Actiontec Electronics 802MIP miniPCI Spread SpectrumTransmitter User Manual T23 manual

Actiontec Electronics Inc miniPCI Spread SpectrumTransmitter T23 manual


T23 manual

ThinkPad®T23Service and Troubleshooting Guide
ThinkPad®T23Service and Troubleshooting Guide
NoteBefore using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under“Appendix A. Important safety instructions” on page 41 and “Appendix B. Product warranties and notices” onpage 47 .DANGERvTo avoid electric shock hazard, connect and disconnect cables appropriately when installing, moving or openingthe covers of this product or attached devices. Use the power cord with a properly grounded outlet.vDo not leave the base of your computer in contact with your lap or any part of your body for an extendedperiod when the computer is functioning or when the battery is charging. Your computer dissipates some heatduring normal operation. This heat is a function of the level of system activity and battery charge level.Extended contact with your body, even through clothing, could cause discomfort or, eventually, a skin burn.vTo reduce the risk of electric shock, do not use your computer in or near water.vTo avoid electric shock, do not use your computer with the telephone cable connection during an electricalstorm. Do not connect the cable to or disconnect it from the telephone outlet on the wall during an electricalstorm.vStore packing materials safely out of the reach of children to prevent the risk of suffocation from plastic bags.vThe battery pack contains a small amount of harmful substances. There is danger of an explosion if the batterypack is incorrectly replaced, exposed to fire or water, short-circuited or disassembled. Keep the battery packaway from children and do not put it in trash that is disposed of in landfills.vTo reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or thicker telephone cable.vThe fluorescent lamp in the LCD contains mercury. Do not put it in trash that is disposed of in landfills. Roughhandling or dropping the computer can cause the LCD to break and the internal fluid to get into your eyes oron your hands. Immediately wash the affected areas with water. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.vDo not open the CD-ROM or DVD drive unit, as this might result in hazardous radiation exposure.vAvoid direct eye exposure with the laser beam contained in some drives.First Edition (April 2001)The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions areinconsistent with local law:INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION ″AS IS″WITHOUTWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statementmay not apply to you.This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to theinformation herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may makeimprovements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any timewithout notice.IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurringany obligation to you.© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contractwith IBM Corp.
Finding information with Access ThinkPadThinkPad CommunityThinkPad SolutionsService & Support123Up & RunningAbout Your ThinkPadEveryday EssentialsProblem SolvingHow to reach IBMQuick Search45Your gateway into a comprehensive help system,offering information about all of your ThinkPadcomputer hardware and software features.A quick way to search the help system.Join an interactive community of ThinkPad users toaccess mobile resources, read tips and true stories, andshare your own advice.Customize your ThinkPad with accessories, softwareand services.A one-click guide to service on the Web for yourThinkPad.© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 iii
Whenever you have a question about your computer, or wish to view IBMWeb sites, simply press the ThinkPad button to open Access ThinkPad.Access ThinkPad includes a comprehensive, on-board help and informationcenter for your computer. It travels with you, eliminating the need to carryreference manuals.Find information about your ThinkPad computer and its features by using theQuick Search or clicking one of the topics shown. This opens another window,where you can view hundreds of help topics by browsing the table ofcontents, using the index, or performing a search.View help topics to learn how to:vUse your computer hardware featuresvConnect to the internet or a local networkvSet up a projector for your presentationvUse passwords and other security featuresvInstall, remove and recover softwarevUpgrade your systemvExtend the life of your batteryvTroubleshoot problemsvContact IBM for service and supportvPerform many other tasksClick one of the Internet buttons to join an interactive ThinkPad Webcommunity, or to directly access information about accessories and softwareupdates, small business offerings, and help and support.iv ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Some of the topics in your help system contain brief video clips that showyou how to perform certain tasks, such as replacing your battery, inserting aPC card, or upgrading your memory. Use the controls shown to play, pause,and rewind the video clip.Finding information with Access ThinkPad v
vi ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
ContentsFinding information with Access ThinkPad iiiChapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPadcomputer .............1Your ThinkPad at a glance .......2Features..............3Specifications ............5Caring for your ThinkPad computer ....6Chapter 2. Solving computer problems . . 9Diagnosing problems .........10Troubleshooting...........11Error messages ..........11Errors without messages .......14Password problems ........15A power switch problem.......15Keyboard problems ........16TrackPoint problems ........17Standby or hibernation problems ....18Computer screen problems ......22Battery problems .........23Hard disk drive problems ......24Other problems ..........25Starting BIOS Setup Utility .......27Recover pre-installed software ......28Upgrading the hard disk drive......31Replacing the battery .........33Chapter 3. Getting help and service fromIBM...............35Getting help and service ........36Getting help on the Web ........36Getting help by fax .........37Calling IBM ............37Appendix A. Important safety instructions 41Modem safety information .......43Laser compliance statement .......44Appendix B. Product warranties andnotices .............47Warranty Period ..........47IBM Statement of Limited Warranty ....47Part1-General Terms .......47Part2-Country-unique Terms .....51Notices..............59Processing date data ........59References to the Web site addresses . . . 59Electronic emission notices ......60Telecommunication notices ......61Industry Canada requirements .....63Notice for Australia ........64Notice for Users in New Zealand ....64Notice for European Union countries. . . 65Wireless Interoperability .......66Usage environment and your Health. . . 67Wireless Regulatory Information ....67USA - Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC).........67Canada - Industry Canada (IC).....68CE - Declaration of Conformity ....69Japan —Telec/JATE ........72Trademarks ............73Index ..............75© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 vii
viii ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computerYour ThinkPad at a glance .......2Features..............3 Specifications ............5Caring for your ThinkPad computer ....6© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 1
Your ThinkPad at a glanceFront viewRear view
FeaturesProcessorvIntel®Pentium®III processorMemoryvBuilt-in: 128 MBvMaximum: 512 MBStorage devicev2.5-inch hard disk drive: Up to 32 GB, depending on the modelDisplayThe color display uses TFT technology:vSize: 13.3 or 14.1 inch, depending on the modelvResolution:–LCD: Up to 1400-by-1050, depending on the model–External monitor: Up to 1600-by-1200vBrightness controlKeyboardv84-key, 85-key, or 89-keyvTrackPoint®vFn key functionvThinkPad buttonvVolume control buttonsvThinkLight™FeaturesChapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer 3
Diskette driveTo get the best performance from your diskette drives, use high-qualitydiskettes (such as IBM diskettes) that meet or exceed the following standards:v1-MB, 3.5-inch, unformatted diskette:–ANSI (American National Standards Institute) X3.137–ISO (International Standards Organization) 8860–ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) 100v2-MB, 3.5-inch, unformatted diskette:–ANSI X3.171–ISO 9529–ECMA 125External interfacevSerial connector (EIA-RS232D)vParallel connector (IEEE 1284A)vExternal-input-device connectorvExternal-monitor connectorvPC Card slots (Type I, Type II, or Type III PC Card)vHeadphone jackvLine-in jackvMicrophone jackvVideo-out connectorvUniversal Serial Bus (USB) connectorvUltraport™connectorvInfrared portvRJ11 telephone connector (available if the modem Mini-PCI Card or theCombo Mini-PCI Card is installed)vRJ45 Ethernet connector (available if the Ethernet Mini-PCI Card or theCombo Mini-PCI Card is installed)vUltrabay™2000vExpansion connectorFeatures4ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
SpecificationsSizevWidth: 304.8 mm (12.0 in.)vDepth: 248.9 mm (9.8 in.)vHeight: 33.0 mm (1.3 in.)EnvironmentvMaximum altitude without pressurization: 3048 m (10,000 ft)vTemperature–At altitudes up to 2438 m (8000 ft)- Operating with no diskette: 5°to 35°C (41°to 95°F)- Operating with a diskette: 10°to 35°C (50°to 95°F)- Not operating: 5°to 43°C (41°to 110°F)–At altitudes above 2438 m (8000 ft)- Maximum operating temperature, 31.3°C (88°F)Note: When you charge the battery pack, its temperature must be at least10°C (50°F).vRelative humidity:–Operating with no diskette in the drive: 8% to 95%–Operating with a diskette in the drive: 8% to 80%Heat outputv56 W (191 Btu/hr) maximumElectrical (ac adapter)vSin-wave input at 50 to 60 HzvInput rating of the ac adapter: 100-240 V ac, 50 to 60 HzBattery packvLithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery pack–Nominal voltage: 10.8 V dc–Capacity: 3.6 AHSpecificationsChapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer 5
Caring for your ThinkPad computerThough your computer is designed to function reliably in normal workenvironments, you need to use common sense in handling it. By followingthese important tips, you will get the most use and enjoyment out of yourcomputer.Important tips:Be careful about where and how you workvDo not leave the base of your computer in contact with your lap or anypart of your body for an extended period when the computer is functioningor when the battery is charging. Your computer dissipates some heat duringnormal operation. This heat is a function of the level of system activity andbattery charge level. Extended contact with your body, even throughclothing, could cause discomfort or, eventually, a skin burn.vPlace liquids away from your computer to avoid spills, and keep yourcomputer away from water (to avoid the danger of electrical shock).vStore packing materials safely out of the reach of children to prevent therisk of suffocation from plastic bags.vKeep your computer away from magnets, activated cellular phones,electrical appliances, or speakers (within 13cm/5 in).vAvoid subjecting your computer to extreme temperatures (below 5°C/41°For above 35°C/95°F).Be gentle with your computervAvoid placing any objects (including paper) between the display and thekeyboard or under the keyboard.vDo not drop, bump, scratch, twist, hit, vibrate, push or place heavy objectson your computer, display, or external devices.vYour computer display is designed to be opened and used at an angleslightly greater than 90 degrees. Do not open the display beyond 135degrees, as this might damage the computer hinge.Carry your computer properlyvBefore moving your computer, be sure to remove any media, turn offattached devices, and disconnect cords and cables.vBe sure your computer is in standby or hibernation mode, or turned off,before moving it. This will prevent damage to the hard disk drive and dataloss.vWhen picking up your open computer, hold it by the bottom. Do not pickup or hold your computer by the display.Caring for your ThinkPad computer6ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
vUse a quality carrying case that provides adequate cushion and protection.Do not pack your computer in a tightly packed suitcase or bag.Handle storage media and drives properlyvIf your computer comes with a diskette drive, avoid inserting diskettes atan angle and attaching multiple or loose diskette labels, as these can lodgein the drive.vIf your computer comes with a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, do not touchthe surface of a CD or the lens on the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM tray.vWait until you hear the CD- or DVD-ROM click into the center pivot of theCD- or DVD-ROM drive before closing the CD- or DVD-ROM trayvWhen installing your hard disk, diskette, CD-ROM, or DVD-ROM drive,follow the instructions shipped with your hardware, and apply pressureonly where needed on the device. See Access ThinkPad, your on-board helpsystem, for information on replacing your hard disk drive (open AccessThinkPad by pressing the ThinkPad button).Take care in setting passwordsvRemember your passwords. If you forget a supervisor or hard diskpassword, IBM will not reset it, and you may have to replace your systemboard or hard disk drive.vIf you are an administrator, remember that setting a supervisor passwordcan prevent unauthorized initialization.Other important tipsvYour computer modem may use only an analog telephone network, orpublic-switched telephone network (PSTN). Do not connect the modem to aPBX (private branch exchange) or any other digital telephone extension linebecause this could damage your modem. Analog phone lines are often usedin homes, while digital phone lines are often used in hotels or officebuildings. If you are not sure which kind of phone line you are using,contact your telephone company.vYour computer might have both an Ethernet connector and a modemconnector. If so, be sure to connect your communication cable to the correctone, so your connector is not damaged. See Access ThinkPad, youron-board help system, for information on the location of these connectors(press the ThinkPad button to open Access ThinkPad).vRegister your ThinkPad products with IBM (refer to the Web This can help authorities return your computerto you if it is lost or stolen. Registering your computer also enables IBM tonotify you about possible technical information and upgrades.vOnly an authorized IBM ThinkPad repair technician should disassembleand repair your computer.Caring for your ThinkPad computerChapter 1. Overview of your new ThinkPad computer 7
vDo not modify or tape the latches to keep the display open or closed.vTake care not to turn your computer over while the ac adapter is pluggedin. This could break the adapter plug.vTurn off your computer if you are replacing a device in a device bay, or elseverify that the device is warm- or hot-swappable.vIf you exchange drives in your computer, reinstall the plastic bezel faces (ifsupplied).vStore your external and removable hard disk, diskette, CD-ROM, andDVD-ROM drives in the appropriate containers or packaging when they arenot being used.Cleaning your computerOccasionally clean your computer as follows:vUse a soft cloth moistened with nonalkaline detergent to wipe the exteriorof the computer.vAvoid spraying cleaner directly on the display or the keyboard.vGently wipe the display with a dry, soft cloth.Caring for your ThinkPad computer8ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2. Solving computer problemsDiagnosing problems .........10Troubleshooting...........11Error messages ..........11Errors without messages .......14Password problems ........15A power switch problem.......15Keyboard problems ........16TrackPoint problems ........17Standby or hibernation problems ....18Computer screen problems ......22Battery problems .........23Hard disk drive problems ......24Other problems ..........25Starting BIOS Setup Utility .......27Recover pre-installed software ......28Upgrading the hard disk drive......31Replacing the battery .........33© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 9
Diagnosing problemsIf you have a problem with your computer, you can test it by usingPC-Doctor®for Windows. To run PC-Doctor for Windows, do as follows:1. Click Start.2. Move the cursor to Programs and then to PC-Doctor for Windows.3. Click PC-Doctor for Windows.4. Choose either the Quick Test or the Standard Test.AttentionRunning the Quick Test set can take 10 minutes or longer. Make sureyou have time to run the entire test; do not interrupt the test while it isrunning.The Quick Test set runs many tests of critical hardware components, but itdoes not run all of the diagnostic test in PC-Doctor for Windows. If PC-Doctorfor Windows reports that all of the tests in the Quick Test set have been runand that it has found no problems, consider running additional tests.If you are preparing to contact IBM for support, be sure to print the test logso that you can rapidly provide information to the help technician.Solving computer problems10 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
TroubleshootingIf you do not find your problem here, refer to access ThinkPad, your on-boardhelp system. Open Access ThinkPad by pressing the ThinkPad button. Thefollowing section only describes problems that might prevent you fromaccessing this help system.Error messagesNote:1. In the charts, x can be any character.2. The version of PC-Doctor referred to here is PC-Doctor forWindows.Message Solution0175: Bad CRC1, stopPOST task The EEPROM checksum is not correct (block #6). Have the computerserviced.0187: EAIA data accesserror The access to EEPROM is failed. Have the computer serviced.0188: Invalid RFIDserialization informationarea or bad CRC2.The EEPROM checksum is not correct (block # 0 and 1, or block # 6). Thesystem board should be replaced, and the box serial number needs to bereinstalled. Have the computer serviced.0189: Invalid RFIDconfigurationinformation areaThe EEPROM checksum is not correct (block # 4 and 5). The system boardshould be replace, and the UUID needs to be reinstalled. Have the computerserviced.0190: Critical low-batteryerror The computer turned off, because the battery is low. Connect the ac adapterto the computer and charge the battery, or replace the battery with a fullycharged one.0193: RF antenna hasbeen removed The RFID antenna that you installed has been removed. Enter thesupervisor password to return your computer to the normal operation.0194: The computer iscarried through thesecurity gateThe computer have been carried through the security portal gate. Enter thesupervisor password to return your computer to the normal operation.0200: Hard disk error The hard disk is not working. Make sure the hard disk drive is attachedfirmly. Run the BIOS Setup Utility; then make sure the hard disk drive isnot disabled in the Startup menu.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 11
Message Solution021x: Keyboard error Make sure that no object is placed on the keyboard or on the externalkeyboard, if you have one. Turn off the computer, and turn off all attacheddevices. Turn on the computer first; then turn on the attached devices.If you still see the same error code, do the following:If an external keyboard is connected, do the following:vTurn off the computer and disconnect the external keyboard; then turn onthe computer. Make sure that the built-in keyboard operates correctly. If itwas, have the external keyboard serviced.vMake sure that the external keyboard is connected to the correctconnector.Test the computer, using PC-Doctor.vIf the computer stops during the test, have the computer serviced.0220: Monitor type error The monitor type does not match the type specified in CMOS. Run the IBMBIOS Setup Utility to make sure that your monitor type matches the typespecified in the utility.0230: Shadow RAM error The shadow RAM failed. Test your computer’s memory with PC-Doctor. Ifyou added a memory module just before turning the computer on, reinstallit. Then test the memory with PC-Doctor.0231: System RAM error The system RAM failed. Test your computer’s memory with PC-Doctor. Ifyou added a memory module just before turning the computer on, reinstallit. Then test the memory with PC-Doctor.0232: Extended RAMerror The extended RAM failed. Test your computer’s memory with PC-Doctor. Ifyou have increased memory just before turning the computer on, reinstall it.Then test the memory with PC-Doctor.0250: System batteryerror The system battery is dead. Replace the battery and run IBM BIOS SetupUtility to verify the configuration. If you still have a problem, have thecomputer serviced.0251: System CMOSchecksum bad The system CMOS might have been corrupted by an application program.The computer uses the default settings. Run IBM BIOS Setup Utility toreconfigure the settings. If you still see the same error code, have thecomputer serviced.0260: System timer error Have the computer serviced.0270: Real time clockerror Have the computer serviced.0271: Date and time error Neither the date nor the time is set in the computer. Set the date and time,using the IBM BIOS Setup Utility.Solving computer problems12 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Message Solution0280: Previous bootincomplete Your computer was previously unable to complete the boot process.Turn the computer off; then turn it on to start the IBM BIOS Setup Utility.Verify the configuration and then restart the computer either by choosingthe Exit Saving Changes option under the Restart item or by pressing F10.If you still see the same error code, have the computer serviced.02D0: System cache error The cache is disabled. Have the computer serviced.02F4: EISA CMOS notwritable Have the computer serviced.02F5: DMA test failed Have the computer serviced.02F6: Software NMIfailed Have the computer serviced.02F7: Fail-safe timer NMIfailed Have the computer serviced.The power-on passwordprompt A power-on password or a supervisor password is set. Type the passwordand press Enter to use the computer. If the power-on password is notaccepted, a supervisor password might have been set. Type the supervisorpassword and press Enter. If you still see the same error message, have thecomputer serviced.The hard disk passwordprompt A hard disk password is set. Type the password and press Enter to use thecomputer.If you still see the same error message, have the computer serviced.The DOS full-screenlooks smaller. If you use a DOS application that supports only 640x480 resolution (VGAmode), the screen image might look slightly distorted or might appearsmaller than the display size. This is to maintain compatibility with otherDOS applications. To expand the screen image to the same size as the actualscreen, start the ThinkPad Configuration Program and click LCD; then selectthe Screen expansion function. (The image might still look slightlydistorted.)Note: If your computer has screen expansion function, you can use theFn+F8 keys to expand the screen image.Hibernation error The system configuration changed between the time your computer enteredhibernation mode and the time it left this mode, and your computer cannotresume normal operation.vRestore the system configuration to what it was before your computerentered hibernation mode.vIf the memory size has been changed, re-create the hibernation file.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 13
Message SolutionOperating system notfound. Verify the following:vThe hard disk drive is correctly installed.vA startable diskette is in the diskette driveIf you still see the same error message, check the boot sequence, using IBMBIOS Setup Utility.Fan error The cooling fan is failing. Have the computer serviced.EMM386 Not Installed—Unable to Set PageFrame Base Address.Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS and change a line fromdevice=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE RAMtodevice=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMSand save this file.CardBus ConfigurationError—Device Disabled Press F1 to go to the IBM BIOS Setup Utility. Press F9 and then Enter toload the default setting.Press F10 and then Enter to restart the system.Errors without messagesProblem: When I turn on the machine, nothing appears on the screen and themachine does not beep while starting up.Note: If you are not sure whether you heard any beeps, turn off thecomputer; then turn it on again, and listen again.Solution: If a power-on password is set, press any key to display thepower-on password prompt, and then type the correct password and pressEnter.If the power-on password prompt does not appear, the brightness controllever might be set to minimum brightness. Adjust the brightness level bypressing the Fn+Home.If the screen still remains blank, make sure that:vThe battery is installed correctly.vThe ac adapter is connected to the computer and the power cord is pluggedinto a working electrical outlet.vThe computer power is on. (Turn on the power switch again forconfirmation.)If these items are properly set, and the screen remains blank, have thecomputer serviced.Solving computer problems14 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Problem: When I turn on the machine, nothing appears on the screen, but Ihear two or more beeps or a continuous beep while starting up.Solution: If you are using Ethernet:vMake sure that the Ethernet cable is connected firmly.vContact your network administrator.If you are not using Ethernet:vMake sure that Alert on LAN2 is disabled in the IBM BIOS Setup Utility.If the screen is still blank, and beeps are not stopped, have the computerserviced.Problem: When I turn on the machine, only a white cursor appears on ablank screenSolution: First, reboot your system by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del. If that does notwork, hold down the power switch for more than 4 seconds. If this does notresolve the problem, you may need to reinstall your operating system.Problem: My screen goes blank while the computer is on.Solution: Your screen saver or power management may be enabled. Move theTrackPoint or press a key to exit the screen saver, or press the power switch toresume from standby or hibernation.Password problemsProblem: I forgot my password.Solution: If you forgot your power-on password, you have to take yourcomputer to an IBM reseller or marketing representative to have the passwordcanceled.If you forgot your hard disk password, IBM will not reset your password orrecover data from the hard disk. You must take your computer to an IBMreseller or an IBM marketing representative to have the hard disk drivereplaced. Proof of purchase is required, and an additional charge might berequired for the service.If you forgot your supervisor password, IBM will not reset your password.You must take your computer to an IBM reseller or IBM marketingrepresentative to have the system board replaced. Proof of purchase isrequired, and an additional charge might be required for the service.A power switch problemProblem: The system does not respond, and you cannot turn off the computer.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 15
Solution: Turn off the computer by pressing and holding the power switch for4 seconds or more. If the system is still not reset, remove the ac adapter andthe battery.Keyboard problemsProblem: The cursor does not move after the computer returns from one ofthe power management modes.Solution: Make sure you followed the instructions correctly when youinstalled Windows with the Advanced Power Management (APM) option.Problem: Some or all keys on the keyboard do not work.Solution: If the problem occurred immediately after the computer returnedfrom standby mode, enter the power-on password if any is set.If an external keyboard is connected, the numeric keypad on your computerdoes not work. Use the numeric keypad on the external keyboard.If an external numeric keypad or a mouse is connected:1. Turn off the computer.2. Remove the external numeric keypad or the mouse.3. Turn on the computer and try using the keyboard again.If the keyboard problem is resolved, carefully reconnect the external numerickeypad, external keyboard, or mouse, making sure that you have seated theconnectors properly.If any keys on the keyboard still do not work, have the computer serviced.Problem: A number appears when you type a letter.Solution: The numeric lock function is on. To disable it, press and hold Shift;then press NumLk.Problem: All or some keys on the external numeric keypad do not work.Solution: Make sure that the external numeric keypad is correctly connectedto the computer.Problem: All or some keys on the external keyboard do not work.Solution: To use an external keyboard, you need to attach thekeyboard/mouse cable or dock the ThinkPad Dock to the computer. Makesure that:Solving computer problems16 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
vThe keyboard/mouse cable is correctly connected to the computer.vThe keyboard cable is connected to the correct side of the keyboard/mousecable or the ThinkPad Dock.If these connections are correct, disconnect the keyboard/mouse cable fromthe computer and make sure that the keyboard operates properly. If thebuilt-in keyboard works, there is a problem with either the cable or thekeyboard. Try using a different keyboard/mouse cable or external keyboard.TrackPoint problemsProblem: The cursor drifts when the computer is turned on or after it resumesnormal operation.Solution: The cursor might drift when you are not using the TrackPoint®during normal operation. This is a normal characteristic of the TrackPoint andis not a defect. Cursor drifting might occur for several seconds under thefollowing conditions:vWhen the computer is turned on.vWhen the computer resumes normal operation.vWhen the TrackPoint is pressed for a long time.vWhen the temperature changes.Problem: The cursor does not work for a while after the settings in the MouseProperties window have been changed.Solution: This is a normal characteristic of the cursor. Wait several secondsuntil the cursor returns to the normal state.Problem: The mouse or pointing device does not work.Solution: Make sure that the pointing-device cable is enabled in the ThinkPadConfiguration Program.Make sure that the mouse or pointing-device cable is securely connected tothe computer.Try using the TrackPoint. If the TrackPoint works, the error might be due tothe mouse.If your mouse is incompatible with the IBM®PS/2®mouse, disable theTrackPoint, using the ThinkPad Configuration Program.Note: For more information, see the manual supplied with the mouse.Problem: The mouse buttons do not work.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 17
Solution: Change the mouse driver to Standard PS/2 Port Mouse, and thenreinstall IBM PS/2 TrackPoint. Drivers are provided in theC:\IBMTOOLS\DRIVERS directory on your hard disk drive. If your hard diskdrive does not contain device drivers, refer to the ThinkPad Service &Support Web site. To access this Web site, open Access ThinkPad by pressingthe ThinkPad button, then click the Service & Support image on the right ofthe screen.Problem: The scrolling or magnifying glass function does not work.Solution: Check the mouse driver in Device Manage window, and make surethat the IBM PS/2 TrackPoint driver is installed.Standby or hibernation problemsProblem: The computer enters standby mode automatically.Solution: If the processor reaches a temperature that is too high, the computerautomatically enters standby mode to allow the computer to cool and toprotect the processor and other internal components.Check the power management settings.Problem: The computer enters standby mode immediately after POST (thestandby indicator turns on).Solution: Make sure that:vThe battery is charged.vThe operating temperature is within the acceptable range. Refer to“Specifications”in this Guide.If these items are correct, have the computer serviced.Problem: A message critical low-battery error appears, and the computerimmediately turns off.Solution: The battery power is getting low. Connect the ac adapter to thecomputer, or replace the battery with a fully charged one.Problem: When you take action to return from standby mode, the computerdisplay remains blank.Solution: Check whether an external monitor was disconnected while thecomputer was in standby mode. Do not disconnect the external monitor whilethe computer is in standby mode or hibernation mode. If no external monitorSolving computer problems18 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
is attached when the computer resumes, the computer display remains blankand output is not displayed. This restriction does not depend on theresolution value.Problem: The computer does not return from standby mode, or the standbyindicator stays on and the computer does not work.Solution: The computer automatically enters standby or hibernation modewhen the battery is depleted. Connect the ac adapter to the computer; thenpress Fn.Problem: When you are using the port replicator, resuming normal operationfrom hibernation or standby mode takes a long time.Solution: If the Ethernet port is enabled, but the port replicator is notconnected to a network, resuming operation can take a long time. Thecomputer queries the Ethernet until the timeout timer stops the query. If youwant to access an Ethernet, connect the network cable. If you are not usingthe network, disable the Ethernet port as follows:For Windows 98:1. Double-click the System icon in the Control Panel.2. Click the Device Manager tab.3. Double-click Network Adapter.4. Double-click Intel EtherExpress PRO PCI Adapter.5. Mark the Disable in this hardware profile check box.6. Click OK.7. Close all windows.8. Restart the computer.For Windows NT:1. Double-click the System icon in the Control Panel.2. Select Intel EtherExpress PRO Adapter, and click Startup...3. Select Disabled.4. Click OK.5. Click Close.6. Close all windows.7. Restart the computer.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 19
Problem: Your computer does not enter standby or hibernation mode.Solution: Check whether any option has been selected that would disableyour computer from entering standby or hibernation mode.Problem: The computer does not enter standby mode as set by the timerunder Windows 98 or Windows NT®.Solution:For Windows 98:The generic CD-ROM or DVD-ROM driver for Windows 98 accesses theinternal CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive every 3 seconds to see whether aCD-ROM is inserted there. This prevents your computer from enteringstandby mode even after a timeout. To enable the computer to enter standbymode, do the following:1. Click Start.2. Move the cursor to Settings and Control Panel.3. Click Control Panel, and then double-click System.4. Click the Device Manager tab.5. Click the +mark of CD-ROM.6. Double-click the name of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM.7. Click the Setting tab.8. Clear the Auto insert notification check box.Windows 98 no longer detects the insertion of a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROMautomatically.For Windows NT:If you enable the CD-ROM AutoRun feature, the timer cannot triggers thecomputer to enter standby mode. To enable the timer in this situation, edit theconfiguration information in the registry as follows:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom\Autorun: 0x1 > Autorun: 0Problem: The Fn+F12 key combination does not cause the computer enterhibernation mode.Solution: Enable hibernation mode as follows:Solving computer problems20 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
For Windows 98:1. Start the ThinkPad Configuration program.2. Click Power Management .3. Click the Hibernation tab.4. Click the Enable hibernation... button.5. Click the Create Now button.If you are using one of the IBM communication PC Cards, the computercannot enter hibernation mode. To enter hibernation mode, stop thecommunication program, and then remove the PC Card or disable the PCCard slot, using the Control Panel.For Windows NT:Note: To use hibernation mode in Windows NT, you must format your harddisk with the FAT format system. If you format your hard disk withNTFS, the default format in Windows NT, you cannot use hibernationmode.1. Start the ThinkPad Configuration program.2. Click Power Management.3. Click Suspend/Resume Options.4. Click Enable Hibernation.5. Click OK.If you are using one of the IBM communication PC Cards, the computercannot enter hibernation mode. To enter hibernation mode, stop thecommunication program, and then remove the PC Card or disable the PCCard slot, using the Control Panel.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 21
Computer screen problemsProblem: The screen is blank.Solution: Press Fn+Home key to make the screen brighter. If you still havethe problem, do the “Solution”in the problem below.Problem: The screen is unreadable or distorted.Solution: Make sure that:vThe display device driver is installed correctly.vThe display resolution and color depth are correctly set.vThe monitor type is correct.To check these settings, do as follows:Open the Display Properties window.For Windows 98:1. Click the Settings tab.2. Check if the color depth and resolution are correctly set.3. Click Advanced...4. Click the Adapter tab.5. Make sure ″S3_Inc. Savage/IX w/MV″is shown in the adapterinformation window.6. Click the Monitor tab.7. Make sure the information is correct.For Windows NT:1. Click the Settings tab.2. Check if the color depth and resolution are correctly set3. Click Display Type...4. Make sure ″S3 Inc. Savage/IX Display Driver″is shown in the DisplayType window.5. Click OK.6. Click the Test button in the Settings window.7. Make sure the output is displayed correctly.Solving computer problems22 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Problem: Incorrect characters appear on the screen.Solution: Did you install the operating system or application programcorrectly? If they are installed and configured correctly, have the computerserviced.Problem: The screen stays on even after you turn off your computer.Solution: Press and hold the power switch for 4 seconds or over to turn offyour computer; then turn it on again.Problem: Missing, discolored, or bright dots appear on the screen every timeyou turn on your computer.Solution: This is an intrinsic characteristic of the TFT technology. Yourcomputer’s display contains multiple thin-film transistors (TFTs). A smallnumber of missing, discolored, or bright dots on the screen might exist all thetime.Problem: “Unable to create overlay window”message appears when you tryto start DVD playback.orYou may get poor playback or non at all while running video playback, DVDplayback, or a game applications.Solution: Do either of the following:vIf you are using the computer display and an external monitorsimultaneously with 32-bit color mode, change the color depth to 16-bitmode.vIf you are using TV with 32-bit color, change the color depth to 16-bitmode.vIf you are using a desktop size of 1280x1024 or larger, reduce the desktopsize and the color depth.Battery problemsProblem: The battery cannot be fully charged by the power-off method in thestandard charge time for your computer.Solution: The battery might be over-discharged. Do the following:1. Turn off the computer.2. Make sure that the over-discharged battery is in the computer.3. Connect the ac adapter to the computer and let it charge.If the battery cannot be fully charged in 24 hours, use a new battery.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 23
If the optional Quick Charger is available, use it to charge the over-dischargedbattery.Problem: Your computer shuts down before the battery status indicator showsempty, -or- Your computer operates after the battery status indicator showsempty.Solution: Discharge and recharge the battery.Problem: The operating time for a fully charged battery is short.Solution: Discharge and recharge the battery. If your battery’s operating timeis still short, use a new battery.Problem: The computer does not operate with a fully charged battery.Solution: The surge protector in the battery might be active. Turn off thecomputer for one minute to reset the protector; then turn on the computeragain.Problem: The battery cannot be charged.Solution: You cannot charge the battery when it is too hot. If the battery feelshot, remove it from the computer and allow it to cool to room temperature.After it cools, reinstall it and recharge the battery. If it still cannot be charged,have it serviced.Hard disk drive problemsProblem: The hard disk drive makes a rattling noise intermittently.Solution: The rattling noise might be heard when:vThe hard disk drive starts accessing the data or when it stops.vYou are carrying the hard disk drive.vYou are carrying your computer.This is a normal characteristic of a hard disk drive and is not a defect.Problem: The hard disk drive does not work.Solution: In the startup menu in IBM BIOS Setup Utility, make sure that thereis no exclamation point ! to the left of the hard disk drive. If there is such amark, the hard disk drive is disabled. Clear the mark to enable the drive.Solving computer problems24 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Other problemsProblem: The computer locks or does not accept any input.Solution: Your computer might lock when it enters standby mode during acommunication operation. Disable the standby timer when you are workingon the network.To turn off the computer, press and hold the power switch for 4 seconds ormore.Problem: The computer does not turn off with the power switch.Solution: If the standby indicator is on and you are working under batterypower, replace the battery with a fully charged one or change your powersource to ac power.If you still have a problem, press and hold the power switch for 4 seconds ormore; this forces the computer to turn off.Problem: The computer does not start from a device you want, such as adiskette drive.Solution: Refer to the Startup menu of the IBM BIOS Setup Utility. Makesure that the startup sequence in the IBM BIOS Setup Utility is set so that thecomputer starts from the device you want.Make sure that the device from which the computer starts is enabled bychecking there is no ! mark preceding the device name.Problem: The computer does not respond.Solution: IRQs for the PCI are all set as 11. The computer does not respondbecause it cannot share the IRQ with other devices. Refer to the ThinkPadConfiguration Program.Problem: Windows NT does not start; however, the message saying thatWindows NT is loading remains on the screen.Solution: The USB setting may have been changed to Enabled. If so, it maycause a conflict in allocating memory resources during startup. Disable thesetting, using the BIOS Setup Utility as follows:1. Turn your computer off and then on again; then, while the message,“Press F1 for IBM BIOS Setup Utility,”is displayed at the lower left of thescreen, press the F1 key to start the BIOS Setup Utility. The BIOS SetupUtility menu appears.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 25
2. With the cursor key, select Config; then press Enter.3. Select USB by pressing Enter.4. With the cursor key, select Disable; then press Enter.5. Press F10 and Enter to save this setting and exit this utility.Solving computer problems26 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Starting BIOS Setup UtilityYour computer provides a program, called IBM BIOS Setup Utility, thatenables you to select various setup parameters. The panels in this utility areas follows:vConfig: Change the configuration of your computer.vDate/Time: Set the date and time.vPassword: Set a password.vStartup: Set the startup device.vRestart: Restart the system.Note: You can set many of these parameters more easily by using theThinkPad Configuration Program. For more information on thisprogram, refer to the on-board help.To start IBM BIOS Setup Utility, do as follows:1. To protect yourself against accidental loss of data, refer to “Backing upyour registry”in Access ThinkPad. Open Access ThinkPad by pressing theThinkPad button. Backing up your registry will save your computer’scurrent configuration.2. Remove any diskette from the diskette drive, and then turn off thecomputer.3. Turn on the computer; then, while the “Press F1 for IBM BIOS SetupUtility”message is displayed at the lower-left of the screen, press F1.If you have set a supervisor password, the “IBM BIOS Setup Utility”menuappears after you enter the password. You can start the utility by pressingEnter instead of the supervisor password; then, however, you cannotchange any parameters that are protected by the supervisor password. Formore information, refer to the on-board help.4. Using the cursor keys, move to an item you want to change. When thatitem is highlighted, press Enter. A submenu is displayed.5. Change the items you wish to change. To change the value of an item, usethe F5 or F6 key. If the item has a submenu, you can display it by pressingEnter.6. Press F3 or Esc to exit from the submenu.If you are in a nested submenu, press Esc repeatedly until you reach theIBM BIOS Setup Utility menu.Note: If you need to restore the settings to their original state at the timeof purchase, press the F9 key to load the default settings. You canalso select an option in the Restart submenu to load the defaultsettings or discard the changes.7. Select Restart; then press Enter. Move to the option you want for restartingyour computer; then press Enter. Your computer restarts.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 27
Recover pre-installed softwareIf the data on your hard disk drive is damaged or accidentally erased, youcan restore the software that was shipped with your computer. This softwareincludes your pre-installed operating system, applications, and device drivers.To restore your pre-installed software, you can use either the ProductRecovery program or a Recovery CD.The Product Recovery program is in a section of your hard disk drive that isnot displayed by Windows Explorer. You may use a Recovery CD if it wasprovided with your computer.In case of a hard disk drive failure, or if the Product Recovery program isaccidentally deleted or becomes damaged, you can order a Product RecoveryCD from IBM.Note: The recovery process might take up to 2 hours.AttentionAll of the files on the C:\ drive will be lost in the recovery process. Besure to back up copies of the files you have saved on your C:\ drivebefore you begin.Note: You might need to use a CD-ROM drive or a diskette drive in therecovery process. Use a drive that is compatible with your computer.To use the Product Recovery program to restore your pre-installed software,do the following:1. Save all your files and shut down your desktop.2. Turn off your computer.3. Turn on your computer. Quickly press F11 when this message is displayedon the screen: ″To start the Product Recovery program, press F11.″Thismessage is displayed for only a few seconds.Note: If this message does not appear, you can use a Recovery Repairdiskette to get access to the Product Recovery program.4. From the list displayed on the screen, select the operating system youwant to recover.5. Select the recovery options you want, and follow the instructions on thescreen.Solving computer problems28 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
6. Restart the system by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del or by turning the computeroff and then on again. Your computer will restart with the pre-installedoperating system, drivers, and software.Note: Network drivers are not automatically restored with Windows NT4.0; you will need to reinstall them.To use a Recovery CD to restore your pre-installed software, do thefollowing:1. If you computer has a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, connect it.2. Insert the Recovery CD into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.3. Save all your files, and turn off your computer.4. Change the boot sequence as follows:a. Turn on your computer; then while the Press F1 for IBM BIOS SetupUtility message is displayed at the lower left of the screen, press the F1key to start the BIOS Setup Utility.b. With the cursor key, select Startup; then press Enter.c. Select Boot by pressing Enter.d. With the cursor key, select ATAPI CD-ROM Drive .e. Press F6 repeatedly until the ATAPI CD-ROM Drive item has moved tothe top of the device listing.f. Press F10 and Enter to save this setting and exit this utility.5. The Product Recovery program menu opens. From the list displayed onthe screen, select the operating system you want to recover.6. Select the recovery options you want, and follow the instructions on thescreen.7. Restart the system by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del or by turning the computeroff and then on again. Your computer will restart with the pre-installedoperating system, drivers, and software.Note: Network drivers are not automatically restored with Windows NT4.0; you will need to reinstall them.Solving computer problemsChapter 2. Solving computer problems 29
To create a Recovery Repair disketteThe Recovery Repair diskette is used to recover the prompt that is needed toaccess the Product Recovery program, if the prompt does not appear. Make aRecovery Repair diskette and save it for future use. To make a RecoveryRepair diskette:1. Shut down and restart your computer.2. At the prompt, press F11. (The option to press F11 appears for only a fewseconds. You must press F11 quickly.) The Product Recovery programmain menu appears.3. If you are using Windows 2000 Professional or Windows NT Workstation,you will be prompted to select the appropriate operating system setting.This menu does not appear for Windows 98 SE.4. Select System Utilities from the main menu. Press Enter.5. Select Create a Recovery Repair diskette. Press Enter.6. Follow the on-screen instructions.7. When the process is completed, label your diskette as the Recovery Repairdiskette and save it for future use.To use the Recovery Repair diskette:1. Shut down and turn off your computer.2. Insert the Recovery Repair diskette into the drive; then turn on thecomputer.3. Follow the on-screen instructions.Solving computer problems30 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Upgrading the hard disk driveYou can increase the storage capacity of your computer by replacing the harddisk drive with one of greater capacity. You can purchase a new hard diskdrive from your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative.Note: Replace the hard disk drive only if you upgrade it or have it repaired.The connectors and bay of the hard disk drive were not designed forfrequent changes, or drive swapping.AttentionH2.9453.679.a(the)-332.9(hard)-332.9(disk)-332.9(drive)]T1/F10 1 Tf1.5-2.4 ote:e not frof the drive or iteororof the drive ed.s9(only)-33.9(epr)17.su9(wer)17.9(e)-33t.8(o9(of)-332.9(the)-33covseller)-332.9(of)-332.9(the)-332.9(d.rive)]T1/F10 1-1.082Tf1.5-2.4 ote:
5. Open the computer display; then stand the computer on its side andremove the hard disk drive by pulling the cover away from thecomputer.6. Detach the cover from the hard disk drive.7. Attach the cover to a new hard disk drive.8. Insert the hard disk drive and its cover into the hard disk drive bay; thenfirmly install them.
Replacing the battery1. Turn off the computer, or enter hibernation mode. Then disconnect the acadapter and all cables from the computer.Note: If you are using a PC Card, the computer may not be able to enterhibernation mode. If this happens, turn off the computer.2. Close the computer display, and turn the computer over.3. Slide the battery latch to the left to unlock it 1; then remove the battery2.Note: The first position of the battery latch is for releasing the lock of thebattery.4. Align the side of a fully charged spare battery with the side of the batteryspace in the computer 1; then gently push the battery into the space 2.5. Slide the battery latch to the left to lock it.
Replacing the battery34 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3. Getting help and service from IBMGetting help and service ........36Getting help on the Web ........36 Getting help by fax .........37Calling IBM ............37© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 35
Getting help and serviceIf you need help, service, technical assistance, or just want more informationabout IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available fromIBM to assist you. This section contains information about where to go foradditional information about IBM and IBM products, what to do if youexperience a problem with your computer, and whom to call for serviceshould it be necessary.Information about your IBM computer and preinstalled software, if any, isavailable in the documentation that comes with your computer. Thatdocumentation includes printed books, online books, README files, and helpfiles. In addition, information about IBM products is available on the WorldWide Web and through the IBM Automated Fax System.For technical assistance with the installation of, or questions related to, ServicePacks for your preinstalled Microsoft Windows product, refer to the MicrosoftProduct Support Services Web site at, oryou can contact the IBM HelpCenter®. Some fees might apply.Getting help on the WebOn the World Wide Web, the IBM Web site has up-to-date information aboutIBM Personal Computer products and support. The address for the IBMPersonal Computing home page is provides an extensive Web site dedicated to mobile computing and toThinkPad computers at this Web site to learn how to solve problems, find new ways to useyour computer, and learn about options that can make working with yourThinkPad computer even easier.If you select Profile from the support page, you can create a customizedsupport page that is specific to your hardware, complete with FrequentlyAsked Questions, Parts Information, Technical Hints and Tips, andDownloadable Files. In addition, you can choose to receive e-mail notificationswhenever new information becomes available about your registered products.You also can order publications through the IBM Publications OrderingSystem help and service36 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Getting help by faxIf you have a touch-tone telephone and access to a fax machine, in the U.S.and Canada you can receive by fax marketing and technical information onmany topics, including hardware, operating systems, and local area networks(LANs).You can call the IBM Automated Fax System 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Follow the recorded instructions, and the requested information will be sentto your fax machine. In the U.S. and Canada, to access the IBM AutomatedFax System, call 1-800-426-3395.Calling IBMIf you have tried to correct the problem yourself and still need help, duringthe warranty period, you can get help and information by telephone throughthe IBM PC HelpCenter. The following services are available during thewarranty period:vProblem determination - Trained personnel are available to assist you withdetermining if you have a hardware problem and deciding what action isnecessary to fix the problem.vIBM hardware repair - If the problem is determined to be caused by IBMhardware under warranty, trained service personnel are available to providethe applicable level of service.vEngineering change management - Occasionally, there might be changesthat are required after a product has been sold. IBM or your reseller, ifauthorized by IBM, will make selected Engineering Changes (ECs) availablethat apply to your hardware.The following items are not covered:vReplacement or use of non-IBM parts or nonwarranted IBM partsNote: All warranted parts contain a 7-character identification in the formatIBM FRU XXXXXXXvIdentification of software problem sourcesvConfiguration of BIOS as part of an installation or upgradevChanges, modifications, or upgrades to device driversvInstallation and maintenance of network operating systems (NOS)vInstallation and maintenance of application programsRefer to your IBM hardware warranty for a full explanation of IBM warrantyterms. Be sure to retain your proof of purchase to obtain warranty service.Getting help and serviceChapter 3. Getting help and service from IBM 37
If possible, be near your computer when you make your call in case thetechnical assistance representative needs to help you resolve a computerproblem. Please ensure that you have downloaded the most current driversand system updates, run diagnostics, and recorded information before youcall. When calling for technical assistance, please have the followinginformation available:vMachine Type and ModelvSerial numbers of your computer, monitor, and other components, or yourproof of purchasevDescription of the problemvExact wording of any error messagesvHardware and software configuration information for your systemTelephone numbersNote: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the latestlist of IBM HelpCenter telephone numbers and hours of operation, visitthe Support Web site or region Language Telephone NumberArgentina Spanish 11-4717-4357Australia English 1300-130-426Austria German 01-54658-5060Belgium DutchFrench02-714 35 7002-714 35 15Brazil Portuguese 55-0800 78 48 31Canada English/ French 1-800-565-3344416-383-3344Chile Spanish 800-203300China Mandarin 800-810-1818Colombia Spanish 9-800-18811623-2300Denmark Danish 35 25 02 91Ecuador Spanish 2-565-130Finland Finnish 9-22 931 840France French 01-69 32 40 40Germany German 069-6654 9040Getting help and service38 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Country or region Language Telephone NumberHong Kong Cantonese 2825-6900Ireland English 01-815 9202Italy Italian 02-482 9202Japan Japanese 0120-887-870Luxembourg French 298-977 5063Mexico Spanish 01-800-426-1000387-5991Netherlands Dutch 020-504 0501New Zealand English 0800-446-149Norway Norwegian 23 05 32 40Peru Spanish 349-0050Portugal Portuguese 21-791 51 47Spain Spanish 91-662 4916Sweden Swedish 08-751 52 27Switzerland German/French/Italian0848-80 52 52Taiwan Mandarin 886-2-2725-9799UnitedKingdomEnglish 01475-555 055United States English 1-800-772-2227Getting help and serviceChapter 3. Getting help and service from IBM 39
Getting help and service40 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Appendix A. Important safety instructionsDANGERElectric current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous. Toavoid shock hazard, connect and disconnect cables as shown below wheninstalling, moving, or opening the covers of this product or attached devices. The3-pin power cord must be used with a properly grounded outlet.Turn everything OFF.Turn everything OFF.First, attach all cables to devices. First, remove the power cord fromthe outlet.Attach the signal cables toreceptacles.Remove signal cables fromreceptacles.Attach the power cord to an outlet.Remove all cables from devices.Turn the device ON.To Connect To Disconnect© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 41
DANGERReduce the risk of fire and electric shock by always following basic safetyprecautions, including the following:vDo not use your computer in or near water.vDuring electrical storms:–Do not use your computer with the telephone cable connection.–Do not connect the cable to or disconnect it from the telephone outlet on thewall.DANGERIf the rechargeable battery pack is incorrectly replaced, there is danger of anexplosion. The battery pack contains a small amount of harmful substances. Toavoid possible injury:vReplace only with a battery of the type recommended by IBM, or an equivalent.vKeep the battery pack away from fire.vDo not expose it to water or rain.vDo not attempt to disassemble it.vDo not short-circuit it.vKeep it away from children.Do not put the battery pack in trash that is disposed of in landfills. Whendisposing of the battery, comply with local ordinances or regulations and yourcompany’s safety standards.DANGERIf the backup battery is incorrectly replaced, there is danger of explosion.The lithium battery contains lithium and can explode if it is not properly handledor disposed of.Replace only with a battery of the same type.To avoid possible injury or death, do not: (1) throw or immerse the battery intowater, (2) allow it to heat to more than 100 °C (212 °F), or (3) attempt to repair ordisassemble it. Dispose of it as required by local ordinances or regulations andyour company’s safety standards.42 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
DANGERFollow the instruction below when installing or reconfiguring the Mini PCI option.To avoid shock hazard, disconnect all the cables and the ac adapter when youinstall the Mini PCI option or open the covers of the system or attached devices.Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables in hazardous.CAUTION:When you have added or upgraded a Mini PCI Card or a memory card, donot use your computer until you have closed the cover. Never use thecomputer when the cover is open.CAUTION:The fluorescent lamp in the liquid crystal display (LCD) contains mercury.Do not put it in trash that is disposed of in landfills. Dispose of it asrequired by local ordinances or regulations.The LCD is made of glass, and rough handling or dropping the computercan cause the LCD to break. If the LCD breaks and the internal fluid getsinto your eyes or on your hands, immediately wash the affected areas withwater for at least 15 minutes; if any symptoms are present after washing,get medical care.CAUTION:To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger (thicker)telephone cable.Modem safety informationTo reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury when using telephoneequipment, always follow basic safety precautions, such as:Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specificallydesigned for wet locations.Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephoneline has been disconnected at the network interface.Appendix A. Important safety instructions 43
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electricalstorm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.Laser compliance statementThe CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, which can be installed in the IBMThinkPad computer is a laser product. The drive’s classification label (shownbelow) is on the surface of the drive.CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCTLASER KLASSE 1LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITEAPPAREIL ALASER DE CLASSE 1KLASS 1 LASER APPARATThe drive is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of theDepartment of Health and Human Services 21 Code of Federal Regulations(DHHS 21 CFR) Subchapter J for Class I laser products.In other countries, the drive is certified to conform to the requirements ofEN60825.
46 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Appendix B. Product warranties and noticesWarranty PeriodThe warranty period varies by machine type and country or region.Note:vContact your place of purchase for warranty service information.Some IBM Machines are eligible for on-site warranty servicedepending on the country or region where service is performed.vA warranty period of 3 years on parts and 1 year on labor meansthat IBM will provide warranty service without charge for:1. parts and labor during the first year of the warranty period2. parts only, on an exchange basis, in the second and third years ofthe warranty period.IBM will charge you for any labor it provides in performance ofthe repair or replacement.Machine typeCountry or region Warranty periodAll Parts - year, labor - yearIBM Statement of Limited WarrantyPart 1 - General TermsThis Statement of Limited Warranty includes Part 1 - General Terms and Part2 - Country-unique Terms. The terms of Part 2 replace or modify those of Part1. The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Limited Warrantyapply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for resale, fromIBM or your reseller. The term ″Machine″means an IBM machine, its features,conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them.The term ″Machine″does not include any software programs, whetherpre-loaded with the Machine, installed subsequently or otherwise. Unless IBMspecifies otherwise, the following warranties apply only in the country whereyou acquire the Machine. Nothing in this Statement of Limited Warrantyaffects any statutory rights of consumers that cannot be waived or limited bycontract. If you have any questions, contact IBM or your reseller.© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 47
The IBM Warranty for MachinesIBM warrants that each Machine 1) is free from defects in materials andworkmanship and 2) conforms to IBM’s Official Published Specifications(″Specifications″). The warranty period for a Machine is a specified, fixedperiod commencing on its Date of Installation. The date on your sales receiptis the Date of Installation unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise.If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, andIBM or your reseller are unable to either 1) make it do so or 2) replace it withone that is at least functionally equivalent, you may return it to your place ofpurchase and your money will be refunded.Extent of WarrantyThe warranty does not cover the repair or exchange of a Machine resultingfrom misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operatingenvironment, improper maintenance by you, or failure caused by a productfor which IBM is not responsible. The warranty is voided by removal oralteration of Machine or parts identification labels.THESE WARRANTIES ARE YOUR EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES ANDREPLACE ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THESE WARRANTIES GIVEYOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHERRIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION.SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION ORLIMITATION OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVEEXCLUSION OR LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN THATEVENT, SUCH WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THEWARRANTY PERIOD. NO WARRANTIES APPLY AFTER THAT PERIOD.Items Not Covered by WarrantyIBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a Machine.Any technical or other support provided for a Machine under warranty, suchas assistance via telephone with ″how-to″questions and those regardingMachine set-up and installation, will be provided WITHOUT WARRANTIESOF ANY KIND.Warranty ServiceTo obtain warranty service for a Machine, contact IBM or your reseller. If youdo not register your Machine with IBM, you may be required to present proofof purchase.During the warranty period, IBM or your reseller, if approved by IBM toprovide warranty service, provides without charge certain types of repair and48 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
exchange service to keep Machines in, or restore them to, conformance withtheir Specifications. IBM or your reseller will inform you of the availabletypes of service for a Machine based on its country of installation. At itsdiscretion, IBM or your reseller will 1) either repair or exchange the failingMachine and 2) provide the service either at your location or a service center.IBM or your reseller will also manage and install selected engineering changesthat apply to the Machine.Some parts of IBM Machines are designated as Customer Replaceable Units(called ″CRUs″), e.g., keyboards, memory, or hard disk drives. IBM shipsCRUs to you for replacement by you. You must return all defective CRUs toIBM within 30 days of your receipt of the replacement CRU. You areresponsible for downloading designated Machine Code and Licensed InternalCode updates from an IBM Internet Web site or from other electronic media,and following the instructions that IBM provides.When warranty service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the itemIBM or your reseller replaces becomes its property and the replacementbecomes yours. You represent that all removed items are genuine andunaltered. The replacement may not be new, but will be in good workingorder and at least functionally equivalent to the item replaced. Thereplacement assumes the warranty service status of the replaced item. Manyfeatures, conversions, or upgrades involve the removal of parts and theirreturn to IBM. A part that replaces a removed part will assume the warrantyservice status of the removed part.Before IBM or your reseller exchanges a Machine or part, you agree to removeall features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not under warrantyservice.You also agree to1. ensure that the Machine is free of any legal obligations or restrictions thatprevent its exchange;2. obtain authorization from the owner to have IBM or your reseller service aMachine that you do not own; and3. where applicable, before service is provided:a. follow the problem determination, problem analysis, and servicerequest procedures that IBM or your reseller provides;b. secure all programs, data, and funds contained in a Machine;c. provide IBM or your reseller with sufficient, free, and safe access toyour facilities to permit them to fulfill their obligations; andd. inform IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine’s location.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 49
IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine while it is 1) inIBM’s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is responsible forthe transportation charges.Neither IBM nor your reseller is responsible for any of your confidential,proprietary or personal information contained in a Machine which you returnto IBM or your reseller for any reason. You should remove all suchinformation from the Machine prior to its return.Limitation of LiabilityCircumstances may arise where, because of a default on IBM’s part or otherliability, you are entitled to recover damages from IBM. In each such instance,regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from IBM(including fundamental breach, negligence, misrepresentation, or othercontract or tort claim), except for any liability that cannot be waived orlimited by applicable laws, IBM is liable for no more than1. damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real propertyand tangible personal property; and2. the amount of any other actual direct damages, up to the charges (ifrecurring, 12 months’charges apply) for the Machine that is subject of theclaim. For purposes of this item, the term ″Machine″includes MachineCode and Licensed Internal Code.This limit also applies to IBM’s suppliers and your reseller. It is themaximum for which IBM, its suppliers, and your reseller are collectivelyresponsible.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS IBM LIABLE FOR ANY OF THEFOLLOWING: 1) THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FORDAMAGES (OTHER THAN THOSE UNDER THE FIRST ITEM LISTEDABOVE); 2) LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE TO, YOUR RECORDS OR DATA; OR3) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANYECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOSTSAVINGS, EVEN IF IBM, ITS SUPPLIERS OR YOUR RESELLER ISINFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOTALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OREXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.Governing LawBoth you and IBM consent to the application of the laws of the country inwhich you acquired the Machine to govern, interpret, and enforce all of yourand IBM’s rights, duties, and obligations arising from, or relating in anymanner to, the subject matter of this Agreement, without regard to conflict oflaw principles.50 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Part 2 - Country-unique TermsAMERICASBRAZILGoverning Law: The following is added after the first sentence:Any litigation arising from this Agreement will be settled exclusively by thecourt of Rio de Janeiro.NORTH AMERICAWarranty Service: The following is added to this Section:To obtain warranty service from IBM in Canada or the United States, call1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378).CANADAGoverning Law: The following replaces ″laws of the country in which you acquiredthe Machine″in the first sentence:laws in the Province of Ontario.UNITED STATESGoverning Law: The following replaces ″laws of the country in which you acquiredthe Machine″in the first sentence:laws of the State of New York.ASIA PACIFICAUSTRALIAThe IBM Warranty for Machines: The following paragraph is added to thisSection:The warranties specified in this Section are in addition to any rights you mayhave under the Trade Practices Act 1974 or other similar legislation and areonly limited to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation.Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this Section:Where IBM is in breach of a condition or warranty implied by the TradePractices Act 1974 or other similar legislation, IBM’s liability is limited to therepair or replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods. Wherethat condition or warranty relates to right to sell, quiet possession or cleartitle, or the goods are of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic orhousehold use or consumption, then none of the limitations in this paragraphapply.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 51
Governing Law: The following replaces ″laws of the country in which you acquiredthe Machine″in the first sentence:laws of the State or Territory.CAMBODIA, LAOS, AND VIETNAMGoverning Law: The following replaces ″laws of the country in which you acquiredthe Machine″in the first sentence:laws of the State of New York.The following is added to this Section:Disputes and differences arising out of or in connection with this Agreementshall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in Singapore inaccordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).The arbitrator or arbitrators designated in conformity with those rules shallhave the power to rule on their own competence and on the validity of theAgreement to submit to arbitration. The arbitration award shall be final andbinding for the parties without appeal and the arbitral award shall be inwriting and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law.All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented insuch proceedings, in the English language. The number of arbitrators shall bethree, with each side to the dispute being entitled to appoint one arbitrator.The two arbitrators appointed by the parties shall appoint a third arbitratorbefore proceeding upon the reference. The third arbitrator shall act aschairman of the proceedings. Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filledby the president of the ICC. Other vacancies shall be filled by the respectivenominating party. Proceedings shall continue from the stage they were atwhen the vacancy occurred.If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within30 days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitratorshall be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly andproperly appointed.The English language version of this Agreement prevails over any otherlanguage version.HONG KONG AND MACAUGoverning Law: The following replaces ″laws of the country in which you acquiredthe Machine″in the first sentence:laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.INDIA52 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces items 1 and 2 of this Section:1. liability for bodily injury (including death) or damage to real property andtangible personal property will be limited to that caused by IBM’snegligence;2. as to any other actual damage arising in any situation involvingnonperformance by IBM pursuant to, or in any way related to the subjectof this Statement of Limited Warranty, IBM’s liability will be limited to thecharge paid by you for the individual Machine that is the subject of theclaim.JAPANGoverning Law: The following sentence is added to this Section:Any doubts concerning this Agreement will be initially resolved between usin good faith and in accordance with the principle of mutual trust.NEW ZEALANDThe IBM Warranty for Machines: The following paragraph is added to thisSection:The warranties specified in this Section are in addition to any rights you mayhave under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation whichcannot be excluded or limited. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will notapply in respect of any goods which IBM provides, if you require the goodsfor the purposes of a business as defined in that Act.Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this Section:Where Machines are not acquired for the purposes of a business as defined inthe Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the limitations in this Section are subjectto the limitations in that Act.PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (PRC)Governing Law: The following replaces this Section:Both you and IBM consent to the application of the laws of the State of NewYork (except when local law requires otherwise) to govern, interpret, andenforce all your and IBM’s rights, duties, and obligations arising from, orrelating in any manner to, the subject matter of this Agreement, withoutregard to conflict of law principles.Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement will first beresolved by friendly negotiations, failing which either of us has the right tosubmit the disputeOF CHINA (PRC)a coomic, andrbitrcationppienixsBM PMduict wMarranties and noiaces
arbitration rules in force at the time. The arbitration tribunal will consist ofthree arbitrators. The language to be used therein will be English and Chinese.An arbitral award will be final and binding on all the parties, and will beenforceable under the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement ofForeign Arbitral Awards (1958).The arbitration fee will be borne by the losing party unless otherwisedetermined by the arbitral award.During the course of arbitration, this Agreement will continue to beperformed except for the part which the parties are disputing and which isundergoing arbitration.EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA (EMEA)THE FOLLOWING TERMS APPLY TO ALL EMEA COUNTRIES:The terms of this Statement of Limited Warranty apply to Machines purchasedfrom IBM or an IBM reseller.Warranty Service:If you purchase an IBM Machine in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland orUnited Kingdom, you may obtain warranty service for that Machine in any ofthose countries from either (1) an IBM reseller approved to perform warrantyservice or (2) from IBM. If you purchase an IBM Personal Computer Machinein Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Federal Republic ofYugoslavia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova,Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, or Ukraine, you mayobtain warranty service for that Machine in any of those countries from either(1) an IBM reseller approved to perform warranty service or (2) from IBM.If you purchase an IBM Machine in a Middle Eastern or African country, youmay obtain warranty service for that Machine from the IBM entity within thecountry of purchase, if that IBM entity provides warranty service in thatcountry, or from an IBM reseller, approved by IBM to perform warrantyservice on that Machine in that country. Warranty service in Africa is availablewithin 50 kilometers of an IBM authorized service provider. You areresponsible for transportation costs for Machines located outside 50 kilometersof an IBM authorized service provider.Governing Law:54 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
The applicable laws that govern, interpret and enforce rights, duties, andobligations of each of us arising from, or relating in any manner to, thesubject matter of this Statement, without regard to conflict of laws principles,as well as Country-unique terms and competent court for this Statement arethose of the country in which the warranty service is being provided, exceptthat in 1) Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, FormerYugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Armenia,Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, the laws of Austria apply;2) Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, the laws of Finland apply; 3) Algeria, Benin,Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo,Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, France, Gabon,Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania,Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Togo, and Tunisia, this Agreement will be construedand the legal relations between the parties will be determined in accordancewith the French laws and all disputes arising out of this Agreement or relatedto its violation or execution, including summary proceedings, will be settledexclusively by the Commercial Court of Paris; 4) Angola, Bahrain, Botswana,Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia,Malawi, Malta, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, SaoTome, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, United ArabEmirates, United Kingdom, West Bank/Gaza, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe,this Agreement will be governed by English Law and disputes relating to itwill be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts; and 5) inGreece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, and Spain any legal claim arising out of thisStatement will be brought before, and finally settled by, the competent courtof Athens, Tel Aviv, Milan, Lisbon, and Madrid, respectively.THE FOLLOWING TERMS APPLY TO THE COUNTRY SPECIFIED:AUSTRIA AND GERMANYThe IBM Warranty for Machines: The following replaces the first sentence of thefirst paragraph of this Section:The warranty for an IBM Machine covers the functionality of the Machine forits normal use and the Machine’s conformity to its Specifications.The following paragraphs are added to this Section:The minimum warranty period for Machines is six months. In case IBM oryour reseller is unable to repair an IBM Machine, you can alternatively ask fora partial refund as far as justified by the reduced value of the unrepairedMachine or ask for a cancellation of the respective agreement for suchMachine and get your money refunded.Extent of Warranty: The second paragraph does not apply.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 55
Warranty Service: The following is added to this Section:During the warranty period, transportation for delivery of the failing Machineto IBM will be at IBM’s expense.Limitation of Liability: The following paragraph is added to this Section:The limitations and exclusions specified in the Statement of Limited Warrantywill not apply to damages caused by IBM with fraud or gross negligence andfor express warranty.The following sentence is added to the end of item 2:IBM’s liability under this item is limited to the violation of essentialcontractual terms in cases of ordinary negligence.EGYPTLimitation of Liability: The following replaces item 2 in this Section:as to any other actual direct damages, IBM’s liability will be limited to thetotal amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject of the claim. Forpurposes of this item, the term ″Machine″includes Machine Code andLicensed Internal Code.Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).FRANCELimitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence of the firstparagraph of this Section:In such instances, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claimdamages from IBM, IBM is liable for no more than: (items 1 and 2 unchanged).IRELANDExtent of Warranty: The following is added to this Section:Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all statutoryconditions, including all warranties implied, but without prejudice to thegenerality of the foregoing all warranties implied by the Sale of Goods Act1893 or the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 are herebyexcluded.Limitation of Liability: The following replaces items one and two of the firstparagraph of this Section:1. death or personal injury or physical damage to your real property solelycaused by IBM’s negligence; and56 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
2. the amount of any other actual direct damages, up to 125 percent of thecharges (if recurring, the 12 months’charges apply) for the Machine that isthe subject of the claim or which otherwise gives rise to the claim.Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).The following paragraph is added at the end of this Section:IBM’s entire liability and your sole remedy, whether in contract or in tort, inrespect of any default shall be limited to damages.ITALYLimitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence in the firstparagraph:In each such instance unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, IBM isliable for no more than:1. (unchanged)2. as to any other actual damage arising in all situations involvingnonperformance by IBM pursuant to, or in any way related to the subjectmatter of this Statement of Warranty, IBM’s liability, will be limited to thetotal amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject of the claim.Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).The following replaces the third paragraph of this Section:Unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, IBM and your reseller are notliable for any of the following: (items 1 and 2 unchanged) 3) indirect damages,even if IBM or your reseller is informed of their possibility.SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, BOTSWANA, LESOTHO AND SWAZILANDLimitation of Liability: The following is added to this Section:IBM’s entire liability to you for actual damages arising in all situationsinvolving nonperformance by IBM in respect of the subject matter of thisStatement of Warranty will be limited to the charge paid by you for theindividual Machine that is the subject of your claim from IBM.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 57
UNITED KINGDOMLimitation of Liability: The following replaces items 1 and 2 of the first paragraphof this Section:1. death or personal injury or physical damage to your real property solelycaused by IBM’s negligence;2. the amount of any other actual direct damages or loss, up to 125 percentof the charges (if recurring, the 12 months’charges apply) for the Machinethat is the subject of the claim or which otherwise gives rise to the claim;The following item is added to this paragraph:3. breach of IBM’s obligations implied by Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).The following is added to the end of this Section:IBM’s entire liability and your sole remedy, whether in contract or in tort, inrespect of any default shall be limited to damages.58 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
NoticesThis publication was developed for products and services offered in theU.S.A.IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in thisdocument in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative forinformation on the products and services currently available in your area. Anyreference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state orimply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Anyfunctionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringeany IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is theuser’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBMproduct, program, or service.IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matterdescribed in this document. The furnishing of this document does not giveyou any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:IBM Director of LicensingIBM CorporationNorth Castle DriveArmonk, NY 10504-1785U.S.A.Processing date dataThis IBM hardware product and IBM software products that might bepackaged with it have been designed, when used in accordance with theirassociated documentation, to process date data correctly within and betweenthe 20th and 21st centuries, provided all other products (for example,software, hardware, and firmware) used with these products properlyexchange accurate date data with them.IBM cannot take responsibility for the date data processing capabilities ofnon-IBM products, even if those products are preinstalled or otherwisedistributed by IBM. You should contact the vendors responsible for thoseproducts directly to determine the capabilities of their products and updatethem if needed. This IBM hardware product cannot prevent errors that mightoccur if software, upgrades, or peripheral devices you use or exchange datawith do not process date data correctly.The foregoing is a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure.References to the Web site addressesAny references in this publication to non-IBM Web sites are provided forconvenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of thoseAppendix B. Product warranties and notices 59
Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials forthis IBM product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.Electronic emission noticesFederal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementThinkPad T23, machine typeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:vReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.vIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.vConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.vConsult an IBM authorized dealer or service representative for help.Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in orderto meet FCC emission limits. Proper cables and connectors are available fromIBM authorized dealers. IBM is not responsible for any radio or televisioninterference caused by unauthorized changes or modifications to thisequipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Responsible Party:International Business Machines CorporationNew Orchard RoadArmonk, NY 10504Telephone 1-919-543-219360 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Industry Canada Class B Emission Compliance StatementThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Industrie CanadaCet appareil numérique de la classe B est conform àla norme NMB-003 duCanada.European Community Directive Conformance StatementThis product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EU CouncilDirective 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member Statesrelating to electro-magnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility forany failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from anon-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting ofnon-IBM option cards.A declaration of Conformity with the requirements of the Directive has beensigned by IBM United Kingdom Limited, PO BOX 30 Spango Valley GreenockScotland PA160AH.This product satisfies the Class B limits of EN 55022.Telecommunication noticesFederal Communications Commission (FCC) and Telephone CompanyRequirements (Part 68 of the FCC Rules)1. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for anyperson to use a computer or other electronic device to send any messagevia a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly contains in amargin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first pageof the transmission, the date and time it is sent, and an identification ofthe business or other entity, or other individual sending the message andthe telephone number of the sending machine or such business, otherentity, or individual.In order to program this information into your computer, you should besure to follow the installation instructions for your fax software package.2. The built-in modem is built into the ThinkPad computer. It complies withPart 68 of the FCC Rules. A label is affixed to the bottom of the computerthat contains, among other things, the FCC registration number, USOC,and Ringer Equivalency Number (REN) for this equipment. If thesenumbers are requested, look at the label and provide this information toyour telephone company.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 61
3. The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connectto your telephone line and still have those devices ring when your numberis called. In most, but not all, areas, the sum of the RENs of all devicesshould not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices youmay connect to your line, as determined by the REN (REN:0.7), youshould call your local telephone company to determine the maximum RENfor your calling area.4. If the built-in modem causes harm to the telephone network, the telephonecompany may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they willnotify you in advance. But, if advance notice isn’t practical, you will benotified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file acomplaint with the FCC.5. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment,operations, or procedures that could affect the proper operation of yourequipment. If they do, you will be given advance notice so as to give youan opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service.6. If you experience trouble with this built-in modem, contact your IBMAuthorized Seller, or the IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue,Thornwood, NY 10594, 1-800-772-2227, for repair/warranty information.The telephone company may ask you to disconnect this equipment fromthe network until the problem has been corrected, or until you are sure theequipment is not malfunctioning.7. No customer repairs are possible to the modem. If you experience troublewith this equipment, contact your Authorized Seller or the IBMCorporation for information.8. The modem may not be used on coin service provided by the telephonecompany. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs. Contact yourstate public utility commission or corporation commission for information.9. When ordering network interface (NI) service from the Local ExchangeCarrier, specify service arrangement USOC RJ11C.Fax BrandingThe Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for anyperson to use a computer or other electronic device, including fax machines,to send any message unless such message clearly contains in a margin at thetop of or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of thetransmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the businessor other entity, or other individual sending the message and the telephonenumber of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual.(The telephone number provided may not be a 900 number or any othernumber for which charges exceed local or long-distance transmission charges.)62 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Industry Canada requirementsNoticeThe Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certificationmeans that the equipment meets certain telecommunications networksprotective, operational, and safety requirements. The Department does notguarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible tobe connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. Theequipment must also be installed using an acceptable method ofcommunication. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with asingle line individual service may be extended by means of a certifiedconnector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be awarethat compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation ofservice in some situations.Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadianmaintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs of alterationsmade by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give thetelecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect theequipment.Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical groundconnections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic waterpipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may beparticularly important in rural areas.CautionUsers should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but shouldcontact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, asappropriate.The Ringer Equivalent Number (REN:0.3) assigned to each terminal deviceprovides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to beconnected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface mayconsist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that thesum of the Ringer Equivalence Number of all the devices does not exceed 5.AvisL’étiquette du ministère de l’Industrie Canada identifie le matériel homologué.Cette étiquette certifie que le matériel est conforme àcertaines normes deprotection, d’exploitation et de sécuritédes réseaux de télécommunications. LeMinistère n’assure toutefois pas que le matériel fonctionnera àla satisfactionde l’utilisateur.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 63
Avant d’installer ce matériel, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer qu’il est permis de leraccorder aux installations de l’entreprise locale de télécommunication. Lematériel doit également être installéen suivant une méthode acceptéederaccordement. Dans certains cas, les fils intérieurs de l’entreprise utilisés pourun service individuel àligne unique peuvent être prolongés au moyen d’undispositif homologuéde raccordement (cordon prolongateur téléphoniqueinterne). L’abonnéne doit pas oublier qu’il est possible que la conformitéauxconditions énoncées ci-dessus n’empechent pas la dégradation du service danscertaines situations. Actuellement, les entreprises de télécommunication nepermettent pas que l’on raccorde leur matériel àdes jacks d’abonné, sauf dansles cas précis prévus par les tarifs paticuliers de ces entreprises.Les réparations de matériel homologuédoivent être effectuées par un centred’entretien canadien autorisédésignépar le fournisseur. La compagnie detélécommunications peut demander àl’utilisateur de débrancher un appareil àla suite de réparations ou de modifications effectuées par l’utilisateur ou àcause de mauvais fonctionnement.Pour sa propre protection, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer que tous les fils de miseàla terre de la source d’énergie électrique, des lignes téléphoniques et descanalisations d’eau métalliques, s’il y en a, sont raccordés ensemble. Cetteprécaution est particulièrement importante dans les régions rurales.AvertissementL’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter de faire ces raccordements lui-même; il doitavoir recours àun service d’inspection des installations électriques, ou àélectricien, selon le cas.L’indice de charge (IC) assignéàchaque dispositif terminal indique (REN:0.3),pour éviter toute surcharge, le pourcentage de la charge totale qui peut êtreraccordéeàun circuit téléphonique boucléutilisépar ce dispositif. Laterminaison du circuit bouclépeut être constituéeden’importe quellecombinaison de dispositifs, pourvu que la somme des indices de charge del’ensemble des dispositifs ne dépasse pas 5.Notice for AustraliaThe following notice applies when using the telephony functions:WARNING: FOR SAFETY REASONS, ONLY CONNECT EQUIPMENT WITH ATELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPLIANCE LABEL. THIS INCLUDES CUSTOMEREQUIPMENT PREVIOUSLY LABELLED PERMITTED OR CERTIFIED.Notice for Users in New Zealand1. The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicatesonly that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimumconditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of64 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Aboveall, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in allrespects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different makeor model, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all ofTelecom’s network services.2. This equipment is not capable under all operation conditions of correctoperation at the higher speeds for which it is designed. The 33.6 kbit/sand 56 kbit/s connections are likely to be restricted to lower bit rateswhen connected to some PSTN implementations. Telecom will accept noresponsibility should difficulties arise in such circumstances.3. This equipment may not provide for the effective hand-over of a call toanother device connected to the same line.4. Under power failure conditions, this telephone may not operate. Pleaseensure that a separate telephone, not dependent on local power isavailable for emergency use.5. Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom’s Telepermitrequirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with thisdevice. The associated equipment shall be set to operate within thefollowing limits for compliance with Telecom’s specifications:vThere shall be no more than 10 call attempts to the same number withinany 30-minute period for any single manual call initiation.vThe equipment shall go on-hook for a period of not less than 30 secondsbetween the end of one attempt and the beginning of the next attemptto the same number.6. Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom’s Telepermitrequirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with thisdevice. In order to operate within the limits for compliance with Telecom’sspecifications, the associated equipment shall be set to ensure thatautomatic calls to different numbers are spaced such that there is no lessthan 5 seconds between the end of one call attempt and the beginning ofanother.7. This equipment shall not be set up to make automatic calls to Telecom’s’111’emergency service.8. Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom’s Telepermitrequirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with thisdevice. In order to operate within the limits for compliance with Telecom’sspecifications, the associated equipment shall be set to ensure that calls areanswered between 3 and 30 seconds of receipt of ringing.Notice for European Union countriesHereby Ambit declares that this ″J07M041.00″modem is in conformity withthe essential requirements and other relevant provisions of DirectiveAppendix B. Product warranties and notices 65
1999/5/EC.Wireless InteroperabilityIBM ThinkPad 802.11b Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter (P/N 26P8056)(hereafter called Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter) is designed to beinteroperable with any wireless LAN product that is based on Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum (DSSS) radio technology, and is compliant to:66 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
vThe IEEE 802.11 Standard on Wireless LANs (Revision B), as defined andapproved by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.vThe Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) certification as defined by the WECA (WirelessEthernet Compatibility Alliance).Usage environment and your HealthWireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter emits radio frequency electromagnetic energylike other radio devices. However, the level of energy emitted is far much lessthan the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for examplemobile phones.Because Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter operates within the guidelines foundin radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, IBM believes it issafe for use by consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect theconsensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panelsand committees of scientists who continually review and interpret theextensive research literature. In some situation or environment, the use ofWireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter may be restricted by the proprietor of thebuilding or responsible representatives of the organization. These situationsmay for example include:vUsing Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter on board of airplanes, orvIn any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices orservices is perceived or identified as harmful.If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices ina specific organization (e.g. airport), you are encouraged to ask forauthorization to use Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter prior to turning on theThinkPad T23.Wireless Regulatory InformationThe ThinkPad T23 must be installed and used in strict accordance with theinstructions as described hereafter. This product complies with the followingradio frequency and safety standards.USA - Federal Communications Commission (FCC)This product complies with FCC Part 15. The operation of Wireless LANMini-PCI Adapter integrated in the product is subject to the following twoconditions:vIt may not cause harmful interference.vIt accepts any interference that may cause undesired operation.Exposure to Radio Frequency RadiationThe radiated output power of Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter is far belowthe FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the ThinkPad T23shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact duringnormal operation is minimized as follows:Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 67
vCaution: To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, aseparation distance of at least 20 cm (8 inches) must be maintained betweenthe antenna of this device and all persons.Transmitter antennaposition20cmvFCC certification of this device prohibits the use of any other RadioFrequency wireless device in conjunction with your ThinkPad T23 notebookwireless LAN. Do not use any other wireless PCMCIA card in yourThinkPad notebook while operating Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Adapter.Interference StatementAn improper installation or unauthorized use may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. Also any tampering of the internal antenna willvoid the FCC certification and your warranty. Refer to the “Electronicemission notices”on page 60 for more detail.Canada - Industry Canada (IC)Low Power License-Exempt Radiocommunication Devices (RSS-210)Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Permis d’émission à faible puissance - Cas des appareils decommunications radio (CNR-210)Le fonctionnement de ce type d’appareil est soumis aux deux conditionssuivantes : (1) Cet appareil peut perturber les communications radio, et (2) cetappareil doit supporter toute perturbation, y compris les perturbations quipourraient provoquer un dysfonctionnement.68 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
CE - Declaration of ConformityvHereby IBM Japan declares that the RLAN device integrated in this productis in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.IBM cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protectionrequirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of theproduct.vIBM Japan déclare par la présente que le dispositif RLAN intégréàceproduit est en conformitéavec les prescriptions essentielles et autresdispositions appropriées de la Directive 1999/5/EC.IBM décline toute responsabilitéen cas de non-respect de cette directiverésultant d’une modification non recommandée du produitvIBM Japan erklärt hiermit, dass die in diesem Produkt integrierte drahtloseRLAN-Einheit die Voraussetzungen sowie alle wichtigen Anforderungender Richtlinie 1999/5/EC erfüllt.IBM übernimmt keine Verantwortung für Fehler, die sich aus einer nichtempfohlenen, unsachgemäβen Modifizierung an diesem Produkt zurErfüllung der Sicherheitsanforderungen ergeben.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 69
70 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
- Belgie B Gebruik buiten gebouw alleen op kanalen 10 (2462MHz) en 11 (2467 MHz). Voor privé-gebruikbuiten gebouw over publieke grond over afstandkleiner dan 300m geen registratie bij BIPT/IBPTnodig; voor gebruik over afstand groter dan 300mis wel registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig. Voorpubliek gebruik buiten gebouwen is licentie vanBIPT/IBPT verplicht. Voor registratie of licentiekunt u contact opnemen met BIPT.- Belgium B For outdoor usage only channel 10 (2462 MHz)and 11 (2467 MHz) is allowed. For private usageoutside buildings across public grounds over lessthan 300m no special registration with IBPT/BIPTis required. Registration to IBPT/BIPT is requiredfor private usage outside buildings across publicgrounds over more than 300m. An IBPT/BIPTlicence is required for public usage outsidebuilding. For registration and license pleasecontact IBPT/BIPT.- Belgique B L’utilisation en extérieur est autorisésur le canal10 (2462 MHz) et 11 (2467 MHz). Dans le casd’une utilisation privée, àl’extérieur d’unbâtiment, au-dessus d’un espace public, aucunenregistrement n’est nécessaire pour une distancede moins de 300m. Pour une distance supérieure à300m un enregistrement auprèsdel’IBPT estrequise. Pour une utilisation publique àl’extérieurde bâtiments, une licence de l’IBPT est requise.Pour les enregistrements et licences, veuillezcontacter lÆIBPT.- France F: Bande de fréquence restreinte : seuls les canaux 10à11 (2457 et 2462 MHz respectivement) doiventêtre utilisés en France. Toute utilisation, qu’ellesoit intérieure ou extérieure, est soumise àautorisation. Vous pouvez contacter l’AutoritédeRégulation des Télécommuniations( pour la procédure àsuivre.- France F: Restricted frequency band: only channels 10 and11 (2457 MHz and 2462 MHz respectively) may beused in France. License required for everyinstallation, indoor and outdoor installations.Please contact ART for procedure to follow.- Deutschland D: Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwending, abernicht genehmigungspflichtig. Bitte mit Händlerdie Vorgehensweise abstimmen.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 71
- Germany D: License required for outdoor installations. Checkwith reseller for procedure to follow- Italia I: E’necessaria la concessione ministeriale anche perl’uso interno. Verificare con i rivenditori laprocedura da seguire. L’uso per installazione inesterni non e’permessa.- Italy I: License required for indoor use. Use with outdoorinstallations not allowed- the Netherlands NL License required for outdoor installations. Checkwith reseller for procedure to follow- Nederland NL Licentie verplicht voor gebruik metbuitenantennes. Neem contact op met verkopervoor juiste procedureJapan —Telec/JATE
TrademarksThe following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the UnitedStates or other countries or both:IBM ThinkPadAlert on LAN TrackPointHelpCenter UltrabayPS/2 UltraPortThinkLightMicrosoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States and/or other countries.Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United Statesand/or other countries. (For a complete list of Intel trademarks, company, product, or service names may be the trademarks or servicemarks of others.Appendix B. Product warranties and notices 73
74 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
IndexAAccess ThinkPad iiiBbatteryproblems 23BIOS Setup 27Ccarrying the computer 6cleaning the computer 8computer display problems 22configurationsetup 27Eelectronic help iiierror messages 11errors without messages 14Ffax, help by 37Hhard diskproblems 24upgrading 31hibernation problems 18IIBM help iiiKkeyboard problems 16Oon-board help iiiPpassword problems 15PC-Doctor for Windows 10power switch problems 15problems, troubleshooting 11Rrecovering software 28Ssafety instruction 41standby problems 18storage device, upgrading 31Ttelephone, help by 37testing with PC-Doctor 10ThinkPad Assistant iiiTrackPoint problems 17WWeb, help by 36© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 75
76 ThinkPad®T23 Service and Troubleshooting Guide
Part Number: Toronto4w(1P) P/N: Toronto4w

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