Acrowave Systems AAP-1100E 2.4GHz Wireless LAN User Manual users manual 4

Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd 2.4GHz Wireless LAN users manual 4

users manual 4

AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 31 of 31 3.1 Starting a Configuration Tool  To modify Access Point parameters after installing the Access Point, you need to use a device connected to the console port or the AcroLAN Access Point Manager. The former was explained in the above chapter. The following sections describe how to configure the Access Point using Access Point Manager tool.  If you have installed the AcroLAN Access Point Manager on a computer, select: Program Files """" Acrowave Systems """" Acrowave Access Point Manager """" AccessPointManager.exe Or you can simply click the AccessPointManager icon on the windows screen.  The program starts with the following screen.
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 32 of 32  All the Access Points of Acrowave Systems have the same default IP address; If you install the Access Point for the first time, you should type Acrowave Access Point’s default IP on the above IP address input dialog box and then press CONNECT button.   If the Access Point has no problem and wire/wireless link connected without problem, A dialog box pop up that the Access Point Manager program connected to the Access Point addressed by IP.         Otherwise, If the Access Point Manager program cannot find the Access Point then following message is displayed and stop search process.    If the Access Point connection fails, verify that you have correctly installed the AP. If the AP still fails to connect, refer to troubleshooting chapter.  Access Point Connection
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 33 of 33  Once, the Access Point Manager program successfully connected to an Access Point, all the configuration information of it are displayed Access Point Manager program’s configuration tab window.     • Type: Acrowave’s Access Point has multiple functions; Wireless LAN Access Point, Wireless LAN Bridge for point-to-point transmission. So, this dialog box displays current function mode. Default type value is Access Point mode.  • IP Address: This field allows the assignment or change of the Internet Protocol (IP) address of a station. The significance of such a change depends on whether or not DHCP is enabled for the network. If DHCP is not enabled, this field is the IP address. If Access Point Configuration Window
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 34 of 34 DHCP is enabled, this field will only provide the IP address if no DHCP server responds with an IP address for the Access Point.   Acrowave’s AcroLAN Access Point has a default IP address - It is highly recommended that you change the IP address from the default only if you do not use DHCP server. You should not use the default IP address except for the first Access Point setup.  • SSID: The SSID is the network name for your Access Point. All Access Points on the same LAN must be set with the same SSID in order to support inter-cell roaming. If the Access Point is configured to communicate with wireless clients and the Secure Access parameter is enabled, each client must be configured with the same SSID. If Secure Access is not enabled, clients can be configured with the Access Point’s wireless network name, ANY (all uppercase), or keep the Wireless Network Name field blank.  • Default Channel: The channel sets the center frequency of the Access Point. In a LAN-to-LAN configuration, the Access Points need to be set to the same channel. In a wireless client configuration with multiple Access Points, adjacent Access Points should be set to different channels that are at least 5 channels apart recommended. For example, in a configuration with 3 Access Points, set the channels to 1, 6, and 11. Note that some countries only support a limited number of channels. Refer to the Appendix Channel section. The Access Point does not allow you to set channels outside your country’s band. Wireless clients with AcroLAN PC/PCI Cards automatically switch to the Access Point’s channel when roaming between Access Points in a wireless network.  • Slave Mac Address: When the Access Point functions as a wireless LAN bridge master, it can define the slave bridge’s MAC address.  • Ethernet Mac Address: The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique serial number assigned to a device by the Acrowave Systems.  • WEP: WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy. WEP is an encryption scheme that
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 35 of 35  provides the secure wireless data communications to the users. WEP uses a 64bit-key or 128bit-key to control the network access. In order to do secure communication over the wireless LAN network, enable WEP function. Use this setting to choose whether clients must use data encryption when communicating with this Access Point.  • WEP Exclude: WEP Exclude option makes the Access Point service a client that does not use WEP function.  • WEP Generation: There are two ways to generate the WEP key. One is by entering any text in the Passphrase. The other way is by entering Key value directly from the keyboard. In this case, you can insert any character string.  • Passphrase: This field allows you to enter any character string to generate Key value.  • Key 1, 2, 3 and 4: These fields allow you to enter the WEP keys. Type ten hexadecimal digits (any combination of 0-9, a-f, or A-F) for 64-bit WEP keys. To protect WEP key security, existing WEP keys do not appear in the entry fields. You can write over existing keys, but you cannot edit or delete them.    Caution   The WEP keys for your network must be set up exactly the same on your Access Points and your PC cards. The same value must be assigned to Key 1 on both the Access Point and the PC cards, the same value must be assigned to Key 2 on both the Access Point and the PC cards, and so on, for all four WEP keys. For example, if you set WEP Key 3 on your Access Point to 0987654321 and select it as the active key, you must also set WEP Key 3 on the PC cards to the same value and select Key 3 as the active key.   • WEP Default Key: You can choose one of four WEP Keys that have been generated above step.
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 36 of 36  • Link Quality: When the Access Point functions as a wireless LAN bridge, it shows link quality between Master Bridge and Slave Bridge  • Signal Strength: When the Access Point functions as a wireless LAN bridge, it shows signal strength between Master Bridge and Slave Bridge  • Apply Changes: After entering new values for settings, click Apply Changes button to activate the new settings.  • Undo Changes: If you want to restore Access Point configuration, press this button.
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 37 of 37  The Diagnosis Tab provides the same function as terminal emulator programs, just like HyperTerminal program explained above section. And you can do same things as you use terminal program. Refer above Open Terminal Program section.    Terminal Window for Diagnosis
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 38 of 38  Use this page to simultaneously update the Access Point’s system firmware via your local disk or Internet. After making firmware updates on this page, the Access Point will automatically be rebooted to activate the new firmware. Before you update Access Point’s firmware, you could check current Access Point’s firmware version through the F/W Upgrade window.    The firmware can be updated through two ways; one is via Internet and the other is via local disk or file server. Firmware Upgrade Window
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 39 of 39    In order to upgrade Access Point firmware via Internet, click the Internet selection button. If you know an URL address that supply Access Point’s latest firmware version then enter the address in the dialog box. Otherwise click Default URL button. The Default URL addresses Acrowave Systems’ Internet homepage that supports latest Access Point firmware version.  If you have defined URL address, press Start button so that the firmware can be transferred to your local disk (Program File # Acrowave Systems # Acrowave Access Point Manager). During the firmware down load, if there is an error or file transfer failed then an error message will be displayed.    After complete the firmware downloading, the Manager performs Access Point firmware upgrade process. This process can be monitored just like as firmware download process. Firmware Upgrade Via Internet
AcroLAN Access Point User’s Guide                                 Version 2000.12.10   Copyright© Acrowave Systems 2000                      DOC – xxx - yyy  Page 40 of 40    If the firmware download processes finished successfully, download completed message is displayed and then Access Point Manager program tries to make a new connection with the Access Point. Meanwhile, the Access Point that have received new firmware version go on self restarts process.

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