Abocom Systems CAS1040 IP Sharing Fast EtherSwitch For Cable/ xDSL Modem User Manual INTRODUCTION

Abocom Systems Inc IP Sharing Fast EtherSwitch For Cable/ xDSL Modem INTRODUCTION

users manual 5

 CONFIGURATION VIA TERMINAL Commands You can use terminal emulation on your PC/workstation for the initial and future configuration of your product. If you prefer, a telnet session can be opened directly.  Telnet provides the same type of terminal emulation.  For security purposes, the product uses port 333 for telnet. All of the following Terminal Mode Configuration menus are identical in the telnet session, with the exception that any saved changes that result in the product rebooting, will require user to open a new telnet session to reestablish a connection with the product. For more information on telnet configuration, please see “How to Start Telnet” section below How to start Telnet 1.  The instructions below are for using this unit with its default settings (i.e. DHCP enabled, Local Port IP address:, SubnetMask: 2. Go to StartÆRun.   Figure 16 3. Type “telnet 333” and click on OK.   If the local port’s IP address was set to something other than the factory default (“”), enter that IP address.  Figure 17 Starting the Configuration 1.  Once the connection is made successfully via Telnet, the following information will appear,  - 27 -
 Dual Ethernet IP Share for Cable/xDSL Modem, version X.XX Administrator password: 2.  No password is required the first time you log in. Press <ENTER> to enter Configure mode. The screen prompts you for the following command. command> 3. Type ? and hit “Enter” for a list of the commands.  Refer to the next section “Terminal Commands” for detail description of terminal commands. - 28 -
 TERMINAL COMMAND Type ? or help and hit “Enter” to list the main menu commands as below.  command>help Dual Ethernet IP Share for Cable/xDSL Modem, version X.XX ======================================================= Command                   Description ------------------------------------------------------- help                  Show this message session               List active internet sessions show                  Display active configuration user                  List active local IP address leases filter                Set packet filters passwd                Change administrator's password ping <x.x.x.x>        Ping the specified host tracert <x.x.x.x>     Trace the specified host release               Abandon the dynamic Global port configuration renew                 Refresh the dynamic Global port configuration set                   Configure device in batch connect               Make PPPoE connection disconnect            Break PPPoE connection status                Show PPPoE connection status vserv                Publish internal server for access from internet route                 Set static routing table wantel                Enable/Disable wan port telnet upgrade               Upgrade firmware quit                  Exit to login prompt reboot                Restart device ====================================================== - 29 -
 session  List active Internet sessions through this device.  Example: command>session           IP              Port   Port   IP              Port T/U Flag  client          client fake   remote          remote idle AP Type ---+-----+---------------+------+------+---------------+------+----+------ tcp   37   1062   4133   110    0    GENERAL tcp   7   1032   4136   80     0    GENERAL tcp   7   1033   4138   80     0    GENERAL tcp   7   1729   4139  110    0    GENERAL tcp   7   1063   4140   110    0    GENERAL udp   1   1028   16385    53     20   GENERAL udp   1   1726   16386      53     5    GENERAL udp   1   1728   16387    53     5    GENERAL Active >> TCP:5,UDP:3  (Maximum >> TCP:128,UDP:64) show Displays the current configuration. For first-time login, the current configuration is the factory default settings. Refer to section titled “Factory Default Setting” for detail.   Example: command>show Wan Mac Address: AB CD 12 34 56 78 IP address of local port: [] Subnet Mask of local port: [] Distribute IP addresses to local computers: [Yes] Continuous IP address pool starts at: [] Number of IP address in pool: [128] - 30 -
 Enable PPPoE: [No] Obtain global port configuration from ISP : [Yes]  .. under claiming IP address of global port : [] SubNetmask of global port : [] Device name : [Untitled] Domain name : [Domain] Gateway : [] Primary DNS server : [] Secondary DNS server : [] user Displays the current active users (up to 128 users). Example: command>user IP address       Node address    Remainder time  Host name ----------------+---------------+---------------+---------     0080-C8F8-8A64   5:47:17        Allen     0080-C8F8-8A64   expired        Calvin     0080-C8F8-8A64   0:12:25        Edward     0080-C8F8-8A64   2:55:48        Victoria     0080-C8F8-8A64   expired        SNL Total 5 users, 3 active leases. Elapsed  0:01:03 filter This device supports three types of filter. Each type of filter can be set to perform filter (drop) or forward (pass) function.  User can input up to six sets of filter in this device. - 31 -
 MAC address filter:  Example: Set the MAC address filter to prohibit the computer with network adapter address 0080C8123456 to access Internet. Set filter (maximum 6), or <ESC> to escape Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 2   add a new filter Filter Type => 1)MAC 2)LAN IP 3)WAN IP 4)TCP 5)UDP 1 for MAC address Action => 1)Forward 2)Filter 2 drop on match MAC Address (12 HEX-digit): 0080c8123456 the MAC address to be examined  Show Setting: Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 1 Item Type   Action      From               To ==== ====== =======  ================  ================  1.  MAC    Filter     0080C8123456 IP address filter :  Example 1: Set IP address filter to allow those local computers with IP address from to to access Internet. Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 2 Filter Type => 1)MAC 2)LAN IP 3)WAN IP 4)TCP 5)UDP 2  filter on IP address of local computers. Action => 1)Forward 2)Filter 1 pass on match IP Address (x.x.x.x): IP address range Example 2: Inhibit all local users from accessing a web server on the Internet. Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 2 Filter Type => 1)MAC 2)LAN IP 3)WAN IP 4)TCP 5)UDP 3  filter on IP address of remote server  - 32 -
 Action => 1)Forward 2)Filter 2 drop on match IP Address (x.x.x.x): remote web server IP address  Show Settings: Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 1 Item  Type   Action    From              To ==== ====== ======= ================ ================ LAN IP  Forward WAN IP  Filter With the combination of the above two filter examples, the workstations with IP address,,, … to can access the Internet via the Internet Router, but none of the workstations can access the Web Server (web site). Port Filter Example 1: Allows to access the Web service only. Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 2 Filter Type => 1)MAC 2)LAN IP 3)WAN IP 4)TCP 5)UDP 4 filter on server service Action => 1)Forward 2)Filter 1 allow  access TCP port (xxx, or xxx-yyy): 80 port number for  web  service Note: xxx-yyy is the format for a range of ports (i.e. 80-168)  Example 2: Inhibits all local computers from accessing some services. Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit 2 Filter Type => 1)MAC 2)LAN IP 3)WAN IP 4)TCP 5)UDP 5 Action => 1)Forward 2)Filter 2 UDP port (xxx, or xxx-yyy):  20-25 services of FTP(20,21), TELNET(23), E-MAIL(25) are disabled. - 33 -
 passwd •  No password is required when logging in for the first time.  •  At command>, type in passwd and hit “Enter” to enter the password setup screen.  •  Password can be up to six characters long.  •  Password can contain letters, numbers, and spaces.  •  Password is case sensitive.  •  To set or change your password, key in up to six characters and hit “Enter”. You will be prompted to reenter your password again for verification. Return to the Start screen by typing quit.  Test your new password to verify it has taken effect.  Example: command>passwd Please type old password : type new password (0 to 6 characters) : **** re-type new password (0 to 6 characters) : **** ping Ping is a basic Internet program that lets you verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests. At command> type in ping and then the IP address that you wish to detect and hit “Enter”. If the screen shows “reply ok!” from that IP, the device can communicate with that IP address. If the screen shows “no response!” then that IP address is unreachable. Example: command>ping Reply OK. command>ping No response! command>  - 34 -
 tracert You can trace the routes via which packets arrive at specified network destinations. Example: command>tracert Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops   1     0 ms    10 ms     0 ms  2    30 ms    30 ms    30 ms  3    30 ms    20 ms    20 ms  4    30 ms    30 ms    30 ms  5    30 ms    30 ms    30 ms  6    20 ms    30 ms    30 ms  7    30 ms    30 ms    40 ms  Trace complete!  release Gives up the obtained global port configuration. Executing this command disables the device, unless the user executes the “renew” command as described below to retrieve configurations.  Example: command>release Give up the obtained global port configuration Note: if you choose NOT to obtain the global port configuration from your ISP, this command won’t be executed and the following message will appear.  command>release Works only if 'Obtain global port configuration from ISP' is enabled  - 35 -
 renew You must renew the global port configuration after you have released it. Otherwise the device is disabled. The ‘Show’ command enables you to see the configuration. The device will not work until you renew the global port configurations. Example: command>renew Update global port configuration (You can type 'Show' command to view the new configuration) Note: If you choose NOT to obtain the global port configuration from your ISP, this command won’t be executed and the following message will appear. command>renew Works only if 'Obtain global port configuration from ISP' is enabled set After executing the set command, the current settings will appear on the screen one at a time. Press Enter to accept the current values in the brackets or input new values and then press Enter to change the value. Press <Esc> at any time to abort this command.    Example: command>set Press <ENTER> if you agree with the default value, or <ESC> to escape. IP address of local port []: SubNetmask of local port []: Distribute IP address to local computers? (Yes/No) [Yes]: Continuous IP address pool start at []: Number of IP address in pool [128]: Enable PPPoE? (Yes/No) [No]: Obtain global port configuration from ISP? (Yes/No) [Yes]: - 36 -
 IP address of global port []: Subnet Mask of global port []: Device name (0 to 20 characters) [Untitled]: Domain name (0 to 36 characters) [Domain]: Gateway []: Primary DNS server []: Secondary DNS server []: New configuration will be: IP address of local port: [] Subnet Mask of local port: [] Distribute IP addresses to local computers: [Yes] Continuous IP address pool starts at: [] Number of IP address in pool: [128] Enable PPPoE: [No] Obtain global port configuration from ISP: [Yes] IP address of global port: [] Subnet Mask of global port: [] Device name: [Untitled] Domain name: [Domain] Gateway: [] Primary DNS server: [] Secondary DNS server: [] Save and reboot? (Yes/No): [No]   <type yes and hit “Enter” to save settings, Or type No to cancel the settings. connect   Make a PPPoE connection manually when PPPoE is already enabled.  - 37 -
 Example 1: PPPoE connection was already made. command>connect Already connected. Example 2: To manually make a PPPoE connection. command>connect Connecting…ÍSystem is making a PPPoE connection. Example 3: When PPPoE was not enabled, no connection can be made. Refer to command “set” for setting up PPPoE. command>connect PPPoE is not enabled.   disconnect Cut off a PPPoE connection manually when PPPoE is enabled.  Example 1: PPPoE connection was already disconnected. command>disconnect Already disconnected. Example 2: To manually cut off a PPPoE connection. command>disconnect Disconnecting…ÍSystem is cutting off a PPPoE connection. Example 3: When PPPoE was not yet enabled, no disconnection can be made. Refer to command “set” for setting up PPPoE.  command>connect PPPoE is not enabled.  status Display the current PPPoE connection status.  Example 1: PPPoE is enabled and the connection is successful.  command>status PPPoE connected. Example 2: PPPoE is enabled but the connection is cut off. command>status - 38 -
 PPPoE disconnected. vserv Displays the internal virtual server mapping. You can set (including add, delete) the applications’ names and the corresponding IP addresses of the local servers.  “Natural firewall” allows requests for Internet access from the Local network, but requests from the Internet to the local network are blocked. Computers outside the Intranet are allowed to access specific ports by using the vserv command. There are four operation choices for vserv command: 1) Show, 2) Add, 3) Del, 0) Quit. Example:  command>vserv Set local virtual server mapping (maximum 12), or <ESC> to escape Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit: 2  ÍAdd a virtual server Port number/application name: 80  Íit's a Web server Type => 1)tcp 2)udp : 1  Í select TCP port Server IP address: Í IP address of the local Web server route  You can set static routes to manually administrate the network topology/traffic when the dynamic route is not effective enough. command>route  Set static routing table (max 2), or <ESC> to escape  Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit: 2  ÍAdd a static router Static routing network IP address (x.x.x.x): Static routing network SubNetmask (x.x.x.x): Gateway IP address (x.x.x.x):  - 39 -
 Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit: 1  Ídisplay current established static route Item    Network IP       SubnetMask       Gateway ==== ================ ================ ================  1.  Operations => 1)Show 2)Add 3)Del 0)Quit: 3  ÍDelete  a static router Item    Network IP       SubnetMask       Gateway ==== ================ ================ ================  1. Which item will be deleted:1  wantel  You may manage this device remotely from outside of the network through Telnet. command>wantel  Enable(Disable) Wan Port Telnet?(Yes:enable/No:disable)[No] y You must know the Internet Station’s Global Port IP address to be able to perform Telnet configuration. For example, if the Global Port IP is, after enabling the wantel, from a computer that can access Internet, open a DOS prompt and the execute telnet 333, you should see the Internet Station’s login page. Note: If the Global Port is set to obtain IP automatically, the global port IP address can be different every time the Station login the ISP. Please find the global port IP address before performing remote Telnet configuration.  upgrade You can upgrade this IP Sharing device by activating the TFTP Server on the net to acquire the latest software. Before you start the upgrade, make sure you have a TFTP server well installed on any kind of operating system and the new firmware image i.e.FIRMWARE.BIN copied onto it. Example:  - 40 -
 With TFTP server IP address at, and new firmware image named is FIRMWARE.BIN and located at the TFTP server’s C drive. At the Telnet program, enter the following command:  command> upgrade C:\FIRMWARE.BIN (press Enter) (Note: it is recommended that you enter the drive:\path\ before the file name.) The upgrade takes about 70 seconds to complete. When finished, wait another 20 seconds for the device to restart. - 41 -
 FIRMWARE UPGRADE  Upgrading the firmware 1.  Connect the device to a computer that can configure the device using the GUI. Copy the latest firmware to the directory where the setup.exe is located or to any desired location on the hard driver (e.g. C:\IPS). 2.  Back to the management utility window, click on “File” from the Tool Bar, select “Find Device” from the drop down menu. You will see a list of the IP Sharing Devices on the screen. Select the one that you are going to update the firmware and click   on the Tool Bar. The Upgrade Firmware window will appear.  3.  If you have copy the latest firmware to the directory where setup.exe is, click on “Default File” and click “Start”, the program will upgrade the firmware with the latest version of firmware, (i.e. firmware.bin). If you copy the firmware file to a desired location, in the Upgrade Firmware window, select “Specify File”, enter the firmware file’s path (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\firmware.bin), and then click “Start”  to upgrade the firmware.  4.  The upgrade will take a couple of minutes to complete, do not interrupt the process. After the upgrade process completes, you will see a “Finish” button, click on it to finish the procedure. - 42 -
 CHANGING PASSWORD The device has no password at default. It is recommended that you change the default passwords to ensure that someone cannot adjust the device’s settings. From GUI 1.  Start this device by running setup.exe as described in the chapter titled “Configuration”.  2.  Check “Change Administrator’s Password.  3.  Enter the desired new password in “New Password” and enter the new password again in the “Confirm New Password” field and then click “Save” at the bottom.  Figure 18 From Terminal Refer to the previous section titled “Configuration in Terminal Program” for terminal emulation. After seeing the following command prompt, follow the instructions in italic fonts to setup the new password.  Please note that passwords are case sensitive. command>passwd Please type old password: **** Type in old password and press <Enter> - 43 -
 Note: In default, there is no password in the device, so just leave this entry blank and hit “Enter” to enter the configuration mode. type new password (0 to 6 characters) : ****** Type the new password and press <Enter> re-type new password (0 to 6 characters) : ****** Re-type the new password and press <Enter>  Forgot your password? Refer to FAQ section for “Factory Reset” procedures.  - 44 -
 PPP OVER ETHERNET (PPPOE) What is PPPoE? PPPoE is known as a dial-up DSL service. It is designed to integrate the broadband services into the current widely deployed, easy-to-use, and low-cost dial-up-access networking infrastructure. Thus, customer can get greater access speed without changing the operation concept. How can I know I am using PPPoE? PPPoE client software is provided by our ISP and should be installed onto your computer first. You run the program to connect/disconnect to the Internet. User Account information (User Name and Password) is also required each time you connect to the Internet access. Note: After you have entered the PPPoE information during the device setup, after starting up the device, the device will provide your Internet Service the PPPoE information and login automatically. It is not necessary to install and run the PPPoE software on the computers and you can just uninstall the PPPoE software from your computers.  Checking PPPoE Connections 1.For GUI Setup program 1. Go to StartÆ ProgramsÆIP Share Setup.  2. When the configure screen appears, select the Global Port tab. Refer to the previous section titled “Configuration in GUI”.  3.  Check if the value of Global port IP address is, if it is, that means that the PPPoE connection failed. If the value is non-zero, then the PPPoE connection is good.  2. Checking PPPoE status through Terminal Mode 1.  Start Telnet as described in the previous section titled “Configuration in Terminal Program” for terminal emulation.  2.  At the command prompt, type show command.  command>show 3.  If the string of IP address of global port is, this means you are not connected. If it is anything other than (non-zero), it means the connection is good.  Note: Once the PPPoE setup is completed on this device, do not run any PPPoE client software on the local workstations. - 45 -
 FAQ Factory Reset  If you have lost the device’s password or you would liek to set the device back to its default state, you can do the Factory Reset. Performaing the Factory Reset will erase all previously entered device settings. To reset to factory default setting, go to the Management Utility window and click  on the tool bar and then clikc “OK” to confirm the reset.  Figure 19 The fctory default values is detailed in the section Factory Default Settings.    “I can't find the product using the GUI Setup Software” For the GUI Setup Software to find the device, it has to be accessed from a client. This means that the computer you are trying to use to run the software must be setup as described in the section Configuration in GUI. Also, the computer should be restarted to ensure that it is receiving IP address from the device. To verify that your computer’s TCP/IP protocol is setup properly, use the "winipcfg" utility in Windows (95, 98, and ME). To run this, go to Start-->Run, type "winipcfg" in the Run box, and then click “OK”. Make sure the Network Adapter Card is selected and then press the "More Info" button on the bottom right hand corner. For Win2000 and NT stations, open the “Command Prompt” (DOS window) and type in ipconfig /all and hit “Enter” to obtain the adapter’s IP information. Look at the box labeled DHCP Server, this should be the product's IP address ( at default). If it is not, or it is blank or reads then you may have a cabling problem, or you may have another DHCP server on your network. In either case, please follow the installation guide again, and ONLY connect the device, the client, and your modem together. If you are on a network, it is recommended that you contact your IS or IT Manager for further assistance with DHCP settings.  Placing an IP Sharing Device that passes out IP addresses on a LAN with an existing DHCP server may cause problems throughout a network. It is recommended you disable other DHCP serves on the network if you plan on using this product on the network. - 46 -
 IP address conflict When you see the message box prompted for IP address conflict, this means two or more workstations have the same IP address. If you have setup the device as a DHCP server, on the problem workstation, please run the "winipcfg" utility, select the correct Network Adapter, click “release all” to release all current configuration first, then click “renew all” to renew the IP information again. If the DHCP function is disabled and static IP addresses are assigned to each workstation, please double check each workstation’s IP address for duplicate IP. My Internet application won't work To protect your computer from Hackers on the Internet, this product uses “port blocking” technology. A port is like a door into your computer. Each service on the Internet has an associated port. The device protects your computer by closing certain ports, so that malicious programs can't access your computer. However, if you are using an application that requires communicating via one (or more) of these blocked ports, the application will not work. In this case, you will have to manually open these ports to allow the application to work properly.  Some applications that may be affected are  Some Email Programs  (most of the e-mail programs should work fine) Some Multi-Player Games Some Internet Phone/Video Conferencing Applications  (i.e. NetMeeting, ICQ, PCanyWhere) Also, there are some applications, which require reverse connection over the Internet. In other words, when you are connected to these applications, you have to open your ports for two-way connection.  The first thing you will need to do is determining what port (or ports) the application uses. The fastest way to find this information is to go to the software maker's web site, go to the support section, and look for information related to NAT, Proxy Server, or Firewall. This information will typically list 1 to 3 ports that need to be opened for proper operation of the software. If you can't find the necessary information, call the software maker and ask for what ports need to be opened for the software to work through a firewall.  Once you have the necessary port information, follow the instructions below to setup the “Virtual Server”. A. Launch the Windows GUI Setup Software, click to select the device you want to configure and click   on the tool bar to configure the selected device. B. Choose the "Virtual Server" tab:  - 47 -
 C. Enter one of the port numbers or a port range that your application requires. Press "Browse" to select the Local server mapping to the port(s) number you just entered.   Figure 20 D. Select the internal server (the computer that is using the Internet Application) in the following window.   Figure 21 E. Press Add. Repeat this process for each individual port you need to open.  F. Press Save. Wait 30 seconds for the device to reboot and then try the application again.  It may be necessary to restart your application or your computer for the application to recognize the change. Note: In rare occasion that the Internet Application requires a random number of ports to be opened, in this case, configure the Virtual Server to open all ports (range from 1 to 65535 - 48 -
 and both TDP and UTP ports). However, this makes your network vulnerable to Internet attacks. Can not access the Internet For Cable Modem users, find the workstation’s “Computer” name and then input this name in the device’s “Device/Computer Name” field. Do this only when your cable Modem Internet Service Provider provides you with a specific “Computer Name”. 1. On the Workstation (95, 98, and ME), go to Start ÆControl Panel Æ Network, and select Identification tab. Copy the Computer name as shown in the left figure below. For Win2000, right click on “my computer”, select “properties”, click on “network identifications”, click on “properties”, and then copy the computer name. 2. Run the GUI setup program, select the device, and click on “Configure” to go to the Management tab. 3. Paste the name on to the field “Device/Computer Name” as shown in the right figure below.         Figure 22 For DSL PPPoE users, open the Management page, at the PPPoE Username filed, enter the Username follow by your ISP’s domain name and then click “Save”. For example, username@earthlink.net, which is composed by username (provided by your ISP) followed by your ISP’s domain name. - 49 -
  Figure 23 Check the physical connectivity of local network. Check if both the LEDs of Local and Global on the product’s front panel are lit. If yes, go to next step.  Otherwise, make sure you are using the correct cables and the cables are connected to the network devices properly. Push the MD/MDIX button once and see if the LED lit up. Check the physical connectivity of broadband device. Examine the LED of LAN port and the LED of the broadband signal input on the Cable Modem/xDSL Modem.  If the LAN LED is off, make sure you are using the correct cables and the cables are connected to the devices properly. If the LED of the broadband signal is off, please contact your ISP. Note: You can also call your ISP and make sure the Internet service is still online. Check the status of this product. If your ISP assigned you an IP address, please skip this step. Otherwise, use the telnet program to “release” and “renew” the current IP address of the Global port. After that, type “Show” command to see if “obtain global port configuration from ISP” shows the address is “claiming” or “under claiming”. If the IP address is “claiming”, go to next step. If the result is “under claiming”, reboot the product and check it again. If the result still is “under claiming”, please contact your ISP and find out if the service is still available. Check the logical connectivity from your computer to the Internet. Refer to the section "PING.EXE" in the "TCP/IP Network diagnosis" chapter.  Follow the described steps to find out where the problem is. - 50 -
 Diagnosis TCP/IP Network Diagnosis Execute WINIPCFG.EXE or PING.EXE for TCP/IP network diagnosis.  WINIPCFG The WINIPCFG program (for Win95, 98, and ME) is used to gather information about the TCP/IP connections that are active on your system. It cannot be used to dynamically adjust TCP/IP connections. You can also renew leases (if allowed by the network), and get the current IP address assignments through this program.  From Windows, go to Start, click Run, enter WINIPCFG, and click OK.  Figure 24: Run The following figure displays the adapter address and current TCP/IP address.  Note: At the “Ethernet Adapter Information”, select the correct Ethernet adapter that is installed in this computer.  Select the correct Ethernet adapter. Figure 25: IP Configuration Click the More Info button to get detailed configuration information. - 51 -
  Click here to reveal more. Figure 26: IP Configuration On the top, the “Host Name” and “DNS server” of the computer are configured to call when it is looking for a named resource. The default gateway is the server through which the client connects to the Internet. The DHCP Server identifies the network server that assigns IP addresses to computers on the network.  If the product is working properly, the following should be apparent from this screen: 1)  The Client should have an IP address within the prescribed range. 2)   The “DHCP” and “Default Gateway” should list the product’s local port address (the device’s IP address). 3)  The DNS server IP addresses should match the DNS server IP addresses set in the device. IPCONFIG  For Win NT and Win2000, go to “Start”Æ”Programs”Æ”Accessories”Æ”Command Prompt” to open the Command Prompt. Type in IPCONFIG /ALL and hit “Enter” to see the adapter’s information. Type in IPCONFIG /RELEASE to release all adapters’ IP address - 52 -
 and IPCONFIG /RENEW to renew IP addresses. For a list of the IPCONFIG commands, type in IPCONFIG /? .  PING.EXE Ping is used to verify that a computer is active and available. Users can ping a specific destination domain name or just the IP address. Example: For example, to find the server, type the following command at the MS-DOS prompt and then press “Enter”: C:\>ping PING can be executed in Windows as shown below: 1.  Go to the Start menu. 2. Click Run. 3. Type ping and click OK. 4.  The server (IP address) is online if the following message appears.  Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=100 5.  The destination device is not reachable if the following message appears.  Reply from Destination host unreachable  or Request timed out. ISP Connectivity Checkup Issue a PING command to the IP address of your ISP’s Gateway or DNS server.  Note: If the global port was set to obtain configuration automatically, you need to check Gateway and DNS server information under “Global Port” via the Windows GUI setup program. For Example: From the GUI setup program, if the DNS server address is, at C:\> prompt, enter Ping If successful, you can reach your ISP server. If unsuccessful, you may have trouble connecting to your ISP, please verify that the product is properly configured to connect to your ISP.  Also verify that your Cable/DSL modem and the line are functioning properly.   Internet Connectivity Checkup PING to an IP address or domain name on Internet. - 53 -
 For Example: C:\> PING  –w 5000 C:\> PING www.yahoo.com  –w 5000 If successful, you are connected to the Internet. If you can ping the ISP’s gateway, but cannot ping a specific site (e.g. www.yahoo.com) on the Internet, chances are, your ISP has an internal problem.  Please call them for support. Getting Technical Support For further problems, please contact the distributor. - 54 -
 APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS Protocols    IP, NAT, ARP, ICMP, DHCP client/server, PPPoE, PPP, PAP, CHAP Management/Setup    Using Telnet through network.   Using GUI program in Windows 95/98/NT/2000 via network. Local   4 x RJ-45, 10/100Mbps NWay Switching ports. Internet   10Base-T Ethernet port or 10/100Base-T NWay Fast Ethernet port (dependent on your purchase.) MDIX/MDI Buttons   One for local port uplink One for Cable/DSL modem connection. LED Indicators Power/Error   Green/Red Local x 4  100/10    Green/Orange Internet  10 or 100/10  Orange only or Green/Orange Have Mail    Green Electronic Specifications Input Power  DC 5V, @2.4A Agency and Regulatory: FCC part 15 Class B, VCCI, CE Physical specification Dimension: 160 x 105.4 x 27 mm3 (L x W x H) Weight: 218g Operating Temperature: 0° to 50° Operating Humidity: 0-90% non-condensing - 55 -
 APPENDIX B SUPPORTED INTERNET APPLICATIONS Application  Settings for Outgoing Connection  Setting for Incoming connection ICQ98a,99b None  None NetMeeting 2.1 & 3.0  None 1503(tcp) 1720(tcp) AOE 2300-2400(tcp) 2300-2400(udp)  47624(tcp) 2300-2400(tcp)  2300-2400(udp)  47624(tcp) VDO Live  None  None MIRC    None  None Cu-Seeme 7648(tcp)  7648(udp)  24032(udp) 7648(tcp)  7648(udp)  24032(udp) PCAnywhere 5632(udp), 22(udp), 5631(tcp), 65301(tcp) 5632(udp), 22(udp), 5631(tcp), 65301(tcp)  - 56 -

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