AeroComm AC4490-100 900 MHz Transceiver User Manual AC4424

AeroComm Corporation 900 MHz Transceiver AC4424

Users Manual

AC4490AC4490AC4490AC4490900 MHz OEM TRANSCEIVERS900 MHz OEM TRANSCEIVERS900 MHz OEM TRANSCEIVERS900 MHz OEM TRANSCEIVERSSpecifications Subject to ChangeSpecifications Subject to ChangeSpecifications Subject to ChangeSpecifications Subject to ChangeUser’s ManualUser’s ManualUser’s ManualUser’s ManualVersion 1.5Version 1.5Version 1.5Version 1.510981 EICHER DRIVE10981 EICHER DRIVE10981 EICHER DRIVE10981 EICHER DRIVELENEXA, KS  66219LENEXA, KS  66219LENEXA, KS  66219LENEXA, KS  66219(800) 492-2320(800) 492-2320(800) 492-2320(800)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 2222DOCUMENT INFORMATIONDOCUMENT INFORMATIONDOCUMENT INFORMATIONDOCUMENT INFORMATIONCopyrightCopyrightCopyrightCopyrightInformationInformationInformationInformation Copyright © 2003 AEROCOMM, Inc. All rights reserved.The information contained in this manual and the accompanyingsoftware programs are copyrighted and all rights are reserved byAEROCOMM, Inc. AEROCOMM, Inc. reserves the right to makeperiodic modifications of this product without obligation to notifyany person or entity of such revision.  Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwisedistributing any part of this product without the prior consent of an authorizedrepresentative of AEROCOMM, Inc. is prohibited.All brands and product names in this publication are registeredtrademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.This material is preliminaryThis material is preliminaryThis material is preliminaryThis material is preliminaryInformation furnished by AEROCOMM in this specification is believed to be accurate.  Devices soldby AEROCOMM are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in itsTerms of Sale only.  AEROCOMM makes no warranty, express, statutory, and implied or bydescription, regarding the information set forth herein.  AEROCOMM reserves the right to changespecifications at any time and without notice.AEROCOMM’s products are intended for use in normal commercial and industrial applications.Applications requiring unusual environmental requirements such as military, medical life-supportor life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional testing for suchapplication.Important Document InformationImportant Document InformationImportant Document InformationImportant Document InformationThe AC4490 transceiver products are available in both commercial and industrial temperature,noted by the character ‘C’ or ‘I’ appended to the end of the family part number.  For example, thepart number for the commercial temperature version is AC4490C and the part number for theindustrial temperature version is AC4490I.  The family part number will be used throughout thisdocument, except where specific information for the commercial or industrial temperature versionsis noted.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 3333DOCUMENT INFORMATIONDOCUMENT INFORMATIONDOCUMENT INFORMATIONDOCUMENT INFORMATIONRevisionRevisionRevisionRevision DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionVersion 1.0 3/15/2002 – Initial Release VersionVersion 1.1 12/18/2002 – Preliminary ReleaseVersion 1.2 12/20/2002 – Preliminary Release.  Changed location of new interface pins for highercompatibility with AC4424 product family.Version 1.3 1/29/2003 – Updated interface baud rate formula/table.  Updated current consumptiontable. Corrected RSSI plot.  Updated Interface Timeout information.  Renamed productfamily to AC4490.  Multiple byte EEPROM read/write now allowed.Version 1.4 2/18/2003 – Added Max Power byte.  Removed Write Enable references.  Fixed PowerDown/Up command response.  Removed Peer-to-Peer bit.  Added Auto Destination.Added Unicast Only bit.  Added 500mW product.  Revised part numbers.  UpdatedChannel Number settings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 4444FCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONAgency Approval OverviewAgency Approval OverviewAgency Approval OverviewAgency Approval OverviewPart NumberPart NumberPart NumberPart Number US/FCCUS/FCCUS/FCCUS/FCC CAN/ICCAN/ICCAN/ICCAN/IC EUR/ENEUR/ENEUR/ENEUR/EN PortablePortablePortablePortable MobileMobileMobileMobile FixedFixedFixedFixedAC4490-100 X X See Note 1 X-2.5cm* X-2.5cm** See RF Exposure warning on next pageNote 1:  Specific Absorption Rating (SAR) testing required for portable applications.Agency Identification NumbersAgency Identification NumbersAgency Identification NumbersAgency Identification NumbersPart NumberPart NumberPart NumberPart Number US/FCCUS/FCCUS/FCCUS/FCC CAN/ICCAN/ICCAN/ICCAN/IC EUR/ENEUR/ENEUR/ENEUR/ENAC4490-100 X XFCC NoticeFCC NoticeFCC NoticeFCC NoticeLabeling RequirementsLabeling RequirementsLabeling RequirementsLabeling RequirementsAntenna WarningAntenna WarningAntenna WarningAntenna Warning WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation. WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: This device has been tested with an MMCX connector with the antennas listedbelow.  When integrated in the OEMs product, these fixed antennas requireinstallation preventing end-users from replacing them with non-approvedantennas.  Any antenna not in the following table must be tested to comply withFCC Section 15.203 for unique antenna connectors and Section 15.247 foremissions. WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that FCC labelingrequirements are met.  This includes a clearly visible label on the outside of theOEM enclosure specifying the appropriate AeroComm FCC identifier for thisproduct as well as the FCC Notice above.  The FCC identifiers are listed abovein the Agency Identifier Numbers section.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 5555FCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONApproved Antenna ListApproved Antenna ListApproved Antenna ListApproved Antenna ListNote:  We are still qualifying antennas and will add to this list as that process is completed.Note:  We are still qualifying antennas and will add to this list as that process is completed.Note:  We are still qualifying antennas and will add to this list as that process is completed.Note:  We are still qualifying antennas and will add to this list as that process is completed.ItemItemItemItem Part NumberPart NumberPart NumberPart Number Mfg.Mfg.Mfg.Mfg. FrequencyFrequencyFrequencyFrequencyBandBandBandBand TypeTypeTypeType GainGainGainGain(dBi)(dBi)(dBi)(dBi)AC4490X-100AC4490X-100AC4490X-100AC4490X-1001 S467FL-6-RMM-915S Nearson 902 – 928MHz ½ Wave Dipole 2 PMF2 S161AH-915R Nearson 902 – 928MHz ½ Wave Dipole 2.5 PMF3 S331AH-915 Nearson 902 – 928MHz ¼ Wave Dipole 1 PMF4 1020B5812-04 (Flavus 915) gigaAnt 902 – 928MHz ¼ Wave Snap-In -0.5 PMFP=Portable, M=Mobile, F=Fixed/BasestationP=Portable, M=Mobile, F=Fixed/BasestationP=Portable, M=Mobile, F=Fixed/BasestationP=Portable, M=Mobile, F=Fixed/BasestationNote:  Specific Absorption Rating (SAR) testing required for portable applications.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 6666FCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONFCC INFORMATIONRF Exposure AC4490-100RF Exposure AC4490-100RF Exposure AC4490-100RF Exposure AC4490-100 WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: To comply with FCC RF Exposure requirements, the Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) must ensure that the approved antenna in the previoustable must be installed and/or configured to operate with a separation distanceof 2.5cm or more from all persons to satisfy RF Exposure compliance.The preceding statement must be included as a CAUTION statement inmanuals for products operating with the approved antennas in the previoustable to alert users on FCC RF Exposure compliance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 7777TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS1. OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................... 92. AC4490 SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................................................... 103. SPECIFICATIONS......................................................................................................................... 113.1 INTERFACE SIGNAL DEFINITIONS................................................................................................... 113.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 123.3 SYSTEM TIMING............................................................................................................................. 123.3.1 Serial Interface Data Rate .................................................................................................... 123.3.2 Latency Times ....................................................................................................................... 133.3.3 Maximum Overall System Throughput.................................................................................. 134. CONFIGURING THE AC4490..................................................................................................... 144.1 EEPROM PARAMETERS................................................................................................................ 144.2 EEPROM CONFIGURATION COMMANDS....................................................................................... 154.2.1 EEPROM Byte Read ............................................................................................................. 164.2.2 EEPROM Byte Write............................................................................................................. 164.2.3 EEPROM Exit Configuration Command .............................................................................. 164.3 ON-THE-FLY CONTROL COMMAND REFERENCE............................................................................ 174.3.1 Status Request....................................................................................................................... 174.3.2 Change Channel without Forced Acquisition Sync............................................................... 174.3.3 Change Channel with Forced Acquisition Sync.................................................................... 184.3.4 Server/Client Command........................................................................................................ 184.3.5 Sync to Channel Command................................................................................................... 194.3.6 Power-Down Command........................................................................................................ 194.3.7 Power-Down Wake-Up Command........................................................................................ 194.3.8 Broadcast Mode.................................................................................................................... 204.3.9 Write Destination Address .................................................................................................... 204.3.10 Read Destination Address..................................................................................................... 204.3.11 Read Digital Inputs............................................................................................................... 214.3.12 Read ADC ............................................................................................................................. 214.3.13 Report Last Valid RSSI ......................................................................................................... 224.3.14 Write Digital Outputs............................................................................................................ 224.3.15 Write DAC............................................................................................................................. 234.3.16 Set Max Power...................................................................................................................... 234.3.17 Transmit Buffer Empty.......................................................................................................... 245. THEORY OF OPERATION.......................................................................................................... 255.1 HARDWARE INTERFACE ................................................................................................................. 255.1.1 GIn (Generic Inputs 0 and 1) (pins 4 and 14 respectively) and GOn (Generic Outputs 0 and1) (pins 1 and 9 respectively).................................................................................................................... 255.1.2 TXD (Transmit Data) and RXD (Receive Data) (pins 2 and 3 respectively) ........................ 255.1.3 Hop Frame (pin 6) ................................................................................................................ 255.1.4 CTS Handshaking (pin 7)...................................................................................................... 265.1.5 RTS Handshaking (pin 8)...................................................................................................... 265.1.6 9600 Baud/Packet Frame (pin 12)........................................................................................ 265.1.7 RSSI (pin 13)......................................................................................................................... 265.1.8 UP_Reset (pin 15)................................................................................................................. 275.1.9 Command/Data (pin 17) ....................................................................................................... 275.1.10 AD In and AD Out (pins 18 and 19 respectively).................................................................. 285.1.11 In Range (pin 20) .................................................................................................................. 28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 88885.2 SOFTWARE PARAMETERS............................................................................................................... 285.2.1 RF Architecture (Unicast/Broadcast) ................................................................................... 285.2.2 RF Mode ............................................................................................................................... 295.2.3 Sub Hop Adjust ..................................................................................................................... 295.2.4 Duplex Mode......................................................................................................................... 305.2.5 Interface Timeout/RF Packet Size......................................................................................... 305.2.6 Serial Interface Baud Rate.................................................................................................... 305.2.7 Network Topology................................................................................................................. 315.2.8 Frequency Offset................................................................................................................... 325.2.9 Auto Config........................................................................................................................... 325.2.10 Max Power............................................................................................................................ 336. APPLICATION EXAMPLES........................................................................................................ 347. DIMENSIONS................................................................................................................................. 358. ORDERING INFORMATION...................................................................................................... 368.1 PRODUCT PART NUMBER TREE ..................................................................................................... 368.2 PRODUCT PART NUMBERS............................................................................................................. 368.3 DEVELOPER KIT PART NUMBERS .................................................................................................. 37FiguresFiguresFiguresFiguresFigure 1 – RSSI Voltage vs. Received Signal Strength................................................................................27Figure 2 - AC4490 Top & Side View...........................................................................................................35TablesTablesTablesTablesTable 1 – Pin Definitions..............................................................................................................................11Table 2 – Input Voltage Characteristics........................................................................................................ 12Table 3 – Output Voltage Characteristics.....................................................................................................12Table 4 – Maximum Overall System Throughputs.......................................................................................13Table 5 – EEPROM Parameters....................................................................................................................14Table 6 – Baud Rate......................................................................................................................................31Table 7 – US and International RF Channel Number Settings ..................................................................... 31Table 8 – Auto Config Parameters................................................................................................................32Table 9 – Max Power Settings......................................................................................................................33
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 9999AC4490 FeaturesAC4490 FeaturesAC4490 FeaturesAC4490 Features! Available in either 3.3V or 5V TTL level serial interface for fast integration! Drop-in replacement for AC4424 2.4GHz product family1! Two generic input and output digital lines and integrated DAC/ADC functions! Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum for security and interference rejection! Cost Efficient for high volume applications! Very low power consumption for battery powered implementations! Small size for portable and enclosed applications! Very Low latency and high throughput! Industrial temperature version available (-40°C to 80°C) OverviewOverviewOverviewOverviewThe AC4490 is a member of AeroComm’s ConnexRF OEM transceiver family.  It is designed forintegration into OEM systems operating under FCC part 15.247 regulations for the 900 MHz ISM band.The AC4490 is a cost-effective, high performance, 900 MHz frequency hopping spread spectrumtransceiver.  It provides an asynchronous TTL level serial interface for OEM Host communications.Communications include both system and configuration data.  The Host supplies system data fortransmission to other Host(s). Configuration data is stored in an on-board EEPROM.  All frequencyhopping, synchronization, and RF system data transmission/reception is performed by the transceiver.The AC4490 transceivers can be used as a direct serial cable replacement – requiring no special Hostsoftware for operation.  They also feature a number of On-the-Fly Control Commands providing theOEM Host with a very versatile interface for any situation.AC4490 transceivers operate in a Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint, Client-Server or Peer-to-Peerarchitecture.  One transceiver is configured as a Server and there can be one or many Clients.  Toestablish synchronization between transceivers, the Server emits a beacon.  Upon detecting a beacon,a Client transceiver informs its Host and a RF link is established.This document contains information about the hardware and software interface between anAeroComm AC4490 transceiver and an OEM Host.  Information includes the theory of operation,specifications, interface definition, configuration information and mechanical drawing.The OEM is responsible for ensuring the final product meets all FCC and/or appropriate regulatoryagency requirements listed herein before selling any product.                                                          1 See AC4424/AC4490 Integration Guide for details
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 101010102.2.2.2. AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsGENERALGENERALGENERALGENERALInterface 20 pin mini-connectorSerial Interface Data Rate PC baud rates from 1200 bps to 115,200 bpsPower Consumption (typical) Duty Cycle (TX=Transmit; RX=Receive)Duty Cycle (TX=Transmit; RX=Receive)Duty Cycle (TX=Transmit; RX=Receive)Duty Cycle (TX=Transmit; RX=Receive)10%TX10%TX10%TX10%TX                        50%TX50%TX50%TX50%TX                            100%TX100%TX100%TX100%TX                100%RX100%RX100%RX100%RX                Pwr-DownPwr-DownPwr-DownPwr-DownAC4490-100: 43mA 95mA 160mA 30mA TBDChannels (used to create independent networks) 5 Channel Sets comprising 58 total channelsSecurity One byte System IDRADIORADIORADIORADIOFrequency Band US/Canada: 902 – 928 MHzAustralia: 915 – 928 MHzRadio Type Frequency Hopping Spread SpectrumOutput Power (conducted, no antenna) AC4490-100: 50mW typicalEffective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP with3dBi gain antenna) AC4490-100: 100mW typicalVoltage 3.3 or 3.3 - 6V ±2%, ±50mV rippleSensitivity -100dBm typicalRange (based on 3dBi gain antenna) AC4490-100:  10,000 ft.ENVIRONMENTALENVIRONMENTALENVIRONMENTALENVIRONMENTALTemperature (Operating)                     Commercial:                                                                    Industrial: AC4490C: 0°C to 60°CAC4490I: -40°C to 80°CTemperature (Storage) -50°C to +85°CHumidity (non-condensing) 10% to 90%PHYSICALPHYSICALPHYSICALPHYSICALDimensions 1.65” x 1.9” x 0.20”Antenna AC4490-100: MMCX Jack or Integral AntennaWeight Less than 0.75 ounce
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 111111113.3.3.3. SpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsSpecifications3. IIIINTERFACE NTERFACE NTERFACE NTERFACE SSSSIGNAL IGNAL IGNAL IGNAL DDDDEFINITIONSEFINITIONSEFINITIONSEFINITIONSThe AC4490 has a simple interface that allows OEM Host communications with the transceiver.  Table 1Table 1Table 1Table 1– Pin Definitions– Pin Definitions– Pin Definitions– Pin Definitions, shows the connector pin numbers and associated functions.  The I/O direction is withrespect to the transceiver.  All outputs are 3.3VDC levels and inputs are 5VDC TTL with the exception ofRSSI, AD In and AD Out, which are all analog.  All inputs are weakly pulled High and may be left floatingduring normal operation.Table Table Table Table 1111 –  –  –  – Pin DefinitionsPin DefinitionsPin DefinitionsPin DefinitionsPinPinPinPin TypeTypeTypeType Signal NameSignal NameSignal NameSignal Name FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction1 O GO0 Interruptible Generic Output pin2 O TXD Transmitted data out of the transceiver3 I RXD Data input to the transceiver4 I GI0 Interruptible Generic Input pin5 GND GND Signal Ground6 O Hop Frame Active Low when the transceiver is hopping.7 O CTS Clear to Send – Active Low when the transceiver is ready to accept data for transmission.8 I RTS Request to Send – When enabled in EEPROM, active Low when the OEM Host is ready toaccept data from the transceiver.  NOTE:  Keeping RTS High for too long can cause data loss.9 O GO1 Generic Output pin10 PWR VCC 3.3 or 3.3 – 6V ± 2%, ± 50mV ripple11 PWR VCC 3.3 or 3.3 – 6V ± 2%, ±50 mV ripple12 I 9600_BAUD 9600_BAUD – When pulled logic Low before applying power or resetting the transceiver’sserial interface is forced to a 9600, 8, N, 1 rate.  To exit, transceiver must be reset or power-cycled with 9600_Baud logic High.13 O RSSI Received Signal Strength - An analog output giving a relative indication of received signalstrength while in Receive Mode14 I GI1 Generic Input pin15 I UP_RESET RESET – Controlled by the AC4490 for power-on reset if left unconnected. After a Stablepower-on, a logic High pulse will reset the AC4490.  Do not power-up the transceiver with thispin tied Low.16 GND GND Signal Ground17 I Command/Data When logic Low, transceiver interprets Host data as command data.  When logic High,transceiver interprets Host data as transmit data.18 I AD In Analog Data Input19 O AD Out Analog Data Output20 O IN_RANGE In Range – Active Low when a Client radio is in range of a Server on same Channel with the sameSystem ID.I = Input to the transceiver  O = Output from the transceiver
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 121212123. EEEELECTRICAL LECTRICAL LECTRICAL LECTRICAL SSSSPECIFICATIONSPECIFICATIONSPECIFICATIONSPECIFICATIONSTable Table Table Table 2222 – Input Voltage Characteristics – Input Voltage Characteristics – Input Voltage Characteristics – Input Voltage CharacteristicsPinPinPinPin TypeTypeTypeType NameNameNameName High Min.High Min.High Min.High Min. High Max.High Max.High Max.High Max. Low Min.Low Min.Low Min.Low Min. Low Max.Low Max.Low Max.Low Max. UnitUnitUnitUnit3 I RXD 2 5.5 0 0.8 V @ 5µA4 I GI0 2 5.5 0 0.8 V @ 5µA8 I RTS 2 5.5 0 0.8 V @ 5µA12 I 9600_Baud 2 5.5 0 0.8 V @ 5µA14 I GI1 2 5.5 0 0.8 V @ 5µA15 I UP_RESET 0.8 5.5 0 0.6 V @ 5µA17 I Command/Data 2 5.5 0 0.8 V @ 5µA18 I AD In N/A 3.3 0 N/A V @ 1µATable Table Table Table 3333 – Output Voltage Characteristics – Output Voltage Characteristics – Output Voltage Characteristics – Output Voltage CharacteristicsPinPinPinPin TypeTypeTypeType NameNameNameName High Min.High Min.High Min.High Min. Low Max.Low Max.Low Max.Low Max. UnitUnitUnitUnit1 O GO0 2.5 @ 8mA 0.4 @ 8mA V2 O TXD 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V6 O Hop Frame 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V7 O CTS 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V9 O GO1 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V12 O Packet Frame 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V13 O RSSI See Figure 1 See Figure 1 V19 O AD Out N/A N/A V220 O IN_RANGE 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V3. SSSSYSTEM YSTEM YSTEM YSTEM TTTTIMINGIMINGIMINGIMINGCare should be taken when selecting transceiver architecture as it can have serious effects on datarates, latency timings, and overall system throughput.  The importance of these three characteristicswill vary from system to system and should be a strong consideration when designing the system. Serial Interface Data RateSerial Interface Data RateSerial Interface Data RateSerial Interface Data RateThe Serial Interface Data Rate is programmable by the Host.  This is the rate the Host and transceivercommunicate over the serial bus. Possible values range from 1200 bps to 115,200 bps.  The onlysupported mode is asynchronous – 8-bit, No Parity, 1 Start Bit, and 1 Stop Bit....                                                          2 AD Out is an unbuffered, high impedance output and must be buffered by the OEM Host when used.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 131313133. Latency TimesLatency TimesLatency TimesLatency TimesTBD3.  Maximum Overall System Throughput Maximum Overall System Throughput Maximum Overall System Throughput Maximum Overall System ThroughputWhen configured as shown in the table below, an AC4490 transceiver is capable capable capable capable of achieving the listedthroughput.  However, in the presence of interference or at longer ranges, the transceiver may not beable to meet these specified throughputs.Table Table Table Table 4444 – Maximum Overall System Throughputs – Maximum Overall System Throughputs – Maximum Overall System Throughputs – Maximum Overall System ThroughputsRF Mode Interface BaudRate Duplex FEC Direction Throughput(bps)Stream 57.6k Half Disabled One way TBDStream 57.6k Half Enabled One way TBDAcknowledge 57.6k Half Disabled One way TBDAcknowledge 57.6k Full Disabled Both ways TBD
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 141414144.4.4.4. Configuring the AC4490Configuring the AC4490Configuring the AC4490Configuring the AC44904. EEPROM PEEPROM PEEPROM PEEPROM PARAMETERSARAMETERSARAMETERSARAMETERSA Host can program various parameters that are stored in EEPROM and become active after a power-on reset.  Table 5 - EEPROM ParametersTable 5 - EEPROM ParametersTable 5 - EEPROM ParametersTable 5 - EEPROM Parameters, gives the locations and descriptions of the parameters thatcan be read or written by a Host.  Factory default values are also shown.        Do not write to any EEPROMDo not write to any EEPROMDo not write to any EEPROMDo not write to any EEPROMaddresses other than those listed below.  Do not copy a transceiver’s EEPROM data to anotheraddresses other than those listed below.  Do not copy a transceiver’s EEPROM data to anotheraddresses other than those listed below.  Do not copy a transceiver’s EEPROM data to anotheraddresses other than those listed below.  Do not copy a transceiver’s EEPROM data to anothertransceiver.  Doing so may cause the transceiver to malfunction.transceiver.  Doing so may cause the transceiver to malfunction.transceiver.  Doing so may cause the transceiver to malfunction.transceiver.  Doing so may cause the transceiver to malfunction.Table Table Table Table 5555 – EEPROM Parameters – EEPROM Parameters – EEPROM Parameters – EEPROM ParametersParameterParameterParameterParameter EEPROMEEPROMEEPROMEEPROMAddressAddressAddressAddress LengthLengthLengthLength(Bytes)(Bytes)(Bytes)(Bytes) RangeRangeRangeRange DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionProduct ID 00H 40  40 bytes - Product identifier string.Includes revision information forsoftware and hardware.Sub Hop Adjust 36H 1 00 – FFh 66h This value should only be changedwhen recommended by AerocommChannelNumber 40H 1 00 – 39h 00hSet 0 = 00 – 0Fh (US/Canada)Set 1 = 10 – 2Fh (US/Canada)Set 2 = 30 – 37h (Australia)Set 3 = 38h (France High Power)Set 4 = 39h (France Low Power)Server/ClientMode 41H 1 01 – 02h 02h 01h = Server02h = ClientBaud Rate Low 42H 1 00 – FFh FCh Low Byte of the interface baud rate.Baud Rate High 43H 1 00h 00h Always 00hControl 0 45H 1 00010100b(14h) Settings are:Bit 7 – AeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyBit 6 – AeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyBit 5 – Sync to Channel0 = Don't Sync to Channel1 = Sync to ChannelBit 4 – AeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyBit 3 – Packet Frame0 = Disable Packet Frame1 = Use pin 12 as Packet FrameBit 2 – RF Mode0 = RF Stream Mode1 = RF Acknowledge ModeBit 1 – RF Delivery0 = Addressed1 = BroadcastBit 0 – FEC0 = No Forward Error Correction1 = Use Forward Error Correction
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 15151515ParameterParameterParameterParameter EEPROMEEPROMEEPROMEEPROMAddressAddressAddressAddress LengthLengthLengthLength(Bytes)(Bytes)(Bytes)(Bytes) RangeRangeRangeRange DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionFrequencyOffset 46H 1 00 – FFh 00hTransmitRetries 4CH 1 01 – FFh 10h  BroadcastAttempts 4DH 1 01 – FFh 04h  API Control 56H 1 01000011b(43h)  Settings are:Bit 7 – AeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyBit 6 – AeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyBit 5 – Unicast Only0 = Receive Unicast and Broadcastpackets1 = Only receive Unicast packetsBit 4 – Auto Destination0 = Use Destination Address1 = Set Destination to ServerBit 3 – AeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyAeroComm Use OnlyBit 2 – RTS Enable0 = RTS Ignored1 = Transceiver obeys RTSBit 1 – Duplex Mode0 = Half Duplex1 = Full DuplexBit 0 – Auto Config0 = Use EEPROM values1 = Auto Configure ValuesInterfaceTimeout 58H 1 02 – FFh 04h  Sync Channel 5AH 1 00 – 3Fh 01h  RF Packet Size 5BH 1 01 – 40h 46h  CTS On 5CH 1 01 – FFh D2h  CTS OnHysteresis 5DH 1 01 – FFh ACh  Max Power 63H 1 00 – FFh 60hDestination ID 70H 6 6 Bytes  System ID 76H 1 00 – FFh 01h  MAC ID 80H 6 6 Bytes Unique IEEE MAC Address4. EEPROM CEEPROM CEEPROM CEEPROM CONFIGURATION ONFIGURATION ONFIGURATION ONFIGURATION CCCCOMMANDSOMMANDSOMMANDSOMMANDSThe configuration set allows the Host to modify the operation of the transceiver.  If the Command/Datapin (Pin 17) is pulled logic Low, a transceiver will interpret incoming Host data as Command Data.  TheHost can then read and write parameters using the various configuration commands listed below. Toexit Configuration Mode, the Host must perform a hardware or power-on reset or issue an ExitCommand Mode command to the transceiver.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 161616164. EEPROM Byte ReadEEPROM Byte ReadEEPROM Byte ReadEEPROM Byte ReadUpon receiving this command, a transceiver will transmit the desired data from the address requestedby the Host.  Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = C0hByte 2 = AddressByte 3 = Length (01…FFh = 1…255 bytes; 00h = 256 bytes)Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = C0hByte 2 = AddressByte 3 = LengthByte 4…n = Data at requested address(s) EEPROM Byte WriteEEPROM Byte WriteEEPROM Byte WriteEEPROM Byte WriteUpon receiving this command, a transceiver will write the data byte to the address specified but will notecho it back to the Host until the EEPROM write cycle is complete.   The write can take as long as10ms to complete.  Following the write cycle, a transceiver will transmit the data byte to the Host.Multiple byte EEPROM writes are allowed up to a length of 128 bytes.  An EEPROM boundary existsbetween addresses 7Fh and 80h.  No single EEPROM write command shall write to addresses onboth sides of that EEPROM boundary.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = C1hByte 2 = AddressByte 3 = Length (01 – 80h)Byte 4…n = Data to store at AddressTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = C1hByte 2 = AddressByte 3 = Length (01 – 80h)Byte 4 = Last data byte written by this command4. EEPROM Exit Configuration CommandEEPROM Exit Configuration CommandEEPROM Exit Configuration CommandEEPROM Exit Configuration CommandThe OEM Host can cause the transceiver to exit command mode by issuing the Exit ConfigurationCommand mode command to the transceiver.  However, the transceiver will not reflect any of theHowever, the transceiver will not reflect any of theHowever, the transceiver will not reflect any of theHowever, the transceiver will not reflect any of thechanges programmed into the EEPROM until the transceiver is reset.changes programmed into the EEPROM until the transceiver is reset.changes programmed into the EEPROM until the transceiver is reset.changes programmed into the EEPROM until the transceiver is reset.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = 56hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = 56h
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 171717174. OOOONNNN----THETHETHETHE-F-F-F-FLY LY LY LY CCCCONTROL ONTROL ONTROL ONTROL CCCCOMMAND OMMAND OMMAND OMMAND RRRREFERENCEEFERENCEEFERENCEEFERENCEThe AC4490 transceiver contains static memory that holds many of the parameters that control thetransceiver operation.  Using the “CC” command set allows many of these parameters to be changedduring system operation.  Because the memory these commands affect is static, when the transceiveris reset, these parameters will revert back to the settings stored in the EEPROM.  Do not to modifyDo not to modifyDo not to modifyDo not to modifyundocumented static addresses as undesired operation may occur.  All “CC” commands must beundocumented static addresses as undesired operation may occur.  All “CC” commands must beundocumented static addresses as undesired operation may occur.  All “CC” commands must beundocumented static addresses as undesired operation may occur.  All “CC” commands must beissued from the Host to the transceiver with Command/Data (Pin 17) pulled logic Low.  To exit “CC”issued from the Host to the transceiver with Command/Data (Pin 17) pulled logic Low.  To exit “CC”issued from the Host to the transceiver with Command/Data (Pin 17) pulled logic Low.  To exit “CC”issued from the Host to the transceiver with Command/Data (Pin 17) pulled logic Low.  To exit “CC”mode, simply take the Command/Data pin High.mode, simply take the Command/Data pin High.mode, simply take the Command/Data pin High.mode, simply take the Command/Data pin High. Status RequestStatus RequestStatus RequestStatus RequestThe Host issues this command to request the status of the transceiver.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 00hByte 3 = 00hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Firmware version numberByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 =00 for Server in Normal Operation01 for Client in Normal Operation02 for Server in Acquisition Sync03 for Client in Acquisition Sync4. Change Channel without Forced Acquisition SyncChange Channel without Forced Acquisition SyncChange Channel without Forced Acquisition SyncChange Channel without Forced Acquisition SyncThe Host issues this command to change the channel of the transceiver.  The transceiver will not beginacquisition sync until its Range Refresh timer expires.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 01hByte 3 = RF Channel Number (Hexadecimal)Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = RF Channel Number (Hexadecimal)
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 181818184. Change Channel with Forced Acquisition SyncChange Channel with Forced Acquisition SyncChange Channel with Forced Acquisition SyncChange Channel with Forced Acquisition SyncThe Host issues this command to change the channel of the transceiver and force the transceiver toimmediately begin synchronization.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 02hByte 3 = RF Channel Number (Hexadecimal)Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = RF Channel Number (Hexadecimal) Server/Client CommandServer/Client CommandServer/Client CommandServer/Client CommandThe Host issues this command to change the mode (Server or Client) of the transceiver and can forcethe transceiver to actively begin synchronization.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 03hByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 =00 for Server in Normal Operation01 for Client in Normal Operation02 for Server in Acquisition Sync03 for Client in Acquisition SyncTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Software Version NumberByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = Data1 from Host Command
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 191919194. Sync to Channel CommandSync to Channel CommandSync to Channel CommandSync to Channel CommandThe Host issues this command to change the Sync ChannelSync ChannelSync ChannelSync Channel byte.  This will only affect operation whenSync to ChannelSync to ChannelSync to ChannelSync to Channel is enabled in the EEPROMHost Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 05hByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = New Sync ChannelTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 05hByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = Data1 from Host Command4. Power-Down CommandPower-Down CommandPower-Down CommandPower-Down CommandAfter the Host issues the power-down command to the transceiver, the transceiver will de-assert theIn_Range line after entering power-down. A Client transceiver in power-down will remain in sync with aServer for a minimum of 2 minutes. To maintain synchronization with the Server, this Client transceivershould re-sync to the Server at least once every 2 minutes.  This re-sync is accomplished by issuingthe Power-Down Wake-Up CommandPower-Down Wake-Up CommandPower-Down Wake-Up CommandPower-Down Wake-Up Command and waiting for the In Range line to go active.  Once this occurs,the Client transceiver is in sync with the Server and can be put back into power-down.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 06hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = RF Channel Number4. Power-Down Wake-Up CommandPower-Down Wake-Up CommandPower-Down Wake-Up CommandPower-Down Wake-Up CommandThe Power-Down Wake-Up Command is issued by the Host to bring the transceiver out of power-down mode.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 07hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = RF Channel Number
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 202020204. Broadcast ModeBroadcast ModeBroadcast ModeBroadcast ModeThe Host issues this command to change the transceiver operation between Addressed ModeAddressed ModeAddressed ModeAddressed Mode andBroadcast ModeBroadcast ModeBroadcast ModeBroadcast Mode.  If addressed mode is selected the transceiver will send all packets to the radiodesignated by the Destination AddressDestination AddressDestination AddressDestination Address programmed in the transceiver.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 08hByte 3 = 00 for addressed mode, 01 for broadcast modeTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 00 for addressed mode, 01 for broadcast mode4. Write Destination AddressWrite Destination AddressWrite Destination AddressWrite Destination AddressThe Host issues this command to the transceiver to change the Destination Address.  This is a veryveryveryverypowerful powerful powerful powerful command that provides the OEM Host with a means for ad-hoc networking.  Only the threeOnly the threeOnly the threeOnly the threeLeast Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Least Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Least Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Least Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 10hBytes 3 – 5 = 00 – FFh corresponding the three LSB’s of the destination MAC AddressTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChBytes 2 – 4= 00 – FFh corresponding the three LSB’s of the destination MAC Address4. Read Destination AddressRead Destination AddressRead Destination AddressRead Destination AddressThe Host issues this command to the transceiver to read the Destination Address.  This is a veryveryveryverypowerful powerful powerful powerful command that provides the OEM Host with a means for ad-hoc networking. Only the threeOnly the threeOnly the threeOnly the threeLeast Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Least Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Least Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Least Significant Bytes of the MAC Address are used for packet delivery.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 11hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChBytes 2 – 4= 00 – FFh corresponding the three LSB’s of the destination MAC Address
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 212121214. Read Digital InputsRead Digital InputsRead Digital InputsRead Digital InputsThe Host issues this command to read both digital input lines.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 20hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = bit 0 – GI0, bit 1 – GI14. Read ADCRead ADCRead ADCRead ADCThe Host issues this command to read any of the three onboard A/D converters.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 21hByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = 00h – AD In, 01h – Temperature, 02h – RSSITransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Data1Byte 3 = Data2Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = MSB of requested 12 bit ADC valueData2 = LSB of requested 12 bit ADC value
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 222222224. Report Last Valid RSSIReport Last Valid RSSIReport Last Valid RSSIReport Last Valid RSSIAs RSSI values are only valid when the local radio is receiving a RF packet from a remote radio,instantaneous RSSI can be very tricky to use.  Therefore, the transceiver stores the most recent validRSSI value. The Host issues this command to request that value.  Note:  This value will default to FFh ifno valid RSSI measurement has been made.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 22hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = Most significant 8 bits of last valid RSSI reading. Write Digital OutputsWrite Digital OutputsWrite Digital OutputsWrite Digital OutputsThe Host issues this command to write both digital output lines to particular states.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 23hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = bit 0 – GO0, bit 1 – GO1
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 232323234. Write DACWrite DACWrite DACWrite DACThe Host issues this command to write AD Out to a particular voltage.  NOTE: AD Out is an unbuffered,high impedance output and must be bufferedmust be bufferedmust be bufferedmust be buffered by the OEM Host when used.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 24hByte 3 = Data1Byte 4 = Data2Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = Update Period where: TUpdate = (255 * (Data1 + 1)) / 14.7256+06Data2 = Duty Cycle where: Vout = (Data2 / 100h) * VccTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Data1Byte 3 = Data2Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = Data1 from Host CommandData2 = Data2 from Host Command4. Set Max PowerSet Max PowerSet Max PowerSet Max PowerThe Host Issues this command to limit the maximum transmit power emitted by the transceiver.  Thiscan be useful to minimize current consumption and satisfy certain regulatory requirements.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 25hByte 3 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = New Max PowerMax PowerMax PowerMax PowerTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = Data1Where:Where:Where:Where:Data1 = Data1 from Host Command
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 242424244. Transmit Buffer EmptyTransmit Buffer EmptyTransmit Buffer EmptyTransmit Buffer EmptyThe Host issues this command to determine when the RF Transmit buffer is empty.  The Host will notreceive the transceiver response until that time.Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Host Command:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 30hTransceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Transceiver Response:Byte 1 = CChByte 2 = 00h
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 252525255.5.5.5. Theory of OperationTheory of OperationTheory of OperationTheory of Operation5. HHHHARDWARE INTERFACEARDWARE INTERFACEARDWARE INTERFACEARDWARE INTERFACEBelow is a description of all hardware pins used to control the AC4490. GIn (Generic Inputs 0 and 1) (pins 4 and 14 respectively) and GOnGIn (Generic Inputs 0 and 1) (pins 4 and 14 respectively) and GOnGIn (Generic Inputs 0 and 1) (pins 4 and 14 respectively) and GOnGIn (Generic Inputs 0 and 1) (pins 4 and 14 respectively) and GOn(Generic Outputs 0 and 1) (pins 1 and 9 respectively)(Generic Outputs 0 and 1) (pins 1 and 9 respectively)(Generic Outputs 0 and 1) (pins 1 and 9 respectively)(Generic Outputs 0 and 1) (pins 1 and 9 respectively)Both GIn pins, when enabled in EEPROM, serve as negative-going edge triggered generic input pins.Both GOn pins, when enabled in EEPROM, serve as generic output pins.  The following functions canbe accomplished with these pins.GIn/GOn Options:GIn/GOn Options:GIn/GOn Options:GIn/GOn Options:1) A negative-going edge is detected on either GIn pin.  The state of both pins is transmitted overthe RF (as configured by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode) and will be presented to corresponding GOn pins on theremote radio(s).2) A “CC” command is issued to force an update on remote radio’s GOn pins. The state of bothlocal GIn lines is transmitted over the RF (as configured by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode) and will be presented tocorresponding Gon pins on the remote radio(s).3) The Read Digital Inputs Read Digital Inputs Read Digital Inputs Read Digital Inputs “CC” command is issued to read the state of both GIn pins locally(details can be found in the On-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command Reference).4) The Write Digital Outputs Write Digital Outputs Write Digital Outputs Write Digital Outputs “CC” command is issued to write all GOn pins locally to particularstates (details can be found in the On-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command Reference).5) A “CC” command is issued to write the GOn pins on a remote radio to particular states.Those states are transmitted over the RF (as configured by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode) and will be presented tothe corresponding pins on the remote radio(s). TXD (Transmit Data) and RXD (Receive Data) (pins 2 and 3 respectively)TXD (Transmit Data) and RXD (Receive Data) (pins 2 and 3 respectively)TXD (Transmit Data) and RXD (Receive Data) (pins 2 and 3 respectively)TXD (Transmit Data) and RXD (Receive Data) (pins 2 and 3 respectively)The AC4490 accepts 3.3 or 5VDC TTL level asynchronous serial data on the RXD pin and interpretsthat data as either Command Data or Transmit Data.  Data is sent from the transceiver to the OEM Hostvia the TXD pin.  The data must be of the format 8-N-1 (8 data bits, No Parity bits, One stop bit). Hop Frame (pin 6)Hop Frame (pin 6)Hop Frame (pin 6)Hop Frame (pin 6)The AC4490 is a frequency hopping spread spectrum radio.  Frequency hopping allows the system tohop around interference in order to provide a better wireless link.  Hop Frame transitions logic Low atthe start of a hop and transitions logic High at the completion of a hop.  The OEM Host is not requiredto monitor Hop Frame.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 262626265. CTS Handshaking (pin 7)CTS Handshaking (pin 7)CTS Handshaking (pin 7)CTS Handshaking (pin 7)The AC4490 has an interface buffer size of 256 bytes.  If the buffer fills up and more bytes are sent tothe transceiver before the buffer can be emptied, data corruption will occur.  The transceiver preventsthis corruption by asserting CTS High as the buffer fills up and taking CTS Low as the buffer isemptied. CTS OnCTS OnCTS OnCTS On in conjunction with CTS On HysteresisCTS On HysteresisCTS On HysteresisCTS On Hysteresis control the operation of CTS.  CTS Onspecifies the amount of bytes that must be in the buffer for CTS to be disabled (High).  Even while CTSis disabled, the OEM Host can still send data to the transceiver, but it should do so carefully.  OnceCTS is disabled, it will remain disabled until the buffer is reduced to the size specified by CTS OnHysteresis. RTS Handshaking (pin 8)RTS Handshaking (pin 8)RTS Handshaking (pin 8)RTS Handshaking (pin 8)With RTS ModeRTS ModeRTS ModeRTS Mode disabled, the transceiver will send any received packet to the OEM Host as soon asthe packet is received.  However, some OEM Hosts are not able to accept data from the transceiver allof the time. With RTS Mode Enabled, the OEM Host can keep the transceiver from sending it a packetby disabling RTS (logic High).  Once RTS is enabled (logic Low), the transceiver can send packets tothe OEM Host as they are received.  Note:  Leaving RTS disabled for too long can cause data lossNote:  Leaving RTS disabled for too long can cause data lossNote:  Leaving RTS disabled for too long can cause data lossNote:  Leaving RTS disabled for too long can cause data lossonce the transceiver’s receive buffer fills up.once the transceiver’s receive buffer fills up.once the transceiver’s receive buffer fills up.once the transceiver’s receive buffer fills up. 9600 Baud/Packet Frame (pin 12)9600 Baud/Packet Frame (pin 12)9600 Baud/Packet Frame (pin 12)9600 Baud/Packet Frame (pin 12)9600_BAUD9600_BAUD9600_BAUD9600_BAUD – When pulled logic Low before applying power or resetting, the transceiver’s serialinterface is forced to a 9600, 8-N-1 (8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit) rate.  To exit, transceiver must bereset or power-cycled with 9600_Baud logic High.Packet FramePacket FramePacket FramePacket Frame – When enabled in EEPROM, Packet Frame will transition logic Low at the start of areceived RF packet and transition logic High at the completion of the packet. RSSI (pin 13)RSSI (pin 13)RSSI (pin 13)RSSI (pin 13)Instantaneous RSSIInstantaneous RSSIInstantaneous RSSIInstantaneous RSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator is used by the Host as an indication of instantaneous signalstrength at the receiver.  The Host must calibrate RSSI without a RF signal being presented to thereceiver.  Calibration is accomplished by following the steps listed below to find a minimum andmaximum voltage value.1) Power up only one Client (no Server) transceiver in the coverage area.2) Measure the RSSI signal to obtain the minimum value with no other signal present.3) Power up a Server.  Make sure the two transceivers are in close proximity and measurethe Client’s peak RSSI once the Client reports In Range to obtain a maximum value at fullsignal strength.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 27272727Validated RSSIValidated RSSIValidated RSSIValidated RSSIAs RSSI values are only valid when the local radio is receiving a RF packet from a remote radio,instantaneous RSSI can be very tricky to use.  Therefore, the transceiver stores the most recent validRSSI value. The Host issues the Report Last Good RSSI Report Last Good RSSI Report Last Good RSSI Report Last Good RSSI command to request that value (details canbe found in the On-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command Reference).  Validated RSSI is not available at the RSSIpin.Figure Figure Figure Figure 1111 – RSSI Voltage vs. Received Signal Strength – RSSI Voltage vs. Received Signal Strength – RSSI Voltage vs. Received Signal Strength – RSSI Voltage vs. Received Signal Strength5. UP_Reset (pin 15)UP_Reset (pin 15)UP_Reset (pin 15)UP_Reset (pin 15)UP_Reset provides a direct connection to the reset pin on the AC4490 microprocessor.  To guaranteea valid power-up reset, this pin should never be tied Low on power-up.  For a valid power-on reset,reset must be High for a minimum of 50us. Command/Data (pin 17)Command/Data (pin 17)Command/Data (pin 17)Command/Data (pin 17)When logic High, transceiver interprets Host data as transmit data to be sent to other transceivers andtheir Hosts. When logic Low, transceiver interprets Host data as command data (see section 4)(see section 4)(see section 4)(see section 4). -100 -95 -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50Signal at Receiver (dBm)Voltage (VDC)
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 282828285. AD In and AD Out (pins 18 and 19 respectively)AD In and AD Out (pins 18 and 19 respectively)AD In and AD Out (pins 18 and 19 respectively)AD In and AD Out (pins 18 and 19 respectively)When enabled in EEPROM, AD In and AD Out can be used as a cost savings to replace Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog converter hardware.  The following conditions are all possible whenenabled in EEPROM.  Note: AD Out is an unbuffered, high impedance output and must be bufferedmust be bufferedmust be bufferedmust be buffered bythe OEM Host when used.1) A refresh rate can be programmed in EEPROM to cause a transceiver to read the AD In portand send the state of that port over the RF (as configured by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode) and will be presentedto the AD Out pin on the remote radio(s).2) A “CC” command is issued to cause a transceiver to read the AD In port locally and send thestate of that port over the RF (as configured by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode) and will be presented to the AD Outpin on the remote radio(s).3) The Read ADCRead ADCRead ADCRead ADC command is issued to read the state of AD In locally (details can be found inthe On-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command Reference).4) The Write ADCWrite ADCWrite ADCWrite ADC command is issued to write the AD Out pin to a particular state locally (detailscan be found in the On-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command ReferenceOn-the-Fly Control Command Reference).6) A “CC” command is issued to write the AD Out pin on a remote radio(s) to a particular state.This state is transmitted over the RF (as configured by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode) and will be presented to theAD Out pin on the remote radio(s). In Range (pin 20)In Range (pin 20)In Range (pin 20)In Range (pin 20)The IN_RANGE pin at the connector will be driven logic Low when a Client is in range of a Server onthe same RF ChannelRF ChannelRF ChannelRF Channel and System IDSystem IDSystem IDSystem ID.  If a Client cannot hear a Server for 7.5s, it will drive theIN_RANGE pin logic High and enter a search mode looking for a Server.  As soon as it detects aServer, the IN_RANGE pin will be driven logic Low.  A Server Host can determine which Clients are inrange by the Server’s Host software polling a Client’s Host. SSSSOFTWARE OFTWARE OFTWARE OFTWARE PPPPARAMETERSARAMETERSARAMETERSARAMETERSBelow is a description of all software parameters used to control the AC4490. RF Architecture (Unicast/Broadcast)RF Architecture (Unicast/Broadcast)RF Architecture (Unicast/Broadcast)RF Architecture (Unicast/Broadcast)The Server controls the system timing by sending out regular beacons (transparent to the transceiverHost) which contain system timing information.  This timing information synchronizes the Client radiosto the Server.Each network should consist of only one Server.  There should never be two Servers on the same RFRFRFRFChannel NumberChannel NumberChannel NumberChannel Number in the same coverage area, as the interference between the two Servers will severelyhinder RF communications.The AC4490 runs a Peer-to-Peer type architecture where all transceivers, whether Servers or Clients,can communicate with all other transceivers.  To prohibit transceivers from receiving broadcastpackets, Unicast OnlyUnicast OnlyUnicast OnlyUnicast Only can be enabled.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 292929295. RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF ModeAll radios located on the same network must use the same RF Mode.All radios located on the same network must use the same RF Mode.All radios located on the same network must use the same RF Mode.All radios located on the same network must use the same RF Mode.RF Delivery OverviewRF Delivery OverviewRF Delivery OverviewRF Delivery OverviewAll packets are sent out over the RF as either addressed or broadcast packets.  Addressed packets areonly received by the radio specified by Destination AddressDestination AddressDestination AddressDestination Address.  If addressed packets are desired, theDestination Address    should be programmed with the MAC IDMAC IDMAC IDMAC ID of the destination radio.  To simplifyEEPROM programming, Auto DestinationAuto DestinationAuto DestinationAuto Destination can be enabled in Clients which allows the Client toautomatically set its Destination Address to the address of the Server.  Broadcast packets are sent outto every eligible transceiver on the network.  If broadcast packets are desired, RF DeliveryRF DeliveryRF DeliveryRF Delivery should beset to Broadcast.Acknowledge ModeAcknowledge ModeAcknowledge ModeAcknowledge ModeIn Addressed Acknowledge Mode, the RF packet is sent out to the receiver designated by theDestination AddressDestination AddressDestination AddressDestination Address.  Transmit RetriesTransmit RetriesTransmit RetriesTransmit Retries is used to increase the odds of successful delivery to theintended receiver.  Transparent to the OEM Host, the sending transceiver will send the RF packet tothe intended receiver.  If the receiver receives the packet free of errors, it will tell the sender.  If thesender does not receive this acknowledge, it will assume the packet was never received and retry thepacket.  This will go on until the packet is successfully received or the transmitter exhausts all of itsretries.  The received packet will only be sent to the OEM Host if and when it is received free of errors.In Broadcast Acknowledge Mode, the RF packet is broadcast out to all eligible receivers on thenetwork.  In order to increase the odds of successful delivery, Broadcast AttemptsBroadcast AttemptsBroadcast AttemptsBroadcast Attempts is used to increasethe odds of successful delivery to the intended receiver(s).  Transparent to the OEM Host, the sendingtransceiver will send the RF packet to the intended receiver.  If the receiver detects a packet error, it willthrow out the packet.  This will go on until the packet is successfully received or the transmitterexhausts all of its attempts.  Once the receiver successfully receives the packet it will send the packetto the OEM Host.  It will throw out any duplicates caused by further Broadcast Attempts.  The receivedpacket will only be sent to the OEM Host if it is received free of errors.Stream ModeStream ModeStream ModeStream ModeIn Broadcast Stream mode, the RF packet is broadcast out to all eligible receivers on the network. InAddressed Stream Mode, the RF packet is sent out to the receiver designated by the DestinationDestinationDestinationDestinationAddressAddressAddressAddress.  The sending transceiver will send each RF packet out once.  There are no retries on thepacket.  Whether or not the packet contains errors, the receiver(s) will send the packet to the OEMHost.  However, if receiver is not able to receive the packet in its entirety (there are bytes missing), it willnot send the packet to the OEM Host.  In order to increase the odds of successful delivery, ForwardForwardForwardForwardError Correction (FEC)Error Correction (FEC)Error Correction (FEC)Error Correction (FEC) may be used. FEC is used (transparent to the OEM Host) to increase the oddsof correctly receiving a packet sent over the RF.  When enabled, the transceiver will send every byteover the RF 3 times and then perform a best-of-three bit-wise decision on the received bytes.  EnablingFEC can cut overall throughput by 1/3.  Note:  All transceivers on the same network must have theNote:  All transceivers on the same network must have theNote:  All transceivers on the same network must have theNote:  All transceivers on the same network must have thesame setting for FEC.  Stream Mode is incompatible with Full Duplex Mode.same setting for FEC.  Stream Mode is incompatible with Full Duplex Mode.same setting for FEC.  Stream Mode is incompatible with Full Duplex Mode.same setting for FEC.  Stream Mode is incompatible with Full Duplex Mode. Sub Hop AdjustSub Hop AdjustSub Hop AdjustSub Hop AdjustSub Hop Adjust is an AC4490 protocol parameter and should only be modified at the recommendationof Aerocomm.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 303030305. Duplex ModeDuplex ModeDuplex ModeDuplex ModeIn Half Duplex mode, the AC4490 will send a packet out over the RF when it can.  This can causepackets sent at the same time by a Server and a Client to collide with each other over the RF.  Toprevent this, Full Duplex Mode can be enabled.  This mode restricts Clients to transmitting on oddnumbered frequency “bins” and the Server to transmitting on even frequency bins.  Though the RFhardware is still technically half duplex, it makes the radio seem full duplex.  This can cause overallthroughputs to be cut in half.  Note:  All transceivers on the same network must have the same settingNote:  All transceivers on the same network must have the same settingNote:  All transceivers on the same network must have the same settingNote:  All transceivers on the same network must have the same settingfor Full Duplex.  Full Duplex mode is incompatible with Stream RF mode.for Full Duplex.  Full Duplex mode is incompatible with Stream RF mode.for Full Duplex.  Full Duplex mode is incompatible with Stream RF mode.for Full Duplex.  Full Duplex mode is incompatible with Stream RF mode. Interface Timeout/RF Packet SizeInterface Timeout/RF Packet SizeInterface Timeout/RF Packet SizeInterface Timeout/RF Packet SizeInterface timeout, in conjunction with RF Packet SizeRF Packet SizeRF Packet SizeRF Packet Size, determines when a buffer of data will be sent outover the RF as a complete RF packet based on whichever condition occurs first.Interface TimeoutInterface TimeoutInterface TimeoutInterface Timeout – Interface Timeout specifies a maximum byte gap in between consecutive bytes.When that byte gap is exceeded, the bytes in the transmit buffer are sent out over the RF as acomplete packet. Interface timeout is adjustable in 1ms increments and has a tolerance of ±1ms.Therefore, the Interface Timeout should be set to a minimum of 2.  The default value for InterfaceTimeout is 4 or 4ms.RF Packet Size RF Packet Size RF Packet Size RF Packet Size – When the amount of bytes in the transceiver transmit buffer equals RF Packet Size,those bytes are sent out as a complete RF packet. Serial Interface Baud RateSerial Interface Baud RateSerial Interface Baud RateSerial Interface Baud RateThis two-byte value determines the baud rate used for communicating over the serial interface to atransceiver.  Table 5 - Baud Rate/TimeoutTable 5 - Baud Rate/TimeoutTable 5 - Baud Rate/TimeoutTable 5 - Baud Rate/Timeout lists values for some common baud rates.  Baud rates below1200 baud are not supported. For a baud rate to be valid, the calculated baud rate must be within ±3%of the OEM Host baud rate.  If the 9600_BAUD pin (Pin 12) is pulled logic Low at reset, the baud rateIf the 9600_BAUD pin (Pin 12) is pulled logic Low at reset, the baud rateIf the 9600_BAUD pin (Pin 12) is pulled logic Low at reset, the baud rateIf the 9600_BAUD pin (Pin 12) is pulled logic Low at reset, the baud ratewill be forced to 9,600will be forced to 9,600will be forced to 9,600will be forced to 9,600.  .  .  .  For Baud Rate values other than those shown in Table 5 - Baud RateTable 5 - Baud RateTable 5 - Baud RateTable 5 - Baud Rate, thefollowing equation can be used:BAUD = 100h - (14.7456EBAUD = 100h - (14.7456EBAUD = 100h - (14.7456EBAUD = 100h - (14.7456E+06 +06 +06 +06 / (64 * desired baud rate))/ (64 * desired baud rate))/ (64 * desired baud rate))/ (64 * desired baud rate))BaudH= Always 0BaudH= Always 0BaudH= Always 0BaudH= Always 0BaudL = Low 8 bits of BAUD (base16)BaudL = Low 8 bits of BAUD (base16)BaudL = Low 8 bits of BAUD (base16)BaudL = Low 8 bits of BAUD (base16)
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 31313131Table Table Table Table 6666 – Baud Rate – Baud Rate – Baud Rate – Baud RateBaudBaudBaudBaudRateRateRateRate BaudLBaudLBaudLBaudL(42h)(42h)(42h)(42h) BaudHBaudHBaudHBaudH(43h)(43h)(43h)(43h) Minimum Interface TimeoutMinimum Interface TimeoutMinimum Interface TimeoutMinimum Interface Timeout(58h)(58h)(58h)(58h)115,200 FEh 00h 02h57,600 FCh 00h 02h38,400 FAh 00h 02h28,800 F8h 00h 02h19,200 F4h 00h 02h14,400 F0h 00h 03h9,600 E8h 00h 03h4800 D0h 00h 05h2400 A0h 00h 09h1200 40h 00h 11h5. Network TopologyNetwork TopologyNetwork TopologyNetwork TopologyRF Channel NumberRF Channel NumberRF Channel NumberRF Channel Number – RF Channel Number provides a physical separation between co-locatednetworks.  The AC4490 is a spread spectrum frequency hopping radio with a fixed hopping sequence.Without synchronizing the different networks to each other, different channel numbers could possiblyinterfere with each other and create “cross-talk.”  To avoid cross-talk interference, co-located networksshould use Sync-to-ChannelSync-to-ChannelSync-to-ChannelSync-to-Channel.  A Server radio with Sync-to-Channel enabled will synchronize itsfrequency hop timing to a system located on the RF Channel specified by Sync ChannelSync ChannelSync ChannelSync Channel.  The onlyrequirement is that Sync Channel be numerically less than RF Channel.  Therefore, every co-locatednetwork will be synchronizing to the network with the lowest RF Channel.  Four Channel sets areprovided for the AC4490.  Co-located networks must use the same Channel Set.Co-located networks must use the same Channel Set.Co-located networks must use the same Channel Set.Co-located networks must use the same Channel Set.Table Table Table Table 7777 – US and International RF Channel Number Settings – US and International RF Channel Number Settings – US and International RF Channel Number Settings – US and International RF Channel Number SettingsChannel Set RF Channel Number Range(40h) Frequency Details and RegulatoryRequirements Countries0 0 – 0Fh 902 – 928MHz (26 hop bins) US/Canada1 10 – 2Fh 902 – 928MHz (50 hop bins) US/Canada2 30 – 37h 915 – 928MHz Australia3 38h 869.4 – 869.5MHz (Up to 500mW at 10%maximum transmit vs. receive duty cycle) France4 39h 869.7 – 870MHz (Up to 5mW with no dutycycle requirement) FranceSystem IDSystem IDSystem IDSystem ID – System ID is similar to a password character or network number and makes networkeavesdropping more difficult.  A receiving radio will not go in range of or communicate with anotherradio on a different System ID.
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 323232325. Frequency OffsetFrequency OffsetFrequency OffsetFrequency OffsetFrequency Offset is an AC4490 protocol parameter and should only be modified at therecommendation of Aerocomm. Auto ConfigAuto ConfigAuto ConfigAuto ConfigThe AC4490 has several variables that control its RF performance and vary by RF ModeRF ModeRF ModeRF Mode and RFRFRFRFArchitectureArchitectureArchitectureArchitecture. Enabling Auto Config will bypass the value for these variables stored in EEPROM and usepredetermined values for the given Interface Baud Rate.  Auto Config has been optimized for 115,200Auto Config has been optimized for 115,200Auto Config has been optimized for 115,200Auto Config has been optimized for 115,200baud Acknowledge Mode and all lower baud rates.  It should only be disabled with recommendationbaud Acknowledge Mode and all lower baud rates.  It should only be disabled with recommendationbaud Acknowledge Mode and all lower baud rates.  It should only be disabled with recommendationbaud Acknowledge Mode and all lower baud rates.  It should only be disabled with recommendationfrom AeroComm.from AeroComm.from AeroComm.from AeroComm.  Below is a list containing some of the variables affected by Auto Config and theirrespective values:Table Table Table Table 8888 – Auto Config Parameters – Auto Config Parameters – Auto Config Parameters – Auto Config ParametersParameter Auto Config ValueRF Packet Size 46hCTS On D2hCTS On Hysteresis ACh
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 333333335. Max PowerMax PowerMax PowerMax PowerMax Power provides a means for controlling the RF transmit output power of the AC4490.  Thefollowing table lists some common values for Max Power and their current consumption.  Outputpower and current consumption can vary by as much as ±10% per radio.Table Table Table Table 9999 – Max Power Settings – Max Power Settings – Max Power Settings – Max Power SettingsMax Power (Address 63h) 100% Transmit Current (mA) Transmit Power Output(dBm)00h 47 -2001h 50 -1002h 50.5 -303h 52 104h 55 405h 58.5 706h 63.5 907h 69 10.508h 76 1209h 83 13.50Ah 90.5 14.50Bh 97.5 15.50Ch 105 16.50Dh 111.5 17
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 343434346.6.6.6. Application ExamplesApplication ExamplesApplication ExamplesApplication ExamplesTBD
AC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 SpecificationsAC4490 Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 353535357.7.7.7. DimensionsDimensionsDimensionsDimensionsAll AC4490 products measure 1.9”L x 1.65”W.  Critical parameters are as follows:• J1J1J1J1 – 20 pin OEM interface connector (Samtec TMM-110-01-L-D-SM, mates with SamtecSMM-110-02-S-D)• MMCX JackMMCX JackMMCX JackMMCX Jack – Antenna connector (Telegartner P/N J01341C0081) mates with anymanufacturer’s MMCX plugFigure Figure Figure Figure 2222 - AC4490 Top & Side View - AC4490 Top & Side View - AC4490 Top & Side View - AC4490 Top & Side View
Ordering Information Ordering Information Ordering Information Ordering Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 363636368.8.8.8. Ordering InformationOrdering InformationOrdering InformationOrdering Information8. PPPPRODUCT RODUCT RODUCT RODUCT PPPPART ART ART ART NNNNUMBER UMBER UMBER UMBER TTTTREEREEREEREE8. PPPPRODUCT RODUCT RODUCT RODUCT PPPPART ART ART ART NNNNUMBERSUMBERSUMBERSUMBERSOrder transceivers using the following part number tables:3.3V, 100 mW Part Numbers 4.5 – 5.5V, 100 mW Part NumbersAC4490C-100A-3 AC4490I-100A-3 AC4490C-100A-5 AC4490I-100A-5AC4490C-100M-3 AC4490I-100M-3 AC4490C-100M-5 AC4490I-100M-5
Ordering Information Ordering Information Ordering Information Ordering Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2/18/032/18/032/18/032/18/03 373737378. DDDDEVELOPER EVELOPER EVELOPER EVELOPER KKKKIT IT IT IT PPPPART ART ART ART NNNNUMBERSUMBERSUMBERSUMBERSOrder Developer Kits using the following part number tables:4.5 – 5.5V, 200 mW Developer Kit Part NumbersSDK-AC4490I-100A-5SDK-AC4490I-100M-5All Developer Kits include (2) transceivers, (2) RS232 Serial Adapter Boards, (2) 6Vdc unregulatedpower supplies, (2) Serial cables, (2) S467FL-6-RMM-915S dipole antennas with 6” pigtail and MMCXconnector, configuration/testing software, and integration engineering support.

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