Acrox Technologies RX01 Nano Receiver User Manual

Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd. Nano Receiver

User Manual

@onflWireless KeYboardwith Nano ReceiverModel: LKS5OORPRODUCT CUIDECAUTION: To use this product properly' please read the usefs guide before installation
Federal Communication Gommission lnterference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, putt*nito  Part 15 of the FCC Rules'  Theseil,rii.'"-r" o""risneo to'proviie'ieasonaore protection against harmfulil#;;#aiesiai:ntiat  installation' This equipment senerates' usesand can radiate radio freq";;il;;;;gt  and' if not.installed and used inaccordance with the lnttruJtion't' maituus"  harmful interference to radiocommunications. no*"u"i,-in-"r"  ii  no iuarantee that interference will;;i;clufi  ;  p;rticular installation' lf this equipment does cause#;i;ii;HJ;t;e  to radio or television receptio.n' which can bedetermined by turning tn" "lqJip-"ni  "tr 99  o1,,tnq -u,ser is encouragedt" il  il;;;t;'Jine  in-t"'retenc" bv one of the following measures:-  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna'-  lncrease tne separation between and receiver'-  Connect tne equrpment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected' .. -  . .-  Consult ttte Oearer olan eiperienceC radio/TV technician for help'FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications nol expressly approved byii;*t  iJsp"nJinr" toi"ornpiiance coutd void the user's authoritv tooperate this equiPment'This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules' Operation is subjectto the following two conoitiois: iilinit  device maYnot cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this iuui"  t"t  accept any interference received'i;;l;'Jin;  ;k"rence  that may cause undesired operation'
ww \ffilnstalling the batteriesStep 1: Take the battery cover off'Si"i  r, Insert 2 x AJAA batteries as shown inside the batterycompartmenl'Step 3: Replace the cover'Setup the Connection between the Receiver 1nd:I"  Keyboard1. lnsert the batteries into tire feyoourd' lhen lo.l"yi"  steps below'2. In the meantime, to taxe iie nlno receiver out' from the keyboard'6. iii,ld"tr.lJnlio ii."iu"|. into the usB port of your computer.@
4. lf the keyboard is not working' please put them into pairing mode .5. Pairing: Re-plug the receiver into the USB port of your computer' then-  or""i  ionn"'"t  Ulutton of the keyboard' lf the keyboard does not workIttlir  o seconds, pair them ag'ain lTne receiver has auto pairingfunction).6. The LED indicator on the Keyboard flashes steadily when it is in pairingmode and stops blinking when it is successfully paired with the receiver"7. When the batteries' power of the keyboard or the mouse is low' the LowPower indicator will start to blink..  " ';*Keyboard  lndicatorRed LED is on for 10 sec'Power ON  -r'2Red LED Blinks for 1O sec.Low Battery Warning  _r 2Red LED BlinkingPairing (LED oFF when Paired orfailed after 10 sec.)

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