ARRIS Group TG862 Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway User Manual FCC Part 15

ARRIS Group, Inc. Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway FCC Part 15


    5015 B.U. Bowman Drive  Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598   Certification Exhibit     FCC ID:  UIDTG862 IC: 6670A-TG862  FCC Rule Part: 15.247 IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210  ACS Project Number:  11-0038   Manufacturer: ARRIS International, Inc. Model: TG862G, TG862G/CT     Manual
Touchstone®TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideGet ready to experience the Internet’s express lane! Whether you’re checking outstreaming media, downloading new software, checking your email, or talking withfriends on the phone, the Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway brings it all to youfaster and more reliably. All while providing toll quality Voice over IP telephone ser -vice and both wired and wireless connectivity. It also provides a Lithi um-Ion bat-tery backup to provide continued telephone service during power outages.The Touchstone Telephony Gateway provides four Ethernet connections for use asthe hub of your home/office Local Area Network (LAN). The Touchstone TelephonyGateway also provides 802.11b/g/n wireless connectivity for enhanced mobility andversatility. In addition, the Touchstone Telephony Gateway provides for up to twoseparate lines of telephone service.Installation is simple and your cable company will provide assistance to you for anyspecial requirements. The links below provide more detailed instructions.Safety RequirementsGetting StartedBattery Installation and RemovalInstalling and Connecting Your Telephony GatewayConfiguring Your Ethernet ConnectionUsing the Telephony GatewayTroubleshootingGlossary
Export RegulationsThis product may not be exported outside the U.S. and Canada without U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Admin istration au-thorization. Any export or re-export by the purchaser, directly or indirectly, in contravention of U.S. Export Adminis tration Regulation is prohib-ited.Copyright © 2011 ARRIS. All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recom mendations inthis document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsi-bility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this docu ment is proprietary to ARRIS.ARRIS, Touchstone, and the ARRIS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARRIS Group. All other trademarks and reg istered trade-marks are the property of their respective holders.Protected under one or more of the following U.S. patents: 7,031,435; 7,100,011. Other patents pending.ARSVD01367Release 8 Standard 1.0 June 2011
Safety RequirementsARRIS Telephony Gateways comply with the applicable requirements for perform-ance, construction, labeling, and information when used as outlined below:CAUTIONRisk of shockMains voltages inside this unit. No user serviceable parts inside. Referservice to qualified personnel only!CAUTIONPotential equipment damagePotential loss of serviceConnecting the Telephony Gateway to existing telephone wiring shouldonly be performed by a professional installer. Physical connections tothe previous telephone provider must be removed and the wiring mustbe checked; there must not be any voltages. Cancellation of telephoneservice is not adequate. Failure to do so may result in loss of serviceand/or permanent damage to the Telephony Gateway.CAUTIONRisk of explosionReplacing the battery with an incorrect type, heating a battery above75°C, or incinerating a battery, can cause product failure and a risk offire or battery explosion. Do not dispose of in fire. Recycle or disposeof used batteries responsibly and in accordance with local ordinances.• The Telephony Gateway is designed to be connected directly to a telephone.• Connecting the Telephony Gateway to the home’s existing tele phone wiringshould only be performed by a professional in staller.• Do not use product near water (i.e. wet basement, bathtub, sink or near aswimming pool, etc.), to avoid risk of electrocu tion.• Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary3
• The product shall be cleaned using only a damp, lint-free, cloth.  No sol-vents or cleaning agents shall be used.• Avoid using and/or connecting the equipment during an electri cal storm, toavoid risk of electrocution.• Do not locate the equipment within 6 feet (1.9 m) of a flame or ignitionsource (i.e. heat registers, space heaters, fireplaces, etc.).• Use only power supply and power cord included with the equip ment.• Equipment should be installed near the power outlet and should be easily accessible.• The shield of the coaxial cable must be connected to earth (grounded) at theentrance to the building in accordance with applicable national electrical in-stallation codes. In the U.S., this is required by NFPA 70 (National ElectricalCode) Article 820. In the European Union and in certain other countries,CATV instal lation equipotential bonding requirements are specified in IEC60728-11, Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interac-tive services, Part 11: Safety. This equipment is in tended to be installed inaccordance with the requirements of IEC 60728-11 for safe operation.If the equipment is to be installed in an area serviced by an IT power linenetwork, as is found in many areas of Norway, spe cial attention should begiven that the installation is in accor dance with IEC 60728-11, in particularAnnex B and Figure B.4.• In areas of high surge events or poor grounding situations and areas proneto  lightning  strikes,  additional  surge  protection  may  be  required  (i.e.PF11VNT3 from American Power Conver sion) on the AC, RF, Ethernet andPhone lines.• When the Telephony Gateway is connected to a local computer through Eth-ernet cables, the computer must be proper ly grounded to the building/res-idence AC ground network. All plug-in cards within the computer must beproperly installed and grounded to the computer frame per the manufac-turer’s specifications.• Ensure proper ventillation. Position the Telephony Gateway so that air flowsfreely around it and the ventillation holes on the unit are not blocked.• Do not mount the Telephony Gateway on surfaces that are sensitive to heatand/or which may be damaged by the heat generated by the modem, itspower supply, or other accessories.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary4
FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for aClass B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission(FCC) rules. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in ac-cordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-cations.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fol-lowing measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to whichthe receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party re-sponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary5General Statements (For all devices):Warning: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by  ARRIS Group,Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.“This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cmbetween the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
Industry Canada Specific Statements:Radio apparatus shall comply with the requirements to include required notices or statementsto the user of equipment with each unit of equipment model offered for sale.The required notices are specified in the RSS documents (including RSS-Gen) applicable tothe equipment model. These notices are required to be shown in a conspicuous location in theuser manual for the equipment, or to be displayed on the equipment model. If more than onenotice is required, the equipment model(s) to which each notice pertains should be identified.Suppliers of radio apparatus shall provide notices and user information in both English andFrench.Additional information may be required based on the specific radio characteristics.While this information section applies generally only to license-exempt radio apparatus, variousrequirements in this section may also be specified in some RSSs for radio apparatus subject tolicensing.User manuals for transmitters shall display the following notice in a conspicuous location:Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna ofa type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessaryfor successful communication.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation issubjectto the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of thedevice.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil nedoit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillageradioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peutfonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pourl'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillageradioélectrique àl'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que lapuissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire àl'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.
European ComplianceThis  product  complies  with  the  provisions of  the  Electromagnetic  Com patibility(EMC) Directive (89/336/EEC), the Amending Directive (92/31/EEC), the Low Volt-age Directive (73/23/EEC), and the CE Marking Directive (93/68/EEC). As such,this product bears the CE marking in accordance with the above applicable Direc-tive(s).A copy of the Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from: ARRIS Interna-tional, Inc., 3871 Lakefield Drive, Suite 300, Suwanee, GA 30024.As indicated by this symbol, disposal of this prod uct or batteryis governed by Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliamentand of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE). WEEE could potentially prove harmful to the environ-ment; as such, upon disposal of the Telephony Gateway the Di-rective  requires  that  this  product  must  not  be  disposed  asunsorted munic ipal waste, but rather collected separately anddis posed of in accordance with local WEEE ordinances.This product complies with directive 2002/95/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restrictionof the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS) in electrical andelectronic equip ment.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary6
Getting StartedAbout Your New Telephony GatewayThe Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway is DOCSIS compliant with the followingfeatures:• Speed: much faster than dialup or ISDN service; up to eight times fasterthan DOCSIS 2.0 cable modems.• Convenience: supports Ethernet and 802.11b/g/n wireless connections; bothcan be used simultaneously• Flexibility: provides two independent lines of telephone service as well ashigh speed data• Compatibility: – Data services: DOCSIS  3.0 compliant and  backward-compatible withDOCSIS 2.0 or 1.1; supports tiered data services (if offered by yourcable  company)– Telephony services: PacketCable™ 1.5 or 1.0 compliantThe TG862 provides:• Wireless 802.11b/g/n connectivity• Four Ethernet ports for connections to non-wireless devices• Up to two lines of telephone service• DOCSIS 3.0 compliant with Li-Ion backup battery• One USB host port (future support for external USB devices)What’s in the Box?Make sure you have the following items before proceeding. Call your cable companyfor assistance if anything is missing.• Telephony Gateway• Power Cord• BatteryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary7
Coax Cable8SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s Guide• Wall-Mounting Template and Instructions• Quick Installation Guide• Ethernet Cable• Mini CD-ROM (80mm)Note: An adapter is required for slot-loading drives. Adapter is not included.• End User License AgreementWhat’s on the CD?The CD provides the following items:• Quick Install Guide• User’s GuideItems You NeedIf you are installing the Telephony Gateway yourself, make sure you have the fol-low ing items on hand before continuing:•Telephony Gateway package: see What’s in the Box? for a list of itemsin the  package.•Coaxial cable (coax): as shown in the image to the left, this is a roundcable with a connector on each end. It is the same kind of wire used to con-nect to your television for cable TV. You can buy coax from any electronicsretailer and many discount stores; make sure it has connectors on bothends. There are two types of connectors, slip-on and screw-on; the screw-on  connectors  are  best  for  use  with  your  Telephony  Gateway.  The  coaxshould be long enough to reach from your Telephony Gateway to the near-est cable outlet.•Phone Cable: as shown in the image to the left, this is a standard phonecable with standard phone connectors (RJ11 type) on both ends. You canbuy phone cables from any electronics retailer and many discount stores. •Splitter (optional): provides an extra cable connection by splitting a sin-gle outlet into two. You may need a splitter if you have a TV already con-nected to the cable outlet that you want to use. You can buy a splitter fromPhone Cable
any electronics retailer and most discount stores; you may also need a shortpiece of coax cable (with connectors); use it to connect the splitter to thecable outlet and then connect the Telephony Gateway and TV to the splitter.Note: A splitter effectively cuts the signal in half and sends each half to itstwo outputs. Using several splitters in a line may deteriorate the quality ofyour television, telephone, and/or internet connection.•Wall-mount hardware (optional): if you want to wall-mount your Tele-phony Gateway, you need to obtain two drywall anchors or wood screws.See the Wall-Mount Template and Instructions for more details.•Information packet: your cable company should furnish you with a packetcontaining information about your service and how to set it up. Read this in-formation carefully and contact your cable company if you have any ques-tions.Getting ServiceBefore trying to use your new Telephony Gateway, contact your local cable companyto establish an Internet account and telephone service. When you call, have thefol lowing information ready:• the Telephony Gateway serial number and cable MAC addresses of the unit(printed on a sticker on the bottom of the Telephony Gateway)• the model number of the Telephony GatewayIf the Telephony Gateway was provided by your cable company, they already havethe required information.In addition, you should ask your cable company the following questions:• Do you have any special system requirements or files that I need to down-load after I am connected?• When can I start using my Telephony Gateway?• Do I need a user ID or password to access the Internet or my e-mail?• Will my phone number(s) change?• What new calling features will I have and how do I use them?Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary9
10SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSystem RequirementsThe Touchstone Telephony Gateway operates with most computers. The followingdescribes requirements for each operating system; see the documentation for yoursystem for details on enabling and configuring networking.To use the Telephony Gateway, you need DOCSIS high-speed Internet service fromyour cable company. Telephone service requires that the cable company has Pack-etCable support.Recommended HardwareThe following hardware configuration is recommended. Computers not meeting thisconfiguration can still work with the TG862, but may not be able to make maximumuse of TG862 throughput.• CPU: P4, 3GHz or faster• RAM: 1GB or greater• Hard drive: 7200 RPM or faster• Ethernet: Gig-E (1000BaseT)WindowsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. A supported Ethernetor wireless LAN connection must be available.MacOSSystem 7.5 to MacOS 9.2 (Open Transport recommended) or MacOS X. A supportedEthernet or wireless LAN connection must be available.Linux/other UnixHardware drivers, TCP/IP, and DHCP must be enabled in the kernel. A supportedEthernet or wireless LAN connection must be available.
About this ManualThis manual covers the Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway. The model numberis on the label affixed to the Telephony Gateway.  See the image at the left.What About Security?Having  a  high-speed,  always-on  connection  to  the  Internet  requires  a  certainamount of responsibility to other Internet users—including the need to maintain areasonably secure system. While no system is 100% secure, you can use the fol-lowing tips to enhance your system’s security:• Keep your operating system updated with the latest security patches. Runthe system update utility at least weekly.• Keep your email program updated with the latest security patches. In addi-tion,  avoid  opening  email  containing  attachments,  or  opening  files  sentthrough chat rooms, whenever possible.• Install a virus checker and keep it updated.• Avoid providing web or file-sharing services over your Telephony Gateway.Besides certain vulnerability problems, most cable companies prohibit run-ning servers on consumer-level accounts and may suspend your account forviolating your terms of service.• Use the cable company’s mail servers for sending email.• Avoid using proxy software unless you are certain that it is not open forabuse by other Internet users (some are shipped open by  default). Crimi-nals can take advantage of open proxies to hide their identity when break-ing into other computers or sending spam. If you have an open proxy, yourca ble company may suspend your account to protect the rest of the net-work.• The TG862 ships with wireless LAN security set by default (for the same rea-sons that you should run only secured proxies). See the security label onyour product (shown on image at the left) for the factory security settings.If you need to modify the default wireless security settings, see ConfiguringYour Wireless Connection.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary11       DANGER®Model NumberReset USB Telephone Ethernet10/100/1000Cable1/222143SecurityLabel
Ethernet Cable12SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideEthernet or Wireless?There are two ways to connect your computer (or other equipment) to the Tele-phony Gateway. The following will help you decide which is best for you:EthernetEthernet is a standard method of connecting two or more computers into a LocalArea Network (LAN). You can use the Ethernet connection if your computer hasbuilt-in Ethernet hardware.Note: To connect more than four computers to the TG862 through the Ether-net ports, you need an Ethernet hub (available at computer retail ers).The Telephony Gateway package comes with one 6-foot (1.9m) Ethernet cable (theconnectors look like wide telephone connectors); you can purchase more cables ifnecessary at a computer retailer. If you are connecting the Telephony Gateway di-rectly to a computer, or to an Ethernet hub with a cross-over switch, ask for Cate-gory 5e (CAT5e) straight-through cable. CAT5e cable is required for gigabit Ethernet(Gig-E), not regular CAT5 cable.WirelessWireless access lets you connect additional (wireless-capable) devices to TelephonyGateway. The 802.11 wireless LAN standard allows one or more computers to ac-cess the TG862 using a wireless (radio) signal. These connections are in addition tothe connections supported via Ethernet.Note: You can use the wireless connection if your computer has a built-in or af-termarket wireless card. To learn more about which wireless hardwareworks best with your com puter, see your computer dealer.BothIf you have two or more computers, you can use Ethernet for up to four devices andwireless for the others.  To connect five or more computers to the Ethernet ports,you will need an Ethernet hub (available at computer retailers.)
Battery Installation and RemovalThe TG862 Telephony Gateway supports a Lithium-Ion backup battery to providebackup in the event of a local power loss. The battery backup is not intended to takethe place of AC power.Note: For safety and regulatory purposes, batteries are shipped outside of theTelephony Gateway and must be installed.The TG862 supports the following battery models:•Basic backup battery — provides up to 5 hours (black) or 8 hours (grey)of backup time, depending on your Telephony Gateway model and usage. Itmay be light grey (recommended battery) or black.Basic Battery Installation and Replacement•Extended backup battery — provides up to 12 hours of backup time, de-pending on model and usage. It has a strap between the battery guides.Extended Battery Installation and ReplacementYour cable company may include a backup battery with your Telephony Gateway.You can order any of the batteries shown here at TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary13Basic Backup Battery (black)Basic Backup Battery (grey)Extended Backup Battery
TG862 Basic Battery Installation and ReplacementThis model of the Telephony Gateway has the ability to provide battery backup inthe event of a local power loss. The battery backup is not intended to take the placeof AC power.Use this procedure to install and to replace the backup battery.1Press down and pull back on the latch holding the battery door (on the bot-tom of the Telephony Gateway). Pull the door toward you. Set the door asidein a safe place.CAUTIONRisk of equipment damageImproperly inserting the battery may damage the battery connector inthe Telephony Gateway. Carefully follow the instructions in the nextstep to avoid damage.2Hold the battery pack so that the guides on the battery align with the slotson the Telephony Gateway and slide the battery into the bay. The diagramon the left shows the proper orientation.Note: Batteries will not insert completely into the Telephony Gateway if notoriented correctly. The battery should slide into the bay without significantforce. Line up the guides on the battery with the slots in the battery bay.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary14Latch EndBattery SlotsBattery Guides
3Push the battery pack into the bay until it seats into place. If you are tak-ing the battery out of the Telephony Gateway, position your fingerin the battery opening area and use leverage to dislodge the batterywhile pulling it straight back.Note: The Telephony Gateway will not begin operating until you apply ACpower.4Replace the door. To do so, place the hinge tabs of the battery door into thereceiver slots inside the Telephony Gateway battery compartment on the opposite end of the battery opening. Rotate the door toward the unit untilthe latch snaps back into place.Note: Telephony Gateways use a Lithium-Ion battery pack. Please recycleor dispose  of  the  battery  responsibly  and  in  accordance  with local  ordi-nances.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary15BatteryCompartmentReceiverSlotsHinge Tabs
TG862 Extended Battery Installation and Replace-mentUse this procedure to install or replace the backup battery.1Press down and pull back on the latch holding the battery door (on the bot-tom of the Telephony Gateway). Pull the door toward you. Set the door asidein a safe place.CAUTIONRisk of equipment damageImproperly inserting the battery may damage the battery connector inthe Telephony Gateway. Carefully follow the instructions in the nextstep to avoid damage.2Hold the battery pack so that the guides on the battery align with the slotson the Telephony Gateway and slide the battery into the bay. The diagramon the left shows the proper orientation.Note: Batteries will not insert completely into the Telephony Gateway if notoriented correctly. The battery should slide into the bay without significantforce. Line up the slots in the battery bay with the guides on the batteryand apply even pressure on both ends of the battery.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary16BatteryPull StrapBattery GuidesBattery SlotsWRONG WRONG RIGHTLatch End
3Push the battery pack into the bay until it latches into place. If you aretaking the battery out of the Telephony Gateway, use the batterypull strap to dislodge the battery.Note: The Telephony Gateway will not begin operating until you apply ACpower.4Replace the door. To do so, place the tabs of the battery door into the slotinside the Telephony Gateway battery compartment. Rotate the door towardthe front of the Telephony Gateway until the latch snaps back into place.Note: Telephony Gateways use a Lithium-Ion battery pack. Please recycleor dispose  of  the  battery  responsibly  and  in  accordance  with local  ordi-nances.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary17BatteryCompartmentReceiverSlotsHinge Tabs
Installing and Connecting YourTelephony GatewayBefore you start, make sure that:• You have contacted your cable company and verified that they provide dataand telephone service using standard DOCSIS technology.• You have all the items you need.• Cable, phone, and power outlets are available near the computer. If a cableoutlet is not conveniently located, your cable company can install a new one.If you have ordered service, your cable company should configure the TelephonyGateway automatically. You need only follow the instructions in this section to in-stall and connect the Telephony Gateway.CAUTIONRisk of equipment damageOnly  qualified  installation  technicians  should  connect  the  TelephonyGateway to house wiring. Incumbent telephone service must be physi-cally  disconnected  at  the  outside  interface  box  before  making  anyconnections.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary18
Reset USB Telephone Ethernet10/100/1000Cable1/222143ACBDFEHGPowerEthernetDSUSOnlineWiFiSecureTel 1BatteryTel 2TG862BECAD F H JG I19SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideFront PanelThe front of the Telephony Gateway has the following indicators:A Battery: indicates the battery status.B Tel 2: indicates the status of telephone line 2.C Tel 1: indicates the status of telephone line 1.D Secure: indicates Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) is active. E WiFi: indicates the status of the wireless LAN.F Ethernet: indicates Ethernet connectivity between the Telephony Gatewayand computers.G Online: indicates internet data transmission status.H US: indicates upstream connectivity.I DS: indicates downstream connectivity.J Power: indicates whether AC power is available to the unit.Rear PanelThe rear of the Telephony Gateway has the following connectors and controls:A WPS button: begins associating the Telephony Gateway with a wireless de-vice.B Reset button: resets the Telephony Gateway as if you power cycled the unit.Use a pointed non-metallic object to press this button.C USB: USB host connector - future support for external USB devicesD Telephone 1/2: connector for the first phone line (or both lines of a 2-linephone).E Telephone 2: connector for the second phone line.F Ethernet (1 - 4): connectors for use with a computer LAN port.G Cable: connector for the coaxial cable.H Power: connector for the power cord.
Selecting an Installation LocationThere are a number of factors to consider when choosing a location to install yourTelephony Gateway:• Is an AC outlet available nearby? For best results, the outlet should not beswitched and should be close enough to the Telephony Gateway that exten-sion cords are not required.• Is a cable jack available? For best performance, keep the number of split-ters between the jack and cable drop to a minimum. Each splitter attenuates(re duces) the signal available to the Telephony Gateway. A large number ofsplit ters can slow down the Internet connection and even affect your tele-phone service.• Can you easily run cables between the Telephony Gateway’s location andthe phones?• If you are connecting devices to the Ethernet ports, can you easily run ca-bles between the Telephony Gateway’s location and those devices?• If you want to mount the Telephony Gateway on a wall, does the locationpro vide a solid surface for secure attachment? For best results when mount-ing the Telephony Gateway on drywall, position the Telephony Gateway soat least one of the screws are fastened to a stud. This may prevent the Tele-phony Gateway from pulling out of the wall in the future.• If you want to install the Telephony Gateway on a desktop, is there enoughspace on either side to keep the vents clear? Blocking the vents may causeoverheating.• How close are your wireless devices? The Telephony Gateway wireless con-nection range is typically 100–200 feet (30m–65m). A number of factorscan affect connection range, as described below.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary20
Factors Affecting Wireless RangeA number of factors can affect the usable range for wireless connections.Note: Note that decreasing the range of your wireless network may be bene-ficial, as long as the decreased range is sufficient for your needs. By lim-iting your network’s range, you reduce interference with other networksand make it harder for unwant ed users to find and connect to your net-work.Note: Setting the trasmit power level to High increases the range.  Setting itto Medium or Low decreases the range proportionately.Increases range: • Raising the unit above the devices (for example, in-stalling the Telephony Gateway in the upper floor of amulti-story dwelling)Decreases range: • Lowering the unit below the devices (for example, in-stalling the Telephony Gateway in a basement)• Metal or concrete walls between the Telephony Gate-way and other devices• Large metal appliances, aquariums, or metal cabinetsbetween the Telephony Gateway and other devices• Interference and RF noise (2.4 GHz wireless phones,microwave ovens, or other wireless networks)Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary21
Step 1 Step 2Step 3 Step 422SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideMounting the Telephony GatewayYou can either mount the Telephony Gateway on a wall or place it on a desktop.For wall-mount applications, you can mount the Telephony Gateway with the indi-cators facing upward (vertical) or to the side (horizontal).Tools and MaterialsFor wall-mounted installations, make sure you have the following tools and mate-rials before proceeding:• for mounting on drywall: Two 1/4” (6mm) drywall anchors (not included),two #6 x 1.5” (38.1 mm) self-tapping panhead screws (not included), anda drill with 1/4” (6mm) bit (not included)• for mounting on plywood or studs: two #6 x 1.5” (38.1 mm) self-tappingpanhead wood screws (not included)• screwdriver (flat-blade or Phillips, depending on what kind of screws youuse)• wall-mount template (included)• transparent tape: for temporarily securing the mounting template to the wall(not included)LocationAlways position the Telephony Gateway:• within reach of an AC outlet. The power cord must reach the outlet withoutstretching and without adding extension cords.• near a cable outlet (to avoid long cable runs).InstructionsWall-mounting instructionsNote: When mounting the Telephony Gateway on drywall, try to position theTelephony Gateway so at least one of the screws is fastened to a stud.This may prevent the Telephony Gateway from pulling out of the wall inthe future. To prevent overheating of the Telephony Gateway, do notblock the ventilation holes on the sides of the unit.
23SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s Guide1Position the mounting template on the surface where you intend to mountthe Telephony Gateway and secure in place with transparent tape.2Drill holes through the template in the specified locations for the mountingscrews. After drilling holes, remove the template from the surface.3If using drywall anchors, set them into the wall. Then, drive the screws intothe wall leaving a gap of about 1/8” (3 mm) between the screw head andthe wall. If not using anchors, just drive the screws.4Orient the Telephony Gateway with the indicator lights facing up or right, asdesired. Slip both mounting slots (in the back of the Telephony Gateway)over the screws, then slide the case down until the narrow end of the key-hole slot contacts the screw shaft.5Proceed to Connecting the Telephony Gateway.Desktop mounting instructions1Position the Telephony Gateway so that:• air flows freely around it• the back faces the nearest wall• it will not fall to the floor if bumped or moved• the ventilation holes on the side of the unit are not blocked.2Proceed to Connecting the Telephony Gateway.
Connecting the Telephony GatewayWARNINGRisk of injury or equipment damageConnecting the Telephony Gateway to the home’s existing telephonewiring should only be performed by a professional installer. Physical con-nections to the previous telephone provider must be removed and thewiring must be checked; there must not be any voltage. Cancellation oftelephone service is not adequate. Failure to do so may result in loss ofservice and/or permanent damage to the Telephony Gateway.1Connect one end of the coax cable to the cable outlet or splitter, and theother end to the Telephony Gateway’s Cable connector (G). Tighten the con-nections by hand, then tighten an additional 1/8 turn with a wrench.Note: For best performance, use high-quality coax cable and minimize oreliminate splitters between the cable jack and the Telephony Gateway.2Insert the plug from the power cord into the Power connector on the backof the Telephony Gateway (H) and insert the power cord into a convenientAC outlet.The Power light on the front of the Telephony Gateway lights up, then flashesonce (refer to the LED tables shown in Using the Telephony Gateway). SeeTroubleshooting if the Power light does not turn on.3Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to any Ethernet port on the back ofthe Telephony Gateway, (F) and the other end to the Ethernet port on acom puter, hub, or broadband router.Note: If you are connecting to a computer, use the Ethernet cable includedin the Telephony Gateway package.4Connect one end of the telephone cable to the telephone port on the backof the Telephony Gateway (Dor E). Connect the other end to the telephone.Note: If you have a phone with two separate lines on a single RJ-14 cord,plug it into the connector labeled “Telephone 1/2”.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary24Reset USB Telephone Ethernet10/100/1000Cable1/222143ACBDFEHG
Configuring Your Wireless ConnectionThe TG862 ships with wireless LAN security set by default. See the security labelon your product (shown on image at the left) for the factory security settings: net-work name (SSID), encryption method, network key, and WPS PIN.Note: You must set up your computer and other client devices to workwith the security settings on the TG862. Refer to the documen-tation for your client device for instructions on setting security.On most computer systems you only need to select the networkname (SSID) device and enter the encryption key. If your com-puter or client device supports WiFi Alliance WPS (Wireless Pro-tected Setup), activate WPS on your computer or client deviceand the TG862 simultaneously to easily set up your system se-curity.If you need to modify the Telephony Gateway’s default wireless security settings,or if you want to configure any other wireless LAN settings, refer to the followinginstructions.Accessing the Configuration InterfaceFollow these steps to access the configuration interface. You should have already setup the TG862 as described in Installing and Connecting Your Telephony Gateway.1 a) If security has been properly set up on your computer to access the wire-less LAN on the TG862, use the connection utility for your operating systemto connect to the wireless LAN using its network name (SSID), as shown onthe security label.b) If you cannot access the wireless LAN, you must first establish a wiredEthernet connection between your computer and the TG862.2In your web browser, open the page to access thewireless router setup.The Login screen displays.Note: The default user name is “admin”. The default password is “pass-word”, in lower case letters.3Enter the user name and password and click the Apply button to log in.The System Basic Setup screen displays.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary25Reset USB Telephone Ethernet10/100/1000Cable1/222143SecurityLabel
4Use the online help information to set configuration parameters as required.Note: Most configuration parameters that you may want to set can be accessedon the System Basic Setup screen, including the security mode and set-ting a system password.Setting Parental ControlsThe Parental Control feature allows you to block specified keywords and web sitesfrom  being  accessed  and  also  to  specify  trusted  computers  in  the  network. Trusted computers are not affected by the parental control settings.Follow these steps to set up your Parental Controls:1Access  and  log  into  the  wireless  configuration  interface  as  explained  in Accessing the Configuration Interface.2Click the Firewall tab and then click Parental Controls in the side menuto display the Parental Controls screen.3Check the Enable Parental Controls checkbox and click the Apply button.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary26
4Configure any or all of the following parental controls:Trusted MAC Addresses:Enter the MAC addresses of any “trusted” computers on the network andclick the Apply button. You can add two trusted computers. Once added,these trusted computers will not be affected by the parental control settings.For example, you may want the computers of the father and mother to betrusted, while the childrens’ computers have parental controls in effect.Note: Refer to the “Finding the MAC Address of a Computer” sidebar for in-formation on determining the MAC address of your computer.Keyword and Web Site Filtering:You can add a list of keywords and web sites that you want to block. To adda keyword or web site to the list, click the respective Add button. To deletea keyword or web site from the list, first click its check box and then clickthe Delete button.Adding a Keyword or Web Site Filtera) Enter the keyword in the Keyword field or web site URL address in theWeb Site field.b) Set the start day and end day for the blocked access. (Sun until Sun in-dicates all week, or just click the All Week checkbox.)c) Set  the  start  time  and  end  time  during  the  specified  days  (24-hourclock). (0:00 until 0:00 indicates all day, or just click the All Day check-box.)d) Click the Add Keyword Filter or Add Web Site Filter button respec-tively. Then click the Apply button.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary27Add Keyword Filter Add Web Site FilterFinding the MAC Address of a ComputerUse the operating system of your computer to find itsMAC address, as follows:Windows:  from  the  Start  menu,  find  and  select  theControl  Panel.  Double-click  Network  Connections(Windows XP), or Network &  Sharing Center (Win-dows  Vista  or  Windows  7).  Then  double-click  either“Wireless Network Connection” for a wireless connection,or “Local Area Connection” for an Ethernet connection.Next click the Details button (Windows Vista or Windows7), or click the Support tab and then the Details button(Windows  XP).  The  “Physical  Address”  line  shows  theMAC address.MacOS X: open System Preferences and click the Net-work  icon.  To  find  the  Ethernet  MAC  address,  selectBuilt-in Ethernet from the Show drop-down, then clickthe Ethernet tab. The “Ethernet ID” field shows the MACaddress. To find the wireless MAC address, select Air-port from the Show drop-down, then click the Airporttab. The “Airport ID” field shows the MAC address.Linux: open a shell window and type /sbin/ifconfig(and press Enter). The wireless interface is eth1 (unlessthere is no Ethernet adapter, in which case the interfaceis eth0).
Configuring Your Ethernet ConnectionIf your computer is equipped with a LAN card providing an Ethernet connection,you may have to configure your computer’s TCP/IP settings. The steps that followwill guide you through setting your computer’s TCP/IP settings to work with the Telephony Gateway.RequirementsMake sure you have the following before attempting to configure your Ethernet con-nection:• Computer with:— one  of:  Windows  2000,  Windows  XP,  Windows  Vista,  Windows  7,  orMacOS X— Ethernet interface• Ethernet cable (supplied)• IP address, subnet, gateway, and DNS information for installations not usingDHCPHow to use this chapterThe following list shows the procedures for modifying the TCP/IP settings on thecomputer. The procedure is slightly different depending on the operating systemthat you are using. Please ensure you are using the correct steps for the operatingsystem on your computer. Follow the links below for instructions to configure yourEthernet connection on your operating system.•TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 2000•TCP/IP Configuration for Windows XP•TCP/IP Configuration for Windows Vista•TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 7•TCP/IP Configuration for MacOS XTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary28
TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 2000Follow these steps to configure the Ethernet interface on a Windows 2000 operat-ing system.Note: Dialog boxes shown on your computer may differ slightly from thoseshown in this procedure.1From the computer, select Start > Settings > Network and Dial-up Con-nections > Local Area Connection.2In the Local Area Connections Properties window, highlight TCP/IP by click-ing on it one time, then click on Properties.Note: If your computer has more than one Ethernet card, you may have toselect the appropriate Ethernet card in the Connect using: area of the LocalArea Connection Properties window.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary29
3Click Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server ad-dress automatically, then click OK.4Click OK to accept the new settings, and OK again to close the Configura-tion window.5You may have to restart your computer in order for your computer to obtaina new IP address from the network.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary30
TCP/IP Configuration for Windows XPFollow these steps to configure the Ethernet interface on a Windows XP operatingsystem.TCP/IPv6 Note: This procedure shows the configuration of TCP/IPv4.  TCP/IPv6is  not  installed  or  enabled  by  default  in  Windows  XP.    If  your  cableprovider requires TCP/IPv6 you must first install and enable it on yourWindows XP system.  Refer to Microsoft support materials on WindowsXP for installation instructions.  Once installed and enabled, follow thissame  configuration  example,  but  select  TCP/IPv6  at  the  appropriatestep.Note: Dialog boxes shown on your computer may differ slightly from thoseshown in this procedure.1From the computer, select Start > Settings > Control Panel and double-click Network Connections in the Control Panel.The Network Connection window displays a list of LAN connections and as-sociated network adapters.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary31
2Double-click the local area connection to be used for your device’s networkconnection.The Local Area Connection Status widow displays.3Click Properties.4Select TCP/IP by clicking it one time. Then click Properties.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary32
5Click the General tab. Then click Obtain an IP address automaticallyand click OK.6Click OK to accept the new settings, and OK again to close the Propertieswindow.7You may have to restart your computer in order for your computer to obtaina new IP address from the network.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary33
TCP/IP Configuration for Windows VistaFollow these steps to configure the Ethernet interface on a Windows Vista operat-ing system1Open the Vista Control Panel.2Double-click Network and Sharing Center to display the Network andSharing Center window.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary34
3Click Manage network connections. If prompted for a connection, chooseLocal Area Connection.The Network Connections window displays.4Double-click the Local Area Connection to open the Properties window:Note: If Windows requests permission to continue, click Continue.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary35TCP/IPv4 Selected TCP/IPv6 Selected
5Double-click  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/IPv4) to  configureTCP/IPv4.Note: If your cable provider requires TCP/IP version 6, double-click Inter-net Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) to configure TCP/IPv6.The TCP/IP properties window for the version you selected displays.6For either TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6, select Obtain an IP address automati-cally and Obtain DNS server  address automatically, unless instructedotherwise by your cable provider.7Click OK to accept the new settings and close the Properties window.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary36TCP/IPv6 PropertiesTCP/IPv4 Properties
TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 7Follow these steps to configure the Ethernet interface on a Windows 7 operatingsystem.1Open the Windows 7 Control Panel.2Click Network and Internet.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary37
3Click Network and Sharing Center.4Click Local Area Connection to open the Status window.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary38
5Click Properties to open the Properties window.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary39TCP/IPv4 Selected TCP/IPv6 Selected
6Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties toconfigure TCP/IPv4.Note: If your cable provider requires TCP/IP version 6, select Internet Pro-tocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and click Properties to configure TCP/IPv6.The TCP/IP properties window for the version you selected displays.7For either TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6, select Obtain an IP address automati-cally and Obtain DNS server  address automatically, unless instructedotherwise by your cable provider.8Click OK to accept the new settings and close the Properties window. Thenclick Close to back out of the remaining setup screens.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary40TCP/IPv4 Properties TCP/IPv6 Properties
TCP/IP Configuration for MacOS XFollow these steps to configure the Ethernet interface on a MacOS X operating sys-tem.1Open System Preferences, either by choosing System Preferences from theApple menu or by clicking the System Preferences icon in the dock.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary41
2Click the Network icon.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary42
3Choose Automatic from the Location drop-down menu, and Built-in Eth-ernet from the Show menu.4Choose the TCP/IP tab, if necessary.If you are using TCP/IPv4, go to step 5.If your cable provider requires TCP/IPv6, go to step 8.5Choose Using DHCP from the Configure IPv4 menu.6If necessary, click the Renew DHCP Lease button.7Close the System Properties application.TCP/IPv4 configuration is completed.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary43
8If you are using TCP/IPv6, click Configure IPv6 near the bottom of the pre-vious window.9Choose Automatically from the Configure IPv6 drop-down menu and clickOK.10 Close the System Properties application.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary44
45SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideUsing the Telephony GatewayThis chapter describes the controls and features available on the Touchstone Tele-phony Gateway, and covers basic troubleshooting procedures.•Setting up Your Computer to Use the Telephony Gateway•Indicator Lights for the TG862•Using the Reset ButtonSetting up Your Computer to Use the TelephonyGatewayFollow the instructions in the information packet supplied by your cable company.Contact your cable company if you need help setting up your computer.
PowerEthernetDSUSOnlineWiFiSecureTel 1BatteryTel 2TG86246SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideIndicator Lights for the TG862The Touchstone Telephony Gateway has ten LED indicator lights to assist in trou-ble shooting.Wiring ProblemsIf the Telephony Gateway begins flashing all its lights for more than 10 seconds, thisindicates a problem with the telephone wiring — the red and green wires may beshorted (touching), or there may be undesired voltage on the lines. If this patternpersists for more than 10 seconds, disconnect the telephone lines from the Tele-phony Gateway, then call a wiring technician for assistance.Patterns: Normal Operation (LAN and Telephone)The following table shows light patterns for the Ethernet and wireless LANs, and thetelephones, during normal operation.Mode Ethernet WiFi Tel 1 / Tel 2AC PowerOn = ComputerConnectedOff = Computernot connectedFlash = Com-puter ActivityOn = WiFi EnabledOff = WiFi DisabledFlash = Computer ActivityOn = On-hookFlash = Off-hookOff = disabledNo AC Power Off OffOn = On-hookFlash = Off-hookOff = disabledFirmware Upgrade (normal operation) (normal operation) (normal operation)PowerDSUSOnlineEthernetWiFiSecureTel 1Tel 2Battery
Patterns: Normal Operation (WAN and Battery)The following table shows light patterns during normal operation.Note 1: Your cable company may configure the Telephony Gateway to alwaysdisplay the DS and US indicators in green regardless of the connectionspeed or swap the meaning (speed indication) of yellow and green.Mode Power DS US Online BatteryAC PowerGood OnYellow1= Connectedto the Internet(highspeed)Green1=Connectedto the In-ternet(ultra-highspeed)Flash = Not connectedto the InternetYellow1= Connectedto the Internet(highspeed)Green1=Connectedto the In-ternet(ultra-highspeed)Flash = Not connectedto the InternetOn = InternetavailableOff = Internetnot availableOn = Batterygood or lowOff = BatterymissingFlash =Battery badNo ACPowerBatteryInstalledFlash Off Off OffOff = BatterypowerFlash =Battery badNo ACPower No BatteryOff Off Off Off OffFirmware Upgrade On Flash Flash On (normaloperation)Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary47
48SafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting GlossaryTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuidePatterns: Startup SequenceThe following tables show the Telephony Gateway light patterns during each phaseof the startup sequence. There are two phases of startup; the Telephony phase andthe cable modem phase. Both are outlined below.Telephony Start Up SequenceNote: The DS and US indicators flash yellow during startup, and turn green ifthe Telephony Gateway establishes an ultra-high speed connection. Forsome cable companies these colors may be reversed.Power,DS, US,OnlineTelephoneBattery Description1 2Off Off Off Off No power to ModemFlash Flash Flash Flash Power-on Self TestSee “Cable Modem Start Up Sequence”On Flash Off Off Retrieving telephone net-work informationOn Off Flash Off Retrieving telephone lineinformationOn Flash Flash Off Activating telephone serviceNormal Operation
Cable Modem Start Up SequenceUsing the Reset ButtonUse the Reset button, on the back of the Telephony Gateway, to reset the modemand perform initialization as if you power cycled the unit. You may need to reset theTelephony Gateway if you are having problems connecting to the Internet. Usingthis button will be rare.Use a pointed non-metallic object to press this button. The photo to the left showsthe location of the Reset button. The Reset button is recessed to prevent acci-dental resets.The diagram on the left shows the location of the reset button.Resetting the Router to Factory DefaultsTo reset the router to factory defaults, press and hold the Reset but ton on the backof the Telephony Gateway for more than fifteen seconds. This restores the wirelesssetup configuration and router configuration parameters to the factory defaults. Youmay need to do this if a misconfiguration has locked out all access.DS US Online DescriptionFlash Off Off Downstream searchOn Flash Off Downstream found; upstream searchOn On FlashDownstream and Upstream found;retrieving setup information fromcable operatorOn On On Ready for serviceTouchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary49Reset USB Telephone Ethernet10/100/1000Cable1/222143ResetButton
Booting from BatteryThe TG862 supports a “Boot from Battery” feature that allows the Telephony Gate-way to begin service without AC power.To start the TG862 from its battery, follow these steps:1If a battery is already installed in the Telephony Gateway, remove it.2Re-insert the battery into the Telephony Gateway (see Battery Installationand Removal for details).3Press the Reset button; the Power light should turn on immediately.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary50
TroubleshootingThe Telephony Gateway is plugged in, but the Power light is off.Check all power connections. Is the power cord plugged in firmly at bothends?If you plugged the power cord into a power strip, make sure the strip isswitched on.Avoid using an outlet controlled by a wall switch, if possible.Finally, check the fuse or circuit breaker panel.I’m not getting on the Internet (all connections).It may take over 30 minutes to establish a connection the first time youpower up your Telephony Gateway, especially when many people are online.Always leave your Telephony Gateway plugged into AC power and connectedto the cable system.Check the front panel lights:• The Power and Online lights should be on.• If the Power light blinks for more than 30 minutes, call your cablecompany for assistance.Check your cable connections. Connectors should be tight. The coax cableshould not be pinched, kinked, or bent sharply—any of these can cause abreak or short in the cable (you may have to replace the cable). If you haveone or more splitters between the Telephony Gateway and CATV outlet, re-move the splitters and connect the Telephony Gateway directly to the out-let.Proceed to the Ethernet or wireless solutions (next page) if necessary.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary51
I’m not getting on the Internet. (Ethernet)If you are using a hub, is the hub turned on?Are you using the right type of Ethernet cable? Use the supplied cable for di-rect connection to a computer; use a cross-over cable for connection to ahub.Press the Reset button on the back of the Telephony Gateway.A misconfiguration could lock out all access to the Telephony Gateway router.If you think this has happened, see Resetting the Router to Factory Defaults.I’m not getting on the Internet. (Wireless)Check the indicator lights (see Using the Telephony Gateway) — the WiFilight should be on.Does your connection utility discover your wireless LAN? If you turned off“Broadcast SSID” you need to manually enter the name of your wireless LANin the connection utility.Change your security mode to “WEP” or “disabled”. If you use “disabled,”enable one of the other security modes as soon as you find the problem.A misconfiguration could lock out all access to the Telephony Gateway router.If you think this has happened, see Resetting the Router to Factory Defaults.My wireless Internet connection stops working sometimes.This is usually caused by interference — two common sources are 2.4GHz“remote” telephones and microwave ovens. If you cannot remove the inter-fering product, try using a different channel or setting Protected Mode.I can get on the Internet, but everything is slow.If the Web site you are visiting is very popular, that site may be having trou-ble servicing all the requests. If other sites download quickly, wait for a fewminutes and try again. Usage during peak hours may also affect the con nec-tion speed.Other communications on the LAN, or interference with wireless connec-tions, may slow down your connection.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary52
I don’t have dial tone when I pick up my phone, why?In order for telephone service to be functional on the Telephony Gateway,telephone service must have been purchased from the service provider andconfigured on your Telephony Gateway. The following steps should help inidentifying the source of the problem.1Is the Power LED lit?• If not, check to make sure the Telephony Gateway is plugged inand the outlet has power.• If the LED is lit, go to the next step.2Is the Online LED lit?• If not, check the coax connection at the Telephony Gateway andthe wall. Ensure they are connected and tight. If they are andyou do not have dial tone, contact your service provider.• If the Online LED is lit, go to the next step.3Is the Telephone (Tele 1 or Tel 2) LED lit?• If not, phone service has not been set up on that line. Contactyour service provider.• If  it  is  blinking,  there  is  a  phone  off  hook  somewhere  in  thehouse. Find that phone and hang it up.• If it is lit, go to the next step.4Is the phone plugged directly into the Telephony Gateway?• Make sure the phone is plugged into the port on the back of theTelephony Gateway labeled “Telephone 1/2” for line 1, and “Tele-phone 2” for line 2.• If so, try a different phone. Make sure the new phone is a work-ing phone.• If a known good phone is used and you still don’t have dial tone,try a different phone cable. If a new phone and cable do not re-store dial tone, call your service provider.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary53
5Is the Telephony Gateway plugged into a wall outlet?• If so, unplug the phone connector at the back of the TelephonyGateway and plug in a known working phone. If you now havedial tone,  the problem  is with  the house  wiring. Contact  yourcable  company  or  a  qualified  wiring  technician  to  correct  thehouse wiring. If you still do not have dial tone, contact your serv-ice provider.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary54
GlossaryThe following is a list of common cable and networking terms.Amp-hour (Ah)A measure of battery capacity. For example, a 1.0Ah battery can nominallysupply one Ampere of current for one hour.Category 5e (Cat5e)A high-quality type of cable, used for gigabit Ethernet (1000BaseT) connec-tions. When purchasing Ethernet cables, always look for Category 5e cable.Coaxial cable (coax)A thin wire, used to connect your television and Telephony Gateway to thecable TV system. You can buy coax from any electronics retailer and manydiscount stores.CPECustomer Premise Equipment. This is the equipment that is plugged in to theTelephony Gateway; typically a computer or hub.Cross-overAn Ethernet cable used to connect two hubs (or a hub and a cable modem)together. Also, some Ethernet hubs may have built-in cross-over on one ormore ports (which eliminates the need for a cross-over cable).DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol. An IP protocol used to provide an IPaddress and location of services (such as DNS and TFTP) needed by a de-vice connecting to the network. DHCP allows the cable company to con figureyour computer’s networking software for you.DNSDomain Name  Service  (Server).  An  IP  service  that  associates a  domainname (such as with an IP address.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary55
DownstreamIn an HFC network, the direction from the head-end to the subscriber. Someolder cable documentation may refer to this as the forward path.DOCSISData Over Cable System Interface Specification. The interoperability stan-dards used for data communications equipment on an HFC network.EMTAEmbedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter. An MTA device that is integratedwith a cable modem.EthernetA standard method of connecting two or more computers into a Local AreaNetwork (LAN).EuroDOCSISThe European version of DOCSIS.EventAn informational message used for monitoring network status.F-connectorThe type of connector used on coax cable. There are two common types ofF-connector, slip-on and screw-on. Use coax with screw-on connectors forconnecting your Telephony Gateway.FirewallA hardware or software device that prevents unauthorized access to a pri-vate network from the Internet. The TG862 provides a built-in firewall.GatewayThe device, usually a router, that connects devices on a given IP subnet toother IP subnets.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary56
HeadendThe “central office” in an HFC network. The headend houses both video anddata equipment. In larger cable networks, a “master” headend often feedsseveral “remote” headends to provide distributed services.HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol.HubA box with several Ethernet connectors. Ethernet hubs provide a commonpoint of contact for all connected devices.IP addressA number assigned to your computer by your cable company, used to iden-tify your computer to other systems on the Internet.ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network. A digital telephony standard that pro-vides communication speeds about twice as fast as standard dialup.LANLocal Area Network. A network that allows computers in a single location(such as a building) to communicate with one another.LEDLight Emitting Diode. A semi-conductor diode that emits light when currentis passed through it.MAC addressA number that uniquely identifies any device connected to a network. Yourcable company uses your Telephony Gateway’s MAC address to authorizeaccess to the Internet. The MAC address is printed on a label on the bottomof your Telephony Gateway.ProtocolA set of rules and formats that determines the communication behavior ofnetwork entities at a given layer.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary57
ProxyA device or program that stands in between a server (for example, a website) and a client (your browser), providing a way to relieve some of theburden from the server. For example, your cable company may have a webproxy that keeps copies of popular web pages; the proxy can send you thosepages instead of fetching them directly from the web site, resulting in fasterpage loading and less network congestion.RFAbbreviation for Radio Frequency.  Some literature refers to  coax as “RFcable” and the connectors as “RF connectors.”RJ-11A standard 2-conductor modular connector, commonly used in North Amer-ica for connecting telephones.RJ-14A standard 4-conductor modular connector, commonly used in North Amer-ica for connecting 2-line telephones.RJ-45A standard 8-conductor modular connector, commonly used on Ethernetcable. An RJ-45 connector looks like a wide RJ-11 (telephone) connector.SplitterA small box with three cable connectors: one input and two outputs. Youmay need a splitter if you have a TV already connected to the cable outletthat you want to use for your Telephony Gateway. You can buy a splitterfrom any electronics retailer and most discount stores.SSIDService  Set  IDentifier,  a  string  of  text  (up  to  32  characters  long)  thatuniquely identifies a wireless LAN.Switched outletA power outlet that may be turned on and off using a wall switch. Usuallyintended for lamps. Avoid plugging your computer or Telephony Gatewayinto a switched outlet to avoid disruptions.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary58
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The protocols used to facil-itate communications across one or more connected networks.TDMATime Division Multiple Access. A method used by DOCSIS-compliant cablemodems for sending upstream data with minimal interference.UpstreamThe path from a subscriber device to the headend. Some older cable docu-mentation may refer to this as the return path or reverse path.WEPWired Equivalent Privacy, a common standard for encrypting data sent overa wireless LAN.WPAWi-fi Protected Access, a standard for encrypting data sent over a wirelessLAN. WPA offers improved security over WEP.Touchstone TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideSafetyGettingStartedBatteryInstallation InstallationWirelessConfigurationEthernetConfiguration Usage Troubleshooting Glossary59
Touchstone®TG862 Telephony GatewayUser’s GuideCopyright © 2011 ARRIS. All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to change with-out notice. The statements, configurations, technical data,and recom mendations in this document are believed to beaccurate and reliable, but are presented without expressor implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility fortheir applications of any products specified in this docu-ment. The information in this docu ment is proprietary toARRIS.ARRIS, Touchstone, and the ARRIS logo are trademarks orregistered  trademarks  of  ARRIS  Group.  All  other  trade-marks and reg istered trademarks are the property of theirrespective holders.Protected under one or more of the following U.S. patents:7,031,435; 7,100,011. Other patents pending.ARSVD01367Release 8 Standard 1.0 June 2011Touchstone® TG862 Telephony Gateway User’s GuideExport RegulationsSafety RequirementsFCC Part 15 European ComplianceGetting StartedAbout Your New Telephony GatewayWhat’s in the Box?What’s on the CD?Items You NeedGetting ServiceSystem RequirementsRecommended HardwareWindowsMacOSLinux/other UnixAbout this ManualWhat About Security?Ethernet or Wireless?WirelessBothBattery Installation and RemovalTG862 Basic Battery Installation and ReplacementTG862 Extended Battery Installation and ReplacementInstalling and Connecting Your Telephony GatewayFront PanelRear PanelSelecting an Installation LocationFactors Affecting Wireless RangeMounting the Telephony GatewayTools and MaterialsLocationInstructionsWall-mounting instructionsDesktop mounting instructionsConnecting the Telephony GatewayConfiguring Your Wireless ConnectionAccessing the Configuration InterfaceSetting Parental ControlsConfiguring Your Ethernet ConnectionRequirementsHow to use this chapterTCP/IP Configuration for Windows 2000TCP/IP Configuration for Windows XPTCP/IP Configuration for Windows VistaTCP/IP Configuration for Windows 7TCP/IP Configuration for MacOS XUsing the Telephony GatewaySetting up Your Computer to Use the Telephony GatewayIndicator Lights for the TG862Wiring ProblemsPatterns: Normal Operation (LAN and Telephone)Patterns: Normal Operation (WAN and Battery)Patterns: Startup SequenceTelephony Start Up SequenceCable Modem Start Up SequenceUsing the Reset ButtonResetting the Router to Factory DefaultsBooting from BatteryTroubleshootingGlossary

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