Actwell Technology ACT-205TX Wireless Control Security/Alarm A/V Transmitter User Manual

Actwell Technology Inc. Wireless Control Security/Alarm A/V Transmitter Users Manual

Users Manual

\~...\>.Fe CEO681<D\....EditionFirst edition, September 2004Copyright informationThis publication, including all photographs, illustrations and software, isprotected under international copyright laws, with all rights reserved. Neither thismanual, nor any of the material contained herein, may be reproduced withoutwritten consent of the author. ,',\".'. . @ September, 2004.~~,TrademarksAll product names used in this manual are the properties of their respectiveowners and are acknowledged.'-4"-'.
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAR NO. : 008862 22787363 SEP.22200409:28AMP. 3Safety and battery use.Read and follow any warnings ill tbjs the regulatory compliance notice on page lIS..When not in use,remove any batteriegand store them in a cool dryplace..Do not me the camerain temperatUresbelow-10 or exceeding55 degreesCelsius.Don't dispose mused batteri8S with household waste. Return the batteries toyour dealer or to a special disposal service.Any servicing must only be done by qualified personnel...Do not set up or use the receiver or camera in a wet or damp enviromnentSave these instructions for future reference..About this manualThis manual is designed to assist users with setting up and operating #ACT-205.Information in this document has been carefully checked for accuracy; however,no guarantee is given as to the correctness of the contmts. Thr: infO1'JMtioncontained in dUs document is subject to change without notice.ii
FROM : ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAX NO. 00886222787363 SEP.22 200409:28AMP. 4Tableof contentsI-GETIING ST.AR't'ED 1CHECKING'J11EPACKINGLIST 1.l.DENTlFY1NG PART'S """"'" """"""" , ..." 2,., ,.--.Transmitter , ).Receiver. m """"" m :J2-sETI1N G UP... .4-PRE-SETUPTESTING......................................................................................................MAKn-iGCONNECTIONS """ :sReceiver $etup " ..: 5Transmitter setup E,.3--0 PERAnON' ..._0"_"'_"'"- ?0PERA11NG:RESTRICTIONS """" " 7MATc:H1NGCHANNELS ...".. .." ""'" BSTANDARD/'J..WAYs-oN OPERA11oN"""""""""""" ,.. 'iREEDswrrCH OPER.A:rIoN qRcf!!dswitch instal/anon : qSet (0 NO (Nonnal Open) 'ISeIIO NC (NQ17IJalClosed) ,qWCCABLE OPERATION ;DSwrrCHJNGAUDfOOUTPur """"' " ICAPPENDIX "IiCI..EA:NJNG """"""""""'" .......TR.OUBLESHOOTIN'G "TE~CAL _SPECIFICATIONS J~.Transminer , HReceiver """"""""" '... 14-FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONSCOMMISSION(FCC) STATEMENT 14WARRANTY m ,>iii
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FARNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:28AMP. 5i-Getting started" ....Congra1ulationson your purchase of the remotesIstIMr'. Use this ~ld'#.IJI to monitorlocations wire1essly,as a stand-alone solution or integrated into an existing alann~~m. .Checking the packing listCarefully unpack the projectot" and check that the following items are included::~~:.""""""""""',"""""""""""""""'"~.~, .....14P "'.~{ITraDBmitterAC adapter RlC cable SeDS~ cable')I ~e? ~AIV cable 'Reed switch Audio unDiDator
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FARNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:29AMP. 6IDENTIFYINGPARTS-Identifying partsRefer to the following sections to identify components of the transmitter and receiver.-' '-Transmitter2.Item De$cn"ption S page1. Speaker -2. Socket mount -3. NO NC 5:wiccla 94- RIC IN sensor jack 105. A/V IN jack h6. DC IN jack b7. -8. ON power LED -
FROM: Acn~LL TECHNOLOGYINC. FARNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:29AMP. 7I-G£T11NG STARrEDReceiver~'~~:/'~+:::u'}"..::., ./'13Hem Description See page1. Speaker -2. Socket mount -3. Volume slider -4. WC OUTjack 55. AV OUTjaa 56. DC INjack 57. CHI-4 channelswildt -8. ON power LED -
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAXNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:29AMP. 82-5etting upThis section explains the mounting options and setup of the remote camera. However.before installing the camera check that all the parts are wolking as described below.Pre-setup testingFor the pre-setup test do the following:.Connect the AN cable from the receiver to the monitor. Ensure the monitoris set for video playback..Connect the sensor cable from the 'ta:n~1!1j~ the reed switch..Connect the AC adapters.Match the channels on the receiver and camera..~bl»J~t~~@,.<i.t t~,pQ~~<>ItIiQ1.Check that video and sound are available on the monitor.4
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAXNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:30AMP. 92-SBTIING UP-~ - ~~~~.Test the sensor operationby moving the reed switch apart and changingtheNO NC setting on the transmitter.If some function$ do not work, check the corresponding section in thismanual before installing the system..MakingconnectionsThe receiver is designed to connect to different devices such as a Tv, VCR, or digitalvidea reoorder (DVR).Receiver setul!.Connect the AV cable to a TV monitor, VCR, DVR, or computer.Connect the AC adapter to a power outlet.Connect the RIC cable to a video recording device switch, DVR, orexternal alarm...5
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC."[ran_amlttersetupFARNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:30AMP.lOCalDeraCall1corderCD-Player~ter (need an AlV grabber)DvrVideo recorderTape-DeckTuner(.Connect the AD adapter to a power outlet.Connect AV cable to the unit from which the signals shall be transmitted (e.g. camera,video recorder. dvr, CD player).Insert the sensor cable wires into the retd switch or other sensors (not supplied), andsecure them by tightening the screW'S...e~~-- i...b
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FARNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:30AMP.II3-0perationThe cbaptc::rdescribes the operation of the system.Operating restrictions.Avoid using the camera in humid locations. If condensation occurs, allow thecamera to dry before operating,.Do not u~ in temperatures bclow -10 degrees Celsius or above 55 degreesCelsius..PrIDdmity to microwave ovens can cause interference and reduce the qualityof the audio and video signals..Using two camerasin the same vicinitymay result in sound and pictureinterference.7.
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FARNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22 200409:30AMP.123-QPERATION -. ~.Matching channelsAtran~mitter and receiver together fonn a pair. Set a paired transmitter and receiverto the: same chamJe:l. If you are using two or more transmittcrlreceiver pairs be surethat eacb pair is set to different channels or there will be interference.Up to four transmitter can be used with one receiver. Each transmitter must beset to a different channel. Video from each transmitter can then be viewed in turn bychanging the channel on the receiver.0QIIi~@.-'NStandard always.on operationStmdard Qpe.ranoDallows continuous audio aDdvideo signals from the transmitter tothe receiver. The video is monitored on a.screen but not recorded Audio is moni-tored through the AV device that is cofmec:tedto the receiver. (Or through thereceiverspeakerwhen the audioterminatoris used.)8
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAXNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SfP. 22 200409:31AMP.1)REED SWITCH OPERATION--Reed switch operationA reed switG'his a magnetically activatedswitch- The reed switch can be used with thesensor cable for detecting entry through doorsand windows. The sensor cable plugs into thereed switch and the RlC IN connector OJ!thetransmitter. The NO NC switch stands forNormal OpenlNormal Closed and refers tothe statUs of the sensor.AIVINNote: The sensor cable can be attached to other $enSD~ as required.Reed swl~h (nstaJl~O{10Insert the sensor cable wires intO the reed switch and secure them. by tightening thescrews.Set the NO NC switch to NO and set up the reed switch on .a window. When thewindow is closed the alarm sounds on the receiver.Set to NC {Nannal Closed)Set the NO NC switch to NC and set up the reed switch on a window When thewindowis openedthe alarmsounds on the receiver.9,.,
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAX NO. : 008862 22787363 SEP. 22 200409:31AMP.143-0PERATION -R/C cable operationTheRICcableis 3.relay connectingcable, which allows recording of audio and videoto be triggered by an alarm such as the supplied reed switch This function savesrecording space as recording only begins after an event such as a door opening orclosing.The RlC cable is connected to thereceiver and to a video recorder. Whenthe reed switch is triggered at the cameralocation, ~ R/C cable then trigeer'S thevideo recorder to begin re<:ording. (Forconnecting the RJC cable to a videorecorder, see the recorder's user manual,)Note: An external alarm (not supplied) can be used as required.Switching audio outputThe audio terminator forces audio fretn the microphone and alarm to the receiverspeaker. The volume control on the tecdver only affects the volume on the receiverand not a.connected TV or other video device.Plug the red audio RCAjaclc from the AVcable into the audio terminator.A~u~thev~umea"ocdin~y~~)f><iIoN"'"..."'.- J.,,;::./-+..,
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAXNO. : 008862 22787363 SEP.22200409:31AMP.15AppendixThis appendix describes cleaning and troubleshooting procedures. Also covered aretechnical specifications, FCC compliance, and warranty information.."'"TroubleshootingTher~ is DOpicture II.on the screeD. Make sure power cables are plugged in properlyand that the outleu have:power.2. Make sure that the transmitter is plugge:d in.3. Make: sure:that the receiver is plugged in.4. Check that the AV cables are properly connected.5. Ifusing a television, make sure that me conectvideo channel is selected6. Make sure that the transmitter and the receiver areon tb.e same :frequency channel..1. Ensure that 1he receiver is witbin the transmittingrange of 300 meters (in 1.-0-8).".
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAXNO. : 00886 2 22787363 SEP.22200409 :32AMP.16APPENDIX12The picturequality is poor. 1. Make sure that nothing is obstructing the system.2. Don't use the system near a microwave oven.3. Don't use more than one camera in the same viciIrity.There a picture 1. Check the volwne an the receiver and the audiobut DOsound. device.2. Check that the audio terminator (ifulled) is securelyplugged in,3. Check that the audio cable is properly plugged in tothe receiver and the audio device.There is sound but 1. Check the brightness on the picture.. 2. Check that the video cable is properly connected tothe receiver and the monitor.The alarm does 1. Make certain the sensor cable is plugged in and thatnot turn off or on. the connection to the sensor is secure.2, Check to see the NC NO switch is in the intendedposition.3. If using the reed switch, make sure the contacts arcclose enough for the switch to operate properly4, !fusing a different SeDSOJ,follow themanufacturer's troubleshooting steps.Lilies appear on Make sure there is no microwave operating nearby.the screen.The p.ct1lre is Relocate the receiver to avoid obstacles such asghosting. trees or buildingsThe RlC cable 1. Make certain the RJC cable i plugged in and thatdoes not initiate the connection to the sensor is secure.recording. 2. Check to see the NC NO switch is in the intendedposition.
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC. FAXNO. : 008862 22787363 SEP. 22200409:32AMP.17TEcHNICAL SI>ECJFICAlIONST!l!m!mitterTechnicalSpecificationsFrequency:Channel:Modulation type:Input level:1mpedance:Imput port:Antenna:Transmitter output power:ReceiverFrequency:Channel:Antennas:AN mod/demod. method:Video output:,~2.4 - 2.4835 GHz4 selectable channelsFMVIdeo - lYp-pAudio -lVp-pVideo - 7S ohmsAudio - 600 ohmsAN jack. RCA toRCA linej acksBuilt -in directionalantennaImW, lOmW2.4 -2.4835 GHz4 sele.ctabkchannelsBuilt-in directional antennaPM1Vp-p/15 ohm
FROM: ACTWELLTECHNOLOGYINC.APPENDIXAudio outpUt:Audio bandwidth:Power supply:Current ronsumption:Dimensions (LxWxH):Weight:Operating temperature:AN outputRCAj~k:Remote control output:Relay output connect raungRemote conirol wires indication:FAXNO. : 008862 22787363 SEP.22 2004 11 :28AM P. 1-O.8VJ600ohm50-1 7000HzDC 6V - 7.5V 300mA<=200mA119 X41 X74 mm (4.75 x 1.61 x 3 inches)JO2g- WC - 55'CVideo: yellow jackAudio: red jackRelay2A 24VDCWhite wire -common COI'1I1ecUngYellow wire -N/C connectingGreen wire -NJO connectingFederal Communications Commission (FCC)StatementTbis equipment bas been tested and found to comply with the limiu for a class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates. uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause bannful interference toradio or television reception,. wbich C8I1be determined by turning the equipnl.ent offand on, the user is encouraged to try'to correct the interference by one or more off thefollowing measures:.Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna..Increase the separation betWeenthe equipment and receiver.Co.nnectthe equipment into an ou:tIeton a circuit different from that to whichthe rccciV£Iis connccred...Consult the dealer or an experienced radiolTV technician for helpI#-
-..... w~.Unauthorized changes or modification~ of this device oould void the user'sauthority to operue the equipment.Operation is subject to the following tWo conditions:(1) This device may not cause hannful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycaust! undesired oper-ation.",I Warranty"\. The warrant is for one year fromthe da:teof purchase.Please retain the salesreceipt as\proof of purchase. During the one-year warranty period, the product is eligible forreplacf:II1altin case of defect$ in material and workmanship. In such cases, thedefective unit will be repaired Of replaced by the manufacturer or an authorizeddistributor.However,this warranty does not cover damages causedby improperuse orfrom unauthorized modifications by third parties. In addition. this warnmty docs notcoverexpendablemateria.lsand de.f'ects,which c.orn:tituteas nonna}wear andtear.15., <::

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