 1-8 Table 1-10 Package P ONTs ONTENET performance monitoring statistics .................. 1-9 Table 1-11 Package P ONTs ONTL2UNI performance monitoring statistics ................ 1-10 Table 1-12 Package P ONTs PONONTTC, PONONTMCTC, PONONTTCHSI, PONONTTCCES, PONONTTCFLOW, PONONTTCVOIP performance monitoring statistics ............................................................ 1-10 Table 1-13 Package P ONTs PONONTTC aggregate performance monitoring statistics .......................................................................... 1-10 Table 1-14 G-240W-B ONT considerations and limitations ................................... 1-15 Table 4-1 Device Information parameters ....................................................... 4-4 Table 4-2 LAN status parameters.................................................................. 4-5 Table 4-3 WAN status parameters ................................................................. 4-7 Table 4-4 WAN status IPv6 parameters ........................................................... 4-8 Table 4-5 Home networking parameters ......................................................... 4-9 Table 4-6 Optics module status parameters .................................................... 4-10 Table 4-7 LAN network parameters .............................................................. 4-12 Table 4-8 LAN IPv6 network parameters ........................................................ 4-13 Table 4-9 WAN network parameters ............................................................. 4-15 Table 4-10 WiFi 2.4G network parameters ..................................................... 4-17 Table 4-11 WiFi 5G network parameters ........................................................ 4-18 Table 4-12 Routing network parameters ........................................................ 4-20 Table 4-13 DNS network parameters............................................................. 4-21 Table 4-14 TR-069 network parameters ......................................................... 4-21 Table 4-15 Firewall parameters .................................................................. 4-23 Table 4-16 MAC filter parameters ................................................................ 4-24 Table 4-17 IP filter parameters ................................................................... 4-25 Table 4-18 DMZ and ALG parameters ............................................................ 4-26   xxxviii  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  Contents   Table 4-19 Port forwarding parameters ......................................................... 4-27 Table 4-20 DDNS parameters...................................................................... 4-28 Table 4-21 NTP parameters ....................................................................... 4-29 Table 4-22 USB storage parameters.............................................................. 4-30 Table 4-23 Password parameters ................................................................. 4-32 Table 4-24 SLID configuration parameters ...................................................... 4-32 Table 4-25 Device management parameters ................................................... 4-33 Table 4-26 Device Information parameters ..................................................... 4-41 Table 4-27 Password parameters ................................................................. 4-42 Table 4-28 SLID configuration parameters ...................................................... 4-44                                                      Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  xxxix Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet       1.1  G-240W-B part numbers and identification 1-2  1.2  G-240W-B general description  1-3  1.3  G-240W-B software and installation feature support 1-4  1.4  G-240W-B interfaces and interface capacity 1-4  1.5  G-240W-B LEDs  1-6  1.6  G-240W-B detailed specifications 1-7  1.7  G-240W-B GEM ports and T-CONTs  1-8  1.8  G-240W-B performance monitoring statistics  1-9  1.9  G-240W-B functional blocks 1-11  1.10  G-240W-B standards compliance 1-13  1.11  G-240W-B special considerations 1-14               Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-1 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   1.1  G-240W-B part numbers and identification   Table 1-1 provides part numbers and identification information for the G-240W-B indoor ONT.   Table 1-1 Identification of G-240W-B indoor ONTs  Mnemonic Ordering kit part number Provisioning number Description CLEI CPR ECI/ Bar code G-240W-B 3FE 56636 AA 3FE 56756 BAAA Package P 2 POTS ports, 4 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces, and 802.11b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi radio with on/off switch. This ONT also has 2 USB ports, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 USB 2.0. Includes 3-pin wall-mounted US AC/DC adapter. — — —  3FE 56636 BA 3FE 56756 AABA Package P 2 POTS ports, 4 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces, and 802.11b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi radio with on/off switch. This ONT also has 2 USB ports, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 USB 2.0. Includes 2-pin wall-mounted European (EU) AC/DC adapter. — — —  3FE 56636 CA 3FE 56756 AABA Package P 2 POTS ports, 4 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces, and 802.11b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi radio with on/off switch. This ONT also has 2 USB ports, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 USB 2.0. Includes 3-pin wall-mounted British (UK) AC/DC adapter. — — —  3FE 56636 CB Customer-spe cific 3FE 56756 ABBA Package P 2 POTS ports, 4 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces, and 802.11b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi radio with on/off switch. This ONT also has 2 USB ports, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 USB 2.0. Includes 3-pin wall-mounted British (UK) AC/DC adapter. — — —   Table 1-2 provides power supply ordering information about the G-240W-B ONT. For more information on power supplies, see the 7368 ISAM ONT Power Supply and UPS Guide.             1-2  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Table 1-2 G-240W-B power supply  Power model Power information Customer category or country compliance tested for Notes Mass Power 36 Watt AC/DC power adapter ANSI municipality United States, Canada     1.2  G-240W-B general description   G-240W-B indoor ONTs provide the subscriber interface for the network by terminating the PON interface and converting it to user interfaces that directly connect to subscriber devices. The ONT is compatible with all existing subscriber equipment, including analog phones with both tone and rotary dial capabilities, cordless phones, modems, fax machines, and caller ID boxes (Type I, Type II, and Type III).  G-240W-B indoor ONTs provide the following functions:  • Single fiber GPON interface with 1.244Gbit/s upstream and 2.488Gbit/s downstream data rates • Advanced data features such as VLAN tag manipulation, classification, and filtering. • Traffic classification and QoS capability • Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) function integrated based on SIP (RFC3261) and H.248, with various CLASS services supported, including Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, and Call Transfer • 5 REN per line • Multiple voice Codec • MDI/MDIX auto-negotiation • Line Rate L2 traffic • Internal Switch • UPnP IGD1.0 support • Bridged mode or routed mode per LAN port • Optics that support received signal strength indication (RSSI) • Internal DHCP server, with configurable DHCP pool and gateway • WPS on wireless authorization support • Configurable Wi-Fi tx power from 100mw to 500mw, in 100mw increments. • Enhanced ONT; SSH-Telnet-FTP and http server are disabled from the WAN side • Concurrent 802.11n 3x3 MIMO in 2.4GHz and 802.11ac 4x4 MIMO in 5GHz • 64/128 WEP encryption • WPA, WPA-PSK/TKIP • WPA2, WPA2-PSK/AES     Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-3 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   • support for multiple SSIDs (private and public instances); contact your ALU representative for further details. • WLAN on/off push button • WPS/PBC buttons (for 2.4G and 5G) • Ethernet-based Point-to-Point (PPPoE) • Network Address Translation (NAT) • Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) • ALG and UpnP port forwarding • DMZ • IP/MAC filter • Multi-level firewall • DNS server • DHCP client/server • support for HT40 mode for increased channel bandwidth • support for up to 20 simultaneous wireless connections • External USB HD (Hard Drive) support, accessible to all LAN devices   1.3  G-240W-B software and installation feature support   For information on installing or replacing the G-240W-B see:  • Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT • Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT  For information on the following topics, see the 7368 ISAM ONT Product Overview Guide:  • ONT and MDU general descriptions of features and functions • Ethernet interface specifications • POTS interface specifications • RSSI specifications • Wi-Fi specifications • ONT optical budget • SLID entry via Ethernet port • ONT management using an ONT interface   1.4  G-240W-B interfaces and interface capacity   Table 1-3 describes the supported interfaces and interface capacity for G-240W-B indoor ONTs.           1-4  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Table 1-3 G-240W-B indoor ONT interface connection capacity  ONT type and model Maximum capacity POTS 10/ 100 BASE-T 10/ 100/ 1000 BASE-T RF video (CATV) MoCA VDSL2 E1/T1 Local craft GPON SC/ APC G-240W-B (1) 2 — 4 — — — — — 1   Note (1)   The G-240W-B ONTs provide Wi-Fi service that is enabled and disabled using a Wi-Fi on/off switch.   G-240W-B connections and components Figure 1-1 shows the physical connections for G-240W-B indoor ONTs,   Figure 1-1  G-240W-B indoor ONT physical connections             Wireless On/Off button   USB 3.0     USB 2.0             TEL1           TEL2  LAN1           LAN2          LAN3          LAN4  POWER           ON/OFF  UPS     USB ports   POTS ports (2) (RJ-11)   Ethernet ports (4) (RJ-45) Wi-Fi security buttons (2)   Reset button    Power input   On/Off button Fiber optic port       24614  Table 1-4 describes the physical connections for G-240W-B indoor ONTs.  Table 1-4 G-240W-B indoor ONT physical connections  Connection (1) Description USB ports This connection is provided through 2 USB ports, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 USB 2.0. The ONT supports external USB hard drives that can be made accessible to all LAN devices. (1 of 2)    Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-5 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Connection (1) Description POTS ports This connection is provided through RJ-11 ports. Up to two POTS connections are supported.The POTS ports support voice services. Ethernet ports This connection is provided through Ethernet RJ-45 connectors. Up to four 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces are supported.The Ethernet ports can support both data and in-band video services on all four interfaces. WPS buttons The Wi-Fi Protected Setup buttons are labeled WPS2.4G and WPS5G. These buttons enable and disable WLAN data encryption. WLAN button Wi-Fi service is compliant with IEEE 802.11 standards and is enabled and disabled using the WLAN button. Reset button This button resets the ONT to the factory defaults. Power input This connection is provided through the power connector. A power cable fitted with a barrel connector is used to make the connection. On/Off button This button turns the ONT on or off. (2 of 2)  Note (1)   The primary path for the earth ground for these ONTs is provided by the 12V Return signal in the power connector.   1.5  G-240W-B LEDs   Figure 1-2 shows the G-240W-B indoor ONT LEDs.   Figure 1-2  G-240W-B indoor ONT LEDs  LAN1 LINK  AUTH BTR  POWER  LAN2 LAN3  LAN4 TEL1  TEL2 VOIP  WPS 2.4G WPS 5G WLAN 2.4G  WLAN 5G USB  INTERNET   POWER        BTR          LINK         AUTH         LAN1         LAN2         LAN3         LAN4         TEL1          TEL2          VOIP          WPS WPS  WLAN        WL AN USB     INTE RN ET 2.4G 5G            2.4G            5G               24615  Table 1-5 provides LED descriptions for G-240W-B indoor ONTs.    1-6  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Table 1-5 G-240W-B indoor ONT LEDs  Indicator LED color and behavior LED behavior description Power Green solid Red solid Off Power on Light failed on startup (for example corrupt flash), or self test failed on startup, or self test failed during regular operation or when executed over OMCI Power off BTR Off Green Battery alarm set or battery not provisioned (not affected by AC power failure) Battery charged; no battery alarms Link Green solid Off GPON link between ONT and OLT is operating normally GPON link is down or no link connected Auth Green solid Green flashing Off ONT is authorized ONT is process of ranging or synchronizing on OMCI ONT is not authorized LAN 1 to 4 Green solid Green flashing Off Ethernet is linked LAN activity is present (in either direction) ONT power is off or Ethernet is not connected TEL 1 to 2 Green solid Green flashing Off Off hook Call in or talking On hook VOIP Green solid Off VOIP service is OK VOIP service is not OK WPS 2.4G and 5G Green solid Green flashing Off Wireless LAN link is up Wireless LAN link activity Wireless LAN link is down or no link is connected WLAN 2.4G and 5G Green solid Green flashing Off Wireless is enabled There is traffic on wireless interface Wireless is down or no link is connected USB Green solid Green flashing Off At least one USB device is connected There is traffic activity on at least on USB device No USB device is connected INTERNET Green solid Green flashing Off HSI WAN is connected: a) the device has an IP address assigned from IPCP, DHCP, or static, and no traffic has been detected; b) the session is dropped due to idle timeout but the PON link is still present. PPPoE or DHCP connection in progress HSI WAN is not connected: a) there is no physical interface connection; b) the device is in bridged mode without an assigned IP address; c) the session has been dropped for reasons other than idle timeout.    1.6  G-240W-B detailed specifications   Table 1-6 lists the physical specifications for G-240W-B indoor ONTs.       Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-7 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Table 1-6 G-240W-B indoor ONT physical specifications  Description Specification Length 11.8 in. (300 mm) Width 7.3 in. (185 mm) Height 1.4 in. (36 mm) Weight [within ± 0.5 lb (0.23 kg)] 1.33 lb (0.61 kg)   Table 1-7 lists the power consumption specifications for G-240W-B indoor ONT.   Table 1-7 G-240W-B indoor ONT power consumption specifications  Mnemonic Maximum power (Not to exceed) Condition Minimum power Condition G-240W-B (3FE 56525 AAAA) 30 W 2 POTS off-hook, 4 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet, Wi-Fi operational 12 W 2 POTS on-hook, other interfaces/services not provisioned   Table 1-8 lists the environmental specifications for G-240W-B indoor ONT.   Table 1-8 G-240W-B indoor ONT environmental specifications  Mounting method Temperature range and humidity Altitude On desk or wall mounted Operating: 23°F to 113°F (-5°C to 45°C) ambient temperature 10% to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing Contact your Alcatel-Lucent technical support representative for more information Storage: Contact your Alcatel-Lucent support representative for more information    1.7  G-240W-B GEM ports and T-CONTs   Table 1-9 lists the maximum number of supported T-CONTs and GEM ports. See the appropriate release Customer Release Notes for the most accurate list of supported devices.  Table 1-9 G-240W-B indoor ONT capacity for GEM ports and T-CONTs  ONT or MDU Maximum Notes Package P ONTs GEM ports per indoor or outdoor ONT 64 — (1 of 2)    1-8  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   ONT or MDU Maximum Notes T-CONTs per indoor or outdoor ONT 32 — (2 of 2)   1.8  G-240W-B performance monitoring statistics   The following section identifies the supported performance monitoring statistics for G-240W-B ONTs. A check mark indicates the statistic is supported on that ONT. An empty cell indicates the statistic is not supported. The following tables are categorized by supported alarm types:  • Table 1-10 provides statistics for ONTENET type counters • Table 1-11 provides statistics for ONTL2UNI type counters • Table 1-12 provides statistics for PONONTTC, PONONTMCTC, PONONTTCHSI, PONONTTCCES, PONONTTCFLOW, and PONONTTCVOIP type counters • Table 1-13 provides statistics for PONONTTC aggregate type counters   Note —  If you have trouble accessing G-240W-B ONTs performance monitoring statistics using TL1, please contact your Alcatel-Lucent support representative for more information about how to access and retrieve performance monitoring type counters. Si vous avez des difficultés à accéder statistiques de suivi de la performance G-240W-B ONT utilisant TL1, se il vous plaît contacter votre représentant de support d'Alcatel-Lucent pour plus d'informations sur la façon d'accéder et de récupérer des compteurs de performance de type de surveillance.  Table 1-10 Package P ONTs ONTENET performance monitoring statistics  ONT ONTENET statistics FCSE EC LC RBO SCF MCF DT IMTE CSE AE IMRE FTL TBO SQE G-240W-B (1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    Note (1)   A 5 second polling window limitation exists on the ONT, therefore the margin of error for each 15-min window is 5 seconds
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Table 1-11 Package P ONTs ONTL2UNI performance monitoring statistics  ONT ONTL2UNI statistics FRAMES BYTES MCFRAMES DSDRPDFRMS USDRPDFRMS USFRAMES DSFRAMES USBYTES DSBYTES USMCFRAMES DSMCFRAMES G-240W-B ( 1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   Note (1)   A 5 second polling window limitation exists on the ONT, therefore the margin of error for each 15-min window is 5 seconds   Table 1-12 Package P ONTs PONONTTC, PONONTMCTC, PONONTTCHSI, PONONTTCCES, PONONTTCFLOW, PONONTTCVOIP performance monitoring statistics  ONT PONONTTC, PONONTMCTC, PONONTTCHSI, PONONTTCCES, PONONTTCFLOW, PONONTTCVOIP statistics TXBLOCKS TXFRAGS RXBLOCKS RXFRAGS LOSTFRAGS BADGEMHDRS G-240W-B (1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    Note (1)   A 5 second polling window limitation exists on the ONT, therefore the margin of error for each 15-min window is 5 seconds   Table 1-13 Package P ONTs PONONTTC aggregate performance monitoring statistics  ONT PONONTTC (aggregate) statistics TXBLOCKS TXFRAGS RXBLOCKS RXFRAGS LOSTFRAGS BADGEMHDRS G-240W-B (1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    Note (1)   A 5 second polling window limitation exists on the ONT, therefore the margin of error for each 15-min window is 5 seconds       1-10  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   1.9  G-240W-B functional blocks   G-240W-B indoor ONTs are single-residence ONTs that support Wireless (Wi-Fi) service. Wi-Fi service on these ONTs is compliant with the IEEE 802.11 standard and enabled or disabled using a WLAN button. In addition to the Wi-Fi service, these ONTs transmit Ethernet packets to four RJ-45 Ethernet ports and voice traffic to two RJ-11 POTS ports. These ONTs also feature fiber optic, USB, and power connectors.  Figure 1-3 shows the functional blocks for G-240W-B indoor ONT.   Figure 1-3  Single-residence Wi-Fi ONT with Gigabit Ethernet and POTS and without RF video       GPON   PCIe ANT  11n  PA/LNA   3x3 2.4G   NAND  GPON SoC PCIe converter USB3.0  USB2.0   ANT DDR3   2xRJ11 FXS GE   SLIC GE   GE GE mux   GE PHY RGMII  GE   11ac   RAM  PA/LNA  4x4, 5G  XFMR   4xGE  24674  ONT SoC technology serves as the main hardware block for these ONTs; see Figure 1-4.                          Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-11 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Figure 1-4  G-240W-B ONT hardware block  POTS ports    Control processor SoC DSP    SoC Bridge    Ethernet MACs GPON MAC    Ethernet ports  GPON  19421  ONT SoC technology consists of five key elements:  • GPON MAC The Gigabit Passive Optical Network Media Access Control (GPON MAC) element on the SoC terminates the GPON interface using an optical diplexer. This interface supports GPON as described in G.984.3 (GPON TC Layer) ITU specification. • Ethernet MAC The SoC provides up to four GE MACs. • DSP interface The Digital Signal Processor (DSP) provides voice processing for 2 POTS lines with 3-way calling. The DSP has a dedicated 64 kbyte instruction cache and shares a 32 kbyte data cache with the Control Processor. It provides up to 4 network processor cores, each at 800MHz. • Control Processor The Control Processor features an integral memory management unit that supports a dedicated 64 kbyte instruction cache and shares a single 32 kbyte data cache with the DSP. The Control Processor and DSP also include a single channel Data Management Application (DMA) controller with a 4 kbyte read ahead low-latency Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) access port. The processors typically run at 500 MHz. • Switch matrix The Switch matrix provides an integrated data channel between the four GE MACs, the GPON MAC, the DSP, the control processor, and the other integrated elements such as flash memory, DRAM, and the local bus controller.  These ONTs can also interact with additional hardware components to support functionality not provided by the SoC technology.      1-12  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   1.10  G-240W-B standards compliance   G-240W-B indoor ONTs are compliant with the following standards:  • 802.1p marking and VLAN based pbit is supported • G.711 support for FAX and modem connection • G.984 support GPON interface (framing) • G.984.2 support for Amd1, class B+ • G.984.3 support for activation and password functions • G.984.3 support for AES with operator enable/disable on per port-ID level • G.984.3 support for FEC in both upstream and downstream directions • G.984.3 support for multicast using a single GEM Port-ID for all video traffic • G984.4 and G.983.2 support for OMCI v1 and v2 interface for ONT management and provisioning   FCC statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   FCC Radiation Exposure Statement  This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and it also complies with Part 15 of the FCC RF Rules. This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and consider removing the no-collocation statement.            Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-13 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1  this device may not cause harmful interference, and  2  this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   Caution — Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Les  changements  ou  modifications  non  expressément approuvés  par  la  partie  responsable  de  la  conformité  pourraient annuler l'autorité de l'utilisateur à utiliser l'équipement.    1.11  G-240W-B special considerations   G-240W-B is a package P ONT.   Wi-Fi service  G-240W-B indoor ONTs feature Wi-Fi service as well as voice and data services. Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless HSI and network connections. This ONT complies with the IEEE 802.11 standards, which the Wi-Fi Alliance defines as the basis for Wi-Fi technology.   Wi-Fi physical features  G-240W-B indoor ONTs have the following physical features that assist in providing Wi-Fi service:  • WLAN button for enabling and disabling Wi-Fi service • two internal antennae • two Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) push buttons (one each for 2.4G and 5G) for adding WPS-enabled wireless devices   Wi-Fi standards and certifications  The Wi-Fi service on G-240W-B indoor ONTs supports the following IEEE standards and Wi-Fi Alliance certifications:  • compliant with IEEE 802.11 standards • certified for IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards • WPA support including WPA-PSK • certified for WPA2-Personal and WPA2-Enterprise   Wi-Fi GUI features  G-240W-B indoor ONTs have HTML-based Wi-Fi configuration GUIs.   G-240W-B ONT considerations and limitations Table 1-14 lists the considerations and limitations for Package P G-240W-B ONTs.   1-14  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  1 —  G-240W-B unit data sheet   Table 1-14 G-240W-B ONT considerations and limitations  Considerations and limitations Call History Data collection (ONTCALLHST) is supported, except for the following parameters: RTP packets (discarded), far-end RTCP and RTCP-XR participation, RTCP average and peak round trip delay, MOS, average jitter, number of jitter-buffer over-runs and under runs. Some voice features are configurable on a per ONT basis, including Call Waiting, Call Hold, 3-Way Calling, and Call Transfer. The following voice features / GSIP parameters are configurable on a per-Client/ per-ONT basis (not per-Subscriber): • Enable Caller ID and Enable Caller Name ID • Digitmap and the associated Interdigit and Critical timers and Enter key parameters • Warmline timer is enabled per subscriber, but the warmline timer value is configured per ONT and must have a lower value than the Permanent time • Miscellaneous timers: Permanent, Timed-release, Reanswer, Error-tone, and CW-alert timers • Features / functions: Message waiting mode, WMWI refresh interval, DTMF volume level • Service Codes for the following features: CCW, Call Hold and Warmline The Molex interface is not operational.                                            Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  1-15 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT       2.1  Purpose  2-2  2.2  General 2-2  2.3  Prerequisites 2-2  2.4  Recommended tools  2-2  2.5  Safety information  2-3  2.6  Procedure  2-4                           Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  2-1 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT   2.1  Purpose   This chapter provides the steps to install a G-240W-B indoor ONT.   2.2  General   The steps listed in this chapter describe mounting and cabling for G-240W-B indoor ONTs.   2.3  Prerequisites   You need the following items before beginning the installation:  • all required cables   2.4  Recommended tools   You need the following tools for the installation:  • #2 Phillips screwdriver • 1/4 in. (6 mm) flat blade screwdriver • wire strippers • fiber optic splicing tools • RJ-45 cable plug crimp tool • voltmeter or multimeter • optical power meter • drill and drill bits • paper clip                          2-2  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT   2.5  Safety information   Read the following safety information before installing the unit.  Danger 1 — Hazardous electrical voltages and currents can cause serious physical harm or death. Always use insulated tools and follow proper safety precautions when connecting or disconnecting power circuits.                   Tensions et courants électriques dangereuses peuvent causer des dommages ou la mort physique grave. Toujours utiliser des outils isolés et suivre les précautions de sécurité adéquates pour connecter ou déconnecter les circuits de puissance.  Danger 2 — Make sure all sources of power are turned off and have no live voltages present on feed lines or terminals. Use a voltmeter to measure for voltage before proceeding.                     Assurez-vous que toutes les sources d'alimentation sont éteints  et  ne  ont  pas  de  tensions  vivants  présents  sur  les  lignes d'alimentation ou de terminaux. Utilisez un voltmètre pour mesurer la tension avant de procéder.  Danger 3 — Always contact the local utility company before connecting the enclosure to the utilities.                    Toujours contacter la compagnie d'électricité locale avant de brancher l'enceinte pour les services publics.   Warning — This equipment is ESD sensitive. Proper ESD protections should be used when removing the fiber access cover of the indoor ONT.                   Cet équipement est sensible ESD. Protections ESD appropriées doivent être utilisées pour retirer le couvercle de l'ONT à l'intérieur d'accès en fibre.   Caution — Keep indoor ONTs out of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the unit.                  Gardez ONT intérieur hors du soleil direct. Une exposition prolongée aux rayons du soleil peut endommager l'appareil.    Note 1 — Observe the local and national laws and regulations that  may be applicable to this installation.               Respecter les lois et réglementations locales et nationales qui peuvent être applicables à cette installation. Note 2 — Observe the following:  • The indoor ONT should be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the NEC or CEC. Local authorities and practices take precedent when there is conflict between the local standard and the NEC or CEC. • The indoor ONT must be installed by qualified service personnel. • Indoor ONTs must be installed with cables that are suitably rated and listed for indoor use. • See the detailed specifications in the G-240W-B unit data sheet for the temperature ranges for these ONTs. Respectez les consignes suivantes:
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  •   L'ONT intérieure doit être installée en conformité avec les exigences applicables de la NEC ou CEC. Les autorités et les pratiques locales prennent précédent quand il ya conflit entre la norme locale et le NEC ou CEC. •   L'ONT intérieure doit être installé par un personnel qualifié. • ONT intérieure doit être installée avec des câbles qui sont convenablement évalués et classés pour une utilisation intérieure. •   Voir les spécifications détaillées dans la fiche de données de l'unité G-240W-B pour les plages de température pour ces ONT.                  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  2-3 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT   2.6  Procedure   Use this procedure to install a G-240W-B indoor ONT.  1  Place the indoor ONT unit:  a  On the flat surface, such as a desk; go to step 3.   Note —   The G-240W-B cannot be stacked with another ONT or with other equipment. The ONT mounting requirements are:  • allow a minimum 100 mm clearance above the top cover • allow a minimum 50 mm clearance from the side vents • do not place any heat source directly above the top cover or below the bottom cover Le G-240W-B ne peut être empilé avec un autre ONT ou avec d'autres équipements. Les exigences de montage ONT sont:  •   Laisser un espace minimum de 100 mm au-dessus du capot supérieur •  Laisser un espace minimum de 50 mm à partir des prises d'air latérales •   Ne placez pas une source de chaleur directement au-dessus du capot supérieur ou inférieur à la couverture inférieure  b  On a wall, go to step 2.  2  Mount the G-240W-B indoor ONT on a wall.  i  The G-240W-B indoor ONT can be mounted in either a horizontal or vertical position, as shown in Figure 2-1. If possible, mount the ONT on a wall stud.   Figure 2-1  Wall mounting keyholes on G-240W-B indoor ONTs  Keyholes for horizontal mounting         Keyholes for vertical mounting RESET        24111  ii Mark the wall with the location of the mounting holes. These holes should be the same distance apart as the distance between the centers of the keyholes on the ONT.  iii Drill the two holes in the wall where the ONT will be mounted and then drive the mounting screws into the holes.  The recommended length of mounting screw is 1.15 in. (3.8 cm).
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Do not drive the screw into the wall completely. Leave approximately 1/8 in. (6 mm) between the screw head and the wall surface.  iv Slide the wall mount keyholes on the ONT enclosure or fiber storage tray down over the mounting screws until the ONT is securely seated.  3  Review the connection locations as shown in Figures 2-2.   Figure 2-2  G-240W-B indoor ONT connections (back view)             Wireless On/Off button   USB 3.0     USB 2.0             TEL1           TEL2  LAN1          LAN2          LAN3          LAN4  POWER           ON/OFF  UPS     USB ports   POTS ports (2) (RJ-11)   Ethernet ports (4) (RJ-45) Wi-Fi security buttons (2)   Reset button    Power input   On/Off button Fiber optic port       24614  4  Connect the Ethernet cables to the RJ-45 ports; see Figure 2-2 for the location of the RJ-45 ports.  5  Route the POTS cables directly to the RJ-11 ports as per local practices.  The POTS port to the left is labeled 1 for Line 1 while the port on the right is labeled 2 for Line 2, as shown in Figure 2-2.  6 Connect the fiber optic cable with SC/APC adapter into the SC/APC connector; see Figure 2-2 for the location of the SC/APC connector.   Danger — Fiber cables transmit invisible laser light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers, connectors, or adapters.                 Câbles de fibres transmettent la lumière laser invisible. Pour éviter des lésions oculaires ou la cécité, ne jamais regarder directement dans les fibres, les connecteurs ou adaptateurs.   Warning — Be careful to maintain a bend radius of no less than 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) when connecting the fiber optic cable. Too small of a bend radius in the cable can result in damage to the optic fiber.                   Veillez à maintenir un rayon de courbure d'au moins 1,5 po. (3,8 cm) lors de la connexion du câble de fibre optique. Trop petit d'un rayon de courbure dans le câble peut entraîner des dommages à la fibre optique.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  2 —  Install a G-240W-B indoor ONT    Note —  Fiber cable preparation varies depending on the type and size of the inside or outside plant fiber cable being spliced to the SC/APC fiber optic pigtail cable.              Préparation du câble de fibres varie en fonction du type et de la taille de l'intérieur ou de câble de fibres de plante extérieur étant assemblés bord à bord pour la SC/APC câble en queue de cochon à fibres optiques.  7  Install the power supply according to manufacturer specifications.   Note —  Observe the following:  • Units must be powered by a Listed or CE approved and marked limited power source power supply with a minimum output rate of 12 V dc, 1.25 A.  Respectez les onsignes suivantes: •   Les unités doivent être alimentés par une alimentation de source d'alimentation limitée répertoriés ou homologués CE et sont marqués d'un taux de sortie minimum de 12 V cc, 1,25 A  8  Connect the power cable to the power connector.  9  Power up the ONT unit by using the power switch.  10  If used, enable the Wi-Fi service.  i  Locate the WLAN button on the ONT; see Figure 2-2 for location of the WLAN button.  ii Press the WLAN button to change the status of the Wi-Fi service.  11  Verify the ONT LEDs, voltage status, and optical signal levels; see the 7368 Hardware and Cabling Installation Guide.  12  Activate and test the services; see the 7368 Hardware and Cabling Installation Guide.  13  If used, configure the SLID; see the 7368 ISAM ONT Configuration, Management, and Troubleshooting Guide.  14  If necessary, reset the ONT.  i  Locate the Reset button on a G-240W-B indoor ONT as shown in Figure 2-2.  ii Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or other narrow object into the hole in the Reset button to reset the ONT.  15  STOP. This procedure is complete.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT       3.1  Purpose  3-2  3.2  General 3-2  3.3  Prerequisites 3-2  3.4  Recommended tools  3-2  3.5  Safety information  3-3  3.6  Procedure  3-4                           Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  3-1 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT   3.1  Purpose   This chapter provides the steps to replace G-240W-B indoor ONTs.   3.2  General   The steps listed in this chapter describe mounting and cabling for G-240W-B indoor ONTs.   3.3  Prerequisites   You need the following items before beginning the installation:  • all required cables   3.4  Recommended tools   You need the following tools for replacing the ONT:  • #2 Phillips screwdriver • 1/4 in. (6 mm) flat blade screwdriver • wire strippers • fiber optic splicing tools • RJ-45 cable plug crimp tool • voltmeter or multimeter • optical power meter • drill and drill bits                            3-2  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT   3.5  Safety information   Read the following safety information before replacing the unit.  Danger 1 — Hazardous electrical voltages and currents can cause serious physical harm or death. Always use insulated tools and follow proper safety precautions when connecting or disconnecting power circuits.                     Tensions et courants électriques dangereuses peuvent causer des dommages ou la mort physique grave. Toujours utiliser des outils isolés et suivre les précautions de sécurité adéquates pour connecter ou déconnecter les circuits de puissance.  Danger 2 — Make sure all sources of power are turned off and have no live voltages present on feed lines or terminals. Use a voltmeter to measure for voltage before proceeding. Assurez-vous  que  toutes  les  sources  d'alimentation sont éteints et ne ont pas de tensions vivants présents sur les lignes d'alimentation ou de terminaux. Utilisez un voltmètre pour mesurer la tension avant de procéder.  Danger 3 — Always contact the local utility company before connecting the enclosure to the utilities. Toujours contacter la compagnie d'électricité locale avant de brancher l'enceinte pour les services publics.   Warning — This equipment is ESD sensitive. Proper ESD protections should be used when removing the fiber access cover of the indoor ONT. Cet équipement est sensible ESD. Protections ESD appropriées doivent être utilisées pour retirer le couvercle de l'ONT à l'intérieur d'accès en fibre   Caution — Keep indoor ONTs out of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the unit. Gardez ONT intérieur hors du soleil direct. Une exposition prolongée aux rayons du soleil peut endommager l'appareil.     Note 1 — Observe the local and national laws and regulations that may be applicable to this installation.               Respecter les lois et réglementations locales et nationales qui peuvent être applicables à cette installation Note 2 — Observe the following: • The indoor ONT should be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the NEC or CEC. Local authorities and practices take precedent when there is conflict between the local standard and the NEC or CEC. • The indoor ONT must be installed by qualified service personnel. • Indoor ONTs must be installed with cables that are suitably rated and listed for indoor use. • See the detailed specifications in the G-240W-B unit data sheet for the ONT temperature ranges for these ONTs.  Respectez les consignes suivantes:
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   •   L'ONT intérieure doit être installée en conformité avec les exigences applicables de la NEC ou CEC. Les autorités et les pratiques locales prennent précédent quand il ya conflit entre la norme locale et le NEC ou CEC. •   L'ONT intérieure doit être installé par un personnel qualifié. •   ONT intérieure doit être installée avec des câbles qui sont convenablement évalués et classés pour une utilisation intérieure. •   Voir les spécifications détaillées dans la fiche de données de l'unité G-240W-B pour les plages de température pour ces ONT ONT.                                              Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  3-3 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT   3.6  Procedure   Use this procedure to replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT.  1  Deactivate the ONT services at the P-OLT.  If you are using the SLID feature, this step is not required. The ONT and the services can remain in service (IS).  i  Use the RTRV-ONT command to verify the ONT status and th associated services. Record the serial number or the SLID of the ONT displayed in the command output.  Example:  RTRV-ONT::ONT-1-1-1-1-1;  ii If the ONT is in service, place the ONT in OOS state.  Example:  ED-ONT::ONT-1-1-1-1-1;  2  If used, disable the Wi-Fi service by pressing the WLAN button; see Figure 3-1 for the location of the WLAN button.   Figure 3-1  G-240W-B indoor ONT connections             Wireless On/Off button   USB 3.0     USB 2.0             TEL1           TEL2  LAN1           LAN2          LAN3          LAN4  POWER           ON/OFF  UPS     USB ports   POTS ports (2) (RJ-11)   Ethernet ports (4) (RJ-45) Wi-Fi security buttons (2)   Reset button    Power input   On/Off button Fiber optic port       24614  3  Power down the unit by using the on/off power switch.  4 Disconnect the POTS, Ethernet, and power cables from the ONT; see Figure 3-1 for the connector locations on the G-240W-B indoor ONT.    3-4  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT   5  Disconnect the fiber optic cables.   Danger — Fiber cables transmit invisible laser light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers, connectors, or adapters. Câbles de fibres transmettent la lumière laser invisible. Pour éviter des lésions oculaires ou la cécité, ne jamais regarder directement dans les fibres, connecteurs ou adaptateurs  i  Unplug the fiber optic cable with SC/APC connector from the ONT; see Figure 3-1 for the location of the fiber optic port.  ii Attach a fiber dust cover to the end of the SC/APC connector.  6  Replace the ONT with a new unit:  a  On a flat surface, such as a desk, substitute the new ONT for the old ONT on a flat surface, horizontally resting on its four feet.  b  On a wall.  i  Slide the old ONT off of the mounting screws until the ONT is free of the wall.  ii Slide the wall mount holes on the ONT enclosure over the mounting screws until it is securely seated.  7  Connect the Ethernet cables directly to the RJ-45 ports; see Figure 3-1 for the location of the RJ-45 ports.  8  Connect the POTS cables directly to the RJ-11 ports as per local practices; see Figure 3-1 for the location of the RJ-11 ports.  The RJ-11 port to the left is labeled 1 for Line 1 while the port on the right is labeled 2 for Line 2.  9  If required, have approved service personnel who are trained to work with optic fiber clean the fiber optic connection. See the 7368 ISAM ONT Configuration, Management, and Troubleshooting Guide for more information about fiber optic handling, inspection, and cleaning.   Danger — Fiber optic cables transmit invisible laser light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers, connectors, or adapters. Câbles de fibre optique transmettent la lumière laser invisible. Pour éviter des lésions oculaires ou la cécité, ne jamais regarder directement dans les fibres, les connecteurs ou adaptateurs.  10  Connect the fiber optic cable with SC/APC adapter into the SC/APC connector. Figure 3-1shows the location of the SC/APC connector.   Danger — Fiber cables transmit invisible laser light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers, connectors, or adapters.  Câbles de fibre optique transmettent la lumière laser invisible. Pour éviter des lésions oculaires ou la cécité, ne jamais regarder directement dans les fibres, les connecteurs ou adaptateurs.   Warning — Be careful to maintain a bend radius of no less than 1.5 in.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  (3.8 cm) when connecting the fiber optic cable. Too small of a bend radius in the cable can result in damage to the optic fiber. Veillez à maintenir un rayon de courbure d'au moins 1,5 po. (3,8 cm) lors de la connexion du câble de fibre optique. Trop petit d'un rayon de courbure dans le câble peut entraîner des dommages à la fibre optique.      Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  3-5 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  3 —  Replace a G-240W-B indoor ONT    Note —  Fiber cable preparation varies depending on the type and size of the inside or outside plant fiber cable being spliced to the SC/APC fiber optic pigtail cable. Préparation du câble de fibres varie en fonction du type et de la taille de l'intérieur ou de câble de fibres de plante extérieur étant assemblés bord à bord pour la SC/APC câble en queue de cochon à fibres optiques.  11  Install the power supply according to manufacturer specifications.   Note —  Observe the following:  • Units must be powered by a Listed or CE approved and marked limited power source power supply with a minimum output rate of 12 V dc, 1.25 A. Respectez les consignes suivantes:  •   Les unités doivent être alimentés par une alimentation de source d'alimentation limitée répertoriés ou homologués CE et sont marqués d'un taux de sortie minimum de 12 V cc, 1,25 A.  12  Connect the power cable to the power connector.  13  Power up the unit by using the power switch.  14  If used, enable the Wi-Fi service by pressing the WLAN button; see Figure 3-1 for the location of the WLAN button.  15  If used, configure the SLID; see the 7368 ISAM ONT Configuration, Management, and Troubleshooting Guide for more information.   Note —  A new SLID or the old SLID may be used with the replacement ONT. If a new SLID is used, the new SLID must also be programmed at the P-OLT using TL1 or a network manager. If the old SLID is used, no changes need to be made at the P-OLT; see the operations and maintenance documentation for the OLT for more details. Une nouvelle EDTR ou le vieux EDTR peut être utilisé avec l'ONT de remplacement. Si une nouvelle EDTR est utilisé, le nouveau EDTR doit également être programmé à la classe P-OLT utilisant TL1 un gestionnaire de réseau. Si l'ancien EDTR est utilisé, aucune modification ne est à apporter à la classe P-OLT; voir les opérations et la documentation de maintenance pour le BTA pour plus de détails.  16  Verify the ONT LEDs, voltage status, and optical signal levels; see the 7368 Hardware and Cabling Installation Guide.  17  Activate and test the services; see the 7368 Hardware and Cabling Installation Guide.  18  If necessary, reset the ONT.  i  Locate the Reset button on a G-240W-B indoor ONT as shown in Figure 3-1.  ii Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or other narrow object into the hole in the Reset button to reset the ONT.  19  STOP. This procedure is complete.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01                      4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT       4.1  General 4-2  4.2  HGU mode GUI configuration  4-2  4.3  SFU mode GUI configuration  4-39  4.4  Operator ID 4-44                                Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-1 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01   4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   4.1  General   Please refer to the configuration information provided with your OLT for the software configuration procedure for a G-240W-B ONT.  For HTTP configuration procedures, please refer to the 7368 ISAM ONT Configuration, Management, and Troubleshooting Guide.   4.2  HGU mode GUI configuration   Use the procedures below to use the web-based GUI for the G-240W-B in HGU mode. This mode is preset at delivery.  A home gateway unit (HGU) is a home networking device, used as a gateway to connect devices in the home through fiber to the Internet. An HGU provides a variety of features for the home network including routing and firewall capability. By using the HGU, users can connect all smart equipment in their home, including personal computers, set-top boxes, mobile phones, and other consumer electronics devices, to the Internet.   Login Use the procedure below to login to the web-based GUI for the G-240W-B.   Procedure 4-1  Login to web-based GUI  1  Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the ONT in the address bar.  The login window appears.  The default gateway IP address is You can connect to this IP address using your web browser after connecting your PC to one of Ethernet ports of the ONT. The static IP address of your PC must be in the same subnet as the ONT.  2  Enter your username and password in the Log in window, as shown in Figure 4-1.  The default username and password are printed on the ONT. The default user name is userAdmin. The default superuser name is adminGPON. Contact Alcatel-Lucent for the superuser password.                  4-2  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Figure 4-1  Web login window     Caution — If you reset the router to recover the default username and password, all other router configuration settings will also be restored to their factory default values. Si  vous  réinitialisez  le  routeur  pour  récupérer  le  nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe par défaut, tous les autres paramètres de configuration  du  routeur  seront  aussi  restaurés  à  leurs  valeurs  par défaut d'usine.   Note —  If you forget the current username and password, press the reset button for 5 s and the default values for the username and password will be recovered at startup. Si vous oubliez le nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe actuel, appuyez sur le bouton de réinitialisation pendant 5 s et les valeurs par défaut pour le nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe seront récupérés au démarrage.   3  Click Login.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Device and connection status  G-240W-B ONTs support the retrieval of a variety of device and connection information, including:  • device information • LAN status • WAN status • WAN status IPv6 • Home networking information • Optics module status
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-2  Device information retrieval  1  Select Status > Device Information from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-2.   Figure 4-2  Device Information window    Table 4-1 describes the fields in the Device Information window.   Table 4-1 Device Information parameters  Field Description Device Name Name on the ONT Vendor Name of the vendor Serial Number Serial number of the ONT Hardware version Hardware version of the ONT Boot version Boot version of the ONT Software version Software version of the ONT Chipset Chipset of the ONT Device Running Time Amount of time the device has run since last reset in hours, minutes, and seconds   2  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.            4-4  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-3  LAN status retrieval  1  Select Status > LAN Status from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-3.   Figure 4-3  LAN status window    Table 4-2 describes the fields in the LAN status window.   Table 4-2 LAN status parameters  Field Description Wireless Information Wireless Status Indicates whether the wireless is on or off Wireless Channel Wireless channel number SSID Name Name of each SSID Wireless Encryption Status Encryption type used on the wireless connection Wireless Rx Packets Number of packets received on the wireless connection Wireless Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the wireless connection Wireless Rx Bytes Number of bytes received on the wireless connection Wireless Tx Bytes Number of bytes transmitted on the wireless connection Power Transmission (mW) Power of the wireless transmission, in mW Ethernet Information Ethernet Status Indicates whether the Ethernet connection is on or off Ethernet IP Address IP address of the Ethernet connection (1 of 2)     Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-5 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Ethernet Subnet Mask Subnet Mask of the Ethernet connection Ethernet MAC Address MAC address of the Ethernet connection Ethernet Rx Packets Number of packets received on the Ethernet connection Ethernet Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the Ethernet connection Ethernet Rx Bytes Number of bytes received on the Ethernet connection Ethernet Tx Bytes Number of bytes transmitted on the Ethernet connection (2 of 2)  2  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-4  WAN status retrieval  1  Select Status > WAN Status from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-4.   Figure 4-4  WAN status window    Table 4-3 describes the fields in the WAN status window.            4-6  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Table 4-3 WAN status parameters  Field Description WAN connection list Drop-down menu listing all WAN connections. The connection shown is the connection for which WAN status will be shown. Connection Mode Connection mode of the WAN connection Enable/Disable Select this checkbox to enable the WAN connection VLAN VLAN ID WAN Link Status Whether the WAN link is up or down Pon Link Status Whether the PON link is up or down Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the WAN connection Rx Packets Number of packets received on the WAN connection Tx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the transmit WAN connection Rx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the receive WAN connection Err Packets Number of errored packets on the WAN connection   2  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.                                      Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-7 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-5  WAN status IPv6 retrieval  1  Select Status > WAN Status IPv6 from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-5.   Figure 4-5  WAN status IPv6 window    Table 4-4 describes the fields in the WAN status IPv6 window.   Table 4-4 WAN status IPv6 parameters  Field Description WAN connection list Drop-down menu listing all WAN connections. The connection shown is the connection for which WAN status will be shown. Connection Mode Connection mode of the WAN connection Enable/Disable Select this checkbox to enable the WAN connection VLAN VLAN ID WAN Link Status Whether the WAN link is up or down IPv6 Address IPv6 address that identifies the device and its location Netmask Network mask Gateway Gateway address Primary DNS Primary Domain Name Server Second DNS Secondary Domain Name Server Pon Link Status Whether the PON link is up or down (1 of 2)   4-8  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the WAN connection Rx Packets Number of packets received on the WAN connection Tx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the transmit WAN connection Rx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the receive WAN connection Err Packets Number of errored packets on the WAN connection (2 of 2)  2  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-6  Home networking information retrieval  1  Select Status > Home Networking from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-6.   Figure 4-6  Home networking information window    Table 4-5 describes the fields in the Home networking window.   Table 4-5 Home networking parameters  Field Description Local Interface Ethernet Table displays the number of Ethernet connections and their settings Wireless Table displays the number of wireless connections and their settings Wireless Settings (1 of 2)   Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-9 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Network Name Name of the wireless network Access Point Hexadecimal address of the wireless access point Local Devices Table entry Each entry indicates the connection type, device name, IP address, hardware address, and IP address allocation of each connected local device. (2 of 2)  2  Click Delete to delete a particular local device connection.  3  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-7  Optics module status retrieval  1  Select Status > Optics Module Status from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-7.   Figure 4-7  Optics module status window    Table 4-6 describes the fields in the Optics module status window.   Table 4-6 Optics module status parameters  Field Description Laser Bias Current (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements) Laser bias current, measured in uA Optics Module Voltage (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements) Optics module voltage, measured in V (1 of 2)   4-10  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Optics Module Temperature (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements) Optics module temperature, measured in C Rx Optics Signal Level at 1490 nm (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements) Received optics signal level at 1490 nm, measured in dBm Tx Optics Signal Level at 1310 nm (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements) Transmitted optics signal level at 1310 nm, measured in dBm Lower (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements-Optical Threshold) Lower optical threshold, measured in dBm Upper (ONT ANI-ONT-Side Optical Measurements-Optical Threshold) Lower optical threshold, measured in dBm (2 of 2)  2  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Network configuration G-240W-B ONTs also support network configuration, including:  • LAN • LAN IPv6 • WAN • WiFi 2.4G • WiFi 5G • Routing • DNS • TR-069                          Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-11 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-8  LAN networking configuration  1  Select Network > LAN from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-8.   Figure 4-8  LAN network window    Table 4-7 describes the fields in the LAN network window.   Table 4-7 LAN network parameters  Field Description Port Mode: All Port to L2 Mode Select this checkbox to set all ports to L2 mode Port Mode Port 1 - 4 Drop-down port mode for each port: Route mode or bridge mode IPv4 Address IP Address of the ONT Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the ONT DHCP enable Select this checkbox to enable DHCP DHCP Start IP Address Starting DHCP IP address DHCP End IP Address Ending DHCP IP address DHCP Lease Time DHCP lease time (in min) Bind MAC Address MAC address to associate to the LAN Bind IP Address IP address to associate to the bound MAC address   2  Select the mode for each port.  3  Click Save.  4  Enter the DHCP configuration information.    4-12  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   5  Click Save.  6  Bind a MAC address to the LAN by entering the MAC and IP addresses and then clicking Add. Repeat for all MAC addresses to be bound.  7  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-9  LAN IPv6 networking configuration  1  Select Network > LAN_IPv6 from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-9.   Figure 4-9  LAN IPv6 network window    Table 4-8 describes the fields in the LAN IPv6 network window.   Table 4-8 LAN IPv6 network parameters  Field Description DNS Server Choose a DNS server from the drop-down menu. prefix config Choose a prefix config option from the drop-down menu, either WANConnection (prefix will be obtained from the WAN) or Static (enables you to enter the prefix). prefix This field appears if you selected the “Static” option for the “prefix config” field. Type a connection. Interface This field appears if you selected the Wan Connection option for the “prefix config” field. Choose a WAN connection interface from the drop-down menu. (1 of 2)     Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-13 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description DHCPv6 Server Enable Select this checkbox to enable DHCP IPv6 server. DHCP Start IP Address Enter the starting DHCP IP address. DHCP End IP Address Enter the ending DHCP IP address. Whether the address info through DCHP Select this checkbox to enable address information retrieval through DHCP. Whether other info obtained through DHCP Select this checkbox to enable retrieval of other information through DHCP. Maximum interval for periodic RA messages Enter the maximum interval (in seconds) for periodic Router Advertisement messages. The interval range is from 4 to 1800. Minimum interval for periodic RA messages Enter the minimum interval (in seconds) for periodic Router Advertisement messages. The interval range is from 4 to 1800. (2 of 2)  2  Choose a DNS server, prefix config, and interface.  3  Select or enter the DHCP configuration information.  4  Enter the maximum and minimum intervals for RA messages.  5  Click Save/Apply.  6  STOP. This procedure is complete.                               4-14  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-10  WAN networking configuration  1  Select Network > WAN from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-10.   Figure 4-10  WAN network window    Table 4-9 describes the fields in the WAN network window.   Table 4-9 WAN network parameters  Field Description WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu to set the connection parameters Connection Type Select a connection type: IPoE or PPPoE IP Mode Choose an IP mode from the drop-down menu: IPv4 or IPv6 Enable/Disable Select this checkbox to enable the WAN connection NAT Select this checkbox to enable NAT Service Select the checkboxes to enable service types for this connection Enable VLAN Select this checkbox to enable VLAN VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID VLAN PRI Enter the VLAN PRI WAN IP Mode Choose an IP mode from the drop-down menu (1 of 2)    Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-15 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Connection Type Choose a connection type from the drop-down menu Username Enter the username Password Enter the password Keep Alive Time Enter the Keep Alive Time (from 5 to 60 seconds) (2 of 2)  2  Configure a specific WAN connection.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-11  WiFi 2.4G networking configuration  1  Select Network > WiFi 2.4G from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-11.   Figure 4-11  WiFi 2.4G network window    Table 4-10 describes the fields in the WiFi 2.4G network window.         4-16  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Table 4-10 WiFi 2.4G network parameters  Field Description Enable Select this checkbox to enable WiFi Mode Choose a wi-fi mode from the drop-down menu: • auto (b/g/n) • b • g • n • b/g Channel Choose a channel from the drop-down menu or choose Auto to have the channel automatically assigned Bandwidth Choose 20 MHz or 40 MHz from the drop-down menu. Transmitting Power Choose the percentage transmitting power from the drop-down menu SSID Select Choose the SSID from the drop-down menu SSID Name Enter the SSID name Enable SSID Enable or disable SSID from this drop-down menu SSID Broadcast Enable or disable SSID broadcast from this drop-down menu Port Mode Choose a port mode from the drop-down menu: • Route • Bridge Encrypt Mode Choose an encryption mode from the drop-down menu: • OPEN • WEP • WPA/WPA2 Personal • WPA/WPA2 Enterprise WPA Version Choose a WPA version from the drop-down menu: • WPA1 • WPA2 • WPA1/WPA2 WPA Encryption Mode Choose a WPA encryption mode from the drop-down menu: • TKIP • AES • TKIP/AES WPA Key Enter the WPA key Enable WPS Enable or disable WPS from this drop-down menu   2  Configure the WiFi connection.  3  If you have enabled and configured WPS, click WPS connect.  4  Click Save.  5  STOP. This procedure is complete.       Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-17 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-12  WiFi 5G networking configuration  1  Select Network > WiFi 5G from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-12.   Figure 4-12  WiFi 5G network window    Table 4-11 describes the fields in the WiFi 5G network window.   Table 4-11 WiFi 5G network parameters  Field Description Enable Select this checkbox to enable WiFi Channel Choose a channel from the drop-down menu or choose Auto to have the channel automatically assigned Bandwidth Choose 20 MHz or 40 MHz from the drop-down menu Transmitting Power Choose the percentage transmitting power from the drop-down menu SSID Select Choose the SSID from the drop-down menu SSID Name Enter the SSID name Enable SSID Enable or disable SSID from this drop-down menu SSID Broadcast Enable or disable SSID broadcast from this drop-down menu (1 of 2)        4-18  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Encrypt Mode Choose an encryption mode from the drop-down menu: • OPEN • WEP • WPA/WPA2 Personal • WPA/WPA2 Enterprise WPA Key Enter the WPA key Enable WPS Enable or disable WPS from this drop-down menu (2 of 2)  2  Configure the WiFi connection.  3  If you have enabled and configured WPS, click WPS connect.  4  Click Save.  5  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-13  Routing configuration  1  Select Network > Routing from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-13.   Figure 4-13  Routing network window    Table 4-12 describes the fields in the Routing network window.           Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-19 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Table 4-12 Routing network parameters  Field Description Enable Routing Select this checkbox to enable routing Destination IP Address Enter the destination IP address Destination Netmask Enter the destination network mask Gateway Enter the gateway address IPv4 Interface Choose a WAN connection previously created in the WAN network window from the drop-down menu   2  Enter the routing information.  3  Click Add.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-14  DNS configuration  1  Select Network > DNS from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-14.   Figure 4-14  DNS network window    Table 4-13 describes the fields in the DNS network window.         4-20  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Table 4-13 DNS network parameters  Field Description Domain Name Domain name IPv4 Address Domain IP address Origin Domain Origin domain name New Domain New domain name   2  Enter the domain name and IP address and click Add.  3  If required, associate an origin domain with a new domain, click Add.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-15 TR-069 configuration  1  Select Network > TR-069 from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-15.   Figure 4-15 TR-069 network window    Table 4-14 describes the fields in the TR-069 network window.   Table 4-14 TR-069 network parameters  Field Description Periodic Inform Enable Select this checkbox to enable periodic inform updates (1 of 2)    Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-21 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Periodic Inform Interval(s) Time between periodic inform updates, in seconds URL URL of the auto-configuration server Username Username used to log in to the ONT Password Password used to log in to the ONT Connect Request Username Username used to log in to the auto-configuration server Connect Request Password Password used to log in to the auto-configuration server (2 of 2)  2  Configure TR-069 by entering the required information.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Security configuration G-240W-B ONT also supports security configuration, including:  • firewall • MAC filter • IP filter • DMZ and ALG                              4-22  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-16  Firewall configuration  1  Select Security > Firewall from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-16.   Figure 4-16  Firewall window    Table 4-15 describes the fields in the firewall window.   Table 4-15 Firewall parameters  Field Description Security level Choose the security level from the drop-down menu Attack Protect Enable or disable attack protect from the drop-down menu   2  Configure the firewall.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.                     Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-23 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-17  MAC filter configuration  1  Select Security > Mac Filter from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-17.   Figure 4-17  MAC filter window    Table 4-16 describes the fields in the MAC filter window.   Table 4-16 MAC filter parameters  Field Description Enable MAC filter Select this checkbox to enable the MAC filter Mac Address MAC address Mac Filter Mode Choose the MAC filter mode from this drop-down menu   2  Configure a MAC filter.  3  Click Add.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.                   4-24  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-18 IP filter configuration  1  Select Security > IP filter from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-18.   Figure 4-18  IP filter window    Table 4-17 describes the fields in the IP filter window.   Table 4-17 IP filter parameters  Field Description Enable IP Filter Select this checkbox to enable an IP filter Mode Choose an IP filter mode from the drop-down menu: • Drop for upstream • Drop for downstream Internal Client Choose an internal client from the drop-down menu: • Customer setting - uses the IP address input below • IP - uses the connecting devices' IP to the ONT Local IP Address Local IP address Source Subnet Mask Source subnet mask Remote IP Address Remote IP address Destination Subnet Mask Destination subnet mask Protocol Choose an application protocol or all from the drop-down menu   2  Configure the IP filter.         Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-25 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   3  Click Add.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-19  DMZ and ALG configuration  1  Select Security > DMZ and ALG from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-19.   Figure 4-19  DMZ and ALG window    Table 4-18 describes the fields in the DMZ and ALG window.   Table 4-18 DMZ and ALG parameters  Field Description ALG Config Select the checkboxes to enable the protocols to be supported by the ALG DMZ Config WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu Enable DMZ Select this checkbox to enable DMZ on the chosen WAN connection DMZ IP Address Choose Customer Setting and enter the DMZ IP address or choose the IP address of a connected device from the drop-down menu   2  Configure ALG.  3  Click Save ALG.  4  Configure DMZ.      4-26  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   5  Click Save DMZ.  6  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Application configuration G-240W-B ONT also supports application configuration, including:  • port forwarding • DDNS • NTP • USB storage   Procedure 4-20  Port forwarding configuration  1  Select Application > Port forwarding from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-20.   Figure 4-20  Port forwarding window    Table 4-19 describes the fields in the port forwarding window.   Table 4-19 Port forwarding parameters  Field Description APPName Choose an application name from the drop-down menu WAN Port WAN port range LAN Port LAN port range Internal Client Choose a connected device from the drop-down menu and enter the associated IP address (1 of 2)   Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-27 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Protocol Choose the port forwarding protocol from the drop-down menu: • TCP • UDP • TCP/UDP Enable Mapping Select this checkbox to enable mapping WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu (2 of 2)  2  Configure port forwarding.  3  Click Add.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-21  DDNS configuration  1  Select Application > DDNS from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-21.   Figure 4-21  DDNS window    Table 4-20 describes the fields in the DDNS window.   Table 4-20 DDNS parameters  Field Description WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu (1 of 2)    4-28  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Enable DDNS Select this checkbox to enable DDNS on the chosen WAN connection ISP Choose an ISP from the drop-down menu. Domain Name Domain name Username Username Password Password (2 of 2)  2  Configure DDNS.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-22  NTP configuration  1  Select Application > NTP from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-22.   Figure 4-22  NTP window    Table 4-21 describes the fields in the NTP window.   Table 4-21 NTP parameters  Field Description Enable NTP Service Select this checkbox to enable NTP service Current Time Enter the current local date and time First Time Server Choose a time server from the drop-down menu or choose Customer setting and enter the address of the time server. (1 of 2)    Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-29 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Field Description Second Time Server Choose a time server from the drop-down menu or choose Customer setting and enter the address of the time server. Interval Time Interval at which to get the time from the time server, in seconds Time Zone Choose the local time zone from the drop-down menu (2 of 2)  2  Configure NTP.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-23  USB storage configuration  1  Select Application > USB storage from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-23.   Figure 4-23  USB storage window    Table 4-22 describes the fields in the USB storage window.   Table 4-22 USB storage parameters  Field Description Enable FTP server Select this checkbox to enable using an FTP server for data storage Username Username for FTP server Password Password for FTP server Re-enter Password Password for FTP server     4-30  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   2  Configure USB storage.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Maintenance G-240W-B ONT also supports maintenance tasks, including:  • password change • SLID configuration • device management • backup and restore • firmware upgrade • device reboot • restore factory defaults • diagnose • log   Procedure 4-24  Password configuration  1  Select Maintain > Password from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-24.   Figure 4-24  Password window    Table 4-23 describes the fields in the password window.         Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-31 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Table 4-23 Password parameters  Field Description New Password New password Re-enter password Password must match password entered above Prompt message Password prompt message   2  Configure the new password.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-25  SLID configuration  1  Select Maintain > SLID Configuration from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-25.   Figure 4-25  SLID configuration window    Table 4-24 describes the fields in the SLID configuration window.   Table 4-24 SLID configuration parameters  Field Description Current SLID Displays current SLID Input new SLID Enter new SLID SLID Mode Choose a SLID mode from the drop-down menu.     4-32  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   2  Configure the new SLID.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-26  Device management  1  Select Maintain > Device Management from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-26.   Figure 4-26  Device management window    Table 4-25 describes the fields in the Device management window.   Table 4-25 Device management parameters  Field Description Host name Choose a host from the drop-down menu Alias Enter an alias for the chosen host   2  Configure an alias for a specific host.  3  Click Add.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.           Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-33 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-27  Backup and restore  1  Select Maintain > Backup and Restore from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-27.   Figure 4-27  Backup and Restore window    2  Click Select File and choose the backup file.  3  Click Import Config File to restore the ONT to the saved backup or click Export Config File to export the current ONT configuration to the backup file.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-28  Upgrade firmware  1  Select Maintain > Firmware Upgrade from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-28.   Figure 4-28  Firmware upgrade window    2  Click Select File and choose the firmware file.      4-34  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   3  Click Upgrade to upgrade the firmware.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Procedure 4-29  Reboot ONT  1  Select Maintain > Reboot Device from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-29.   Figure 4-29  Reboot window    2  Click Reboot to reboot the ONT.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.                           Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-35 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-30  Restore factory defaults  1  Select Maintain > Factory Default from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-30.   Figure 4-30  Factory default window    2  Click Factory Default to reset the ONT to its factory default settings.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.                                   4-36  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-31  Diagnose connections  1  Select Maintain > Diagnose from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-31.   Figure 4-31  Diagnose window    2  Choose a WAN connection to diagnose from the drop-down menu.  3  Enter the IP address or domain name.  4  Select the test type by selecting either ping or traceroute.  5  Enter a ping packet length (64-1024).  6  Enter the number of ping attempts to perform (1 - 1000).  7  Click Start Test. Results will be displayed at the bottom of the window.  8  STOP. This procedure is complete.                        Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-37 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-32  View log files  1  Select Maintain > Log from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-32.   Figure 4-32  Log window    2  Choose a write level from the drop-down menu to determine which types of events are recorded in the log file:  • Emergency • Alert • Critical • Error • Warning • Notice • Informational • Debug  3  Choose a reading level from the drop-down menu to determine which types of events to display from the log file:  • Emergency • Alert • Critical • Error • Warning • Notice • Informational • Debug         4-38  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   4  The log file is displayed at the bottom of the window.  5  STOP. This procedure is complete.      4.3  SFU mode GUI configuration   Use the procedures below to use the web-based GUI for the G-240W-B in SFU mode. This mode is preset at delivery.  SFU customer premise devices are designed for single indoor residential applications. These ONTs address the demand for bandwidth intensive services, such as high definition television (HDTV), video-on-demand (VOD) and online games. The ONT can be configured to seamlessly deliver voice-over-IP and high speed Internet access via a single fiber optic connection to the home.   Login Use the procedure below to login to the web-based GUI for the G-240W-B.   Procedure 4-33  Login to web-based GUI  1  Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the ONT in the address bar.  The login window appears.  The default gateway IP address is You can connect to this IP address using your web browser after connecting your PC to one of Ethernet ports of the ONT. The static IP address of your PC must be in the same subnet as the ONT.  2  Enter your username and password in the Log in window, as shown in Figure 4-33.  The default username and password are printed on the ONT. The default superuser username is adminGPON. Contact Alcatel-Lucent for the superuser password.                     Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-39 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Figure 4-33  Web login window     Caution — If you reset the router to recover the default username and password, all other router configuration settings will also be restored to their factory default values. Si  vous  réinitialisez  le  routeur  pour  récupérer  le  nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe par défaut, tous les autres paramètres de configuration  du  routeur  seront  aussi  restaurés  à  leurs  valeurs  par défaut d'usine.   Note —  If you forget the current username and password, press the reset button for 5 s and the default values for the username and password will be recovered at startup. Si vous oubliez le nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe actuel, appuyez sur le bouton de réinitialisation pendant 5 s et les valeurs par défaut pour le nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe sera récupéré au démarrage   3  Click Login.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      Device and connection status G-240W-B ONTs support the retrieval of a variety of device information.
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-34  Device information retrieval  1  Select Status > Device Information from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-34.   Figure 4-34  Device Information window    Table 4-26 describes the fields in the Device Information window.   Table 4-26 Device Information parameters  Field Description Device Name Name on the ONT Vendor Name of the vendor Serial Number Serial number of the ONT Hardware version Hardware version of the ONT Boot version Boot version of the ONT Software version Software version of the ONT Chipset Chipset of the ONT Device Running Time Amount of time the device has run since last reset in hours, minutes, and seconds   2  Click Refresh to update the displayed information.  3  STOP. This procedure is complete.            Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-41 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Maintenance G-240W-B ONT also supports maintenance tasks, including:  • password change • LOID configuration • SLID configuration   Procedure 4-35  Password configuration  1  Select Maintain > Password from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-35.   Figure 4-35  Password window    Table 4-27 describes the fields in the password window.   Table 4-27 Password parameters  Field Description New Password New password Re-enter password Password must match password entered above Prompt message Password prompt message   2  Configure the new password.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.         4-42  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-36  LOID configuration  1  Select Maintain > LOID Config from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-36.   Figure 4-36  LOID configuration window    2  Enter the LOID.  3  Enter the password, if applicable.  4  Click Save/Apply.  5  STOP. This procedure is complete.                               Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-43 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-37  SLID configuration  1  Select Maintain > SLID Configuration from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway window, as shown in Figure 4-37.   Figure 4-37  SLID configuration window    Table 4-28 describes the fields in the SLID configuration window.   Table 4-28 SLID configuration parameters  Field Description Current SLID Displays current SLID Input new SLID Enter new SLID SLID Mode Choose a SLID mode from the drop-down menu.   2  Configure the new SLID.  3  Click Save.  4  STOP. This procedure is complete.      4.4  Operator ID   Use the procedure below to modify the operator ID for the G-240W-B.          4-44  Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01  4 —  Configure a G-240W-B indoor ONT   Procedure 4-38  Modify the operator ID using OLT  1  Create a new .xml file named OntConfig.xml.  a  For AONT releases AONTR2.4.02 and higher, add the following content to the OntConfig.xml file:  <OperatorObject version="1.0">  <OperatorObject="xxxx">  </OperatorObject>  where xxxx is the correct operator ID, such as PTXX.  b  For AONT releases prior to AONTR2.4.02, add the following content to the OntConfig.xml file:  <OpertaorObject version="1.0">  <OpertaorObject="xxxx">  </OpertaorObject>  where xxxx is the correct operator ID, such as PTXX.  2  Use a TFTP client tool to transfer OntConfig.xml to the OLT's ONT directory and change the filename to the software version number, for example, FE54869201410.xml.  3  Using TL1 commands, configure ONUSWCTRL:  ENT-ONTSWCTRL::1::::HWVER=hwver,VARNT=,PLNDSWVER=UNPLANNED, PLNDSWVERCONF=UNPLANNED,DLDSWVER=swver;  where: hwver is the hardware version number, for example 3FE54945ABBA. swver is the software version number used as the filename in step 2, for example 3FE54869201410.  4  Download the .xml file to update the operator ID:  ED-ONT::ONT-1/1/3/1/19::::DLSW=AUTO;  5  Restart the ONT, then connect to the LAN and access the web-based to check the operator ID default setting.  6  Using TL1 commands, disable further downloads:  ED-ONT::ONT-1/1/3/1/19::::DLSW=DISABLED;  7  STOP. This procedure is complete.            Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT  4-45 Edition 01 G-240W-B Product Guide
R05.01.01 | December 2014 | 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA | Edition 01      Customer documentation and product support        Customer documentation Product manuals and documentation updates are available at If you are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Alcatel-Lucent sales representative.    Technical Support      Documentation feedback
R05.01.01  I December  2014 I 3FE-56678-AAAA-TCZZA I Edition 01                                                                  .Lucent 0  @  2014 A1catel-Lucent. A11 rights  served.

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