ASUSTeK Computer A730 WLAN AND BLUETOOTH POCKET PC User Manual A730 E Manual




Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-1Chapter 4Microsoft® Pocket Outlook♦♦♦♦♦Introduction........................................................... 4-2♦♦♦♦♦Calendar ................................................................ 4-2Creating appointments ............................................................. 4-3Using the summary screen ...................................................... 4-4Creating meeting requests ....................................................... 4-4♦♦♦♦♦Contacts ................................................................ 4-5Creating contacts ..................................................................... 4-6Using the summary screen ...................................................... 4-6Finding a contact...................................................................... 4-7♦♦♦♦♦Tasks...................................................................... 4-8Creating tasks .......................................................................... 4-8Using the summary screen ...................................................... 4-9♦♦♦♦♦Notes.................................................................... 4-10Creating notes.........................................................................4-11♦♦♦♦♦Inbox .................................................................... 4-12Synchronizing e-mail messages ............................................ 4-12Connecting directly to an e-mail server.................................. 4-13Using the message list ........................................................... 4-14Composing messages ........................................................... 4-16Managing e-mail messages and folders ................................ 4-17
4-2Chapter 4IntroductionMicrosoft® Pocket Outlook includes Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Inbox, andNotes. You can use these programs individually or together. For example,e-mail address stored in Contacts can be used to address e-mailmessages in Inbox.Using ActiveSync®, you can synchronize information in Microsoft Outlookor Microsoft Exchange on your desktop computer with your device. Youcan also synchronize this information directly with a  Microsoft Exchangeserver. Each time you synchronize, ActiveSync compares the changes youmode on your device and desktop computer or server and updates bothcomputers with the latest information. For information on using ActiveSync,see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.You can switch to any of the Pocket Outlook programs by tapping  .Calendar:  Scheduling appointmentsand meetingsUse Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and otherevents. You can check your appointments in one of several views(Agenda, Day, Week, Month, and Year) and easily switch views using theView menu.NOTE You can customize the Calendar display, such as changingthe first day of the week, by tapping Options on the Toolsmenu.Tap to go to TodayTap to display or edit theappointment detailsTap to create a new appointment
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-3Creating appointmentsTo create an appointment:1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap your desired date for theappointment,2. Tap New.3. Using the input panel, enter a description and a location. Tap to selectthe field.4. If needed, tap the date and time to change them.5. Enter other desired information. You will need to hide the input panel tosee all available fields.6. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see the “Notes:Capturing thoughts and ideas” later in this chapter.7. When done, tap OK to return to Calendar.NOTE If you select Remind me in an appointment, your device willremind you according to the options set in  ,Settings,Personal tab, Sounds and Notifications.Tap to select from a predefined textTap to select from previouslyentered locationsTap to specify the time of appointmentTap to specify the date of appointmentTap to add notes to the appointment
4-4Chapter 4Using the summary screenWhen you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen appears. Tochange the appointment, tap Edit.Creating meeting requestsYou can use Calendar to set up meetings with users of Outlook andPocket Outlook. The meeting request will be created automatically andsent either when you synchronize Inbox or when you connect to youre-mail server.To create a meeting request:1. Tap Tools then Options to indicate how you want meeting requestssent.2. If you send and receive e-mail messages through ActiveSync, selectActiveSync.To schedule a meeting:1. Create an appointment.2. In the appointment details, hide the input panel, then tap Attendees.3. From the list of e-mail addresses you have entered in Contacts, selectthe meeting attendees.The meeting notice is created automatically and place in the Outboxfolder. For more information on sending and receiving meetingrequests, see Calendar Help and Inbox Help on the device.Appointment detailsNotes/additional informationon the appointmentTap to change details of the appointment
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-5Contacts:  Tracking friends andcolleaguesContacts maintains a list of your friends and colleagues so that you caneasily find the information you look for, whether you are at home or on theroad. Using the infrared port (IR) on the device, you can quickly shareContacts information with other device users.NOTE To change the way information is displayed in the list, tapTools then Options.Tap and enter part of a nameto quickly find it on the listTap to select the category ofcontacts you want to displayTap to display additional phonenumbers and email addressesTap to display or edit the contact detailsTap to create a new contactTap to sort contacts by name or companyTap an action for a selected contact
4-6Chapter 4Creating contactsTo create a contact:1. Tap   , then tap Contacts.2. Tap New to display a blankcontact form.3. Using the input panel, enter aname and other contactinformation. You will need ot scrolldown to see all available fields.4. To assign the contact a category,scroll to and tap Categories, thenselect a category from the list. Onthe contact list, you can displaythe contacts by category.Using the summary screenTapping a contact on the contact list displays a summary screen. Tochange the contact information, tap Edit.5. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes:Capturing thoughts and ideas” later in this chapter.6. Tap OK to return to the contact list when done.Contact detailsTap to display notesTap to change contact information
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-7Finding a contactThere are four ways to find a contact.1. On the contact list, enter a contactname in the box under thenavigation bar. To show all contactsagain, clear text from the box or tapthe button to the right of the box.2. In the contact list, tap the categorylist (labeled All Contacts bydefault) and select the type ofcontact that you wish to display. Toshow all contacts again, select AllContacts. To view a contact notassigned to a category, selectNone.3. To view the names fo companiesyour contacts work for, in thecontact list, tap View >ByCompany. The number of contactsthat work for that company will bedisplayed to the right of thecompany name.4. Tap   , Find, enter the contactname, select Contacts for the type,and tap Go.1234
4-8Chapter 4Tasks:  Keeping a to do listUse Tasks to keep track of what you have to do.Creating tasksTo create a task:1. Tap   , then tap Tasks.2. Tap New to display a blank taskform.3. Using the input panel, enter adescription.4. Enter a start date and due date,or enter other information bytapping the field first. If the inputpanel is open, you will need tohide it to see all available fields.Tap to select a sortorder of the task listTap to select the category oftasks you want to displayIndicates high priorityTap to display or editthe task detailsTap and hold to display apop-up menu of actionsTap an action for the taskTap to create a new task
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-95. To assign the task to a category, tap Categories and select a categoryfrom the list. On the task list, you can display tasks by category.6. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes:Capturing thoughts and ideas” later in this chapter.7. Tap OK to return to the task list when done.Using the summary screenTapping a task on the task list displays a summary screen. To change thetask details, tap Edit.TIP To quickly create a task withonly a subject, tap Entry Bar onthe Tools menu. Tap Tap hereto add a new task and enteryour task information.Task detailsTap to show or hide the task detailsNotes/additional information on the taskTap to change the task details
4-10Chapter 4Notes:  Capturing thoughts andideasQuickly capture thoughts, reminders, ideas, and phone numbers withNotes. You can create a written note or a recording. You can also include arecording in a note. If a note is open when you create the recording, it willbe included in the note as an icon. If the note is displayed, it will becreated as a stand-alone recording.Tap to change the sort order of the listTap to open a note or play a recordingTap to recordTap to show or hide the recording toolbarTap to create a new note or recordingTap and hold to display apop-up menu of actionsTap an action for the itemYou may change the default Notes options including the writing mode,template, file storage, and record button action.To change the Notes options:1. Tap   , then tap Notes.2. Tap Tools, then Options... todisplay the options screen.3. Make your desired changes.4. Click OK.
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-11Creating notesTo create a note:1. Tap   , then tap Notes.2. Tap New to display a blank note.3. Create your note by writing, drawing, typing, or recording. For moreinformation about using the input panel, writing and drawing on thescreen, and creating recordings, see Chapter 2.Tap to show or hidethe input panelTap to save the note andreturn to the Notes listTap to write on the screenTap to add a recording to the note
4-12Chapter 4Inbox:  Sending and receiving e-mailmessagesUse Inbox to send and receive e-mail messages in one of these ways:• Synchronize e-mail messages with Microsoft Exchange of or MicrosoftOutlook on your desktop computer• Send and receive e-mail messages by connecting directly to an e-mailserver through an Internet service provider (ISP) or a networkSynchronizing e-mail messagesE-mail messages can be synchronized as part of the generalsynchronization process. You will need to enable Inbox synchronization inActiveSync. For more information on enabling Inbox synchronization, seeActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.During synchronization:• Messages are copied from the mail folders of Exchange or Outlook onyour desktop computer to the ActiveSync folder in Inbox on your device.By default, you will receive messages from the past three days only, thefirst 100 lines of each message, and file attachments of less than 100KBin size.• E-mail messages in the Outbox folder on your device are transferred toExchange or Outlook, then send from those programs.• E-mail messages in subfolder must be selected in ActiveSync on yourdesktop computer in order to be transferred.NOTE You can also synchronize e-mail messages with your desktopcomputer from a remote location. For more information, seeChapter 7.
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-13Connecting directly to an e-mail serverIn addition to synchronizing e-mail messages with your desktop computer,you can send and receive e-mail messages by connecting to an e-mailserver using a modem or network card connected to your device. Youneed to set up a remote connection to a network or an ISP, and aconnection to your e-mail server. For more information, see Chapter 7.When you connect to the e-mail server, new messages are downloaded tothe device Inbox folder, messages in the device Outbox folders are sent,and messages that have been deleted on the e-mail server are removedfrom the device Inbox folder.Messages that you receive directly from an e-mail server are linked to youre-mail server rather than your desktop computer. When you delete amessage on your device, it is also deleted from the e-mail server the nexttime you connect based on the settings you selected in ActiveSync.You can work online or offline. When working online, you read andrespond to messages while connected to the e-mail server. Messages aresent as soon as you tap Send, which saves space in your device.When working offline, once you have downloaded new message headersor partial messages, you can disconnect from the e-mail server and decidewhich messages to download completely. The next time you connect,Inbox downloads the complete messages you have marked for retrievaland sends the messages you have composed.
4-14Chapter 4Using the message listThe messages you receive are displayed in the message list. By default,the most recently received messages are displayed first in the list.When you receive a message, tap it to open. Unread messages aredisplayed boldface.Tap to select the sort orderfor the messagesTap and hold to display apop-up menu of actionsTap to connect, and to send/receive e-mailTap to connect to the selected serviceTap to select the service, and thefolder that you wish to displayTap to return to the message listTap to delete this messageTap to reply to or forward this messageTap to view the next messageTap to view the previous message
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-15When you connect to your e-mail server or synchronize with your desktopcomputer, by default, you will receive messages from the last five daysonly, the first 100 lines of each new messages, and file attachments of lessthan 100KB in size. The original messages remain on the e-mail server oryour desktop computer.You can mark the messages that you want to retrieve in full during yournext synchronization or e-mail server connection. In the message list, tapand hold the message that you want to retrieve. On the pop-up menu, tapMark for Download. The icons in the Inbox message list give you visualindications of message status.You can specify your downloading preferences when you set up theservice or select your synchronization options. You can change them atany time.• Change options for Inbox synchronization using ActiveSync options. Formore information, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.• Change options for direct e-mail server connections in Inbox on yourdevice. Tap Tools then Options. On the Service tab, tap the service thatyou wish to change. Tap and hold the service and select Delete toremove a service.
4-16Chapter 4Composing messagesTo compose a message:1. Tap New.2. In the To field, enter an e-mail or SMS address of one or morerecipients, separating them with a semicolon, or select a name fromthe Contacts list by tapping the Address Book button. All e-mailaddresses entered in the e-mail fields in Contacts appear in theAddress Book.3. Compose your message. To enterpreset or frequently usedmessages, tap My Text andselect a message.4. Tap Send when you have finishedthe message. If you are workingoffline, the message is moved tothe Outbox folder and will be sentthe next time you connect.Tap to show or hide thecomplete message headerTap to send the messageTap to select a preset messageTap to display the e-mail address bookTap to show or hide the recording toolbar
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook4-17Managing e-mail messages and foldersThe behavior of the folders you create depends on whether you are usingActiveSync, SMS, POP3, or IMAP4.• If you use ActiveSync, e-mail messages in the Inbox folder in Outlook willautomatically be sunchronized with your device. You can select tosynchronize additional folders by designating them for ActiveSync. Thefolders you create and the messages you move will then be mirrored onthe server. For example, if you move two messages from the Inbox folderto a folder named Family, and you have designated Family forsynchronization, the server creates a copy of the Family folder andcopies the messages into that folder. You can then read messages whileaway from your desktop computer.• If you use SMS, messages are stored in the Inbox folder.• If you use POP3 and you move e-mail messages to a folder you created,the link is broken between the messages on the device and their copieson the mail server. The next time you connect, the mail server will seethat the messages are missing from the device Inbox and delete themfrom the server. This prevents you from having duplicate copies of amessage, but it also means that you will no longer have access tomessages that you move to folders created from anywhere except thedevice.• If you use IMAP4, the folders you create and the e-mail messages youmove are mirrored on the server. Therefore, messages are available toyou anytime you connect to your mail server, whether it is from yourdevice or desktop computer. This synchronization of folders occurswhenever you connect to your mail server, create new folders, orrename/delete folders when connected.
4-18Chapter 4
Companion programs5-1Chapter 5Companion programs♦♦♦♦♦Pocket Word.......................................................... 5-2Creating Pocket Word documents ........................................... 5-2Saving Pocket Word documents .............................................. 5-3Opening an existing Pocket Word document ........................... 5-5Modes of entering information ................................................. 5-6♦♦♦♦♦Pocket Excel ......................................................... 5-9Creating Pocket Excel documents ......................................... 5-10Saving Pocket Excel documents............................................ 5-10Securing your Excel document .............................................. 5-12Tips for working in Pocket Excel ............................................ 5-13♦♦♦♦♦MSN Messenger .................................................. 5-14Signing up .............................................................................. 5-15Working with contacts ............................................................ 5-16Chatting with contacts ............................................................ 5-17♦♦♦♦♦Windows Media Player for Pocket PC .............. 5-18
5-2Chapter 5The companion programs consist of Microsoft® Pocket Word, Microsoft®Pocket Excel, MSN Messenger, Windows Media™ Player for Pocket PC,and Microsoft® Reader.To switch to a companion program on your device, tap Programs on the menu, then tap the program that you wish to open.Pocket WordPocket Word works with Microsoft Word on your desktop computer to giveyou easy access to copies of your documents. You can create newdocuments on your device, or you can copy documents from your desktopcomputer to your device. Synchronize documents between your desktopcomputer and your device so that you have the most up-to-date content inboth locations.Use Pocket Word to create documents, such as letters, meeting minutes,or trip reports.1. Tap   , tap Programs, tapPocket Word to launch theapplication.If you have existing MicrosoftWord or Pocket Word documentsin your device, a list of thedocuments appears.Creating Pocket Word documentsTo create a new Word document:NOTE If you selected a template for new documents in the Optionsdialog box, that template appears with the appropriate textand formatting already provided.
Companion programs5-32. Tap New to display a blank document.3. Use any of the tools in the input panel to type your text.Type your text hereTap to select an input methodTap to show or hide the input panelTap to show or hide the formatting toolbarTap to save and close your documentFormatting toolbarSaving Pocket Word documentsTo save a Pocket Word document:When you have finished editing your document, tap OK.The document is saved using the first line as file name if you did notspecify a file name. For example, if your first line in the document hasthe words Bits-n-Pieces, these words appear in your Word documentslist.
5-4Chapter 5To specify save options:1. With the document open, tapTools.2. From the pop-up menu, tap SaveDocument As... to display theSave As screen.3. Change the file name by simplytyping a new one in the Namefield.4. Tap the down arrow in the Folderfield to select a folder where youwish to place the file.NOTE If you do not wish to change the document format, but wouldlike to change the file name, folder, and location of yourdocument, simply tap Edit from the command bar, then tapRename/Move... from the pop-up menu to make yourchanges.5. Tap the down arrow in the Type field to select a file format.You can save the document you create or edit in a variety of formats:• Word (.doc)• Pocket Word (.psw)• Rich Text Format (.rtf)• Plain Text (.txt)6. Tap the down arrow in the Location field to indicate the location ofyour saved file, either in the main memory of your device, or in astorage card, if available.7. Tap OK when done.
Companion programs5-5Opening an existing Pocket Word documentPocket Word contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap a file inthe list to open. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tap and hold afile in the list, then select the appropriate action on the pop-up menu.NOTE You can open only one Pocket Word document at a time;when you open a second document, you will be asked tosave the first.Tap to select the folder you want to displayTap to change the sort order of the listTap to open a documentTap to create a new documentTap to change document settings
5-6Chapter 5Modes of entering informationYou can enter information in Pocket Word in one of four modes (typing,writing, drawing, or recording), which are displayed on the View menu.Each mode has its own toolbar that you can show or hide by tapping theShow/Hide Toolbar button on the command bar.If you are opening a Word document created on a desktop computer,select Wrap to Window on the View menu so that you can see the entiredocument.To change the zoom magnification:1. Tap View, then tap Zoom.2. Select your desired percentage.Select a higher percentage to enter text and lower one to see more ofyour document.Typing ModeUsing the input panel, enter typed text into the document. For moreinformation on entering typed text, see Chapter 2.To format existing text and to edit text, first select the text. You can selecttext as you do in a Word document, using your stylus instead of the mouseto drag through the text you want to select. You can search a document tofind text by tapping Edit and Find/Replace.
Companion programs5-7Writing modeIn writing mode, use your stylus to write directly on the screen. Ruled linesare displayed as a guide, and the zoom magnification is greater than intyping mode to allow you to write more easily. For more information onwriting and selecting writing, see Chapter 2.NOTE If you cross three ruled lines in a single stylus stroke, thewriting becomes a drawing, and can be edited andmanipulated as described in the next section.Written words are converted to graphics (metafiles) when aPocket Word document is converted to a Word document onyour desktop computer.Write your text hereWith the Space button selected,drag to insert space. An arrowappears showing the spacedirection direction and size.Tap to show or hide the writing/formatting toolbarPen buttonSpace buttonTap to display the menuTap to display zoom percentagesTap to wrap text to screen
5-8Chapter 5Drawing modeIn drawing mode, use your stylus to draw on the screen. Gridlines appearas a guide. When you lift your stylus off the screen after ther first stroke,you will see a drawing box indicating the boundaries of the drawing. Everysubsequent stroke within or touching the drawing box becomes part of thedrawing. For more information on drawing and selecting drawings, seeChapter 2.Recording modeIn recording mode, embed arecording into your document.Recordings are saved as .wav files.For more information on recording,see Chapter 2.Resize an object by draggingthe selection handlesTap an arrow to display the optionsPen buttonDrawing toolbarTap to show or hide the drawing toolbarTap to select the formatting optionsEmbedded recording
Companion programs5-9Pocket ExcelPocket Excel works with Microsoft Excel on your desktop computer to giveyou easy access to copies of your workbooks. You can create newworkbooks on your device, or you can copy workbooks from your desktopcomputer to your device. Synchronize workbooks between your desktopcomputer and your device so that you have the most up-to-date contentsin both locations.Use Pocket Excel to create workbooks, such as expense reports andmileage logs.Pocket Excel contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap a file inthe list to open. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tap and hold afile in the list, then select the appropriate action on the pop-up menu.Pocket Excel provides fundamental spreadsheet tools, such as formulas,functions, sorting, and filtering. To display the toolbar, tap View, then tapToolbar.NOTE You can open only one Pocket Excel document at a time;when you open a second document, you will be asked tosave the first.Cell contents appear here as youtype, or when you select the cellZoom buttonFormat buttonAutoSum button
5-10Chapter 5Saving Pocket Excel documentsTo save an Excel document:When you have finished editing your document, tap OK.By default, your document is saved as Book1 as file name. You canchange the file name to one that is more descriptive of your document.See next section for saving options.1. Tap   , tap Programs, tapPocket Excel.2. Tap New to display a blankdocument.If you selected a template for newdocuments in the Options dialogbox, that template appears withthe appropriate text andformatting already provided.Creating Pocket Excel documentsTo create a new Excel document:
Companion programs5-11To specify save options:1. With the document open, tapTools.2. From the pop-up menu, tap SaveWorkbook As... to display theSave As screen.3. Change the file name by simplytyping a new one in the Namefield.4. Tap the down arrow in the Folderfield to select a folder where youwish to place the file.NOTE If you do not wish to save your workbook to a different format,but would like to change the file name, folder, and location ofyour document, simply tap Edit from the command bar, thentap Rename/Move... from the pop-up menu to make yourchanges.5. Tap the down arrow in the Type field to select a file format.You can save the document you create or edit in a variety of formats:• Pocket Excel (.pxl)• Excel (.xls)6. Tap the down arrow in the Location field to indicate the location ofyour saved file, either in the main memory of your device, or in astorage card, if available.7. Tap OK when done.
5-12Chapter 5Securing your Excel documentIf your workbook contains sensitive or confidental information, you canprotect it with a password.To set a password for your workbook:1. Open the workbook.2. Tap Edit from the command bar,then tap Password... to displaythe password setting screen.3. Type a password in thePassword field.4. Re-type the password in theVerify Password field.5. Tap OK when done.If you have set a password for yourworkbook, a password screenappears asking you to type yourpassword whenever you try to openthe workbook.Type your password, then tap OK. Ifyou type in a wrong password, amessage appears telling you so.NOTE DO NOT forget your password! You can not open yourworkbook unless you type in the correct password.
Companion programs5-13Tips for working in Pocket ExcelTake note of the following when working in large worksheets in PocketExcel:•View in full-screen mode to see as much of your worksheet aspossible. Tap View, then tap Full Screen. To exit full-screen mode, tapRestore.•Show and hide window elements. Tap View, then tap the elements toshow or hide.•Freeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell where you want tofreeze panes. Tap View, then tap Freeze Panes. You might want tofreeze the top and leftmost panes in a worksheet to keep row andcolumn labels visible as you scroll through a sheet.•Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet. Tap View, thentap Split. Drag the split bar to where you want it. To remove the split, tapView, then tap Remove Split.•Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a row or column, select acell in the row or column that you want to hide. Tap Format, then tapRow or Column, and tap Hide. To show a hidden row or column, tapTools, then tap Go To, and type a reference that is in the hidden row orcolumn. Tap Format, then tap Row or Column, and tap Unhide.For more information on using Pocket Excel, tap   , then tap Help.
5-14Chapter 5MSN MessengerMSN Messenger on your device is an instant messaging program thatallows you to:• See who is online• Send and receive instant messages• Have instant message conversations with groups of contactsTo use MSN Messenger:You must have a Microsoft Passport™ account or a MicrosoftExchange e-mail account.You must have a Passport to use the MSN Messenger Service. If youhave a Hotmail® or MSN account, you already have a passport. Once youhave obtained either a Microsoft Passport or Microsoft Exchange account,you are ready to set up your account.Sign up for a Microsoft Passport account at a free Microsoft Hotmail e-mail address at launch MSN Messenger:1. Tap   , then tap Programs.2. Tap MSN Messenger.
Companion programs5-15Signing upTo sign in to MSN Mesenger service:NOTE If you already use MSN Messenger on your desktopcomputer, your contacts will show up on your device withoutbeing added again.1. Tap Tools then tap Sign in... fromthe menu.ORSimply tap the Tap here to signin area.2. In the sign-in screen, enter youre-mail address and password.Tap Sign In.
5-16Chapter 5Working with contactsThe MSN Messenger window shows all of your messenger contacts at aglance, divided into Online and Not Online categories. From this view,while connected, you can chat, send an e-mail, block the contact fromchatting with you, or delete contacts from your list using the pop-up menu.To see others online without being seen, tap My Status in the Tools menuand select Appear Offline.If you block a contact, you will appear offline but will remain on the blockedcontact’s list. To unblock a contact, tap and hold the contact, then tapUnblock on the pop-up menu.
Companion programs5-17Chatting with contactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in the textentry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My Text to enter a presetmessage, then tap Send. To invite another contact to a multi-user chat, tapInvite in the Tools menu, then tap the contact that you want to invite.NOTE To switch back to the main window without closing a chat, tapthe Contacts button. To go back to your chat window, tapChats and select the person whom you were chatting with.To know if the contact you are chatting with is responding, look for themessage under the text entry area. For more information on using MSNMessenger, tap   , then tap Help.
5-18Chapter 5Windows Media Player for Pocket PCUse Microsoft® Windows Media Player for Pocket PC to play digital audioand video files that are stored on your device or on a network. To switch toWindows Media Player for Pocket PC, tap   , tap Programs, then tapWindows Media.Use Microsoft Windows Media Player on your desktop computer to copydigital audio and video to your Pocket PC. You can play Windows Mediaand MP3 files on your Pocket PC.For more information on using Windows Media Player for Pocket PC, tap , then tap Help.Indicates the progressof the current trackTap to play or pauseTap to stopTap to play the previous trackTap to play the next trackSlide to adjust volumeTap to mute sound
Pocket Internet Explorer6-1Chapter 6Pocket Internet Explorer♦♦♦♦♦Introduction........................................................... 6-2♦♦♦♦♦Using Pocket Internet Explorer ........................... 6-2Changing View settings ...................................................... 6-3Browsing the Internet ......................................................... 6-3♦♦♦♦♦AvantGo Channels................................................ 6-4♦♦♦♦♦Mobile Favorites folder ........................................ 6-5Favorite links ...................................................................... 6-5Mobile Favorites ................................................................. 6-5Viewing mobile favorites and channels .............................. 6-7Adding/Deleting mobile favorites and folders ..................... 6-8
6-2Chapter 6IntroductionUse Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer to view Web or WAP pages in anyof these ways.• During synchronization with your desktop computer, download yourfavorite links and mobile favorites that are stored in the Mobile Favoritessub-folder in the Internet Explorer on the desktop computer.• Connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network and browse theWeb. To do this, you need to create the connection first. See Chapter 7for information on creating a connection.When connected to an ISP or network, you can also download files andprograms from the Internet or intranet.Using Pocket Internet ExplorerYou can use Pocket Internet Explorer to browse mobile favorites andchannels that have been downloaded to your device without connecting tothe Internet. You can also connect to the Internet through an ISP or anetwork connection to browse the Web.To launch Pocket Internet Explorer:1. Tap   , then Internet Explorerto display the Pocket MSNservices.Tap to launch FavoritesTap to go to Pocket Internet Explorer homeTap to stop/refreshTap to go back to previous pageNew Pocket MSN services
Pocket Internet Explorer6-32. Tap the Home button to displaythe Pocket Internet Explorerwelcome screen with links tosome useful Web sites.3. Tap any of the Web site buttons togo to a specific site.Changing View settingsTo change View settings:1. Tap View to display a pop-upmenu.2. Tap Fit to Screen to see all thescreen items at the same time.3. Tap Address Bar to display theWeb site address bar.4. Tap and hold Text Size to displayanother pop-up menu with a textsize selection. Select your desiredtext size for the screen.Browsing the InternetTo browse the Internet:1. Set up a connection to your ISP or corporate network usingConnections. See Chapter 7 for details.2. Do one of the following to connect and start browsing:• Tap the Favorites button, then tap the favorite that you wish to view.• Tap View, then Address Bar. Enter the Web address that you wantto visit then tap Go.
6-4Chapter 6AvantGo ChannelsAvantGo is a free interactive service that gives you access to personalizedcontent and thousands of popular Web sites. You subscribe to AvantGochannels directly from your device. Then, synchronize your device anddesktop computer, or connect to the Internet to download the content.For more information, visit the AvantGo web site at activate AvantGo:1. In the ActiveSync window on yourdesktop computer, click Options.2. In the Sync Options tab, checkthe box beside the AvantGo item.Click OK.ActiveSync automatically updatesthe settings and synchronizeswith your device.NOTE Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet.3. When synchronization iscomplete, the AvantGo homepage appears on your device.To launch AvantGo:1. In Pocket Internet Explorer onyour device, tap the Favoritesbutton to display your list offavorites.2. Tap the AvantGo Channels linkto go directly to the AvantGohome page and see a few of themost popular channels.To add or remove channels:Tap the Add or Remove link.
Pocket Internet Explorer6-5Mobile Favorites folderOnly items items stored in the Mobile Favorites sub-folder in the Favoritesfolder in the Internet Explorer on your desktop computer will besynchronized with your device. This folder was created automatically whenyou installed ActiveSync.Favorite linksDuring synchronization, the list of favorite links in the Mobile Favoritesfolder on your desktop computer is synchronized with Pocket InternetExplorer on your device. Both computers are updated with changes madeto either list each time you synchronize. Unless you mark the favorite linkas a mobile favorite, only the link will be downloaded to your device, andyou will need to connect to your ISP or network to view the content. Formore information on synchronization, see ActiveSync Help on the desktopcomputer.Mobile FavoritesIf you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later on your desktopcomputer, you can download mobile favorites to your device.Synchronizing mobile favorites downloads Web content to your device sothat you can view pages while you are disconnected from your ISP anddesktop computer.Use the Internet Explorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync to create mobilefavorites quickly.
6-6Chapter 6To create a mobile favorite:1. In Internet Explorer on your desktopcomputer, click Tools then CreateMobile Favorite.2. To change the link name, enter a newname in the Name box.3. Select your desired update schedulein Update. This is optional.4. Click OK. Internet Explorer downloadsthe latest version of the page to yourdesktop computer.5. If you want to download the pages thatare linked to the mobile favorite youjust created, in Internet Explorer on thedesktop computer, right-click themobile favorite, then click Properties.In the Download tab, specify thenumber of links deep you want todownload. To conserve devicememory, go only one level deep.6. Synchronize your device and yourdesktop computer. Mobile favorites thatare stored in the Mobile Favorites inInternet Explorer are downloaded toyour device.NOTE If you did not specify an update schedule in step 3, you willneed to manually download content to keep the informationupdated on your desktop computer and device. Beforesynchronizing with your device, in Internet Explorer on yourdesktop computer, click Tools then Synchronize. You willsee the last time content was downloaded to the desktopcomputer, and you can manually download content if needed.You can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar forcreating mobile favorites. In Internet Explorer on your desktopcomputer, click View,Toolbars, and Customize.
Pocket Internet Explorer6-7Viewing mobile favorites and channelsTo view mobile favorites and channels:1. Tap   to display your list of favorites.2. Tap a Favorites page that you wish to view.You will see the page that was downloaded the last time yousynchronized with your desktop computer. If the page is not on yourdevice, the favorite is dimmed. You need to synchronize with yourdesktop computer again to download the page to your device, orconnect to the Internet to view the page.Tap the favorite thatyou wish to viewTap to add or delete afolder or favorite linkSaving device memoryMobile favorites take up storage memory on your device. To minimize theamount of memory used:• In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSync options,turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobile favorites from beingdownloaded to the device. For more information, see ActiveSync Help.• Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Interner Explorer onyour desktop computer, right-click the mobile favorite you want tochange, then click Properties. In the Download tab, specify 0 or 1 forthe number of linked pages you want to download.
6-8Chapter 6Adding/Deleting mobile favorites and foldersTo add a favorite:1. Tap   to display your list offavorites.2. Tap the Add/Delete button todisplay the Favorites screen.3. Tap the Add... button to show theAdd Favorite screen.4. Type a name for the favorite thatyou wish to add in the Name field.5. Type in the URL address in theAddress (URL) field.6. Select a folder to place thefavorite from the Create in: box.7. Tap Add to return to the Favoritesscreen, which now shows thefavorite that you added.To delete a favorite:1. Tap   to display your list offavorites.2. Tap the Add/Delete button todisplay the Favorites screen.3. Select the favorite that you wishto delete, then tap Delete.4. When prompted to permanentlydelete the favorite, tap Yes.
Pocket Internet Explorer6-9To add a folder:1. Tap   to display your list offavorites.2. Tap the Add/Delete button todisplay the Favorites screen.3. Tap the New Folder button.4. Type a name for the folder thatyou wish to create.5. Tap Add to return to the Favoritesscreen, which now shows thefolder that you added.To delete a folder:1. Tap   to display your list offavorites.2. Tap the Add/Delete button todisplay the Favorites screen.3. Select the folder that you wish todelete, then tap Delete.4. When prompted to permanentlydelete the folder, tap Yes.
6-10Chapter 6
Get connected7-1Chapter 7Get connected♦♦♦♦♦Introduction........................................................... 7-2♦♦♦♦♦Connect to the Internet ........................................ 7-2♦♦♦♦♦Connect to Work ................................................... 7-3♦♦♦♦♦Set up connections .............................................. 7-3Modem connections ................................................................. 7-3VPN server connections .......................................................... 7-4Proxy server settings ............................................................... 7-4Network card connections........................................................ 7-5♦♦♦♦♦End a connection.................................................. 7-6♦♦♦♦♦Set up a WAP gateway ......................................... 7-6♦♦♦♦♦Use dialing rules ................................................... 7-7♦♦♦♦♦Infrared (IR) connection ....................................... 7-9Sending information ................................................................. 7-9Receiving information .............................................................. 7-9
7-2Chapter 7IntroductionYou can set up connections to the Internet and corporate network at workin order to do such activities as browse the Internet or intranet, send andreceive e-mail and instant messages, and synchronize information usingActiveSync.Connections can be made using a modem,wireless network, ornetwork (Ethernet) card. A modem connection can be used to set upconnections with an external modem, or through your mobile phonenetwork using a cellular line.Your device has two groups of connection settings: My ISP and My WorkNetwork. My ISP settings are used to connect to the Internet, and MyWork Network settings can be used to connect to any private network,such as a corporate network you use at work. Simply fill in the settings andget ready to start connecting. For more information, see the sections“Connect to the Internet” or “Connect to Work.”You may also establish connection to another device with infrared (IR) orBluetooth features. For more information, see sections “Infrared (IR)connection” or “Bluetooth connection.”Connect to the InternetTo connect to the Internet:1. Obtain the following information from your ISP:  ISP server phonenumber,user name, and password.2. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab >Connections.3. In My ISP, tap Add a new modem connection.4. Create a modem connection. For more information, see section “Setup modem connections.”5. To start the connection, begin using the desired program. For example,switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse a Web page. Yourdevice automatically connects.NOTE To set up a network card or wireless network connection toyour ISP, add a new connection under My Work Network.
Get connected7-3Connect to Work1. Obtain the following information from your network administrator:server phone number,user name, and password.2. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab >Connections.3. In My Work Network, set up either a modem, network card, wirelessnetwork, or VPN server connection. Refer to the section “Set upconnections” for the procedure.4. To start the connection, start using a desired program. For example,switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Yourdevice automatically starts connecting.Set up connectionsModem connectionsTo set up a modem connection:Obtain the following information from your ISP or network administrator:telephone number, user name, password, domain name, and TCP/IPsettings.If your device does not have access to a mobile phone network, insert amodem card.1. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab >Connections.2. To create a new connection, in either My ISP or My Work Network,tap Add a new modem connection, then follow the instructions in theNew Connection wizard.3. To view additional information for any screen in the wizard or whilechanging settings, tap  .NOTE To change modem connection settings in either My ISP or MyWork Network, tap Manage existing connections. Selectthe desired modem connection, tap Settings, and follow theinstructions on the screen.
7-4Chapter 7VPN server connectionsA VPN connection helps you to securely connect to servers, such as acorporate network, via the Internet. Ask your network administrator for youruser name, password, domain name, TCP/IP settings, and host name orIP address of the VPN server.To set up a VPN server connection:1. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab >Connections.2. To create a new VPN server connection, in My Work Network, tap Adda new VPN server connection, then follow the screen instructions.3. To view additional information for any screen in the wizard or whilechanging settings, tap  .NOTE To change existing settings, in My Work Network, tapManage existing connections > VPN tab. Select yourdesired VPN connection, tap Settings, then follow theinstructions on the screen.Proxy server settingsIf you are connected to your ISP or private network during synchronization,your mobile device should download the proper proxy settings from yourPC. If these settings are not on your PC or need to be changed, ask yourISP or network administrator for the proxy server name, server type, port,type of Socks protocol used, and your user name and password.To change proxy server settings:1. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab.2. To create a new connection, in My Work Network, tap Add a newproxy server.3. To change proxy server settings, in My Work Network, tap Edit myproxy server. Select the desired proxy server, and tap Settings.4. Select This network connects to the Internet and This network uses aproxy server to connect to the Internet.5. In the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.6. To change such settings as port number or proxy server type, tapAdvanced and change desired settings.
Get connected7-5Network card connectionsUse a network (Ethernet) card to connect directly to a network. Onceconnected, you can view the Internet or intranet, or download e-mail. Youdo not need to create a new connection on your device. For moreinformation, see your network administrator. Make sure to purchase andconfigure a network card that is compatible with your device.To set up a network card:1. Obtain the following information from your network administrator: username,password, and domain name.2. Insert the network card into your device.3. The first time you insert the card, Network Settings appearsautomatically so that you can configure the network card. If it does notappear, or to change settings later, tap    > Settings >Connectionstab > Connections >Advanced tab > Network Card.4. If you need to enter specific server information, tap the appropriateadapter, and then tap Properties. Most networks use DHCP, so youshould not have to change these settings unless your networkadministrator instructs you to do so.5. If necessary, connect the network card to the network by using anetwork cable. For information, refer to the documentation that camewith your network card.6. To start a connection, insert the network card, and begin using adesired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorerand browse a Web page. Your device automatically starts connecting.If you use your network card with two networks, such as a privatenetwork at work and one at home for the Internet, you need to changethe network to which the network card connects.NOTE You may need proxy server and VPN connection settings.For more information, see your network administrator.
7-6Chapter 7End a connection• When connected via modem or VPN, tap  on the navigation bar,then tap Disconnect.• When connected via cable or cradle, detach your device from the cableor cradle.• When connected via Infrared, move the device away from the othercomputer or device.• When connected via a network (Ethernet) card, remove the card fromyour device.• When connected via a wireless network, switch off the connection.Set up a WAP gatewayTo access WAP sites through Pocket Internet Explorer, configure yourdevice to use a WAP gateway. Use the following steps to create a new setof connections to the Internet with WAP gateway settings.NOTE Some device models do not support the WAP sites viewingfeature.1. Get the following information from your ISP: ISP server phone number,user name, and password. Also, contact your mobile phone serviceprovider and ask for your WAP gateway server name and port number.2. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab > Connections > Tasks tab.3. Tap Edit my proxy server. If a proxy server has not been set up, tap Setup my proxy server.4. In Programs that automatically connect to the Internet shouldconnect using, tap New and enter a name for the ISP connection.5. On the Proxy Settings tab, select This network connects to theInternet and This network uses a proxy server to connect to theInternet.6. If necessary, in the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.7. Tap Advanced.8. In the WAP box, enter the WAP gateway server name. Under Port,enter the port number. The most common WAP port number is 9201.
Get connected7-7Use dialing rulesAdditional numbers may need to be dialed depending on your givenlocation when connecting. For example, if you want to dial from work, a 9prefix must often be dialed, or an area code is needed.To avoid creating a new modem connection for each situation, set dialingrules for the locations from which you connect often. Three dialinglocations, Home, Mobile, and Work, have been created for you, and youcan create more. If a connection cannot be made, your device gives youan opportunity to change the dialing location.1. Tap    > Settings >Connections tab > Connections > Advancedtab.2. Tap Select Location.3. Tap Use dialing rules.4. Select a location.•Home - Dials the number as a local call without a 9 prefix.•Work - Dials the number as local call with the 9 prefix.NOTE To create a new location, tap New and follow the directionson the screen. To view additional information at any time,tap .9. Create a modem connection. See section “Set up connections.”If necessary, set dialing rules. See section “Use dialing rules.”10. If your device does not have a connection to a mobile phone network,insert a modem card.
7-8Chapter 7Infrared (IR) connectionBy default, your device detects incoming infrared (IR) beams and promptsyou to accept them. If you do not want your device to detect or receivebeans, clear the Receive all incoming beams check box.To set the Beam options:1. Tap   , then Settings.2. Tap the Connections tab.3. Tap the Beam icon to display theSettings screen.4. Make your desired change and tap OK.5. To receive an infrared beam from this screen, tap the link at thebottom. Your device automtically looks for another device usinginfrared.
Get connected7-9Receiving informationTo receive information:1. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.2. Have the owner of the other device send the information to you. Yourdevice automatically receive the information.NOTE You can also send items, but not folders, from File Explorer.Tap and hold the item that you want to send, then tap BeamFile on the pop-up menu.Sending informationTo send information:1. Switch to the program where youcreated the item that you want tosend, and locate that item in thelist.2. Align the IR ports so that they areunobstructed and within a closerange.3. Tap and hold the item, then tapBeam File... on the pop-up menu.
7-10Chapter 7
NoticesA-1AppendixNotices♦♦♦♦♦Federal Communications CommissionStatement .............................................................. A-2♦♦♦♦♦Canadian Department of CommunicationsStatement .............................................................. A-2♦♦♦♦♦UL Safety Notices ................................................. A-3
A-2AppendixFederal Communications Commission StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withmanufacturer’s instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Canadian Department of Communications StatementThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digitalapparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department ofCommunications.This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.WARNING! The use of shielded cables for connection of the monitor to thegraphics card is required to assure compliance with FCC regulations.Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority tooperate this equipment.
NoticesA-3UL Safety NoticesRequired for UL 1459 covering telecommunications (telephone) equipment intended to beelectrically connected to a telecommunication network that has an operating voltage to ground thatdoes not exceed 200V peak, 300V peak-to-peak, and 105V rms, and installed or used inaccordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70).When using the Pocket PC, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the riskof fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following:•Do not use the Pocket PC near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sinkor laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.•Do not use the Pocket PC during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electricshock from lightning.•Do not use the Pocket PC in the vicinity of a gas leak.Required for UL 1642 covering primary (nonrechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) lithiumbatteries for use as power sources in products. These batteries contain metallic lithium, or a lithiumalloy, or a lithium ion, and may consist of a single electrochemical cell or two or more cellsconnected in series, parallel, or both, that convert chemical energy into electrical energy by anirreversible or reversible chemical reaction.•Do not dispose the Pocket PC battery pack in a fire, as they may explode. Check with localcodes for possible special disposal instructions to reduce the risk of injury to persons due to fireor explosion.•Do not use power adapters or batteries from other devices to reduce the risk of injury topersons due to fire or explosion. Use only UL certified power adapters or batteries supplied bythe manufacturer or authorized retailers.Replaceable batteriesIf an equipment is provided with a replaceable batterym and if replacement by an incorrect typecould result in an explosion (e.g. with some lithium batteries), the following applies:–if the battery is placed in an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, there shall be a marking closeto the battery or a statement in both the operating and the servicing instructions;–if the battery is placed elsewhere in the equipmen, there shall be a marking close to thebattery or a statement in the servicing instructions.The marking or statement shall include the following or similar text:CAUTIONRISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACEDBY AN INCORRECT TYPE.DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDINGTHE INSTRUCTIONSCompliance is checked by inspection.Operator access with a toolIf a TOOL is necessary to gain access to an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, either all othercompartments within that area containing a hazard shall be inaccessible to the OPERATOR by theuse of the same TOOL, or such compartments shall be marked to discourage OPERATOR access.An acceptable marking for an electric shock hazard is        (ISO 3864, No. 5036)Equipment for restricted access locationsFor equipment intended only for installation in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION, theinstalation instructions shall contain a statement to this effect.

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