Advantech Co EKI-1352 WLAN Serial Device Server User Manual V4 12 EA User Manual

Advantech Co Ltd WLAN Serial Device Server V4 12 EA User Manual


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45 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 3 Configuring Serial Device Server Authentication Type: There are three kinds of types in this drop-down menu–Open system: No encryption for network communication. You can neglect the key setting on the right side.–WEP Share Key: Both communication devices use the same key as encryp-tion.–Automatic: Detect the WEP situation of the access point automatically. EKI-1351 and EKI-1352 will use the current key for encryption. If EKI-1351/1352’s key does not coincide with the access point’s key, the user should reset the same key and reboot to connect.Encryption: If the system needs WEP encryption, the user has to set the key type. There are two kinds of encryption keys: 64 bits and 128 bits. For an open system, the encryption function is disabled.Set the key format. The table shows the allowed characters and length of the different key index and key formats.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 46Index: This lists the supported encryption keys that you can choose from3.3.2.4 Wireless AdvancedThe tab identifies several parameters that are related to the 802.11b/g wireless net-work. We strongly suggested the default settings are not changed unless necessary.If you want to recovery to factory value, you click the “Reset to factory default value”. Beacon IntervalIn infrastructure networks, the access point periodically sends beacons. You can setthe beacon interval with the access point configuration screen. In general, the bea-con interval is set to 100 ms, which provides good performance for most applications.In ad hoc networks, there are no access points. As a result, one of the peer stationsassumes the responsibility for sending the beacon. After receiving a beacon frame,each station waits for the beacon interval and then sends a beacon if no other stationdoes so after a random time delay. This ensures that at least one station will send abeacon, and the random delay rotates the responsibility for sending beacons.Alphanumeric Hexadecimal64 bits Up to 5 random characterson the keyboardUp to 10 random hexadecimalcharacters (0 ~ 9, a ~ f)128 bits Up to 13 random characterson the keyboardUp to 26 random hexadecimalcharacters (0 ~ 9, a ~ f)Parameters Default Value RangeBeacon Interval 100 0~65535RTS Threshold 2347 0~2347Fragment Threshold 2346 256~2346Preamble Long Long/Short
47 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 3 Configuring Serial Device ServerBy increasing the beacon interval, you can reduce the number of beacons and asso-ciated overhead, but that will likely delay the association and roaming processbecause stations scanning for available access points may miss the beacons. Youcan decrease the beacon interval, which increases the rate of beacons. This willmake the association and roaming process very responsive; however, the networkwill incur additional overhead and throughput will go down. In addition, stations usingpower save mode will need to consume more power because they’ll need to awakenmore often, which reduces power saving mode benefits. RTS ThresholdRTS Threshold is the frame size above that an RTS/CTS handshake will be per-formed before attempting to transmit. RTS/CTS ask for permission to transmit toreduce collisions, but adds considerable overhead. Disabling RTS/CTS can reduceoverhead and latency in WLANs where all stations are close together, but canincrease collisions and degrade performance in WLANs where stations are far apartand unable to sense each other to avoid collisions. If you are experiencing excessivecollisions, you can try turning RTS/CTS on or (if already on) reduce RTS/CTSThreshold on the affected stations. Fragmentation ThresholdFragmentation Threshold is the maximum length of the frame, beyond which payloadmust be broken up into two or more frames. Collisions occur more often for longframes because sending them occupies the channel for a longer period of time,increasing the chance that another station will transmit and cause a collision. Reduc-ing Fragmentation Threshold results in shorter frames that "busy" the channel forshorter periods, reducing packet error rate and resulting retransmissions. However,shorter frames also increase overhead, degrading maximum possible throughput, soadjusting this parameter means striking a good balance between error rate andthroughput. PreambleA preamble is a signal used in network communications to synchronize the transmis-sion timing between two or more systems. Proper timing ensures that all systems areinterpreting the start of the information transfer correctly.3.4 3.4 Setting serial parametersThis section explains how to configure Advantech serial device server serialcommunication parameter using this utility. There are various operation modes thatare suitable for different application. Click on the "+" before the model name (e.g. EKI-1522), and the utility will expand thetree structure to show the individual device name. And click on the “+” before thedevice name, and the utility will expand the interfaces on this device server. Selectthe serial interface.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 483.4.1 Setting serial port parametersClick on the “+” before the device name, and the utility will expand the interfaces onthis device server. Select the one serial interface.Description: You can give a more detailed description on the function of the port for easier management and maintenance. Descriptions have a limit of 128 char-acters.
49 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 3 Configuring Serial Device ServerType: The EKI serial device servers offer three kinds of serial protocols, RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485. You can use any of the three serial protocols accord-ing to your requirements.Baud Rate: The EKI serial device servers support baud rates from 50 to 921.6Kbps. Total throughput up to 1.2M bpsParity: The EKI serial device servers provide five options: None, Odd, Even, Space, Mark.Databit: The EKI serial device servers provide four options: 5, 6, 7 or 8.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 50Stopbits :The EKI serial device servers provide three options: 1, 1.5 or 2.Flow Control: The EKI serial device servers provide four options: None, Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR.3.4.2 Setting Virtual COM Operating Mode ParametersThe Advantech serial device servers extend traditional COM ports of a PC to Ether-net access. Through Ethernet networking, users can control and monitor remoteserial devices and equipment over LAN or WAN. Advantech serial device serverscome with a COM port redirector (Virtual COM driver) that transmits all serial signalsintact. This means that your existing COM-based software can be preserved, withoutmodifying to fulfill the needs. The Virtual COM mode allows user to continue usingRS-232/422/485 serial communications software that was written for pure serial com-munication applications.EKI serial device servers come with COM port redirector(virtual COM driver) thatwork with Window NT/2000/XP/Vista(X86) systems. The driver establishes a trans-parent connection between host and serial device by mapping the IP of Advantechserial device server serial port to a local COM port on the host computer.EKI serial device server provides Multi-access function through one Ethernetconnection path or dual Ethernet connection path. Allow the max. of five connectionsto open one serial port simultaneously. In the mode, all connection have to use thesame serial setting. If one serial setting of these connections is different from others,the data communication may operate incorrectly.
51 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 3 Configuring Serial Device ServerHost Idle Timeout: 10~255 second.  The default vale is 10 second. The main purpose of Host Idle timeout is when the idle happens and continues more than the set value, the utility will cut off the connection between serial device servers and the host automatically. You must re-connect to recover the communication.EKI serial device server provides Multi-access function through one Ethernetconnection path or dual Ethernet connection path. Allow the max. of five connectionsto open one serial port simultaneously. In the mode, all connection have to use thesame serial setting. If one serial setting of these connections is different from others,the data communication may operate incorrectly.There are two operating mode of Multi-access function. One is Normal mode;another is Round-Robin mode.Normal mode: disabling “Response Timeout” parameter, EKI serial device sev-ers will operate in “normal mode”. When multiple hosts open the serial port simultaneously, the EKI serial device server only offers control ability for the first connected host and provides data communication function for others. Each serial port supports up to five simultaneous connections, so multiple hosts can transmit/receive data to/from the same serial port simultaneously. Every host can transmit data to the same serial port, and EKI serial device server will also transmit data to every hosts. When the multiple hosts transmit data to the same serial port at the same time, the received data from Ethernet and the outputs of serial port are mixed. When EKI serial device server receives data from serial port, the data will also be transmitted to the connected hosts simultaneously.Note This operating mode is especial suitable for that one major host send the command and others hosts just listen the data from serial port. If two of con-nected hosts send the command at the same time, it is possible that EKI serial device server will not handle the command and will response the incor-rect data.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 52Round-Robin mode: enabling “Response Timeout” parameter, the EKI serial device servers will operate in “Round-Robin mode”. Each serial port supports up to five simultaneous connections, so multiple hosts can transmit/receive data to/from the same serial port simultaneously.  Every host can transmit data to the same serial port simultaneously, but EKI serial device server will process the data communication in order. EKI serial device server will process the first host’s request and reply the response to the first host. EKI serial device server can determine the end of the serial acknowledgement via response timeout. When EKI serial device server receives nothing from serial port after the setting of response timeout, the device will reply the acknowledgement to the host and then process the next host’s request. while the connected hosts are more and “Response Timeout” is long, the process time is much longer.Frame Break is a very import parameter for Round Robin mode. This parameter is the smart way to reduce inefficient waiting time and EKI serial device server can transmit data more efficiently. Disabling the Frame Break function, EKI serial device server will wait “Response Timeout” period, whether the device have transmitted the data. During this period, the commands from hosts will be queued and EKI serial device server just processes this command.  Enabling “Frame Break”, if the serial port idle is longer than the “Frame Break” period, EKI serial device server will assume the communication is completed and continue the next host’s query. This is an efficient way to reduce the waiting time and improve the performance. Some of Advance Settings parameter is especial for Modbus/RTU communication. Ingeneral, EKI serial device is suitable for Modbus/RTU protocol. If there is a communi-cation issue between Modbus/RTU, you might try to set these parameters to fulfill theModbus/RTU needs. Delay Time:<< not yet >>Purge:<< not yet>>Character Timeout Detection: << not yet>>Multiple connections: Disabling multiple connections that this serial don’t sup-port hosts mulit-Access. 3.4.3 Setting TCP/UDP Server operating mode parametersEKI serial device server provides various operating mode. Select the operationmode: USDG Mode to switch to TCP server/client or UDP mode. Before setting theTCP server mode, you have to check the serial port setting first.
53 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 3 Configuring Serial Device ServerData Mode: there are two major operation modes: Data Mode and Control Mode.  Using TCP server operating mode, you have to select Data Mode.Data Listen Port: The port number represents the source port number, and the number is used to identify the channel for remote initiating connections. Range: 1024-65533. If an unknown caller wants to connect to the system and asks for some services, they need to define the port to carry a long-term conversation. Each node on a TCP/IP network has an IP address, and each IP address can allow connections on one or more TCP port. The well known TCP port are those that have been defined; for example, port 23 is used for Telnet connections. There are also custom sockets that users and developers define for their spe-cific needs. Each port has its own data listen port to accept connected request of other network device. So, the data listen port can’t be set the same value. You can transmit/receive data to/from device via the data listen port.Command Listen Port: Each port has its own command listen port to accept connected request of other network device. So, the command listen port can’t be set the same value. You can use ‘AT command’ to change the port setting via the command listen port. The Command Listen Port must be different from the Data Listen port.Enable Data Idle Timeout: The default is 60 seconds. If you want to keep con-nection continually, you might disable this function. Data idle Time is the time period in which the device waits for data. If the EKI serial device server does not receive data over an established idle time, the device server will disconnect temporarily.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 54Protocol: TCP and UDP.Enable Time sharing: this function is same as Mutli-Access function. Please refer to the COM redirector setting.3.4.4 Setting TCP/UDP Client operating mode parametersEKI serial device server allows connecting to the hosts or other serial device servers,EKI-135x Wireless modules allow maximum 4 connections. EKI-152x Ethernetmodules allow up to 16 connections simultaneously.In order to enable this function, you just insert IP and TCP port number of the hostsand other EKI serial device servers into the “Peers to Receiving Data”3.4.5 Setting Control operating mode parametersThe “Control mode” is a very special operating mode. The EKI serial device serverspresent a modem interface to the attached serial device: it accepts AT-style modemcommands to connect / disconnect to other networking device. If you want serialdevice running application program to connect/disconnect to different devicesdynamically, you can use controlling mode.
55 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 3 Configuring Serial Device ServerThe “Control mode” provides three modem AT-style commands. The serial devicescan use these commands to control EKI serial device server to connect/disconnect toremote networking device. Thus, intelligent serial devices such as stand-alone PLCwill send /receive data to/from devices one by one via Ethernet.Please refer to the TCP/UDP server operating mode to setup the Data Listen Port,Command Listen Port, and Data Idle Timeout .Hangup Character: the default character is “+”. While EKI serial device server receive the character from serial port, the server cut off the connection.Guard Time: the default value is 1000ms.The following commands are available for EKI serial device severs.Command FunctionATDT<IP address> <TCP port> <CR>“Forms a TCP connection to the specified host.Ex: ATDT above example, the EKI serial device server forms a raw TCP connection to the networking device ( The TCP port is 5201.”ATA <CR> Answering an incoming call+++<CR> Returns the user to the command prompt whenentered from the serial port during a remote host con-nection.<LF><CR> OK <LF><CR> Commands are executed correctly<LF><CR> CONNECT <LF><CR> Connect to other device<LF><CR> RING ddd.ddd.ddd <LF><CR>Detect the connection request from other device, which IP address is ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd.<LF><CR> DISCONNECT <LF><CR>Disconnect from other device<LF><CR> ERROR <LF><CR> Incorrect commands<LF><CR> FAIL <LF><CR> If you issu an ATDT command and can not connect to the device, it will response “FAIL”.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 563.4.6 Setting Serial Tunneling Operation Mode Parameters3.5 Running Diagnostic Test3.5.1 Port Status Screen3.5.2 Running Port Connection Test3.5.3 Checking Wireless Status3.6 Fulfilling Administrator Functions3.6.1 Securing Access Clients 3.6.2 Setting Access Control3.6.3 Upgrading Firmware
Chapter 44Setting COM Redirector
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 584.1 Introduction Advantech Configuration Utility also creates virtual COM ports that Windows applica-tions will use to communicate with remote serial devices on the serial server. Advan-tech virtual COM ports follow the same naming/numbering convention as WindowsCOM ports. 4.2 EDG Favorite GroupsWhile you move the device(s) to the Favorite Group,  you can use these functionsUpdate firmwareAuto MappingManual Mapping4.2.1 Creating Favorite groupYou have to create at least one favorite group in EDG device Favorites; otherwise,utility will discard the adding and show this warming message.
59 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 4 Setting COM RedirectorAfter creating favorite group, you can select the device and hold the mouse button tomove this device to the group. Or select the device and right click the muse buttonand select “Add to Favorite”The device server are grouped in EDG Device Favorites can setup the Virtual COMand upgrade the firmware.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 604.2.2 4.1.2 Removing device server from Favorite groupSelect the device and right click the muse button and select “Remove from Favorite”
61 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 4 Setting COM Redirector4.3 Setting COM Redirector(Virtual COM port)Advantech COM port mapping software is a serial COM port redirector that createsvirtual COM ports and provides access to serial devices connected to Advantechserial device servers. Your serial device applications can communicate with serialdevices connected to Advantech serial device servers without software changes.Since the virtual COM ports work like standard Windows COM ports, your applicationsoftware sees no difference between a local serial device and one connected to aAdvantech serial device server.COM redirector utility and Virtual COM port Management utility are integrated intoone utility with same GUI. Before your establish Virtual COM port pool, you have tocreate the EDG Device Favorites group and move your device server into thesegroups. Virtual COM port Management utility can create all Virtual COM ports using“Auto Mapping” function. You can map the Virtual COM port by yourself. 4.3.1 Auto MappingRight click the serial device on the Favorite group and select the “Auto Mapping”function.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 62The serial ports that can be assigned to virtual COM will be shown in this window.Select the serial ports you wish to map or click the <Select All> button and press<Map Selected Port> button.The selected serial ports will be mapped to virtual COMports in sequential order.The COM ports in the ‘EDG Serial port’ listing are now available for use by Windowsapplications.
63 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 4 Setting COM Redirector4.3.2 Manual MappingRight click the serial device on the Favorite group and select the “Manual Mapping”function.ADAM series, EDG series, and EKI wireless series have only one IP address.  Youselect the serial port on the device server and the host COM that you want to set.Press <Map it> to establish the virtual COM port on the host.
EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual 644.3.2.1 Auto Reconnect propertySometimes, the connection between EDG device and HOST is interrupted by net-work traffic or powered-off by accident. In such a situation, the host have to recon-nect to Advantech serial device server. The function "Auto-reconnect" is for thispurpose, If the Advantech serial server loses the connection to its host, the COMredirector will try to re-establish the connection while the host AP access the virtualCOM port. The COM redirector DO NOT re-establish the connection automatically.When the connection is working again, the host's commands will be automaticallyreceived by the Advantech serial device server again. Reconfiguration is not neces-sary, so this function enhances the reliability of the system.if the function is disabled, the connection can not be re-established again unless theCOM redirector or host is restarted.EKI-1521, EKI-1522, and EKI-1524 have two Ethernet ports. You can select twoEthernet port to establish two Ethernet connections with one virtual COM port. Itmeans that COM redirector will use one connection with the COM port on deviceserver to communicate. If this connection failed, COM redirector will establishanother Ethernet connection to communicate with device. The switch time will be 3second ~ 5 second depending on the network traffic and host status.
65 EKI-1351/EKI-1352/EKI-1521/1522/1524 User ManualChapter 4 Setting COM RedirectorIf you don’t use the redundant function, you just select the correct IP address in theIP address 1 field.Note if you set the wrong IP address, COM redirector will still try to connect the device. It might cause the system performance low or other issue.
www.advantech.comPlease verify specifications before quoting. This guide is intended for referencepurposes only.All product specifications are subject to change without notice.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permis-sion of the publisher.All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies.© Advantech Co., Ltd. 2007

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