Aeon Labs ZW078 HEAVY DUTY SMART SWITCH GEN5 User Manual 501001000001 Heavy Duty Smart Switch AL001 AA 1

Aeon Labs LLC. HEAVY DUTY SMART SWITCH GEN5 501001000001 Heavy Duty Smart Switch AL001 AA 1

User Manual

Heavy Duty Smart Switch Gen5 the digital manual:Aeotec by Aeon Labs’ Heavy Duty Smart Switch is a Z-Wave switch controller that can also report the wattage  energy  usage  and  KWH  usage  of  the device  wired  in  to  it.  As  part  of  its  switching functionality,  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  can  be controlled by other Z-Wave  devices  to  turn  loads on  or  off.  It  can  bear  up  to  40  amps  current  of resister loads.It  also  act  as  a  repeater,  forwarding  Z-Wave command  messages  to  destination  nodes  if  the originating  controller  is  out  of  range  from  the destination node.By taking advantage of the Z-Wave mesh network, commands  can be  routed  to their  destination  via intermediary  Z-Wave  products.  Products that  are Z-Wave  certified  can  be  used  and  communicate with other Z-Wave certified device.Aeotec by Aeon Labs Heavy Duty Smart SwitchImportant: A licensed electrician with knowledge and understanding  electrician  systems and electrical safety should complete the electrical installation.Your Heavy Duty Smart SwitchHeavy Duty Smart Switch .... ...... x18AWG Wire terminal ................................ x810AWG Wire terminal .............................. x8Screws ................................................... x2Instruction Manual.................................... x1...............Package ContentsAction button: Used  for  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch’s  Z-Wave  network inclusion and exclusion and  to  manually turn on/off;Status LED:  Indicates the switch’s status;Terminals:  There  are  two  groups  of  terminals.  As marked of the silk print, AC Power be connected to main power, Load for electric load.InstallationImportant  :  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  MUST  wired behind  an  air  break  switch  for  safety  and  electric appliance protection.Before  wiring,  you  must  switch  off  the  Air  Break  Switch and  confirm  the circuit  power  is  down, if  the  Air  Break Switch is out of sight, please lock it to ‘OFF’ position and tag it to prevent unexpected application of power:1. Mount Heavy Duty Smart Switch on a wall as shown in following figure:2.  Loosen your switch’s lower screw to release its shell. Remove the shell to reveal the inner electronics.3.  Preparing  the  wires  you  will  be  attaching  to  your Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  by  stripping  the  wires  to  the necessary length. Add wire terminals to each wire.4. Wire  according to  the  following  diagram, as  shown  in the figure, connect each live lines(L1,L2) from Air Break Switch to corresponding terminals that marked L1 and L2 on the Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch,  if  there  is  Neutral line and ‘GND’, please connect to the terminals which market ‘GND’ and ‘N’ on Heavy Duty Smart Switch, similarly wire the  electric  load  with  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch.  Then tighten screws  to the wire terminals.Important: You  must  make  sure  the  wire  terminals connected  firmly with  each corresponding terminals  on the Heavy Duty Smart Switch.5. Power on your Heavy Duty Smart Switch. At this stage you  need  to  add  it  to  your  Z-Wave  network.  For instructions  on  how  to  do  this,  please  refer  to  the following “Z- Wave Network Instructions” section.6.  Once  added  to  your  Z-Wave  network,  replace  your Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch’s  shell,  and  refasten  to  the shell. Your installation is now complete.Z-Wave Network InstructionsAdding/Including/Pairing  your  Heavy  Duty Smart Switch into a Z-Wave NetworkHeavy Duty Smart Switch must be paired(included) into a Z-Wave network before it can receive Z-Wave commands to  turn  on/off  and  report  its  energy  usage.  The  Heavy Duty  Smart  Switch  can  only  communicate  to  devices within its own Z-Wave network.Note: The LED on the Heavy Duty Smart Switch will blink if it is currently not operating within a Z-Wave network.Tip:  Before  including  /  excluding  Heavy  Duty  Smart Switch from your Z-Wave network, it’s recommended that you turn  off most  of  the appliances  connected  to  it. This will help to prevent load damage.To  add  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  to  your  Z-Wave network  with  a  Z-Stick,  bring  your  Z-Stick  near  your Heavy Duty Smart Switch then press the button on the Z-Stick to begin the Z-Wave inclusion process.When your Heavy Duty Smart Switch is first powered on and it’s not a part of a Z-Wave network, its Status LED will blink.  If  it’s  not  blinking  see  the  tip  below.  Press  your switch’s  Action  button  to  connect  it  to  the  Z-Stick.  If  it’s successfully added to the network its Status LED will stop blinking  or  pulse  steadily.  If  this  fails,  repeat  the  above steps.Tip:  If  the  Status  LED  of  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch does  not  blink  when  it’s  first powered  up, it  means that your switch is already part of another Z-Wave network. To rectify  this,  first  follow  the  subsequent  Removing instructions before following the Adding/Including/Pairing steps above.Action ButtonORTo  add  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  to  your  Z-Wave network  with  a  Minimote,  bring  your  Minimote  to  be within range of your Heavy Duty Smart Switch then press the  remote  button  labelled  “Include”  on  the  Aeon  Labs Minimote to begin the Z-Wave inclusion process.IncludeWhen your Heavy Duty Smart Switch is first powered on and  it’s  not  a  part  of  a  Z-Wave  network,  its  Status  LED will blink. If it’s not blinking see the tip below. Press your switch’s Action  button to connect  it  to  the  Z-Stick.  If  it’s successfully  added  to  the  network  its  Status  LED  will stop  blinking  or  pulse  steadily.  If  this  fails,  repeat  the above steps.Tip:  If  the  Status  LED  of  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch does  not  blink  when  it’s  first powered  up, it  means that your switch is already part of another Z-Wave network. To rectify  this,  first  follow  the  subsequent  Removing instructions before following the Adding/Including/Pairing steps above.Action ButtonStatus LEDWire terminalsN L2 L1Load GND G NDAcpowerL2 L1 NAir Break SwitchLoadTo include the Aeon Labs Heavy Duty Smart Switch with other controllers, please consult the operation manual for these controllers on how to include Z-Wave products into an existing network.The wires please use the minimum AWG10 #, or AWG8#.
Aeon  Labs  warrants  to  the  original  purchaser  of Products  that  for  the  Warranty  Period  (as  defined below),  the Products will be free from material defects in materials and workmanship. The foregoing warranty is subject to the proper installation,  operation and maintenance of the Products in accordance with installation instructions and the operating manual supplied to Customer.  Warranty claims must be made by Customer in writing within thirty  (30)  days  of  the manifestation of a problem. Aeon Labs' sole obligation under the  foregoing  warranty is,  at Aeon Labs'  option, to  repair,  replace  or  correct  any  such  defect  that  was present  at  the  time  of  delivery,  or  to  remove  the Pr od ucts  an d  to  refund  the  p ur ch ase  pri ce  t o Customer. The "Warranty Period" begins on the date the Products is delivered and continues for 12 months. Any repairs under this warranty must be conducted by an  authorized  Aeon  Labs  service  representative  and under Aeon Labs'  RMA policy.  Any repairs conducted by unauthorized persons shall void this warranty.Excluded  from  the  warranty  are  problems  due  to accidents,  acts  of  God,  civil  or  military  authority,  civil disturbance,  war,  strikes,  fires,  other  catastrophes, misuse,  misapplication,  storage  damage,  negligence, electrical  power  problems,  or  modification  to  the Products or its components. Aeon  Labs  does  not  authorize  any  person  or  party  to assume or  create  for it any  other  obligation  or  liability in  connection  with  the  Products  except  as  set  forth herein. Aeon Labs will pass on to Customer all manufacturers' Material warranties to the extent that they are transferable,  but will not independently warrant any Material.Customer  must  prepay  shipping  and  transportation ch ar ge s  for  r et ur ne d  Products,  a nd  i ns ur e  the shipment  or  accept  the  risk  of  loss  or  damage  during such shipment and transportation. Aeon Labs will ship the  repaired  or  replacement  products  to  Customer freight prepaid.Customer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Aeon Labs and  Aeon  Labs'  affiliates,  shareholders,  directors, officers,  employees,  contractors,  agents and other representatives harmless from all demands,  claims, act ion s,  cau ses o f ac tio n,  pro cee d ing s,  su i ts, a s s e s s m e n t s ,   l o s s e s ,   d a m a g e s ,   l i a b i l i t i e s , settlements,  judgments,  fines,  penalties,  interest, costs and expenses (including fees and disbursements of counsel) of every kind (i) based upon personal injury or  death  or  injury  to  property  to  the  extent  any  of  the foregoing  is  proximately  caused  either  by  a  defective product  (including  strict  liability  in  tort)  or  by  the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Customer or its officers,  employees,  subcontractors  or  agents,  and/or (ii)  arising  from  or  relating  to  any  actual  or  alleged infringe ment  or  m isapprop riation  of  any  patent, trademark,  mask  work,  copyright,  trade  secret  or  any actual  or  alleged  violation  of  any  other  intellectual property  rights  arising  from  or  in  connection  with  the products,  except  to  the  extent  that  such  infringement exists  as  a result  of  Aeon  Labs'  manufacturing processes.IN  NO  EVENT  SHALL  AEON  LABS  BE  LIABLE  FOR ANY  INDIRECT,  INCIDENTAL,  PUNITIVE,  SPECIAL OR  CONSEQUENTIAL  DAMAGES,  OR  DAMAGES FOR  LOSS  OF  P ROFIT S,  REVENUE,  OR  USE INCURRED  BY  CUSTOMER  OR  ANY  THIRD  PARTY, WHETHER  IN AN ACTION  IN  CONTRACT,  OR  TORT, OR  O T HER WISE  EVEN  I F  AD VIS E D  O F  T H E POSSIBILITY  OF  SUCH  DAMAGES.    AEON  LABS' LIABILITY AND  CUSTOMER'S  EXCLUSIVE  REMEDY F O R   A N Y  C A U S E   O F   A C T I O N   A R I S I N G  I N CONNECTION  WITH  THIS  AGREEMENT  OR  THE SALE  OR  USE  OF  THE  PRODUCTS,  WHETHER BAS ED  O N  N EGL I GEN CE,  S TRI CT  LIA B ILI TY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF AGREEMENT, OR  E QUI TAB L E  P R INC I PLE S ,  I S  E XPRE SSLY L I M I T E D   T O ,   A T   A E O N   L A B S '   O P T I O N ,  RE PL ACEMENT  OF,  O R  REPAYM EN T  OF  T HE P U R C H A S E  P R I C E  F O R  T H AT  P O R T I O N  O F PRODUCTS  WITH  RESPECT  TO  WHICH  DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED.  ALL CLAIMS OF ANY KIND ARISING IN  CONNECTION  WITH  THIS  AGREEMENT  OR  THE SALE  OR  USE  OF  PRODUCTS  SHALL  BE  DEEMED WAIV ED  UNL ESS  M ADE  IN  WRI TIN G  W IT HIN THIRTY  (30)  DAYS  FROM AEON  LABS'S  DELIVERY, OR THE DATE FIXED FOR DELIVERY IN THE EVENT OF NONDELIVERY. THE  INDEMNITY  AND  WARRANTY  IN  ABOVE  ARE E X C L U S I V E  A N D   I N   L I E U   O F   A L L  O T H E R  I N D E M N I T I E S  O R  W A R R A N T I E S ,  W H E T H E R EXPRESS  OR  IMPLIED,  INCLUDING  THE  IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.THE  MANUFACTURER  IS  NOT  RESPONSIBLE  FOR ANY  RADIO  OR  TV  INTERFERENCE  CAUSED BY U N A U T H O R I Z E D  M O D I F I C AT I O N S   T O   T H I S  EQUIPMENT.  SUCH  MODIFICATIONS COULD  VOID THE  U S ER'S  A UTHO R I TY  TO  O PERAT E  T HE EQUIPMENT.This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:This device may not cause harmful interference,  andDo  not  dispose  of  electrical  appliances  as  unsorted municipal waste, use separate collection facilities.Co nta ct  you r  l oc al  g ov ern men t  for  inf or mat ion regarding the collection systems available.www.aeotec.comThis  device  must  accept  any  interference  received, including  interference  that  may  cause  undesired operation.  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  B  digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection ag ain st  har mf ul  int erf er enc e  in  a  r esi den ti al installation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not i n s t a l l e d  a n d  u s e d  i n  a c c o r d a n c e  w i t h  t h e instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to ra dio  co mmu nic at ion s.  How ever,  the re  is  no guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which  can  be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase  the  separation  between  the  equipment and receiver.Connect  the  equipment    into    an    outlet    on    a   circuit    different from that to  which the receiver is connected.Consul  the  dealer  or  an  experienced  radio/TV technician for help.1.2.WarrantyWarning6FCCNOTICE (for USA)Certifications (regional)Version:501001000001-AAYou  can  remove  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  from your  Z-Wave  network  at  any  time.  To  do  this  you  need use your main controller such as a Z-Stick or Minimote.Removing your Heavy Duty Smart Switch From a Z-Wave NetworkIf you are using a Z-Stick:If your  Z-Stick  is  plugged  into a  gateway or  a  computer, unplug it.Bring  your  Z-Stick  near  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart Switch.Press the Action Button on your Z-Stick.Press  the  Action  Button  on  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart Switch.I f  y o u r  H e a v y  Duty  S m a r t  S w i t c h  h a s  b e e n successfully  removed  from  your  network,  its  light  will blink. If the removal was unsuccessful its light will not blink.Press the Action Button on the Z-Stick to make it out of removal mode.If you are using a minimote:Bring  your  Minimote  near  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart Switch.Press the Remove Button on your Minimote.Press  the  Action  Button  on  your  Heavy  Duty  Smart Switch.I f  y o u r  H e a v y  Duty  S m a r t  S w i t c h  h a s  b e e n successfully  removed  from  your  network,  its  light  will blink. If the removal was unsuccessful its light will not blink.Press  any  button  on  your  Minimote  to  make  it  out  of removing mode.Your  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  can  be  turned  on  or  off through the use of Z-Wave commands built into Z- Wave certified  controllers and  gateways.  The specific Z-Wave commands  supporting  this  function  are  the  Basic Command  Class  and  Binary  Switch  Command  Class. Ple a se  con s ult  t h e  ope r ati on  ma n ual  f o r  t he s e controllers  for  specific  instructions  on  controlling  your Heavy Duty Smart Switch.Turn Your Heavy Duty Smart Switch On or OffMonitoring Power ConsumptionYour Aeon  Labs  Heavy  Duty  Smart  Switch  can  report Watts energy usage or KWh energy usage to a Z-Wave gateway  or  controller.  If  this  function  is  supported  by the gateway/controller, the energy consumption will be displayed  in  its  user  interface.  The  specific  Z-Wave commands supporting energy monitoring are the Meter Command  Class  and  Multilevel  Sensor  Command Class.  Automatic  reports  go  to  the  only  association group  1,  which is  setup via  the Association  Command Class.  Please  also  consult  the  operation  manual  for these  gateways/controllers for specific instructions on monitoring your Heavy Duty Smart Switch.Technical SpecificationsModel number: DSC10-ZWUSWaterproof: IP44Power Consumption: 1WRatings: 240VAC,50/60Hz(2Phases L1,L2) ;                Maxim 9600 Watts 40A Resister;                 240VAC 5HP AC Motor;RF range: 300ft/100m outdoor;Endurance of 10ms period peak current of 1440A1.

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