Alcatel Canada 24T28A01D22C 7390 24 GHz Co-Pol RBS User Manual BS Manual pages 126 to 182
Alcatel Canada Inc 7390 24 GHz Co-Pol RBS BS Manual pages 126 to 182
- 1. BS Manual pages 1 to 16
- 2. BS Manual pages 17 to 30
- 3. BS Manual pages 31 to 40
- 4. BS Manual pages 41 to 45
- 5. BS Manual pages 46 to 50
- 6. BS Manual pages 51 to 55
- 7. BS Manual pages 56 to 60
- 8. BS Manual pages 61 to 70
- 9. BS Manual pages 71 to 76
- 10. BS Manual pages 77 to 125
- 11. BS Manual pages 126 to 182
- 12. BS Manual pages 183 to 190
- 13. BS Manual pages 191 to 228
- 14. BS Manual pages 229 to 246
- 15. BS Manual pages 247 to 276
- 16. BS Manual pages 277 to 280
- 17. BS Manual pages 281 to 284
- 18. BS Manual pages 285 to 302
BS Manual pages 126 to 182
![126/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.9.2 IP addressesNote: To configure IP addressing on all the interfaces for connection to the manager (OS or LT), theBS has two physical interfaces to choose from: the ATM port (fiber optic) and Ethernet port(10bT: J102).Note: The router is the first equipment to be connected to the BS, at the external network side.Note: The encapsulation type for the management link is IP over ATM. The IP cross-connection ser-vice uses a different type of encapsulation.To access the parameters of the IP addresses of the BS, click on the button shown here(in the BS Details screen toolbar).The following configuration screen is displayed, then its two main parts detailed below:Click here to cancel the modificationsClick here to return to the BS details screenClick here to apply the modificationsClick here to enter the 4 bytes of the IP address of the BS at the ATM interface Click here to enter the 4 bytes of the BS Interface IPMask at the ATM interface Click here to enter the 4 bytes of the address of the router of the BS at the ATM interface Click here to enter the VCL coordinates (supplied by the provider) for the management link between a manager and the BSThe Vpi and Vci values must be respectively selected in ranges 0-30 and 0-31 (except 1 to 4 values for Vpi) Click here to select the VCL Bit Rate (64, 128,256, 512 or 1024 kbps), Click here if the system is in WAN network type to lock the IP address modificationClick here to enter the 4 bytes of the BS interface IP mask at the Ethernet InterfaceClick here to enter the 4 bytes of the IP address of the router of the BS at the Ethernet InterfaceClick here to enter the 4 bytes of the IP address of the BS at the Ethernet Interface](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 127/3021824.9.3 Network addressesNote: In order to allow modifications in this Network address screen the "Remote Interface Mode" boxof the IP addresses screen (see § 4.9.2 IP addresses) must not be selected.To access the settings for configuring the interfaces, click on the button in theBS Details screen toolbar, shown here.This involves informing the system of the interfaces used by the managers.The manager is the network supervision software (7390 LT or NSM).FOR REMOTE LT: INTERFACE ROUTE MUST BE DEFINED IN "IP ADDRESS" DIALOG BOX (§ 4.9.2) BEFORE ENTERING THE MANAGER IP ADDRESS INSIDE THE "NETWORK ADDRESS" WINDOW.Both addresses together define the subnetwork the manager connected to route 1 belongs toTarget Network mask used on route 1IP address of manager connected to route 1Click here to scroll down the list and select the type of interface used on the BS to connect the local manager (ETH) (no by default)Click here to scroll down the list and select the type of interface used on the BS to connect the remote manager (ATM)IP address of manager connected to route 2Target Network mask used on route 2](
![128/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.10 Environment and equipment incident management4.10.1 AlarmsAlarms allow incidents occuring on the equipment managed by the 7390 LT to be reported to thesupervisor.For complete alarm management and, in particular, the corrective actions to be performed, refer to § 6.4Corrective maintenance of this manual. Current alarms synthesisThe current alarms synthesis window is opened automatically for the first connection and remains activeas long as the connection to the NE is supervised. Alarms color codeA color code has been adopted to symbolize the five critical levels:–red: critical alarm;–orange: major alarm;–yellow: minor alarm;–light blue: warning alarm;–mauve: indeterminate alarm;Note: Green is used to symbolize no alarm or end of alarm in several screens: BS representation,Alarms list and Event log.Note: There is one color per line in accordance with the ASAP data table (see § 4.10.2 Alarms corres-pondence tables (ASAP)).This window offers a view of the number of active alarms in the systemin terms of critical levels. There are five levels: Critical / Major / Minor/ Warning / Indeterminate.Note: the highest level of criticality is displayed at the bottom right of thegeneral status bar (see § 4.2.2 Accessing and running 7390 LT).The final line, "Total", totalizes the number of active alarms.By double-clicking on one of the levels, the list of same level alarms isdisplayed; by double-clicking on the last line, the list of all the alarms isdisplayed (see § Alarms list).](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 129/3021824.10.1.3 Alarms list4.10.1.4 Sound adjustment of alarmsIt is possible to associate or disassociate the emission of a sound warning for alarms corresponding toa certain critical level:To display the alarms list at any time :–click on the button shown here (in the 7390 LTmain screen),–or, open the Windows pull-down menu and choose the line Current alarmssynthesis,–or, open the Alarms pull-down menu and choose the item Alarms List.To access the alarm sound parameters:–click on the button shown here (on the 7390 LT main screen),–or, open the Alarms pull-down menu and choose the item Sound Parameters.Alarm number: number increases incrementally in order of appearanceTime-stamping of the alarm (format: day /month/year/hours/minutes/seconds)The part of the system affected by the alarm (format: name and number)Probable cause of the alarmNumber of the equipment to which the alarm is assignedAlarm typeClick here to print the list of alarms on the default printer (cf: § 4.1.4)](
![130/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.10.2 Alarms correspondence tables (ASAP)The correspondence between the alarms and the severity levels is managed by an ASAP table. Thereare two types of correspondence tables:–one table for alarms relating to the BS ("BS ASAP"),–one or several tables for alarms of the NTs ("NT Default" and customized tables).To view the correspondence tables: - click on the button shown here, in the 7390 LT main screen,or- open the Alarms pull-down menu and choose the item Alarm list,The following screen appears:Check No to deactivate the sounds associated with the alarmsCheck Yes to activate the sounds associated with the alarmsChoose the critical level starting from which the sound warning should be emittedClick here to modify an ASAP tableQuick search possibility (cf: § )Click here to create a customized NT ASAP tableClick on the arrow to select the ASAP table to be displayed: «BS ASAP», NT Default or the table created by the operatorID number of alarmsClick here to delete an ASAP tableAlarm severity assigned to each probable alarm causeClick here to quit the correspondence tables display windowlarm designation orresponding to the Probable cause» olumn of the alarms list cf:§ and the list f events (cf:§ 4.8)](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 131/3021824.10.2.1 Creation of ASAP table for NTBy default, the new table has the same characteristics as the "NT Default" table. To modify the severitylevels, (see § Modification of alarm severity profile).Note: You can only create ASAP tables for alarms of the NTs. The maximum number of ASAP NTtables is 10 including "ASAP NT Default".Note: You can assign a customized ASAP table to NTs (see § 4.6.2 Declaring a new NT or § 4.6.3 NTDetails) Note: The name of the new asap table must be shorter than 36 characters4.10.2.2 Modification of alarm severity profileTo create a personalized ASAP table for alarms of the NTs, click on the button shownhere (on the ASAP List screen).The following screen appears:To modify the severity levels of a customized ASAP table, click on the button shownhere (on the ASAP List screen).The following screen appears:](
![132/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.10.2.3 Deletion of ASAP table for NTThe following screen appears:Note: You can only delete customized ASAP tables (you cannot delete the "BS ASAP" or the "ASAPNT default" tables).Note: You cannot delete a table assigned to at least one NT. You have to assign another table to thisNT before (see § 4.6.3 NT Details).To delete a customized ASAP table, click on the button shown here (on the ASAPList screen).](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 133/3021824.10.3 Alarms and remotesIn addition to alarms reporting problems for the system and occuring on the equipment (see § 4.10.1Alarms), two configurable types of device are available to the operator for notification and remotesolving of problems linked to the cabinet environment (DBS).These devices are: sensors (fire detection, etc.) and remote controls (extinguisher, etc.) present in thevicinity of the cabinet.Sensors are used for problem detection (see alarms § 4.10.1 Alarms), and remote controls forproblem correction.–alarms: see § Alarm characteristics–remotes: see § Remote characteristicsNote: Default external state is ON for alarms and OFF for remotes.To access the alarms (sensors) and remotes list, click on the button shown here (BSDetails screen toolbar) (see § 4.5 Base Station Supervision).Select a line and click on this button (remote details) or double click on a line to display the details of the selected equipment.Alarms and remotes external state Designation of alarms and remotes](
![134/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.10.3.1 Alarm characteristicsNote: The operator must choose the probable cause from the list of alarms relevant to the BS.This list includes three types of alarm:•X721 standard environment alarms,•A7390 system specific alarms•environment generic alarms:•Environment: critical, •Environment: urgent, •Environment: not urgent.The operator will therefore choose from the first group of alarms and, if necessary, from the lastgroup of alarms.Click here to modify the alarm designationClick here to indicate alarm locationClick here to apply changes to sensor characteristicsAlarm external state reminder: ON /OFFClick here to choose the probable cause which will be affected to this alarm when its state is set on ON (see External state section): (see Note below)Sensor polarity: active if the signal front is hight or low (not subject to change from the 7390LT)](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 135/3021824.10.3.2 Remote characteristics Click here to modify the remote designationClick here to indicate remote locationClick here to apply changes to remote characteristicsSensor polarity: active if the signal front is hight or low (not subject to change from the 7390LT)Remote control external state reminder: ON /OFF can be changed in the External Points List screen (cf: § 4.10.3 )](
![136/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.11 Performance4.11.1 Radio PerformanceRadio performance survey can be configured to manage complete radio links, or NT. Survey can beconfigured on up to 4 NTs per radio links simultaneously and a maximum of 16 NTs.The Radio Performance feature gives the quality of the internal radio transport.To access the radio performance:–click on the button shown here (in the main screen toolbar),–or else, open the Performance pull-down menu and choose the first item:Radio PerformanceClick here to monitor the NT and Radio LinkClick here to stop the monitoring over the NT and Radio LinkClick here to quit the Radio Performance screen](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 137/3021824.11.1.1 NT or radio link supervision start–To start radio performance supervision on a NT, select one NT in the list and click on «Apply».–To start radio performance supervision on a radio link, select one radio link in the list, click on the«Apply» button.–Selection of NT and radio link are exclusive.–If a NT is selected and the required performance is radio link, or if a radio link is selected and therequired performance is NT, click on «Cancel», then select the desired item.START RADIO PERFORMANCE FOR A NT Once you have applied monitoring on one NT, you can close the screenSTART RADIO PERFORMANCE FOR A RADIO LINK Once you have applied monitoring on one radio link, you can close the screen.Click here to scroll down the list and select the NTClick here to apply the modifications Click here to cancel the selections Click here to quit the Radio Performance Start screenClick here to quit the Radio Performance Start screenClick here to scroll down the list and select the Radio Link](
![138/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.11.1.2 Monitoring the Radio Performances–On global Performance screens, performances are displayed globally for one radio link.–Two graphs are displayed for each upstream.–Each graph receives a «date-time field», a «value» field and a «total number» field. –All measures are made for a 5 seconds period. A full graph allows to keep +/- 10 minutes of per-formancesMONITORING THE RADIO PERFORMANCE FOR A NT –Upper graph is for time slots received erroneous by DBS and corrected.Lower graph is for time slots received erroneous by DBS and not corrected.–At measure reception, the «date-time» field contains the time stamp of the received measure. The«value» field contains the measure. The «total number» field contains the total number of timeslots received.–When mouse cursor is moved inside a graph, the «date-time» field of that graph displays the timestamp of the graph at cursor position. The «value» field contains the measure received at cursorposition. The «total number» field contains the total number received at cursor position. This screen is read only.Last radio Entry Duration is the time duration while the NT remained in acquisition state before the last tracking stateRadio Entry Status can have two values: Tracking (when the NT is active and enabled) or Acquisition (when the NT is out of service)Click on these tabs to display the chosen Radio Link Click on these tabs to display the chosen NT](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 139/302182–When data is not received, the graph is not updated. –If a time gap appears in a graph, the corresponding period will be drawn in white.–At measure reception, the «date-time» field contains the time stamp of the received measure. The«value» field contains the measure. The «total number» field contains the total number of timeslots received.–When mouse cursor is moved inside a graph, the «date-time» field of that graph displays the timestamp of the graph at cursor position. The «value» field contains the measure received at cursorposition. The «total number» field contains the total number received at cursor position.–The vertical scales are variable (corrected TS and non-corrected TS) or fixed (Eb / No).–Upper graph is for time slots received erroneous by NT and corrected.Middle graph is for time slots received erroneous by NT and not corrected.Lower graph is for signal over noise ratio.–Long loop control panel contains the graphs of corrections required from the NT by the DBS.–Upper graph contains synchronization corrections.Middle graph contains frequency corrections.Lower graph contains power corrections.DBS NT distance: that value corresponds to the sum of DBS - RBS cable length, RBS - RT distance and RT - NT cable length, in meters. Precision +/- 50m. Click on these tabs to display the chosen Radio Link Click on these tabs to display the chosen NT](
![140/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182–Mean NT power panel contains graphs of power at NT level.–NT input power is the power received from the RBS at NT level.–NT long loop power offset is the result of corrections received from the DBS.–NT frequency offset is the result of corrections received from the DBS.MONITORING THE RADIO PERFORMANCE FOR A RADIO LINK .This screen is read only.](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 141/3021824.12 Client services: leased linesThere are three types of service: Leased Lines (LL), IP lines (see § 4.13 Client services: IP links) andCircuit Emulation Services (CES): see § 4.12.6 Circuit emulation (CES).For service traffic supervision, refer to § 4.7 Radio supervision and parameters. For synchronization,refer to § 4.5.4 Clock synchronization parameters.The leased lines cross-connections managed by the 7390 LT are declined in 4 types: E1 traffic (see §4.12.1 Leased lines E1), X21 (see § Access to the X21 link management), T1 (see § 4.12.3Leased lines T1) and ISDN (see § Presentation of the ISDN link management screen).4.12.1 Leased lines E1A E1 cross-connection is a link between a TNT board of the BS linked to the TDM network (or ATM ifthe CES is used: see § 4.12.6 Circuit emulation (CES)) and the NT terminal (E1 port) linked to the userperipheral devices.The maximum flow offered on a E1 link is a symetrical 2.048 Mbit/s. Procedure of creation of an E1 link (E1 cross-connection)The implementation steps for an E1 cross-connection are as follows:1. Selection and configuration of the ports for cross-connect: BS side (TNT board) (see § Portsconfiguration of TNT board (BS));2. Selection and configuration of the ports for cross-connect: NT side (see § Configuration ofNT ports);3. Cross-connect between time-slots of selected ports: (see § Cross-connect);4. Creation of an E1 link: (see § 4.12.5 Principles of management common to all types of leased lines); Access to the E1 link managementTo access E1 lines management:–click on the button shown here (in the main screen toolbar),or else,–open the Service pull-down menu and choose the first item: E1.](
![142/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.1.3 Presentation of the E1 link management screenClick here to access the TNT ports configuration of the selected equipmentClick here to access the NT ports configurationE1 cross-connection creationDelete the chosen linkAllow to modify the name of the selected cross-connetion (cf: § )Cancel the current cross-connectLocking / unlocking the administrative state (cf: § )List of E1 links (cf: § search (cf: § )Display of the 16 E1 ports of the chosen TNT:Input / output characteristics of the selected TNT boardCross-connect zoneIndicator of cross-connect position1 IT = 64 kbpsQuick search (cf: § of the 2 E1 ports of the chosen NT (the grayed out ports are not accessible to the leased lines)- «E1» port: not configured- «G703» port: unstructured- «G704» port: structured(cf § and § )](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 143/3021824.12.1.4 Ports configuration of TNT board (BS)The screen listing the E1 ports of the TNT is displayed:Note: The modification of the port configuration is possible if the port state is locked.Note: Unlocking a TNT port state is only possible when you have configured it.Next, access the ports configuration of the TNT board selected by clicking on the firstbutton, shown here (on the toolbar of the E1 cross-connections screen).On the E1 cross-connection screen (see § Presentation of the E1 link management screen ), select first of all, the TNT board concerned by the cross-connect by scrolling down the list.The port labels are to be entered in the TNT Ports Configuration screen: (cf: § type: G703, G704 (initially E1)Type of line code: hdb3 (one choice)Check box to lock / unlock the port’s administrative state. By default, the port is locked.Port configuration modification is only possible when the port is lockedScroll down the list to configure the port: structure or unstructured (initially: not configured)Appears if the configuration state is structured; to be checked if the corresponding hardware uses CR4](
![144/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.1.5 Configuration of NT portsNote: The modification of the port configuration is possible if the port state is locked.Note: Unlocking a NT port state is only possible when you have configured it.Next, access the ports configuration of the chosen NT by clicking on the second button,shown here (on the toolbar of the E1 cross-connections screen).On the E1 cross-connection screen (see § Presentation of the E1 link management screen),Click on the arrow to scroll down the NT list declared, then select the NT concerned by the cross-connect.The ports label is to be entered in the NT Details screen (see § 4.6.2)Check box to lock / unlock the port’s administrative state; by default, the port is lockedType of line code: hdb3Scroll down the list to configure the port: structured or unstructuredSee § 4.11.1Click here to confirm a modification Click here to cancel modificationsClick here to return to the Cross-connections screenPort type: G703, G704](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 145/3021824.12.1.6 Cross-connectCross connection consists in matching the time-slots (TSs) of a configured port of the TNT board withthose of a configured port of the NT.Note: To make an E1 "cross-connection", E1 type TNT ports can be cross connected with E1 or X21type NT ports.There are two types of cross-connect: between structured ports and between unstructured ports.If the operator wants to offer a 2 Mbps contract, the cross connnection must be unstructured: using aG703 TNT port (32 available TSs, global selection of TSs).If the operator wants to offer a less than 2 Mbps contract, the cross connection must be structured:using a G704 TNT port (31 available TSs, individual selection of TSs).–Unstructured case:In this case, the maximum bit rate is supplied because all the selected TNT port time-slots are connectedto the NT port time-slots.–Structured case:To implement the cross-connect in structured case, proceed in the same way as for non-structured ports,but this time select the time-slots individually.Thirty one time-slots can be brought into play in a E1 cross-connection (the first time-slot (grayed out) isnot accessible because reserved for synchronization). The maximum bit rate is 31*64 kbps.The cross-connect arrows offer you guidance for dragging the TNT slots to the available NT slots; if thecurrent cross-connect corresponds to "unauthorized" ones, an error message is displayed at the bottomof the window and the cross-connect arrows indicate the NT time-slots to which the cross-connect isdirected.1 Select the unstructured ports that you wish to connect2- Select the block of time slots at the TNT by pressing a time slot of the of the time slot block at the TNT 4- Release the buttons: all the slots are selected5- Confirm the cross-connect by creating the cross-conection (see § Press the CTRL key while clicking on the left button of the mouse on a TNT time slot and slide the mouse pointer towards NT time slots](
![146/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182The slots of a real cross-connection (following the creation phase: see § Creation of a cross-connection) are colored in green.Note: It is not mandatory to create cross-connections with consecutive time slots. In that case, youmust match the first group of TNT time slot with a group of NT time slot, and then match thesecond group and so on.Note: It is not possible to «cross» the links between TNT and NT time slots. Example on the above con-figuration link between TNT-TS 10 and TNT-TS 3 not authirized. GroomingSeveral NTs can be fed from a single TNT board and a single E1 port. This is known as "grooming".not authorized](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 147/3021824.12.2 Leased lines X21A X21 cross-connection is a link between a TNT board of the BS linked to the TDM network (or ATM ifthe CES is used: see § 4.12.6 Circuit emulation (CES)) and the NT terminal (X21 port) linked to the userperipheral devices.The maximum flow offered on an X21 link is 2 Mbps. Creation procedure of an X21 linkThe implementation stages for an X21 cross-connection are as follows:1. Selection and configuration of the ports for cross-connect: BS side (TNT board): see § Portsconfiguration of TNT board (BS);2. Selection of NT ports for cross-connect: see § Port selection on the NT side;3. Cross-connect between time-slots of selected ports: see § Cross-connect;4. Creation of an X21 link: see § Creation of a cross-connection; Access to the X21 link managementTo access X21 line management: Presentation of the X21 link management screenAs the other sections are the same as that of the E1 leased lines screen, refer to § Presentationof the E1 link management screen.–click on the button shown here (in the main screen button bar),or else,–open the Service pull-down menu and choose the item: E1.](
![148/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.2.4 Ports configuration of TNT board (BS)As the TNT board port configuration principle is the same as that of E1 leased lines, refer to § configuration of TNT board (BS).In case of 32 TS transmission, the TNT port has to be unstructured.In case of transmission < 32 TS, the TNT port has to be structured. Port selection on the NT sideThere is no particular configuration to define the X21 ports.On the E1 cross-connection screen (see § Presentation of the E1 link management screen),Click on the arrow to scroll down the NT list declared, then select the NT concerned by the cross-connect.](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 149/3021824.12.2.6 Cross-connectIn the case of an X21 "cross-connection", the cross connect is performed between an NT X21 port anda TNT board E1 port.As the TNT/NT ports cross connection principle is the same as that of the E1 leased lines, refer to § Cross-connect. GroomingAs the possibility of grooming is of the same type as for E1 leased lines, refer to § Grooming.4.12.3 Leased lines T1A T1 cross-connection is a link between a TNT board of the BS linked to the TDM network (or ATM ifthe CES is used: see § 4.12.6 Circuit emulation (CES)) and the NT terminal (E1 port) linked to the userperipheral devices.The maximum flow offered on a T1 link is 1.544 Mbit/s. Creation procedure of a T1 linkThe implementation stages for a T1 cross-connection are as follows:1. Selection and configuration of the ports for cross-connect: BS side (TNT board) (see § Portsconfiguration of TNT board (BS));2. Selection and configuration of the ports for cross-connect: NT side (see § Configuration ofNT ports);3. Cross-connect between time-slots of selected ports: (see § Cross-connect);4. Creation of a T1 link: (see § 4.12.5 Principles of management common to all types of leased lines).IN THE CASE OF STRUCTURED CROSS CONNECT, ALL THE TIME SLOTS MUST BE CONSECUTIVE ON THE NT SIDE.(see § and §](
![150/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.3.2 Access to the T1 link managementTo access T1 link management: Presentation of the T1 link management screenAs the other sections are the same as that of the E1 leased lines screen, refer to § Presentationof the E1 link management screen.Nota: In unstructured mode, 24 + 1 TS are used on the radio.In the other cases, the same number of TS is used for the TS link as well as for the radio.–click on the button shown here (in the main screen button bar),or else,–open the Service pull-down menu and choose the item: T1](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 151/3021824.12.3.4 Ports configuration of TNT board (BS)Note: The TNT board must comprise T1 type ports (see § TNT board screen).The screen listing the T1 ports of the TNT is displayed:Note: The modification of the port configuration is possible if the port state is locked.Note: Unlocking a port state is only possible if you have configured it.Next, access the ports configuration of the TNT board selected by clicking on the firstbutton, shown here (on the toolbar of the T1 cross-connections screen).On the E1 cross-connection screen (see § Presentation of the E1 link management screen ), select first of all, the TNT board concerned by the cross-connect by scrolling down the list.The port labels are to be entered in the TNT Ports Configuration screen: (cf: § type: G703, G704SF, G704ESF and initially T1Check box to lock / unlock the port’s administrative state. By default, the port is locked.Scroll down the list to configure the port: structured SF structured ESF or unstructured (initially: not configured))Scroll down the list to choose the line code type: ami or b8zsScroll down the list to select the interval covering the length of the cable connected to this port: 0 to 110 ft /110 to 220 ft / 220 to 440 ft / 440 to 660 ft (1 ft = 1 foot = 0.3048 m )](
![152/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.3.5 Configuration of NT portsAs the NT port configuration principle is the same as that for E1 leased lines, refer to § of NT ports. Cross-connectAs the TNT/NT ports cross connection principle is the same as that for E1 leased lines, refer to § In the case of cross connection G703 we have 25 TSs transmitted on the radio (24 used and 1TSfor the frame management from where 25x64 = 1.6 Mbps). GroomingAs the possibility of grooming is the same as for the E1 leased lines, refer to § Grooming.Next, access the ports configuration of the chosen NT by clicking on the secondbutton, shown here (on the button bar of the T1 Leased Lines screen).T1 type (TNT) ports cannot be cross connected with E1 or X21 type (NT) ports.To make a T1 "cross-connection", only T1 type ports with the same configuration canbe cross connected:G703-G703 (unstructured cross connect),G704SF-G704SF (structured cross connect),G704ESF-G704ESF (structured cross connect).On the E1 cross-connection screen (see § Presentation of the E1 link management screen),Click on the arrow to scroll down the NT list declared, then select the NT concerned by the cross-connect.(see §](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 153/3021824.12.4 Leased lines ISDNAn ISDN cross-connection is a link between a TNT board of the BS linked to the TDM network (or ATMif the CES is used: see § 4.12.6 Circuit emulation (CES)) and the NT terminal (ISDN port) linked to theuser peripheral devices.The maximum flow offered on an ISDN link is 128 kbps. Access to the ISDN link managementTo access ISDN line management: Presentation of the ISDN link management screen–click on the button shown here (in the main screen button bar),or else,–open the Services pull-down menu and choose the item: ISDN.](
![154/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182As the other sections are the same as that of the ISDN Leased Lines screen, refer to § of the E1 link management screen Presentation of the E1 linkmanagement screen.Nota: There is no particular confirmation when creating an ISDN link for a ISDN port. Ports configuration of TNT board (BS)Nota : The TNT board must comprise ISDN type ports (see § TNT board screen).The screen listing the ISDN ports of the TNT is displayed:Next, access the ports configuration of the TNT board selected by clickingon the first button, shown here (on the toolbar of the ISDN Cross-connectionsscreen).](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 155/302182Note: The modification of the port configuration is possible if the port state is locked. GroomingThe possibility of grooming is the same as for the E1 leased lines, refer to § Grooming. down the list to configure the port: unstructured, structured, structured ISDN (initially: not configured))The port labels are to be entered in the TNT Ports Configuration screen: (cf:§ type: G703, G704, ISDN and initially E1Check box to lock / unlock the port’s administrative state. By default, the port is locked.Scroll down the list to choose the line code type: hdb3Appears if the configuration state is structured: to be checked if the corresponding hardware uses CR4](
![156/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.5 Principles of management common to all types of leased lines4.12.5.1 List of cross-connectionsThe Leased Lines screen lists existing links by displaying their characteristics: Cancelling a current configuration of cross-connection4.12.5.3 Creation of a cross-connectionTo cancel a configuration of cross-connection: - select the cross-connection you wish to cancel in the cross-connection listand then,- click on the button shown here (in the button bar of the Leased Linesscreen).Following cross-connection, access cross-connect creation by clicking on thebutton shown here (in the button bar of the Leased Lines screen).Link designationTNT used in the linkTNT port used in the linkAdministrative status of the link: locked / unlocked (see § port used in the linkNT used in the linkClick in this field to modify the designation by defaultClick here to create the cross-connectionClick here to cancel the cross-connection creation and to return to the Leased Lines screen](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 157/3021824.12.5.4 Editing the name of a link of leased line type4.12.5.5 Locking / Unlocking of a cross-connectionIt is possible to lock or unlock a cross-connection:–unlocking authorises traffic on the link–locking blocks traffic on the linkThis action is carried out by modifying the administrative status of the cross-connection.When a link is created, its administrative status is locked by default, which prevents the system frombeing blocked during cross-connection, in the event of equipment problems.The locking operation may then be implemented on the cross-connection for reasons of maintenanceor for freezing services during disputes between end user and telecoms operator.Note: The administrative status of the cross-connections is not correlated with that of the ports. Thismakes it possible to manage the "grooming" capacity at the TNT board ports (see § where several cross-connections to different NT ports can be cross-connected to thesame port of a TNT board.To lock / unlock a link, select the cross-connection concerned on the E1 cross-connection screen (see§ Presentation of the E1 link management screen) and:To edit the name of a link, select the link in the cross-connections list (see § Ports configuration of TNT board (BS)), then click on the button shownhere.FOR A SUBSCRIBER TO HAVE ACCESS TO TRAFFIC, THE CROSS-CONNECTION MUST BE UNLOCKED FOR CREATION OF CLIENT SERVICES.THIS OPERATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TELECOMS OPERATOR.IF A PORT IS LOCKED / UNLOCKED, ALL THE CROSS-CONNECTIONSINVOLVING THIS PORT WILL BE RESPECTIVELY LOCKED/UNLOCKED.–click on the icon of the toolbar shown here to lock: the administrative status of thecross-connection switches from "unlocked" to "locked".–click on the icon of the toolbar shown here to unlock: the administrative status ofthe cross-connection switches from "locked" to "unlocked".Click here to modify the link nameClick here to confirm a modification](
![158/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.12.5.6 Suppression of a leased lineNote: an unlocked cross-connection cannot be suppressed (see § Procedure of creation of anE1 link (E1 cross-connection)).4.12.6 Circuit emulation (CES)Circuit emulation allows leased lines (E1, X21, T1, ISDN) to be implemented on the ATM network (andno longer TDM).It deals with the creation, in addition to the standard leased line link, of a second "cross-connection"between the TNT board and the ANT board which is linked to the ATM network. The CES processes thesignal to recreate it on the TNT board, which therefore emulates a direct "cross-connection" between theATM network and the TNT board.This operating mode notably allows a single connection cable on the BS for all types of client services.Note: a TNT board (and therefore all its ports) can operate only in a given mode: either local (TDMnetwork) or ATM.. CES link creation procedureThe steps to implement a CES "cross-connection" are as follows:1. Selection of the implemented TNT board;2. Selection of the selected TNT board ports;3. Choice of the ATM link Vci on the ANT board;4. Creation of the CES link.Note: There is only one type of CES link. Indeed, there is no correlation between the TNT port type(E1, T1,ISDN and their G703, G704 (SF, ESF) configurations and the CES "cross-connection". Access to CES managementTo access circuit emulation management:To leave out a link: select the link in the cross-connections list (see § Portsconfiguration of TNT board (BS)), then click on the button shown here (in the button barof the screen).BEFORE PERFORMING CIRCUIT EMULATION, YOU MUST CONFIGURE THEINPUT / OUTPUT TYPE OF THE TNT BOARD IMPLEMENTED IN ATM MODE AND ALSO THE CHARACTERISTICS LINKED WITH SYNCHRONIZATION, USED TO RECREATE THE FRAMES ON THE TNT BOARD (SEE CREATION OF A CES LINK, ASSOCIATED TNT PORTS MUST BE LOCKED.–click on the button shown here (in the main screen button bar),or else,–open the Services pull-down menu and choose the item: CES](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 159/3021824.12.6.3 Presentation of the CES management screenTo allow modification, the TNT port must be locked. Unlock it after CES creation. Suppression of a CES linkNote: to suppress a CES type link, the associated TNT port has to be locked. ONCE THE TNT / ANT LINK IS CREATED, THE TNT BOARD CAN NO LONGERBE CONFIGURED IN LOCAL MODE, AND THE VALUES LINKED TO THE SYNCHRONIZATION (CELL DV AND MAX BUFF) CANNOT BE MODIFIED. TO DO SO WOULD REQUIRE THIS LINK TO BE PREVIOUSLY SUPPRESSED.To suppress a CES type link, select it in the circuit emulation services list of the CircuitEmulation Service screen (see § Presentation of the CES management screen)then click on the button of the toolbar shown here.lick on this button to create the CES link being configured (TNT/ANT)Click here to suppress the selected CES linkExisting CES «cross-connections» listVpi value (31 for the CESs)Click here to select the implementedTNT board portClick here to define the Vci value (from 32 to 1023)Click here to scroll down the installed TNT board lists and select the TNT board implemented in the CES cross-connectionClick here to exit the CES Management screen](
![160/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.13 Client services: IP linksAn IP cross-connection is a link between an ATM input of the BS linked to the network and an Ethernetport of the NT terminal linked to the user peripheral devices.The maximum bit rate offered on an IP link is 8512 Kbps in downlink (BS to NT) and 7448 Kbps in uplink(NT to BS).There are 2 types of TS link: the static IP service and the dynamic IP service.4.13.1 Creation procedure of an IP linkThe implementation stages for an IP cross-connection are as follows:1. ATM board configuration at the BS: see § 4.9.1 ATM;2. Configuration of the NT Ethernet ports: see § Configuration of NT Ethernet ports;3. Selection of the ATM channel: see § Creation of an IP link;4. Selection of the NT Ethernet port implemented in the link: see § Creation of an IP link;5. Choice of the IP link type: see § Creation of an IP link;6. Choice of transmission and reception traffic: see § Creation of an IP link;7. IP link creation: see § Creation of an IP link;4.13.2 Access to the IP link managementTo access IP services management:–click on the button shown here (in the main screen button bar),or else,–open the Service pull-down menu and choose the item: IP.](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 161/3021824.13.2.1 Presentation of the IP screen Up MCR: This value indicates the Minimum Cell Rate in Kbit/s, which can be used in the upstreambandwidth in order to transmit flow. For Ethernet flow, the maximum value is 7168. For ATM flow, themaximum value is 8192 on ETSI channels and 9984 on FCC channels.Up CCR: This value indicates the Complementary Cell Rate in kbit/s (PCR = MRC + CCR).Up PCR: This value indicates the Peak Cell Rate in Kbit/s in the upstream bandwidth.Down MCR: This value indicates the rate in kbit/s, which can be used in the downstream bandwidth inorder to transmit flow.Click here to access the NT ports configuration: (cf § here to create an IP cross-connection: (cf § here to delete the IP link chosen from the list: (cf § to modify the name of the selected «cross-connection»Locking/unlocking the administrative status: (cf § Quick search: (cf § Minimum Cell RateDesignation of IP linkVCL coordinatesName and number of NT port used in the link(cf § 4.4.3)Upstream Peak Cell RateClick here to access the details of the IP link chosen from the list: (cf § Minimum Cell RateAllocation type: full dynamic or static](
![162/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.13.2.2 Configuration of NT Ethernet portsNote: Do not enter more than 60 characters.Note: When a NT port is full duplex the Configuration State field is deactivared in the other port.When the Administrative State is unlocked the Configuration State field is deactivated. To access the NT Ethernet ports configuration, click on the button shownhere (on the button bar of the IP screen).Quick search (cf: § on the arrow to select the NT used in the cross-connection from the pull-down listThe NT ID number is displayed automatically once the NT is selectedClick here to apply the ports configurationThe designation of the Ethernet ports of the selected NT is to be performed in the NT Details screen (cf:§ 4.6.3)Click here to cancel the current configurationAdministrative state of the Ethernet port of the selected NT: locked or unlockedOperational state of the Ethernet port of the selected NT: enabled or disabledClick here to return to the IP links listConfiguration state of the Ethernet port of the selected NT: half duplex or full duplex](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 163/3021824.13.2.3 Creation of an IP linkAN IP link can be composed of 2 kinds of traffic: data and voice. At creation , the operator has to chooseif the 2 kinds are used or not. Then, he configures each part.The following table gives the information to define the different bit rate types in the New IP Cross-connection screen::To access creation of an IP link, click on the button shown here (in the buttonbar of the IP screen).IP traffic typeUpstream channel (transmission) Downstream channel (reception)Possible MCR values (Kbps) Possible CCR values (Kbps) Possible MCR values(Kbps)Full dynamic IPDiscrete values from 8.3125 to 7448 Discrete values from 0 to 8512 by 66.5 kbps pitchDiscrete values 8.3125; 16.625; 33.25; 66.5; 133; 266; 532; 1064; 2128; 3192; 4256; 5320; 6384; 7448 and 8512Static IP Discrete values from 66.5 to 7448 by 66.5 kbps pitchDiscrete values from 66.5 to 8512 by 66.5 kbps pitchClick here to enter the VCL coordinates of the ATM board:connection: only data or both data and voice (Vpi: 0 to 30, Vci: 32 to 1023) Click on the arrow to select the NT used in the cross-connection from the pull-down menuClick here to define the IP traffic type used: static or dynamicSelect the Ethernet port used in the cross-connectionClick here to return to the IP links list Click here to cancel creation of the IP cross-connectionMove the pointers to define the new upstream and downstream bit rates of the new IP link: see the possible values in the table below.Click here to create the IP cross-connectionClick here to enter the name of the cross-connection to be createdQuick search: (cf § here to select the type of cross-connection: only data or both data and voice](
![164/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182Note: The bit rates represent the bit rates used on the ATM access of the DBS.Note: Only one "cross-connection" may be sufficient to use all the capacity of an NT. In case of over-flow, the 7390 LT displays an error message after the agent has rejected the IP link creation.The agent checks that maximum bit rate on all the Ethernet ports is lower or equal than 15 Kbps.That maximum bit rate on DS traffic of all Ethernet ports is lower or equal than 8512 Kbps.That maximum bit rate on the US traffic of all the Ethernet ports is lower or equal than7448 Kbps.Note: A pair of coordinates of ATM cells (Vpi, Vci) is single. When creating the IP cross-connection, ifyou define a pair already existing, an error message will inform you at the bottom of the window.You can consult the list of the couples already defined, reserved to the IP cross-connections inthe list of the IP links § Presentation of the IP screen.Note: Ethernet port 2 has a 32 bytes buffer (port 1 only 16). Also use this one for heavy bursty traffic. Characteristics and traffic of an IP link–IP cross-connection characteristics:PHYSICALLY, EACH NT CAN ACCEPT A MAXIMUM TOTAL BIT RATE OF15 MBPS FOR THE SUM OF THE DOWNSTREAM CHANNELS AND THEUPSTREAM CHANNELSTo access the consultation of the characteristics of an IP link chosen from the listof IP cross-connections, click on the button shown here (in the button bar of the IPscreen).IP cross-connection characteristicsIP cross-connection traffic characteristics VCL characteristics for voiceVCL characterisics for data](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 165/302182–VCL characteristics for data:–VCL characteristics for voice–Uplink (reception) and downlink (transmission) traffic description: Vci coordinate of the VCL: from 32 to1023 Vpi coordinate of the VCL from 0 to 31Characteristis of the frame level conveyed in the ATMMCR (Minimum Cell Rate) traffic: average bit rate ensured with respect to the required bit rateTraffic index numberCCR (Complementary Cell Rate) which can be used in the upstream bandwidth in order to transmit flow. For Ethernet, the maximum value is 7168Upflow PCR (Peak Cell Rate) from cross-connection (max = 7448 Kbps): possible bit rate upper limit with respect to the required bit rate (MCR plus CCR equal PCR)](
![166/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.13.2.5 Editing the name of an IP link4.13.2.6 Locking / unlocking of an IP cross-connectionIt is possible to lock or unlock a cross-connection:–unlocking authorises IP traffic on the link,–locking blocks IP traffic on the link.This action is carried out by modifying the administrative status of the IP cross-connection.When a link is created, its administrative status is locked by default, which prevents the system frombeing blocked during cross-connection, in case of equipment problems..The locking operation may then be implemented on the cross-connection for reasons of maintenanceor for freezing services during disputes between end user and telecoms operator.Note: the administrative status of the cross-connections is not correlated with that of the ports.To lock / unlock a link, select the cross-connection concerned on the IP Cross-connection screen (§ Presentation of the IP screen), and:To modify the name of an IP link selected in the IP cross-connections list, clickon the button shown here (on button bar of the IP screen).FOR A SUBSCRIBER TO HAVE ACCESS TO TRAFFIC, THE CROSS-CONNECTION MUST BE UNLOCKED FOR CREATION OF CLIENT SERVICES.THIS OPERATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TELECOMS OPERATOR.IF A PORT IS LOCKED, THERE WILL BE NO SERVICE ON ANYCROSS-CONNECTION INVOLVING THIS PORT.–click on the icon of the button bar shown here to lock: the administrative status ofthe IP cross-connection switches from "unlocked" to "locked".–click on the icon of the button bar shown here to unlock: the administrative statusof the IP cross-connection switches from "locked" to "unlocked".Click in this field to modify the name of an IP link](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 167/3021824.13.2.7 Deleting an IP linkA confirmation screen is displayed:Note: An IP link can be deleted only if it is locked.To delete an IP link chosen from the list of IP cross-connections, click on thebutton shown here (on button bar of the IP screen).Click here to delete the IP cross-connectionClick here to cancel the request to delete the IP cross-connection](
![168/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.14 Utilities4.14.1 NFS serverTo configure the NFS server:4.14.2 Backup / RestoreThe backup and restore functions are mainly used for protection during maintenance operations in orderto avoid the loss of system configuration data (equipment parameters, created customer services, etc.).These functions are implemented locally, on the 7390 LT craft terminal. The configuration data is backedup on the ANT board.To access the backup / restore function:–click on the button shown here (on the 7390LT main screen),–or, open the Management pull-down menu and choose NFS Server.–click on the button shown here on the main button bar,or else,–open the Database pull-down menu and select the heading: Backup /Restore Management.](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 169/302182The following screen appears, in which each tab is dedicated to each of the 2 functions:Depiction of the transfer fileDepiption of the ANT board containing the dataPhase animationClick here to display the phase color legendClick on this tab to access the backup management (cf: § on this tab to access the restore management (cf: § common to the two tabs; the file status may be:- «ready» at the start and successful end of the process,- «stopping» after the process has been manually interrupted,- «running backup / restore» as process is underway (during which the animation runs)](
![170/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.14.2.1 Backing up a system configurationThe backup takes place in two phases: the conversion of the contents of the ANT memory into a filethat can be transferred then the transfer of the configuration file to the LT database.To access the backup management, click on the Backup tab of the Backup / Restore Managementscreen (see § 4.14.2 Backup / Restore).Backup has terminated successfully once the file result field displays "no error", the file size is not zeroand the file status is "ready".–Change the transfer file name after clicking on the Select button of the previous screen:Note: The destination directory must be shared in NFS format: see NFS server configuration in A.2.6.3– Configuring the NFS server.2-Click here to run the backup file to the LT Click here to stop the file transfer to the LT Click here to exit the Backup / Restore functions Size of backup fileStatus of generated file: no error/no space/write errorCurrent backup file pathReservation status of the backup file: «reserved / not reserved»: backup can only run if «not reserved»1-Click here to select the destination path for the backup file and rename it (see screen below: Enter the name of the File to be transfered by the agent)1.Click on the arrow to select the destination disk2.Open the destination directory by double-clicking on it3.Click here to enter the backup file name](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 171/3021824.14.2.2 Restoring a system configurationRestoration is carried out in two phases: the transfer of a configuration file from the LT database to theAgent, then the restore configuration to the ANT board (with conversion of the configuration file intoexploitable data).To access the restore management, click on the restore tab of the Backup / Restore Managementscreen (see § 4.14.2 Backup / Restore).Restoration has terminated successfully once the file result field displays "no error", the file size is notzero and the file status is "restore".Note: Once restoration is complete, the configuration is then reintegrated into the system. The Agentreboots automatically with this new configuration; there is a break in the management link withthe LT but the reconnection to the NE and recovery of data take place automatically.IN THE BS DETAILS SCREEN, IF THE FIELD "NAME" IS EMPTY, YOU CAN RESTORE ANY BACKUP, OTHERWISE YOU CAN ONLY RESTORE BACKUPTHAT CONTAINS THE SAME BS "NAME".Click here to run file restoring of the system configuration data to the ANT boardClick here to stop the file transfer to the LT Click here to exit the Backup / Restore functionsFile result: no error/no space/write error, incoherent format, variable not positionned, partial fileCurrent restore file pathClick here to select the destination path for the restore file and rename it (see screen below : Enter the name of the file that the agent is to transfer)](
![172/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182–Change the transfer file name after clicking on the «Select» button of the previous screen:1.Click on the arrow to select the source disk3.Select the desired restore file from the list of files of the selected directory2.Select the source directory of the LT by double-cliking on it](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 173/3021824.14.3 DownloadingDownloading, mainly used during maintenance, or on first commissioning, replaces or upgrades thecomponent software of the NE (BS + NTs).AMD boards must be configured with their radio settings prior to starting downloading. NE downloadingmust always come before any 7390 LT update if this update is included in the software upgrade.During the download of a new software, the IP Traffic can be degraded to about 10-3 .Downloading can be carried out via Ethernet (10 BT) or ATM.On ATM, the max. bit rate authorised is 10 Mbps.To access the downloading function:–Software Package in the 7390LT serverDO NOT RENAME FILES OR DIRECTORIES.–click on the button (provided if it is active, see § Entry fields) onthe main menu button bar (shown here),or else,–open the Management pull-down menu and choose the item: SoftwareManagement.365271Click here to access the listing for the selected file (cf § data in the detail screens of the boards (cf § 4.5.2)](
![174/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182–Software Package in an external serverIf a NFS server is defined (see § 4.14.1), when the LT detects a disynchronization between thetwo software packages, it will obtain the right software in that server.THE SOFTWARE DOWNLOADING DIRECTORY MUST BE IN THE SAMECOMPUTER AS THE LT APPLICATION, MUST NOT CONTAIN NON STANDARD ASCII OR SPACE CHARACTERS AND MUST NOT BE RENAMED.3. 6. data in the detail screens of the boards (cf § 4.5.2)](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 175/3021824.14.3.1 Downloading steps–pre-requirement: AMD boards should be configured (mandatory).There are two possible cases in point, influencing how the downloading steps should proceed: i.e.,whether or not the MIB versions (databases modelling the equipment) are different for the mana-ger and for the agent. Once downloading is run, the system detects automatically any discrepancybetween the MIB versions, and realigns where necessary.Note: The About 7390 LT window gives the database version (see § 4.2.2 Accessing and running7390 LT).The downloading steps are as follows:1. Select the file describing the software configuration (action in Software Management screen)(§ Object and destination of the software to be imported),2. Select the software storage zone on the BS (action in Software Management screen) (package 1or 2),3. Load the software (action in Software Management screen) (§ Software import),4. Rendering MIB compatibility: (in the case of divergent MIBs) (automatic in other screen) ( § Rendering compatible the MIBs),5. Referencing of the software (action in Software Management screen) (§ Referencingsoftware),6. Activate the selected software configuration (action in Software Management screen) (§ of data),7. Updating the statuses on the 7390 LT: wait for 10 minutes approximately (action in SoftwareManagement screen, § 4.14.3).8. Start again Loading the same package on the other software storage zone (without activating norreferencing it) to enable automatic update of the new NTs coming in the network.Note: Each software package must be individually exported via NFS Server (see A.2.6.2 – Installationof NFS server)•NR 2.1 to NR 2.2a upgrade is described in § Upgrading the equipment from release2.1 / 2.2a to 2.2b•Commissioning for the first time is described in § 7.3.13 First 7390NE software update•NR 2.1 to NR 2.2b upgrade is described in § the equipment from release2.1 / 2.2a to 2.2b•NR 2.2a to NR 2.2b upgrade is described in § Object and destination of the software to be importedTo select the software to be downloaded, click on the button shown here (see screen§ 4.14.3 Downloading); the updated list of software is displayed; double click on thefile to be imported, on the «Apply» button then on «Close».](
![176/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182Back to the software management window, select the file then the destination package which isavailable (the one which activates the "Download" icon). see step 2 § 4.14.3 Downloading. Detail of the software configuration fileThe maintenance operator can choose display as a means of checking the contentof the file describing the software configuration.To display the content of the software configuration file, click on the button shownhere (see screen in § 4.14.3 Downloading): the listing is displayed; then close thewindow with a click on the «Close» button.Click here to return to the previous screenClick here (if active) to select the file to be downloadedLocation of the directory containing the software configuration](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 177/3021824.14.3.4 Software importTo load the software to the boards:Note: this button is activated once the selections described in the previous paragraph have beenmade.A screen indicating the progress of the downloading is displayed:Note: During the download phase, it is forbidden to insert any board in the DBS.Note: If NTs were to be inserted during downloading, their download statistics would not be updated.Note: If the status DOWNLOAD becomes red because of a time out, it does not mean that the softwareimport step was interrupted by error.The loading is still going on in the system. But the operatorwill have to start the sofware import again.Click on the «Download» button shown here (provided it is active) of theSoftware Management screen button bar.The sequencing of the download phases is permanently displayed,throughout the download. The sequence is presented on the left ofthe window, and features the following color code:- white: step not carried out ;- white with gray writing: step not required ;- green: step underway ;- yellow: step successfully completed ;- sky blue: current step canceled ;- red: step interrupted by error. Status of downloading progress Number of boards downloaded Progress barsNumber of NTs downloadedNumber of NTs that could not be downloadedNumber of NTs to be downloadedAccessible after manually interrupting («Abort» button) the downmoad: click here (if active) to close the windowClick here to continue downloading and to display the download report (cf: § active as soon as the BS side download is 100% complete) Number of boards which have not be downloadedNumber of boards to be downloadedDuring download, click here (if active) to cancel the current step](
![178/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.14.3.5 Downloading reportOnce the downloading phase is over (see § Software import), a report is provided detailing thesoftware present for the different board types of the BS:IF MIB COMPATIBILITY IS CANCELLED, NE CONFIGURATION IS ENTIRELY LOST.Name of downloaded softwareVersion of downloaded software Status of downloaded softwareReminder of data(cf:§)Quick search(cf:§)Type of boards of the DBSClick here (if active) to cancel the rendering MIB compatibility, if the button is available at the end of the process Click here to migrate the MIB if the button is still active at the end of the process: it requires the rendering MIB compatibility step (cf:§)Click here (if active) to exit the dowload function (terminated) and go to referencing the software (cf:§)OR](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 179/3021824.14.3.6 Rendering compatible the MIBsThis operation only takes place where there are different versions of the databases, and ensures thatthe common exchange base structures are compatible.Note: Movement between the phases: Backup, NE->LT transfer, MIB Migration and LT->NE transfertakes place automatically without having to click Continue.The Backup phase is too rapid to view its progress in the "Backup Status" screen zone.The phases: NE->LT transfer and LT->NE transfer may take a greater or lesser time dependingon the link bit rate. Their progress is displayed in the "Transfer sRam file" zone.The principle of these 3 steps is the same as for the Backup/Restore function: § Backingup a system configuration.The MIB Migration phase is quite a long operation that lasts around 30 minutes.Migration is successfully terminated once the migration result displays "success"."C:/A7390WW" CONVERSION DIRECTORY MUST BE EXPORTED INREAD / WRITE STATE TO THE NFS SERVER AND THE SOFTWARE REQUIREDFOR MIGRATION MUST BE INSTALLEDTransfer phase to LT from LT: transfer of data file to manager / to DBS Backup phase: generation of data fileWhile in progress, click here (if active) to cancel the current phaseInitial version of IM Final version of IMProgress of migration (the designation of each transfer phase is displayed under the relative progress bar) Accessible at the end of the process («END» phase): click here to exit the download function (terminated) and go to referencing the software (cf:§)Accessible after manually interrupting («Abort» button) the download: click to exit the migration functions](
![180/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 011824.14.3.7 Referencing softwareThe committed software is activated by default when restarted; for the referencing of the software:Note: This button is activated if the software status is "enabled". Activation of dataTo run the downloaded software:Note: Once the MIBs have been rendered compatible, the equipment (NE) reboots with the new IMversion.The link with the LT is broken. Reconnection to the NE and recovery of the data therefore requi-res a new version of the corresponding LT. For this, refer to the procedure described in A.2.2 –Installation Procedure CHANGING THE DESTINATION DIRECTORY of the program ("Changedirectory" button), so as not to overwrite the old version of the 7390 LT.Note: Once the software is activated and referenced, do not forget to start again downloading the samesoftware on the other software storage zone (without activating or referencing it) to re-create theNFS assembly point, so as the new NTs that come in the network can perform automatic down-load.Select first of all the required storage zone,then, click on the «Referencing» button of the Software Management screen buttonbar shown here.The "Committed" zone of the Software Management screen (§ 4.14.3Downloading) is automatically filled.Click on the «Activate» button of the Software Management screen button barshown here.The "Activated" zone of the Software Management screen (§ 4.14.3 Downloading)is automatically filled.](
![3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 181/3021824.14.4 SNTP server configurationThe following screen is displayed: When the SNTP server IP address is set to, the SNTP client of the 7390NE is disactivated.Otherwise the 7390NE SNTP client is activated and it tries to synchronize on this SNTP server IPaddress.When the SNTP client is disactivated, you can set the BS time manually (see § 4.5.5). Note: A time server loss alarm will be declared when connection to SNTP time server is lost and SNTPclient activated.PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- click on the button shown here (on the 7390LT main screen),- or, open the Management pull-down menu and choose Time Management.](
![182/302 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 3CC12424AAAA TQ BJA 01182PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK](