Advanced Card Systems ACR1281S Contactless Smart Card Reader and Writer User Manual

Advanced Card Systems Limited Contactless Smart Card Reader and Writer Users Manual

Users Manual

ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 1 of 56                ACR1281S  Specification  V1.01
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 2 of 56 Revision History  Rev Number Date  Author  Notes V1.00  2010-08-19  Nathan Li/ Kit Au  Preliminary specification for ACR12V1.01  2010-12-15  Vincent Zhong/Jessy Wei  Modify Peripherals Control  command
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 3 of 56  INDEX Index ....................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................5 features.................................................................................................................................................5 Terms ...................................................................................................................................................6 Quick Overview of the ACR1281S Reader.........................................................................................7 1. ACR1281S (with Contact Card Option)......................................................................................7 2. ACR1281S (without Contact Card Option).................................................................................7 3. ACR1281S ICC Interface............................................................................................................8 4. ACR1281S PICC Interface..........................................................................................................8 System description.............................................................................................................................10 1. The Reader Block Diagram .......................................................................................................10 2. Communication Flow Chart of ACR1281S...............................................................................11 Hardware Description........................................................................................................................12 3. USB Interface ............................................................................................................................12 4. LED Indicator ............................................................................................................................12 5. Buzzer........................................................................................................................................13 6. ICC Interface (Contact Smart Card)..........................................................................................13 7. PICC Interface (Contactless Smart Card)..................................................................................13 Serial Communication Protocol (CCID-liked FRAME Format).......................................................14 8. Bulk-OUT Command ................................................................................................................15 8.1 HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn..............................................................................................15 8.2 HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff.............................................................................................15 8.3 HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock ..................................................................................................16 8.4 HOST_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus............................................................................................16 8.5 HOST_to_RDR_SetParameters...........................................................................................17 8.6 HOST_to_RDR_Escape ......................................................................................................17 9. Bulk-IN Response......................................................................................................................19 9.1 RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock ................................................................................................19 9.2 RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus .................................................................................................20 9.3 RDR_to_HOST_Parameters................................................................................................20 9.4 RDR_to_HOST_Escape ......................................................................................................21 10. RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange Messages .............................................................................21 11. Error Handling.........................................................................................................................23 12. Protocol Flow Examples..........................................................................................................24 Peripherals Control ............................................................................................................................26 1. Set Serial Communication Mode...............................................................................................26 2. Get Firmware Version ...............................................................................................................26 3. Enter Firmware Upgrade Mode.................................................................................................27 4. LED Control ..............................................................................................................................27 5. Buzzer Control...........................................................................................................................28 6. Default LED and Buzzer State ..................................................................................................28 7. Automatic PICC Polling............................................................................................................29 8. PICC Polling for specific PICC Types ......................................................................................29 9. Auto PPS for the PICC Interface (Communication Speed Change) .........................................30 10. Antenna Field ON/OFF for the PICC Interface.......................................................................30
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 4 of 56 11. Exclusive Mode Configure......................................................................................................30 12. Request Command Test...........................................................................................................31 13. Continuous Wake Up Command Sending Test for the PICC Interface ..................................32 14. Read and Update the RC531 Register for the PICC Interface ................................................32 15. Go into Contactless EMV Terminal Loop...............................................................................32 16. Go into Contact EMV Terminal Loop.....................................................................................32 17. Read and Initial Card Insert Counter.......................................................................................32 18. Initial RC531 Setting For PICC...............................................................................................33 PICC Interface Description................................................................................................................34 1. ATR Generation ........................................................................................................................34 PICC APDU Commands for General Purposes.................................................................................36 1. Get Data.....................................................................................................................................36 PICC APDU Commands (T=CL Emulation) for MIFare 1K/4K MEMORY Cards ........................37 2.1 Load Authentication Keys .......................................................................................................37 2.2.1 Authentication for MIFARE 1K/4K.....................................................................................39 2.3 Read Binary Blocks .................................................................................................................42 2.4 Update Binary Blocks..............................................................................................................43 2.5 Value Block Related Commands.............................................................................................44 2.5.1 Value Block Operation .........................................................................................................44 2.5.2 Read Value Block.................................................................................................................45 2.5.3 Restore Value Block.............................................................................................................46 Basic Program Flow for Contactless Applications............................................................................47 1. How to access PCSC Compliant Tags (ISO14443-4)? .............................................................48 2. How to access DESFIRE Tags (ISO14443-4)?.........................................................................51 Basic Program Flow for Contact  Applications.................................................................................53 1. How to access ACOS3 ICC Cards (ISO7816)?.........................................................................53 Annex A.............................................................................................................................................55 Technical Specification .....................................................................................................................56
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 5 of 56  INTRODUCTION The ACR1281S is a dual-interface reader(IFD and PCD) that supports both contact and contactless (PICC) smart cards.  FEATURES •  One standard ICC landing type card acceptor. •  ISO 7816 Parts 1-4 Compliant for Contact Smart Card Interface. •  Support contact memory cards. •  ISO 14443 Parts 1-4 Compliant for Contactless Smart Card Interface. •  A built-in antenna for PICC contactless access applications. •  The ACR1281 supports the following Tag Types: o  MIFARE Classic. E.g. MIFARE 1K, 4K, MINI and Ultralight. o  ISO14443-4 Type A and B.  •  T=CL emulation for MIFare 1K/4K PICCs. Multi-Blocks Transfer Mode is provided for efficient PICC access. •  High Speed (424 kbps) Communication for PICCs.  #Maximum 848 kbps. •  Intelligent Support for Hybrid Cards and Combi Cards. •  Energy saving modes for turning off the antenna field whenever the PICC is inactive, or no PICC is found. It prevents the PICC from exposing to the field all the time. •  User-Controllable Peripherals. E.g. LED, Buzzer. •  CCID-liked Frame Format. •  Serial Interface up to 500kbps. •  Device Firmware Upgradeable through the USB Interface.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 6 of 56  TERMS •  IFD: Interface Device. A terminal, communication device, or machine to which the integrated circuit(s) card is electrically connected during operation. •  PCD: Proximity Coupling Device. ISO 14443 Contactless Reader. •  ICC: Integrated Circuit(s) Card. Refer to a plastic card containing an integrated circuit, which is compatible with ISO 7816. •  PICC: Proximity Integrated Circuit(s) Card. Contactless Cards operating without mechanical contact to the IFD, using magnetic coupling.  •  Combi-Card: A smart card that supports both ICC and PICC Interfaces. But only one interface can be operating at any one time. •  Hybrid-Card: A smart card that consists of both ICC and PICC cards. Both ICC and PICC cards can be operating at the same time. •  USB: Universal Serial Bus, a common device interface used in PC environment. •  CCID: The specifications for USB devices that interface with ICC or act as interfaces with ICC/PICC.  •  PCSC: Personal Computer Smart Card, a specification that can facilitate the interoperability necessary to allow ICC/PICC technology to be effectively utilized in the PC environment.  •  ISO 7816: A standard for contact smart cards (ICC). •  T=0: Character-oriented asynchronous half duplex transmission protocol for ICCs (ISO 7816). •  T=1: Block-oriented asynchronous half duplex transmission protocol for ICCs (ISO 7816). •  ISO 14443: A standard for contactless smart cards (PICC) •  T=CL: Block-oriented asynchronous half duplex transmission protocol for PICCs (ISO 14443). •  APDU: Application Protocol Data Unit. •  ATR: Answer-to-Reset. The transmission sent by an ICC to the reader (IFD) in response to a RESET condition.  •  ATS: Answer-to-Select. The transmission sent by a PICC Type A to the reader (PCD) in response to a SELECT condition.  •  ATQB: Answer-to-Request. The transmission sent by a PICC Type B to the reader (PCD) in response to a REQUEST condition.  •  Card Insertion Event: Either an ICC or a PICC is just appeared to the reader. • Card Removal Event: Either an ICC or a PICC is removed from the reader. •  NAK:  Negative Acknowledge, only used to get the last response or slot change message report in ACR1281S. •  XOR : Exclusive OR •  RDR: ACR1281S. •  HOST: Host Controller. •  HOST_to_RDR: Host Controller -> ACR1281S •  RDR_to_HOST: ACR1281S -> Host Controlle
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 7 of 56  QUICK OVERVIEW OF THE ACR1281S READER  1. ACR1281S (with Contact Card Option)  2. ACR1281S (without Contact Card Option)
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 8 of 56  3. ACR1281S ICC Interface   4. ACR1281S PICC Interface
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 9 of 56 Recommended ICAO E-Passport Placement    •  In case the E-Passport is not accessible, try to place the E-Passport above the reader by 5~10mm.      ICAO  E-Passport 5~10mm
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 10 of 56  SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1. The Reader Block Diagram    AT90SCR100HHost ControllerLED & BuzzerPC Operation SystemSerialUSB Firmware UpgradeRC531 NFC Interface ChipSPIBuilt-InAntennaPICCContactless CardContactless Interface Carrier  = 13.56MHzISO7816 InterfaceICCContact Card
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 11 of 56  2. Communication Flow Chart of ACR1281S  PCSC LayerISO 7816 Part1-4 ICC InterfaceT=CL &T=1EmulationISO 14443 Part1-4PICC InterfaceICC(Landing Type Acceptor )PICC(Built-In Antenna )  ACR1281SACR128U PCSC ICC InterfaceACR128U PCSC PICC InterfaceSerial Interface(CCID liked Format)Physical InterfaceICCAndPICC Host
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 12 of 56  HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 3.  USB Interface The ACR1281S is connected to a Host through the RS232 Serial Interface; the max speed is up to 500kbps.   Pin  Signal  Function 1  VCC  +5V power supply for the reader. 2  RXD  The signal from the reader to the host. 3  TXD  The signal from the host to the reader. 4  GND  Reference voltage level for power supply   4. LED Indicator The LEDs are used for showing the state of the contact and contactless interfaces.The Red LED is used for showing PICC status and Green LED for ICC.    Reader States  Red LED PICC Indicator Green LED ICC Indicator 1. No PICC Found or PICC present but not activated. A single pulse per ~ 5 seconds  2. PICC is present and activated  ON   3. PICC is operating  Blinking   4. ICC is present and activated    ON 5. ICC is absent or not activated    OFF 6. ICC is operating    Blinking
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 13 of 56 5. Buzzer A monotone buzzer is used to show the “Card Insertion” and “Card Removal” events.  Events  Buzzer 1. The reader powered up and initialization success. Beep 2. Card Insertion Event (ICC or PICC)  Beep 3. Card Removal Event (ICC or PICC)  Beep   6. ICC Interface (Contact Smart Card) A landing type Smart Card Acceptor is used for providing reliable operations. The minimum life cycle of the acceptor is about 300K times of card insertion and removal.   7. PICC Interface (Contactless Smart Card) A built-in antenna is used for communication between the PCD and PICC.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 14 of 56  SERIAL COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL (CCID-LIKED FRAME FORMAT)  Communication setting: 9600 bps(Default), 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps and 115200 bps,128000bps, 250000bps, 500000bps. Byte format: 8-N-1.  The communication protocol between the Host and ACR1281S is very similar to the CCID protocol.  Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header  APDU Command Or Parameters Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  M Bytes (If applicable) 1 Byte  1 Byte   NOTE: Checksum = XOR {Bulk-OUT Header, APDU Command or Parameters}    Status Frame Format STX (0x02) Status  Checksun ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  NOTE: Checksum = Status   Response Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-IN Header  APDU Response Or abData Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes (If applicable) 1 Byte  1 Byte  NOTE: Checksum = XOR {Bulk-IN Header, APDU Response or abData}
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 15 of 56  8.  Bulk-OUT Command 8.1 HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn This command is used to activate the ICC and PICC . The ATR will be returned if available in response “RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock” Format (See 2.1).  Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn) Parameters  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte   HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  62h   1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000000h  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00h,01h  00h forPICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  00h-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  bPowerSelect  1  00h, 01h, 02h, 03h Voltage that is applied to the ICC 00h – Automatic Voltage Selection 01h – 5.0 volts 02h – 3.0 volts 03h – 1.8 volts 8  abRFU  2    Reserved for Future Use  Note:  The ICC interface must be activated before access contact cards while PICC interface is optional.  Example: Power on PICC slot Command: 02 62 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03  Response:  02 80 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 00 3B 8B 80 01 4A 43 4F 50 33 31 33 36 47 44 54 4C 2A 03  8.2 HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff  This command is used to deactivate the ICC. For PICC, it does nothing.  Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff) Parameters  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  63h   1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000000h  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00h,01h  00h forPICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  abRFU  3    Reserved for Future Use
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 16 of 56  Example: Power off PICC slot Command: 02 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03  Response:  02 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 00 00 03  8.3 HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock   This command is used to exchange APDUs between the Host and ACR1281S.  Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock) APDU Commands  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  M Bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte  HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  6Fh   1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  M  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00h,01h  00h forPICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  bBWI  1  00-FFh  Used to extend the Block Waiting Timeout. 8  wLevelParameter 2  0000h   10  abData  Byte array   Data sent to the reader. Example: Read 256 bytes from PICC slot Command: 02 6F 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 B2 00 00 00 58 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03  Response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to_RDR_GetSlotStatus       This command is used to get the status of  ICC, PICC slots. Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock) Parameters  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte   HOST_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus Format
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 17 of 56 Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  65h   1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000000h  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00h,01h  00h forPICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  abRFU  3    Reserved for Future Use   8.5 HOST_to_RDR_SetParameters   This command is used to change the parameters for contact interface to implement PPS.  Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock) Parameters  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  5 or 7 bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte  HOST_to_RDR_SetParameters Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  61h   1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000005h, 00000007h Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00h,01h  00h forPICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  00h for protocol T=0, 01h for T=1. 7  bProtocolNum  1  00h,01h  Used to extend the Block Waiting Timeout. 8  abRFU  2    Reserved for Future Use 10  abProtocolDataStructure Byte array   Protocol Data Structure  Remarks:  For protocol T = 0, dwLength = 00000005h; for protocol T = 1, dwLength = 00000007h. More detail about the abProtocolDataStructure field, please refer to CCID specification. 8.6 HOST_to_RDR_Escape   This command is used to peripherals control such as LED & Buzzer control, Get firmware Version, set the serial communication mode and so on.  Command Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock) Commands  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  M bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte  HOST_to_RDR_Escape Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  6Bh   1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  M  Message-specific data length
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 18 of 56 5  bSlot  1  00h,01h  00h for PICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  00h for protocol T=0, 01h for T=1. 7  abRFU  3    Reserved for Future Use 10  abData  Byte array   Data block sent to the reader.  Example for buzzer on 50ms : Command:   02 6B 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 28 01 05 A0 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03 Response: 02 83 06 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 E1 00 00 00 01 05 63 03
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 19 of 56  9.  Bulk-IN Response 9.1 RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock  The reader in response to the “HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn” and “HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock” command messages.  Response to the “HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn”: Response Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock) abData  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes of ATR (If card is available) 1 Byte  1 Byte  RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  80h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR1281S 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  N  Size of abData field. (N Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same as Bulk-OUT 00h for PICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence number for corresponding command. 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bChainParameter 1      Response to “HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock” Response Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock) abData  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte  RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  80h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR1281S 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  N  Size of abData field. (N Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same as Bulk-OUT 00h for PICC interface, 01h for ICC  6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence number for corresponding command. 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bChainParameter 1
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 20 of 56  9.2 RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus  The reader in response to the “HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff” and “HOST_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus” command messages.  Response Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus) abData  Checksum ETX (0x00) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  81h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR1281S 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000000h  Size of abData field. (0 Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same as Bulk-OUT 00h for PICC, 01h for ICC 6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence number for corresponding command 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bClockStatus  1     9.3 RDR_to_HOST_Parameters      The reader in response to the “HOST_to_RDR_SetParameters” command messages.  Response Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus) abData  Checksum ETX (0x00) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  5 or 7 Bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  82h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR1281S 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000005h, 00000007h Size of abData field.  5  bSlot  1  Same as Bulk-OUT 00h for PICC, 01h for ICC 6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence number for corresponding command 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bProtocolNum  1     10  abProtocolDataStructure Byte array   Protocol Data Structure Remarks:  For protocol T = 0, dwLength = 00000005h; for protocol T = 1, dwLength = 00000007h. More detail about the abProtocolDataStructure field, please refer to CCID specification.
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 21 of 56 9.4 RDR_to_HOST_Escape       The reader in response to “HOST_to_RDR_Escape” command messages.  Response Frame Format STX (0x02) Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock) abData  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte   RDR_to_HOST_Escape Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  83h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR1281S 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  N  Size of abData field. (N Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same as Bulk-OUT 00h for PICC, 01h for ICC 6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence number for corresponding command 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bRFU  1  00h  Reserved for Future Use 10  abData  Byte array   Data sent from reader.                   10.  RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange Messages    This message is used to report the Card Insertion/Removal Event to the HOST.  Frame Format STX (0x02) Interrupt-In Messages  Checksum ETX (0x03) 1 Byte  2 Bytes  1 Byte  1 Byte
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 22 of 56  RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  50h   1  bmSlotCardState  1    Each slot has 2 bits. The least significant bit reports the current state of the slot (0b = no card present, 1b = card present). The most significant bit reports whether the slot has changed state since the last RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange message was sent (0b = no change, 1b = change).    bmSlotCardState Bit Map  Offset  Field  Description Bit0  Slot 0 current state  PICC slot state Bit1  Slot 0 changed status  PICC slot changed status Bit2  Slot 1 current state  ICC slot state Bit3  Slot 1 changed status  ICC slot changed status Bit4  Slot 2 current state  RFU Bit5  Slot 2 changed status  RFU Bit6  RFU  RFU Bit7  RFU  RFU
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 23 of 56  11. Error Handling  - ACK Frame: {02 00 00 03}. If the frame sent by the HOST is correctly received by the RDR, a positive status frame = {02 00 00 03} will be sent to the HOST immediately to inform the HOST the frame is correctly received. The HOST has to wait for the response of the command. The RDR will not receive any more frames while the command is being processed.  - NAK Frame = {02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03} // 11 zeros The NAK Frame is only used by the HOST to get the last response or card insertion/ removal event messages.  In case of errors, a negative status frame will be sent to the HOST to indicate the frame is either corrupted or wrong formatted.  - Checksum Error Frame = {02 FF FF 03}.  The received data checksum is not correct.  - Length Error Frame = {02 FE FE 03}.  The length “dwLength” is greater than  0x0105 bytes.  - ETX Error Frame = {02 FD FD 03}.  The last byte is not equal to ETX “0x03”.  - Slot error Frame = {02 FB FB 03}.        The Slot number is not  00 or 01 .  - Time out Error Frame : {02 99 99 03}.  The time of data transmit is over.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 24 of 56   12. Protocol Flow Examples  1) Activate a ICC    HOST   RDR 1. HOST sends a frame   02 62 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 63 03   2. RDR sends back a positive status frame immediately  02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. after some processing delay ..   3. RDR sends back the response of the command  02 80 13 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 3B BE 11 00 00 41 01 38 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 00 6F 03      2) Activate a ICC (Incorrect Checksum, HOST )   HOST   RDR 1. HOST sends a corrupted frame  02 62 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00  [Incorrect Checksum] 03  2. RDR sends back a negative status frame immediately   02 FF FF 03 (negative status frame)   3. HOST sends the frame again.  02 62 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00  63 03   4. RDR sends back a positive status frame immediately   02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. after some processing delay ..   5. RDR sends back the response of the command   02 80 13 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 3B BE 11 00 00 41 01 38 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 00 6F 03   3) Activate a ICC (Incorrect Checksum, RDR)   HOST   RDR 1. HOST sends a frame   02 62 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 63 03   2. RDR sends back a positive status frame immediately   02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. after some processing delay ..    3. RDR sends back the response (corrupted) of the command  4. HOST sends a NAK frame to get the response again.  5. RDR sends back the response of the command          02 80 13 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 3B BE 11 00 00 41 01 38 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 00 [Incorrect Checksum] 03  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03    02 80 13 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 3B BE 11 00 00 41 01 38 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 00 6F 03          
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 25 of 56 4) Exchange APDU with ICC    HOST   RDR 1. HOST sends a frame   02 6F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 84 00 00 08 67 03  2. RDR sends back a positive status frame immediately   02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. after some processing delay ..     3. RDR sends back the response of the command     :02 80 0A 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 C2 FF 2D 23 C5 F6 5C F2 90 00 34 03     APDU Command: 80 84 00 00 08  APDU Response:  22 5C E9 1C A4 5A A4 D6 90 00    5) Insert contact card into the ICC slot    HOST    RDR 1. Insert contact card into the ICC slot      2. RDR sends a Interrupt-In Message frame to HOST   02 50 0C  [Checksum] 03   3. Present contactless card to the Antenna field      4. RDR sends a Interrupt-In Message frame to HOST   02 50 07  [Checksum] 03   5. HOST sends a NAK frame to get the Message again.  ->     6. RDR sends back the last messages.   02 50 07  [Checksum] 03  
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 26 of 56 PERIPHERALS CONTROL  The reader’s peripherals control is implemented by Escape Command. 1. Set Serial Communication Mode APDU Command = {44 “CMD”}  APDU Response = {90 “Status”}  CMD Bit Map Offset  Description  Description Bit 0-3  Indicate Serial Communication Speed 0 = 9600bps(Default) 1= 19200bps 2 = 38400bps 3 = 57600bps 4 = 115200bps 5 = 128000bps 6 = 230400bps 7 = 250000bps 8 = 256000bps 9 = 500000bps  Other value reserve for future use. Bit 4  RFU  RFU Bit 5  RFU  RFU Bit 6  RFU  RFU Bit 7  Interrupt-In Message(CCID-liked Format) 1 = Report Interrupt-In Message. 0 = Not report(Default).  The “Status” bit map is the same as “CMD”. Example: change the communication speed to 115200bps  Command: 02 6B 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 44 04 28 03 ACK : 02 00 00 03 Response: 02 83 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 04 95 03 Remarks:    After the communication speed is changed successfully, the program has to adjust its communication speed so as to continue the rest of the data exchanges.  The initial communication speed is 9600 bps (Default) and not report Interrupt-In Message.  2.  Get Firmware Version APDU Command = {E0 00 00 18 00} APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 “Frame Length” {Firmware Version}} Example: Command: 02 6B 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 18 00 97 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03  Response: 02 83 12 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 E0 00 00 00 00 41 43 52 31 32 38 31 53 20 56 31 30 33 BC 03 In which, Firmware Version = 11 bytes;  e.g. Response = E1 00 00 00 0F 41 43 52 31 32 38 31 53 20 56 31 30 33
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 27 of 56 Firmware Version (HEX) =  41 43 52 31 32 38 31 53 20 56 31 30 33   Firmware Version (ASCII) = “ACR1281S V103” 3. Enter Firmware Upgrade Mode Command = {FF 00 00 E0 00} Response = {FF 00 00 E1 02 90 00} Example: Command: 02 6B 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 E0 00 70 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03  Response: 02 83 07 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 E1 02 90 00 09 03  Hints: After the response display, the reader will enter the firmware upgrade mode that the reader can be upgraded firmware. 4.  LED Control  Setting the LED State: APDU Command = {E0 00 00 29 01 “CMD”}.  APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}   Reading the existing LED State: APDU Command = {E0 00 00 29 00}. APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}  CMD Bit Map CMD  Description  Description Bit 0  RED LED  1 = ON; 0 = OFF Bit 1  GREEN LED  1 = ON; 0 = OFF Bit 2  RFU  RFU Bit 3  RFU  RFU Bit 4  RFU  RFU Bit 5  RFU  RFU Bit 6  RFU  RFU Bit 7  RFU  RFU  The “Status” bit map is the same as “CMD”. Example: Red LED ON Command: 02 6B 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 29 01 01 A5 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03  Response: 02 83 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 E0 00 00 00 01 01 E5 03
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 28 of 56  5.  Buzzer Control  Setting the Buzzer State: APDU Command = {E0 00 00 28 01 “Duration”} Unit = 10mS  00 = Turn off 01 ~ FE = Duration FF = Turn o APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}   Reading the existing Buzzer State: APDU Command = {E0 00 00 28 00}  APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}  Example for buzzer on 50ms : Command:   02 6B 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 28 01 05 A0 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03 Response: 02 83 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 E0 00 00 00 01 05 E1 03   6. Default LED and Buzzer State CMD  MODE  Description Bit 0  ICC Activation Status LED To show the activation status of the ICC interface. 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 1  PICC Polling Status LED  To show the PICC Polling Status. 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 2  PICC Activation Status LED  To show the activation status of the PICC interface  1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 3  Card Insertion and Removal Events Buzzer To make a beep whenever a card insertion or removal event is detected. (For both ICC and PICC) 1 = Enable; 0 =Disabled Bit 4  RFU  RFU Bit 5  RFU  RFU Bit 6  RFU  RFU Bit 7  Card Operation Blinking LED To blink the LED whenever the card (PICC or ICC) is being accessed.   Setting the LED and Buzzer behaviors: Command = { E0 00 00 21 01 “CMD”}. Default value of CMD = 8F; Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}   Reading the existing behaviors of the LED and Buzzer: Command = { E0 00 00 21 00} Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}  Hints: If you want to enjoy the silent environment, just set the CMD value to “87”.
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 29 of 56 7. Automatic PICC Polling Whenever the reader is connected to the PC, the PICC polling function will start the PICC scanning to determine if a PICC is placed on / removed from the built-antenna.   We can send a command to disable the PICC polling function. The command is sent through the PCSC Escape command interface. To meet the energy saving requirement, special modes are provided for turning off the antenna field whenever the PICC is inactive, or no PICC is found. The reader will consume less current in power saving mode.  Register 0x23: Automatic PICC Polling (Default value = 0x8F)  CMD  Description  Description Bit 0  Auto PICC Polling  1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 1  Turn off Antenna Field if no PICC found 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 2  Turn off Antenna Field if the PICC is inactive. 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 3  Activate the PICC when detected.  1 = Enable; 0 =Disable Bit 5 .. 4  PICC Poll Interval for PICC  <Bit 5 – Bit 4> <0 – 0> = 250 msec <0 – 1> = 500 msec <1 – 0> = 1000 msec <1 – 1> = 2500 msec Bit 6  RFU  - Bit 7  Enforce ISO14443A Part 4   1= Enable; 0= Disable.  •  Enable Auto PICC Polling Function = { E0 00 00 23 01 8F}  •  Disable Auto PICC Polling Function = { E0 00 00 23 01 8E}  •  Read the existing status = { E0 00 00 23 00}; Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}  Hints:  1. It is recommended to enable the option “Turn Off Antenna Field if the PICC is inactive”, so that the “Inactive PICC” will not be exposed to the field all the time so as to prevent the PICC from “warming up”.    2. The longer the PICC Poll Interval, the more efficient of energy saving. However, the response time of PICC Polling will become longer. The Idle Current Consumption in Power Saving Mode is about 60mA, while the Idle Current Consumption in Non-Power Saving mode is about 130mA. #Idle Current Consumption = PICC is not activated.    3. The reader will activate the ISO14443A-4 mode of the “ISO14443A-4 compliant PICC” automatically. Type B PICC will not be affected by this option.  4. The JCOP30 card comes with two modes: ISO14443A-3 (MIFARE 1K) and ISO14443A-4 modes. The application has to decide which mode should be selected once the PICC is activated.   8. PICC Polling for specific PICC Types The PICC polling function can be configured to detect “ISO14443 Type A PICCs” or “ISO14443 Type B PICCs” or both.
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 30 of 56  •  ISO 14443 Type A PICCs Only = { E0 00 00 20 01 01}  •  ISO 14443 Type B PICCs Only = { E0 00 00 20 01 02 }  •  ISO 14443 Type A and B PICCs = { E0 00 00 20 01 03}  #default setting •  Read the existing status = { E0 00 00 20 00}; Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}  Hints:  1. It is recommended to specific the PICC types in the application so as to speed up the card detection process.   9.  Auto PPS for the PICC Interface (Communication Speed Change) Whenever a PICC is recognized, the reader will try to change the communication speed between the PCD and PICC defined by the Maximum Connection Speed. If the card does not support the proposed connection speed, the reader will try to connect the card with a slower speed setting.    •  Set Connection Speed = {E0 00 00 24 02 “Max Tx Speed” “Max Rx Speed”}  <Max Tx Speed> & <Current Tx Speed> or <Max Rx Speed> & <Current Rx Speed>  106k bps = 00 212k bps = 01 424k bps = 02 #default setting 848k bps = 03  •  Read the existing status = {E0 00 00 24 00}; Response = {E1 00 00 00 04 “Max Tx Speed” “Current Tx Speed” “Max Rx Speed” “Current Rx Speed”}  Hints:    1. Normally, the application should know the maximum connection speed of the PICCs being used. #The environment also affects the maximum achievable speed. The reader just uses the proposed communication speed to talk with the PICC. The PICC will become inaccessible if the PICC or environment does not meet the requirement of the proposed communication speed. 2. The reader supports different speed between sending and receiving.  10.  Antenna Field ON/OFF for the PICC Interface This command is used for turning on/off the antenna field.   •  Antenna Field ON APDU Command = {E0 00 00 25 01 01}  •  Antenna Field OFF APDU Command = {E0 00 00 25 01 00} •  Read the existing status APDU Command = {E0 00 00 25 00};  •  APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}    Hints: 1. Make sure the Auto PICC Polling is disabled first before turning off the antenna field.  11. Exclusive Mode Configure
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 31 of 56 To speed up the card detection time, we can enable the “Enforce ICC & PICC Exclusive Mode”  •  Enforce ICC & PICC Exclusive Mode = {E0 00 00 2B 01 “New Mode Configuration”}. <New Mode Configuration> #default value 01 00 = Both ICC & PICC interfaces can be activated at the same time.  01 = Either ICC or PICC interface can be activated at any one time. But not both!  •  Read the existing status = {E0 00 00 2B 00} Response {E1 00 00 00 01 “Current Mode”}  <Current Mode >  00 = Exclusive Mode is not activated. PICC Interface is available. 01 = Exclusive Mode is activated now. PICC Interface is not available until the ICC interface is deactivated.  Hints: 1.Don’t insert any card into the contact card acceptor while the PICC is activate,or the PICC may be deselected. 12. Request Command Test This command is used for sending REQA/REQB by the reader to test antenna field and the response.  •  Command = {E0 00 00 26 02 “Command” “Speed”}  •  Response = {E1 00 00 00 “Length” “Data”} Command coding:   REQA = 01   REQB = 02   WUPA = 03   WUPB = 04 Speed coding:   106k bps = 00   212k bps = 01   424k bps = 02 Length:   No response: 00   ATQA: 02   ATQB: 0C   Others: RFU Data:    Response Data (ATQA/ATQB/Others) Hints: 1. Make sure the Auto PICC Polling is disabled first before sending this command.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 32 of 56  13.  Continuous Wake Up Command Sending Test for the PICC Interface This command is used for sending WUPA/WUPB by the reader continuously to test antenna field.   •  Command = {E0 00 00 27 02 “Command” “Speed”}  •  Disable Command Sending = { E0 00 00 27 02 00 00} •  Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Status”}  Command coding:   WUPA = 01   WUPB = 02 Speed coding:   106k bps = 00   212k bps = 01   424k bps = 02 Status:   WUPA Sending = 01   WUPB Sending = 02  Hints: 1. Make sure the Auto PICC Polling is disabled first before sending this command. 2. The reader will send the command continuously as long as the command starts. It can be stopped by “E0 00 00 27 02 00 00”.  14.  Read and Update the RC531 Register for the PICC Interface •  Read the Register APDU Command = {E0 00 00 19 01 “Register No”} •  APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Current Value”} •  Update the Register APDU Command = {E0 00 00 1A 02 “Register No” “New Value”} •  APDU Response = {E1 00 00 00 00}   15. Go into Contactless EMV Terminal Loop •  Command = {0E 00 01 00 00} •  Response = {90“Current Value”}  16. Go into Contact EMV Terminal Loop •  Command = {0E 01 01 00 00} •  Response = {E1 00 00 00 01 “Current Value”}  17. Read and Initial Card Insert Counter •  Read the Register = {E0 00 00 09 00} •  Initialize the counter = {E0 00 00 09 04 “ICC Counter (LSB)” “ICC Counter (MSB)” “PICC Counter (LSB)” “PICC Counter (MSB)”} Response = {E1 00 00 00 04 “ICC Counter (LSB)” “ICC Counter (MSB)” “PICC Counter (LSB)” “PICC Counter (MSB)”} •  Update the counter data to static storage unit = {E0 00 00 0A 00}
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 33 of 56  18. Initial RC531 Setting For PICC •  Read the Register = {E0 00 00 2F 00} •   •  Update the Registers:  E0 00 00 2F 13 BModeIndex RxAThres106 RxAThres212 RxAThres424 RxAThres848 RxBThres106 RxBThres212 RxBThres424 RxBThres848 RxACtl106 RxACtl212 RxACtl424 RxACtl848 RxBCtl106 RxBCtl212 RxBCtl424 RxBCtl848 CWAConductonce CWBConductonce  •  Response:   E1 00 00 00 13 BModeIndex RxAThres106 RxAThres212 RxAThres424 RxAThres848 RxBThres106 RxBThres212 RxBThres424 RxBThres848 RxACtl106 RxACtl212 RxACtl424 RxACtl848 RxBCtl106 RxBCtl212 RxBCtl424 RxBCtl848 CWAConductonce CWBConductonce
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 34 of 56  PICC INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 1. ATR Generation If the reader detects a PICC, an ATR will be sent to the PCSC driver for identifying the PICC.  1.1 ATR format for ISO 14443 Part 3 PICCs.  Byte  Value (Hex) Designation  Description 0  3B  Initial Header   1  8N  T0  Higher nibble 8 means: no TA1, TB1, TC1 only TD1 is following. Lower nibble N is the number of historical bytes (HistByte 0 to HistByte N-1)  2  80  TD1  Higher nibble 8 means: no TA2, TB2, TC2 only TD2 is following. Lower nibble 0 means T = 0 3  01  TD2  Higher nibble 0 means no TA3, TB3, TC3, TD3 following. Lower nibble 1 means T = 1 80  T1  Category indicator byte, 80 means A status indicator may be present in an optional COMPACT-TLV data object 4F  Application identifier Presence Indicator 0C  Length RID  Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) # A0 00 00 03 06 SS  Byte for standard C0 .. C1 Tk Bytes for card name  4  To  3+N 00 00 00 00  RFU  RFU # 00 00 00 00 4+N  UU  TCK  Exclusive-oring of all the bytes T0 to Tk  e.g. ATR for MIFare 1K  = {3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 6A}  Length (YY) = 0x0C RID = {A0 00 00 03 06} (PC/SC Workgroup) Standard (SS) = 03 (ISO14443A, Part 3) Card Name (C0 .. C1) = {00 01} (MIFare 1K)  Card Name (C0 .. C1) 00 01: Mifare 1K 00 02: Mifare 4K 00 03: Mifare Ultralight 00 26: Mifare Mini FF [SAK]: undefined tags
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 35 of 56  1.2 ATR format for ISO 14443 Part 4 PICCs.  Byte  Value (Hex) Designation  Description 0  3B  Initial Header   1  8N  T0  Higher nibble 8 means: no TA1, TB1, TC1 only TD1 is following. Lower nibble N is the number of historical bytes (HistByte 0 to HistByte N-1)  2  80  TD1  Higher nibble 8 means: no TA2, TB2, TC2 only TD2 is following. Lower nibble 0 means T = 0 3  01  TD2  Higher nibble 0 means no TA3, TB3, TC3, TD3 following. Lower nibble 1 means T = 1 XX  T1 4 to 3 + N XX XX XX Tk Historical Bytes:  ISO14443A: The historical bytes from ATS response. Refer to the ISO14443-4 specification.  ISO14443B: The higher layer response from the ATTRIB response (ATQB). Refer to the ISO14443-3 specification.  4+N  UU  TCK  Exclusive-oring of all the bytes T0 to Tk   E.g 1. ATR for DESFire = { 3B 81 80 01 80 80 } // 6 bytes of ATR  Hint: Use the APDU “FF CA 01 00 00” to distinguish the ISO14443A-4 and ISO14443B-4 PICCs, and retrieve the full ATS if available. ISO14443A-3 or ISO14443B-3/4 PICCs do have ATS returned.  APDU Command = FF CA 01 00 00 APDU Response = 04 2C 46 71 E6 23 80 90 00 ATS = {04 2C 46 71 E6 23 80}  Command: 02 6F 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF CA 00 00 00 5F 03 ACK: 02 00 00 03   Response:  02 80 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 00 04 2C 46 71 E6 23 80 90 00 C2 03
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 36 of 56  PICC APDU COMMANDS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES 1. Get Data The “Get Data command” will return the serial number or ATS of the “connected PICC”.   Table 1.1-1a: Get UID APDU Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Get Data  FF  CA  00 01 00  00 (Max Length)  Table 2.1-1b: Get UID Response Format (UID + 2 Bytes) if P1 = 0x00 Response  Data Out Result  UID (LSB)     UID (MSB) SW1  SW2  Table 2.1-1c: Get ATS of a ISO 14443 A card (ATS + 2 Bytes) if P1 = 0x01 Response  Data Out Result  ATS  SW1  SW2   Table 2.1-1d: Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Warning  62  82  End of UID/ATS reached before Le bytes (Le is greater than UID Length).  Error  6C  XX  Wrong length (wrong number Le: ‘XX’ encodes the exact number) if Le is less than the available UID length. Error  63  00  The operation is failed. Error  6A  81  Function not supported   Examples: // To get the serial number of the “connected PICC” UINT8 GET_UID[5]={0xFF, 0xCA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};   // To get the ATS of the “connected ISO 14443-4 A PICC” UINT8 GET_ATS[5]={0xFF, 0xCA, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 37 of 56 PICC APDU COMMANDS (T=CL EMULATION) FOR MIFARE 1K/4K MEMORY CARDS 2.1 Load Authentication Keys The “Load Authentication Keys command” will load the authentication keys into the reader. The authentication keys are used to authenticate the particular sector of the Mifare 1K/4K Memory Card. Two kinds of authentication key locations are provided, volatile and non-volatile key locations respectively.   Table 2.1-1a: Load Authentication Keys APDU Format (11 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Load Authentication Keys FF  82  Key Structure  Key Number 06  Key (6 bytes)  Key Structure (1 Byte): 0x00 = Key is loaded into the reader volatile memory. 0x20 = Key is loaded into the reader non-volatile memory. Other = Reserved.  Key Number (1 Byte): 0x00 ~ 0x1F = Non-volatile memory for storing keys. The keys are permanently stored in the reader and will not be disappeared even the reader is disconnected from the PC. It can store up to 32 keys inside the reader non-volatile memory.  0x20 (Session Key) = Volatile memory for storing a temporally key. The key will be disappeared once the reader is disconnected from the PC. Only 1 volatile key is provided. The volatile key can be used as a session key for different sessions. Default Value = {FF FF FF FF FF FF}  Key (6 Bytes): The key value loaded into the reader. E.g. {FF FF FF FF FF FF}   Table 2.1-1b: Load Authentication Keys Response Format (2 Bytes) Response  Data Out  Result  SW1  SW2   Table 2.1-1c: Load Authentication Keys Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 38 of 56 Examples:  // Load a key {FF FF FF FF FF FF} into the non-volatile memory location 0x05. APDU = {FF 82 20 05 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF}  <Similarly> // Load a key {FF FF FF FF FF FF} into the volatile memory location 0x20. APDU = {FF 82 00 20 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF}  Hints: 1. Basically, the application should know all the keys being used. It is recommended to store all the required keys to the non-volatile memory for security reasons. The contents of both volatile and non-volatile memories are not readable by the outside world.  2. The content of the volatile memory “Session Key 0x20” will remain valid until the reader is reset or power-off. The session key is useful for storing any key value that is changing from time to time. The session key is stored in the “Internal RAM”, while the non-volatile keys are stored in “EEPROM” that is relatively slower than “Internal RAM”.  3. It is not recommended to use the “non-volatile key locations 0x00 ~ 0x1F” to store any “temporally key value” that will be changed so often. The “non-volatile keys” are supposed to be used for storing any “key value” that will not change frequently. If the “key value” is supposed to be changed from time to time, please store the “key value” to the “volatile key location 0x020”.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 39 of 56  2.2.1 Authentication for MIFARE 1K/4K The “Authentication command” uses the keys stored in the reader to do authentication with the MIFARE 1K/4K card (PICC). Two types of the keys are used for authentication, TYPE_A and TYPE_B respectively.    Table 2.2-1a: Load Authentication Keys APDU Format (6 Bytes) #Obsolete Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  P3  Data In  Authentication  FF  88  00  Block Number Key Type Key Number   Table 2.2-1b: Load Authentication Keys APDU Format (10 Bytes)  Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In  Authentication  FF  86  00  00  05  Authenticate Data Bytes  Authenticate Data Bytes (5 Byte):  Byte1  Byte 2  Byte 3  Byte 4  Byte 5 Version 0x01 0x00  Block Number Key Type Key Number  Block Number (1 Byte): The memory block is authenticated.   For MIFARE 1K Card, it has totally 16 sectors and each sector consists of 4 consecutive blocks. E.g. Sector 0x00 consists of Blocks {0x00, 0x01, 0x02 and 0x03}; Sector 0x01 consists of Blocks {0x04, 0x05, 0x06 and 0x07}; the last sector 0x0F consists of Blocks {0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E and 0x3F}. Once the authentication is done successfully, there is no need to do the authentication again provided that the blocks to be accessed are belonging to the same sector. Please refer to the MIFARE 1K/4K specification for more details.   #Once the block is authenticated successfully, all the blocks belonging to the same sector are accessible.  Key Type (1 Byte): 0x60 = Key is used as a TYPE A key for authentication. 0x61 = Key is used as a TYPE B key for authentication.  Key Number (1 Byte): 0x00 ~ 0x1F = Non-volatile memory for storing keys. The keys are permanently stored in the reader and will not be disappeared even the reader is disconnected from the PC. It can store 32 keys into the reader non-volatile memory.  0x20 = Volatile memory for storing keys. The keys will be disappeared when the reader is disconnected from the PC. Only 1 volatile key is provided. The volatile key can be used as a session key for different sessions.  Table 2.2-1b: Load Authentication Keys Response Format (2 Bytes)
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 40 of 56 Response  Data Out  Result  SW1  SW2  Table 2.2-1c: Load Authentication Keys Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.  MIFARE 1K Memory Map.  Sectors (Total 16 sectors. Each sector consists of 4 consecutive blocks) Data Blocks (3 blocks, 16 bytes per block) Trailer Block (1 block, 16 bytes) Sector 0   0x00 ~ 0x02  0x03 Sector 1  0x04 ~ 0x06  0x07 ..     ..     Sector 14  0x38 ~ 0x0A  0x3B Sector 15  0x3C ~ 0x3E  0x3F  MIFARE 4K Memory Map.  Sectors (Total 32 sectors. Each sector consists of 4 consecutive blocks) Data Blocks (3 blocks, 16 bytes per block) Trailer Block (1 block, 16 bytes) Sector 0  0x00 ~ 0x02  0x03 Sector 1  0x04 ~ 0x06  0x07 ..     ..     Sector 30  0x78 ~ 0x7A  0x7B Sector 31  0x7C ~ 0x7E  0x7F  Sectors (Total 8 sectors. Each sector consists of 16 consecutive blocks) Data Blocks (15 blocks, 16 bytes per block) Trailer Block (1 block, 16 bytes) Sector 32  0x80 ~ 0x8E  0x8F Sector 33  0x90 ~ 0x9E  0x9F ..     ..     Sector 38  0xE0 ~ 0xEE  0xEF Sector 39  0xF0 ~ 0xFE  0xFF  Examples: 1K Bytes 2K Bytes 2K Bytes
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 41 of 56 // To authenticate the Block 0x04 with a {TYPE A, non-volatile, key number 0x05}. // PC/SC V2.01, Obsolete APDU = {FF 88 00 04 60 05};  <Similarly> // To authenticate the Block 0x04 with a {TYPE A, non-volatile, key number 0x05}. // PC/SC V2.07 APDU = {FF 86 00 00 05 01 00 04 60 05}   Hints:  MIFARE Ultralight does not need to do any authentication. The memory is free to access.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 42 of 56  2.3 Read Binary Blocks The “Read Binary Blocks command” is used for retrieving a multiple of “data blocks” from the PICC. The data block/trailer block must be authenticated first before executing the “Read Binary Blocks command”.    Table 2.3-1a: Read Binary APDU Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Read Binary Blocks FF  B0  00  Block Number Number of Bytes to Read  Block Number (1 Byte): The starting block.  Number of Bytes to Read (1 Byte): Multiply of 16 bytes for MIFARE 1K/4K or Multiply of 4 bytes for MIFARE Ultralight •  Maximum 16 bytes for MIFARE Ultralight.  •  Maximum 48 bytes for MIFARE 1K. (Multiple Blocks Mode; 3 consecutive blocks) •  Maximum 240 bytes for MIFARE 4K. (Multiple Blocks Mode; 15 consecutive blocks)  Example 1: 0x10 (16 bytes). The starting block only. (Single Block Mode) Example 2: 0x40 (64 bytes). From the starting block to starting block+3. (Multiple Blocks Mode)  #For safety reason, the Multiple Block Mode is used for accessing Data Blocks only. The Trailer Block is not supposed to be accessed in Multiple Blocks Mode. Please use Single Block Mode to access the Trailer Block.  Table 2.3-1b: Read Binary Block Response Format (Multiply of 4/16 + 2 Bytes) Response  Data Out Result  Data (Multiply of 4/16 Bytes)  SW1  SW2  Table 2.3-1c: Read Binary Block Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.  Examples: // Read 16 bytes from the binary block 0x04 (MIFARE 1K or 4K) APDU = {FF B0 00 04 10}  // Read 240 bytes starting from the binary block 0x80 (MIFARE 4K) // Block 0x80 to Block 0x8E (15 blocks) APDU = {FF B0 00 80 F0}
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 43 of 56 2.4 Update Binary Blocks The “Update Binary Blocks command” is used for writing a multiple of “data blocks” into the PICC. The data block/trailer block must be authenticated first before executing the “Update Binary Blocks command”.    Table 2.3-1a: Update Binary APDU Format (Multiple of 16 + 5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Update Binary Blocks FF  D6  00  Block Number Number of Bytes to Update Block Data  (Multiple of 16 Bytes)  Block Number (1 Byte): The starting block to be updated.  Number of Bytes to Update (1 Byte): •  Multiply of 16 bytes for MIFARE 1K/4K or 4 bytes for MIFARE Ultralight. •  Maximum 48 bytes for MIFARE 1K. (Multiple Blocks Mode; 3 consecutive blocks) •  Maximum 240 bytes for MIFARE 4K. (Multiple Blocks Mode; 15 consecutive blocks)  Example 1: 0x10 (16 bytes). The starting block only. (Single Block Mode) Example 2: 0x30 (48 bytes). From the starting block to starting block+2. (Multiple Blocks Mode)  #For safety reason, the Multiple Block Mode is used for accessing Data Blocks only. The Trailer Block is not supposed to be accessed in Multiple Blocks Mode. Please use Single Block Mode to access the Trailer Block.  Block Data (Multiply of 16 + 2 Bytes, or 6 bytes): The data to be written into the binary block/blocks.  Table 2.3-1b: Update Binary Block Response Codes (2 Bytes) Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.  Examples:  // Update the binary block 0x04 of MIFARE 1K/4K with Data {00 01 .. 0F} APDU = {FF D6 00 04 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F}  // Update the binary block 0x04 of MIFARE  Ultralight with Data {00 01 02 03} APDU = {FF D6 00 04 04 00 01 02 03}
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 44 of 56  2.5 Value Block Related Commands The data block can be used as value block for implementing value-based applications.  2.5.1 Value Block Operation The “Value Block Operation command” is used for manipulating value-based transactions. E.g. Increment a value of the value block etc.    Table 2.5.1-1a: Value Block Operation APDU Format (10 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Value Block Operation FF  D7  00  Block Number 05  VB_OP VB_Value (4 Bytes) {MSB .. LSB}  Block Number (1 Byte): The value block to be manipulated.  VB_OP (1 Byte): 0x00 = Store the VB_Value into the block. The block will then be converted to a value block. 0x01 = Increment the value of the value block by the VB_Value. This command is only valid for value block. 0x02 = Decrement the value of the value block by the VB_Value. This command is only valid for value block.  VB_Value (4 Bytes): The value used for value manipulation. The value is a signed long integer (4 bytes).   E.g. 1: Decimal  –4 = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC} VB_Value MSB      LSB FF  FF  FF  FC  E.g. 2: Decimal 1 = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01} VB_Value MSB      LSB 00  00  00  01  Table 2.5.1-1b: Value Block Operation Response Format (2 Bytes) Response  Data Out  Result  SW1  SW2  Table 2.5.1-1c: Value Block Operation Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 45 of 56 2.5.2 Read Value Block The “Read Value Block command” is used for retrieving the value from the value block. This command is only valid for value block.    Table 2.5.2-1a: Read Value Block APDU Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Read Value Block FF  B1  00  Block Number 00  Block Number (1 Byte): The value block to be accessed.  Table 2.5.2-1b: Read Value Block Response Format (4 + 2 Bytes) Response  Data Out Result  Value {MSB .. LSB} SW1  SW2  Value (4 Bytes): The value returned from the card. The value is a signed long integer (4 bytes).   E.g. 1: Decimal  –4 = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC} Value MSB      LSB FF  FF  FF  FC  E.g. 2: Decimal 1 = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01} Value MSB      LSB 00  00  00  01   Table 2.5.3-1c: Read Value Block Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 46 of 56  2.5.3 Restore Value Block The “Restore Value Block command” is used to copy a value from a value block to another value block. Table 2.5.3-1a: Restore Value Block APDU Format (7 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Value Block Operation FF  D7  00  Source Block Number 02  03  Target Block Number  Source Block Number (1 Byte): The value of the source value block will be copied to the target value block. Target Block Number (1 Byte): The value block to be restored. The source and target value blocks must be in the same sector. Table 2.5.3-1b: Restore Value Block Response Format (2 Bytes) Response  Data Out  Result  SW1  SW2  Table 2.5.3-1c: Restore Value  Block Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed. Examples:  // Store a value “1” into block 0x05 APDU = {FF D7 00 05 05 00 00 00 00 01}  // Read the value block 0x05 APDU = {FF B1 00 05 00}  // Copy the value from value block 0x05 to value block 0x06 APDU = {FF D7 00 05 02 03 06}  // Increment the value block 0x05 by “5” APDU = {FF D7 00 05 05 01 00 00 00 05}
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 47 of 56 BASIC PROGRAM FLOW FOR CONTACTLESS APPLICATIONS Step 0. Start the application. The reader will do the PICC Polling and scan for tags continuously. Present a PICC tag at the field of the reader.  Step 1. Power on the PICC Interface Step 2. Access the PICC by exchanging APDUs.   Step 2. Access the PICC by exchanging APDUs.   ..  Step N. Power off the PICC Interface.  Shut down the application.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 48 of 56  1. How to access PCSC Compliant Tags (ISO14443-4)? Basically, all ISO 14443-4 complaint cards (PICCs) would understand the ISO 7816-4 APDUs. The ACR1281S Reader just has to communicate with the ISO 14443-4 complaint cards through exchanging ISO 7816-4 APDUs and Responses. ACR1281S will handle the ISO 14443 Parts 1-4 Protocols internally.  MIFARE 1K, 4K, MINI and Ultralight tags are supported through the T=CL emulation. Just simply treat the MIFARE tags as standard ISO14443-4 tags. For more information, please refer to topic “PICC Commands for MIFARE Classic Memory Tags”     Table 3.1-1a: ISO 7816-4 APDU Format  Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In  Le ISO 7816 Part 4 Command          Length of the Data In   Expected length of the Response Data  Table 3.1-1b: ISO 7816-4 Response Format (Data + 2 Bytes) Response  Data Out Result  Response Data  SW1  SW2  Table 3.1-1c: Common ISO 7816-4 Response Codes Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 49 of 56  Typical sequence may be: -  Present the Tag and Connect the PICC Interface -  Read / Update the memory of the tag  Step 1) Connect the Tag      The ATR of the tag is 3B 8C 80 01 50 00 05 70 3B 00 00 00 00 33 81 81 20  In which,  The ATQB = 50 00 05 70 3B 00 00 00 00 33 81 81. It is an ISO14443-4 Type B tag.  Step 2) Send an APDU, Get Challenge. APDU Command: 00 84 00 00 08 APDU Response: 1A F7 F3 1B CD 2B A9 58 90 00   Hint: For ISO14443-4 Type A tags, the ATS can be obtained by using the APDU “FF CA 01 00 00
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 50 of 56  For Example: ISO7816-4 APDU // To read 8 bytes from an ISO 14443-4 Type B PICC (ST19XR08E) APDU Command ={80 B2 80 00 08}  Class = 0x80 INS = 0xB2 P1 = 0x80 P2 = 0x00 Lc = None Data In = None Le = 0x08    APDU Response:  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 90 00
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 51 of 56  2. How to access DESFIRE Tags (ISO14443-4)? The DESFIRE supports ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping and Native modes. Once the DESFire Tag is activated, the first APDU sent to the DESFire Tag will determine the “Command Mode”. If the first APDU is “Native Mode”, the rest of the APDUs must be in “Native Mode” format. Similarly, If the first APDU is “ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping Mode”, the rest of the APDUs must be in “ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping Mode” format.  Example 1: DESFIRE ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping. // To read 8 bytes random number from an ISO 14443-4 Type A PICC (DESFIRE) APDU = {90 0A 00 00 01 00 00}  Class = 0x90; INS = 0x0A (DESFire Instruction);  P1 = 0x00;  P2 = 0x00 Lc = 0x01; Data In = 0x00; Le = 0x00 (Le = 0x00 for maximum length)    Answer:  7B 18 92 9D 9A 25 05 21 91AF  # Status Code{91 AF} is defined in DESFIRE specification. Please refer to the DESFIRE specification for more details.  Example 2:  DESFIRE Frame Level Chaining (ISO 7816 wrapping mode) // In this example, the application has to do the “Frame Level Chaining”. // To get the version of the DESFIRE card.  Step 1: Send an APDU {90 60 00 00 00} to get the first frame. INS=0x60 Answer: 04 01 01 00 02 18 05 91 AF   Step 2: Send an APDU {90 AF 00 00 00} to get the second frame. INS=0xAF Answer: 04 01 01 00 06 18 05 91 AF   Step 3: Send an APDU {90 AF 00 00 00} to get the last frame. INS=0xAF Answer: 04 52 5A 19 B2 1B 80 8E 36 54 4D 40 26 04 91 00
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 52 of 56 Example 3: DESFIRE Native Command. // We can send Native DESFire Commands to the reader without ISO7816 wrapping if we find that the Native DESFire Commands are more easier to handle.  // To read 8 bytes random number from an ISO 14443-4 Type A PICC (DESFIRE) APDU = {0A 00} Answer: AF 25 9C 65 0C 87 65 1D D7  In which, the first byte “AF” is the status code returned by the DESFire Card. The Data inside the blanket [1DD7] can simply be ignored by the application.   Example 4:  DESFIRE Frame Level Chaining (Native Mode) // In this example, the application has to do the “Frame Level Chaining”. // To get the version of the DESFIRE card.  Step 1: Send an APDU {60} to get the first frame. INS=0x60 Answer: AF 04 01 01 00 02 18 05  Step 2: Send an APDU {AF} to get the second frame. INS=0xAF Answer: AF 04 01 01 00 06 18 05  Step 3: Send an APDU {AF} to get the last frame. INS=0xAF Answer: 00 04 52 5A 19 B2 1B 80 8E 36 54 4D 40 26 04  Hints: In DESFIRE Native Mode, the status code [90 00] will not be added to the response if the response length is greater than 1. If the response length is less than 2, the status code [90 00] will be added in order to meet the requirement of PCSC. The minimum response length is 2.
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 53 of 56 BASIC PROGRAM FLOW FOR CONTACT  APPLICATIONS Step 0. Start the application and insert a ICC Card  into the ICC Interface.  Step 1.  Power on the ICC Interface Step 2. Access the ICC by exchanging APDUs.   ..  Step N. Power off the ICC Interface.  Shut down the application.  1. How to access ACOS3 ICC Cards (ISO7816)? Typical sequence may be: -  Insert the Card and Power On the ICC Interface -  Read / Update the date of the Card Step 1) Power on the Tag  Command: 02 62 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 63 03 ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 13 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 3B BE 11 00 00 41 01 38 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 00 6F 03  The ATR of the Card is 3B BE 11 00 00 41 01 38 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 00 In which, TD1 = 00  and TD2 is absent ,So the Card is a T=0 ICC Card  2) Get a random for the ACOS3   Command:02 6F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 84 00 00 08 67 03 ACK:02 00 00 03 Response:02 80 0A 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 C2 FF 2D 23 C5 F6 5C F2 90 00 34 03 3) Create a file at the Card and Open it  Command: 02 6F 0D 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 20 07 00 08 41 43 4F 53 54 45 53 54 C4 03  ACK:02 00 00 03 Response:02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 00 92 03  Command:02 6F 07 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 A4 00 00 02 FF 02 B2 03   ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 00 92 03  Command: 02 6F 09 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 D2 00 00 04 00 00 01 00 30 03  ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 00 92 03  Command: 02 6F 07 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 A4 00 00 02 FF 04 B4 03  ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 00 92 03  Command: 02 6F 0B 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 D2 00 00 06 FF 01 00 00 55 55 CF 03 ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 00 92 03
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 54 of 56 Command: 02 6F 07 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 A4 00 00 02 55 55 4F 03  ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 91 00 93 03  File name is 55 55  4)Write a date to the file in 3)step Command: 02 6F 0d 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 d2 00 00 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 31 03 ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 90 00 92 03  5) Read a date from a file  Command: 02 6F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 B2 00 00 08 51 03  ACK:02 00 00 03 Response: 02 80 0A 00 00 00 01 00 00 81 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 90 00 92 03
ACR1281S     Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 55 of 56 ANNEX A   Example of XOR: The Checksum byte is one byte in length and is calculated as the exclusive-OR of all the bytes with the Bulk-Header field and information field.  E.g.: Command: 02 6F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 B2 00 00 08 51 03  The Bulk-Header field is 6F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00, and the information field is 80 B2 00 00 08 and the checksum is 0x51
ACR1281S    Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Page 56 of 56  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION    Universal Serial Bus Interface Power source........................................ From +5V power or USB Speed ................................................... up to 500Kbps Supply Voltage...................................... Regulated 5V DC Supply Current ..................................... 200mA (max); 100mA (normal) Contactless Smart Card Interface Standard ............................................... ISO 14443 A & B Parts 1-4 Protocol ................................................ ISO14443 T=CL for ISO14443-4 compliant cards and T=CL Emulation for MIFARE 1K/4K.  Smart card read / write speed ............... 106 kbps, 212 kbps, 424 kbps and 848 kbps Contact Smart Card Interface  Standard ............................................... ISO 7816 1/2/3,  Class A, B (5V, 3V), T=0 and T=1 Supply current....................................... max. 60mA Smart card read / write speed ............... max412kbps Short circuit protection  ......................... +5V / GND on all pins CLK frequency ...................................... 4.8 MHz Card connector ..................................... Landing  Card insertion cycles............................. min. 300,000 Case Dimensions........................................... 120.48 mm (L) x 71.97 mm (W) x 20.4 mm (H) Material................................................. ABS  Color..................................................... Metallic Silver Grey  Antenna  Antenna Size ........................................65mm x 60mm Operating distance................................ up to 50 mm  Operating Frequency for Contactless Cards Access Operating Frequency ............................13.56 MHz Built-in peripherals Monotone buzzer Dual-Color LED Operating Conditions Temperature ......................................... 0 - 50° C Humidity................................................ 10% - 80% Cable Connector Length................................................... 10m (RS232  Standard/Certifications  CE, FCC OS Windows 98, ME, 2K, XP OEM OEM-Logo possible, customer-specific colors, casing, and card connector
FCC Caution:  Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.       Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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