Advanced Card Systems ACR122L Contactless Smart Card Reader and Writer User Manual

Advanced Card Systems Limited Contactless Smart Card Reader and Writer Users Manual

Users Manual

  Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Website:  Email:  AACCRR112222LL--AACCSS  Design Specification
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 2 of 50  ACR122L-ACSRevision History  Version Date  Prepared By  Description V0.01  16.Oct.2009  Macross Ng, Kit Au  Initial Release V0.02  23.Nov.2009    Updated LCD command V0.03  19.May.2010  Macross Ng  Update the product photo V0.04  20.Sept.2010 Macross Ng  Add the Technical Specification
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 3 of 50  ACR122L-ACSTable of Contents 1.0. Introduction .............................................................................................................4 2.0. Feature .....................................................................................................................5 3.0. Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................................6 3.1. Serial Interface .............................................................................................................................6 3.2. LEDs.............................................................................................................................................6 3.3. Buzzer ..........................................................................................................................................6 3.4. SAM Interface...............................................................................................................................6 3.5. LCD ..............................................................................................................................................6 3.6. Built-in Antenna ............................................................................................................................6 4.0. Implementation........................................................................................................7 4.1. The ACR122L is built based on the AC1038-2, AC1038s and PN5321 chips.............................7 4.2. Communication between the Host and the Contactless interface, SAM and Peripherals. ..........8 5.0. Serial Interface (CCID-liked FRAME Format) .........................................................9 5.1. Direct Transmit ...........................................................................................................................18 5.2. Pseudo APDU for LEDs and Buzzer Control .............................................................................24 5.3. Pseudo APDU for LEDs Control Enable ....................................................................................30 5.4. Pseudo APDU for LEDs Control ................................................................................................30 5.5. Pseduo APDU for Buzzer Control ..............................................................................................31 5.6. Pseudo APDU for Clear LCD .....................................................................................................32 5.7. Pseudo APDU for LCD Display (ASCII Mode)...........................................................................33 5.8. Pseudo APDU for LCD Display (GB Mode) ...............................................................................35 5.9. Pseudo APDU for LCD Display (Graphic Mode)........................................................................36 5.10. Pseudo APDU for Scrolling LCD Current Display ................................................................37 5.11. Pseudo APDU for Pause LCD Scrolling ...............................................................................38 5.12. Pseudo APDU for Stop LCD Scrolling ..................................................................................39 5.13. Pseudo APDU for LCD Contrast Control ..............................................................................39 5.14. Pseudo APDU for LCD Backlight Control .............................................................................40 5.15. Pseudo APDU for changing the communication speed........................................................41 5.16. Get the Firmware Version of the reader ...............................................................................47 5.17. Basic Program Flow for FeliCa Applications ........................................................................48 6.0. Mechanical Design ................................................................................................49 7.0. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ...............................................................................50
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 4 of 50  ACR122L-ACS1.0.  Introduction The ACR122L is a module for accessing both contact and contactless cards with LCD Display. It can support 3 SAMs access and ISO14443 Part 4 Type A & B, MIFARE, FeliCa and NFC tags.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 5 of 50  ACR122L-ACS2.0. Feature  •  Serial Interface. Baud Rate = 9600 bps (default) or 115200 bps, 8-N-1. Initial Baud Rate is determined by the existence of R12. A command is also provided for changing the baud rate while the reader is running. •  CCID-liked Frame Format. •  Support ISO14443 Part 4 Type A & B, MIFARE, FeliCa and NFC tags. •  Built-in Antenna for contactless tags access. •  Support ISO7816 T=0 cards. (SAM Socket) •  3 X SAM Interface •  4 LEDs.  •  Buzzer.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 6 of 50  ACR122L-ACS3.0. Hardware Interfaces 3.1.  Serial Interface The ACR122L is connected to a Host through the RS232C Serial Interface at 9600 bps and 115200 bps. 8-N-1 Pin  Signal  Function 1  VCC  +5V power supply for the reader (Max 200mA, Normal 100mA) 2  TXD  The signal from the reader to the host. 3  RXD  The signal from the host to the reader. 4  GND  Reference voltage level for power supply  3.2.  LEDs •  4 x User-controllable single color LEDs •  Can select control by firmware or by User •  From Left to right, the color of the LED is: Green, Blue, Yellow and Red 3.3.  Buzzer •  User-controllable Mono-Tone buzzer. •  The default Buzzer State is OFF 3.4.  SAM Interface •  3 x SAMs socket is provided. •  Support ISO7816 Parts 1-3 T=0 cards 3.5.  LCD •  User-controllable LCD •  User-controllable Yellow-Green Backlight •  2 Line  x 16 Character,  5 x 8 dot matrix, STN Yellow Green LCD Type •  6 O’clock view angle 3.6.  Built-in Antenna •  3 turns symmetric loop antenna. Center tapped. •  The estimated size = 46mm x 64mm.  •  The loop inductance should be around ~ 1.6uH to 2.5uH •  Operating Distance for different Tags ~ up to 50mm (depend on the Tag) •  Only one Tag can be accessed at any one time.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 7 of 50  ACR122L-ACS4.0. Implementation 4.1.  The  ACR122L  is  built  based  on  the  AC1038-2,  AC1038s  and PN5321 chips.  PN5321 NFC Interface Chip AC1038-2 Controller Built-In Antenna            Host Controller Serial Interface 9600 bps Contactless Tag Contactless Interface Carrier = 13.56MHz Serial Interface 115200 Kbps Figure 1.ACR122L System Block Diagram SAM 1 <Peripherals> - 4 x LEDs - Buzzer - LCD - I/O Ports AC1038 Controller SAM 2 AC1038 Controller SAM 3 Main Controller Second SAM Controller Third SAM Controller
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 8 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 4.2.  Communication  between  the  Host  and  the  Contactless interface, SAM and Peripherals. The Contactless interface & Peripherals are accessed through the use of Pseduo-APDUs. The SAM interface are accessed through the use of standard APDUs.   Serial Interface (CCID-liked protocol) ISO 7816 Parts 1-3 + T=0 SAM Interfaces  Contactless Interface SAM 1 Contactless Tag (Built-In Antenna) Host ACR122L PCSC Layer  Peripherals SAM 3 SAM 2 RF Interface
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 9 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.0. Serial Interface (CCID-liked FRAME Format) Communication setting: 9600 bps, 8-N-1 The communication protocol between the Host and ACR122L is very similar to the CCID protocol. ACR122L Command Frame Format STX  Bulk-OUT Header  APDU Command Or Parameters Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  M Bytes (If applicable) 1 Byte  1 Byte ACR122L Status Frame Format STX  Status  Checksun  ETX 1 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte ACR122L Response Frame Format STX  Bulk-IN Header  APDU Response Or abData Checksun ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes (If applicable) 1 Byte  1 Byte Checksum = XOR {Bulk-OUT Header, APDU Command or Parameters}  Checksum = XOR {Bulk-IN Header, APDU Response or abData}  For control SAM Socket 1, the STX must be equal to 0x02 and ETX must be equal to 0x03. For control SAM Socket 2, the STX must be equal to 0x12 and ETX must be equal to 0x13. For control SAM Socket 3, the STX must be equal to 0x22 and ETX must be equal to 0x23. For control access contactless interface, peripherals (i.e. LEDs, LCD and Buzzer), the STX must be equal to 0x02 and ETX must be equal to 0x03, which is the same with control SAM Socket1.  In general, we would make use of three types of Bulk-OUT Header. •  HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn: To activate the SAM interface. The ATR of the SAM will be returned if available. •  HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff: To deactivate the SAM interface. •  HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock: To exchange APDUs between the Host and ACR122L.  #The SAM1 interface must be activated in order to use the Contactless interface and Peripherals. In short, all the APDUs are exchanged through the SAM1 Interface. Similarly, two types of Bulk-IN Header are used. •  RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock: In response to the “HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn” and “HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock” Frames. •  RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus: In response to the “HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff” Frame.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 10 of 50  ACR122L-ACSRDR = ACR122L; HOST = Host Controller. HOST_to_RDR = Host Controller -> ACR122L RDR_to_HOST = ACR122L -> Host Controller  Protocol Flow Examples(Use SAM Interface 1 as Example) 1) Activate a SAM   HOST   RDR 1. HOST sends a frame   02 62  00  00  00  00  00  01  01  00  00 [Checksum] 03         2.  RDR  sends  back  a positive  status  frame immediately   02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. After some processing delay...     3.  RDR  sends  back  the response of the command     02 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80  65  24  B0  00  02  00  82  90  00  [Checksum] 03            2) Activate a SAM (Incorrect Checksum, HOST)  HOST   RDR 1.  HOST  sends  a corrupted frame  02  62  00  00  00  00  00  01  01  00  00 [Incorrect Checksum] 03         2.  RDR  sends  back  a negative  status  frame immediately   02 FF FF 03 (negative status frame)          3. HOST sends the frame again.  02  62  00  00  00  00  00  01  01  00  00 [Checksum] 03         4.  RDR  sends  back  a positive  status  frame immediately   02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. After some processing delay...    5.  RDR  sends  back  the response of the command   02 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80  65  24  B0  00  02  00  82  90  00  [Checksum] 03 
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 11 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 3) Activate a SAM (Incorrect Checksum, RDR)  HOST   RDR 1. HOST sends a frame   02  62  00  00  00  00  00  01  01  00  00 [Checksum] 03         2.  RDR  sends  back  a positive  status  frame immediately   02 00 00 03 (positive status frame)       .. After some processing delay...    3.  RDR  sends  back  the response (corrupted) of the command  4.  HOST  sends  a  NAK frame  to  get  the response again.  5.  RDR  sends  back  the response of the command          02 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80  65  24  B0  00  02  00  82  90  00  [Incorrect Checksum] 03   02  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  03 (NAK)     02 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80  65  24  B0  00  02  00  82  90  00  [Checksum] 03                    Remarks:  If the frame sent by the HOST is correctly received by the RDR, a positive status frame = {02 00 00 03}  will  be  sent  to  the  HOST  immediately  to  inform  the  HOST  the  frame  is  correctly received.  The HOST has to wait for the response of the command. The RDR will not receive any more frames while the command is being processed.  In  case  of  errors,  a  negative  status  frame  will  be  sent  to  the  HOST  to  indicate  the  frame  is  either corrupted or wrong formatted.  - CheckSum Error Frame = {02 FF FF 03} - Length Error Frame = {02 FE FE 03}. The length “dDwLength” is greater than  0x0105 bytes. - ETX Error Frame = {02 FD FD 03}. The last byte is not equal to ETX “0x03”. - TimeOut Error Frame = {02 FC FC 03}. Not Complete Package Received.  The NAK Frame is only used by the HOST to get the last response. {02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03} // 11 zeros
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 12 of 50  ACR122L-ACSTo activate the SAM Interface  ACR122L Command Frame Format STX  Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn) Parameters  Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  For SAM Interface 1, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23  HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOn Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  62h   1  dDwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000000h  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00-FFh  Identifies  the  slot  number  for  this command. Default=00h 6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  bPowerSelect  1  00h, 01h, 02h, or 03h Voltage that is applied to the ICC 00h – Automatic Voltage Selection 01h – 5.0 volts 02h – 3.0 volts 03h – 1.8 volts 8  abRFU  2    Reserved for Future Use  ACR122L Response Frame Format STX  Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock) abData  Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes (ATR) 1 Byte  1 Byte  For SAM Interface 1, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 13 of 50  ACR122L-ACSRDR_to_HOST_DataBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  80h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR122L 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  N  Size of abData field. (N Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same  as Bulk-OUT Identifies  the  slot  number  for  this command 6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence  number  for  corresponding command 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bChainParameter  1      Example1. To activate the SAM Interface 1 slot 0 (default), sequence number = 1, 5V card.  HOST -> 02 62 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 [Checksum] 03 RDR -> 02 00 00 03 RDR -> 02 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80 65 24 B0 00 02 00 82 90 00 [Checksum] 03  The ATR = 3B 2A 00 80 65 24 B0 00 02 00 82; SW1 SW2 = 90 00  Example2. To activate the SAM Interface 2 slot 0 (default), sequence number = 1, 5V card.  HOST -> 12 62 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 [Checksum] 13 RDR -> 12 00 00 13 RDR -> 12 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80 65 24 B0 00 02 00 82 90 00 [Checksum] 13  The ATR = 3B 2A 00 80 65 24 B0 00 02 00 82; SW1 SW2 = 90 00  Example3. To activate the SAM Interface 3 slot 0 (default), sequence number = 1, 5V card.  HOST -> 22 62 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 [Checksum] 23 RDR -> 22 00 00 23 RDR -> 22 80 0D 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3B 2A 00 80 65 24 B0 00 02 00 82 90 00 [Checksum] 23  The ATR = 3B 2A 00 80 65 24 B0 00 02 00 82; SW1 SW2 = 90 00
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 14 of 50  ACR122L-ACSTo deactivate the SAM Interface ACR122L Command Frame Format STX  Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff) Parameters  Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte For SAM Interface 1, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23 HOST_to_RDR_IccPowerOff Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  63h   1  dDwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  00000000h  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00-FFh  Identifies  the  slot  number  for  this command. Default=00h 6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  abRFU  3    Reserved for Future Use  ACR122L Response Frame Format STX  Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_SlotStatus) abData  Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  0 Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte For SAM Interface 1, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23 RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  81h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR122L 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  0  Size of abData field. (0 Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same  as Bulk-OUT Identifies  the  slot  number  for  this command 6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence  number  for  corresponding command 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bClockStatus  1
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 15 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample1. To deactivate the SAM Interface 1 slot 0 (default), sequence number = 2.  HOST -> 02 63 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 [Checksum] 03 RDR -> 02 00 00 03 RDR -> 02 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 [Checksum] 03  Example2. To deactivate the SAM Interface 2 slot 0 (default), sequence number = 2.  HOST -> 12 63 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 [Checksum] 13 RDR -> 12 00 00 13 RDR -> 12 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 [Checksum] 13  Example3. To deactivate the SAM Interface 3 slot 0 (default), sequence number = 2.  HOST -> 22 63 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 [Checksum] 23 RDR -> 22 00 00 23 RDR -> 22 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 [Checksum] 23  To do data-exchange through the SAM Interface ACR122L Command Frame Format STX  Bulk-OUT Header (HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock) Parameters  Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  M Byte  1 Byte  1 Byte  For SAM Interface 1, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23  HOST_to_RDR_XfrBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  6Fh   1  dDwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  M  Message-specific data length 5  bSlot  1  00-FFh  Identifies  the  slot  number  for  this command. Default=00h 6  bSeq  1  00-FFh  Sequence number for command 7  bBWI  1  00-FFh  Used  to  extend  the  Block  Waiting Timeout. 8  wLevelParameter  2  0000h
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 16 of 50  ACR122L-ACS ACR122L Response Frame Format STX  Bulk-IN Header (RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock) abData  Checksum ETX 1 Byte  10 Bytes  N Bytes (ATR) 1 Byte  1 Byte For SAM Interface 1, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23  RDR_to_HOST_DataBlock Format Offset  Field  Size  Value  Description 0  bMessageType  1  80h  Indicates that a data block is being sent from the ACR122L 1  dwLength <LSB .. MSB> 4  N  Size of abData field. (N Bytes) 5  bSlot  1  Same  as Bulk-OUT Identifies  the  slot  number  for  this command 6  bSeq  1  Same as Bulk-OUT Sequence  number  for  corresponding command 7  bStatus  1     8  bError  1     9  bChainParameter  1      Example1.  To  send  an  APDU  “80  84  00  00  08”  to  the  SAM  Interface  1  slot  0  (default),  sequence number = 3.  HOST -> 02 6F 05 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 80 84 00 00 08 [Checksum] 03 RDR -> 02 00 00 03 RDR  ->  02  80  0A  00  00  00  00  03  00  00  00  E3  51  B0  FC  88  AA  2D  18  90  00 [Checksum] 03  Response = E3 51 B0 FC 88 AA 2D 18; SW1 SW2 = 90 00 Example2.  To  send  an  APDU  “80  84  00  00  08”  to  the  SAM  Interface  2  slot  0  (default),  sequence number = 3.  HOST -> 12 6F 05 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 80 84 00 00 08 [Checksum] 13 RDR -> 12 00 00 13 RDR  ->  12  80  0A  00  00  00  00  03  00  00  00  E3  51  B0  FC  88  AA  2D  18  90  00 [Checksum] 13 Response = E3 51 B0 FC 88 AA 2D 18; SW1 SW2 = 90 00
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 17 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample3.  To  send  an  APDU  “80  84  00  00  08”  to  the  SAM  Interface  3  slot  0  (default),  sequence number = 3.  HOST -> 22 6F 05 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 80 84 00 00 08 [Checksum] 23 RDR -> 22 00 00 23 RDR  ->  22  80  0A  00  00  00  00  03  00  00  00  E3  51  B0  FC  88  AA  2D  18  90  00 [Checksum] 23  Response = E3 51 B0 FC 88 AA 2D 18; SW1 SW2 = 90 00
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 18 of 50  ACR122L-ACSPseudo APDUs for Contactless Interface and Peripherals Control ACR122L comes with two primitive commands for this purpose. <Class 0xFF>  **Remark: For all the Pseduo APDUs below (except Section 5.9 “GET the Firmware Version of the  Reader”  and  “5.8  Pseduo  APDU  for  changing  the  communication  speed”),  STX  MUST EQUAL to 0x02 and ETX MUST EQUAL to 0x03 5.1.  Direct Transmit  To send a Pseudo APDU (PN532 and TAG Commands), and the Response Data will be returned.  Table 1.0A: Direct Transmit Command Format (Length of the PN532_TAG Command + 5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Direct Transmit 0xFF  0x00  0x00  0x00  Number of Bytes to send PN532_TAG Command Lc: Number of Bytes to Send (1 Byte) Maximum 255 bytes Data In: PN532_TAG Command The data to be sent to the PN532 and Tag.  Table 1.0B: Direct Transmit Response Format (Response Length + 2 Bytes) Response  Data Out Result  PN532_TAG Response SW1 SW2 Data Out: PN532_TAG Response PN532_TAG Response returned by the reader. Data Out: SW1 SW2 Status Code returned by the reader.  Table 1.0C: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully.  Error  63  00  The operation is failed.  Time Out Error  63  01  The PN532 does not response. Checksum Error 63  27  The  checksum  of  the  Response  is wrong. Parameter Error  63  7F  The PN532_TAG Command is wrong.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 19 of 50  ACR122L-ACS Example 1. How to access MIFARE Classic Tags? Typical sequence may be: -  Scanning the tags in the field (Polling) -  Authentication -  Read / Write the memory of the tag -  Halt the tag (optional)  Step 1) Polling for the MIFARE 1K/4K Tags, 106 kbps  << 02 6F 09 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00       FF 00 00 00 04 D4 4A 01 00 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 00 00 03 >> 02 80 0E 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00  D5 4B 01 01 00 02 18 04 F6 8E 2A 99 90 00 [Checksum] 03 In which,   Number of Tag found = [01]; Target number = 01 SENS_RES = 00 02; SEL_RES = 18, Length of the UID = 4; UID = F6 8E 2A 99 Operation Finished = 90 00  Tip: The tag type can be determined by recognizing the SEL_RES.  SEL_RES of some common tag types.  00 = MIFARE Ultralight 08 = MIFARE 1K 09 = MIFARE MINI 18 = MIFARE 4K 20 = MIFARE DESFIRE  28 = JCOP30 98 = Gemplus MPCOS  Step 2) KEY A Authentication, Block 04, KEY = FF FF FF FF FF FF, UID = F6 8E 2A 99 << 02 6F 14 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0F D4 40 01 60 04 FF FF FF FF FF FF F6 8E 2A 99 [Checksum]  03 >> 02 00 00 03 >> 02 80 05 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00  D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 20 of 50  ACR122L-ACS Tip: If the authentication failed, the error code [XX] will be returned. [00]  =  Valid,  other  =  Error.  Please  refer  to  Error  Codes  Table  for more details.  Tip: For KEY B Authentication  << 02 6F 14 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0F D4 40 01 61 04 FF FF FF FF FF FF F6 8E 2A 99 [Checksum]  03   Step 3) Read the content of Block 04 << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 30 04 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 00 00 03 >> 02 80 05 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 D5 41 [00] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 90 00  [Checksum] 03 In which, Block Data = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  Step 4) Update the content of Block 04 << 02 6F 1A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 15 D4 40 01 A0 04 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D  0E 0F 10 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 00 00 03 >> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03  Step 5) Halt the tag (optional) << 02 6F 08 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 03 D4 44 01 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 00 00 03 >> 02 80 05 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 D5 45 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 21 of 50  ACR122L-ACSMIFARE 1K Memory Map.  Sectors (Total 16 sectors. Each sector consists of 4 consecutive blocks) Data Blocks (3 blocks, 16 bytes per block) Trailer Block (1 block, 16 bytes) Sector 0   0x00 ~ 0x02  0x03 Sector 1  0x04 ~ 0x06  0x07 ..     ..     Sector 14  0x38 ~ 0x0A  0x3B Sector 15  0x3C ~ 0x3E  0x3F  MIFARE 4K Memory Map.  Sectors (Total 32 sectors. Each sector consists of 4 consecutive blocks) Data Blocks (3 blocks, 16 bytes per block) Trailer Block (1 block, 16 bytes) Sector 0  0x00 ~ 0x02  0x03 Sector 1  0x04 ~ 0x06  0x07 ..     ..     Sector 30  0x78 ~ 0x7A  0x7B Sector 31  0x7C ~ 0x7E  0x7F  Sectors (Total 8 sectors. Each sector consists of 16 consecutive blocks) Data Blocks (15 blocks, 16 bytes per block) Trailer Block (1 block, 16 bytes) Sector 32  0x80 ~ 0x8E  0x8F Sector 33  0x90 ~ 0x9E  0x9F ..     ..     Sector 38  0xE0 ~ 0xEE  0xEF Sector 39  0xF0 ~ 0xFE  0xFF Tip:  Once  the  authentication  is  done,  all  the  data  blocks  of  the  same sector  are  free  to  access.  For  example,  once  the  data  block  0x04  is successfully authenticated (Sector 1), the data blocks 0x04 ~ 0x07 are free to access. 1K Bytes 2K Bytes 2K Bytes
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 22 of 50  ACR122L-ACS Example 2. How to handle Value Blocks of MIFARE 1K/4K Tag? The  value  blocks  are  used  for  performing  electronic  purse  functions.  E.g.  Increment,  Decrement, Restore and Transfer .. etc. The value blocks have a fixed data format which permits error detection and correction and a backup management.   Byte Number  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  Description   Value ______ Value  Value  Adr ___ Adr  Adr ___ Adr  Value: A signed 4-Byte value. The lowest significant byte off a value is stored in the lowest address byte. Negative values are stored in standard 2’s complement format.  Adr: 1-Byte address, which can be used to save the storage address of a block. (optional)  e.g. Value 100 (decimal) = 64 (Hex), assume Block = 0x05 The formatted value block = 64 00 00 00 9B FF FF FF 64 00 00 00 05 FA 05 FA  Step 1) Update the content of Block 05 with a value 100 (dec) << 02 6F 1A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 15 D4 40 01 A0 05 64 00 00 00 9B FF FF FF 64 00 00 00 05  FA 05 FA [Checksum] 03 >> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03  Step 2) Increment the value of Block 05 by 1 (dec) << 02 6F 0E 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 09 D4 40 01 C1 05 01 00 00 00 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03  Tip: Decrement the value of Block 05 by 1 (dec)  << 02 6F 0E 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 09 D4 40 01 C0 05 01 00 00 00 [Checksum] 03  Step 3) Transfer the prior calculated value of Block 05 (dec) << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 B0 05 [Checksum] 03
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 23 of 50  ACR122L-ACS>> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03  Tip: Restore the value of Block 05 (cancel the prior Increment or Decrement operation)  << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 C2 05 [Checksum] 03  Step 4) Read the content of Block 05 << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 30 05 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 6F 1A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 65 00 00 00 9A FF FF FF 65 00 00 00 05 FA 05 FA 90 00 [Checksum] 03 In which, the value = 101 (dec)  Step 5) Copy the value of Block 05 to Block 06 (dec) << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 C2 05 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03 << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 B0 06 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D5 41 [00] 90 00 [Checksum] 03  Step 6) Read the content of Block 06 << 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 40 01 30 06 [Checksum] 03 >> 02 6F 1A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 15 D5 41 [00] 65 00 00 00 9A FF FF FF 65 00 00 00 05 FA 05 FA 90 00 [Checksum] 03 In which, the value  = 101 (dec). The Adr “05 FA 05 FA” tells us the value is copied from Block 05.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 24 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.2.  Pseudo APDU for LEDs and Buzzer Control  This APDU is used to control the states of the LED_0, LED_1 and Buzzer.   Table 2.0A: LED_0, LED_1 and Buzzer Control Command Format (9 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (4 Bytes) LEDs and Buzzer LED Control 0xFF  0x00  0x40  LED State Control 0x04  Blinking Duration Control  P2: LED State Control Table 2.0B: LED_0, LED_1 and Buzzer Control Format (1 Byte) CMD  Item  Description Bit 0  Final LED_1 State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 1  Final LED_0 State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 2  LED_1 State Mask  1 = Update the State 0 = No change Bit 3  LED_0 State Mask  1 = Update the State 0 = No change  Bit 4  Initial LED_1 Blinking State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 5  Initial LED_0 Blinking State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 6  LED_1 Blinking Mask  1 = Blink 0 = Not Blink Bit 7  LED_0 Blinking Mask  1 = Blink 0 = Not Blink  Data In: Blinking Duration Control Table 2.0C: LED_0, LED_1 Blinking Duration Control Format (4 Bytes) Byte 0  Byte 1  Byte 2  Byte 3 T1 Duration Initial Blinking State (Unit = 100ms) T2 Duration Toggle Blinking State (Unit = 100ms) Number of repetition Link to Buzzer   Byte 3: Link to Buzzer. Control the buzzer state during the LED Blinking. 0x00: The buzzer will not turn on 0x01: The buzzer will turn on during the T1 Duration
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 25 of 50  ACR122L-ACS0x02: The buzzer will turn on during the T2 Duration 0x03: The buzzer will turn on during the T1 and T2 Duration.  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Status Code returned by the reader.  Table 2.0D: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  Current LED State  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   Table 3.0E: Current LED State (1 Byte) Status  Item  Description Bit 0  Current LED_1 LED  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 1  Current LED_0 LED  1 = On; 0 = Off Bits 2 – 7  Reserved     Remark:  1.  The LED State operation will be performed after the LED Blinking operation is completed. 2.  The LED will not be changed if the corresponding LED Mask is not enabled. 3.  The LED will not be blinking if the corresponding LED Blinking Mask is not enabled. Also, the number of repetition must be greater than zero. 4.  T1 and T2 duration parameters are used for controlling the duty cycle of LED blinking and Buzzer Turn-On duration.    For example, if T1=1 and T2=1, the duty cycle = 50%. #Duty Cycle = T1 / (T1 + T2). 5.  To control the buzzer only, just set the P2 “LED State Control” to zero. 6.  The make the buzzer operating, the “number of repetition” must greater than zero. 7.  To control the LED only, just set the parameter “Link to Buzzer” to zero.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 26 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample 1: To read the existing LED State. // Assume both LED_0 and LED_1 are OFF initially // // Not link to the buzzer //  APDU = “FF 00 40 00 04 00 00 00 00” Response = “90 00”. LED_0 and LED_1 LEDs are OFF.   Example 2: To turn on LED_0 and LED_1 // Assume both LED_0 and LED_1 are OFF initially // // Not link to the buzzer //  APDU = “FF 00 40 0F 04 00 00 00 00”   Response = “90 03”. LED_0 and LED_1 are ON,  #To turn off both LED_0 and LED_1, APDU = “FF 00 40 0C 04 00 00 00 00”   Example 3: To turn off the LED_1 only, and left the LED_0 unchanged. // Assume both LED_0 and LED_1 are ON initially // // Not link to the buzzer //  APDU = “FF 00 40 04 04 00 00 00 00”   Response = “90 02”. LED_0 is not changed (ON); LED_1 is OFF,   LED_1 On LED_1 Off LED_0 On LED_0 Off
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 27 of 50  ACR122L-ACS Example 4: To turn on the LED_1 for 2 sec. After that, resume to the initial state // Assume the LED_1 is initially OFF, while the LED_0 is initially ON. // // The LED_1 and buzzer will turn on during the T1 duration, while the LED_0 will turn off during the T1 duration. //   1Hz = 1000ms Time Interval = 500ms ON + 500 ms OFF T1 Duration = 2000ms = 0x14 T2 Duration = 0ms = 0x00 Number of repetition = 0x01 Link to Buzzer = 0x01  APDU = “FF 00 40 50 04 14 00 01 01” Response = “90 02”  Example 5: To blink the LED_1 of 1Hz for 3 times. After that, resume to initial state // Assume the LED_1 is initially OFF, while the LED_0 is initially ON. // // The Initial LED_1 Blinking State is ON. Only the LED_1 will be blinking.  // The buzzer will turn on during the T1 duration, while the LED_0 will turn off during both the T1 and T2 duration.  //  After  the  blinking,  the  LED_0  will  turn  ON.  The  LED_1  will  resume  to  the  initial  state  after  the blinking // T1 = 2000ms  T2 = 0ms LED_1 On LED_1 Off LED_0 Off Buzzer On Buzzer Off LED_0 On
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 28 of 50  ACR122L-ACS     1Hz = 1000ms Time Interval = 500ms ON + 500 ms OFF T1 Duration = 500ms = 0x05 T2 Duration = 500ms = 0x05 Number of repetition = 0x03 Link to Buzzer = 0x01  APDU = “FF 00 40 50 04 05 05 03 01” Response = “90 02”  Example 6: To blink the LED_1 and LED_0 of 1Hz for 3 times // Assume both the LED_0 and LED_1 are initially OFF. // // Both Initial LED_0 and LED_1 Blinking States are ON // // The buzzer will turn on during both the T1 and T2 duration//   1Hz = 1000ms Time Interval = 500ms ON + 500 ms OFF T1  = 500ms T2  = 500ms LED_1 On LED_1 Off LED_0 On LED_0 Off Buzzer On Buzzer Off T1 = 500ms T2 = 500ms LED_1 On LED_1 Off LED_0 Off LED_0 On Buzzer On Buzzer Off
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 29 of 50  ACR122L-ACST1 Duration = 500ms = 0x05 T2 Duration = 500ms = 0x05 Number of repetition = 0x03 Link to Buzzer = 0x03  APDU = “FF 00 40 F0 04 05 05 03 03” Response = “90 00”  Example 7: To blink the LED_1 and LED_0 in turn of 1Hz for 3 times // Assume both LED_0 and LED_1 LEDs are initially OFF. // // The Initial LED_1 Blinking State is ON; The Initial LED_0 Blinking States is OFF // // The buzzer will turn on during the T1 duration//   1Hz = 1000ms Time Interval = 500ms ON + 500 ms OFF T1 Duration = 500ms = 0x05 T2 Duration = 500ms = 0x05 Number of repetition = 0x03 Link to Buzzer = 0x01  APDU = “FF 00 40 D0 04 05 05 03 01” Response = “90 00” T1  = 500ms T2  = 500ms LED_1 On LED_1 Off LED_0 On LED_0 Off Buzzer Off Buzzer On
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 30 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.3.  Pseudo APDU for LEDs Control Enable This APDU is used to set the LEDs Control Enable/ Disable by user. Default “Disable”, the LED perform by the firmware  Table 3.0A: Clear LCD Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc LED Control  0xFF  0x00  0x43  bLEDCtrl  0x00  P2: bLEDCtrl (1 Byte) CMD  Description 0x00  Disable LEDs Control by user 0xFF  Enable LEDs Control by user  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 3.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   5.4.  Pseudo APDU for LEDs Control This APDU is used to control 4 LEDs  Table 4.0A: Clear LCD Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc LED Control  0xFF  0x00  0x41  bLEDsState  0x00  P2: bLEDsState LED_0, LED_1, LED_2 and LED_3 Control Format (1 Byte) CMD  Item  Description Bit 0  LED_0 State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 1  LED_1 State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 2  LED_2 State  1 = On; 0 = Off
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 31 of 50  ACR122L-ACSBit 3  LED_3 State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bits 4 – 7  Reserved    Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 4.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   5.5.  Pseduo APDU for Buzzer Control This APDU is used to control Buzzer  Table 5.0A: Buzzer Control Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (3 Bytes) Buzzzer Control 0xFF  0x00 0x42 0x00 0x03 Buzzer Control  Data In: Buzzer Control Table 5.0B: Buzzer On/Off Duration Control Format (4 Bytes) Byte 0  Byte 1  Byte 2 T1 Duration On State (Unit = 100ms) T2 Duration Off State (Unit = 100ms) Number of repetition  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 5.0C: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 32 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.6.  Pseudo APDU for Clear LCD This APDU is used to clear all content show on the LCD  Table 6.0A: Clear LCD Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc Clear LCD  0xFF  0x00  0x60  0x00  0x00  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 6.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 33 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 5.7.  Pseudo APDU for LCD Display (ASCII Mode) This APDU is used to Display LCD Message in ASCII Mode  Table 7.0A: LCD Display Command Format (5 Bytes + LCD Message Length) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (Max. 16Bytes) LCD Display  0xFF  Option Byte 0x68  LCD XY Position LCD Message Length LCD Message  INS: Option Byte (1 Byte) CMD  Item  Description Bit 0  Character Bold Font  1 = Bold; 0 = Normal Bit 1 - 3  Reserved   Bit 4 - 5  Table Index  00 = Fonts Set A 01 = Fonts Set B 10 = Fonts Set C Bits 6 – 7  Reserved    P2: LCD XY Position The Character to be displayed on the LCD position specified by DDRAM Address Please follow the DDRAM table below for the LCD character position’s representation  For Fonts Set 1 and 2,   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  DISPLAY POSITION 1st LINE  00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0A  0B  0C  0D  0E  0F 2nd LINE  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  4A  4B  4C  4D  4E  4F LCD XY  POSITION  For Fonts Set 3,   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  DISPLAY POSITION 1st LINE  00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0A  0B  0C  0D  0E  0F 2nd LINE  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  2A  2B  2C  2D  2E  2F 3rd LINE  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  4A  4B  4C  4D  4E  4F 4th LINE  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  6A  6B  6C  6D  6E  6F LCD XY  POSITION  Lc: LCD Message Length The  length  of  the  LCD  message  (max.  0x10);  If  the  message  length  is  longer  than  the  number  of character that the LCD screen’s can be shown, then the redundant character will not be shown on the LCD
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 34 of 50  ACR122L-ACS Data In: LCD Message The data to be sent to LCD, maximum 16 Character for each line Please follow the Fonts tables (selected by INS Bit 4 - 5) below for the LCD Character Index Remarks: Size of the Characters in Fonts Set A and Fonts Set B is 8x16, but size of the Characters in Fonts Set C is 8x8           Character Set A          Character Set B         Character Set C  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 7.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
  Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Website:  Email: 5.8.  Pseudo APDU for LCD Display (GB Mode) This APDU is used to Display LCD Message in GB Mode Table 8.0A: LCD Display Command Format (5 Bytes + LCD Message Length) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (Max. 16 Bytes) LCD Display  0xFF  Option Byte 0x69  LCD XY Position LCD Message Length LCD Message INS: Option Byte (1 Byte) CMD  Item  Description Bit 0  Character Bold Font  1 = Bold; 0 = Normal Bit 1 - 7  Reserved   P2: LCD XY Position The Character to be displayed on the LCD position specified by DDRAM Address Please follow the DDRAM table below for the LCD character position’s representation   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  DISPLAY POSITION FIRST LINE  00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07 SECOND LINE  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47 LCD XY  POSITION Lc: LCD Message Length The  length  of  the  LCD  message  (max.  0x10);  If  the  message  length  is  longer  than  the  number  of character that the LCD screen’s can be shown, then the redundant character will not be shown on the LCD The  length  of  the  LCD  message  should  multiple  of  2  because  each  Chinese  Character  (GB  code) should be contain two bytes Data In: LCD Message The data to be sent to LCD, maximum 8(2 x 8bit each character) Character for each line Please follow the Fonts table of GB Coding Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 8.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 36 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.9.  Pseudo APDU for LCD Display (Graphic Mode) This APDU is used to Display LCD Message in Graphic Mode Table 9.0A: LCD Display Command Format (5 Bytes + LCD Message Length) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (max. 128 Bytes) LCD Display  0xFF  0x00  0x6A  Line Index Pixel Data Length Pixel Data P2: Line Index To set which line to start to update the LCD Display Refer to Below LCD Display Position Lc: Pixel Data Length The length of the pixel data (max. 0x80) Data In: Pixel Data The pixel data to be sent to LCD for display LCD Display Position (Total LCD Size: 128x32):  Byte 0x00 (X = 0x00)  Byte 0x01 (X = 0x01)  …  Byte 0x0F (X = 0x0F)   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  …  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 0x00                            0x01                            0x02                            0x03                            0x04                            0x05                            0x06                            0x07                            0x08                            0x09                            …  … 0x1F                            Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 9.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   Line Index X-axis
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 37 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.10. Pseudo APDU for Scrolling LCD Current Display This APDU is used to set scrolling feature of the Current LCD Display Table 10.0A: Scrolling LCD Command Format (5 Bytes + LCD Message Length) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (6 Bytes) LCD Display  0xFF  0x00  0x6D  0x00 0x06 Scroll Ctrl Data In: Scroll Ctrl Table 10.0B: Scrolling Control Format (6 Bytes) Byte 0  Byte 1  Byte 2  Byte 3  Byte 4  Byte 5 X Position  Y Position  Scrolling Range (Horizontal) Scrolling Range (Vertical) Refresh Speed Ctrl Scrolling Direction X Position: Horizontal Start Up Position, Ref to LCD Display Position Below Y Position: Vertical Start Up Position, Ref to LCD Display Position Below LCD Display Position (Total LCD Size: 128x32):  Byte 0x00 (X = 0x00)  Byte 0x01 (X = 0x01)  …  Byte 0x0F (X = 0x0F)   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  …  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 0x00                            0x01                            0x02                            0x03                            0x04                            0x05                            0x06                            0x07                            0x08                            0x09                            …  … 0x1F                            Scrolling Range (Horizontal): How many 8 pixels in Horizontal after X position will be scrolled Scrolling Range (vertical): How many pixels in Vertical after Y position will be scrolled Refresh Speed Ctrl:  Bit0~Bit3 – how many pixel move pre scrolling Bit4~Bit7 – Scrolling period Bit7  Bit6  Bit5  Bit4  Scrolling period 0   0   0   0   1 Unit  0   0   0   1   3 Units  0   0   1   0   5 Units  0   0   1   1   7 Units  0   1   0   0   17 Units
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 38 of 50  ACR122L-ACS0   1   0   1   19 Units  0   1   1   0   21 Units  0   1   1   1   23 Units  1   0   0   0   129 Units  1   0   0   1   131 Units  1   0   1   0   133 Units  1   0   1   1   135 Units  1   1   0   0   145 Units  1   1   0   1   147 Units  1   1   1   0   149 Units  1   1   1   1   151 Units  Scrolling Direction: the Scrolling Direction Bit1  Bit0  Scrolling Direction 0   0   From Left to Right 0   1   From Right to Left 1   0   From Top to Bottom 1   1   From Bottom to Top  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 10.0C: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   5.11. Pseudo APDU for Pause LCD Scrolling This APDU is used to Pause the LCD Scrolling set before To resume the scrolling, send again the scrolling LCD command (5.10) to perform Table 11.0A: Pause Scrolling Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc Clear LCD  0xFF  0x00  0x6E  0x00  0x00  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 11.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 39 of 50  ACR122L-ACS5.12. Pseudo APDU for Stop LCD Scrolling This APDU is used to stop the LCD Scrolling set before, the LCD display will back to normal display position Table 12.0A: Stop Scrolling LCD Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc Clear LCD  0xFF  0x00  0x6F  0x00  0x00  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 12.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.  5.13. Pseudo APDU for LCD Contrast Control This APDU is used to Control the LCD Contrast  Table 13.0A: LCD Contrast Control Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc LCD Contrast Control 0xFF  0x00  0x6C  Contrast Control  0x00  P2: Contrast Control The  value  range  is  between  0x00  to  0x0F.  It  is  as  large  as  brighten  on  contrast.  Otherwise  the contrast will been darken.  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 13.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 40 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 5.14. Pseudo APDU for LCD Backlight Control This APDU is used to Control the LCD Backlight  Table 14.0A: LCD Backlight Control Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc LCD Backlight Control 0xFF  0x00  0x64  Backlight Control 0x00  P2: Backlight Control Table 14.0B: Backlight Control Format (1 Byte) CMD  Description 0x00  LCD Backlight Off 0xFF  LCD Backlight On  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 14.0C: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  00  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 41 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 5.15. Pseudo APDU for changing the communication speed  This APDU is used to change the baud rate.  **Remark: STX = 0x32 and ETX = 0x33  Table 15.0A: Baud Rate Control Command Format (9 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc Baud Rate Control 0xFF  0x00  0x44  New Baud Rate  0x00  P2: New Baud Rate 0x00: Set the new baud rate to 9600 bps. 0x01: Set the new baud rate to 115200 bps.  **Remark: The feedback’s STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 Data Out: SW1 SW2. Table 15.0B: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  Current Baud Rate  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   SW2: Current Baud Rate 0x00: The current baud rate is 9600 bps. 0x01: The current baud rate is 115200 bps.  Remark:  After the communication speed is changed successfully, the program has to adjust its communication speed so as to continue the rest of the data exchanges.  The initial communication speed is determined by the existence of R12 (0 ohm). •  With R12 = 115200 bps •  Without R12 = 9600 bps (default)
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 42 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample 1: To initialize a FeliCa Tag (Tag Polling)   Step 1: Issue a “Direct Transmit” APDU.  The APDU Command should be “FF 00 00 00 09 D4 4A 01 01 00 FF FF 01 00”  #In which,  Direct Transmit APDU = “FF 00 00 00” Length of the PN532_Tag Command  = “09” PN532 Command (InListPassiveTarget 212Kbps)  = “D4 4A 01 01” Tag Command (System Code Request) = “00 FF FF 01 00”   To send an APDU  to the slot 0 (default), sequence number = 1.   HOST -> 02 6F 0E 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 09 D4 4A 01 01 00 FF FF 01 00  [Checksum] 03  RDR -> 02 00 00 03  RDR  -> 02 81 1A 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  D5 4B 01 01 14 01 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 03 00 4B 02 4F 49 8A 8A 80 08 90 00  [Checksum] 03  The APDU Response is  “D5 4B 01 01 14 01 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 03 00 4B 02 4F 49 8A 8A 80 08 90 00”  #In which, Response returned by the PN532 =  “D5 4B 01 01 14 01 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 03 00 4B 02 4F 49 8A 8A 80 08”  NFCID2t of the FeliCa Tag = “01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02” Status Code returned by the reader = “90 00”
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 43 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample 2: To write 16 bytes data to the FeliCa Tag (Tag Write)  Step 1: Issue a “Direct Transmit” APDU.  The APDU Command should be “FF 00 00 00 23 D4 40 01 20 08 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 01 09 01 01 80 00 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA”  #In which,  Direct Transmit APDU = “FF 00 00 00” Length of the PN532_Tag Command = “23” PN532 Command (InDataExchange) = “D4 40 01” Tag Command (Write Data) = “20 08 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 01 09 01 01 80 00 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA”.  To send an APDU  to the slot 0 (default), sequence number = 2.   HOST -> 02 6F 28 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 00 23 D4 40 01 20 08 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 01 09 01 01 80 00 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA   [Checksum] 03  RDR -> 02 00 00 03  RDR  -> 02 81 11 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  D5 41 00 0C 09 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 00 00 90 00 [Checksum] 03  The APDU Response would be  “D5 41 00 0C 09 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 00 00 90 00”  #In which, Response returned by the PN532 = “D5 41” Response returned by the FeliCa Tag = “00 0C 09 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 00 00” Status Code returned by the reader = “90 00”
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 44 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample 3: To read 16 bytes data from the FeliCa Tag (Tag Write)  Step 1: Issue a “Direct Transmit” APDU.  The APDU Command should be “FF 00 00 00 13 D4 40 01 10 06 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 01 09 01 01 80 00”  #In which,  Direct Transmit APDU = “FF 00 00 00” Length of the PN532_Tag Command = “13” PN532 Command (InDataExchange) = “D4 40 01” Tag Command (Read Data) = “10 06 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 01 09 01 01 80 00”  To send an APDU  to the slot 0 (default), sequence number = 3.   HOST -> 02 6F 18 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 13 D4 40 01 10 06 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 01 09 01 01 80 00 FF  [Checksum] 03  RDR -> 02 00 00 03  RDR  -> 02 81 22 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  D5 41 00 1D 07 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 00 00 01 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 90 00 [Checksum] 03  The APDU Response would be  “D5 41 00 1D 07 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 00 00 01 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 90 00”  #In which, Response returned by the PN532 = “D5 41” Response returned by the FeliCa Tag =  “00 1D 07 01 01 05 01 86 04 02 02 00 00 01 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA” Status Code returned by the reader = “90 00”
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 45 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample 4: To initialize an ISO 14443-4 Type B Tag (Tag Polling)  Step 1: Issue a “Direct Transmit” APDU.  The APDU Command should be “FF 00 00 00 05 D4 4A 01 03 00”  #In which,  Direct Transmit APDU = “FF 00 00 00” Length of the PN532_Tag Command  = “05” PN532 Command (InListPassiveTarget Type B 106Kbps)  = “D4 4A 01 03 00”  To send an APDU to the slot 0 (default), sequence number = 4.   HOST -> 02 6F 0A 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 05 D4 4A 01 03 00 [Checksum] 03  RDR -> 02 00 00 03  RDR  -> 02 81 14 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00  D5 41 01 01 50 00 01 32 F4 00 00 00 00 33 81 81 01 21  90 00 [Checksum] 03  The APDU Response is  “D5 4B 01 01 50 00 01 32 F4 00 00 00 00 33 81 81 01 21 90 00”  #In which, Response returned by the PN532 =  “D5 4B 01 01”  ATQB of the Type B Tag = “50 00 01 32 F4 00 00 00 00 33 81 81” CRC-B = “01 21” Status Code returned by the reader = “90 00”
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 46 of 50  ACR122L-ACSExample 5: To send an APDU to an ISO 14443-4 Type B Tag (Data Exchange)  Step 1: Issue a “Direct Transmit” APDU.  The USER APDU Command should be “00 84 00 00 08” The Composed APDU Command should be “FF 00 00 00 08 D4 40 01 00 84 00 00 08”  #In which,  Direct Transmit APDU = “FF 00 00 00” Length of the PN532_Tag Command  = “08” PN532 Command (InDataExchange) = “D4 40 01” Tag Command (Get Challenge) = “00 84 00 00 08”  To send an APDU to the slot 0 (default), sequence number = 5.   HOST -> 02 6F 0D 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00  FF 00 00 00 08 D4 40 01 00 84 00 00 08 [Checksum] 03  RDR -> 02 00 00 03  RDR  -> 02 81 0F 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00  D5 41 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 90 00 90 00 [Checksum] 03  The APDU Response is  “D5 41 00 0B 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 90 00”  #In which, Response returned by the PN532 =  “D5 41 00”  Response from the Type B Tag = “01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 90 00” Status Code returned by the reader = “90 00”
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 47 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 5.16. Get the Firmware Version of the reader  To retrieve the firmware versions of the reader.   For SAM Interface 1 controller, STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2 controller, STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3 controller, STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23  Table 16.0A: Get Firmware Version Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Get Response  0xFF  0x00  0x48  0x00  0x00  Le: Number of Bytes to Retrieve (1 Byte) Maximum 255 bytes  For SAM Interface 1 controller, the feedback’s STX = 0x02 and ETX = 0x03 For SAM Interface 2 controller, the feedback’s STX = 0x12 and ETX = 0x13 For SAM Interface 3 controller, the feedback’s STX = 0x22 and ETX = 0x23  Table 16.0B: Get Firmware Version Response Format (14 bytes) Response  Data Out Result  Firmware Version  E.g. 1 Response for SAM Interface 1 controller = 41 43 52 31 32 32 4C 31 30 31 53 41 4D 31(Hex) = ACR122L101SAM1 (ASCII) E.g. 2 Response for SAM Interface 2 controller = 41 43 52 31 32 32 4C 31 30 31 53 41 4D 32(Hex) = ACR122L101SAM2 (ASCII) E.g. 3 Response for SAM Interface 3 controller = 41 43 52 31 32 32 4C 31 30 31 53 41 4D 33(Hex) = ACR122L101SAM3 (ASCII)
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 48 of 50  ACR122L-ACS 5.17. Basic Program Flow for FeliCa Applications  Step  0.    Start the application. The first thing is to activate the “SAM Interface”. The ATR of the SAM  (if  a  SAM  is  inserted)  or  a  Pseduo-ATR  “3B  00”  (if  no  SAM  is  inserted)  will  be returned. In other word, the SAM is always existed from the view of the application. Step  1.    The  second  thing  to  do  is to  change  the  operating  parameters  of the  PN531. Set  the Retry Time to one. Step  2.    Poll  a  FeliCa  Tag  by  sending  “Direct  Transmit”  and  “Get  Response”  APDUs  (Tag Polling).  Step 3.  If no tag is found, go back to Step 2 until a FeliCa Tag is found. Step 4.  Access the FeliCa Tag by sending APDUs (Tag Read or Write) Step 5.  If there is no any operation with the FeliCa Tag, then go back to Step 2 to poll the other FeliCa Tag.  .. Step N. Deactivate the “SAM Interface”.  Shut down the application.  Remark: 1.  The default Retry Time of the PN532 command “InListPassiveTarget” is infinity. Send the APDU “FF 00 00 00 06 D4 32 05 00 00 00” to change the Retry Time to one.  2.  It is recommended to turn off the Antenna if there is no contactless access. APDU for turning on the Antenna Power = APDU “FF 00 00 00 04 D4 32 01 03” APDU for turning off the Antenna Power = APDU “FF 00 00 00 04 D4 32 01 02” FCC Warning:Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's  authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including  interference that may cause undesired operation.
ACR122L-ACS Design Specification Version 0.03  19/05/2010 Page 49 of 50  ACR122L-ACS6.0. Mechanical Design
  Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Website:  Email: 7.0. Technical Specification  Serial Interface Power source ....................................... 7V AC/DC Switching Power Supply Speed................................................... 9.6Kbps, 115.2Kbps (default) Supply Voltage ..................................... Regulated 5V DC Supply Current ..................................... 350mA (maximum); 200mA (normal) Contactless Smart Card Interface Standard............................................... MIFARE Classic, ISO14443-4 Type A & B, FeliCa, ISO/IEC 18092 NFC Operating Frequency............................ 13.56 MHz Smart card read / write speed............... 106, 212, 424 kbps SAM Interface Standard............................................... ISO 7816 Protocol ................................................ T=0 protocol Operating Frequency............................ 4 MHz Smart card read / write speed............... 9600 - 115200 bps Case Dimensions........................................... 133 mm (L) x 88.66 mm (W) x 19 mm (H) Material ................................................ ABS Color..................................................... Black Antenna Size ........................................ 64mm x 46mm Operating distance ............................... up to 50 mm (depended on tag type) Modulation............................................ ASK and BPSK Built-in peripherals LED ...................................................... Green, Blue Orange and Red Buzzer .................................................. Monotone Operating Conditions Temperature......................................... 0 - 50° C Humidity ............................................... 10% - 80% Cable Connector Length .................................................. 1.5 M (DB9 + DC Plug) Standard/Certifications  CE, FCC, VCCI OS Windows 98, ME, 2K, XP, Vista, 7 OEM OEM-Logo possible, customer-specific colors, casing, and card connector

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