ASSALOY Hospitality AS 681001025C1 RFID Encoder and Updater User Manual Enter the help project title here

ASSA ABLOY Hospitality AS RFID Encoder and Updater Enter the help project title here

user manual

1ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7User ManualRFID EncoderDRAFT
2ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7CopyrightsThe information in this document is subject to change at the sole discretion ofASSA ABLOY without notice.Any use, operation or repair in contravention of this document is at your own risk.ASSA ABLOY does not assume any responsibility for incidental or consequentialdamages arising from the use of this manual.All information and drawings in this document are the property of ASSA ABLOY.Unauthorized use and reproduction is prohibited.VingCard and Elsafe are registered trademarks of ASSA ABLOY.
3ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Table of contents.................................................................................................5 FCC and IC statements........................................................................................................................ 5FCC statements ........................................................................................................................ 5Industry Canada statements .................................................................................................6 1. Introduction.................................................................................................7 2. To mount the encoder........................................................................................................................ 72.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 82.2 Mounting kit ........................................................................................................................ 82.3 To mount on the wall  ........................................................................................................................ 92.4 Card holder .................................................................................................10 3.  Electrical specification........................................................................................................................ 103.1 Connectors .................................................................................................11 4. To connect to Visionline or VingCard Vision........................................................................................................................ 114.1 To connect to the Visionline server ................................................................................................................................................ 114.1.1 To connect via TCP/IP ................................................................................................................................................ 114.1.2 To connect via USB ................................................................................................................................................ 134.1.3 RFID encoder in SysMon ....................................................................................................................................... To rename the encoder........................................................................................................................ 144.2 To connect to VingCard Vision server or workstation ................................................................................................................................................ 144.2.1 To connect via TCP/IP .................................................................................................15 5. Configuration utility........................................................................................................................ 165.1 To configure for use with Visionline ........................................................................................................................ 185.2 To configure for use with VingCard Vision .................................................................................................20 6. To factory reset the encoder........................................................................................................................ 216.1 Default parameter values .................................................................................................22 7. Web interface (Visionline only)........................................................................................................................ 227.1 To modify the encoder parameters .................................................................................................23 Appendix A: Quick reference of technical data.................................................................................................24 Appendix B: To install the USBXpress driver.................................................................................................25 Appendix C: To upgrade firmware........................................................................................................................ 25To upgrade firmware via RFID Encoder Configuration Utility ........................................................................................................................ 26To upgrade firmware via SysMon
4ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7.................................................................................................27 Appendix D: Boot-up procedure.................................................................................................29 Appendix E: More about how the encoder finds theserver (Visionline only)........................................................................................................................ 30To commission encoders with DNS ................................................................................................................................................ 30Single server ................................................................................................................................................ 30Multiple servers ................................................................................................................................................ 31To commission encoders without DNS ........................................................................................................................ 31To switch to backup server ................................................................................................................................................ 31Single server - to switch to backup server with DNS ................................................................................................................................................ 31Multiple servers - to switch to backup server with DNS ................................................................................................................................................ 31To switch to backup server without DNS .................................................................................................32 Revision history
5ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7FCC and IC statementsFCC statementsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:    (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and    (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference           that may cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designedto provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmfulinterference; in which case, correction of the interference is at the user's expense.  Important: Changes or modifications to an intentional or unintentionalradiator not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to operate the equipment. The end product must be labeled to say 'FCC ID: Y7V-681001025C1'.Industry Canada statementsThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:     (1) this device may not cause interference, and     (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference          that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables auxappareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:    (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et    (2) l’utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,          même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.The end product is labeled 'IC:9514A-681001025C1'.The term "IC" before the equipment certification number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met.Le terme "IC" devant le numéro de certification signifie seulement que lesspecifications techniques Industrie Canada ont été respectées.
6ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-71. IntroductionThe RFID encoder is used for encoding and verifying RFID cards. It can be usedtogether with the below systems:VisionlineVingCard VisionUnless anything else is stated, the information in this document is valid for both systems. Note: For upgrade of firmware in the RFID encoder, see Appendix C. Figure 1: RFID encoder
7ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-72. To mount the encoderThe RFID encoder can either be mounted on a wall or be placed on a table etc;dimensions in Figure 2 below in mm (inches). 2.1 Dimensions Figure 2: Encoder dimensionsNote: The RFID encoder can be mounted either horizontally or vertically.
8ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-72.2 Mounting kitThe RFID encoder is delivered with a mounting kit containing the following items:DescriptionQuantityUsageScrews 2,9x25mm2For mounting the RFID encoder on a wallCollar screw 3,5x25mm 1For mounting the RFID encoder on a wallScrews 2,5x6,4mm4For mounting the card holder and mounting bracketsExpand plugs 6x303Mounting brackets2Adhesive Velcro strips2If the RFID encoder should be mounted without using screws                                                                                            Table 1: Mounting kit2.3 To mount on the wallThe encoder can be mounted on the wall either with the enclosed screws or with the enclosed Velcro strips. If the encoder should be mounted with screws:fasten the mounting brackets at the bottom of the encoder with the twomounting bracket screwsfasten the encoder on the wall with the collar screw at the suspension and two screws at the mounting bracketsFigure 3: Exploded view of RFID encoder, card holder and mounting detailsNote: When mounting the encoder on the wall, the parameter 'Wall mounted' must be enabled; this can be done via the RFID Encoder Configuration Utility (see chapter 5). If Visionline is applicable, it can also be done via the web interface (see chapter 7).
9ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-72.4 Card holderIf the RFID encoder is mounted on the wall, a card holder should be mounted on the encoder. The card holder, including two screws for fixation, are enclosed with the encoder at delivery.                      Figure 4: The card holder is snapped onto the RFID encoder                                and also fastened with two screws.
10ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-73.  Electrical specificationThere are several possibilities for powering:Power via PoE; power over EthernetExternal power via adapter of 5VDC regulated voltage Power via USB (only applicable for Visionline)3.1 ConnectorsFigure 5: Rear panel of encoder
11ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-74. To connect to Visionline or VingCard Vision4.1 To connect to the Visionline server4.1.1 To connect via TCP/IPIf the encoder connects to the server via TCP/IP, it automatically adjusts to 10 or 100Mbit/s networks. The encoder starts by retrieving an IP address via DHCP; Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The encoder then automatically finds theserver. Note: When the encoder has been detected by the server, the display shows the date and time. An encoder device will automatically be added to the server.  If no DHCP server is available:1. The display will show 'offline' and the encoder IP address (default, or another IP address if the encoder has already been connected to a network). 2. Shortly after, the IP address on the encoder display will change to an IP address in the range –; this range is based on the zero config standard.   Note: When the RFID encoder has got an IP address, either via DHCP or via zeroconfig, it makes an announcement broadcast which either the Visionline server or a connected ZigBee gateway should answer to. For more information about how the RFID encoder finds the server, see Appendix E.4.1.2 To connect via USBIf the encoder should connect via USB, the following steps must be taken: The USBXpress driver must be installed; see Appendix B for details.An encoder device must be added to the Visionline device list; see details here.Note: Power via USB is not always enough for the encoder. If this is the case, use the enclosed external power supply of 5VDC.
12ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7To add an encoder device in the Visionline device list: Figure 61. When the USBXpress driver has been installed according to Appendix B, open the Visionlinedevice list by double clicking on Devices under the Lists tab in the navigation window.2. In the Devices dialog, click Add;the Device details dialog will be shown.3. Enter a Name for the encoder.4. If desired, enter a Description for the encoder.5. At Type, choose 'Network RFID encoder (USB)' in the drop-down-menu.Figure 76. At S/N, click the   button. Allnetwork RFID encoders that areconnected via USB will be shown in the drop-down list; see Figure 7. 7. In the Device details dialog, markthe applicable radio button under Location. For Server andComputer, the field PMSaddress will be available; fill in this if applicable.8. Click Save and Close. Figure 89. Double click on RFIDEncoderConfig.exe which is available on the Visionline CDunder Drivers/RFID Encoder/RFID Encoder ConfigurationUtility; if the encoder is correctlyconnected to the PC and uses theUSBXpress driver, the serial numberof the encoder should be shown inthe upper left window at USB; seeexample in Figure 8. 10.Follow the steps in section 5.1 tomake the settings in RFID EncoderConfiguration Utility.
13ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-74.1.3 RFID encoder in SysMonFigure 91. Double click on SysMon.exe in the Visionline installation folder. 2. Go to View/RFID Encoders;encoders that have been connectedvia TCP/IP will be shown. Note:When hovering over an RFIDencoder in the RFID Encoderswindow of SysMon, informationabout Mac address, IP address,firmware version and last ping will be shown.Note: For upgrade of firmware via SysMon, see Appendix C. To rename the encoderFigure 101. To rename an encoder, right click on it in SysMon and choose Edit Name.Figure 112. The dialog in Figure 11 will beshown; enter a name for the encoder and click OK.
14ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-74.2 To connect to the VingCard Vision server or workstation4.2.1 To connect via TCP/IPTo make the RFID encoder accessible for VingCard Vision, the encoder must beassigned with four parameters:IP address IP port number gateway address subnet mask Before setting the above parameters in RFID Encoder Configuration Utility, theUSBXpress driver must be available for the RFID encoder to be able to connect andperform the setup. When the RFID encoder has been configured with the fourparameters above, the encoder becomes backward compatible with the KDE encoder which connects via TCP/IP only and has a static IP address.Figure 121. Install the USBXpress driver according to Appendix B. 2. Double click on RFIDEncoderConfig.exe; if the encoder iscorrectly connected to the PC and uses the USBXpress driver,the serial number of the encoder should be shown in the upperleft window at USB; see example in Figure 12. 3. Follow the steps in section 5.2 to make the settings in RFIDEncoder Configuration Utility.
15ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-75. Configuration utilityIf the encoder parameters need to be modified to suit the network where the encoder is located, this can be done in RFID Encoder Configuration Utility. Table 2 below describes the configurable parameters. For guidance about how to configure the RFID encoder for use together withVisionline, see section 5.1. For information about how to configure the RFID encoder for use together with VingCard Vision, see section 5.2. For default parameter values, see section 6.1. Note: For Visionline, the parameters can also be changed via a web interface; see chapter 7.  Dynamic IP address(DHCP)Note: This parameter is only applicable forVisionline. If this checkbox is marked, the RFID encoder retrieves an IP address via DHCP (Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol) and then automatically finds the server.  Host IP addressThe IP address of the encoderSubnet MaskA mask used to determine what subnet an IP addressbelongs toAnnouncementbroadcastIf there is no DNS (Domain Name System), the RFIDencoder will still find the server if this checkbox ismarked Emulate KDEEmulate a KDE encoderNote for Visionline: With the 'emulate KDE' alternativemarked, the web interface described in chapter 7 will notbe available. Wall mountedThis parameter changes the text orientation on theencoder display. Mark Enable if the encoder should be mounted on the wall. Zero config Note: This parameter is only applicable for Visionline. If no DHCP server is available, the encoder will at startup show 'offline' and the encoder IP address. Shortly after, the IP address will change to an address in the range –; this range is based on the zero config standard. Note: It is recommended to always have this checkbox marked. EPHY auto negotiateIf the link speed (10 or 100 Mbit/s) has been unalteredfor a certain time, a detector changes to manual speedand alternatively tests 10MBit/s and 100MBit/s until an answer is given. When this detector is activated, theparameter EPHY (Ethernet PHYsical transceiver) autonegotiate will be set to 'No' and the checkbox will be unmarked.                                                                    Table 2: Configurable parameters
16ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-75.1 To configure the encoder for use with Visionline Figure 131. Make sure that the USBXpress driver is installed; see Appendix B for details. 2. Double click on RFIDEncoderConfig.exe.  3. Connect the encoder to USB power; the encoder willappear in the drop-down-menu at 'USB' in the upperleft corner of the RFID Encoder ConfigurationUtility window. 4. Select the encoder in the drop-down-menu.5. Click the Start button to connect. Figure 146. Click the Get version button.Figure 157. The firmware version of the encoder will be shown;make sure that it is the latest version, if not upgradethe encoder according to Appendix C.
17ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Figure 168. Click the Get config button. At first configuration, thedefault encoder parameters will be shown; see Figure16. Note: The default parameter values are also shownin section 6.1. Figure 179. To modify one or more parameters, make the desiredchanges and click the Set config button.Figure 1810.When the new configuration has bee set in theencoder, a message as in Figure 18 will be shown.
18ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-75.2 To configure the encoder for use with VingCard Vision Figure 191. Make sure that the USBXpress driver is installed; see Appendix B for details. 2. Double click on RFIDEncoderConfig.exe.  3. Connect the encoder to USB power; the encoder will appear in the drop-down-menu at 'USB' in theupper left corner of the RFID Encoder ConfigurationUtility window. 4. Select the encoder in the drop-down-menu.5. Click the Start button to connect. Figure 206. Click the Get version button.Figure 217. The firmware version of the encoder will be shown;make sure that it is the latest version, if not upgradethe encoder according to Appendix C.
19ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Figure 228. Click the Get config button. At first configuration, thedefault encoder parameters will be shown; see Figure22. Note: The default parameter values are also shownin section 6.1. Figure 239. Under IP Setup:     - uncheck Dynamic IP address (DHCP)      - set Host IP address; this is the    encoder IP address      - set Default gateway; this is the    encoder gateway address      - set Subnet mask; this is the    encoder subnet mask 10.Under Connection Setup:      - uncheck Announcement broadcast     - let Server IP and Server Port be    empty; these parameters are not    applicable for VingCard Vision      - let KDE port be 3001 11.Under Misc Settings:      - check Emulate KDE      - uncheck the rest of the checkboxes 12.Click the Set config button. Figure 2413.When the new configuration has been set in theencoder, a message as in Figure 24 will be shown.14.Disconnect the power and USB cables. 15.Connect the LAN cable to the local hub.16.Power up the encoder.
20ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-76. To factory reset the encoderThere are two ways to reset the encoder parameters to default values, e.g. if anencoder should be used at a demo installation:Press and hold the F button with a narrow instrument while powering up theencoder; see in Figure 5 where the button is located. Press Defaults and then Set config in the RFID Encoder Configuration Utility;      see below for details. The default values are also shown in Table 3. Figure 251. Click the Defaults button. Figure 262. If the default parameters should be set in theencoder, click the Set config button. Note: IfVingCard Vision is applicable, it will not be possibleto connect to the encoder after the default valueshave been set in it. In this case, the encoder mustthen be reconfigured according to section 5.2; makesure that Emulate KDE is checked in RFIDEncoder Configuration Utility.
21ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-76.1 Default parameter values Note: For a description of the encoder parameters, see Table 2. ParameterDefault valueDynamic IP address (DHCP; Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol)EnableHost IP gateway192.168.0.1Subnet mask255.255.255.0Announcement broadcastEnableServer port7799KDE port3001Emulate KDEDisableWall mountedDisableZero configEnableEPHY auto negotiateEnable                                                         Table 3: Default parameter values for the RFID encoder
22ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-77. Web interface     (only applicable for Visionline)If the parameters for the RFID encoder need to be modified to suit the network where the encoder is located, this can be done either via the configuration utility described in section 5.1 via the web interface described in the section To modify the encoder parameters.To open the web interface, http://ipaddress must be entered in a web browser.The encoder IP address is shown on the encoder display. Note: See Table 2 for a description of the encoder parameters.    7.1 To modify the encoder parametersFigure 271. Press the F button down to the right onthe back of the encoder (see Figure 5);use a narrow instrument. 2. In the web browser, enter http://ipaddress; the IP address to enter is shownon the display at startup of the encoder.See example below:         Note: If no DHCP server is available, usethe zero config IP address which is shownon the display; see section 4.1.1 for moreinformation about zero config.  3. Make the desired changes in the RFIDEncoder Setup page; see example inFigure 27.  4. If the server IP should be changed andthere is no DNS (Domain Name System):     Enter the applicable Server IP, OR mark the radio button 'Enable'      for Announcement Broadcast; this makes the encoder find the server.5. When all desired changes have been donein the RFID Encoder Setup page:      - Click Save.     - Click Reboot.- Press the F button on the encoder again   to close the web interface.
23ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Appendix A: Quick reference of technical dataDimensions, encoder (WxHxD): 83.3 x 152.0 x 42.2 mm (3 9/32" x 5 31/32" x 1 21/32")  Dimensions, card holder (WxHxD):       88.7 x 85.8 x 48.0 mm (3 1/2" x 3 3/8" x 1 57/64")Material in encoder: ABS UL 94V-0Automatic adjustment to 10 or 100MBit/s networksMaterial in card holder: PC UL 94V-0, semitransparentSeveral possibilities for powering:            - Power via PoE; power over Ethernet       Note: The RFID encoder is of PoE class 1; power range 0.44-3.84W.              - External power via adapter of 5VDC regulated voltage          - Power via USB (only applicable for Visionline) The maximum current consumption for the RFID encoder is 400 mA continuouslySound signalsIntended for indoor use only, temperature range +5ºC to +50ºCRelative humidity 10-90%; non-condensingRequired version of Visionline: 1.11.1 or higherRequired version of VingCard Vision: 5.2 or higher
24ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Appendix B: To install the USBXpress driverFigure B11. All necessary files for the USBXpressdriver are found on the Visionline CDunder Drivers/USBXpress Driver;double click on USBXpressInstaller.exe and follow theinstructions.    2. Connect the RFID encoder by USB cableto the computer.3. Go to the Device Manager in Windowsand click the plus sign in front of'Universal Serial Bus controllers'; seeFigure B1.Figure B24. In the Device Manager, double click onthe USBXpress Device and make surethat the USBXpress Device Propertiesdialog says 'This device is workingproperly' as in Figure B2.
25ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Appendix C: To upgrade firmwareTo upgrade firmware via RFID Encoder Configuration UtilityFigure C11. Double click on RFIDEncoderConfig.exe.  2. Connect the encoder to USB power; the encoder will appear in the drop-down-menu at 'USB'. 3. Select the encoder in the drop-down-menu.4. Click the Start button. 5. Click the Open button. Figure C26. Browse to the desired firmware file and click Open. Figure C37. When the firmware version has been loaded, it will be shown next to the Bootload button as shown in Figure C3.
26ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Figure C48. Click the Bootload button. Figure C59. When the bootloading has finished,a message as in Figure C5 will beshown. To upgrade firmware via SysMon (only applicable for Visionline)Figure C61. Double click on SysMon.exe in the Visionline installation folder.2. Go to View/RFID Encoders;encoders that have been connected via TCP/IP will be shown.3. Mark the applicable encoder and clickthe Set button; choose SetFirmware Files for Bootloading.  Figure C74. The dialog in Figure C7 will be shown. 5. Click the Browse button at the applicable one of ’RFIDEncoder’ or ‘RFID Encoder w extmemory’ and select the applicableencoder firmware file. 6. Click OK in the Select FirmwareFiles for Bootload dialog.
27ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Appendix D: Boot-up procedure1. When an encoder comes out of reset, it reads its IP configuration from a non-volatile memory.2. If 'Dynamic IP Address' is set to Disable (see chapter 7): the encoder sets its IP address to the address stored in the config memory. Continue at step 13 below. 3. If 'Dynamic IP Address' is set to Enable (see chapter 7): the encoder sends a DHCP Request packet with IP destination address,i.e. IP broadcast, requesting its most recently used IP address.4. If the network/subnet configuration has not changed, the DHCP server willmost likely send a DHCP ACK packet, allowing the encoder to continue to use the same IP. The DHCP server may use either IP broadcast or unicast forthis packet; broadcast is however most commonly used. Continue at step 10below. 5. If the DHCP server is unwilling to let the encoder use the same address asbefore, or if the requested IP is out of scope, it sends a DHCP NAK.6. The encoder resets its IP address to and sends a DHCP Discover packetwith IP destination address; IP broadcast.7. If a DHCP server is available, it sends a DHCP Offer packet. Since the encoderhas no valid IP address, the DHCP server must send to IP destination255.255.255.255; IP broadcast.8. The encoder receives the offer and sends a DHCP Request packet, as in step 3above, but this time requests the IP address offered by the DHCP server.9. The DHCP server sends a DHCP ACK packet, confirming that the encoder maystart using the new IP address. Unlike the ACK in step 4 above, this ACKpacket must be sent to IP destination address (IP broadcast),since the encoder has not got any confirmed IP address yet.10.The encoder performs gratuitous ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to ensurethat no other host has got the same IP.11.If IP collision is detected, the encoder sends a DHCP Decline packet whichrefuses the assigned IP address and restarts the IP acquirement procedure forthe encoder.12. New functionality, RFID encoder version 2.0.0 and later: If there is no DHCPserver available on the subnet, the encoder self-assigns an IP address from theIPv4 Local Link address space (, and sends gratuitous ARP toensure that no other host has got the same IP.13. The encoder reads the most recently used Visionline server IP address andtries to open a TCP connection to the server.14. If the TCP connection attempt fails, the encoder will continue to tryconnections to the same IP over and over again – unless it detects that thenetwork/subnet setup has changed, e.g. the encoder may have been moved toa new location. Then it will send an application specific service discoveryrequest (announcement broadcast) with IP destination address255.255.255.255; IP broadcast. 14 b. New functionality, RFID encoder version 2.0.0 and later: Even if thenetwork/subnet setup is unchanged, but long time (one hour) has elapsed
28ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7without any successful TCP connection with the Visionline server, the encoderwill start sending service discovery requests.15. If a Visionline server is on the same subnet, or if another encoder with a validTCP connection to the server is on the subnet, they will send a reply to thequerying unit, letting it know the IP address and TCP port of the Visionlineserver. The encoder then tries TCP connection to that IP.15 b. New functionality, RFID encoder version 2.0.0 and later: From the payloadsupplied in the reply (the reply is sent with IP destination address255.255.255.255, IP broadcast), the querying unit can determine if its own IPaddress properties are correct with respect to network class, default encoder IPand subnet mask. If required, it will self-assign a new IP address within thesubnet specified in the reply, and then send gratuitous ARP to ensure that noother host has got the same IP. Then it goes on and tries TCP connection to thereceived server IP address.16. New functionality, RFID encoder version 2.0.0 and later: Prior to sending theservice discovery request, the encoder tries to contact a DNS server (DomainName System), with a request for resolving the most recently used server hostname. If that name is unknown to the DNS, the encoder tries to resolve thefactory default server host name. If any of the two names renders a successfulDNS reply, the encoder uses the IP address received from the DNS server, andtries TCP connections to that address. If the factory default name is unknowntoo, or if a DNS server is not available at all, the encoder sends a servicediscovery request.Note: 14/14 b, (15/15b) and 16 will go on in a round robin way until the encoderhas reached the server.
29ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Appendix E: More about how the encoder findsthe server (Visionline only)IntroductionThis appendix describes the process of how the encoder finds the server. The solution isbased on DNS (Domain Name System) as well as on announcement broadcast, which is aproprietary implementation of zero config; see section 4.1.1 for details about zero config. Note: For more information about setting up DNS entries etc, contact the hotel ITdepartment. A general description of this cannot be made in this document, since this varies with the type of DNS server that is used.There are three challenges when the encoder is connected to the network:1. A new encoder must be able to find the server even if it is located on a separate subnet.2. The encoder must be able to locate a backup server in case the primary serverfails. The backup server is assumed to have the latest database from theprimary server.3. The above must be fulfilled even if there are multiple Visionline servers on thesame network.To commission encoders: Single server - to commission encoders with DNSMultiple servers - to commission encoders with DNSTo commission encoders without DNS  To switch to backup serverSingle server - to switch to backup server with DNSMultiple servers - to switch to backup server with DNSTo switch to backup server without DNS
30ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7To commission encoders with DNSIf the encoder is located on the same subnet as the server, the encoder will locate the server using announcement broadcast without any need for manualconfiguration. However, the normal case is that the server and the encoder arelocated on different subnets. The first encoder for each subnet requires help from the DNS to locate the server. Single server1. Add a DNS entry called timeloxserver and let its IP address be the address ofthe Visionline server to which the new encoder shall connect. The encoder willthen make a DNS query using the name timeloxserver and in this way get theIP address of the server. 2. Connect the encoder to Ethernet and wait for it to appear in the SysMonZigBee tree.Multiple serversIn the steps below, it is necessary to know the Visionline system code. To find it,double click on System settings under Reports in the Visionline navigation window.Figure D11. For each Visionline server, add a new DNS entry with the system name for the concerned server. The system name is timelox_12-character system codewithout dashes, e.g. timelox_D124BD233D13.2. In order to find the correct server at first installation, the encoders must beinstalled for one server at a time. 3. Let timeloxserver refer to the IP address of the first Visionline server. 4. When all encoders have been installed for one server, the DNS entry for timeloxserver must be changed to the IP address of the next server.5. When all encoders for the last server have been installed, the timeloxserverentry must be removed.Note: Every set of encoders that is connected with a particular Visionline server willreceive the system name of that server, once connection to the server is established.If an encoder for some reason needs to use DNS again in the future, the systemname (e.g. timelox_D124BD233D13) will "win" over the default name. When theencoder makes a DNS request, the system name will connect it to the correctVisionline server.
31ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7To commission encoders without DNS1. Connect one encoder to each subnet. Use the web interface for the encoder toconfigure the IP address of the Visionline server; see chapter 7 for details.Note: This is only needed for the first encoder for each subnet, since the otherencoders on the same subnet will retrieve the server IP address from the firstone by announcement broadcast.2. Continue adding encoders. They will automatically obtain the IP address of the Visionline server from the encoders on the same subnet that are alreadyonline with the server.To switch to backup serverSingle server - to switch to backup server with DNS1. Change the IP address of the timeloxserver entry in the DNS so it points to the backup server. The encoders will then connect to the backup server if the connection to the primary server is lost and cannot be re-established.Multiple servers - to switch to backup server with DNS1. For the concerned Visionline server, change the IP adress of the system nameentry in the DNS so it points to the backup server. The encoders will thenconnect to the backup server if the connection to the primary server is lost andcannot be re-established.To switch to backup server without DNS1. Remove the primary server from the network.2. Assign the IP address of the primary server to the backup server OR Enter the IP address of the backup server in the web interface for one encoderper subnet. Note: It will take one hour after the primary server closes itssockets until the rest of the encoders enable their announcement broadcast.
32ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7Revision historyDateChangeByMarch 8, 2012Initial versionKGApril 13, 2012Updated section Connecting via TCP/IPUpdated section Mounting kitKGOctober 17, 2012Updated section Connecting via TCP/IP Added information about the USBXpress driverUpdated screenshot 'Select Firmware Files forBootload'Added information about configuration utilityUpdated web interfaceAdded chapter about resetUpdated Quick reference of technical data withinformation about PoE class 1 and maximumcurrent consumption for the encoderRemoved information about bootloader toolAdded appendix More about how the RFIDencoder finds the server KGJanuary 25, 2013'Emulate KDE' is now implementedKGJuly 3, 2013Added information about VingCard VisionKGJanuary 13, 2014Modified chapter about web interfaceModified chapter about installing USB XpressdriverAdded chapter about boot-up procedureKGDecember 21, 2015Updated layoutKG
33ASSA ABLOY Hospitality 66 1001 001-7E-mail: apac.hospitality@assaabloy.comASSA ABLOY Hospitality APACPhone: +65 6305 7670ASSA ABLOY Hospitality EMEAASSA ABLOY Hospitality North AmericaPhone: +47 69 24 50 00E-mail: emea.hospitality@assaabloy.comE-mail: lam.hospitality@assaabloy.comPhone: +1 972 907 2273ASSA ABLOY Hospitality Latin AmericaE-mail: northam.hospitality@assaabloy.comPhone: +52 55 36 40 12

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